Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science

30(2): 1-10, 2019; Article no.JAMCS.45557

ISSN: 2456-9968 (Past name: British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, Past ISSN: 2231-0851)

Second Derivative Two-step Block Hybrid Enright’s Linear Multistep Methods for Solving Initial Value Problems of General Second Order Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations

Sabo John 1*, Yusuf, T. Kyagya 2 and Adamu, A. Bambur 3

1Department of Mathematic, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria. 2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Federal University, Wukari, Nigeria. 3Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Taraba State Polytechnic, Suntai, Jalingo Campus, Nigeria.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author SJ designed the method. Author YTK analyzed the basic properties of the method and author AAB implemented the method on some stiff differential equations. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/JAMCS/2019/45557 Editor(s): (1) Dr. Metin Basarir, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sakarya University, Turkey. (2) Dr. Kai-Long Hsiao, Associate Professor, Taiwan Shoufu University, Taiwan. Reviewers: (1) E. O. Omole, Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Nigeria. (2) Adeyeye Oluwaseun, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia. (3) Yahaya Shagaiya Daniel, Kaduna State University, Nigeria. Complete Peer review History:

Received: 20 September 2018 Accepted: 04 December 2018 Original Research Article Published: 19 January 2019 ______


In this research, the formation of second derivative two-step block hybrid Enright’s linear multistep methods for solving initial value problems is studied. In forming the method, we follow Enright’s 1974 approach, by introducing the off-mesh points at both interpolation and collocations; we developed the continuous schemes for new Enright’s method. The analysis of new Enright method was studied and it was found to be consistent, convergent and zero-stable. We further computed the order, error constants and plotted the region of absolute stability within which the method is A-stable. The methods exhibited better accuracy level when provided with numerical examples than the existing method with which we compared our results.

Keywords: Enright; block hybrid LMMs; IVPs; second order ODEs; interpolation and collocations.

______*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected];

Sabo et al.; JAMCS, 30(2): 1-10, 2019; Article no.JAMCS.45557

1 Introduction

Recently, the integration of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) is investigated using different types of block methods. This present work discusses the formation of implicit (LMM) for numerical integration of general second order ODEs which arise frequently in the area of science and engineering especially mechanical system, control theory and celestial mechanics [1].

y '' = f (x, y ,' y), y(a) = y , y'(a) = η , x ∈ [a, b] 0 0 (1.1)

Many researchers have developed numerical methods for solving equation of the form (1.1) using Enright Approach, [2], [3], [4] and [5].

These techniques have been introduced in many literature such as [6], [2], [7], and others. Most practical problems that arise in various fields, like engineering or science are considered as mathematical models before being solved. These models often lead to differential equations, which can be defined as an equation containing a derivative. Numerous problems such as orbital dynamics, chemical kinetics, circuit and control theory and Newton’s second law applications involve second-order ODEs as [6]. In many diverse fields such as operation research, engineering, behavioural sciences, industrial mathematics, artificial intelligence, management and sociology Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are commonly used for mathematical modelling [1]. Mathematical modelling is the art of translating problem from an application area into tractable mathematical formulations whose numerical and theoretical analysis provides answers, insight and guidance useful for the originating application [8]. This type of problem can be formulated as first-order or higher order ODEs.

This research is organised as follows: in section 2, the derivation of the method was discussed, where we considered two off-step points through the approach of interpolation and collocation. In Section three, the analysis of the methods was discussed. In section four, a few numerical problems were solved and the performance of the developed method was compared with the existing methods [9] and [10]. Finally, in the fifth section, the conclusion was drawn.

2 Derivation of the Method

Very often, reactions in physical systems transform into system of ODE. Some classes of these systems are called Stiff system. The modification of second derivative linear multistep ordinary for solving stiffly differential equation was studied by Sabo et al, 2018. The numerical methods to obtain solutions to class of problems are one-step method and Multistep method (MM), (Adeniran, Odejide & Ogundare, 2015). Using interpolation and collocation technique, the second derivative multistep methods are derived [3], (Enright &Hull, 1975) and [4]. Consider the initial value problem of the form

y '' = f (x, y ,' y), y(a) = y , y'(a) = η , x ∈[a, b] 0 0 (2.1)

The general second derivative formula for solving equation (2.1) using k − step second derivative linear multistep method is of the form

k k k () = α + β + 2 δ (2.2) f x, y, y' ∑ j y n+ j h∑ j f n+ j h ∑ j g n+ j j=0 j=0 j=0 Where

= ( ) yn+ j y xn+ jh


Sabo et al.; JAMCS, 30(2): 1-10, 2019; Article no.JAMCS.45557

= ( ( )) f n+ j f xn+ jh , y xn+ jh = ( ( )) gn+ j df xn , y x = df (x , y(x)) x yn+ j = n g n+ j dx = y yn+ j

α β γ xn is a discrete point at x and j , j , j are coefficients to be determined. To obtained the method of the form (2.2), y(x) is approximated by a basis of the form

m  x − x  j () = α n (2.3) y x ∑ j   j=0  h  equation (2.3) will be used for the derivation of the main and complementary methods for the class of continuous second derivatives multistep method of [3] which is a special case of (2.3). Interpolating y(x) at pointx , collocating y ' (x) at point x and collocating " ( ) at points n xn ,xn+1, x 4 , x 5 and xn+2 n y x n+ n+ 3 3

xn ,xn+1, x 4 , x 5 and xn+2 . n+ n+ 3 3

' y (x)= f + n j j= .,..,2,1,0 k ()= y" x fn+ j

α = + The system of equations generated are solved to obtained the coefficients of j , j ,1,0 ,...,2 k 2 which are used to generate the continuous multistep method of Enright of the form

k ()= + β + 2δ (2.4) y x yn+k−1 h∑ j f n+ j h k g n+k j=0

= evaluating (2.4) x x n+ k yields the second derivative multistep method of Enright, evaluating at = = − ( − ) x x n + j , j ,1,0 .,..,2 k 2 givesk 1 methods, which will be called complementary methods to complete the k block for the system. The Enright's method so obtained is of the form

k = + β + 2δ (2.5) yn+k yn+k−1 h∑ j f n+ j h k g n+k j=0

To derive the continuous second derivative multistep method of Enright, Let the basis function y(x) be

k  x − x  j y"()x = ∑  n  (2.6) j=0  h 


Sabo et al.; JAMCS, 30(2): 1-10, 2019; Article no.JAMCS.45557

We interpolate (2.6) at point = collocate ' ( ) at points , and "( ) at x xn y x xn ,xn+1, x 4 , x 5 and xn+2 y x n+ n+ 3 3 pointsxn ,xn+1, x 4 , x 5 and xn+2 , we obtain a system of equation represented in matrix form n+ n+ 3 3

    1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   1  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   h   j y   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10   n  0  j h h h h h h h h h h a0   y +       n 1  1 8 16 256 128 2048 286872 13072 65536 2621440 a  j   1  y 4  0   n+  h 3h 3h 27 h 81 h 81 h 729 h 2187 h 729 h 19683 h   3  a2     j  1 10 25 500 3125 6250 109375 62500 390625 19531250 a  y 5 0  3  n+    3  h 3h 3h 27 h 81 h 81 h 729 h 2187 h 729 h 19683 h  a      4  j 1 4 12 32 80 192 448 1024 2304 5120  y +  0  a  =  n 2  ()7.2  5  j  h h h h h h h h h h   fn  a6   2   j  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0     fn+1  2 a7  h     j  f 4  2 6 12 20 30 42 56 72 90  a8   n+ 1  3 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2      h h h h h h h h h a9  j    f 5    n+  2 8 64 1280 2560 14336 229376 131072 655360  a10   2  0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2  h h 3h 27 h 27 h 81 h 729 h 243 h 729 h   j     fn+2  2 10 100 2500 6250 43750 875000 625000 3906250 0 0   h2 h2 3h2 27 h2 27 h2 81 h2 729 h2 243 h2 729 h2    2 12 48 160 480 1344 3584 9216 23040 0 0   h2 h2 h2 h2 h2 h2 h2 h2 h2 

j = ,1 ⋯ , m.

= ( ) Applying the Gaussian elimination method on Equation (2.7) gives the coefficientai s,' for i 0 110 .

These values are then substituted into Equation (2.5) to give the implicit continuous hybrid method of the form:

2 2 j ()()()= jα j + j β j + 2 jβ () j = . (2.8) y x ∑ i x fn+i h ∑ i x fn+i h ∑ i x fn+i , j ,1 ⋯, m i=0 4 5 4 5 i= ,1 , 2, i= ,1 , 2, 3 3 3 3 differentiating Equation (2.8) once yields:

2 2 j () = d jα () j + d j β () j + 2 d j β () j = () y '' x ∑ i x f n + i h ∑ i x f n + i h ∑ i x f n + i , j ,1 ⋯ , m 9.2 i = 0 dx 4 5 dx 4 5 dx i = ,1 , , 2 i = ,1 , , 2 3 3 3 3 where the continuous schemes are

jα = 0 0


Sabo et al.; JAMCS, 30(2): 1-10, 2019; Article no.JAMCS.45557

1 − 41255200 + 101733660 t − 127750056 t 2 + 98067270 t 3 − 47936880 t 4 + 14625765 t 5  β = th + t 3h   0  6 7  6720000 − 2547720 t + 193914 t 

1  − 35840000 + 129696000 t − 211491840 t 2 + 197013600 t 3 − 111931200 t 4 + 3852650 t 5  β = t 3 h   1  6 7  33600  − 7408800 t + 11160261 t 

243  − 28000 + 119700 t − 226968 t 2 + 242130 t 3 − 155280 t 4 + 59535 t 5  β = t 3 h   4  6 7  17920 − 12600 t + 1134 t 3  

243  − 716800 + 2701440 t − 4591104 t 2 + 4453680 t 3 − 2629920 t 4 + 938385 t 5  β = t 3 h   5  − 6 + 7  3 140000  186480 t 15876 t 

1  − 350000 + 1359750 t − 2389485 t 2 + 2404290 t 3 − 1477170 t 4 + 549990 t 5  β = t 3 h   2 1680  − 6 + 7   114345 t 10206 t 

1  336000 − 1276800 t + 2364180 t 2 − 2641968 t 3 + 1903510 t 4 − 894240 t 5  γ = t 2 h 2   0  6 7 8  672000  + 265545 t − 45360 t + 3402 t 

1  − 448000 + 1579200 t − 2519328 t 2 + 2303840 t 3 − 1288440 t 4 + 437535 t 5  γ = t 3 h 2   1  6 7  3360  − 83160 t + 6804 t 

81  − 56000 + 207900 t − 348096 t 2 + 332850 t 3 − 193920 t 4 + 68355 t 5  γ = t 3 h 2   4  6 7  8960 − 13440 t + 1134 t 3  

81  − 12800 + 48960 t − 84576 t 2 + 83520 t 3 − 50280 t 4 + 18315 t 5  γ = t 3 h 2   5  − 6 + 7  3 4000  3720 t 324 t 

1  − 112000 + 436800 t − 770952 t 2 + 779590 t 3 − 481680 t 4 + 180495 t 5  γ = t 3 h 2   2  6 7  6720  − 37800 t + 3402 t 

3 Convergence Analysis of new Enright’s Method

3.1 Order and error constants of the methods

Using the Taylor series, the order of the new method in Equation (6) is obtained [11], it is found that the developed method has uniformly order ten, with an error constants vector of:

= [ × −8 × −8 × −8 × −8 ]T C11 .2 8616 10 , .2 8625 10 , .2 8631 10 , .2 8655 10

3.2 Consistency

Definition 3.1: The hybrid block method (6) is said to be consistent if it has an order more than or equal to one i.e. P ≥ 1 [11].


Sabo et al.; JAMCS, 30(2): 1-10, 2019; Article no.JAMCS.45557

3.3 Zero stability

Definition 3.2: The hybrid block method (6) said to be zero stable if the first characteristic polynomial π ( ) ≤ = r having roots such thatrz 1 and if rz 1 , then the multiplicity of rz must not greater than two [11]. In order to find the zero-stability of hybrid block method (6), we only consider the first characteristic polynomial of the method according to definition (3.2) as follows

1 0 0 0   0 0 0 1     ∏( ) = r  0 1 0 0   0 0 0 1 3 r  −   = r ()z − 1  0 0 1 0   0 0 0 1      0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1

= ≤ Which implies r ,0 ,0 1,0 . Hence the method is zero-stable sincerz 1 .

3.4 Convergence

Theorem (3.1): Consistency and zero stability are sufficient condition for linear multistep method to be convergent. As the method (6) is consistent and zero stable, it indicates that the method is convergent for all point [11].

3.5 Regions of Absolute Stability (RAS)

The absolute stability region of the new method is A-stable and was found according to Sabo et al. 2018 and [11].






0 Re(z) -0.5




-2.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Im(z)

Fig. 1. Absolute stability of region new Enright methods

4 Numerical Implementation of new Enright’s Method

The performance and the efficiency the new two-step Enright’s linear multistep methods were tested on three test problems. The paper presents some numerical experiments widely solved by Althemai et al. [9]


Sabo et al.; JAMCS, 30(2): 1-10, 2019; Article no.JAMCS.45557

and [2]. The performance of the new Enright method is examined on three systems of second-order stiffly initial value problems of ordinary differential equations. Tables 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 show the comparison of our method with the other existing method [9] and [12], for absolute errors.

Definition 4.1: In mathematics, a stiff equation is a differential equation for which certain numerical method for solving the equation are numerical unstable, unless the step size is taking to be extremely small, (Dahlquist, 1963).

Problem 4.1

Consider the stiff system

1 = − + ( ) = y1 8y1 7 y 2 ; y1 0 ,1 1 . With Exact Solution y1 = 42 y − 43 y ; y ()0 = ,8 h = 2 1 2 2 10 ( ) = − x − − 50 x y 1 x 2 e e

() = − x − − 50 x y 2 x 2 e 6 e

Source, [9]

Table 4.1. Comparison of new Enright method with that of [9]

X − value Error in [9] K = 3 Error in New method K = 2 ( ) ( ) y (x ) y (x ) y1 x y 2 x 1 2 − 1.0 1.38 × 10 0 20.3 × 10 0 87.3 × 10 −4 32.8 × 10 2 − 2.0 02.9 × 10 −1 36.7 × 10 −1 00.6 × 10 − 6 81.5 × 10 4 − − 3.0 09.1 × 10 0 58.2 × 10 0 90.6 × 10 8 33.5 × 10 6 − 4.0 09.9 × 10 −1 32.5 × 10 0 22.1 × 10 7 36.1 × 10 −7 − − 5.0 84.8 × 10 1 10.2 × 10 0 50.4 × 10 −8 12.1 × 10 6 − 0.6 22.7 × 10 −1 75.3 × 10 0 48.1 × 10 7 36.1 × 10 −7 7.0 15.7 × 10 −1 71.1 × 10 0 08.8 × 10 − 8 66.9 × 10 −7 8.0 42.6 × 10 −1 57.2 × 10 0 62.1 × 10 −7 52.1 × 10 −7 9.0 78.5 × 10 −1 39.1 × 10 0 03.1 × 10 −7 25.8 × 10 − 7 − 1.0 68.5 × 10 −1 67.1 × 10 − 1 66.1 × 10 7 58.1 × 10 − 7

Problem 4.2

Consider the stiff system

' = + ( ) = y1 998 y1 1998 y2 y1 0 1 ' = − − () = = y2 999 y1 1999 y2 y2 0 ,0 h 1.0

With Exact Solution

y (x) = 2e−x − e−1000 x 1 () = − −x − −1000 x ∈[] y2 x e e , x 1,0 Source, [10]


Sabo et al.; JAMCS, 30(2): 1-10, 2019; Article no.JAMCS.45557

Table 4.2. Comparison of new Enright that of method with [10]

X − value [10], K = 3 Error in New method K = 2 ( ) ( ) y (x ) ( ) y1 x y 2 x 1 y 2 x − − − 1.0 82.5 × 10 −2 83.5 × 10 2 04.3 × 10 3 90.2 × 10 3 2.0 02.4 × 10 −3 95.3 × 10 −3 96.5 × 10 −3 93.5 × 10 −3 − − − 3.0 17.9 × 10 3 16.2 × 10 −3 04.3 × 10 4 60.1 × 10 4 − − − 4.0 13.7 × 10 4 26.6 × 10 − 4 11.1 × 10 4 34.2 × 10 5 − − − − 5.0 20.1 × 10 4 22.4 × 10 5 71.2 × 10 4 35.1 × 10 4 − − − 6.0 28.2 × 10 −4 57.1 × 10 4 44.9 × 10 5 .4 745 ×10 5 − − − − 7.0 60.1 × 10 4 77.7 × 10 5 50.2 × 10 5 25.1 × 10 4 − − − − 8.0 52.1 × 10 4 67.7 × 10 5 03.1 × 10 4 14.5 × 10 5 − − − 9.0 32.1 × 10 4 78.6 × 10 05 27.2 × 10 4 14.1 × 10 4 − − − − 0.1 52.1 × 10 4 60.7 × 10 5 05.1 × 10 4 25.5 × 10 6

Problem 4.3 Consider the stiff system

' = + ( ) = y1 198 y1 199 y2 y1 0 1 ' = − − () = − = y2 398 y1 399 y2 y2 0 ,1 h 1.0

With Exact Solution

( ) = − x y1 x e () = − −x y2 x e ∈[] x 1,0

Source, [10]

Table 4.3. Comparison of new Enright method with that of [10],

X − value Error in [10], K = 3 Error in New method K = 2 ( ) y (x ) y (x ) y (x ) y1 x 2 1 2 − − − 1.0 60.2 × 10 6 60.2 × 10 6 50.2 × 10 −6 05.9 × 10 6 − − 6 − − 2.0 42.2 × 10 6 42.2 × 10 95.2 × 10 7 81.2 × 10 7 − − − − 3.0 18.1 × 10 6 18.1 × 10 6 84.4 × 10 7 33.4 × 10 6 4.0 90.3 × 10 −6 90.3 × 10 −6 95.4 × 10 −6 83.4 × 10 −6 −6 −6 − −6 5.0 58.5 × 10 58.5 × 10 25.6 × 10 6 84.5 × 10 − − 6.0 23.3 × 10 −6 23.3 × 10 6 12.6 × 10 −6 02.6 × 10 6 7.0 35.4 × 10 −6 35.4 × 10 −6 99.6 × 10 −6 66.6 × 10 −6 8.0 97.3 × 10 −6 97.3 × 10 −6 71.6 × 10 −6 63.6 × 10 − 6 9.0 59.3 × 10 −6 59.3 × 10 −6 26.7 × 10 − 6 98.6 × 10 −6 0.1 31.4 × 10 −6 30.4 × 10 − 6 88.6 × 10 −6 82.6 × 10 −6


Sabo et al.; JAMCS, 30(2): 1-10, 2019; Article no.JAMCS.45557

5 Conclusions

The formation of second derivative two-step block hybrid Enright’s linear multistep methods to solve initial value problems of general second order stiff ordinary differential equations was studied. For this, we follow Enright’s 1974 approach, by introducing the off-mesh points at both interpolation and collocations; we also developed the continuous schemes for new Enright’s method. The analysis of the method was found to be convergent, consistent and zero-stable with absolute stable region. We further computed the order, error constants and plotted the region of absolute stability within which the method is A-stable. The absolute errors arising from Problems 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 using the new Enright method were compared with the existing method [9] and [10]. It is evident from the results displayed in tables, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3, that the newly derived Enright method performs better than the existing method [9] and [10] when implemented with numerical examples.

Competing Interests

Authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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