Aquatic Plants in Nature and in the Aquarium

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Aquatic Plants in Nature and in the Aquarium NUTRAFIN_Nr.1_USA 26-03-2002 13:32 Pagina 1 Aquatic News 2,50 US$/3,50 Can$/2,50 Aus$ Euro/2 £/5 #1 Issue #1 - 2002 Issue NUTRAFIN_Nr.1_USA 22-03-2002 14:54 Pagina 2 FLUORESCENT AQUARIUM BULBS BroadBroad rangerange ofof spectrumsspectrums forfor allall aquariumaquarium environmentsenvironments EffectivelyEffectively stimulatesstimulates photosyntheticphotosynthetic avtivityavtivity CompleteComplete rangerange ofof wattages,wattages, diametersdiameters andand lengthslengths RapidRapid StartStart FluorescentFluorescent BulbsBulbs REAL AQUA-GLO lighting Intensifies fish colors and promotes plant growth Effective enhancement of blue, red and orange pigments to beautify solutions for aquarium inhabitants every FLORA-GLO aquarium! Optimizes plant growth Ideal for planted aquariums and terrariums LIFE-GLO High-noon spectrum for aquariums, terrariums & vivariums With built-in reflector, which increases the intensity by 170% Emits a natural white light suitable for all aquariums, terrariums and vivariums MARINE-GLO Promotes marine reef life Very high in the blue spectrum, ideal for the promotion of photosynthesis by deep marine corals, invertebrates and lower species POWER-GLO Promotes coral, invertebrate and plant growth Ideal for marine tanks and African cichlid aquariums SUN-GLO General purpose aquarium lighting Full sun spectrum COMPATABILITY CHART FRESH WATER SALT WATER PLANTED CORALS AQUARIUMS AUQARIUMS AQUARIUMS IDEAL FOR Distributed by: U.S.A.: Rolf C. Hagen (U.S.A.) Corp., Mansfield, MA. 02048 Canada: Rolf C. Hagen Inc., Montreal, QC H4R 1E8 INVERTEBRATES TERRARIUMS VIVARIUMS U.K.: Rolf C. Hagen (U.K.) Ltd., Castleford, W. Yorkshire WF10 5QH NUTRAFIN_Nr.1_USA 22-03-2002 14:54 Pagina 3 Editorial Editorial Dear Reader The “thread” running I am honoured, and not a little through each issue will, it is proud, to bring you this, hoped, guide the modern the first issue of aquarium hobby into the NUTRAFIN Aquatic News. new millennium. You may perhaps be wonder- Important themes include the ing. “Why yet another maga- ecology of animals in the wild, zine about fishes and plants, their introduction into and about the aquarium and history in our hobby, and the terrarium hobbies? And provision of suitable biotopes editions in several languages, in captivity. In addition I will at that. There are already so look back over my own many!” But just consider: experiences of the natural this project - the creation and world and share with you my production of this periodical, studies of plants and animals the selection of material to during more than 700 expedit- interest people of all ages, from ions across six continents. 6 to 120, both those who I will endeavour to share with already enjoy and those who you half a century of practical are just beginning in this, the experience, and to show you best hobby in the world - that the usual perception of is the brainchild of Contents how many (but not all) no less a personage than aquarium fishes live is quite Rolf C. Hagen. different to the reality. Rolf, like my mother and her Fishes in nature and in the aquarium 4 I will try to demonstrate how father before her, is one of the The history of the neon and cardinal tetras simple it is to maintain the in- leading lights of the modern habitants of the wonderful aquarium hobby. We have a lot Aquatic plants in nature 6 aquatic world and enjoy them in common, and for that and in the aquarium to the full, providing tips and reason alone I was attracted ideas on new equipment, foods, Cabomba species - for the neon and by the prospect of producing and medications, as well as re- something top quality and cardinal tetra aquarium viewing what is new in the timeless for millions of people. world of aquaria, terraria, and Something that would offer Aquarium technology 8 ponds. Nature has always been them all the opportunity to New methods of filtration - and still is - my best teacher. learn more about the natural And you too can learn more world, especially aquatic life- The aquarium hobby on the Internet 8 from a little piece of Nature in forms, many of which are to- your home than from any web- day seriously endangered in Do-it-yourself 9 site, TV program, or other me- their natural habitats. dia source. A living aquarium, Lighting In NUTRAFIN terrarium, or pond is a school Aquatic News (NAN), in itself, and my mission will Hagen hope to bring you an New practical products 10 always be to encourage the informative, educational, New Equipment, New Foods, Plant Food ownership of such a piece of multi-faceted, and practical Nature. Try it for yourself, it publication whose quality is New in the trade 11 will be well worth the effort. independent of price and Fishes and plants Always remember, “living advertising - there will be only water” is the most important a few informative product Biotope aquaria 12 feature of our Planet Earth. features, far fewer than in Yours aquatically, For neon & cardinal tetras other aquatic magazines. Heiko Bleher Aquarium history 13 NUTRAFIN Aquatic News Part 1 How it all began ... Scientific adviser: Dr. Jacques Géry Lithos: Fotlito ‘73, Borghetto Lod. (LO), Italy Publisher: Aquapress Layout: Rossella Bulla & Heiko Bleher Editor-in-Chief: Heiko Bleher Copy editor: Heiko Bleher Editorial address: Nutrafin Aquatic News Nutrafin news 14 Printer: Grafiche Dessí s.r.l., Italy Via G. Falcone 11, Photos: Aquapress archives 27010 Miradolo Terme (Pavia), Italy Aqua-Xpo – the world’s biggest unless otherwise stated [email protected] - www. NAN is printed on paper produced using Tel. +390382 754707 - Fax +390382 754129 aquarium exhibition ... chlorine-free bleach 1 NUTRAFIN Aquatic News 3 NUTRAFIN_Nr.1_USA 22-03-2002 14:54 Pagina 4 Fishes in nature and in the aquarium In 1934 the Frenchman August Rabaut, hunting for caimans and butterflies in the Amazon jungle near the Brazilian town of Tabatinga, discovered and collected a tiny fish whose coloration resem- bled the beautiful iridescent Morpho butterflies. The posterior part of its body was a bright carmine red, and the overall effect of its colours reminiscent of a neon light. Rabaut brought a few of these fishes back to France alive - one of the most noteworthy events in the history of the aquarium hobby. Washington under the name Hyphesso- with him to collect these fishes for Para- brycon innesi, thus honouring a man who mount Aquarium. Fred thought that only may have had nothing to do with the dis- Rabaut knew the original source of the The history of the neon covery of the fish, but nevertheless de- neons and was reluctant to reveal it. But in and cardinal tetras serves our thanks for his services to the Germany too the neon ”gold rush” was by Heiko Bleher aquarium hobby. afoot, and a team from Aquarium Ham- By now Rabaut was aware that he had burg, including Hans Pietch and W. Praeto- The neon tetra stumbled across something valuable, and in rius, was already on its way to Benjamin In Paris the little neon fishes created a 1936 he returned to Brazil in order to col- Constant (Tabatinga). On their journey sensation, and were soon off on their trav- lect neon tetras commercially. He took his back down the Amazon with the first large els again. They passed from the hands of haul, the first shipment of about 4000 spec- consignment of neons they stopped in J. S. Neel of the company Lepant to Mr imens, to New York. William Innes had Manaus, mooring close to Rabaut’s boat Griem of Aquarium Hamburg in Germany, recommended Fred Cochu of Paramount waiting to travel upriver. They spotted the who at that time was entertaining a guest Aquarium, and both were waiting for empty cans that were the only practicable from the USA, Fred Cochu. Fred managed Rabaut when he arrived. This represented a containers for transporting fishes in those to “scrounge” six live specimens, and took sensational story for Innes’ magazine, and days, and threw them all overboard. Aquar- them back to America on the 144th (and Cochu wanted the neons. He offered US$ ium Hamburg thus achieved a head start in last) flight of the airship Hindenburg (its 4000 for them - an incredibly large sum in the neon-collecting race. next flight ended in the catastrophe at those days. The first neons went on sale in At this time Innes and Myers cited the Lakehurst, when the Hindenburg exploded the retail trade at US$ 10 apiece, and all source of the neon tetra as “probably near and most its passengers lost their lives). were sold. It took Fred an exciting week to Iquitos”, while others said it was Tabatinga. Although Fred arrived safely, only one of get the money together to pay Rabaut on Nowadays, however, it is known that the the neons survived the trip. It was named time, and he now entered into a contract species has special biotope requirements. “Lucky Lindy”, as, The species is found like Charles Lind- primarily in Peru, in bergh, it was the first the so-called que- of its species to cross bradas, small clear- the Atlantic. water streams with a The dead neons were significant blackwa- given to the interna- ter component, tionally well-known where the pH varies publisher William T. between 5.0 and 6.0 Innes in Philadelphia, and the temperature who in turn passed between 75 and 84°F, some of them to the and the total hardness ichthyologist George is less than 1.0°dGH. S. Myers, who had Its natural distribu- studied under the fa- tion is limited to the mous Carl Eigenmann upper part of the and was already a Amazon drainage, recognised authority the lower to the mid- on fishes, amphibians, dle Ucayali, near Iq- and reptiles.
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