Stafford Mrs. ID Grace Terrace, Chester Stephenson Miss
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-r• COURT DIRECTORY.] STO 4• I Southern Williamy 25 Wilberforce ter- Stafford Mrs. ID Grace terrace, Chester Stephenson Miss,. 2 Helgrave terrace,. race, P,rinca Consort road, Gateshead road, Sunderland Felling, Newcastle SowerbyJ. I6Montalbo ter.BarnardCastle Stafford R.Henderson, Greatham R. S. 0 StephensonMiss,22J;:mwooi st. Sundrlnd Sowerby Mrs. 3 Princes terrace, High Staig Jn.Percy,3 Lesbury ter.Gateshead Stephenson Mrs. 5 Barrington place, Nort.hgate, Darlington · ,Stainsby C.F.36Tunstall vale,Sunderlnd1 Bensham road, Gateshead Sowerby Thomas Charles Johnson J.P. !Stainsby G.1o3Thornton st. We.Hartlepl Stephenson Mrs. Castle hill, Middleton Snow hall, Gamford, Darliugton StainsbyJ.A.2I Pierremontcres.Darlgtnl St. George R.S.O Sower by Wm. M. 8 Clervaux ter. J arrow Stainsby Mrs. xo The GrO\·e, Sunderland Stephenson Mrs. I Cleveland par. Drlngtn Sowler John, Cornforth, Ferry Hill Stainsby Wm. Gladstone st. Hartlepool Stephenson Mrs. Fell Side road, Wick~ Spafford Wm.A.M.A. Vane ter.Darlingtn StainthorpeR.Eaglescliffe junc.Darlngt.n ham R.S.O Spain Isaac, 32 Barclay st. Sunderland Stainton Matt. IO Logan ter. Sth.Shieldsj Stephenson Mrs. Front street, Seaton Spain Jacob, 97 Roker aven. Sunderland Stairmand\Vm.E. I4 Kendrew st.Drlngtn Carew R.S.O Spain T.4 TheTerrace,Roker,Sunderland Stamp Thomas Collie, Willow Bank! Stephenson 0. 10 McDonald pl. HartlepL Spark John, West Cornforth, Cornforth, lodge, Willow Bank road, Sunderland StephensonRt.24Pierremnt.cres.Drlngtn Ferry Hill Stamper T. East end,Sedgefield,Ferry hl,Stephenson1 Samuel 'fuke, 9 West End Spark Miss, I3 Peel street, Sunderland StandishW.We.Auckland,Bishp.Aucklnd terrace, Yarm road, Stockton Spark Thos. 30 Larchfield st. Darlington Staniland Mrs. 5 Catherine st. Hartlepl Stephenson T. I4 Hlyth ter. Gateshead Sparke James, Wear head, Darlington Stansfield George Robert, 8 Wake ter- Stephenson Thomas Dixon, Western SparkesJ.B.8 Claremontter.Sunderland race, Westoe lane, South Shields house, Willington R.S.O Sparkes William Edward, 8 Claremont Stanton John Harrison, Stubb house, terrace, Tunstall road, Sunderland . Winston, Darlington Stephenson William Thompson, 5 Cleve- Sparks Joseph, 225 Albert road, Jarrow StantonTheMisses, I Park ter.Barnrd.Cstl land ter. Cleveland rd. We. Hartlepool Sparks Miss, 32 Denmark st. Gateshead Stanton Mrs. 23 Westburn st. Stockton Stevenius Vigo, 2 St. Cuthbert's villas~ Sparks Mrs. I4 Archer st. Sth. Stockton Stapleford Edward, 14 Stanhope road, Derwentwater road, Gateshead Speak A.25HighBondgte. HishopAucklnd Tyne dock, South Shields Stevens Hy. 13 Wallace ter. Rvton R.S.O Speak Mrs.3Tenters st.HishopAuckland Staples Mrs. 3 Elysium lane, Bensham StevensThos. 31 Parliamentst. Stockton. Spears James, 261 Albert road, Jarrow road, Gateshead Stevenson Addison Langhorn, ;HolyweH Spedding George, Thornley, Darlington Staples Mrs. 4 Leybourne ter. Stockton hall, Brancepetb R.S.O Speed Miss, IS Tunstall vale, Sunderland Stapleton Miss, 3 Egerton st. Sunderland Stevenson James Cochran M.P., J.P. Speeding James, Roker ho. Sunderland StappardJ.Low ho.Bensham rd.Gateshd Westoe hall, Westoe, South Shields~ Speeding Thomas, Roker ho.Sunderland Stark John, 5 Newton terrace, Hebburn & Reform club, London s w SpenceC.23 Tenters st.Bishop Auckland New Town, Newcastle StevensonJ.East end,Sedgefield,FerryHl Spence E. L. 12 Moor ter. Hartlepool StarkR.TyneView ter.H&bburn,Newcstle Stevenson Mrs. Foggy furze, Stockton. SpenceH.G.2Lorne ter. Yarm rd.Stocktn StatonJ.S Princes st.Western hi. Durham road, West Hartlepool · Spen~e J. 9 St. Mary's ter. Ryton R.S.O Staveley William Richard, The Cliffe, Stevenson Thomas, Heighington R.S.O Spence.Misses, IoWallace ter.RytonR.S.O Sea ton Carew R.S.O Stevenson W.21 Milton rd.Hartlepool We Spence Mrs. 1 Paradise place, Stockton Stead Waiter, Tregothnan cottage, Ox- Stevenson William, North road, Whit- Spence Mrs. 22 Tennant street, Stockton bridge lane, Stockton burn, Sunderland SpencerAdam,Soutb. ter.HartlepoolWest Steavenson l<'rancis Thomas, Raven- Stewart Rev. Edward Hamilton M.A. 4- Spencer C.3North ter.Norton rd.Stocktn thorpe, Carmel road, DarlinO'ton Park terrace, Gateshead Spencer Ed ward Errington,51 St. Aid an's Steel C. I 6 Noble. ter. Durham rd. Gateshd Stewart Rev. Harry William B. A.. I 3 · ter. Henry Nelson st. South Shields SteelG.Owtonmanor,SeatonCarewR.S.O Regent terrace, Gateshead Spencer H. W. E. IS Tempest place, Sea- Steel John, 21 Marlborough street, Sea- Stewart Rev. Robert M.A. I Gladstone. ham harbour, Sunderland ham Harbour, Sunderland terrace, Gateshead SpencerJas.Fras.Harting1on rd.Stockton Steel Jn. Station rd. SeatonCarew R.S.O Stewart Rev. Waiter Edwal'd, Banks SpencerJ. Hetton-le-Hole, Fence Houses SteelLancelot,I2 Princessst.Sunderland terrace, Croft, Darlington Spencer Jn.7Ravensworth ter.Sunderlnd SteelMiss,3Victoria ter.Low fell,Gateshd Stewart Chas.43 Bensham ter.Gateshead SpencerThomas,The Grove,RytonR.S.O Steel Mrs. 31 Burbank st. We. Hartlepl Stewart Fredk.1 Park st.Bishp.Auckland. Spencer Thomas Wake, South hill, Der- Steel Mrs. 9 Barrington crescent, Yarm Stewart John, 19 Grange road, Jarrow wentwater road, Gateshead lane, Stockton Stewart John William, 3 South Hill Spendley David,21 Derby st.Sunderland Steel Mrs. 44 Hampton road, Stockton crescent, Durham rd. B, Sunderland Spink Jn.Kitson,sPoplar cres.Gateshead Steel Thomas, Kensington esplanade, Stewart Miss, School house, Church Spink WiUiam, 6 Wilberforce terrace, Gray road, Sunderland square, Hartlepool West Prince Consort road, Gateshead Steel William, 5 J oannah st. Sunderland Stewart Peter M. B. Langley Old hall~ Spooner John, Fairfield, East Hartburn Steele Rev. James, Heworth, Newcastle Brandon & Byshottles Spoor John Joseph, x Albert Hill terrace, Steele Rev. William M.A. The Crescent, Stewart Robert, 4 Trinity rd. Darlington Bishop Auckland "\Yestoe, South Shields Stewart Robert, 13 Woodbine terrace, SpoorStephen,Oakcot.Whickham R.S.O Steele A. Newgatestree.t, BarnardCastle Bensham road, Gateshead Spotswood T. Gardenter.Blaydon R.S.O Steele Chas. W. II Monk st. Sunderland Stewart William, Foggy furze, Stockton Spraggon Mrs. 85 High st. Gateshead Steenberg Richard, Sheriff Hill house, road, West Hartlepool Spraggon Rt. 6 'lhe Crescent, Gateshead Sheriff hill, Gateshead . Stewart Wm. Jn. Middleton One row, SpraggonR.H.Westrn.ter.E.Boldn.R.S.O Steggall Rev. Frederick, Vicarage, Con- Middleton St. George R.S.O. Darlingtn Spraggon Walt.9Seymour ter.Gateshead side-cum-Knitsley R.S.O Strzelecki Mrs. 20 Grasmere st. Gateshd Sproat Thomas, Newton Yillas, Hebburn StenhouseJ.I74PrincaConsort rd.Gateshd Stibbard J. West end,Sedgefield, Ferry HI New town, Newcastle · Step hens Rev. Henry George M. A. Heigh- Stilborne Mrs. 5 Ashfield villas, Oxbridge Spurrier Rev. Ho ratio lii.A.. Vicarage, ington R.S. 0 lane, Stockton Shildon, New Shildon R.S.O Stephens T. 41 Bensham ter. Gateshead Stilcke Mrs. 55 Frederick st. Sunderland Squance Fredric Conradi, South moor, Stephenson Rev. Robert B. A. North Road Stillman G. 7 Victoria st. Hishp. Aucklnd Ryhope road, Sunderland manse, North road, Darlington Stillman George Wallyn, Ellerslie house, Squance Harry, 3 Woodside, Sunderland StephensonA.2 Burlingtonrd.Sunderlnd North Bondgate, Bishop Auckland SquanceT.C.M.D.4Heauclerc ter.Sndrlnd StephensonA.Carltonlromvorks,FerryHI Stirling J. G. I8 Laura st. Sunderland Squance Thomas Coke, sen. South moor, Stephenson C. 25 Olive st. Sunderland Stirling Robt. I4 Richmond ter. Gateshd Ryhope road, Sunderland Stephenson Ed wd. 15 Spring st. Stock ton Stirrup Rev. T. Leazes, Lintz Green R. S. 0 Squire Edward, Warburton house,Carr's Stephenson George, Bishop Middleham, Stobart !<'rank J.P. Penshaw house, Pen- hill, Gateshead Ferry Hill Station shaw, Fence Houses Squire Israel, Frosterley, Darlington Stephenson George, 29 Buck lane, Low Stobart Mrs. 6 Dene ter. Ryton R.S.O Squire Richard, Highfield villa, Eagles- fell, Gateshead Stobbart G. F. 11 Ea. Raby st. Darlngtn. cliffe, Yarm Stephenson G. 52 Clyde ter. Spennymoor Stobo Walter Oliver, 21 Cross Keys lane, Stableford Edward, I3 Ellison terrace, Stephenson George, Greenside, Foggy Low fell, Gateshead Hebburn, Newcastle furze, Stockton road, Hartlepool West Stobo William S. Dunmore villa, Bar- Stableford Hy. 23 Charlotte st. S.Shields StephensonG. I2Pierremont cres.Drlngtn moor, Ryton R.S.O Stableford Jn. 2 John Clay st.Sth.Shields Stephenson George, 104 Sodhouse bank, Stock W. F. K. Pennsbury ho. Darlington Stableford Miss, 22 Meldon terrace, Lay· Sheriff hill, Gateshead Stockdale C. T. 16 Derwent st. Sunderlnd gate lane, South Shields Stephenson I. I3 Erskine rd. Sth. Shields Stoekdale Edward John, Eaglescliffe Stabler Arthur, Osborne house, Stock- Stephenson John, 33 Peel st. Sunderland junction, Darlington ton road, Hartlepool West Stephenson J. Pierremont cres. Darlngtn Stockdale George, 3 Noble terrace, Dur- Stabler G. C. 20 Parliament at. Stockton Stephenson John 0. The Green, Norton, ham road, Gateshead Stabler Paul, 26 Green ter. Sunderland Stockton Stockdale Mrs. 22 Duke st. Darlington Stack Maurice H. I Argyle sq. Sunderland Stephenson J oseph, sen. Bel m out cot- Stockdale T. 16 Derwent st. Sunderland Stafford Rev. J. T. W1 Stockton . tage, West Rainton, Fence Houses Stockdale Thomas, 5 Ravensbourne ter Stafford Mrs. 10 Alice st. Sunderland Stephenson J oseph, Edge house, Lyne- race, South Shields Stafford Mrs. 21 Ennerdale, Sunderland[ sack 8!; Softley, Butterknow le R.S.O Stockley Mrs.36 Azale!J, ter. sth.Sundrlnd .