Srfud Firr#Q Btrgffidra Aileiiet Att INDIA INSTITUTE of MEDICAT "{Eerrq,SCIEI{CES, BHOPAL

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Srfud Firr#Q Btrgffidra Aileiiet Att INDIA INSTITUTE of MEDICAT Irllnutes of the 2nd lieetlng of lnstltute Body of AllilS Bhopal held on 20.07.201 ? {,@} srfud firr#q BTrgffidra ailEIIET Att INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAT "{Eerrq,SCIEI{CES, BHOPAL illinutes of znd l{eeting of the lnstitute Body of AllItlS Bhopal held on 20th tuly 2017 at ilinistry of Health & Family Welfare, ilirman Bhawan, llew Delhi The 2nd Meeting of the lnstitute Body of AIIMS Bhopal was held at 7.00 pm Thursday, the 20th Juty 2017 in Room No. 347 (Committee Room), 'A'Wing, MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. The foltowing members attended the meeting: 1. Shri J.P. Nadda, Hon'ble Union Minister President Ministry of Hea[th and Family Welfare, Government of India 2. Ms. Jyoti Dhurue, Hon'bte Member of Parliament Member Lok Sabha 3. Shri Alok Sanjar, Hon'ble Member of Parliament Member Lok Sabha 4. Shri C. K. Mishra, Secretary Member Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of lndia 5. Dr. Jagdish Prasad, Director Generat of Health Services Member Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of lndia 6. Ms. Gauri Singh, PrincipaI Secretary (Heatth) Member Government of Madhya Pradesh Representative 7. Ms. Uijaya Sriuastaua, AdditionaI Secretary and Financiat Adviser - Member Ministry of Health and Famity Welfare, Government of lndia 8. Dr. D.P. Lokwani, Founder Vice Chancellor Member Madhya Pradesh MedicaI Sciences University, Jabalpur (MP) A* Mem President 1le Minutes of the 2nd Meeting of lnstitute Body of AIIMS Bhopal held on 20.07.2017 9. Dr. A.G. Ahangir, Director, Sher-i-Kashmir lnstitute of Member Medical Sciences, Srinagar, J& K and Former Director, NEIGRIHMS, Shitong 10. Dr. Uinod Kumar Singh, Director Member Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (lISER), Bhopa[ (M.P.) 11. Dr. (Ms.) Sita Naik, Professor (Retd.) Member Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate lnstitute of MedicaI Sciences, Lucknow & Former Member, Board of Governors of the MCl, Gurugram 12. Dr. (Ms.) Maya Chansoria, Retd. Prof. and Member Head of Deptt. Paediatrics, Government Medicat Cottege, Jabalpur (MP) 13. Dr. Nitin M. Nagarkar, Director Member Att lndia Institute of Medica[ Sciences, Bhopal Secretary Dr. G.K. Rath, Head, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar lnstitute Rotary Cancer Hospital (DBRAIRCH), Att lndia lnstitute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Ms. Anshu Vaish, Former Secretary, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and Dr. T. Ramasami, Former Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, Government of lndia could not attend the meeting and leave of absence was granted to them. Shri Sunit Sharma, Joint Secretary, PMSSY, Ministry of Health & Famity Welfare, Govt. of lndia attended meeting as a speciaI invitee. At the outset, Dr. Nitin M. Nagarkar, Director, AIIMS Bhopat and Member Secretary of the lnstitute Body wetcomed Hon'ble President of the lnstitute and requested him to Chair the 2nd Meeting of the lnstitute Body. \ w\^/ Membcf Secretary President 2le tllnutes of the 2nd lleetlng of lnstltute Body of AlltlS Bhopal held on 20.0?.201 7 Hon'bte President of lnstitute Body calted the meeting to order. lt was noted that the guorum was complete. The President requested the Member Secretary to introduce the agenda and initiate discussion for threadbare deliberations on the agenda items. Agenda ltem No. IB-2r01 Welcoming Hon'ble President and all the members of lnstitute Body and their kind introduction by the Member Secretary 0n behatf of the lnstitute, the Member Secretary and Director, AIIMS Bhopal cordialty welcomed Hon'ble President and a[[ the members and expressed his personal gratitude for making it convenient to attend the 2nd meeting of lnstitute Body. Hon'ble President also thanked att the members for their presence and cooperation. Agenda ltem ilo. lB-2r02 Brief Presentation on AllltlS Bhopal by the ltlember Secretary Member Secretary and Director, AIIMS Bhopat thereafter made a PPT presentation highlighting the important administrative and academic events, the achievements and major devetopments of the lnstitute in sequence which took place since last meeting of the lnstitute Body. He also mentioned about the chaltenges and other issues faced by AIIMS Bhopat. He further informed that various services are increasing day by day with approximately \EP 4staent 3le lllnutes of the 2od lileetlng of lnstltute Body of Altl4S Bhopal held on 20.07.2017 1500 patients attending OPDs per day, 850 Major surgeries per year and Lab investigations of around 12950 per month. He added that presently, 8 OTs are functional at AIIMS Bhopat and expected to be increased by 15 by the end of this year.307 bedded hospital (with 3150 IPD admission per year) is presently functional and is expected to be enhanced 700 beds by end of this year. The Centra[ Library, which was inaugurated recently, is one of the finest in Central lndia. Member Secretary white presenting the report of progress made by AIIMS Bhopat in the last one year mentioned the hard work and contribution made by the present administrative team. Hon'ble President ca[ted upon atl the members of the lnstitute body to make collective efforts and give constructive inputs to develop the lnstitute as a Wortd class institution. He appreciated the recent developments and hoped that in near future many more advanced facilities witt be devetoped at AIIMS Bhopat. Hon'ble Shri Atok Sanjar, member of Institute Body expressed his futt satisfaction for the various progressive measures and patient care services which has been initiated by the AIIMS Bhopat during the last one year. Agenda ltem ilo. lB-2r03 Confirmation of the ltlinutes of lst meeting of the lnstitute Body of AllttlS Bhopal held on 9th October, 2013 ,rt.Vconfirmed the Minutes. * Memb resident ".K"tary Ats Irllnutes of the 2nd lleetlng of lnstitute Body of AIIMS Bhopal held on 20.07.2017 Agenda ltem No. lB-2r04 Confirmation of the Action Taken Report on decisions of 1st meeting of the lnstitute Body of AllItlS Bhopal held on 9th 0ctober, 2013 lnstitute Body noted the Action Taken Report. Agenda ltem No. lB-2r05 lnformation of lst and 2nd meetings of the Academic Committee held on 08.03.201 4 and 22.02.201 7 respectiuely lnstitute Body noted the lnformation. However, the lnstitute Body observed that the decision taken by the 1't Academic Committee held on 08.03.2014 with regard to the following specific agenda items as brought out betow were not in conformity with the laid down guidetines/policy of the MoHFW and DoPT: Agenda No.3: Framing of eligibitity and modalities for appointment of Deans: lnstitute Body did not aDDroue the recommendations of the Academic Commiftee on this agenda. Agenda No. 4: Framing of eligibitity and modalities for appointment of Sub-Deans: lnstitute Body did not approue the recommendations of the Academic Commlttee on thls agenda. Agenda No. 24: Post of Registrar to be upgraded: Institute Body dad not aDproue the recommendations of the Academic Committee on this agenda. Agenda No. 25: Any other matter with permission of Chair; Att lndia lnstitute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal- MPhit-PhD programme: While preparing the Rutes & Regulation for the MPhil-PhD programme, under the sub-head "Reservation" the fottowing provisions have been proposed: ,W*retary s/s Minutes of the 2nd Meeting of lnstitute Body of AIIMS Bhopal held on 20.07.2017 Orthopedic Physicolly Hondicopped: For lndian Notional 3 o/o reservotions for orthopedic physically hondicapped sholl be provided on horizontol bosis, in the seats availoble os per their ronk in the merit. lt requisite numbers of suitable condidotes ore not availoble to fill up the seots reserved for the SC, the some ore filled in out of the candidotes belonging to the ST and vice verso. ln cose suitable candidotes are not avoiloble from the obove three reserved categories ond orthopoedically handicopped, the vacant seots will be filled by the condidotes from the generol category. lnstitute Body did not agree with the aboue prouision and directed to fol]ow the policies/ rules of Gouernment of India in the matter of reseruation. Agenda ltem ilo. 18-2/06 Ratification of Minutes of lst and 2nd meetings of the Standing Finance Committee (SFC) held on 11.03.2015 and 23.02.2017 respectiuely lnstitute Body ratified the Minutes of 1st and 2nd meetings of the Standing Finance Committee (5FC). Agenda ltem ]lo. lB-21O7 Formal Adoption of the Recruitment Rules for Non-Faculty Posts for Allltls, Bhopal, as approued by MoHFW lnstitute Body formally adopted the Recruitment Rules for Non-Faculty posts for AIIMS Bhopal atong with relevant amendments made, as ratified by the lnstitute Body of AIIMS Raipur and AIIMS Jodhpur. However, regarding framing the Recruitment Rules of Nursing posts, MoHFW wi[[ issue fresh instructions in this regard. MemberV fecretary 4* 6le ilinutes of the Znd lleeting of lnstitute Body of Alllrls Bhopal held on 20.07.2017 Agenda ltem No. lB-2r08 To approue the Annual Accounts for the Financial Year 2015-17 and information of the Annual Reports containing Annual Accounts and SAR for the Financial Years 201 2-l 3, 201 3-I 4, 201 4-t 5 & 20t 5-l 6 lnstitute Body approved the Agenda subject to Audit. Agenda ltem No. lB-2/09 Confirmation & Adoption of the amendments made in the constitution of the Selection Committees for filling up the FaculU/ilon-Faculty/ Residents/Contractual Dosts in ilew Alllls, as aDproued by iloHFW lnstitute Body approved the Agenda. Agenda ltem No. lB-2r10 Confirmation & Adoption of Delegation of powers to the Director, AllttlS Bhopalto appoint uarious faculty and non-faculty posts lnstitute Body approved the Agenda. Agenda ltem No. lB-2/1 1 Confirmation & Adoption of the orders/circulars/office memorandum/ directions/ aduisorles/requests etc., as approued by lloHFW !nstitute Body approved the Agenda.
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