Held at the Garland Pub, Redhill

7.45pm 1st December 2018

Present Sanjay Patel, John Musk, Scott Latham, Graeme Steward, Dickie Harrington, Ian Catt, Neil Morris, Ollie Miles, James Dennison, Bruce Tissington, Rob Kersey, Steve Jones, Steve Harrington, Paul Ballam, Shail Ram, Suri, Sanjai P, Hassan, Waqas

Apologies Mark Wood, Peter Speers, Tony Palmer, Brian Apted, Allan Weller, Tom Hayball, Sachin, George Fisher, Ben Courts, James Street, Tim Tarrant, Rob Besley, Ted Ballam, Rohit Shah, Salman Shah, Sanjeev Kannan

Minutes of The Minutes of the 2017 Annual General Meeting were agreed as a true record of 2017 the meeting and signed by the Chairman. Meeting

Welfare and No welfare or H&S issues arising during 2018. Health & Transition from Ricky Kidd to Sarah Pooley for role of Welfare Officer. Delay in Sarah Safety receiving all accreditations required, so Sanjay covered this officially. All relevant DBS checks completed for captains, vice captains and umpires. Only injuries recorded were Paul Ballam (finger) and Dickie Harrington ( – struck during game). Reminder about importance of self-awareness in the field, around field of play and during practice.

Chairman Chairman Report AGM 2018 Report This is the 5th year the club has been under my Chairmanship a there is a lot to be proud of as a club and what has been achieved this year. I thank my fellow committee members for their hard work and for continually to improve what we do. Also, my thanks to all the players that have played and those that have supported through umpiring, coaching, scoring and updating play cricket and getting the ground and club house ready for matches. • Cricket Teams – I am sure the captains will provide you a detail update on the season but it was great to see that both the 1st team and 2nd team finished the season in the highest ever spots and retained our status in Div 1 and Div 2. Even being drafted into captain of 2nd XI and Captaining Sunday, we were able to have nearly 100 different people Senior cricket, imagine if they could play most weeks! I guess my constant dialogue with players and encouraging approach pays off! • Facilities – We have some of the best facilities now, with the new scoreboard (some teething trouble but they are sorted ready for 2019 season) and the extension of the pitch. Its fantastic a club like ours has some of the better facilities in the area and we continue to spend money. Next is the pavilion but still some way out, but in the short term we need to look at some of the equipment for the ground and pavilion improvements • Finances – we are on good footing, but I am sure Scott will give details of our finances and how we have performed and the delicate balance our finances • Junior Section – We continue to make strives on this front, with nearly 60 juniors playing we are heading in the right direction and playing the Junior league this year, but I will give more details in the Junior Section report • President/Club Day – A brilliant success to see nearly 100 people there including the juniors. If you didn’t attend then please do so it’s a fantastic club day and do your part!

I can report as a committee we have met through the year albeit not as many times as planned but we held more exec committee meetings to ensure items are discussed and agreed. We have delivered on our plan and setting the direction of the club. I am really pleased to report we have completed the audit for club mark and have retained our status. I have met with cricket and continue to develop the relationship and gain assistance with them on many matters. We are due to be re-accredited next year so more work will need to be put in my me and the committee.

As a club we do need to address the fact there are only a handful of people running the club but I have made a real effort to encourage new people to join the committee, which is fantastic and it takes the burden of me as having 4 jobs at the club is not sustainable!

I look forward to the coming season if re-elected and we can continue to deliver for the future generations and do great things here at Salfords CC but I would like to personally thank Graeme and Scott for really helping me drive forward on some of the great things we have done over the last few years.


Sanjay presented an overview of the progress made towards delivering the Club plan. See copy attached for your information.

Salfords Cricket Club Plan for 2018 end of year review v1.0.pdf

Treasurer The Treasurer, Scott Latham, presented the 2018 Club Accounts. Refer to Report attached:

Salfords Accounts 2018_signed version.pdf

These were signed by The Chairman.

Treasurer’s report 2018 – Scott Latham

2018 has been another solid financial year for the club. The club turned a profit of £3,300 (up from £2,200 in 2017) and was able to finance some substantial projects in the year, including: • £9,000 on completing the renovation and extension of the square • £3,000 on a new electronic scoreboard • £1,500 of new junior kit and pavilion improvements

I’m pleased to say that again Sanjay’s fundraising efforts have paid off handsomely, with £10,000 of grants secured to cover the majority of the above, as well as £300 raised from the All Stars Cricket programme. Junior winter nets also provided a significant £1,000 of profit. Other successes included President’s Day and the summer draw.

The main drawbacks in the year were an unexpected expenditure of £1,100 to repair the showers, and a drop in income from pitch hire, with Dunottar school only using us half as much this year. In fairness in the fullness of time we do expect them to develop their own cricket facilities, so their hire was always anticipated to drop off over the years.

The club’s financial position is therefore solid, however our investment in recent years has been very heavily dependent upon grants received, and could not have been financed without this. Recent years have also been characterised by brand new investments: square, scoreboard, covers and nets.

Unfortunately, we are now in a position where some of our existing equipment has reached the end of its lifetime, most notably the track mower, other grounds equipment and sightscreen, which together will cost between £5,000 and £10,000 to replace depending upon exactly what is bought. In addition, I understand from Sanjay that it is going to be more difficult to obtain grants next year.

It is in this context that the committee is proposing for 2019 a small increase in subs and certain match fees.

Subs / match fees proposal for 2019 Adult cricket Subs Match fee Adult playing £70 (£60) £10 member Adult – new £35 (£30) £10 member Adult – full-time £35 (£30) £7 (£5) education Under 18 playing £35 (£30) £7 (£5) adult cricket Non playing £20 n/a member

The proposal is to raise adult subs from £60 to £70, to leave adult match fees unchanged at £10 (but with no discount for playing both days) and to raise junior subs for juniors playing adult cricket from £5 to £7.

This increase over the course of a whole season will hopefully be fairly modest, and yet will help us both pay for the equipment replacement and demonstrate to potential grant providers that we are taking steps towards meeting the cost ourselves. In addition, it is always much easier to get grants for expansionary measures (like the covers and square extension) than just business-as-usual replacements.

Finally, after a total of 10 years on the committee that has included spells as Fixture Secretary, Sunday Captain and latterly 4 years as Treasurer, I will not be standing for a committee post again this year. In that 4 years I’m pleased to say I have converted the accounting from books to electronic recording, moved many of our payments to direct debits and consolidated the insurance arrangements. I look forward to helping the new Treasurer take the club forward from 2019.

2019 Subscriptions – discussion relating to proposal above:

Sanjay highlighted potential change to willingness of grantors to issue grants in shadow of uncertainty of Brexit. Cash in the bank is healthy, but it is generally held for routine expenditure and renewal of existing assets, as opposed to investment in new assets and expanding the club.

It was recognised that proposed value of £70 for annual subs is still good value against other local clubs.

It was asked whether a round £10 match fee for juniors was easier to manage, but recognised as not necessarily being affordable for juniors.

• The proposal for annual subscriptions increase was put to the members. It was agreed by a unanimous vote. • The proposal for match fees was put to the members. It was agreed by unanimous vote. • Increase in junior match fees for senior games was agreed.

New members will continue to receive a 50% discount against full subs rate. The two game discount for playing two matches in same weekend has been removed.

It was asked about generating more income from pitch hire. The number of games is already high due to junior games and existing senior fixtures. Additional games also need support of club members to run events. Committee to review role of Club House Manager to support club events and private hire – need to find willing volunteer, and Committee is willing to pay a small wage. It was recognised that the electricity and water bills paid in 2018 were considerably lower than previous year. We received a refund due to recognition that club does not use electricity through the winter – it will be reflected by a lower monthly direct debit in 2019. It was noted that the club asset register excludes the pavilion.

Secretary The full committee met on two occasions (12/2/18 & 16/4/18), plus a special Report meeting to discuss Presidents Day on 23/5/18, and the exec committee on 1 occasion (5/9/18) to supplement a cancelled planned committee meeting. Availability of committee members did on occasion make it difficult to hold additional meetings. Dates for 2019 will be agreed early in the new year. My thanks to Sanjay for his leadership and for continuing to drive the club forward, and also to Scott for his management of the clubs finances.

2018 has proved to be a successful season. Our league teams have maintained their league status, exceeding many expectations. Our Sunday team continues to play enjoyable friendly cricket. We started 2018 with a real concern over player availability, but thanks to the efforts of a few key individuals encouraging increased participation and a real growth in membership, we maintained strong playing numbers throughout the year. Again on regular occasions some of their junior members showed the increasing strength of our junior section, holding their own through performances of real maturity.

My thanks to all the captains who have enabled this successful season on the pitch, for their efforts off it and excellence in leading their sides in many excellent performances. It should be noted with thanks, that following Ryan’s resignation from 2XI captaincy early in the season, Sanjay took on this role for the remainder of the season.

The Captains will each give their own report on their teams later and Sanjay will provide an update on the junior section later.

One of the undoubted highlights of the summer was a really successful President’s Day on 10 June. This year, for the first time in almost 20 years, it was a true family event, with many junior members and their families joining senior members and guests for a fun day of cricket, food and drinks. Whilst it was disappointing that the promised bouncy castle failed to turn up on the day, the junior members played their own game of cricket and also held their own supplementing senior players in the main 20/20 of the day. The summer raffle was as always a great fundraiser for the club and I’d like to thank you all for your support with selling tickets and donating prizes. Thanks also to those who supported the Marie Curie cake sale.

Our thanks to Allan Weller for his ongoing efforts with preparing all our pitches. The club has invested heavily, thanks to the receipt of several grants, in revitalising and extending the square. This will support the amount of cricket being played at the club and make it easier for the grounds staff to maintain good quality for years to come. It is noted that Allan has advised the committee that investment is needed in key equipment, namely square mowers and a new roller. We are currently reviewing the specification of a number of machines – purchase will be subject to affordability and we will continue to seek further grants to support this important investment.

The club has proposed that additional support is made available to Allan Weller, to avoid placing all the strain of preparing all wickets and ground maintenance with one person. I am pleased to confirm that Rob Besley will work with Allan in 2019.

Looking forward to 2019 and how the club will be run on behalf of its members, the Exec Committee wishes to propose a number of new officers to join the committee. We will present these to the members later on to ratify the proposal. A number of new faces are likely to join the committee, which will be welcome as we look to develop new ways of boosting the social scene at the club and continue to integrate the junior and senior parts of the club. For those stepping down, I thank you for your service to the club.

I’d like to repeat my call from last year to encourage all members to participate in more of the activities across the club, not solely in playing cricket. At the end of season work party only six people turned up – it is only fair that this responsibility is shared amongst all members of the club. I also look forward to a rejuvenated social scene in 2019, but this requires commitment from across all parts of the club to make these a success and to support those making the effort to arrange the events.

2019 promises to be an exciting year, and I look forward to you all supporting this on and off the pitch.

Graeme Steward 29/11/18

Junior Junior Report AGM 2018 Section Update We started in Jan indoors and we had about 30 kids join for indoor hard ball practice at Oriel and about 15 kids join for softball practice which was fantastic and by the end of the summer we had about 60 kids, which was brilliant! We have good mix of juniors at differing age groups and with under 9,10,11 and 12.

Practice sessions were on Thursday nights in the summer and coaching led by Paul Greenwood and myself and there were a handful of parents helping which really made a difference as well. As well as practice on Thursday nights we did a variety of bowling machine extra practice on the weekends which were well received and helped the junior to improve their game

All round we had a really good season and we certainly held our own in many of the games and chalking up some really good wins, across all the age groups. The under 10’s were brilliant this year and the won every game and won their league to the surprise of many. I managed to attend over 20 junior games over the season and it was wonderful to see some many boys get their 1st or in some cases I saw 3 hat tricks this year!

The other proud achievement for the junior was that we had 2 juniors selected for the full blown Surrey programme (U10 & U11) as is testament to our coaching, philosophy and continued support to the junior programme we have.

Over the summer I ran a national programme on a Sunday morning called “All Stars” and is designed for 5-8 years old and it was fantastic to have an extra 20 new juniors enjoy cricket for the 1st time and I hope some will progress into our main club. As well as the all stars programme I provided cricket coaching at Salfords Primary School for 6 weeks of their summer term PE classes.

For next year we are planning to run under 8, 9,10,11,12 and 13 which is a lot of work but has to be done. We have age group managers for each age group now but its been really good that we have had a number of parents score, umpire and manage the age group coaching.

We are really excited that the junior section is going well and I hope to carry on driving this forward till we have at least an under 16 team!


It was noted that the philosophy of the club to give everyone a chance has encouraged juniors to join from other local clubs. All Stars Cricket will continue in 2019. There is anticipation that several of the 2019 U13 group will also play senior cricket in 2019. Suitable games for mixed age-group teams will be identified. U-15 age group still exists, so club need to see current age groups through for a few more years.

Fixture Secretary Report

Suri asked for interest in a 2019 tour. Recognised that tours are an important part of the club social scene. Suri to circulate information for a potential tour and issue survey to gather interest. No commitment at this stage.

Additional Sunday fixtures required to support number of players, including potential mixed ability senior/junior mixed age/ability games to support greater numbers of juniors playing senior cricket.

Surrey Surrey Downs League update Downs AGM & GCM 7th February 2018 (PB in attendance) League Update Rule changes for 2018 season: All games in all divisions to start at 1pm Amendment of rule regarding limit on number of overs per bowler. In weather reduced games, a bowler may only bowl one fifth of the overs.

The proposed introduction of fielding restrictions was voted down.

Agreement to trial a Lords ball on three Saturdays during the season

GCM 18th April 2018 (PB in attendance)

GDPR deadline in May. The league will use club contact details on play- as the source for communications, so clubs requested to keep them up to date.

New laws on player behaviour deemed to be difficult to implement without non- playing umpires. Agreement to continue to manage behaviour issues via the league executive.

No ball law change noted, but again agreement to manage situations sensibly rather than strictly (e.g. is there an element of danger, or deliberate intimidation?)

North Holmwood requested the opportunity to negotiate a 1.30pm start time with their opposing teams. Agreed, subject to it being done by the Wednesday prior to the game, and opposition under no obligation to comply.

GCM 8th August 2018 (Salfords not in attendance)

Ian Slaiding, the league secretary, passed away in June. A minute’s silence in his memory was held at grounds on Sat 23rd June. A new award for SDL young player of the season would be created in Ian’s honour.

Ball trial overwhelming found the Lords ball to be inferior to the Tiflex.

GCM 31st October 2018 (PB in attendance)

Leatherhead 3rd XI have been provisionally accepted to join the league from the start of the 2019 season, groundsharing with Ockham.

Proposed structure for 2019 will be: Division 1 & 2 (10 teams playing 18 games) Division 3 & 4 (8 teams playing 14 games, then split into 2 mini-divs of 4, playing 3 more games)

Possible rule change proposals expected to be put forward at the AGM in February: League position to be based on average points – more details and worked examples requested (committee noted acceptance, subject to clarification of impact). Team sheets to be exchanged prior to the start of matches (this was accepted). All legside deliveries passing the batsman to be given as wides.

Paul Ballam - League Representative 28th November 2018.

Paul Ballam content to stand for league rep role for 2019. But will not stand again for 2020 – the successor needs to be someone close to league cricket. Exec will review potential candidates.

Groundsman’s Written report in Groundsman’s absence Report Groundsman’s Report – Allan Weller After the previous seasons rejuvenation of the square I hope the members thought it was money well spent, the only fly in the ointment was the lack of water falling from the sky, and towards the end of the season when it did decide to rain which was not forecast it caught me out, I watered a track for one of the last 2nd team games on the Monday and covered it, on the Friday it was still a little damp so took the covers off, and prepared it for Saturday, leaving the sunshine to finish drying it out, then watered the following weeks pitch and covered it, I took a gamble with the weather and lost, leaving a damp track for the afternoon. Other than that the square was fine.

The new extension has taken well already having two cuts. Just wish the rest would have gone like it but plenty of time.

The committee need to look to start up grading some of our ground equipment, more simple and easier machinery to use, for who ever steps in if I'm away, sick, or I make this my last year.

I would like to thank the regular 5-6 people who put themselves out to join the work parties, it would be nice to see more faces.

The standard of wickets in recent years was recognised as being improved on previous years and thanks given to Allan for his efforts to achieve this.

1st XI Captain Salfords First XI Captain Report Report I would like to start by thanking the committee members for trusting me with such an important role at the club. I must say that it’s been an honour and I really enjoyed the role of leading the Salfords First XI.

Season 2018 has seen an improvement in results on the pitch and in the availability of players. We added a lot of players to the club which really helped as some of the regulars from past years were unavailable due to various circumstances.

This season has been a very successful season for the first team, since 2016 we have always been in a relegation dogfight while ending this season at no.3 is a testimony to how well the first XI played. As a fact, first team were always in the top 5 of the table through the season. This wouldn’t have been possible without the help of the selection committee for having provided me with the best of the available players each weekend.

One of the most encouraging aspects of the season has been the introduction of the colts into senior cricket. Having Callum open the bowling for the first team is a positive sign for the club and shows how well run is the colts section of the club.

Thanks to all who played and contributed to a very successful season, We will miss Tony P on the field, especially his calm demeanour and attitude towards the gentleman’s game.

All in all a very successful season for Salfords Cricket Club.

The 2 issue I would like to address is the match fees, we need to agree with the players as to what works cash/online/bitcoins/offshore accounts. Second one, to be able to get most of the players together to net practice before the season start.

2nd XI 2nd XI Captain Report AGM 2018 Captain Report For a second year in a row I have had to take the reigns of the 2nd team, which I wasn’t expecting to do but sometimes things happen and I guess if you have the passion and the desire and want to make things a success then you jump in get on that roller coaster!

Firstly I would like to say thank you to all that played for the 2nd team this year and what a fantastic year for the team securing our highest ever finish in the 2nd division. We showed we can mix it with the teams in the division.

Thanks to Allan for helping to create the pitches as it’s a thankless task due to the weather, its either too dry or too wet. Again good pitches especially as we have had the square relayed, I would imagine give it a couple more years and I think it will be an absolute belter!

So to the performance on the field, we managed to play 15 games this year with only 2 lost to weather and we had to schedule a friendly game as Ockham cancelled the last league game. It was so nice to have a number of new and old faces play for the 2nd team this year, with Sachin and Waquas new to the club this year and bowled fantastically. Plus we had Tom who joined this year and Salman returning to really give some solid starts opening the batting and both got lots of runs, plus we were helped by Sohail on his two appearances and Nishanth who really excelled after his spell in the 1st team! It was great to have Ollie, Hassan, Tahir and Aravind in the team who contributed with bat and ball and with the spin twins of Rob I and Sachin (apologise if I forgot anyone else but there are too many to mention as we had nearly 50 different people play 2nd team cricket this year.) Again one on the best things I find about playing cricket is about developing our juniors and to have Max and Ben LD play senior cricket and contribute is fantastic and I hope they get as much out of the game as we all do. It was also nice to see 3 100’s (Nishanth, Sohail and Salman) this year with only one 5 wicket from Waqas but all these performances helped us secure 8 wins and a 5th place finish

I hope that the team continues to develop and show our potential in Division 2 as I am convinced we now deserve to be there on merit. We do need to make sure we continue with being able to select the same players every week but it is important that we improve our punctuality for games and at home that all players help with the pre match tasks and post match as its left to the few ☹.

I look forward to being in the ranks next year and supporting the new captain in 2019 and hopefully another excellent season.


Aspiration is to have a 3rd team on Saturdays and a 2nd team on Sundays. Club has significant numbers, need to encourage more regular attendance. Give people opportunity to play and get a game. Sanjay is not standing for 2XI captaincy position for 2019.

Sunday Sun 1st XI Captain Report AGM 2018 Captain Report My 1st year as Sunday captain which I really enjoyed. I would like to thank Rob B and Rob K for taking on the captaincy in by absence as having to play two days was not something I could do every week.

We did have a great set of games this year with us playing some new clubs which hadn’t previously e.g. Egham, Ham & Petersham, Christchurch, Viscount etc. There were on a few occasions we got two teams out which was nice. Our overall record was played 16 games we had 8 wins, 7 losses and 1 cancelled. The Sunday 2 XI had 3 games this year and won 2 games and drew the other. I remained undefeated as Sunday captain for those games I played!

There were some great performances with Ben Courts getting his 1st ever hundred, Sohail smashing yet another 100 and Sachin spinning his way to 30 wickets. We had over 40 players play across both team which is fantastic.

It was a great season and I am not going to stand for next year and I will let others take over but hopefully we can continue to develop Sunday cricket for all members of our club. I am also hoping to arrange a few extra Sunday games for juniors and some seniors to play other like minded clubs so that we can really develop the juniors in playing adult cricket.


Election of Officers 2019 The Exec Committee made the following proposal for the 2019 committee and these were accepted by the members:

Role 2018 2019 Proposed Seconded Chairman S Patel S Patel J Musk S Latham Vice Chairman J Musk J Musk S Patel P Ballam Secretary G Steward G Steward D Harrington Suri J Treasurer S Latham S Patel R Kersey Dennison Fixture Secretary Suri Suri I Catt S Ram S Pooley Welfare Officer S Pooley S Patel J Dennison (S Patel) L Denny & Social Secretary Donna Barden S Patel J Dennison J Roberts SDL Representative P Ballam P Ballam J Musk D Harrington B Communications Manager Vacant S Harrington Hasan Tissington Bar Chairman Donna Barden R Morgan S Patel S Latham

Dickie Harrington will continue as President Election of Captains Role 2018 2019 Proposed Seconded 2019 Saturday 1st Team Captain S Ram S Ram Suri H Afzal R Eaton / Saturday 2nd Team Captain H Afzal O Miles Waqas S Patel Sunday Team Captain S Patel R Kersey S Latham B Tissington 20/20 Team Captain J Street - - - Indoor Captain Vacant - - -

Indoor cricket is Wednesday evenings. Exec committee to confirm interest outside of AGM. Details to be confirmed.

AOB Memorials for Malcolm Tanner and Michael Stewart are outstanding commitments from last years The committee will consider appropriate wording for plaques on benches around the ground and put in place for 2019 season. (Steve Jones asked to provide a few words) Confirmation of officers with delegation to sign bank cheques and transfers – Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and President. S Latham to handover to J Dennison. DH reported that Gerald Riley has passed away. Gerald audited the club accounts for about 15 years. The club is willing to make a donation in his memory. SP – Winter nets booked at Box Hill School. County Grade net facilities. Every other week for 1 ½ hours. Starting 19 January 2019 to start April – 10:30 to 12pm. GS to circulate details via email to all members. Club Plan was not presented, but will be circulated to all members for information (refer to Chairman’s Report above). A club survey will be circulated to seek feedback from all members.

Annual Following completion of the AGM, the senior player awards for the 2018 were Awards 2018 presented to the winners.

1st team batting - Sanjeev Kannan Avg 33.13 1st team bowling - Rob Besley Avg 15.78

2nd team batting - Salman Shah Avg 54 2nd team bowling - Rob Isaac Avg 14.44

Sunday batting - Rohit Shah Avg 60.71 Sunday bowling - Sachin Samaje Avg 7.27

Total Catches - Rob Besley 11 Total Catches - Shail Ram 11 Total Runs - Salman Shah 560 Runs Total Wkts - Sachin Samaje 44 Wickets

Hundreds - Sohail Shah - 135 and 101 not out Hundreds - Salman Shah - 127 Hundreds - Nishanth Sankaralingham - 109 not out Hundreds - Sanjai Pallyil - 115 Hundreds - Ben Courts - 100 not out

Best Bowling - Sachin Samaje 5 for 11

1st Team Player of The Year - Sanjai P 2nd Team Player of The Year – Waqas Sunday Team Player of The Year – Ben Latty-Dennison

Sanjay closed the meeting thanking attendees for their presence and for supporting a successful meeting.

Meeting closed at 22.30.