The Geomorphological Effects of Old Routes EGU2017 No. 6371 Jan Martínek (
[email protected]), Michal Bíl (
[email protected]) / CDV – Transport Research Centre, Brno, Czech Republic Recommended methods and procedures in the research of old roads 7A 7B 7C 7) LAND SURVEYING – Identification of old 10 roads in forest landscapes: POLAND A) A gully created by the erosion of a sunken GERMANY lane (with a depth of approximately 10 m) found near Cetkovice, on the route running from the Prostějov region to the centre of Malá Haná. GERMANY Fig.11 B) A deep sunken lane at Vanovice 7D 7E 7F (with a depth of approximately 5 m). • Old routes present an abandoned communication network used up to the Middle Ages. AKIA • Distinct remnants of paths can be found, particularly in forested areas, in form of holloways – moderate to deeply incised linear erosional forms. AUSTRIA C) Sunken lane cluster near Seč. SLOV • The complete network is nowadays being discovered using LiDAR and field mapping. • Old routes quite often interact with landslides, streams or old human constructions. D) Sunken lane cluster by Ptení. E) Sunken lane cluster near Bílsko on the Olomouc – Bouzov route. Examples of old paths: 1A 1B 3A 3B F) Sunken lane cluster near Bezděkov. MEDIEVAL 1) A group of parallel holloways which were transformed MEDIEVAL HOLLOWAYS WALLS 8) AERIAL SURVEYING 8A 8B into an erosional ravine. RAVINE 2) A slightly visible remnant of a holloway, which was filled Identification of buried road structures in oblique aerial photographs up to allow land cultivation. HOLLOWAYS using vegetation indicators: 3) A rampart of an old settlement built across the A) The merging of two clusters of buried sunken lanes at the Žlebce site holloways.