Salfords Cricket Club
SALFORDS CRICKET CLUB MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2020 Wednesday 25th November 2020 – 19:45 held virtually by MS Teams Chairperson – Sanjay Patel (Club Chairman), Minutes – Graeme Steward (Club Secretary) Present Graeme Steward Mohammed Khalid, Venkatesh Kannan Parthasarathy, Sanjay Patel, James Dennison, Stephen Harrington, Rob Isaac, Surendra Machupalli, James Street, Luke Edmonds, Fizul Nadir, Paul Ballam, Julia Roberts, Bob Craddock, Hassan Afzal, Rob Kersey, Tom Hayball, Shail Ram, Vignesh Manikandan, Srirudhran Balasubramanian, John Musk, Ramprabhu Rajasekar, Nishanth Sankaralingam, Liz Timbrell, Aravind Kumaravel, Bruce Tissington, Neil Morris, Sal Nadir (28no. attendees) Apologies M Wood, Scott Latham, Ben Courts The meeting was held virtually, and a recording was taken – a record can be found here. Minutes of The Minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting were reviewed and agreed as a true 2019 record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman. Meeting Proposed acceptance by James Street and seconded Stephen Harrington. Secretary Graeme Steward presented a summary of the status of actions from 2019 AGM. Actions not completed will be reviewed by the Committee and prioritised where necessary for 2021. Welfare and The Club has two officially accredited welfare Officers – Sanjay Patel and Sarah Pooley. Health & Safety All safeguarding and DBS checks completed as required. No welfare issues arising. H&S Incidents reported - Injuries – 2no. senior injuries. Head of Cricket (LE) to provide a review and feedback to the Exec Committee. Reflection on COVID – precautions taken in line with ECB guidelines No questions or issues raised in the meeting. Chairman’s Club Chairman – Sanjay Patel Report This is the 7th year the club has been under my Chairmanship and arguably the toughest one for the club, cricket and the world in general with the Covid-19 global pandemic.
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