Brazil’s Articles of Implications to and the Economy

Doug Doetsch Salim Jorge Saud Neto Partner Partner +1 312 701 7973 +55 21 2127 4210 [email protected] [email protected]

Kelly B. Kramer Partner +1 202 263 3007 December 10, 2015 [email protected] Speakers

Doug Doetsch Kelly B. Kramer Salim Jorge Saud Neto Chicago Washington DC +1 312 701 7973 +1 202 263 3007 +55 21 2127 4210 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

2 Operation Car Wash - 2014

March17 March 20 April 11 June 11 July 1 August 22 October November 14 December November

2nd Phase – 4th Phase – 6th Phase – 7th Phase – “Bidone” “Casablanca” “Bidone 3” “Doomsday”

Alberto Alberto Alberto Costa Costa Costa plea arrested arrested bargain Financial again Statements

1st Phase 3rd Phase 5th Phase Elections Congressional “Dolce Vitta” “Bidone 2” Committee Report Dilma Petrobras Rousseff + Health re-elected Ministry

3 2014 Elections Winning Ticket

President Rousseff Vice-President Temer PT PMDB

4 Operation Car Wash - 2015

February March March April April June July Aug Sep Nov Nov 5 6 12 22 19 16 30 24 January February March 10 April May July Aug 13 Sep Oct 03 Nov Nov 14 16 15 21 2 3 21 7 16 25

Cunha’s 13th 17th deposition Phase Phase 20th 9th at CPI 11th Pixuleco Phase Phase 14th Phase Phase “My Way” 21st Investigations Marcelo 19th Phase Health at Supreme Odebrecht Phase Ministry + Cunha’s Court arrested Nessum Caixa 16th Ethics Dorma Phase Committee Cunha defeats Proceeding PT candidate 12th Phase Corruption and is at Nuclear Speaker Vaccari Power Arrest of of the (PT Senator Company Cunha’s House treasurer) Delcidio Swiss arrested 15th Amaral Accounts New Phase + Congressional Petrobras André Investigation TCU Financial Upstream Esteves Commitee Services rejects CPI Statements Rousseff’s Industry 18th 8th Phase 10th Phase – BRL6.2 Billion accounting Phase “Nestor Cervero” “What Country is losses for for 2014 this? corruption Pixuleco II 5 Speaker of the House

Eduardo Cunha PMDB

6 Impeachment Proceeding

President Judgment at Dismissed suspended Senate


Impeachment request Defense Report Vote submitted to the Speaker of the House Not guilty Guilty

Election of Reporting Committe Rejected Removed Returns and loses rights

Accepts the Impeachment proceeding Dismissed

7 Impeachment Proceeding

Vote at the House of Representatives 512 representatives


171 Votes 2/3 342 Votes

8 Impeachment Proceeding

Vote at Senate 81 Senators


27 Votes 2/3 54 Votes

9 Impeachment Proceeding

Oct Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Sep Oct Dec 7 Oct Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 7 / 8 Dec 8 Dec 9 1 9 15 1 3 7 8 9

Mandamus TCU filed denies and appeal denied PT decides to by STF Updated Reporter Defensevote against Request of Cunha’s Cunha in submitted Vice-president case removed Ethics Impeachment Temer’s letter to STF Proceeding request President suspends Ethics TCU officially Rousseff proceeding Committee rejects submitted considers Rousseff’s to the floor requesting accountability of the House cautionary For 2014 removal of Election of Cunha Opinion in favor committee of impeachment Impeachment Original members Pro-government by House legal Impeachment Request Date for Leader department Request Accepted appointme nt 272 v 199 of PMDB Submitted of committee removed members

10 Supreme Court Decisions

• Appropriate procedures for entire impeachment process – Appointment of Committee Members – Can the votes be secret? • Currently, proceeding is suspended until a decision by STF – Decision scheduled for December 16 • Decisions on status of Eduardo Cunha

11 Has Operation Car Wash Lost Relevance?

• No. It still attracts attention and enforcement authorities have been acting in the past few months in stealth • A number of companies have been negotiating leniency agreements • While CPI-Petro is finished, a number of authorities are still in the case, including against some of the main actors of the Impeachment proceeding

12 Operation Car Wash - Current Status in

• Investigations and criminal proceedings being conducted at the against sitting members of Congress and Ministers of State • Investigations and criminal proceedings being conducted at the Federal Court in against other individuals • Proceedings against companies for cartel violations at CADE – Brazilian Antitrust Authority • Proceedings against companies for corruption before the CGU – 29 proceedings • Improbity lawsuits against individuals and companies • Congressional Investigations Committee – CPI Petro

13 Operation Car Wash - Current Status in the US

• US Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission • Petrobras has publicly disclosed that it is under investigation by the DOJ and the SEC, as have a variety of companies that did business with Petrobras • The DOJ is also providing formal and informal assistance to Brazil • Patrick Stokes, the Chief of the DOJ’s FCPA Unit, reportedly personally visited Brazil to meet with prosecutors • DOJ is also assisting Brazil in tracing the proceeds of bribery • US Private Securities Claims • Petrobras and Braskem have both been sued in class actions and opt-outs for securities fraud • Judge Rakoff has set the claims against Petrobras for trial in September 2016

14 Operation Car Wash – Status Globally

• Global operation • Reportedly, around $30 million has been frozen in accounts held by Petrobras executives and Petrobras’ counterparties’ executives • Netherlands: • Reached $240 million settlement with SBM Offshore • Switzerland: • Swiss authorities are cooperating with Brazil and the US to trace money across the international banking system • Swiss authorities reportedly are providing Brazil with evidence of clandestine bank accounts, including accounts held by Congressman Eduardo Cunha

15 Operation Car Wash – Implications for Enforcement

• Multi-polar enforcement is the new reality • Companies caught up in the Petrobras investigation face scrutiny in multiple countries (Brazil, Netherlands, Switzerland, US) • “Home” jurisdictions increasingly focused on foreign bribery • US: Continued enforcement of FCPA • Netherlands: $240 million settlement with SBM Offshore • Brazil: CGU recently announced initiative to monitor Brazilian firms’ conduct outside of Brazil • UK: Successfully enforced UK Bribery Act

16 Impacts to the Economy

• Operation Car Wash and Political Crisis have dominated the agenda in 2015 • Impeachment has shifted the focus from fiscal adjustments (approval of taxes and reduction of budget) • Markets reacted favorably the day after impeachment – Moody’s indicated possible downgrade

17 Thank You

For questions, please reach out to any of us:

• Doug Doetsch, Partner +1 312 701 7653 [email protected] • Salim Jorge Saud Neto, Partner +55 21 2127 4210 [email protected] • Kelly B. Kramer, Partner +1 202 263 3007 [email protected]