
SAMtools-view (format conversion)

Introduction:SAM file <=> BAM file.

Input&Output: SAM file & BAM file

Test inputs: input_sam & inpput_bam (SAM&BAM) imcas:/test_kira/SAMtools/yeast. imcas:/test_kira/SAMtools/yeast.bam

SAMtools-sort (format conversion)

Introduction:The sort command sorts a BAM file based on its position in the reference, as determined by its alignment.

Input: BAM file Output: sorted BAM file

Test inputs: input_bam (BAM) imcas:/test_kira/SAMtools/yeast.bam

SAMtools-mpileup (variant calling)

Introduction:The mpileup command produces a (or BCF) file giving, for each genomic coordinate, the overlapping read bases and indels at that position in the input BAM files(s). This can be used for SNP calling for example.

Input: reference genome (in ) and sorted BAM file (output file from SAMtools-sort, in bam format). Output: binary counterpart of file (in BCF format)

Test inputs: input_bam (bam) imcas:/test_kira/SAMtools/yeast.sorted.bam input_reference (fas/fasta/fna/fa) imcas:/test_kira/SAMtools/GCF_000146045.2_R64_genomic.fna

Test example: ?.bcf 861.10MB SAMtools-index (format conversion) Introduction:The index command creates a new index file that allows fast look-up of data in a (sorted) SAM or BAM. (Note: You must sort the bam files before you can index)

Input: sorted BAM file (output file from SAMtools-sort, in bam format) Output: bai file

Test inputs: input_bam (bam) imcas:/test_kira/Samtools/yeast.sorted.bam

BCFtools-view (format conversion)

Introduction:Convert between VCF and BCF. Calling variant candidates and estimate allele frequencies.

Input: bcf file (output file from Samtools-mpileup) Output: vcf file (Variant Call Format file)

Test inputs: input_bcf (bcf) /test_kira/Samtools/yeast.bcf

SAMtools-flagstat (statistics)

Introduction:Give the comparison result of BAM file.

Input&output: BAM file & txt file

Test inputs: input_bam (bam) /test_kira/SAMtools/yeast.bam

Test example: ?.txt 388.00B Figure: the report of the mapping result