Recipe of the Month

2 crescent roll tubes 2 12 oz lil smokies Add cheese as needed Rotel Cheese and Beef Dip 1 Pound Ground Beef

16 oz Velveeta cheese Preheat oven 375 degrees 10 oz Rotel tomatoes Cut crescent rolls in half Brown ground beef in a skillet Wrap lil smokies in cres- Put ground beef, rotel and cheese in a slow cook- cent rolls with cheese if er for two to three hours on low desired Add water as needed. Bake until golden 12 to 15 Serve with tortilla chips or Fritos scoops chips minutes

Clubhouse Highlander’s Group predictions for the month of November!

By Robert

On November first, we have a community high school football game rival- ry. These are 2 wonderful teams who have been doing very well in the past 2yrs. These teams are the Omak Pioneers and the Okanogan Bulldogs. We are small schools with high expectations in our football programs. Omak is 6 and 0 this year after an unde- feated season followed by a loss in the playoffs to the Riverside Rams - a small school outside of the Spokane district which is near the small town of Elk, WA.

The Okanogan Bulldogs are usually favored in our community and the only team from a different division that has been put into our league as a league game for the Pioneers ! We call this the “Backyard Brawl”. The Sports Group is expecting both teams to get into the playoffs. But yet we have to wait and see. Both teams are undefeated in their league games so this is the most important game in our November predictions. We yet will be routing for both teams just hoping both or at least one team gets in. This is what makes high school football fun! Both teams still have some tough match ups ahead, but are high in the high school rank- ings as of now.

We have little hope for the State Cougars and in our state, because in the collage standings you basically have to go undefeated to get in the top 4 playoff spot. They have both dropped 2 games all ready and by time the comes around one would have dropped 3 games. So we are not expecting too much of our teams in our state with the same 6 teams as last year in the playoffs power rankings. So although we still have hope for a team from the Pack 12 to slide in I’m still not too confident in The chances.

Now on to the NFL predictions! These are bold prediction as of a group we believe this could happen. Most of us who watch the NFL believe that The Patriots might go undefeated. Yes they might, but we believe they will drop 2 games. We believe that the Baltimore Ravens can beat them and also believe The Houston Texans can upset them. They also have to play The Eagles and The Cowboys. The Cowboys seem to be falling off but could possibly turn it around. We also believe The Buffalo Bills could overlap The Patriots or at least be tied in the standings which is a “Big Deal” in their divisions. The Buffalo Bills defense is ranked #5 and The Patriots are #1. Tom Brady is a wonderful quarterback we all know this and also know that The Patriots schedule is a walk through! We are not worried about The Jets or The Dolphins. But we have to say as the Jets get healthy they will be a better team than what there are now. The Dolphins are ranked last in the NFL and probable want draft picks for next year. So as we all say “Better Luck Next Year”.

We will be also rooting for The Astros to beat the Nationals in the 2019 World Series.

These may be out of date by the time of publication. This was written on October 11, 2019. So we will see by December 1, 2019. We can’t forget about the Thanksgiving games. We have picked The Cowboys over The Bills by a show of hands. We also have picked The Bears Over The Lions by a show of hands. We all picked The Saints that day.

So we can’t forget about The Seahawks. We believe The Seahawks will be #1 in the NFC West division by the month of December. As of now we believe 3 teams out of the West will get a playoff spot. This has happen before so it’s very possible. The Seahawks could be 6 and 1 for the second time of their franchise his- tory.