: X ■ • f . ■ 'S, >. .J-:* A' A.. ■•A.:.. ' '.4 \ /■ PAGE EIGHTEEN - X THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1964 Average Daily Net Preaa Rnn ■X jUmtrhrntrr iEttening ISlrrnUi X F o r tiM Week Ended The Weather X AprU *4, ItM Foreeast of C. M, Weather Bnrwie \ Fair, wanner SeiUglit,, cioadjr s’.. 11 ,1 6 5 ^ before atoraing. Mia. 4e-aS. Member of the AudK MUd, rfioweni Ukely laSo Saturdny Bureau of CIreulattou Manchester-^A City of Village Charm or tkuMlajr. RUgh abent 70.

V0L.LXXIILN0.185 (ClaMifled AdrerUaiag oa Fago IS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, APRIL SO, 1954 (EIGHTEEN* PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS A Mutual Aid Russia Wants Studied by at Unions

By EDDY GILMORE Washington, April 30 (yp)— 'll \ Geneva, April 30 (JP)—An informed source said today Rus­ The presidents of three of the sia has demanded India be invited ter take part in Indochina nation’s top labor unions meet peace talks coming up here. Such propo.sal is certain to throw x . today to discuss ways their another obstacle in the path of the Indochina talks. organizations “can be of as­ T)ie source said tlie SoyletS't-■ ------— might also even ask that Indo­ sistance to each other.” Announcementdf the meeting by X- nesia and Burma' be invited to Dave Bebk of the AFL Teamsters Pvt. Schine Compares P itre s take part. U. S. Urged in Chicago lu t ni^ht brought Stocks Go. X French and Indian circlea ex- i speculation a big labor merger w u obe Told pressed belief, however, the Rus­ in the Works. X sians would not press for India's ^ DELRICH THE NEJV* EAGLE BRAND MAINE LARGE SIZE CAN inclusion. French olficiala'were To Build up Three-Power Talks Set Upward. to bree Men We’ve Cot Something to Crow About, Too understood to feel the Soviet del-;[ .’Beck said he would meet with VAN CAMP'S MEAT DEPARTMENT egation will finally settle for a 'John L. Lewis of the Independent Over our counters pass the best dressed chickens in Oleomargarine SARDINES OVEN BAKED United Mine Workers and David J. To yary the menu emd letwer your cost: nine-party list also acceptable to Sea Power McDonald of the CIO Steelwork- New Mark the world . . . meaty, pleasing plump 'n’ tempting Special 2 Lbs. the western powers. era. In Picture tender and it’s no accident our chickens are priced ; Indian informants said they felt , ----- — ' . ' 3 Cans BEANS LEAN. Russia would not make the in-, Washington, April 30 (A*)— Beck aSid he would meet with New York, April 80 (A*)— the super market way. By close cooperation with our BONEUESS John L. Lewi* 6f the independent The stock market continued Washington, April 30 (Jty — special poultry raisers we’ve developed super stand-' With Pork and Molaases elusion of India a condition for j Adm. Robert B. Carney, United Mine Workers and David J. James Juliana, an investiga­ RUMP convening of the Indochina par- pointing tO a “steady buildup” McDonald of the CIO Steelwork­ its strong bullish drive ahead ards in poultry^quality. Our care pays off too, it pays ley. They hinted Russia might ers. today into new high ground tor for the McCarthy commit­ ' ' 2 Cons ' prefer to omit India so she would of Soviet gea power, declared tee, testified today he ordered off in more delicious chicken for you and in thousands Beck, before leaving for Wash­ for the past 24 years. Ovcii>Fri«d Chkkco of satisfijpd customers for us , . . be eligible for some supervisory today that the United States the printing of a controver­ (WRNED BEEF role in Indochina,, similar to the must carry on a vigorous ington. declined to discuss the sub­ The force of the forward move­ IjAf. 1U^. ▼•rcciNf role India played In Korea. ject matter of today's meeting. ment w u so great at the opening sial “crop^” photograph Absohitoly no wosfo to this cut. shipbuilding program to avoid Neither Lewis or McDonald were Ai.) fr*m iliir«.MaM As the meat buy of the week, Pinehurst will feature IJ. R. Opposes Plkn ' that the high speed ticker lagged showing Secretary of, the rUdun 1 lip. eclerr tah GRANDMOTHER’S PURE a dangerous obsolescence of immediately available for con behind in reporting the buying and Army Stevens and Pvt, G. M«r crcm U tM paprika famous farm n ^ h White Rock Frying Chickens. FLAVORFUL. BONELESS CHUCK or BRISKET The United States is understood its fleet. ment. selling on the floor of the New tbty. lea«ii I cUvet itriic PREMIER CREAM STYLE to be firmly oppose^'to including York Stock Exchange. David Schine alone. X % India In the talks fin th4 grounds Many U. 8. ships which were Beck told a reoorter he did not He acknowledgqd tha print waaX juMC. frMb, J tip . Mil WHITE ROCK f a r m FRESH MARMALADE GOLDEN SWEET ALSO AT 59c LB. SPECIAL built during World War 'II, said have authority from the AFL Key stocks, most in the clasi fraicii the conference should be held to from a more extanaivA pictura 1 Lb. Ja r as small a circle of interested'na­ the Chief of Naval Operationa, are council to invite Lewis and Mc­ called blue chips, spurted forward showing aiao Air CoL Jack T, raaacd approaching obsolescence and Donald to join the American strongly. The movement of BrAdley. cradccrmnakf CORN K d o 's is tho ploco whore you buy consistonNy frosh. tions Bs possible. "this is particularly true of the Federation of Labor. However, in large blocks w u frequent.- ■\ Thaw chidwn trcerdinc le padnit FRYERS . each $1,59 N(iw Engiond grown poultry, including ’’Waybost” India’s Prime Minister' Nehni destroyer types and the submar­ an address lu t night at confer­ The pace slowed within the .first Juliana u id he had ordaradxan- , diicctioas and ^ twnoNy low In spite of highor wholesolo costs.' ■yietminh rebels. command to aid and assist in Bake, uncovered, for 45 to dO mmutet ANNIVERSARY The report of Russia's move to strength than in other forma of as a general rule, but some issues McCarthy-Army row. because ha and Cole Slaw. bring India to Geneva came short­ national and military power. Under bringing that about.'’’ pushed their advantage to about thought that w u what tha com- or until chicken ii tender when letled . t a p io c a s those conditions our na^^I re­ with a fork and turface la crusty! ASSORTMENT ly after it was revealed that Viet He told a reporter ,ne personal­ 3 points at times.' PvL O. David Schlae, oa wltaeea stand bffan 8caat« Inveattgatlom aubcommlttee (April S»). w u m ittu wanted. brown. Setset 4.. FRESH BONED SHAD— whole fish ..... $1.69 SUNCREST lb Nam's chief of state Ba.o Dai had quirements were generated largely ly w u "greatly in favor" of ask­ Business was around the fast­ caUed on to testify at length about different vcralom of tkia picture, made at McOulre Air Form Baae, Prodded by Chairman Ifundt 1 Li). Pkg. LEG 0’ LAMB agreed to sit down at the confer­ by the necessity for countering the ing the mine workers to join the est pace of the year. Yester­ N. d- Ust Nov. 17. Thla large print, left, brought to the bearing by Joseph Welch, special Army coun- (R-SD) u to Mthoae "specific da- ,Fish ...... 89o ence table here with representa­ submarine threat and whatever federation. day's total volume was 2,510,000 ael, . shows part of the figure of a man a t left, then Air Force Col. J u k T. Bradley, Schine and Secretary ciaion" it w u to bring to tha in- APPLESAUCE danger might come from tbs air. Please phone your order as these will sell fast Pkgs. LOIN tives of the Vie»mlnh. Beck, also an AF'L vice presi­ shares, second highest this year. of the Army Stevenm, left to rlfht* /9chhM hold* ettU another vemlon of the picture te his dimnd for I’astlgators the pictura ahowing Until the reported new Ru.ssian and maintaining our dver-all dent, told the conference he w u Heavy gains were scored by Re­ a compaiiMB. (AP WIrephoto)* / . only St evens and Schina, Julilana 2 Cans demp.nd, Bao Dai's previous op­ public Steel. Boeing, Douglu Air­ replied: Don’t confuse these chicken parts with lb position to rebel participation had (Continued on Page Eight) (Continued on Page Eight) craft, American Telephone, Allied "That w u my decision.’’ ordinal^, “cut ups.” They are cut only PINEHURST BACON VALUES Aunt Jernfmo] LAMB CHOPS been the major obstacle prevent­ Chemical, Du Pont, Wastinghouse Railroad Strilc^ Juliaua said he initructad Don I* from our farm fresh White Rock Fryers. \ ing organization of the Indochina Electric, International Paper, Surine, auiatant counul for the YEUONOUCE WE’RE KEEPING BEEF MODERATELY PRICED TO talks after conclusion of the pres­ Union Tank Car, Bullard (which Wiretap Approval McCarthy Committee, to prepare We now offer and will continue to do so, Mississippi or Cornland lb. 87c MIX ent debate on Korea. aUrted on 8,000 ahares up 3 3-8 Is Off Penang tlie enlargements. if demand warrants i t .... SUIT YOUR MODERATE BUDGET; It was reported earlier the East at 42 3-8), Illinois Central, and Julians w u called to the witness LAND O’ LAKES and West were virtually agreed on Case Against Ex-PW SUndard Oil (NJ). chair after Sen. McCarthy had Pinehurst Hamburg lb. 39c BONE-IN including nine parties at the Indo­ spoken' upr at tha bearing* on his White Rock fresh Chicken Iriests J. I. Caaa, whbaa diractora took Forecast by Wiley row with Army offlciala aatl de­ china conference. Tl^eae would be BUTTER no dividend Action, w u down clared that Juliana had altered the the 'United States, Russia. Britain, severely after opening on a block picture. Chicken Legs Lamb Patties lb. 35c (In Quartera) DROMEDARY France, Red dhina, the VIetmlnh Held ‘Conten of 6,000 sharea off 1 5/8 at 14. SyrAcuae, N. Y'., AprU 30 (F)— CHUCK ROAST »4 5 < and the three French-spoi^Mred One of the, things that triggered Tha vlcA prtBi(ient of the Broth^- Wa.ihinfton. AprU 30 (/P>—S«n, Wil«y (R-Wis) todfiy voiced In other developmanta: Chicke^ Thighs NUT R O LL gojurnimoMi iif;Xiai: " 1. Army counsel Joseph N .. SHURFINE BONELESS confidence the 3eiuU4Lj[udic^y Committee will approTb « Welch demanded that McOarthy bodla and Laos. today to encourage bill to permit the government to use M'iretap pviflepcfi in I - Chicken^ings (Chocolate, Date, Orange) If the talks were to be ex- Washington, April* 30 (/P)—.zcharga w u thrown out during'ih4 prices, waaJtha g^ungth u. ba callad to tha aritncM chair as Evaporated Milk, tall can 11c nded at all. the United States Cpl.nl. EdwardFHwnrH S. Dickenson’sTliolrenaon’a triAi. railroada. Ihe rails Ms A group nave for Mondny had been postponed national security cases. But' Wiley declined in an interview aeon aa Secretary Stevens flniahta reported at the moat to favor Emery said the prosecution had pending talks with a U. S. media- to predict the fnta of the m euure------^ ^ ------— ■ his tutimony. Mundt told W al^ Also Hearts, Backs, Giblets, Livers. 2 Cans lawyer told a court martial offered no evidence to establUh lAgged behind consfartontly In the CHUCK ROLL >59^ 'bnly the addition of Thailand and today that the action against market's strong surge ahei^ in the tor. on the floor, commenting it might tlie commlttu would determine , State Butter lb. 69c Burma to the conference, since the charge involving gaither, and past seven . months. Brokers and Jamea' Anderson, raked by a gat caught in an end-of-the-ses- the order of the proceedings. Wings Sell at 25c lb. those two countries border on In­ the soldier on charges of col- when the court denied hia motion others felt that if the railroads nrwamAii whether the strike aUU .sion logjam which already threat­ Scientist/ Blasts Conflict tie Stories Lb. or WHITE AND YOU CAN SERVE LARGER PORTIONS dochina. (i labprating with the enemy is i throw the accusation out it had joined in the advance, that would were planned for Monday, said: ens to be aerious in the Senate. 2. George Anutos and Mrs.^''^ a ISLE OF GOLD Korea Debate Delayed "I underatAM there is going to Republican Senate leaders “will Frances Mima, staff employes of DEVIL’S FOOD MIX WHEN YOU RUY HALE'S GOOD :n o t .0 much . trial oflaw a; j .rrhSir"' signal a nea- phase of the rising have to hump them.aelves'.' to get Backs for Soiip at 3 lbs. 25c I^e debate pn Korea appears to a preparation for crucifixion market. Yesterday the rails caifie be a meeting ImTe Monqay or Tues­ Army’s Silence M(Khuthy, both swore they knew., Margarine lb. 25c TALL CAN CARNATION be bogging down. Informed sources Dickenson himself did not take day with a re^aentatlve of the the bill in good position where It nothing about the "cropping" of In closing argument Oeleue the stand to tell his own story. to life at new hijhs, and th* rush can be passed, Wiley uid. There deacril^ the United States as an­ Atty. Guy Emery characterized to buy got undeiway. U. 8. mediation board and if that's the photograph. There w u some EVAPORATED Pkg. 35c noyed by the reluctance of Its He is the first man to be tried The American Stock EaehAnge the (AM we will postpone the have been some threat'; of exten­ On ‘Headlines’ conflict, however, between their HAMBURG »3 5 < the Army cu e against Dickenson I under a new military code provi- strike for a reasonable time.” sive apeechmakliig against It. , accounts 'of how the photograph PITT You’ll Be Glad of the Price and Pleased With The Quality (Continued on Page Nine) , u "contemptible." He contended aion which makes it a crime to b... Jjtoked whether that means the Brownell in 'Urgent Bid' Wuhington, April 30 UT)— w u handled at the staff offices. MILK its buis is suapicion, innuendo, supply the enemy with informs- (Conllnued on Page NIu ) Make now actually wra postponed, Atty. Gen. Brownell h u sent an Beechnut rumor and hearuy. Ernest C- Pollard of Yale Univer- 3- Schine, in brief teetimony, Uon that leads to mistreatment of be said: urgent requut to ConifreM for aity lu t night aceuwd the Army said that after refreshing hi* 3 For DRY M ILK The case is expected, to -go to a fellow prisonera of wAr. . "J’m going to tell you yes. I will pasuge of a wiretap bill this ses­ command at Ft. Monmouth, N. J., memory overnight be thought he Sandwich Special French Airmen "jury" of sight high ranking Dickenson Was held in a Chi­ tllra the responsibility for that.” sion. . of failing to provide fair treat­ had given an accurate account Lg. ,Jar JUNIOR OUR POPULAR Army officers today after tum- nese Communist POW camp in Probers Study Anderson Mid the mediator Wiley heads a Judiciary subcom­ ment for employes accused of un­ yesterday of hia part in the photo matioM by Emery and the prose­ North Korea for 2i» ^ears. One probably would meet with 42 rep­ mittee which ia conducting henr- desirable associations. epiatxle. That part w u chieny to In U. S. Planes cutor, Ool. C Robert Bard. of 23 who At first refused repatria­ Changes iii Ike resentatives of locals in the cities inga on a Houu-paaaed' W retap­ Pollard, a nuclear* physicist furnish the original pictura. FOODS Top PeuAlty—Life tion. he and one other later re­ that would be involved- He aaid ping measure and uVaral pro­ who ia vice chairman of the Fed­ Schine w u excused from the wit- THURINGER A, finding of guilt Would require turned to U. 8. control. they represent-about 6,000 train­ pose ' Senate altemativ’es. The eration of American Scientists, neu chair but ia to come beck a two-thirda vote'. The maximum Dickenson did not take the men and'yard workers. hearings may extend into week af­ said tha Army Signal Corps com­ later for more general toatlmony, PINEHURST STORE HOURS Pound Rebels stand in hia own defense. Informed Home Progr^ ter week. After /Wi’ay’a group irds eve s p e c i a l s penalty in cau of conviction would ^ TTte dispute hinges on seniority mander at Ft. Monmouth "knew Juliana insisted he was just try­ 2 j.r.2 9 e LB. be life Imprisonment. yesterday that he had a choice, And application of rules, according acts, the full 15-member Judiciary what w u going on"—knew that ing to medt bat he considt-red the Open Daily 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. CERVELAT Hanoi, Indoefataa, April 30 (>P1— Emery argued that the prosecu­ the short, round-faced soldier rose Wuhington, April 30 tiP)—Sen'* to Anmmittee membera not involved. The atrike Was called The House bill providu that a supplied the photo of Schine and ANNDAL^: complete stocks of all vari­ PIECE or HUCED REGULAR 79o LB. tion cue w u built on the philos­ silent." federal court order must be ob­ in the congreuional investigation CAMPBELL’S - aupplied flgbt'era and bombers ophy that wheto there is smoke paused, in their probe of govern­ here lut-night. of Buspacted subversive activity At Stevens, a.one. -APRICOT-PEACH eties. . , there is fire, with nothing actually During the nine days of testi­ ment housing scandals today to In New Vqrk. the railroad uid tained before Federal Bureau of tha radar laborator>' there. He said he understood Commit­ FRIDAY NIGHT roared out - anew under clearing mony, 26 exPOW's gave varvlng, scan a mountain of testimony and mediator RoaSxForan would be in Investigation or mtlttory intelli­ tee Counsel Roy Jenkins wanted time flies byay very fast.test. It does not . We Redeem Beechnut In Hale*s Seafood Dept, ekies today to blast Vietminh con-; proved against the 23:year-old gence agents could tap wires in Yef. Pollard uid. tha Army COOKIES TOMATO JUICE former prisoner of war from accounts of pro-Cqmmunist activi­ figure what changes they want,in Sjrracuse Monday,.^. commander expressed no support "a photograph of Mr. Stevens and seom that 25 years could have passed Coitrtesy Cards centrations ringing Dien Bien Phu. ties they attributed to Dickenson President , Eisenhower's housing Trainmen's headquarters in the future. rrivate Schtive." He said these In­ 12 Oz. Pkg. 46 OziTin O' Transport planes resumed their Oacker's Neck, Va. ) Brownell opfxisea this u too for the scientists, had nothing to by since one of the early Birds Eye while hj was held captive. program. » Cleveland u id Willtam P. Ken- .uy atxiut "unfal.r headliiiM" he structions could have come either '■'y ® OPEN UNTIL 8:30 missions of reinforcement. 'The Emery characterized the over­ Only one of the 26, Qpl. Thomu A final hearing yesterday wound oumlwraome. His propoul would representatives arrengeo a special HALIBUT *59^ French High Command announced all collaboration charge u e A. Chirrick of Blacksburg, Va.. re-' authorise wiretapping .upon ap­ said were printed about labora- "garbage can” accusation which up the group's two-week ‘•prelimi­ (Continued oa Page Two) toiw workers., ' (CoattoOed on Page ElgW) 'trip to Boston so that the Boston office STRAINED that more parachute - trpopa, am­ ported personally overhearing nary” p ro b e, of government- proval of tha Attorney General. ALSO: SWORD, COD, HADDOCK. BOSTON BLUE, munition and other war material he said took in a huge volume of Dickenson in the act of informing. Wiley , and Sen.' Watkins (R- n . Monmouth was the scene of had been dropped to the fortreas. unprovable material. insured home repair lomy^and a controversial probe started by could sell us on the idea of becoming “Fresher by Far” SALT COD and SMOKED FlL l.ETS A^week later, Carrick returned to multi-million dollar ■ "s^iMfAll” Utah), a subcorihnittee member, French Commandos made new In addition to the general cbl- the stand to say he was so con­ said in separate interviews they Sen. ficChirthy's iR-Wlal Senate one of the first stores in New England FOODS . raids to destroy rebel gun positions prbflts in the defunct jx>atwar Inveatlgations Subconimittee lu t Dont fail to ask lo r any meat item you want, which may Ia)x>ratlon accuMtion, Dickenson fused he couldn't be suae whether rental, project program. would eup'iort tho Attorney Gen­ to, sell BIRDS EYE FROSTED FOODS. Pinehurst Vegetables and'arms caches set up near de­ faces a„ charge of informing on hie account had been accurate. eral's view on this-point. year. The Monmouth cue. includ­ B ulletins not be on display. Hale’s Meat Dept, has fresh meats of fense barricades, but no important Hunt for Loopholea ' News Tidbits ing the name of Maj. Gen. Kirke Yes, 25 years ego frosted foods were' all kinds, smoked meat, a large selection of sausage liklward M. Gaither of Phlladel- In addition to a. general charge Blit Sen. MtKDarran of Nei-ada, CrUp, Green 4.j.r.i 39e ■. Infantry fighting was under way. f>hia while both were- prisonere at of collAboratibn. 'Dickenaon w u Next step w u examination of Called from ‘ AP W ir^ B. Lawton, Us commanding offi­ from the AP Wires iust getting started . . now the prob­ products and cold cuts. Alt attempts by the rebel at­ a (iommuniat camp at Pyoktong, voluminous testimony taken from, senior’Democrat on tha subcom­ cer, h u figured repeatedly in tlie CUCUMBERS ...... ea. l2»/fc tackers to infiltrate 4nto the main North Korea. Another Informing present and former officials of the mittee, has said he win fight bit­ Senate inquiry into the row be­ lem is^ to find enough room for cases (Coatiniicd on Page Foar) terly any biU that does not have tween McOarthy and hia aidea and Radishes, Peppers, New Cabbage, Fresh Fruit and Yegetables French defense positions were Federal Housing Admlniatration Mrs. John- G. Lee of Farming- STEVENT8 JOINS IKE in which to display the many new hammered back lu t night and IFHA) to locate loopholes in the the court order requirement. top Army officials. Waahtogton, Aprtt 88 tfl—Secre­ ton ia being very seriously consid­ Wiley Mid that U view of Me- Pollard, chairman of the Sclent- items. Watercress ■ ■ WHITE «arly today, A French communique Housing Act. ered by Hartford County Republi­ tory of the Army Steveas hurried Rad Ripe Frozen Food . : tersely described the situation at CSiaicman Capehart iR-Ind) an­ Carran'a attitude and the House tsU' Committee which lu t week from the MoCa^y heartaga'at cans u candidate for U. 8. Repre­ vote, he: would u ek some com- issued a 66-page report criUeixing TOMATOES . . i . . . box 25c the embattled stronghold u “rela- nounced the Committee would sentative In First Congressional the Capitol today to have Ihnch Lbs. m tlyely calm." House Votes Arms Fund start oii May 18 to fraihe Elsen- pi^miu that w<^4d retain the th*« conduct of tKe*#T, Monmouth with PresMeat Elaeahewer aad Boiling Onions 2 25c District . . - Italy's pro-Weatern FEATURED AT PINEHURST Specials • 'Vietminh heav>' mortars and hower’a housing tecommendationa court order plan but seek to u- investigation, u id the people who other Defense officials at the Asparagus, Idaho Potaloe.s, Center parties turn barks on anti- sure that It would not block quick UM scientists' urvices "should artillery continued to pump Into legislation. He predicted a Communiat alliance «ith. extreme Peatagon. Eiaeahower went to tha Beet Greens, ^ew Carrots “OVEN-FRIiD” h u n d r^ o^^hells into the araall abtion against apiee or uboteuiw. guarantee us loyalty." Peatag(ta for a cerenaeny hoiatr- Birds Eye Chicken or SNOW CROP Without GI Moves Ban housing bill) would be ready for right in Important local elections A Mcond point in dispute ia New Potatoes ‘3 Lbs. 21c patch ' on^MHI^^efenaes. An­ Senate debate by early June. TThe slated for Alay. . Mutual loyalty is . vital to a lag Reger M. Kyea,' reUriag RARERIPES ...... bunch 9c CHICKEN THIGHS, P O T A T O iS _ swering fli^^n aP F ren ch guns measure h u already passed the whether the measure shall be retro-! laboratory," be said. "We u w no ! deputy Secretary of Defense. The Beef Pics American Council of Christian active in effect—that ia. permit the ■ sign of loyalty operating from ' lunch WM held la Secretary ef 3 for 97q Cook crisp and tondor os French Fries...so was- centers on encampments of IVuhlngton. April 30 (4>)—The«proposal by Rep. Ck>udert (R-NY) House. Churches adopts resolutton claim­ Justice Department to use wiretap above, at Ft. Monmouth. We should LETTUCE Head 1 9 c the Oommuhist-led rebels in for­ biggest money bill of the year— for a ben on use of U. 8. military E>=f>nhower h u recommended Defease WUaea’a receptiea reena. DRUMSTICKS nearly 29 billion dollars for de­ ing chief oT religious policy for U. evidence It h u obtained, in the demand it." ^ THE ALWAYS POPULAR OOU)E.V YELLOW - ^ oasy to fix, tool ftutkeixfie ested hil's encircling the bution. forces abroad without the consent ths\ the 32.50b limit on home re- 8. Information 8ervice. "confuses put. . Pollard spoke si a forum on, The French hit also at truck con­ fense—wu half throi gh its con­ of Congreu, ucept in defense of -palr loans in.sured by the FHA be historic (^;riatian fa!th with Marx­ Brownell uked for this power, FH.A SUSPENDS TWO FEATURED AT PINEHURST or BREASTS voys arriving from Red China with gressional Journey today with the nations bound to this country by lifted to 33,000 and that the repay­ scientific responaibUity and nation, j W 'aahingtoa, AprU 88 (ff>— ian ideology” . . .Union rleara way uying it would permit hia agency al security, sponsored by the Fed- j Houaiag Admialatrater A lb ^ Bumble Bee Brand SQUASH U). 19 c Your Choice . fresh ammunition and aup'pUes for unanimous and almost dispute-free mutual security agreements or fol­ ment period be extended from for opening of 19.54 contract nego­ to prouruta uveral cues on which eration of American '.Scientists, j SPECIAL 3 LBS. the besieging thousands. endorsement of the House, r lowing a formhl declaration of three to. five years. Cole today aaaouaced luepea Birds Eye French Fries 2 for 33c EXTRA LARGE. FANCY tiations between CIO United 8teelr it now is stymied. The house bill More than 300 attended, some of •ton ef two heoalag offldala ta- Fortreu commander Brig. Gen. What oontroversy there w u re­ war. . But' ,thia and several .other wor.Kcr.* nnd basin steel producers. contains the retroactive feature. them delegates to the American Fancy White Meat Tuna Christian de Cutriea sent out volved mainly around a non-flnan- Eisenhower recommendations ap- Philadelphia heeanae, ha aaid. 12 Oz. POTATOES 21e cial matter: An effort to limit the Coudart said ha wanted to make Communist Poland announces they have failed to keply aadar CUCUMBERS ) 2 For 19c certain that U. 8. troops aren't c.-tensive price redu< tions in con­ (ConUnned on Page Eight) (Contiaaed on Page Eight) oath to a queettoaaalro cea- FEATURED AT PINEHURST (ContlBoed on Page Foot) Prealdent'a authority With respect sent to Indochina without the ap­ (Continued on Pngr Four) sumer goods and public serv-ges in 41c can ITALIAN to Antarican troop movements reralag- “aeceptaace of gratal- (Si aay« thU li the lu t week at Utis low price). SNOW CHOP abroad. And thto w u knocked proval of Congreu. Since the ad­ campaign to impiove living stand­ tieo" from porsaas with whoaa SPRY Lbs. down yesterday on a 214-37 ministration h u said it doesn’t in­ ards...New York State official they did boaatng huahMea. D m Birds Eye Grange Juice 2 for 35c 6 cans $2.39 PEPPERS For Frying " Lb. 25c FRENCH FRIED PUP Wins Voting Ing vote. tend to sand troops to that French Britain Set to Sell u y s decision will be made in New two emptojrea were John P. Ito- MMtoare ia Seaate area, Coudert said, it shouldn't ob­ York City on. whether Edward State CIO Council Opposes Orath, chief appraiser aad WD- FLORIDA POTATOES Than the Oongreaamen sent tha ject to the limitation. Chalmers would be ' allowed to naer Ruaaell, FHA laapector. Buy e dozen or two , , i In British Colony > Opposed by Ike Rubber to Russia make nraaium rore-drtUiag testa big meuura to tha Senate by ro'l on National Guard reservation at GOP Renomination of Lodge Imported Good Neighbor caU. 377-0. But Eisenhower, at hia news Peekxkill. PROTXSrr PAHTtnON ORANGESExceUent for Jalco Doz. 39c 9 0z. 1 6 c Bfliae, BrHiah Honduru, April The 338 684.250.434 prividad in conference yuterday morning, London, April 30 lA6~Britaln Hanoi, todochlaa, April 88 m SO (P)—The independence - seek­ the annual Defenu D ^t. appro- spoke .out agaiut the amendment announced today aha would lift all , Union senmen in Japan tkreat- —EathaalaaMe VIetaaaaeae froaa King Crab Meat, can 99c, WHITE SEEDLESS ing People's United Party (PUP) priaUon bill to 31,202,804,514 leu b^ore the House voted, and his restriction on the sale of rubber Mi to boycott abips bound for Con- , Cheshire, April 80 tP)—The Oon-*.partlee understand that the mem- Hanoi aad Ita saharha staged a m ru 10 PKG. SNOW CROP HOW TO GET A ■ BOTTLE Houiw ludar. Rep,. Halteck of In­ to the Soviet Union and itA Eu­ tral and South Pacific if United necticut Stats Douncll of the Cbn- . bcM of the CTO as well aa the Ifi-ailaato dMaanattattea today oz. celebrated jubilantly' today its than Preaidant Eisenhower uked. greae IS.M6 where in the world, could not fail of thq K(irAaa War. "miiat be racognixed u 'fa lse ." ... will have to look to another party have to obtain tha aepport of the fee a-setback. C%arlca Wutby, to keep ia operation the Murphy to d a 'n ^ t kia flaxiUUty Ip'trying 'The new actioh w u announced •Tltoj ' - aahdidato of tha ladapertdeat p a r^ Ex-Praatdent Truman ia ‘alated to for a poaeible candidate.” CTO. 4M4 IITH SALES) 7 General Hospital a,t W...... altham . ^ protaet th e U nited ■''SUtoa. j' by the Board of Tradt^ An official spank in C^avcland June 8 at cOn- A reaolutioa apte(f by the According to tha. eutllna KETCHUP farnnes of ritys Labor Cotmalttoe group warned that "it ia important { (OMtlBWd a* Fbffiknp) Mori atfanliWtot wa^devotad to a'^ .(OMlfiMMd mm Pa#a HI T aU ' 1^ « mm paga Tmm) •I foe Uumaa. lUi^U. tM laadare aC aU polttlcal' « iwraga: t) 4 i- ■ ' -? /. ■r-.- V: S • ■ \ : V \ .M- y n-' ,U ■ / \ v ; v ; X. . PAGE TW O MANCrfEiSTER EVENING HERALP, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY,. APRIL 30, 1954 >/ •.r'' weeks pcevioualy threatened him MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN* FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1954 PAGE THREl A boutTow n wrlth a knife...... '■'» in.....IIS# Railroad Strike Fun J Raised Police Disclose ! ___ I .X ■ Ruth Milletl TTie caller, Udvari told police, Forbes: "Seven Years in Tibet." told him that: _ ' '' L' J' " • ’ „ E U i n j g t o n Cub Scout Pack 130 will hold Children Enjoy Vaca^on Story Hour Harter; "Shanty Bcsat.'X Hubbard; Is Off Pending In Warfare Udvari Run-in "If I knew where you were, FREDERIC E. WERNER "Conquest o f Everest,” HHnt; Mac- op MANCHESTER its regular pack meeting tonight The mother o f a 14-year-old girt I'd kin you.” ■- r .. Board Pl^s Meeting FLETCHER CLASl GO. at 7:30 in St. James' School. Installation Slated . illian Wild Flower Book," John- Mitchell writes to aay that har figh ter The man named hy Udvari waa Presents ‘ , Son; "W ith Kltidien Privileges,” questioned for seven hours Thurs­ Mediation Talk The 37th annual convention of On Ragweed has lost ail interest in school. She With Suspect Kent; "iChip on ) 'randma's Shcmld- 143 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE day and then Released. His name For PTA Officers the State Fideration of Women's iin't even trying to | OPEN SATURDAYS—OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS ' Anderson complained o f what Dept. Store tomorrow at 10:00 an article against early dating. Would Be Responsible! Us allergies! West Hartford Police Dept., the PIANOFORTE REQTAL Mrs Richard Grant of Hebron, | a. m. All persons who desire their The only good that would do is State's Attorney’s Office and Discussion Topic Manchester Evening Herald ESTIMATES GLADLY GIYCN he termed the general attitude of who is scheduled to conduct the i, contribution.^ to be picked up and It's called the National Hay to make this mother feel, "H ere's State Police, continued questioning Mayor John W. Torpey of G aat. Asks United States and Ellington correspondent, Mrs. G. F. the railroad "in not complying who have not already so Indicated, someone who agrveh with us." Longview installation,,, was ex-' Fever Fund; it's sponsored by the witnesses aitd sifting evidence in The problem of "Inter-Faith Hartford and police official! from ; Berr, telephone Rockville ,1-9313. with the contract and mediation sre requested to call William Mer­ It wouldn't help the mother to SOUTH Methodist chapel Canada Form Organ­ Hay Fever' Prevention Society; their attempt to learn the method, Marriage" will be di.scuased aa the that city are expected to attend ' pected to be installed, herself, as i agreements of Nov. 30, 1949, with cer, 92 Autumn St. ^olve the problem that confronts an informal meeting in Manches-! and for eight million summertime means and motive for the deaths program o f the Senior Methodist the Tolland County P T A director | her.—renewing, her dau^ter's In-^ last week of John Udvari, 40 and ter of the Board of Director! and | ization Like NATO . respect to lnter-di\ision runs." sneezers, wheezers, coughers and Youth Fellowship In the North at Waterb\iry. Arthur Benson, president-elect of terest in school. other peraons who might have an V A strike would affect freight and Mrs. Georgette W.. Qulgg, 50, In Methodist Church Sunday evening. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 4th, 1954 The officers will include: Presi-1 the Manchester Rotary Club, and itchers, it may pay the way to If the reason atie .has lost in­ West Hartford. - Interaat in a proposed local law New York. April 30 (,/f) — Rep. Horn and Solod Soppor ^)eseenger service on ' a ll. Central relief. terest is because she feels left out The worship service which will be dent, Mrs. Stanley Lesizza; 'yice-' Dana Beach, secretary-elect, wera Yesterday, police questioned the designed to combat juvenile de­ W. sterling Cole (R-NY) urgM president, Francis Green; secre­ SATURDAY. MAY 1 diVlaiana between Buffalo and New , the delegates, to the Rolaiy Inter­ A t the same tima, the societ.v and different, then I think her pSr- led by George Schober will com­ AT 8:IS O'CLOCK RANGE Toek-.City and also branches to man who 'Udvari told police linquency. an American-Canadian def^lw tary, Mrs. Horace Uhdorwood;- national spring conference for dis­ says, it will cut industrial and e.hts should ask themselves this mence at 6:30 p. m. Barbara A t Its meeting Monday the / ' 6 to 8 P. M. Weehaw^en, N. J., and Williams- ■ threatened him once .with a knife pact to ward off any enemy attack treasurer, Mrs. . George Beyer; trict-291, held at the Hotel Shera- agricultural waste b.v cutting the question: and two weeks later over the tele­ Starkweather and Lois Hinea will Board will be asked to aet a date 'Divine Spiritual Circle port and Clearfield, Pa. , Anderson : serve refreshments. delegates to the councii, Mrs. ton in Pittsfield, Mass., Wednesday lost man-hours during what hay "Is it more important for up to phone. His n4me w-aa withheld but for an Informet discussion of the against the North American con­ o p n J-'KI-IXUVS H ALI, said. I The pastor, the Rev. John E. Tickets available without charge at Kemp’s Music Store, Stanley Campbell, Mrs. William TICitETS ONE DOLLAR and Thursday, fever sufferers knowingly call stand by our opinion that a girl of he was identified as an old mgtter with Judge John S. O. tinent. Johnson. Mrs. Arthur Anderson COAL - COKE The union'charges 23 violations "the season." 14 is too .young to date than' it is acquaintance of Mrs.,Quigg. Post, will meet with these high Rottner, Police Chief Herman O. Cole, chairman of ^the Senate- o f the agreements. j school young people to discuss this Potterton’s and Werner’s Little Music Shoppe and alternate delegates to the Michael RUssell, 10, of 343 High­ For the uninitiated, hay fever is. to see our daughter interested in' County Detective John F. Rear­ Schendel, membws of the clergy, House Atomic Energy Committee, council, Mrs. William Bums. Mrs. A company spfricesman comment-1 land St., had a fish hook removed easy to explain. It is a philosophy school and feeling that she 'be­ pertinent problem. -Interfaith proposed last night at a Colgate 14 Hour Delirery Service ed early today that "mediaiion don disclosed today That the man civic leaders, and others the Board Flora Batz. from the bark of his head in the and a way of life built on the longs'?” admitted an episode tli(mWing him marriage Is'on the increase the may aak to panicipate. University banquet "that our gov­ The annual convention o f the processes would of course have to I emergency room of the hoapital microscopic pollen of the ragweed Protection Without Confinement nation over, and among the major ernment, as speedily as possible, RURBISH and ASHES • be exhausted before there actually ! and-..Udvari had occurreoN, Here Parents Reaponalble Connecticut Parent Teacher Assn, yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. plant. And during the weeks of I f they decide that the impor­ religions there la an increasing I f -an ordinance is passed In enter into a mutual continental could be a strike.” Is Reardon's account of tfieTnan's was held \V>dnesday and yester? REMOVED mid-August \nto frost time, wrtbn tant thing is to help their daughter version of what happened; incidence of marriages in which Manchester following the pattern defense pact with Canada." e day In Wllby High ^hool. Water- A Central spokesman said the belong rather . than to make ‘her two faiths sre brought together. General cleaning of cellars and Mediation Board yesterday sent the ragwbed pollinates, the hay The man said he noticed Mlrq. of one in force in East Hartford, Such a pact. Cole said, should be tikr.v. MdRIARD BROTHERSi different, they can still ke^ a ^ The discussions will be contin- it would make parents responsible attics. Reasonable rates. telegrams to the railroad and the feverite expresses his true feel­ Quigg standing on the aidewalk "under the authority of the Unit­ Y^ose attending froiti the Cen­ Youth Fellowship guiding hand and a watchful eye -tied through the meeting of May .115 CENTER STREET— TEL. MM-5L15 union asking Whether they woiild ings with the clarion cry: "I’b and atopped to talk with her. for delinquent acts of their chil­ ed Nations, comparable In pur- ter 'Were Mrs. Louis L,avitt, presi­ on her. • ^ 9\^.s well. A ll the youth .of the Coil M & M— MI-9-9757 . accept mediation. The spokesman blserably udhappy." Juat then the man saw Udvari COME ON KIDS dren. It would also impose a 9 pose scope and organization with dent. land Mrs. Ralph Hailwood, They might say to her: 'Tf.yoc.r church are urged to be present. p. m. curfew on children under 16 said the railroad replied that it Elects Officers Fever Is No Joke, approaching. He broke off his the North Atlantic Treaty Organ vice-preUdertt. , school work is up and you are years of age and Impower police would. But for thousands of sufferers, conversation with Mrs. Quigg and DIG SHOW!! Izatlon (N A T O )." 'Uoming Events making passing grades in all of to Investigate home of children He also said that the Mediation the Joke is short-lived. Unallevi­ walked towards Udvarf. HOSPITAL NOTES BIRTHDAY ■ Cole said his proposed defense The next’ meeting of the Friend­ Hiii Methodist Youth Fellowship your clasaes you ca., have dates for convicted of violating any state Board had sent a request to union ated hay fever can produce aath- The man said he wsinted to Hartford,^ April 30 *--A din­ organization ahbuld have a su­ ship Class wiM be held at the home of the South Methodist Church e«hool parties and dancea. statute to determine If the parents headquarters in Cleveland asking ma —a respiratory ailment that "warn"' Udvari that Udvari was ner last ni^t honoring Its 300 preme commander with Canadian of Mrs. E. Carlyton Pekse o f Som­ "But we feel you are . too young Kiddie Matinee at TP. M, should also be charged with some that the strike call be postponed. I elected ofilears recently at a pro- chokes its victims to death. . "breaking Up a home.” corporators ntqrked the 100th an­ and American land, sea and air ers Road Monday., at 8 p.m. Clinically, hay fever is an al­ to start dating except for parties.” violation: Would Effect Entire East I greaslve supper neld at the homes But Udvari saw him coming, niversary of Hertford Hospital, 12:36 forces under him. lergy: the body reacting to a for­ Or they can'w ork It out any which was establislied by 12 mert SfiTURPAY, M fiYl • • DOORS OPEN The provision making parents Personal Mention The spokesman ssdd a strike { of Priscilla Hill, ..26 Foster St., the man said, turned around and " I submit that all other con- Robert McGuire, who ia in the would affect ever3rthing east of Buf­ eign substance with uncomfort­ other way. that may seem right to in a rented house M.fL "home for responsible lollops almost word Janet A'hltnev, 32 Alexander St., walked in the other direction. A aideratlona notwithatanding." Cole armed services, is nbu’ stationed falo, including commuter service. able symptoms. A recent survey, them. the sick" with accommodations for word a state law now on the and Sylvia McCarthy, 719 W. moment later Udvari started to books. The East Hartford ordi­ said, "It would be suicidal for Can­ in Germany. He is the son of Mrs. ' Lot this modfm bonk bo "bonkinf haodqiiar- Anderson said the strike would has shown 33 million Americans to' It is easier for parents to make for 20 patients. From Tts small ada and the United States not to Middle Tpke. The busincstvmeeUng be allergic to one or more every­ a flat rule—"No, you can’t date run with the man after him, the nance refers to children under 18' John S'hanahanS-hanahan of Meaisive that our ability never has been ni.y public disclo- uiay arise.”• / , of the Hall Memorial Library hs^ officialn of the CIO Communica­ tary, Cynthia Joyce; treasurer,' Several hours after making the •k Swiss Miss k Mother Hen’s Holiday ultimately to prevail may be open announced the following books re­ mation Bureau, which keeps active SCRIPT WRITER FINED of personal freedom. . Directors aure of the strength of Britain’s Alexander raid Uie active tions Workers o f America says the Kenneth Bennett; chairman of first report, Udvari. in the eve­ cently have been' acq-, lred by the files on almost every national non­ Bridgeport, April 30 (8h—Gordon Helen Fitzpatrick, Matthew Pat- to grave question." armed forces liPld for home duty strength of thc.B iitiaii armed union may strike "at any time” Christian Faith Commission, Sue ning. telephoned the police again . E X T R A ! C^ole said a 100 per cent defense llbrai-y: "Rainbow On the Road,” profit organization that rails on on, Harry Flrato, and Everett but Prime Mini.ster Oiurchill told .services, is now olxxit 845,000— against the Bell Telephone Sys­ Brown: chairman of Christian Auchincloss II; 36, script writer for and stated that he had just been WdlMHsmii's against aasault is impossible but American donations, about fout’-’^il- the HMdle F i^ e r television show , ssnmsin w \ Parliament recently "we haven’t "one in every 60 of our total popu- tem. Witness Commission, Janet W hit­ thrrtitened once more. Kennedy supforted the idea. a strong defense would "inflict lion dollars went into helath, nil- was fined $200 in Superior Court TH E THREE STOOGES a single cotnbatanl division in latlQii.” Of thc.se. 300.000 ar* con- John L. Crull. CW A vice presi­ ney; chairman of Chrlatisn Out- ^ This time, Udvari said, he had Mayor Bowers said .vesterday such losses on raiding formations tiire, veteran, welfare, youth, for­ Yesterday. He wav convicted of IPllMCChfel these islands.” scripLs and the lenaindcr regular dent. said yesterday in a state­ reach Commission, Gail Steven­ been tjvpeatened through a tele­ there has been, some opposition to than an enem.v will in all probabil­ eign afd and international relations n ^ ig e n t homicide ir connection efilistcca. * ment: son; chairman of Christian Citi­ phone call from a man he believ­ ___as.wsnsmi>—ksinaaiws COME EARLY FOR THIS MG SHOW the curfew and he said Mayor ity be dissuaded . . . and be kept Icrom a military point of view coffers last year. with^the highway death last Jan. CTTs.—-* -:i t|ij IJ Torpey's visit may dispel some of this is a highly un.satisfactory^ "W e are still seeking peaceful zenship Commission, Cynthia pun- Most of that money, the NIB re­ ed to be the same one who two from dealing us a mortal blow." settlements, even though contracts lap; and Co-Chairmen of Chris­ 2 of Ne.Lson Sturges. 82-year-old Shown nt 3:IO->6:30-9;SO the objections to it. New defense weapons, Cole said, h dte of affairs,” Alexander said When Quiz Master Bob Hawk ported, came from public and cor­ retired firm er. Police said Auchin- in a speecii to the an,Dual niecting have expired in some places. How­ tian Fellowship. Kenneth LaCoss PLUS? "TrMBLEWlSED’^ The parental responsibility include guided missiles, rocket- n.skcd a contestant to "name KEITH'S AGREE WITH LEADING FURNITURE STORES poration subscription. Today, the dloss’ car Struck Sturges as the of the Regular Fo.'ces Eniploy- 8or.)ething neginning with the let­ ever. this situation can't go on and Richard Jenkins. The publicity Bureau says, philanthropic organ­ with clause makes a parent who fails carrying jet interceptors and latter cro.ssed highway in Ridge­ ,,'"to exercise reasonable diligence" "small • scale atomic weapons )T)ent Asan. ter M which yo)i will need to make forever. for the Youth program is in izations—with their buildings,, capi­ field. Aiichinclos.4 claimed he waa Andie Miirph.r-I^rln Nelson "W e are not ruling out the pos­ In controlling his child subject to specifically designed for the inter­ " It is mv aim ther<;f(^e to l)uild mayonnaise,” tho girl answered, charge of Miss Ann StUson. tal and endowments — are large i i-nabie to see Sturges until the Shown'*at * I :~45'^^‘'^ :20 ___ sibility ef a strike at any time.” a maximum fine of $500 or a six ception of enemy aircraft.” up a mobile strategic- reserve in "Mother.” —John Crosby in New Parents of the .\-oung people and enough to stand side by side with ! last moment because the man was The union is in dispute with the Sun.: The Naked Jungle— irontha jail sentence, or both. this country available and read.v. 'York Herald Tribune. their friends are invited to the in­ America's major, industries. wearing dark clothep. The State American Telephone and Tele­ stallation service on Sunday eve­ By comparison, the Hay Fever chaiged Auchincloss 'v^'as speeding. graph Co. and'-lts subsidiary com­ ning. A social hour with refresh­ Fund is small, even for the job of Strategic Reserve panies over demands for an un­ eradicating ragweed from the na­ There's No Chair Like A ments will follow this serrfee. Let­ TELEVISION 6 9 lOL L", ,'J", y/'i Seek to Establish specified wage increase and com­ ters of invitation have been writ­ tional landscape. But as one more pany-paid medical and surgical ten to all the the members of the caller following the Community Needed by Britain benefits. Senior High School DepcrtmenCof Chest, Red Cross, polio, cancer and Rosemary Clooney Costello’s Income ' Contracts now under discussion hundreds of other fund-raisers, the SAVE EVEN the Church School and the M YF, PROGRAMS London, April 30 Defense Include one between Western Elec­ inviting them to this important Hay Fever Society believes it's not MANC-HESTER ' " T H E S T A R S New York, April 30 (/P)—The Minister Ix)rd Alexander said to­ a job to be—er—sneezed at. IF hartfordB r.'.t MORE I ^ tric and 17,000 tfitmbers of the meeting. ' #/ jVIdeo Everyday— AH Rights Reserved— H. T. Dickinson A fJa, Inc. government produces Its I'JOth day he plans to foriii a strategic CWA who install heavy equipment The young people are holding ARE SINGING witness today In the trial of gam­ army reserve in Britain "aa spon In 43 states and the District of final rehearsals for their annual B o ltO n N cTtH flTfPi/tSO/V bler Frank Coatello, accused of as we can be relieved of some of Columbia. A bargaining session dramatic presentation of "Take ‘Lefty’ Brav Sells Glenn Ford. Diana Lynn evading $73,437 in income taxes our world wide commitments." Potentfd ^ was held here yesterday, with the Care of My Little Girl. " a three- • » from 1946 to 1949- A t present Bi-itain'a armed talks slated to resume today. act coihedy to be presented in 2 TOP “A” HITS " P L U N D E R A t the end of yesterday's ses­ forces aie spread .so thin that no Crull said a strike vote among Cooper Halt ..on Saturday. Hay 8. Red Sox Diigoiit sion in Federal 0>urt, the prosecu­ regular, formations are being held the installers was "almost unan- Tickets are still available for ’this OF THE SUN" PkinHin9^4rips to Hio tion had presented 119 witnesses • Imously in favor of a walkout," annual productioii by the Renior b • a c h this siimmor? In the four-week-oid trial. Most of The installers' contract with The Center Billiard Parlor, xv .... Youth of South ChUfi’h. known to sports fans as The Red' ANDOLPH SCOTT them have been tradesmen, bar.> Western Electric expires Sunday. Sunday. May 9, Miss Naomi Moko your holidqy m ort hers, shop clerks and accountants, Officials at A. T. A T. and West­ Sox Dugout; at 499■ I Main St:, has Foster, graduate of Manchester ^en sold, by Stanley "Lefty” Bray, complote with o handy, relating how Costello spent his PAINT i: 4r THURSDAY ern Electric had no immediate High School and now studying at W dingSAaiffwi money. The government seeks to comment on the union statement. who has operated it for many dandy Motorola port- G E T 'IT A T i i •A'FRIDAY ^ the University of Connecticut, will j'ears, to John E. Denihan for hfifARWKWCOLOW! show that Costello , lived on a ♦ ■ be the guest speaker. .Mias FoMar ^tanek I ablo rodio. scale beyond his reported Income. W. H. ENGLAND I $5,000, an instrument filed today SHOWN 1Q:S0 MEDICINE REPLACES JAIL who is a returned missionary from MANSFIELD An attempt to link the "C. Neosho, Mo. CMLXE ED'S rtJN CLUB account. and Mrs. Qrmand West in Bolton lion bottles are sold,—full. '-:-Ed Hatch Miss Takata said the did not re­ Adrtrliltd in S:IS <, •) SILL'S f'AMTOONS Opon Evoflingt Until 8:30 GARAGES Center. This outing will take the Bob HOPE *:M ( 1-41) HCnVIlY DOUPV TIME MONDAY through FRIDAY member what she told him. Srnturdmy Evening fortn of a welcome for eighth 4:44 (U) TOWN CBTEB , The witness alsp said she • Ho amtk d ow s.lf) psy isi Ns«. 4:44 9 4) THIS 18 VOL'R WOBLft NO-IRON PUSSE MIN'S REG. S9c Pnti, Lilt, Bett^ graders who will enter the Fel­ -r-v-n 1 J O A N F o m M N E -.pbuldn't remember what she told a • $ yn. ta p »f . . . losy •• on* .cS4> NEWS AT AOt—P.tr Etoocr PERSONALIZED Treasury Department agent about • Clisl«| of 54 ttylst a sitst SHORTY PAJAMAS SHIRTS A SHORTS Homes & Cardens, lowship next fall and a farewell PLUS (S3^). JUDY SPLINTKBS— TONIBHT St 6:45 the' florist acccuint when he qiieii- • A6 hs* o—8)y • • • $M)J foe Seu' Yorker Wliol sits slioir do for Sempra who will be graduatfng —Shirley Dinsdslr , FLOORS. Inc. wsorT'T))* lorcatowefH it' from high school in June. <41) BOSTON BLACKIHf •29 Main St. — TeL B0^8-928g tioned her in the tl- S. Attorney's Coot and »o comfortable Cap jleeve shirts, size lb \ ■ 2 TECHNICOLOR HITS —Kent Taylor / to 46, Sanforized gripper bull) far tolls, msdiwsis, 4:U CM) THE EABLY SHOW offlcc. ' with pretty trim ol eyelet. 'DIABIO':. .Mn grystal T/ic I r o n Federal Judge John F. X. McCo- shorts. 4o wro yoo fot • "Drputv Manhsl" ^ < •-*» TV SOCNDSTAGE— atlI ntic coast Elaiticized. Size- S„ M., L or hozer shorts, ,30 to 44. (orrKt Rt. tviry shadow / ‘MILLION DOLLAR C4D JOLLY OKNE „ The Almightv Dollar” hey sustained a defense objection I M I hiawsW a »s.. MosiJss, toss. School Lafelcria i o v k <441 WFATHEBMAN—Bill Martin to introduction of ledger sheets G 4:t4 (45) SPOKTB—BUI Keating (44) OCR MISS BROOHS MERMAID" —Eve Arden showing purchases In the "C. BALLROOM e o r u p o b t i Al'DIE MURPHY Children under 12 Free folloBrs: 1940 to 1949, $1,657 for SPORT j have been included in the town'a T IR E C O . AobPrt Cunv haircutg, 'shaves and manicures; ^ P A I N T Saturday Show Starts kt Doak 1949, $4,000 for floor coverings; These* famous Loungers are exclusive with Keith in Man­ : Social Security plan retroactive to Gimraatced -O Sun.: "The Mad Magirlati” (1$)' CHANCE or A UrETIME 1946 to 1949, $657.03 worth of oil SHIRTS chester . you’ll find it extremely worthwhile to drdp in j July 1, 1952.. according to the con-: 1 RE-CAPS —Denftli jaiDM SPEGIAL! MODERN DANCING *TH E IRO.V GIX)VE" STARTS SUNDAY aa low as'" TO BK AKNOtNrrrn to Coatello's.- Sands Point, Long j troller’i office which made pay- (54-51) PEBSO.Y TO PERSON Island, home. REG. SI .59 and see them. .lust sit in one . , . relax . . . you’ll agree it’s "From Here Tci Eternity" »7.»6 —Edward R. Hurrow mier- one of the best investments you ever made! We have therri 1 ment for the group toda.v. CHILDREN ‘ vtewing I W-ben Social Security waa RUSS C O L E 1 New tni)ltmdi l8H|ect Hli|M)riiunil A m plus "G U N F U R Y ”— Teick Broad -8$. ( 4) GREATEST' nOHTS OF ^ >COU) DICE!. d m Gal. ’ •IIAX TV in an unusuall.v large .showing, in tape.stries, plastics, modern adopted here originally, some PboBg. t h e CENTIRY Miles City, Mont. oPf—When the fabrics and rich Boucles . . . in a wide price range to su.iC* 1 doubt existed as to whether the MI-9-U24 —Ixnile-Menn. Feb. J3. 1534 (41) SPORTS PARADE * mercury sank to 39 below zero, every budget. - ' ' cafeteria employes-could qualify. —Gerry Mealy pUnt peeled o ff a Miles City motqr e An Colors , I The employers portion of the 4:44 < 4) SPOBTSCOPE-Syd Jaffek 11:4 (4) I LEI) tMBKK UVKS firm's '(?'8ple.y sign. Beneath the e Interior and Exterior Social Secunty payment for the Sunday (5541) UkiAlIVNK EUlMON (44) n w S AT ELEVEN paint.^the sign showed a pair of GRANTS OWN (41) SPUBTS-Gerry ItealT Pete Stoner GARDEN SALES j period from Jan. 1 to the present 4:W ( 4) WEATHER rOBBCAST "iiONUOHT MOVIES dice, aymbol'c o f the name of the 31$ Oakland SI.-^MI-t-*406 'SUMMIT' COTTONS .-was'made from the cafeteria fund IN w Y t SA T U R D A Y 4:U I 4JL WORLD NEWS ItlDAV (41) f in a l e d it io n owners—August and Lets Dice. Comfort cool open/ weave. Barcaloungers patented "Floating Comfort” cradles your ; and not from the special fund set A L S O Y K A (55) ABKA NEWS—SPOBTS —Ray Drury • High rounj. tubfast cottons Tailoied to fit, wash-safe body in any position from sitting to reclining. The bacH, (55) LOCAL NEWS—Fred Dwyer 11:14 '• !’ 2'KATHER-John QulU . ! up for that purpose and financed RAND PRIZE WINNERS! (51) WORLD .NEWS 11 :U 04) THE LATE SHOW in exclusive Grants prints' white, fast colors. Sizes seat and leg rest arc .s.vjichronized . . . adjust automatically by taxes. 444 (55) CRL'SAORR RARRiV —"St^et Scene " and wonderful solid colors? small, medium, large. to any position you wish. May we suggestthat one will make The cafeteria fund is made up of T:44 (4) PEKSONALTIES IN THE (ft) ELEVENTH HOCB MOVIB Coming tooBiiiaci ( S) BADGE Ne. 714 profits from the operation of NKW3 a most welcome gilt for Mother’s or Father’s Day . . . and (55-55) CAPTAIN VIDB» Webb i school cafeterias. The retroactive (Cl) WEATHER f 8) ITYnTfEBY THEATEB you can use our Lay-a-way plan for delivery whenever you MIDIE MURPHY THURSDAY, MAY i AfSicniiadiii«aai... —"Inrlilble Killer” We'ye Moved! portion of the employer’s pay­ ' 7:45 (51) NEWS DESK 15^15 Reg. 1.19 Rosebushes wish. Priced from ment, howevej'. was made from 15- 7:14 ( 4) PCIAE OK THE CITY (51) NIGHTCAP EDITION (U) JOHN OALY—News " —Fred Dwyer I ' the special Social Security fund. SikiwiUMdliea. (U> MARGE AND JEPR lSi74 (45) PRKV1IE8 } Fine sairartmrht of jumbo bushes inrifiding ram­ DMIDORYEA 1:14 ( 4) NEWS It is exp«cted that profits from (41) HIUHLir.HTS blers, all the popular rotors. Sturdy 2-year-oId .running the cafeterias will con­ Th« Fr«sh T:U (14) WEATHERVANE —CaveU Jobert OUR field grown will bloom this year. . tinue to pay the employer's share .. Jaaaamm’t Daytiaie Highlights SUSAN CHBOr^^ Approoch 7:44 ( 441) EDDIE FISHER BROW 15:44 ( 41 RIG TOP in' the future, relieving som'e Rve (5844) POLOLA* EDWARDS aad ’ S>44 ( 4) BASEBALL -- Ysak* - a tew or six hundred dollars in tax bur. tiM news lanA ABBE LANE of tho ^ .V (55) Tins IS TRR UKE den a year. ItU < 441) NEWS CARAVAN — John ««* <“ > «AMPIONBmP WRBSV. Plus An AU-Lfiff Comedy Cameron Bwayse NEW LOCATION FHIIOOENDRON I I;U (54) EENTCCKT DERBY J. '14) PERRY COMO BROW (14) YANKER DOINOBr-DoreUiy 139 Potter WALL BRACKET 4:44 ( 4) MAMA-Pegjnr Wood ’ For Sports Eqaipmoat (44) TV TREATA (45) THE BIO nCTCBB Liberal Keith - Budget Terms (U ) THIS IS TRR I88I)B 441) OAVR OARBOWAY SHOW Nassiff ArmsCo. Complete —Moste- (rarlety ebow I 1' Elcaser Fariier Slerlies Haydn t-M I Sm>^Un.OP RILEY—WllUam SorvbiD CowMctieut 50 CharlUi^ rfcyUt Kirk - "Smokoy Joo" 'Tylor V I n i n g Philodendron "NAKED "CRIME (44) TOPPKB-atarrlng Am Jef­ IOISTmA ii Sf. One of the featured acta ap- freys ■ • ptonted In a white plaatir JUNGUS" I WAVE" COnA^ STR^T pot. nested In a hand- pearlag wtlh-Westcra Caravaa Trek. S:U ' Bome ropper bracket; all j with r V * ' hi far &7c.* . . I 'Saterdajr 1 p:m. ••$ M^arUrn" "HEIDI"- JAM aad BAR.N DANCE CAVErS RESTAURANT Carteesi — leek/ Lass' Mm w b A ti - Press and. PubUc. ’ " -'-y SAM DONAHUE 2:«9-«i65-t:U /fe i tti s ORANGE HALL DANCING Thursday Fridcy. Soturdoy •aa.. "TM MM Maciciaaf mat A t tegular prieas. "W U to UarntT W. T. GRANT CO .1 8 7 ^ TOMORROW . m s M.MN ST 0Pi»0SlT£- » JH i. HOOL y H S*TsW OkU^Ma'^^ t m - a m 45 EAST CENTER STREET JONN^N BRBTHERS ' Adnllt Ub-iChlldrcHi M e / l ■ 815 MAIN ^TREETr-MANCH ESTER e l e c t r ic a l CONTRACTING — TEL. MV3-C227 . /• / :;\V ■ V , ■ r . ■■■■■■ ..".V

M:;. V v i l . ./ P A G E F W m X MANCHESTF-R EVENING UERAU). MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, APftlL 3Q, 1954 MANCTEs Ve R e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 195^ PAGE FIVB art, English, history, mathematics, ♦ Rock viile-V ernon |Probe^ Study [ Revue Director French Airmen Dickenson Case ’ religion, Romance Languages, and to all jiememakara on tha prapara- in the physical sciences ahd the WOCX>-UM WHAT—eis St* John’s (ahurch Styles and Foods tion of meala.- a> % ‘WI Held Contemptible philosophy of acience. WDRC—ISM Daily Radio WOTH>‘-141S A nursery will be provided for ASHES - RUUISH Youth Killed in Explosioni Changes in Ike In U. S. Planes The intern’s teaching assign­ I Ifii**** Omitting Services Sky watch Schedule Program Theme pre-school children, aged 3 to 5. at ment 'ivlll be from one-half to two- Brill* 1 WKMB—e u Eriritem BUadard TIbm w n c — IM S a nominal fee, Q>ffee and donuts REMOVED (Ooatlaned frwi Paga Om ) thirds of normal duties. 'The rest wilt be served at'9:30. QittiUi] Saturday,' May 1 Abw Top ^ i l For S«1« Home Progr^ Pound Rebels of his internship will be devoted N o aervicea will be held Sunday "Pashiona and Fooda" will be 'The' Honiemakera’ group has Body Is Thrown 12 Feet acbuaed of informing on two The foUowtiif program achaduiaa .S :l»- Midnight 2 -a .m. . . . . t..... Dick Fi'osch, Gordon Pemeroy to assistance . and guidance froip m WHAY—Brlalol Pollih Home In St. John’s Polish National the theme of the final program In been Invited on W edne^ay morn­ CALL MI.3-7444 POWs. Gaither of Philadelphia and leading teachers ln*trts field, sem­ are supplied by the radio manage- WTIC—Thomaa Dodd 2 a. ni.— 4 -i. m...... Volunteers Needed (Continued from PnfO One) (Continued from Pag* One) Martin ChtiateruMn of Hammond, > ...Im I i Ms • WDRC—L«st Peraona Catholic Church, 23 Golway St. the YW C A series of Homemakers’ ing. June 2, to the home o f Miss RockvUle. April 30 iSpecial)— inars on good teac'hlng procedure, meiUa and ara subject to change 4 a. m .-6 a. m...... Leonard Rarkoavski, J. Leber Ind. Vtmi Wg ’T’H—C ounterapy The rector, the Rev. Stephen S. 6 a. m. 9 a. m. . .. Holiday programs, to be held on MilHcent Jones in Bolton. Coffee and continuation of hia own gen­ without noUca. ' / rstsa- ...... Volunteers Needed will be served, and there will be a Rofcr L. Fontaine. 1®, was killed ■ peared headed for either drastic >ra Commando unita during the A 'Verdict of Innocent was di­ ... helf Ilk* • Stryjewaki, a number Of the of- 9 a. m.—-N o o n ...... Roland Morin, Ci>'ril Banka Wednesday morning. May 5. at Roger L. Fontaine eral education.' 4:#l- ♦ • / WHAY—Medicine Fight tour of the gardens and green­ N yesterday afternoon iii an explO-: revision- or a pigeonhole in the night to destroy Vletmlnh gun rected off the Christensen charge •Kasw WTIC—Mualc for. Faith firera and members of the church Noon- -3 p. hi...... Vplunleers Xeeded 9:30. at the Community ’Y ’ Build- A senior member of the Wes­ WHAY—New*; Polka Hop house! There” will be an oppor­ emplcgements and arms depots on WCCC—Record ItcTvi*. 1 W D RC—A rth u r Godfrey Oigoac will go to New Britain for serv­ 3 p. m.—6 p. ni.^ . .. . ^...... Volunteers Needed in. Featured will be an exclusive RANG! aion which occurred in the body j Banking Committee. arid the defense maintained the leyan faculty will be appointed No, 2M , WGTH—Take a Number tunity for people to see the re­ the rlnK of the • Dien Bien Phu prosecution had praaented . "no yVKNB—Yankee* v*. Indian* ices at the church there. 6 p. m.— 8 p. m.“ ...... Volunteer* Needed showing of the ca.sual Craftwear 1 V I) hhop^opemted by his father In the i Bn Barks Briekrr coordinator o f the Internment C*rV* Ittfint W T IC —B a c K * l* t* WU* 8:48- sults of the* suggestions for spring jileln. Iir\Ute fast strikes, the evidence whatever" to subatan- W HAV—Toni A nlen The occasion is the first visit to 8 p. ni.— 10' p. m...... Volunteers Needed dresses, made in. Old Albuquerque, Sen. Bricker (n-Oliio), a com­ program starting in September. WDRC—Record gSop, ‘ WTIC—Mtialr for Faith planting made by Miss Jones in FUEL OIL rear 81 Union S t, while his ' raiders tiroke through Vietminh tiate the Gaither accusation.. ^ V ^T H -R ed Sox ya, Whit* Box Connecticut of the presiding Bish­ IQ p. m.— Midnight ...... *Jo::eph 'larcin N. M. Complementary hata and mittee member, said in an Intei-T The Fund for the Advancement $K).95 i WDRC—Arthur Oodirey Digeat her talk at the April program. De­ brother yf^a outside the shop. The lines and captured a number of Gaither awe re he had been call­ WGTH—Take a Number op Leon Prochow.ki, successor to Voltintecrs may register at Civi. Defen.se Headquarters, Munici­ bag* will also be shown. The view he was "definitely opposed!’ of Education is an ' independent WHAY—New*; Polka Hop the Most Rev. Francis Hodtir. tails will be announced at a later GASOLINE youny man was dead on Arriv#! at.' prieoners for questioning.. In ed to Chinese headquarters arid i t:aa- pal Building. Manchester on Mondays, VVedhesdiys and Friday! dresses .are fashioned Ironi sturdy to any continuation of the depres­ WCCC-Record Revu* WHAY—Nite Watch founder and 'spiritual jiead of the date. the a ty HoS^tal. Dr. Roy C- Fei». earlier rieehes IK. the critical beaten for planning an en:ape corporation eatablisheil and sup­ WKNB-^Y.nkee* \‘». Indian* from 1-5 p. m. Civil Defense Telephone Number MI 9-9068. but nttractive Dan River dejilm in sion-spawned home repair pro­ ported by the Ford Foundation. WTIC—Phil Hart Hi Allea Fa y. denomination who died laM year. fuson said the y^uth suffered head northwestern sector^ the French after Dlclianaon had been queatlon- WTIU-Btella Delia* I WDRC—Arthur Godfrey 28 different colors, and come In gram, now running at an annual WDRC—Record Shop Father Stryjewaki was ordained JOYS OF J.ML PROMOTFJ) and face injurie.s. . ed by the Reds a few days before. WGTH—Newa; Sport* regular and half sizes. This part of I'.lte of alx)u,t one billion dollars. Union forces reportei^kllllng at ^ WGTH-Red Sox v». White Sox 8:18— by him in Scranton. Pa., in 1935. contemplated and ia expected to pound St. Bernard’s dash .in front BANTLY OIL 8 :ia- the program will be presented by Hartford. Conn. (Sy -Police Court It ■was reported 'that the youth Sen. Bush (R-Conn), al.so on the St 70 VietmtnK aoldiev:^. In a statement Dickenson al­ 1 WHAY—Nile Watch WHAY—New*; Potka Hop WTIC—Phil Harris-Allc* Fay. Contractor John R. Wennergren greatly change the appearance of of a car has brought a $10,428 the Children’s Services of Con­ Judge Nicholas F. Rago sentenced I mil’ , iM . was apparently attemptinlr to committee, has indicated he feels jetup In the slashing rrtonaoon legedly made shortly‘ after bis re­ WCCC—Becoro Mavue take the top off a mptal drum patriation, ths former POW ic- W D R C —A rth u r Godfrey has begun operations on the new the front of the building. damage suit against the dog's necticut. ''x two vagrants to W days in. jail with : '! M - i;n t.l the same wn.y. rains xhat hit earlier this 'Week WKNB—Yahkeea v*. Indiana WGTH—Dance Mualc entrance steps of the church, and which had contained abti-freeze knowledged following a pro-Com- WTIC-Wldder Brown owners here. A man and wife .A t 10:15, Miss Betty Gasaette of this rem ark; Capeliart said he might agree providedsthe main respite for'UiS WpRC—Rtconl Shop It Is expected the work will be DOO WRECKS CAR say the dog .caused the wreck in TEL. Mitchell 9--I59S mixiure.mixture, wnenwhen ine^the^ exiiloSlpn"'expjosion woc- Dlen Biert\Phu garrison, since. n ^ i s t line beginning years S & ’ ■fvHAY—Nite Watch the, Connecticut State Extension "You don’t have to sleep out in to continue the presvut loan level , WGTH'-Red Sox v*. White Sox WTIC—Can You Top Thla completed before Sunday. May 9. which they were Injured. The dog curred. His broth*f Jian, 18. salld sail French war\planee could again >^ter hla capture. The statement 8(48— . Service will talk on "Time Versus the cold. It’s nice and warm up at but only if lenders are made part­ W D R C - T h a t’a R ich This improvement has been iong Yakima, Wa.sh. (iP) 200- was killed. TEL ROCKVIILE 5 2177 he WM outside^ the' buil&irlinit K. take to the elrN, said Dickenson underwent "cruel WHAY—Newa; Polka Hop WGTU—Onale and Harriet Money." Thera w^ll be suggestions the jail. They have TV and cards.’ ’ ly responsible for loan defaults.' W C ^ —Record R evue. when his brbthe^rs body w*as Victor Morelli and brutal treatment” In a Red *:U- He said also the law should he Badly needed plane technlci Qn.ee^ StanvpA. WKNB—Yankee* v». Intfian* WHAY—Nile Welch blon-n about 12 feet across ihd changed to dra.stlcally restrict the ,i., were reported on thi In- ■ WXIC—Wom»n In Haul* WTIC—Can You Top Thla shop. W id o w s at the rear of the loans to "legitimate ” home repair formerly manager dochina from North Africa'^today. WDRC—Record Shop WDRC—That * Rich . r- shop w tfe also shattered. WCTH—Red Sox v*. White Sox WiiTH-Onale and Harriet work, and not swimming pools of the State Theater, will be direc- Ground crewmen of /the 14th /* 1*4— « 18:88- The/battered drum was found \ nd tennis courts as witnesses I tor of the-"Myticettea Springtime French Air Fleet embarked from Wesl^an Besins WHAY—Weitern Caravan W H A Y —N it . Watch In t ^ building with one end blown WCCC—Record Revue W TIC-Fibber. Mblly fe.stlfied some loans were tised. | Revue.’’ to be presented in the Dekarouba Naval Base In Tunisia, WKNB—New*; Bporl*. 0^ and the other with a hole burn- Given On C.O.D. Deliveries WDRC—Newa; Capitol Cloak Room Capehart. disclosed yesterday auditorium of the Verplanck a report from IWiiia aald. T^achin^ Program WTIC—Juit Plain Bill W G TH —F Ig h u P tHI D8IU’ THAI OOiS IVilTWHUI . . . ANO OOH IVOnriNHIOl ta by the acetylene torch, which that a bank in Pittsburgh, Colontal j School Friday, May 28. at 8 p.m The technlciMs will service W D RC —Newa ^was, found nearby, badly twisted. W G TH —Ja c k Downey ** vJ h a y —N )t* W atch Trust, had made loans under the , Before coming to Manchester, American Cpnaln recently turn­ *C**kl*« >:1S— ^ llc t believe that fumes In the WTIC—McCarlhy-Army Hearing program in Michigan. Florida. Morelli had many years of exper- ed over to/lhe French and flown Middletown. Conn. — A grant for Cviki** Intel** WHAY—We.terh Caravan WDRC—Newa; Capitol Cloak Room / barrel niay have Ignited causing Sotith Carolina and other states | ience m theatrical woi;k In Danbury here from the U. S. Aircraft car­ of $30,500 from .the Fuitd for the MatatarttI W CCC—Record Revue WGTH—right* the explosion. Police Capt. Peter rier Saipan. The Ooraaira already Advancement of Education will WKNB--Ba*eball Rraueal Halinet Utsa- J. Dowgewica is conducting the ith no apparent way of checking [and Bristol, and In ttia'motion pic- M WTIC—Front Page FarraU WHAY—Nile Watch Carol Dennerley. \Vemon, MlM oron the credit standing of b o r-: ture business while in the employ ar^th action. support the eatablishment. of a WDRC—Record Shop WTIC—McCarthv-Army Hearing investigation. W G TH —Ja c k Downey • , Agnes Woods, Miss D^bby KloterN KloteT’^ rowers. ro ^ ; of Warner Brothers. A few months teaching program at Wesleyan WDRC—Mood* for Romance Roger L). Fontaine was born In RANGE I FUEL OIL l;sa— WGTH—Fight* Susan Peters.' Jane Mason, Mrs. HAIRCUT COMES EARLY ' University. Montreal,. Canada. Noy. 21. 1934. XAbother key Eisanhower recom- he resigned aa iMnager of the WHAY—Hall of Recorda U;48— Ellen Robinson. Mrs. Antoni N. Salisbury, Mo. — Ddnald The internment program is de­ WCCC—Record Revue » WHAY—Mt* Watch a son o f John and Rita Gagnon mendatlonmM< headed for skeptical State and Circle Theaters and WKNB-Ba*eball Renueat Haiine. Sadlak; Wiillngton, Mrs. Gporge Cllckner, son of Mr. and Mrs. signed to encourage and speed WTIC—McCarlhy-Army Hearing Fontaine. Besides his parents he study wrould set up a brand new bought out/ the short order restau­ W T lC —Lorenxo Jo n .a WDRC—Mood* for Romanc* Wallis.’ Charles Cllrkner, was bom with the development of new college WDRC—Memory Lane leaves his brother. Jean and two progrant-pffering a 100 per cent rant business, fornlerly conducted WGTH—Fight* such a heavy head o f hair he had teachers. LEONARD'S WGTH—Wild BUI Hickok sisters, Joscljm and Veronica.' all Mrs. Anna Mae Witaakl of New FHA-guarmteed loan for single- by Waller Hennequin, and known The BOLAND OIL CO. 11 ;M— Britain will be the commentator. aa the Comer Soda Shop on Main to have a regular barbershop hair­ Seven young Instcuctora . with W H A Y —Nite Watch of this city. The family had lived family homekveoating 87,0004or ' SHOES WHAY—Hall of Racorda WTIC—J-Rlng New* There'will be 25 door prizes chief less in slum clearance neighbor­ at Blasell Streeta. cut before he was a month old. little or no teaching experience WL.'CC—Record Revu* W D RC—Newa In thia city for about five years. 881 Main Bk.—Manchester WKNB-B**eball Requeat Marine* among which will be a $10 credit hoods. The 'repbjmtent period Mrs. Bessie Farris, president of Donald sat on his father’s J|ap will start a year’s internship at TEL. MltehiS ^i320 W G TH —New* The funeral will be held tomor- ■ WTIC—Pay* to Marry 11:18- Now filifrfng, ^ w at 8:15 a. m. from the Burke donated by the Cramtr Fashion would run 40 years. ■ Mystic Review, No. 2, Woman’s and endured the operation in grim Wesleyan this. September. They WDRC—Maa»y. Tilton WHAY-»-Nlle Watch alienee. J roiMd«d cuffi FOneral Home and at St. Ber­ Center. Bricker asked: Benefit Assn., who for years has will teach in the departments of WGTH—Wild Bill Hickok W TIC—World Newa. License Deadline N«ara been interested in the work of the WDRC—Radio Almanac nards; Church at 9 a. m. Burial "In view o f what’s been''[tiappen- WHAY—Newa WGTH—Sporta will tie in St. Bernard s Cemetery. Today is the final date for driv­ ing to 80 and 90 per cent Fi^-in- Junior Review, is chairman of the WCCC— floor of an F H A loan. elected, as follows: President, # Carnations # Daisies G Lupine, Etc. WTIC—Three 8t*r Extra Illinois business men ia planning a George Kreh, Andrew Wnuk and o f a second building, is lea.sed Harry Roaener; vice-president, WDRC—Ixiw-ll Thomaa 100-houae subdivision and a 26-unit of thro pairs WGTH—Dinner Date Carlton Buckminster. f<^om the Shepard Realty Co. hnd Ralph Edwards: secretary, Marion motel. The reactivation of nearby of M ud Hosa Jack Shea will assist as install­ is u/ed for storsge by UAQ, Glide; treasurer, Arnold Fine; MOST PLANTS 35c ea* 3 for $1J)0 WHAY—Supper Serenade Ft. Huachuca as an electronic, ing sergeant-at-arms. Following Conn. Tufts (^liib Board of Directors. Paul Fletcher, WCCC—C.imn Evening Good Miialc proving grounds is expected to be a ' Coming' Events ~ WKNB- Evening Serenade the installation a buffet dinner will The Legion will hold a steamed Walter Fletcher, William I.«Grow, Laurel Music Camp Scholarship WTIC—Ro»« Miller boon to Tomlmtone business. The be served by the women’s chapter, clam and shrimp social tonight Bain[iiet Held Here Cedric Powers, Jr., I-esiie Sher- WDRC—Teim. Ernie. fort is expected to have 8,500 mili­ for after which thyre will he a pro­ I man. Allan Kinaella, Henry Jochim, QLADIOLI BULBS CHOICE MIX—D07. 65c WGTH—Fulton Lewi* tary and civilian personnel. at the Legion Home on West S:I8— Now (Ml*d podst* gram of entertainment and danc­ Street. : Stanley Osborn, Raymond Fay, • WHAY-Supper Serenade The annual banquet of the Con­ ing". The Cub \Pack of the Union Cheater Benoit, Eleanor Andrews, Benefit Concert Asparagus Roots 25 For $1.00; 100 For $3.75 W ere—Good Er'ening Good Muiie necticut Tufta Club was attended ;Carl Undatrom, Paul D. Pfanstiehl y .STRAWBEKRY PLANTS WKNB—Evening Serened* Andrew Binheimer has con­ Church w ilxi^ eet in the church by more than 70 m'e'mbers and I and Bruce MacDonald. WTIC—Ro«» Miller A LL KINDS tributed a bridge table to the club aocial rooms at 7:30 p. m. Presented Bv WDRC—Beulah '• :A guests at the Mancheater Country Among the Manrhester residents which vill be ^ven with the pro­ The Married Couples Club of * Budded Rhododendron • Azdoos WGTH—J. Vandercook ceeds going to the local Moose Club last evening. C. Elmore Wat­ attending were Mr. and Mrs. Paul t:Sa- f* Union Church held a food .sale at kins', accompanied by Miss Betty J. Anderson, Bruce MacDonald, * Howering Crab * Flowering trees * Shrubs WHAY—Supper Serened* . IGNS ..Lodge building fund. The g ift is the club social room.s today. Chaminade Musical Club WCCC—Good Evening Good Mualc Sonier, Winston, led the group in Mr. and Mrs. William Mounce, Dr. WT!C—Newa ol World • ifiyen in memory of deceased mem­ Members of 4-H Dairy Clubs * Evergreens * Privet Hedge * Fruit Trees EirS^IGN CO. bers of the local lodge and the late singing Tufts songs before and fol­ Bernard J. Sheridan. C. , Elmore WDRC—Svmphoneite will attend a county wide 4-H lowing the evening's program. 1 Watkins and Mr. and Mrs. Paul WGTH—G. Heatter MltchoD 3.8258 director general of Mooseheart. * Roses * Woodgord-Vegetoble and Hower Seeds T:4A- Another will be thrilled Dairy meeting tonight at 8 at the Prizes were awarded as follows; I D. Pfanstiehl. Luther Hall, Emanual Church WIIAY—Supper. Serenad* Repairs Planned Andover' Town Halt. Transplanted Lettuce, Cabbage ond Tomato Plants The Vernon Fire District Com­ for coming the greatest distance, WTre—On* Man'* Family ! h KlSws' Coundl, Dwree ,of Po- Betty Sonier;-Winston; representing P A W GIVE.S 8t!HOL.ARBHIP8 WDRC—E R Murrow _ mittee is making plans to improve ''cahbjtU* Wil) hold s' ?grocery so­ Monday Evening, May 3, 8:15 WGTH—Perry Como with M O JU D S Firehouses No. 1 and No. 2. includ­ esrliest class, 1904, C. Elmore ' FERTILIZERS AND INSECTICIDES 8 ;m - cial tonight in Red Men’s Hall. Watkins and Jerry Clifford; parent Hartford, April 30 (4b—Six WHAY Brlalni Pr.liah Horn* ing paint and other repairs. Fire­ w n c —Dinah Shor* riEGALBEVERWsl house No. 1 will receive two coats of newest prospective candidate for youth*, sons of Pratt A Whitney Soloists: / WDRC—lytai Peraona ^ At LOW PRICfM Here’.s your opportunity to give Mother Talrnttvillr Hem* are now han-, Tufts or Jackson, Dr. Bernard J. Aagrotv (irrrn Mantir Graa* Srrd fnr a LovHy Lawn of white paint,' with the broken Aircraft employe-*, have been WGTH—Coiinlerapy died through the Manrhester Eve- Sheridan. Bolton. two lovely gift.s without any additional w'lndows being replaced and the awarded scholar.^ips In engineer­ V ning Herald Rockville bureau lo­ President Harry Rosener intro­ Donna LaVista, pianist* guest artist co.st to you! Mojud Stocking.! are the blinds painted black. Firehouse No. ing or an allied scient'ea by the , * SP E C IA L ^AHhur Drug Storasl cated at One Market St., telephone duced Henry ’ ’Dutch’ ’ Jochim, Television Programs 2 the brick siding will be repaired. United Aircraft Corp. The award i a HOURS 8 A. M. to 11 P. M.a famous stockings she knows about and toastmaster; Grant Curtis, Director The committee which includes Rockville 5-3138. went to David E. Baldwin of Hall Charlotte Cray* soprano , E X TR A LARG E— Ka. On Page Two always wants. Mojuds have “Magic- of Admissions, and Roger Turking- MOUNTAIN UUREL $2.95 ■Pere.v Spicer. Le.riic Kiltie and | High School; Robert D. Gordon, ton, Manchester, a prospective can- Motion” extra “give” and .spring-back Maurice Fielding will receive bid* Glastonbury High School; Terry J. Irene Foster, contralto didate for the Parker W. Fair-' Chase, Suffield High, Edward J. right in the knit, which means they’ll or. the proposed work i ntil May 6. Trinity Offering banks scholarship, which the Con­ Orange Get-together Lamothe, HarUord Public; W il­ cling better and wear longer. necticut Tufts Club awards annual­ Selections by the Chamifiada'Chorus The Vernon Grange will hold a liam W. Smith. Jr., East Hampton WOODLAND GARDENS ly to a worthy Connecticut student. get-together tonight at the Grange Over 60 (loiirges High; and James F. Springfield, Vocal Trio — Instrumental Trio JOHN J. ZAPADKA Dr. George S. Miller, Dean of Ad­ East Greenwich High School. The 3 Pair $4 plus c o m Hall starting with a family pot- 168 W O O D LA N D STREET— TEL. MI-.3-‘8474 TREAT'S TREES 8 ." , ministration, who was the principal luck supper at 6:30. W'illiam Thrall scholarahlfs will provide tuition Hartford, Conn.. April 30 - More speaker of the evening, praised and laboratory fees plus $500 each Admission Free — Silver Collection. OPEN DAILY UNTIL 9 P. M. 30,000 UNDER Par Pair $1.35 )OT Vernon ’who recently returned than 60 different courses will be Manrhester as the source of many r year of study. after a 6-month visit in the Phil­ offered during the 1964 Trinity excellent students. He referred par­ CULTIVATION ippines will tell of his Impressions College Summer Session. ticularly to Dr. Peteraon, Tufts '92, and show some of Jils color slides A 16-page bulletin published by who was instrumental in urging C. 12 VARIETIES I following the supper. X t a later the college today Includes course Elmore Watkins to attend the col­ YEWS meeting of the Vernon Grange. offeringa’in the fields of econom­ lege and to the McKinney, Rc^effe » 1 Thrall will also give a talk. ics, education, English, fine arts, and Watkins families, each of whom BOLTON EVERRttEEN NURSERIES Fashion Mc^el* Named French. German, government, his­ have sent two generations of stu­ BOLTON CENTER ROAD AT DIMOCK LANE (fry -- Models have been selected for/ tory, mathematics, philosophy, dents to 'ibifts. TURN RIGHT VP THE HILL AT THREE “J'JI RE.STAIIRANT the fashion show; May 12. spori- physics, and psychology. The two Dr. Miller described Tufta broad Bored by the Tolland County Wom­ terms of the Summer Session wilt expansion program, stating that T ls s jc L J'W tniiuhsLl en's RepTHillcan club, as follows: be June 28-July 30 and Aug. 2- there ia more building going on to-; Andover. Mr%. Lawr'erree Sheehan; Sept. 3 day than at any other time in the Bolton Miss Irene . Gagliardone; Copies of the Summer Sessioa campus history.^In addition to new Coventry. Mrs. Hank Keene. Mi.*s Bulletin may be obtained by writ- j dormitories for men and women TAKE A SHORT RIDE TO Janet Reynolds: Hebron. Mrs. John ing or telephoning the Summer j and a new auditoriun], a separate Mother will /love this Beautiful Horton, Mrs. Stanley Nygrcn: El­ School Office at the College. building will be constructed for the lington, Mrs. Frank Cantpbell; - - 'use of the ROTC. Tufts is the only LONG SAVINGS....TRY Mansfield. Mrs. Arthur Schrader: Don’t use soap first, on a .lip -: small college In New England Somers, Mrs. itobert L. "Keenev. j sti^k or rouge stain, because' It | which has a traiqlng program for DRIRVQUEEN Jr... Mrs. Peter .‘'trekas; Stafford. ' may set the atatn. Rub the apot ' both. Air Force and Naval ROTC. The Mrs» Emma* Buchanan: Tolland. I with lard or vaseline, then wash In A slate of officers, pre.*enled by a Dacron/Blouse \ Mrs. Wm.'Simpson; Union, Mi*.* hot suds. - iC. Elmore Watkins, chairman of 'IW cfc] THE \ • Comfortable. pleading 1^- - • iCAUSft 1. Chl-Namal SUMR , Dacron Batiste material, ■ CoJne. . HOUII PAINT agiUla. with erfrilar IN aa.al 3. Cki-Nsmiil SUPiR HOUtI the non-hiilky fabric that PAINT t*** farthaH- 3. Chi-Naindl PlHlDKy igiyEEiMI „ - 4 - SUPIR HbUSi PAINT laita ka§afl 'DAIRV' does not bulge under the OPEN ROCKVILLE Chi-Namel Sup.ca Rouae PkiNT will Mother will adore ill giv. you even graatar protM:tion when lightest weight summer appHed over a coat ofSllPEa PaiMKR. TS-Stes B e t t e i '! Sup'tEB-PaiMERMal. the.urfaca, makea i t skirt. It Ls cool and with­ FOR YOUR BEST BUY a better foundation and aaaures much in RAYON SHANTUNG...with A longer paint life I f - out .see-through. Has em- llili NATIONALLY KNOWN LINES Uae R ubbertbeo Porcm- a F loor , Enamel for wood or cement floors "liroidered collar and bib both inside and out. It apraada easily, y . a fine crisp'silky finish! ADEQUATE STOCK - - BETTER SELECTION -withatand. heavy traffic andrapeatM front plus, sparkling ' acruhbingi. I FORMERLY TASTEE FREEZE) LARGEST STORE IN TOLUND COUNTY rhinestone tipped crystal ASK TO SIB OIMS OP COLOR” buttons. Easy wa.shing, NEWLY EQUIIM'EI) TO BK'n'KR We specialize in furniture ''only, and ara I Sizes 12 to 20.. CONES 1.98 no ironing, quick dr^’ing. SERVE YOU FROM THE FINE.ST known all over New England for our values OUTSIDE WHITE and 12!'2 .'to 22U1> and our quality. Ask your naigbor. Chances ANOTHER DAIRY QUEEN SALE AND MOST MODERN OF EOI IP- SUNDAES are, they too, are one of our many satisfied $6 15 GaL MENT. SOFT DRINKS HAVE BEEN customers. TODAY SHAKES The Versatilcr, that incomparable dre.ss that i.s all ADDED AND ALONG WITH OUR Chi’Namel TASTY VANILLA WE WILL AGAIN SOFT DRINKS Ths things to all women, in a slim new version, in an ex­ Specially SERVE CHOCOLATE EXCLUSIVE C P«P o x . citing new fabric! With all the wonderfully fine de­ PHONE Mi-9-5253 0 WITH US. THE SAME CLEANLI- PINTS tailing and workmanship that has made this dress P r i c e d NESS AND COURTESY WILL PRE- ‘YOU* STORE OF FRIENDLY SERVICE” . Buy ■ reinilAr heavy pack Dairy Queen pint or quart famous! Hand-washable! Perfect for Sprinjf-into- VAIL. QUARTS at the repolar price an4 receive your aecond Dairy Queen Summer wear! ■ & Heav>^ Pack (pint or quart) for ic per ounce. Co.Inc. See Your Package Weighed So l i d c o l o r s in powder blue, aqua, dusty pink.^ $ 2 * 9 8 Spring navy. i 20 UNION ST„ ROCKVILLE— PHONE ROCKVILLE S-2S34 BUILDING MATERIALS DAIRY FREEZE DAIRY QUEEN NO. 1 AN EXCLUSIVE MONOGRAM PR|NT in light g^ey," LUMBER FUEL 500 HARTFORD ROAD «tgdw S3.f 8 Q^nty MALONEY AND FERRIGHO* Propri«tora. '1)PEN FRIDAYS L'NTIL 9 P.M. mint and Spring navy., . . ' ' \ J r 336 N. MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER' , TEL. MI-9-52S3 43f CENTER $T. AT ADAMS 4MPLE PARKING OR ANY EVENING BY APPOINTMENT Open Daily 7 A. M. ta 6 P. M. InchidinK WedeeMlay • (• ______■ . ■ ' ' ■ Afternoons end Saterdays Until Noine DAIRY QUEEN NO. 2 307 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE / ^ ^ B u d Q V t It Y V '• Indeed'

^ " f ': 7

' MANCHESTER EVENIN(3 HERALD, MANCHESTER, C0NN„ FRIDAY, APRIL 80, 1954 ■ PAGE StX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1954 PAGE SEVEN ing Mrs. Roy L, pole of'Stoninctm iriAda ua wKai wa a rt, and k ept ua we do’owb something to such pal­ tractive appearance, the weather Hebron Hat Boyle J" MacArtliur Urges Lodge Liuids PTA was elected secoftd ■vice president. 0UttuhfBter . what wa art. Wa may, at tha and lid comfort aa we find behind the vane, recently added, making a de- Extended Forecast Engaged cldetl. Improvement. Other vice president* elected were: ot this ordeal, rhooaa to go on liv­ awnings, and. perhaps, spend an Attends Church Conclave U. S. to Be Strong At Slate Conclave Mrs. Laurence T. Small, Rock-! SvrnittQ ij^ralli ing by the values and traditions, afternoon producing such pallid Mansfielcl Man Mrs. Gertrude 'M. Hough \vas Boston, April 30 (4h—The tem­ TrelBs Mae Learns ville; director of the Middlesex Dig-: perature In New England during 4lh ANNUAL ART EXHIBIT trict, Mrs-. Frank Glyrm, Clinton; ; PUMUMUfeiO >Y riU( and freedoms we know.-Or we- may lines as these. Then, one day, we one- of those attending the 2$tb. fnm Af^ PRINTINU CO. IMC. annual meeting of the Connecticut the next five days *vill average Manchester,. N. H., April 30 (JT) WAterbury, April SO Gov. director North New Haven Di*- choose a brand of thing which, al­ forget to lower the awn'ngs, and — Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur today John Lodge says our.-aurvival a's a trict, Mr*. Thomas F. Oostello,j U Biaa^ Arcet Low Bidder on Fellowship of Congregational four, to six degrees abovho’a for a return to the sturdy New meditation; ih sumn\er siesta. ied her daughter, Mrs.^Gordon O. Some nonnals for the period are 86 LAKEWOOD CIRCLE SOITTH Mae Peeblis, America’s average B t the ball," said Trellis Mar ing se.ssion': of .the two-day 54 Lh Richard Grant. Hebron, and Wind­ ceptance from us. Bevin of Elut Hampton. Hampshire virtues of the past. annual ConVentll n of the Connecti­ ham District, Mr*. HBrol4'M. Mor- Avcnr Ibrotlnt fUccpt Hebron, April 29 —(Special) — a* follows; Bonton 53,_ Provldeme housewife, gnawed her ftngcrnallB '*5*' f®te". "But i at I itoUdays. Eattrul *t tht So we must hot be misled by our Scout Festival Slated 53, N antucket 48, New H aven 52, ill despair as she sat at her least, thanks to you, dear I kn6w He told 3.060 at a dinner meet­ cut Parent-Teachers Assn., thf rarly of Danielson. Other officer* ct lUiich«M ••••• •• and grounds for a festival for Dis­ At Boston’the normal maximum The next' night Wilbur came enter into the mistake of thinking Elllmore board secretary an­ home!" she exclaimed, as her hus­ institutions. ‘ . X o n t l M a a a aa »•##'# a a d • a a a a a a a — — By J. r. D.— — tr ic t 6, M sy 22. from 10 a.m. to temperature dur-ng this period is home late and opened the door a large part, determine whether ford. ' ■ T h r# ® H HRKS8 ^ , much of what is' going on is pet­ ing with the learning trade... with 40 cents per mile additional ing school year have air been ar­ sm irking. understanding between those who tion. Tba Aiaaelatad Pm a la aaciualvaly one' - half tnch occurring Sunday j glad to see him. Webster and his contemporaries are mo t immediately concerned ty. It is all part of a national or­ res eals a teacher shortage... travel; Eugene La Marche of ranged for, with the exception of possibly beginning late Saturday; "Oh, they said It was wonder­ BYM-DANDY WrtH ALL-STEEL SUDE antUlad to tha uaa of rapubUcatioo « "I need your help," said Trellis ful. The best talk of the year. Thev did so much to fabricate still re- - with the Individ: al child." aU nawa dlapatrhaa oraditad to it, or deal. a testing of our national be­ which they don’t expect to Mansfield, all routes $19,725,! and again about,,Tuesday. I quires in these troublesome times { not othararlaa Cradltad In UiU Mpar fade... in the high schools of with 40 cents per mile addltlonsl; jvacancy is still open. Mae, ’’tomorrow It's my turn to a.sked me to make another talk "Talking probler.vs over to­ Top— 9' X 2” AM aJao tJia local nawa publiahed bera. lief and our national faith. It will m.ake the weekly current events next week on the same subject — the utmost of our devotion." gether, parents and teachers can All rldbta of rapublicatlon of ap^lal the nation... science teachers Elmer Thrall of Manchester, sll Lejrs— 7>i’ X 1 'i ” NEW LOW PRICE dlapatcn^ bereln ara alaO raaenrad. determine what we are going to are quite few. . . and In physics Manchester Evening Herald Hr- report to the ladies of the Minerva it was 4o InteresUng." "There,have been, are now, and develop that iniportanl team work routes. $21,216. 45 cents per mile for b etter home.s. schools and com- be. We cannot escape that deci­ and In chemistry^.. the same Is additional; Carlton H. Jones of brnn correspondent. Miss Rusan l.ilerarv and Gin Rummy Club. "Tliey d;j?" Wilbur’s face fell. probably will continue to be, " he EMERGENCY Slide 6*. all .steel Exaetly as I\lU aanrlca client of N. E. A. Sarr- And I’m slumped." 'Then what are you mad about,?" said, "those abroad in the land, Clin Mills Photo. munitie.s." he said. Shown \ ' ^ 7 Ica, Inc. " _ sion. And if we do not make it akio true... with class enroll­ this town, all routes, $24,660, 40 Pendleton, telephone HArrison "Wlial’s your subject — ‘new "Well. I don’t think a single blind equally to the lesson.^ hi.story Miss MadellneXentlff At an afternoon busines.s meet­ O IL BURNER Sky-.' Being a GI on duty in LUMRER COMPANY LaMarche’s bid would be $1,000 RAVIOLI W ilbur felt a clanging in his CALL MI-9-9814 . ^ goveAimental Relations. Stevens trying to draft Senator ears. ,He slumped down In his this Bavarian mountain city is as T eleph^ Mt-9-0344 Yes, 'Mothers and Dads .we do know how. extra if performance bond 1s re­ Tel. MI-9-83S7—We'DeUver tough as getting $10 bills free. The Ordeal By Cesspool Kestnbaum is president of a A Thought for Today quired. Results on these bids Time of year to clean up to p^eivent fires . \ fix up McCarthy 'into the Army? That chair, opened his newspaper. After confuses me.” a moment" Trellis Mae said, “Wil­ Most soldiers here look like r«- giant clothing manufacturing firm. will be studied by the transporta­ and paint up for longer lasting beauty insidV and cri.itlng qds. The TiteCarthy-Army hearings tion committee, and announcement j A look of suspicion crept .Into bur, what’s the matter with you ? are both hweinating and repulsive. More importantly, he is chairman 5lan Need N'nt Be Alone outside your home. Here at McKinney's we're re)sdy W ilbur’s face, then wonder, then You’re reading thexfiewspaper up­ A big U. ,S. Army rest and re­ 1s looked for 30 days from the creation center, is busy constantly They are fuU of detail which seems of the Committee on Economic . When a man complains about the time submitted. ^ to help with bigger selections than ever of lum b^ utter joy. At last lie thought he side down.” Development, a non-partisan pri­ problems which harass his every­ ■saw a way to get even with Trellis " J u ‘t trying to conf-.ise my.self," handling soldier visitors. But for ridiculously p^lty. They are like day life and begins to think that The Transportation Committee P.A.C. Mae's club ladles, whom he the boys whose job it Is to stay vate foundation, which specializes will bring In recommendations to hardware and paints; mason supplies, fools, lad -\ said Wilbur. "A ’ .an with a clear a giant national cesspool into perhaps he has been singled but for ders. No matter whether it's a bundle of shingles, thought a bunch of dizzy, tlme- head can p retty lonely in thl.s here a w’eckend pass can mean which a whole variety of reputa­ in studies of public affairs with misfortune, I would recommend, the board at its meeting, May 13. Wasting dames. anything from a chamoris hunt to Bids' for town-owned buses will world. ,I Vvant to see if it Isn’t more tions are being tossed, to see occasional reports and recommen­ that he step out into the night and a few bricks, pr a new paint brush you need, our ex­ "Why, that’s easy,” he said, fun to live in a fog." a 60-mile an hour trip down a Iql his eyes rest for a while on the not be opened until M ay 6. thinking fast. "Secretary Stevens mountain on skis. which ones can accontlplish the dations which are always note­ BINGO perienced employes are eager to serve you. Drive KEMFS sparkling Heaven above him. Let Teaching in Manchester wants to send McCarthy on gn SMOKING 85IOKEHOrsR And the night time is not ne­ miracle of coming up clean'..Mean- worthy contributiona to public INC. him reflect on what he sees and Mrs. Stephen Sadlon. the former A t up tomorrow : . we're open all day . . for your ' Army mission do Africa to organ­ . Pulaski, Va. (/P) It is natural glected. One big club features a consideration of important issues. try to imagine what lies beyond the Miss. Josephine Keefe, is now whi>, there are things going: on Clean-Up, Paint-Up, Fix-Up supplies. ize the Mail Maus there against for a smokehouse to smoke hut dance floor which is di.smantled F T R N IT IR K and problems up for sttentlon The Approach which the CED has space which he can scan. teaching in the primary depart­ NEW LOCATION the Indochinese invaders. But Ad­ every night while an ice skating In the vast stretch of eternity ment. Manchester schools. She those who cure meal know that AND .MCSIC \ o t s followed is, in short, very com­ miral G. David Schine he you've there Is a limit. Firem en called by troop ca'.ort.*: before dining Ols. which might seem, on the surface, which has no , beginning and no formerl.V taught kindergarten in 6S!mciin ft. parable to the approach President heard of hint?” neighbors to property of Roy L. One soldier cracked as he sip­ 76$ 5I.VIN ,ST. "N TTIN G IS to be far more Important. end; where meaaurement/i are Fairfield. POLISH AMERICAN "Of course," silly. Everybody ped a stein of foaming Bavarian Eisenhower’s commission ought to She, and her husband are now; Bevll put out the fire accldcnlally 5^1-3-5680 OUR BUSINESS' .5IANfTIKSTER Yet thia ordeal by cesspool Is. bued on tl>e distance that light can H • W . T 0 • ft 0^ IT e I M T t R knows him.” started by small, boys playing in beer; , , regrettably, both necessary and follow, as it tackles one of the travel in'"the space of a year; commuting to the home "of her | CLUB BALLROOM "Well, Admiral Srh|Ae is fight­ "Yeah. I suppose I’ll Ire going where the whole Earth is but a parents here, owing in part to the the building. fateful, and the issue it is going to most important questions of the ing against Senator' Stevens for home one of those days—when I’m fleck of dust--it will be difficult for critical illness of her father, 26 Villaqt Straot e ^earthy's servl^. He wants the 8C years old!" deteimlne, one way or another, time—thaf of evolving a sensible him -to" continue to believe that Maurice J. Keefe, who haa been in MANHOLE IS USED Reekyilit /Senator to direqr a secret Navy Scranton. Pa, -Thieve* lifted a / may wall be the most important and stable division of powers and either he or his problems are so 1 failing health for some time. He (Oc^KIruuuf £um bir project to build an atom-powered It’s the woman with the most Important. In the majestic quiet- is able to ait up only a short lime manhole cov»^r leading from the issue thia. nation, this free people, responsibilities smoutig our vari'- rowlioat. It,'ll free the Navy of street into the cellar of Frank A. kids in the block who has the most ness and the Inconreivablc bigness , daily. EVERY MONDAY 4 SUPPLY CO.-.|ftLTftN N ft C H oars forcy6r - if It works." haa ever faced. ous levels of government. he will sense the presence of the' 4’hiirch Painting MnUheri V Gleason’s store. They stole about a time to lend a helping hand to . It is to be hoped that the Com­ "What-' won't they ^Ink- of Ion of coal. /' others. - The incident in history which is Divine Power at whoae command Painting on the exterior of the AT 7:45 P.M. next?,-Bow about Ro.v Cohn| Is aomewhat comparable Co these mission can now get beck on the all things move and all things Congregational Church 1s now fin-1 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS - EASY PARKING - ON ROUTE 44A, he pgainst Secretary Stevens and hearings is that of the Reichstag track, and pursue its studies in cease to move. | lahed. "The church presents an at- ‘ Admiral Schine? H« doesn't seem fire and tha succeeding trial. Hit­ the atmosphere they deserve. A man need not be alone in his ,td he too mad at Senator Me-1 room rubber **et padding problems nor need he feel that C arthy." \ ler had come up swiftly in Ger­ there is no solution. To the Al­ 'k*.- and t5 other custom extras are- "Far from It. He has a third; available at low extra cost in many, and had seized a ceilain How Fur How High mighty all things arc possible and plan. He wants McCarthy to drop | amount of power. Bill it was still His help is promised to each of us. , with some paratroopers on a Sioux ' the Drirrrired ("ah shown. Ford . With the same speed of reaction All that He asks In return ia t h a t; FREE F-lOO Pickup, GVW 4,800 lbs. ^to be determined whether Hitler Indian reservation out West it’s j which frequently governs many of we believe In .H lqi' ! would be able to consolidate his crawling' with Reds and avenge us .- in our grasping of an idea , J. Edgar Hoover. ' - the Custer Massacre.” i / KITCHEN PUNNING AND put his opposition in tSpon-sbred" by The Manchester '' Which afterwards acems quite ob­ "I should think it’s high time I p a r and.feeble position, and Council of Churches) j we did something about thaj," vious, an .airline pilot whq had BLUEPRINT UYOUT SERVICE obtain Hhe semblance of a popu^ ■ said Trellis Mae warmly. "Senattir been asked 10,000 times hoW lor DONAUl HAS UMEI.UiHT j McCarth.v must feel prettv lucky lar manokte to go ahead toward prjMcngars could see from various Summer IS coming ♦ ♦ e to have three big shots like that all the fa^ul extremes of his Holdrege, Neb. i.T) —The accent I altitudes finally resolved, on re­ all fighting to get him to cqnric career. In thi^ juncture. Hitler set was oh thrnam e DonaldvlBst week. \ to work for them. But tell (me, MODERNIZE quest number 10,001, that it was lire to the Rcichn^g, accused the Dr. Donald W. Jones delivered a i when will we see the, m ld g ^ ? " about time he got an answer be daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Donald | Communists of doiW it, and put a "Tile midget?" Wilbur ,was at YOUR KITCHEN WITH FAMOUS could use. Lanham and a son to Dr. and Mrs. ' sea. C om m unist on trial n>r it-. Donald Brewster. Assisting were I So he did, thereby ’contributing Summer Furniture is coming ♦ ♦ e "Yes. Remember th^ midget The trial proved to i^ a farce nurses Mrs. -Donald Loar and Mrs. 1 they pul on old J. I" Morgan’s noticeably to the nation’s fund of and failed to be a clear victory for Donald Hennlnger. The Brewsters j knee the time he w/nt to Wash­ information about a very elefnental did the natural thing. They named 1 ■ Hitler., Before it was ovei\ his ington to ask the, government to BO TPO INT’S thing which might have remained their son, Donald—Charles Donald.' WE'RE UNPACKING OUTDOOR PIECES NOW please be more rueful of Its mon­ fakery was showing, at leastXto to be exact, i forever vague guesswork. SO WE'LL BE READY FOR MONDAY ey? Don't they always have a those who followed the matter in midget at thqjr"e Washington hear­ Steel Kitchen Cabinets \^ HHe i computed that the person of telligehtjy. But there was no clear in g s? ’’ / ' I / t i ^ rirage i height, whose eye-level defeat for'Hltlcr in the trial either. "One way or another,’’-said Wil- ' would" be five feet, would, at sea bur, grinning. "The.v will bring out : Their Hotpoint Dishwasher I t w as a i>oH bf stale«tiBi«> which level, kaye a visual range of 2.9 the midget when the mvsterv wit- i the aggressive Hitler was aljle to ne.ss testifies. Tlicy alwnvs have | miles on g clear day. convert into the 'gind of victory to. bring out a m.va’.er.v w itness a t i Refrigerator and Range Now this kgme per^n, '.t an ele­ he was seeking. It wws the bnd of a hearing to .solve liie m.vstery. vation of 10(i feet, would be able Btit right now he's being kept in­ SEE US FOR DETAILS FOR EITHER any possibility of unite^^ German 4 , ' ' ' to see for a distadee of 13 mile.s. communicado" NEW OR OLD KITCHEN PLANNING challenge to Hitler and \yhal he "In where? -ph. never niiiid if Hoist him up andther 100 feet, Yes, Monday we open up our Summer Furniture display . . so to­ represented. Henceforth, for pj-ai:-. It’s a secret. Ju.st one que.stion to 200 feet In all, and ajs range of morrow's the last day to buy these one-of-a-kind things at dramatic tical purposes, he had e.itablished, WATKINS more: Why do they have all thqse vision "would be alm ost'jft m i'• BROTHERS. INC savings. They're reduced so as to help make room for the floor dis­ klieg lights in the hearing room?" by the very strength and boldness' A "The pnliticiahs are trying to ABC Appliance Co. At 500 feet, which begins to t"kc of his fakery, the authenticity of FUNERAL play . . and room for our Summer warehouse stock. find a way Vo make daytime poli­ him well off Ute ground, he Most poweifiil Pickup PHONE M I- 21 MAPLE ST. the Communist menace he used as S E R V iC E tics as popular as night baseball.’’ 9.1575 hla own alibi for- power. Hence­ see for a Utile over 29 miles, aib; Well, I’m not much of a ba.sehall at 1,000 feel he can see for 42 fan. but I will say that even in a forth, the public thought climate Ormenti L West miles. of Germany wa-s his. D ir tc ie r Now we, ;in this country, arc At 2,000 feet, the human eye can $32.50 LAMP TABLE. 18th Century mahogany ,'»tyl.e $11,9.00 MODERN LOUNGE ^ A J R . Square-arm fac,ng a trial .from which must see for 60 miles, at 3,000 feet the with handy shelf for magazines or sewing basKct. raOdel with blond woqd base. A pig, loungy piece with come one of two results. "Either figure is TiS miles, and at 4,000 feet Top is , protected with genuine brown deep foam "Latex seat cushi^. .Covered in ever there Is that kind of defeat or it is a little over 88 miles. And. on-', leather, hand-tooled in 14K gold leaf. $14.95 a brown textured cover. $ 4 9 .5 0 juile up, the human eye can see al­ NO DOWN PAYMENT stalemate against ^{cCarthy which, in the public mind, puts him most lOO'mUrs, on the skids, and destroys forever A t 10,0()0 feet, the visual range / on this BRAND NEW 1954 Now! G as-iaving Low>.FiftTiON, ever built! Arid the Ford Pickup offers a New control features like Power Brakes ia'132 miles, and If you want to go the possibility that he may cap- PHONE . $52.00 COCKTAIL TABLE. This is ft big 24 x 42 hlgh-vempresslan, overhead-valve, choice of the most efficient Six—the.nevt . . , exclusively on Ford Pickups . . . and. up t o -40,000 feet you are supposed $79.50 RECORD CARNET. This ia an e.xcellent piece ll.i-h.p. Gosl Clipprr. Both engines give you Fordnmalie Drive repay their low extra cost ' ture that public mind. Or there is Mitchell 9-7196 inch Motlorn Chippendale .style with tooled biiff deep-block onginos — 130-h.p. V-8 or tSiat kind of vietpry or stalemate to be able to distinguish geo­ (gr the 18Ut Centtjry mahogany rtwm as it has simple new gas savings—because both dievelop their in faster, easier handling. New Driverized Cab graphical landmarks 250 miles or Mitchell 3-8606 leathef' top that extends almost to the edges. 7 ■k 11 S-h.p. Six! Fordomotfc Drlvol for McCarthy, wiilch allows him. 142 Ka«t Center "St. bracketibase deiigning. There are two power with-few’er cubic inches of displace­ cuts driver fatigue. aw ay. ' Stfuare leg.‘^ and framing in blond ma- y"' N o w Drivmrixad Cob! Now Powor ment... . . and sm|aller displacement engine* witji his boldne.ss, ,ao continue - Manchester shelves measuring 2 8 inches wide. $ 3 9 ,7 5 With its high-strength, k>w-weight‘design, klong the trail he haa been follow- ' So the next tinie w"e stand on a hogany. $ 1 9 .9 5 Srokos—orily In FORD Pickups! normally use less gas! -25-foot hilltop, we expect, making, T . - i I,the Ford F-lOo Pickup has a payload capacity ^g, with increased control over DIALAMATIG o With Ford's new 130-h.p. Poit'rr Kino \-S „ The’S'.tf) cu.'in. Poii ft' King V-8, fpr example, of 1,530 lbs. Big 45 cu.-ft. loadspace, too! the public mind, with- increased our own rough calculations, to pe ■ *1. ab'e to see about five miles. That engine, the new Ford F-lOO is the mo.st develops its 130 h.p- from up to 43 cubic inches See your Ford Dealer now for all the facts! public acceptance of the authen­ $49.95 SIDE CHAIR. A solid mahogany piece with ir WoshafCAutomaHcaHy World’s I.«west Price powerful mass-produced, low-cost Pickup fr.ss displacement than other-make engines! ticity of the Communist alibi he is the neighborly kind of view we $125.00 DINETTr CABINET. A server size in blond like beat. padded scat and back in musfin, ready for up- Work Free Washer , is ^uaing in his march toward birch and maple with a wotod-grain formica top; hol.stering in a fabric to match your deeprating power, and with a national at­ 1 3 chartreuse formica sliding doors with 2- AH mosphere in which the posoibility Transition scheme. Makes a good desk or bedroom A Rinses Automatically ^ ) 3-TRANSISTOR shelf interior 42 inches wide. $ 4 9 .5 0 NO DOWN of united Ajnerican opposition to All winter long, the afternoon piece, $ 1 9 .9 5 his career hka faded. aun in our window ia exactly Ideal So this trial is a crucial test not for that type of meditation or ir Drains Automaticaily PAYMENT NOW, TRIPtE ECONOMY! only of the principals involved but semi-stupor, in which we are ”R o y e l-r ' of the American people. The good AS LIHLE AS acknowledged to be expert. Then $98.00 FANBACK CHAIR. Ha.s Queen Anne cabriole $21.50 TABLE LAMP. Large china lamp in an Only Ford gives you so much in and the bad, the lie and the truth, there cornea the inevitable day HEARING AID legs, a button back and nail trimming. Covered in a apothecary jar design with floral decorations. Fitted decency and indecency, troubled when ^ e aun ia too hot, even for •k Vacuum Dries AutomoticoRy \ ^ Qp«ral(i fbr only 134 a figured wine damask. Loose foam. Latex with a taffeta shade on a tilting harp fix- . essentials of lower-cost trucking honor and conscience-free ruth­ the moat rabid worshipper. About ^ momh insiead of ISf to JOf I6v all three I « 4i.r for old-(>pe vicuum- seat cushion for added comfort. $39.50 tured.-Mounted on a gunmetal foot. $ 1 0 .7 5 lessness,'are all being thrown in­ thlii tin.e, invariably, there comes Cube lid f' ' a day to the cesspool together. tke mawnlng when we are atartled Life-liJ:ei0und.trberand • k Shuts Off Automatically '' Probably none of thew can get by two friendly presences just be­ ★ clearer than cwr! Why drive a "down payment" ? Trade now out of thia cesspool wiihout some side our window., on the outside. The ene “A " batlary lailt a help from the American people. And as upon their human fly ex­ ^ full month . . . no "'B " bat- $5.95 COTTON BROADLOOM CARPET. Choice of “ ^ for a brand-nevy Triple Economy Truck! t*fy... fewer battery changtt! $59.50 and $69.50 MATTRESSES. (34) Innerspring ITie question is which - ones will ploits we Sit fawning, they pro­ OF a -At It's On Costers a on/y $ 1 2 5 Ck)coa Green in shaggy cut-pile effect, so dfr get that helping hand from the duce frem their winter's pawning Mattresses by such makers as Stearns & Foster, Red ftaaa Caatectna Actasaary. Maderata (jtra Cait) sirable today. Cut from our-stock 12 ft. rolls in N*« *iieln** MV* Now t*e*(itlot (eve American mind, which ones will bo summer awninga. Henceforth Cross,-Simmons and Holman-Baker. Both m tr*l> say* werhl Accapted by ik« Q hukiI Ilow'o.tro cect. to ovor 2 2 0 w dol*. mate part in choosing the winners, Thia is all the provision of ah $68.00 .TTVIN BED, Just one of these >!bdern Cherry ' OTj to be more accurate, those aU-wise nianagemcnt, which Is ^tsrAUfSMfe if o t All sales final.— Alhubject to Prior Safe who shall be saved suid permitted seqloua for durycomfort, and Uke- Beds. Both head and footboard have routed hori* to ooatiiiue to receive odr respect, wiae, perhaps; consdous of the yu in n ^ s zontal lines to simulate narrow I^ rd s. A U T O S T O R E P ao absdl we be choosing our own fact that, having alept. all winter, GoocI for a boy’s room. $29.95 DILLON SALES and SERVICE YOUR HRESTONE DEALER faturo a^ a nation and a people. wb ought to spend oui" ^riiig and I-' 319 MAIN STRICT — MANCHESTER ^ Wa have a coitury and thre^ summer afternoons / in more IN MANCHESTER ; / . . . . fPM rta^ of raiatM, traditions; and stAighUy’fashion. a day or B5A M A IN ST. TfL. MI.3.70S0 ihtad iiR Tbey have two wo do |i«tk up; u d feel that GREAT TV. FORD THEATR^ VUNHC^TV. CN A N N a B. 9:30 Ti A i RSDAY.] . -—nyw * . lesxfBt • A- ’V .-r- >-■ - I / ; / ■ . \ ■ ■■ ■■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL SO, 1964 MANCHESTER E'YENING ,HERALD. MANCHES’TER. FRIDAY, APJlIL 30, 1954 PAiSiBNDGB racer and mechanic, was arrsated ri .( McCarthy Assistant Admits Planners Se;l along with an IS-ysar-oId conipite^ Russians Want House Approves Mutual Aid U S. Urged ion last night while they wyre rid­ McCarthy Claims Army Two Year Old Behind Wheel, ing motorcyclee down Ifalii Street India at Geneva • Defense Funds Ordering ^Cropped* Photo Building Line White and RobeH Wridham, of Studied by To Build up 32 Benton S t. werw^fharged with Car Hits Truck and House BINGO using improper etpiipment on their BINGO Is ‘^adbiviiig’ His Staff (Coatiaaed (rom Pkga Oaa) (CoBtinoed from Page OM) (OwtlaMd from Pa|« Om ) Establish IS Feel Line motorcycles and'^making unneces- Jackie Grezel took the family,;, turn td the house for a moment Towrt Clerk’s Office Open tary nolss the cycles. western- Alliea to get into the for­ But Rep. Barden (D-NC) told, Every Soturddy Night DOBSONVILLE FIREHOUSE 'Woihingtoil, April SO (/P) -^Sen.^ing a subpoena very shortly if he car out for a little spin yesterday | ■ Th'e car was parked in the drive- from Jtnklni or Roy M. Cohn, To Issue Dog Licenses On Birch SlPfsel; Ap­ Sea Pow er Police Itechanlc John Baldyga mal dtecuaelon on hat iaaue.. afternoon, but it's a cinch it will way* ’which is an incline entering the House it ought to adopt the Ohlcf counael for the McCarthy made Uie arreats. McCarthy .tlWWla) 'saixt,today He di^not care to talk.” amendment to< make certain that prove Righl-oLWay b .. **..l.r..._» i Henael has described aa “a ma- A\iide from Secretary of Stata be a long time before he ever gets 'dn Nathan Ro-d. and th» »^!nbte At 7:45 P.M. CMnoUltee, or both. The town clerk will keep his (CatitiaMad from P a ^ Oaa) (Continned from Pags Om ) lAsinother erreet reported today, EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT haa porolatent reporU, tlpo and, McCarthy’s assertion Dullee, none of the foreign minia- behind the wheel again. hia mother was gone, Jackie, in Congress doesn't abdicate its con­ "I was led to believe that waa office'in the Municipal Build­ . ------'■ ■ 'MStoM O. Jensen. 28, of 2M Main Jackie is the two-year-old son ^ ’an apparent hurry to gel rolling, stitutional right to decide when With a..master plan for parking nhnora’’ that the Army is shad-1 that he sought tq head off a sub- tera of the North Atlantic Treaty : what you wanted in the hearlnf,'' ing open an extra .*'4 hours "10(i per cent for unity within the maritime suprsmacy. 8t„ waa charged with speeding. ADMISSION $1 .OO^XTRA CARDS 2 Iwr 2f« owing his staff and witnesses In ; committee investigatloq of Hensel of Mr. and Mrs. John Grezel, pf 37 ' bounced Into the front seat ahd and where wars are. to bo fought ha told Jenklna. for the benefit of dog owners and traffio f|6w in the Main Street Ha waa stopped on W. Middle Organization (NA’TO) oh 'hand Legion Rd., and yesterday-'man­ Barden noted - that it took less ORANGE HALL trade union movement.” "Now things ba^e changed. We his controversy with high Penta- *’*/'?•*’*. "m["conduct and poe- here haa yet apoken on Korea. That pushed the shift gear into neu­ *1 didn't know why you wanted who have until tomorrow to area in the works, the ' Town ar^ being challenged in a maritime Turnpike by Patrolman Samuel lUS LfAVES ORANGE HALL AT 7:11 , slble laW violation.” aged to damage the car in an es­ tral. than a day jor Congress to declare MANCHESTER. CONN. K.*' obtain dog licenses. In announcing today's meeting sense, and this new factor must Maltempo this morning. includea Britain's. Anthony Eden. timated amount of $100 And scare The car roiled, all right—back­ waa against "half the world” after IMdnt Think Photo Altered with McDonald and Lewis, Beck Planning Comihision Wednesday 'll?-♦’bis hv Wrtw xx rnhit i Stevens, who had tfstifled for France'! Georges Bidault and The office will be open to­ aet a 18 foot building line on the be borne in mind in connection Back Itf this by Btojr M. C ^n, I the six Oanada'a Lester B. Pearson. hia mother npsriy out of her wits. ward, into the rear bumper of a the Japanese attack on Peart Harx /duUana. In reply to que^tioninK night from 7:30 until 9 and to­ told the conference they plMned to with our defense planning. chief cimnael to /ijla InveatlgM- hearings, was temporarily According to Patrolman Gordon bread truck parked « t the curb! bor. The Pearl Harbor attack came ^hy Ran. Jackaon tD-Waah). said he north side of Birch Street from thfe The sourcca indicated the United morrow morning from 9 to 12 "exchange views on how oue three ’"The''Soviets are steadily build­ tlonk a u l ^ m ^ t t ^ McCarthy said . yesterday over the heated States, was somewhst concerned Neddow.'who investigated the in­ and then an^ed its way across on Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941, and both Waa present when Stevens was noon. Ucenses have to be worn organlxatlons can be of asaiktanca rear of the budding at the comer ing up their naval power,” the Wiretap Approval in M intervl^ fn advance McCarthy, who said cident. and Mrs. Grezel, this ’is the street before stopping on the Senate and House voted to daclaro uaationed a t length as to whether of Birch and Main to a point op­ Navy chief said. "They are build­ over the . possible effectlvenees of what happened: The Legion Road lawn of a house at 2. Nathan Rd. war on Japan within a few min­ S b.v dogs six mouths old or to eacli other." **^*^**»h" iTaL^*** being changed, the Asla-^or-Asisns declsrstions tevens had asked to have his pic­ oidcr. Fees are >2,10 for male' George Meany, AFL president, posite Cottage Street. . ing up a formidable ctrength in Forecait by Wiley row that/he Wants the p u ^ n v gt^yens refused to say he waa woman, who waa preparing to take No. one waa 'hurt, but Mra., utes after convening the next day. m N m s m ture taken alone "with Dave.” The move was presumably tak­ here by Soviet Foreign Minister dogs and spayed female dogs told a reporter in Washington he surface craft, including cruisers. PRIVATE PAPER iMttee, which he has atepprf off Jenklne directed that V. M. Molotov and Red China's Jackie and his seven-year-old sis­ Grezel. still unnerve J by it all this' Congress Holds Power "The word alone meant nothing, and >.1.'35 for unspayed females. knew ‘'nbthlng whatever” about' en, in connection with the parking They have a large submarine tbmporarlly to And out w h ^ e r excuaed to permit question ter, Barbara, for a ride, left the morning, wai- Arm in her pro­ Eisenhower said however the to ma at that time,” Juliana replied. and traffic plan. (ContbiMd from Page Um ) Chou Eln-lal on public opinion in the rumor kKat Beck intended to fleet offering a direct threat to these rumors are true; ; They ing of Schine about the phota Asia. U. S. circles felt the western children in the back seat of the nouncement that Jackie would United States.will not get into an "WayjPpa^Fma r D Whan Jackson indicated surprise. Opposed, to Change bur supremacy at sea, They are were discounted by two ■ of the car — with Barbara told to keep never be left alone in the car again, actual war' except through con­ invite Lewis and McDonald into Wiley and Watkins told a rc- Schine, 6 fact S and lanky, told diplomats w.ere hot making full OfIM DAILY Juliaaa sald he hadn't read any of th« AFL. Residents ofx Birch Street op­ integrating air effort Into their COLLECnON Pentagon principals in the case. use of the conference to get scrosi' an eye op her brother — to re­ not even for a moment. stitutional processes, which- in­ D .S rlD P JS . the proceedings since they started. Beck told his union he opposed posed the establishment of tne maritime operations. And It is re­ portsr they went along with the At­ - P vt O. David Schipe, former the subcommittee he was "order­ volves a declaration by Congress. TNIML » nil. A lt TYSDS • MXB « eRAiM At one point Juliana told Jack- Salary of “Y’’ Post line at a public hearing March 29. ported they have just abbot as torney General on thla. McC^ran BY GEORGE HcMULUN ed” to be present at McGuire Air their viewpoint to Aslans. *.* AT LOWtST N I8 I8 U MUOM an overall united labor organiza­ and Sen. Welker (R-Idaho), a cub- McCarthy aide about whom has Force Base ln.jNew Jersey by Gen. The Dulles delegation was under­ African, one haa to cooperatq/ln The Air Force was given the son. “I don't think the picture was tion, with the’ CIO joining the In anoth«- .action taken in ex­ many men in their naval seiwlce 704 PARKER STREET—NO PHONE swirled a raging dispute over largest allotment of new funds ehanfad.*’ Stops as of Today ecutive session Wednesday, the toda.v as we have. committee member, have aaid they Cornelius .^y an wh8n Stevena stood to feel, for example, that the peace with other nations of ' the AFL, "until our own AFL and the probably will not. Welker said it charges by Sepretary of the Army landed ,t)fere last Nov. 17 accom- repeated references of Molotov and world organized into a world cora- Stocks Go under the House bill. Its share was "Tou don't think Jhe picture was organizations within It have reach­ Commission approved the reloca­ "As a matter of fact,” Carney SOUTHWEST SECTION Stevens tliet MOCarthy and Cohn Chou to the Geneva Conference aa i munity of free nations.” / >10.819,310.000. a cut of >380.690.- h m i tcheli changed!" exclaimed Jackson. tion of a right-of-way owned by added, '‘numerically, it may not appeared to him like changing the panled’by McCarthy and his staff. JSS , 9*4349 William Stearns' town salary aa ed procedures of operation that rulea under which aomeone could sought favored treatment for the "Iliat was when the disputed plc- a Big Five meeting might convince ! He called for unlflcation oi 000 from the President's budget MS MAIM ST, aiA N C Itim R ^ "No, air." replied Juliana. E. J. HoU in the vicinity of the be long before they have more men MONDAY, MAY 3 ^ Army private, was recalled to the requests. The Army waa given >7,- ONI DMCK NOCTH M TNI ADMMnr "Then what's your deflnition of director of the*Community "Y” will make that unity possible.” be tried after an alleged offence -ture was made. Asiana that Red (^ina had in fact! divided Korea throiign national stopped today but a discussion has The Teamsters and Steel Work­ Highlancl^ark School on Porter in their naval and maritime serv­ wee committed. witness chair today 10:30 a. m-- been accepted at the council table | elections along the lines laid down Upward to 619,066.986, a rut of >891.933.014; CetHn or SMMU TUTU. chainge?" asked Jackson. Street, ^ e Commission did not ice than the United States. Schine said ttiat for a time he the Navy >9,708,818,800, a cut of Juliana said he meant that the been scheduled for May 11 to see if ers each claim membership of (DST),^ • : - ■ had a framed copy of the picture ■a. the equal of the United States, I by the United hjations General something can be worked out with abbub 1,300.000. The Mine Work-' announce whether it also approved “That does not mean they will ^Chine's Initial appearance at Britain, France and Russia. Aaaembly. >209,181.800. / Mrtion of the picture showing the terms of an agreement i^tween be superior in effectiveness, be- 5 “ the week-long hearings yesterday on the wall of hia New York office Giieeta ot Molotov Stevens and Schine had not been regard to Steams' position, General ers claim'about 400.000. ^ cause it takes long years to build and that.lt Included Air Force Col. New M ark Other funds were for the office Manager Richard Martin said to­ The Mine Workers Union has E. J. Holl and the town for an fir^uced considerable hext but Chou, whom Dulles -has ignored, of the Secretary of Defense, the Changed. exchange of land in the area in a truly great Navy. Neve>thele*s iftUe light. McCarthy accused Jack T. Bradley as well as him­ had lunch today with Eden. Both Jackson retorted no one had day. been affiliated at various tima* it marks a significant trend.” \ self and Steven.s. He aaid he Swindler Nailed (Conflnoed from Page One) National SecurityTraining Com­ 'The May It discussion will be with both the AFL and CIO. connection with a road through special subcommittee Counsel Ray were guesta of Molotov at the Rua- mission, and interservica acUvi- aver charged that portion of the from Porter Street to E. Middle H. Jenkins of badgering Schine. went to New York laat week and ■ian diplomat's yilla. The Briton ' ties. ' - picture had been chanjted. held by the Recreation and Park got it for the subcommittee, giv­ today waa moatly higher. Trading Advisoty Commission and the trus­ Turnpike. sing a happy bedtime , \ Schine himself told Jenkins, flf and the Chinese Premier-Foreign Qii 360,000 Fraud w aa brl'k. Ahead were Cbnsoli- The Navy's allotment includes ’ Chargee filibuster tees of the “Y" building. The rec­ Negotiation.^ over that right-of- ■/ you are abusing me, it doesn’t ing it to a McCarthy aide, George Minister had shaken hands and funds to start work op a fourth Anaatoa svas in the witness Scientist Blasts Anastos. chatted briefly earlier this week / dated Mining. Fargo I1-. Int'—r*’'- SAT. LAST DAY reation group holds its regular way have met many obstacles tune . . . m crisp . ■' \ bother me.” tional Petroleum, Louisiana Land, forrestai type aircraft carrier and ehair when McCarthy broke In since they got undet- way. Tlie The picture orlglnaiiy, intro­ during an intermission in the con­ ^SyrapOae, N. Y., April ' 30 (B — meeting May 11. Obituary He was calletb to testify now duced in. the hearings had been New Idrla Mining, Shawinigan a third nuclear - powered sub­ dramatically, protesting that a Martin said today the trustees of Board of Directors approved the only about a photograph of him ference. They were introduced by Walter H. Moak, 87, haa been coh- Water. Todd Shipyards, U. S. Foil marine. "lllibuster” was in progress. terms of the agreement recently Army’s Silence smartly tailored/ "cropped” to take out Bradley, Molotov. Eden drove to Molotov's OF OUR ENO OF MONTH the building feel they are under and Secretary Stevens, introduced making it appear that Stevens and vieted by a federal court jury of a "b.” and U. S. A International He said the committee should some obligation to have someone but made the approval, contingent at the hearings earlier. The (. Mc­ villa today immediately after a , ^ Securities. Candles, coated with soapsuds, "call the man who handled the present at the building at all times upon alrailar approval by the Com- Schine had been photographed private talk with Dulles. / 4<=“*'** “>e >60,- removal of the colonel (Bradley) On ^Headlines’ Carthy aide contended this photo­ alone. The Army’s special counsel, A spokesman for the Repuhllc/jf ^ 000 swindle of Mrs. Amy Keating, The bond market waa atead.V are said to bum without smoking to protect it. With the "Y” direc­ Deaths miasion. graph helped back up its claim Joseph N. Welch, hkd contended U. S. government Issues In the or dripping. Don't coat the wicks, from the photograph" of Stevens. torship'^abollahed, the town would At that meeting Martih Alvord, Korea said hia country'would "fn-o- eo, a divorcee who operates a bak- over the counter market were Schine and Bradley. that Stevens was friendly with that the picture was "doctored" to test K the GenevA^pdnfer- Brookline. Maas, of couriOe, and let the candles,dry have a man present only during the Commission chairman, objected to (Continned from Page One) PAJAMAS Schine at the very time that give the subcommittee a misledH- mixed. in candleholders before lighting. McCarthy, said Juliana would the time the indoor recreation pro­ Miss Flora M, 8tanle.v a clause in the agreement under ence switched to dlacua^pS on In- (f g District Court Judge testify that'he received a picture Stevena how aays McCarUiy and ing impression. dochlna before tryliy fpf 90 days to g,„hen W. Brennan said he would gram is underwayr* Miss Flora M. Stanley, 286 Main which the town would have to Physical Society, "how meeting bia aides were improperly pres­ Stevena haa testified that he with three people in it and "ex­ Plana for the May 11 talk on the St., died late last night, after a complete Its portion of a proposed here. The federation describes it- a^^a. i.it ; Mntence Moak next Tuesday after byRRIS suring him in Schine’s behalf. could not recall asking that his Tile apokesman said th^Republlc returned a guilty verdict Due tn your tremendous responae. we are expanding oar mem plain how, when and where the question were made at a closed long illness. road within a year. Rclf as a group concerned with the McCarthy and Cohn in turn wrought Iron furniture display. But la order to do tills, we third man was cut off” of the meeting Wednesday of the Board of Bom in Manchester Aug. 28, picture be taken with Schine. But of Korea delegation would also op-1 yestirday. Moak and two men iden- social impact of scientific develop­ have accused Stevens an i^ls aides he also said he was certain he did pose "concurrefit discussions must have mdre space, tke itema Hsted helow4u« dll one tS print which was submitted to the Directora and the Recreation and 1878, the daughter of the late ments. tlfled by the FBI as A1 Parker and a kind: cbnunittee. Park Advisory Commission. Robert N. and Flora Banning Stan­ Joseph Voipe, Jr., former general There’s sound sleepmg tonight of seeking to get the senator’s not suggest a picture 'with Schine which might push the Korean quea Thomas Moran were indicted in the Chairman Mundt ruled that the The matter Cande to the attention ley,. ahe had been a lifelong reai- J^ycees Sponsor counsel for the Atomic Energy 4 .. smart lounging tomorrow subcommittee to halt or divert a "alone." tion into the^ background. There alleged swindle. Moak waa arrested oommlttee will decide when to call search for subversives in the However, Schine told the sub­ was no indication of what the South in Ozone Park, Queens, last Febru­ of the Board when a petition asking deiit of this town, except for Commiesion, told the group secur­ or anytime in pajamas-carefully Army. There have been denials on committee, "I had to pose for it Korean delegatioif would do if its Juliana and ordered the question- Steams' retention, in the $4,910 a ■pending the winters in Florida Teen-Age Road-e-o ity regulations are essential St de­ because I was asked to by Secre­ ary but Parker and Moran are still ing of Anastos be continued. year post was filed. The recreation the past few years. She waa a fense establishments "because of tailored to meet exacting both sides. views wCre ignored by the delega-1 i^rge SAVE 20% t / 50% Anaatoa and another member of group and Martin had decided last member of the South Methodist the problem of knaves and fools, REIS standards. Yoiill delight The 'Army contends that the tary Stevena.” At another point tlons-now attempting to arrange.| The government charged that '/ the McCarthy staff had testlfled September to do away with the job Church and of Orford Pariah Skilled automobile drivers be­ Stevena-Schine photo was "doc­ he said. "I waa euiked by the Sec­ lhe_ ofganization of the Indochinese : parker and Moran posed as an FBI drunks and loose tonguea." / in the “trouser smart” cut and retary of the Army to stand next taljcs. they knew nothing about siny effective January. The date of Chapter, DAR. / ■ tween the ages of 16 and 20 will Alfred F'elendly, aasietant manag­ tored" by removing at least one ■gent and insurance investigator, 8 /■ LIVING ROOM "Cropping” of the picture, but they abolition waa pushed forward to to­ She leaves severul courins. ing editor of the Washington Post tailoring of the pants . . . person originally In the picture. to him and be photographed.” T h e spokesman said he under­ respectively, and told Mra. Keat­ have. , an opportunity to compete Schine said yes, that was true, but Sen. McClellan (D-Ark) ap­ stood the first phase of the con­ C a r s t s i '^ ve conflicting versions of its day to correspond with the close of Tl)c hineral will be held at the and Timea-Herald, told the scient­ the famous patented REIS-Tex parently surprised Schine by k-sk- ing she was an accesory to a jewel • $225 Modern 2 Piece SMtional Sofa, Green S ndling. the indoor .program. Holmes Funeral Home. 400 Main in a Teen-Age Road-e-o here and ists they should “merchandize'' or he didn't know who had done it. ference was to be a discussion of theft they said Moak had com­ Anastos said he accompanied —V*------.Monday afternoon at 2:30. ^ssibly in a national contest with "fancy up " their reports and state­ Belt-an especially comfortable He was advised to consider over­ ing if he had been excrainipTg the Korean problem. The Korean mitted. Nuhtex * ,a Burial will he in the family plot >3,100 in scholarships as prizes if elastic waist that prevents night whether he wants to be .some pictures at a meeting vrith delegation came to Geneva after Mra. Keating testified the two Schine from Washington National ments. to make them more appeal­ lIcCarthy,. .staff members in k reaching an underatanding with • $118 Modern Lounge Chair, Grey Nubti Airport to the subcommittee's in the East Cdmetery. tentative plans by the Manchester ing and understandable to readers. twisting, binding, bunching when represented by. an- attorney, after Wa.sliirigton restaurant last Fri­ men told her they would drop the • $230 Three Piece Section Sofa, Persimmon S12S.C _ offices last Thursday and Schine Roosevelt Aiisliiig There will bc'tio calling hours. Chapter of the Junior Chamber of He said the federation erred in questions were raiaed^. about an­ the United States that they would charges if she made restitution of ala put the ptaotogta.)h on a desk Commerce materialize, according limiting its Ft. Monmouth report you sleep. Vou'll like the extra other photograph ho’ reportedly day night. walk out if no progress toward >60,000 and that ahe went to Boston •$112 Modern Wing Chair, Cocoa - Z ...... $ 6 9 .0 0 SiJilne said that what they were unification was made in 90 days. • $225 Modent Three Piece Sofa Bra Suite, there. For Divorce Suit to Howard MOhr, president of the to a straightforward factual ac­ fastener in the wgistband for size gave to McCarthy aides a fe\)v days examining was anothef picture of with Moran and got the money and Anastos said Mrs. Frances P. local civic group. count and failing to express the adjustment and the casual notch ago. Ii\ the conference hall today. negotiable securities. Charcoal ...... $169.00 McCarthy, staff members and Thailand reaffirmed her intention 'The indictment said Mrs. Keating Mims, a secretary, was in the room Fimerj Whether or not the competition, sense of outrage aroused by the collar coat style. They’re \'at McCarthy said he brought the Gen. Klrice B. Lawton^ commander • $269 Sofa, Matelas-se, Fringe^...... :’Si 69.00 and took a "peek” at the picture Pasadena, Calif., April 30 (/P> — designed to select the most skillful report., , question of possible shadowing out to cooperate with the western waa fleeced in September, 19Sl,,/in Whether James \ Roosevelt can at Ft. Monmouth,^ N. J. Whether, power! as well as Asian nations in the De Witt ainton Hotel in/Al • $99 Lounge Chair, LipsUclTRed, BroditcU* $59 .0 0 Which was wrapped when placed young driver in town, can be ar­ dyed and ‘Sanforized. Sizes In the open at yesterday’s hearing this picture i y t any relation to an the desk. amend his separate maintenance Mra. Maurice Trusteniiger ranged depends largely on MITCHELL K.XPS HF.ARINGS A-B-C-D. Buy a new REIS after it was disclosed that com­ efforts for peace. bany. suit to one for divorce will be ar­ the hearings wa.sn't rought out. Foreign Minister Wan led off She said ahe had met M c^ in a Did Not See Photo The funeral of Mrs. Maurice whether enough of the town’s Wllminston, Del., April 30 iJP\ pajama supply to d a^ * - mittee members knew about a Schine said he didn't know.' Mrs. Mima, following Anastos to. gued in a superior court hearing Trustenltzer, 22 Phelps Rd„ was young drivers indicate an Interest —The Army-McCarthy hearings dinner meeting of McCarthy aides debate in the day’s closed session Daytona Beach. Fla., rfotel in lEDROOM the witness chair, said he was today. Lawton /teas quoted earlier as on Korea. Representatives of a April, 1981, and had Inv^d him to '/ held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at in participating soon, according to are enoiigh to make "an American with Schine.. having Refused to drop some nation which has announced its have drinks with her in her hotel wrong about her looking at the The hearing is scheduled to the Watkins Funeral Home, \with Alexander Girelli, road-e-o chair­ piiich himself to bo sure he isn’t Addressing chairman Mundt (R- '• $248 Pine with Bed, Chest, Dreaaer and picture—that she didn’t even know start at 8 p. tn. (DST). man. security investigations at the re­ support of the American-proposed room. the Rev. Percy Gmlth, aaioclate having a nightmare," says Demo­ iXmi 1% v*«l4B«l/^rliikaHit. BD), McCarthy roared^ quest of Adams, the Army coun­ Southeast. Asian Alltanc.e, Wan Mirror ...... $198.00 the packsge contained a photo­ Alan up for decision is hla mo­ minister of the South Methodist Glrelil pointed out that the con­ cratic National Cliairman Stephen "I will ask the chair to call upon graph. tion to strike from the record his selor; told the conference Thailand does • $269 Solid Maple, 3 Piece by French and CSiurch, officiating. Burial will be test, a rigid test of driving skill A. Mitchell. Mr. Stevens and those in the mili­ Schine said he cmildn’t remem­ not believe that, "in order to be Anastos was "in error” in his sensational inftdellUea letter dat­ at the convenience of the family. and judgment, must be held before Speaking at a Delaware State tary who have the information to Liceiige Rraiicli Heald ...... /...... $1 8 9 .0 0 statement, she declared. ed Feb. 27. 1948 in which he names the end of May so that the winner A REAL COMFORT- ber whether or not Ana.stos was a good Asian, one had to be an Jefferson-Jackson 4l inner last give the chair under oath infor­ /jpreaent a.%' the restaurant ineet- exclqaive Asian.” * CARSniltS • $199 Modern Limra Oak, 3 Pieces...... $1 5 9 .0 0 The picture has become a major nine women with whom—accord­ may participate in the June 6 night, Mitchell described the hear­ mation aa to whether or not Pvt/ whfch pe later ■fixed «« having WaMrtt^ • $279 Modern Bookcase Bc(], Deckchest, Double issue in the Senate hearings on ing to the letter—he waa intimate. State contest. He said the-machin- His remawtfl ffh-boopeiittlon with Eiic^ Operation ings as "a spectacle that, has dis­ QUALITY-VALUE FEATURE Schine and others connected wl taken place last Monday. Later he western nstioas apparently were .D resser ...... $179.00 the row between McCarthy and Last. Jan. 18 Roosevelt, who is U. S. Farm Agency ery for conducting the road-e-o is this investigation have been under running for Congress, filed suit being set up now and there is little gusted the rest of the world." < said he didn't think Anastos was directed to Chou and Molotov. • $121 Modern Suite, Bed, Mr. and Mrs. Dresser, / Army officials. "For a solid week now--and no­ CID surveillance; if so, who au­ theie. This session lasted little more Thi; branch office of the As turned ove^ to the Investi- for separate maintenance, charg­ Sees Larflcrs Full time for recruiting of applicants. thorized it and how many individ­ Jenkins sailed into Schine on Motor ^ehlcle Dept, in the State Chest .$^49.00 n tln g committee by the Mc­ ing extreme cruelty. Nine "days Most of the entrants are expect­ body knows how much longer," than a half hour. The onl.v other said Mitchell, "eight United States /iTjr uals are involved in that surveil­ that point, .saying Schine ought to country speaking was Turkey. The A rm ^' closed this afternoon at I ^ • $2.‘I9 Copper Tone Mahogany, 3 Pieces . . . .$ )9 L 0 0 Carthy camp, a blown-up print later his estranged wife. Romelle, ed to come from among student,s bp able to romrmbei' wlio was 4:3untlful auppllea of tion of eligibility requirements. heads of the Dppt, of Defense, bunching. Guaranteed lot the life of the The Thai delegate said his coun­ as evidence that Stevens was on 1933. have all been engaged in a deadly pajamu. \ a matter Stevens and other Pen­ "I now ask you, are you content try. like other Asian nations, ing to Inspector Daniel Keri^. but k it c h e n / frlendl.v terms with Schine at the mailed into signing the 1948 let­ tagon officials could be questioned to allow this investigating corR- strongly In favor of the princi the total only hfought the eight- ter to prevent, a divorce. , It said Americans are likely to serious, llfe-and-death , struggle. day figure to the 9.000 mark. very-time the Secretary contends And about what? The grave crlsla' about later. mlttee to evaluate you ■ testimony that all Asian peoples should ^rm • $99 Formica Ej^ten,slon Table and 4 Chrome McCarthy and his aides were Their stormy marital litigation eat mdre chicken, eggs and dairy Railroad Delays Trouser Smartness” in pajamas! REIS pa­ ^ But McCarthy told reporters he givp'n here today, in the light of united and independent atate^ not Current licenses expire at mid­ WHITR SEAL has been frequently punctuated products than a year earlier, with in Indochina, maybe?—or what to night tonight. Chairs ...... $69.00 exerting improper pressures to get do about the H-bomb? jama pants are well taimred, expertly cut. wants ah investigation now. your refusal to sa.v wlicthel: divided in any way or subjMt “to • Slip Td'ble Opens to 60’ , 4 Chairs In Grev and preferential Army treatment for by charges and counter-charges output of these products high and Suitable ior lounging as well as sleeping. "The reports, tips and rumors Anastc'. waa pre.sent Monday coIoniajl.sm or Imperialisn^in any Motorists who failed to secure the wealthy Army private, a for­ contained in motions and answers prices lower. Underpass Work "Not, at all. The struggle la 'that We are being spied upoii are night or not?” form, old or new." / licenses here meat get them in CM$rAIIS IROS. DISTILLING C0„ INC , NEW VORN. N. Y. Red P l i i d / ...... $89.00 filed in court. Supplies of meat will be aome- about who did what in regard to Schine replied: Hantford now. mer unpaid consultant on- Mc­ an offi'cer's commiaeion, the week­ so persistent and so convincing He added, however, t'hat Tnai- ILENDEO WHISKEY, IS PROOF, 1 1 % GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS • $IT2 Breakfast Set, Red and Grev Table. Carthy's staff. what below the high level of last Work on eliminating the Hll- that I felt that I had no choice but ‘The committee, sir, as far aa ‘ land's experience has^een "that, apr.lng because of a cutback in the end pasaes, and the K. iP. di ty of •I am concerned, will judge lue not 4 Chairs ...... - ■ $95.00 The Army charged the print had Ifgrd Street underpass has been one Pvt. G. David Schine. What­ Short Sliavasi Short Lop $3,25 Long SInvoo, Loog Lop $33$ to aik for an '.^investigation.” the in order to be a goofi Asian or a • $139 Pine Siihplated Formica Table, 4 W rou^t been "doctored"—that actUally it A uthor l8 U pheld pig crop last* fall, the department brought to a stand still because Wisconsin Senator said. merely by the testimony of a few good European or a good Ameri­ was a group picture including Air said in a report on the national ever has happened to the dignity Cohn said he had "the same type minutes but my entire te.stimony.” can or, for that rtiatter, a good Iron Chairs ...... $99.00 food situation. But marketing.s of the New York, New HaVrn and and the maje.sty of the United Force Col. Bradley. Hartford Railro.-Vd has not gone States Government! of persistent reports and . strong The committee is trying to es­ Oil ‘‘Eternity’ Book hogs are expected to be heavier forward.with the work of lov.’cring indications that my Indivtcjual life, later in the year, reflecting "They say. that when Secretary tablish how it became a picture of the railroad tracks aocording to Stevens joined the Eisenhower which has nothing to do With this APPLIANCES Schine and Stevens alone. New York, ■. April 30 UP).— A larger pig crop this spring, the James H. Sheekey, town engineer. inquiry, have been under investi­ On this trail, it first called Roy report said.' ■ Sheekey said today he has writ­ team, he didn't know he was going gation by Army Intelligertce magistrate has niled against a Planting ■ surveys were said to to be awakened every morning 1^ SUITS • $449 Refrigerator. Holpoint, Automatic Cohn, counsel to McCarthy, who Brooklyn man who claims his ten the railroad expressing dis­ the cheery cry. Rise and Schine!’ units.” Hefrost...... i...... $3 1 5 .0 0 said he didn't know anything privacy was invaded in the book indicate that spring vegetable and satisfaction over the lack of prog­ "But it's fascinating, watching McCarthy said that if it was about any altering of the photo. and movie, "From Here to Eter­ melon production this year will ress and a.sking that op< ration.s be TROPICAL true that such shadowing by the • 439 Bendix, Refrigerator. Bonus Door . ..$ 2 9 9 .0 0 Cohn said Schine supplied the be above Igat year, but that the gotten under wa.v. A copy of the all this on TV—wondering what is Army were underway "it is a very • $279 Refrigerator. Hotpoint, 9 Cubic Feet $199.00 picture. nity.'' the secret of Schipe's siiccef* and .Joseph A. ■ Maggio, the coi.i- spring crops of 'Strawberries and letter went to the Public'utilities wondering ’ which Republican, or Tropical in tropical-^ Improper uae of public funds. • $319 Bendix. Gyromatic Washer ...... $ 2 1 9 .0 0 Schine testified the picture he peaches id the south will be off Commi.ssion ■ under whose .super* and better newn than Asked whether the Army was turned over to the subcommittee plaintant, said he was a GI in The department said supplies of .vision the agreement betv.*cen the RepUblicaiu, will turn ut to be the undertaking any such surveillance, • $199 Hotpoint Electric Range ...... $ 1 4 9 .0 0 was in fact a picture of himself. Hawaii before World War II with some fishery products and lard town and the road to substitute a liar er .liars. We know somebody ever now that dacron John G. Adams. Army counsellor • $3I9 Bendix. Push Button Autoin,atic Stevens and Bradley. And he i said the book’s SMthor, James Jones. w’ill be amaller. but .plentiful sup- grade crossing for an underpass lied, and it wasn't a Democrat.” and wool have beeii and one of McCarthy's chief tar­ "Hme to get Range ...... $ i 99 .0 0 he didn't know anything about its He claimed he sometimes was plies of alternative foodsN will be at Hilliard Street wjts made. blended to give you gets In the ' Wisconsin Senator's j called Angelo by hla Army bud- • $149 Florence Gas Range, De Luxe Model $99.00 "cropping." available. Sheekey said today tliat only light, cool comfort all "improper”. pressure charges, Schine said he turned the picture I dies, and that the alleged Writing one- bid for the railroad’s part of Police Use Radar, replied; over to Anastos at Washington Na­ him into the book as "Angelo the work was received by the road nummer long. You’ll "Don’t be silly." tional Airport last Thursday; I Maggio" has subjected him to ridi- Friday and no action has been Holl I Five Drivers LOOK cool, tira; be* H. Struve Hensel, assistant sec­ DURALL/’ lEDDING . “ ^ Anastos agreed he met Shine. But I cule. Fireiiieii Fightiug takqn b.v the '"New Haven” on a cause dacron never lets retary of defense and another ke said Schine kept actual physical I Dismissing the charge yester­ contract, principal in the case, aaid tn a f o r "HER" GIFT • $39.95 Simmdns Mattress. Twin and FuO possession of the picture. day m Brooklyn,. Magistrate Ar­ a wrinkle ruffle your ■eperabs , Interview he wouldn’t Blaze ill'“Woods Shkekey sajd the holdup b.v the Police uainir just-checked radar appearance. An im* . . . .nd solv, . „ r , Size „ .../...... $29,95 And, -Anastos said, the last he thur Dunalf. ruled that "the per- railroad was delaying work to be equipment yesterday arrested five hav* "the slightest idea” whether • $99 Foam Rubber .Mattress, Box Spring, knew of the photo waa that he car-- ■ son, if any, who may have given dope by the town,'the. Eighth speeders, and handed out warnings preaaive fabric en* an investigation of the kind was ried the wrapped package from" the inspiration to the character ‘An­ Firemen from companies-1 and 4 School and Utilities District, the to 28 other motorists found ex­ hanced by GRAM* being made, but added: "I don't, Twin Size ...... * ,...... $ 6 9 .5 0 subcommittee staff offices to the gelo Maggio' in the author's l>raln of the South Manchester Fire Manchester Water Co., the Ck)n- ceeding the speed limit on W. Mid­ think so.” • 129 Foam Rubber Mattress, Box Spring, hearing room last Thursday and (vaa not Joseph A. Maggio." Dept, were fighting a fire in the « Sueefe ERCY PARK’S fine Hensel himself has accused' two gave it to Julianio. ncctlcut Poy.er Co. and the Hart­ dle Turnpike near Tower Road. * standards of tailoring, /Twin Size ...... $ $ 9 .0 0 "In a work of fiction.” Dunaif woods to thPi rear of Uie Garden ford Gks Co. All are involved in The five motorists arrested, all of -McCarthy's' investigators of il $149 Foam Rubber Mattress. Box Spring, ' said, "there is always the prob­ Grove on Keeney Streei this after­ the changeover. ' . . of them booked on ithe lesser * . styling and fit. Avail* “scaring ... , seriously" a relative ability that, no matter what name noon. Authoritleis' said the I laze The work is scheduled for com­ charge of .violation of rules of the able in the season’s of one of his business ' partners Twin Size ...... $ 9 9 .0 0 “Crazy” Drivers is used, there is always some pert was not ferioua. pletion-July 18. road., "are Roger Miner. 46. of newest models and col­ "with the charge that her daugh­ sen living with that name. There­ Two grass /nres were * extin­ Montville: Warren Murphy, 32. o f, VStmeier, ter had been Involved in a hit and Start her let ^, fore. the mere use of such name guished by the MFD. Last night at East Hartford: Edith S. Archibald. ors. it looks at least run accident.” He said the two wWh the glemovrovt MISCEUANEOUS Face LaB Tests 7:30. the .department waa called to 38, 'of Andover; Prof. Reinhold A. ■, twice its down-to-earth also questioned his business part­ • Mops i«tt pInCD- is insufficient to constitute a vio­ ner "under the threat of produc- TRAIN CASE lation of the statute." *• 116 Green Rd. and to 228 Vernon Public Records Dorwart. 42. of the Unlvereit.v o f cost. ' ' frogi Imkhl • $69 Solid .Maple 4 Drawer Chest ...... M9.00 Chicago, April 30 — Those Maggto's suit was aimed at St. thjs morning at 9:46. Connecticut; and Harold C.' Law, | • ..N liot4t 52 nG#d»l Th«rG*i G • $79-Solid Maple 5 Drawer Chest ...... 21. of West Hartford. • — a t automobile drivers who make you Charles Schribner's Sons, publish­ Warrantee Deeds •weveV# frmy for f w tiq |G«PGlry, • $89 Solid Maple Dresser and M irro r...... ^ wonder why they don’t have their ers, and Columbia Pictures Corp. ' The radar equipment waa. r«>tlR|, st«lalN| • ftuGrpAW BiGlitvp mines tap. $mf •# «IL ^ 1 :8 8 Nellie Hagedorn to Elizabeth checked against a police cruiser | •r pGNraipi s $122 Rock Maple Mr. and Mrs. Dresser and heads examined, are' going to. Phillips and Adelaide S. Black, SmmsemiH'i keftar-Nieii-lGGtker ItiileK A psychiatric laboratory is to speedometer before being put into | Tboro's • rlchnott S5000 TV SNACK? • Uiht, flpxlbl* — Mirror ...... $ 8 9 00 Engagement property at Hollister and Bond iiHe yesterday . Qai,.recommeodatlon i m feWitwi eelefs wimm deen Willi • ba set up in Chicago to examine Police Hunt Cause ! Streets. ^ . •bout Mt vohroty- Miy St tttrti s$98 Mellow .Map(e Chest on Chest’.!!!! !^$79’oo "craxy” drivers. Chief Justice Ekl- made in Town Court Wednesday KOSHER STYLE 4mm cIgAI s$118 Light .Maple Hutch Cabinet ...... -$ 9 8 !0 0 ward 8. Scheffler of. Municipal 1 Robert T. Vennart to Hilding by Judge John S. G. Rottner. i ioiiWrod toad* bah Court said yesterday. Of Window Pocks Pavan-Cardone I^G. Gustafson and Gladys M. Gus- . The recommendation came In, IbaS aiaaSt b *a Aa OHmti start ot (ISAAC OEIXIS) tafMh, property on Hackmatack "PhychiatrisLs have found that Mr. and Mrs. John Pevan, 433 the case of a Hartford motorist; wall-drassad aian's $33.M (MOOEN A DAVID) '* tarnwagtiki INITIALED acrewball motoriau are realty a Keeney St., announce the en­ Street. who had been arrested by a radar' Havre De Grace, Md., April 30 C.'Rudolph Anderson and Ethel arardrpba. A raaart CORNED lEEF OCCASIONAL TABLES little off in the head." Scheffler — Police ahd used car dealers gagement of their daughter, Mias natrol two w>eeks ago. Judge: FREE aald. "The mental condition can Gloria Pavan, to Domenlc Cardone W.' Anderson to Milton K. Wit­ Rottner found'him innocent after' f^ssbian t^s^sS s^sea^sd Regular, longs, shorts, ‘ PASTRAMI / ' Cocktail — EimI — Lamp — Stap — Coraor sought today to find what caused of Middletown, son of klr. and ten and Sadie C. Witten, property it waa brought out that the equip-1 Om in...3nd see demonstniHoD! be diagnosed by a laboratory ex­ the. pock marks or cracks in the at 10 Russell St. 8eaas aaas) )a aa^sai 1 a t o u t a and abort Marlow’s ALONE in Manches­ . 25% OR! ■ amination. windshields of nearly 280 cars Mrs. Michael Cardone. meat had not been tested in' tw o! atouta. SALAMI Scheffler aaid the laboratory A September wedding is plan­ ■Idministralor's Deed months, and suggested then that j ter have all SIX Samsonite here. Helmer V. Werdelin, administra­ ROAST lEEF finishes: _ _ wlU be part of a ceiftral traffic The cars, discovered damaged ned. ■ the device ought., to be checked anforcement building for police tor of estate of Carl N. Werdelin. regularly. • .;* yesterday, w^re all parked on to Russell F. Gustafson, Sr., prop­ Keshffr Sfyl* PICKLES PHONE MI-9-5253 Alligator, Rawhide, and courts which will be opened used car Iota. Damage was con­ JAPS COOL TO MIUTARY Sgt.‘ Henry Gauruder and Pa­ next yaar. Tokyo, April 30 (A*)—Japan’s erty on Division Street. trolman Joseph Hilinaki operated COLO CUTS I WE A U lT il^ fined to the windshields regard­ Marriage Licenses .lAdmiral Blue, Saddle Tan, "We want to ban these nuU less of the angle at which the young men appyently have lost the radar patrol yeaterday for 3 <4 INVITE from automobiles on our streets interest in military service. Robert Boyd Almeida, of Wind­ hours. SALADS SUBJECT TO cars were parke«L„J Some marks sor, and Claire Teresa Duggan, of "YOUR STORE OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" Bermuda Green BUDGET and hi^waya or to suspend their were round, like' a B-B shot had LMt month the National Safety Police today also reported the GROCERIES driving privileges until the psy­ Force lArmy) called for volun­ Providence, ■'R. I., May 8. arrest of a Warehouse Point man ACCOUNTS j PRIOR S A U hyade them. Others' looked as If Anthony Paijl Pagllughl. of Colorado Brown chiatrists can report a cure," they mky have been’ made/ by teers, expesUng to be able.to pick for allegedly annoying two women •i ^ Scheffler aaid. "When the lab­ 28,000. from at lepat 110.000 candi­ Glastonbury, and Lorraine Rtith while they were sitting in a'booth OPEN NIGHTS sharp objects. Scott, of 24 Tower Rd.:,May 22 at oratory is opened judges wlll>send - Harold De Bonis, a dealer who dates. But only 8.123 have signed, in an E. Center Street luncheon­ SUNDAYS auspects there for m^tal analy- the newspaper Asahi said.today. St. Bridget's. ette , last night. . /f i t said 88 of 50 cars on his lot were Last year 30,000 privates were Building Permits ; Patrolman John Turner said damaged, offered a 28 reward picked from 100,000 volunteers SchaffUf said the "logical aus- leading to tha conviction of any To George Garbarini for Stuart' Matthew Chemdowaki. 27. was M M " arlU include the habitual and in 1982 more than 38.000 H. V. Carlson, foi; alterstions and charged with biaach of the peact BUILDING MATERIALS person or peraons napontible. Sim­ sought 8,000 vacanciea. - additions to dwelling ,st 601 S. 'inUnc offender, those who* re- ilar Windahield (linage has been after one of- the women com­ CEJI ISE&S N FERNDALE paa tadly evade court aummonaea The paper didn't speculate on Main St,. 81,000. plained that Chemelowaki ato p ;^ 0 1 0 LUMBER FUEL reported from many secUona of the reason'fo^ the dls-interaat. I M C . gad tkoaa "whoaa traffic u^mduct the country in recent weeks. This To Orlando G.'Annuli) for An- at thVir booth and rifiiaed to leave 1095 MAIN STREET . The safety ^ foies has . shout nuUi 'Construction Co., for four- after they had asked Jiim to. w W E O W E ^ ^ GREEN 3TAMPS./ 33C N. MAIN 8X,. MANGHBSTER li a 84ffraat riolatidn of common was the Owt foj this northeast ) 10.000 and plans Xn ^Id iip'to ((^posite' Hifh School) Drmgl judgmant" Maryland oommualty. „ i rtxjm, 1 >i-stpry dwelliinf’on Trum­ Gene,\Vliite, 28, of Bolton,, wlie 180J100 In UMtaext two years. bull 8L, 110,000. la Jbettar known as a itock-cair f mSm *\ V • • • A .*4” » . T • I > . '• .1' . , U ■~v I •T. V:* t

f ■ ’ ■a'V'".

^ ; V.. .

MANCHESTER” EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER..-^NN4 FRIDAY, APRIL 80, 1954 P A G E T E N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1954 , 8 . #A te ELEVEN I Food Sale ‘.ulate 14,000 Scene from Co-Weds Musical Comedy “ Harem-Skarem” ing big savings in welfare costa Libraties i Pope Reviews State CIO Hits and With cutting down crowded Cheney 30 Years ‘ ipiaimcd Tuesflay Town Again Fails to Meet conditions in (jonnecticut mental Books Monti in /Schools : Renaming Lodge institutions m a "field where there 111 Town Employ On May 4. the Talents . ^ Holy Vir^nity has been a lot of talk and no ac­ I Monthly Bloodmohile Quota tion from the Democrats.” L U C K Y L A D Y Project the Women^s ■ ROASTIN CHICKENS (Coatinned from Pago Oao) Two anniversaiy celebrations Comic books • « not the only,., busyxiuring school time working Federatiom ^f Center Church pdll 16 Pontiff Issues Eirst En- Manchester'a April Bloodmohile . nard, Mrs. Harriet Mitchell, Regi- were scheduled this afternoon Ibooks which, Manchester children j with the schools^ sponsor a Mother's Day gifts and sented in the resolution, the candi­ Three 'schools,"" Highland Park, food sale. • \ / We raise every one of our chickens here on Ih * f*rm d ay achieved only 131 pints of j nald Schmidt, Peter Aceto, Ruth date must meet these specifica­ among Municipal Building em­ t«ad. An average circulation of! Manchester Green and Vcrplanck, Beginning at, 1 p. m. and con­ cycUcal to Bishops o| blood. An Indication o f the dlf- j Mitchett, Mrs. Barbara Dlk, Hugo LAUNDERETTE in order to be sure to gel the finest meat chicken that can tions: M anchester ployes. One was for Neal (JJieney, «b ou t 14,000 cbUdren's , books a^ are visited weekly by the • chil­ tinuing until 4 a\delightfut a.ssort- Acuity with which donors are now Pearson," Mrs. Dorothy Cannon, be produced, heavy breasted, full growh for best flavor Church in Some Time 1 — He must be willing to use | .chief clerk in the asseapor'a office MAfLE STRCn — NiAB MAIN STREET month by the three town libraries. I dren's librarians trom the Mary ment of g ift itema. speh as hand­ being recruited ia the fact that Duchesne, Francis Schcibel, all the powers, of the state to re­ after two weeks of phoning the . Fred Henderson, Laurt-nce Mallon, D ate Book and another''fen- General Manager M ary Cheney, \MiUon and West j Cheney Library, and books arc made aprons, jew Jry. earrings and fast grown for tenderness. Vatican aty, AprU 30 IA>1— lieve the hardships of recession or ^ Let Our Experienccd/Attendants Help You loaned to students as if at and painted buttohS.^tted plants, available donor* lists. Red Cross Ernest Unders, ^verett Kennedy, Richard Martin. Side Branch, la proof of the fact Pope Pius, in. his first' encyclical depression whenever they occur. a Dublic library. Classes from the stationery, etc.,-^ w ill\ ^ offered StaA Aides were able to schedule LaBrec, Albert Patch, 2 — He must besWilllng to call Cheney completes 30 years serv­ With Your Spring Washing that children like to read good ROGER OLCOn to Roman (jatho.llc bishops in only 134 appointments for the Everett C ol^ Joseph Donahue, Al- Tonight and Tomorrow Lincoln School come to the for Mother's Day shoppers. In r ■ ■ t ’ many months, pointed out whst a special session oc' the General Co-Wedz musical revue, ‘‘Harem ice-with, the town tomorrow and books In spite o f the availability i day's operation. . Of this num- J**' . library on a regular schedule conjunction' With the.se '.vartlcles, '. he described ss "errors” props- Assembly to act on - problems Scarem,” Waddell School. Martin w ill complete his second o f comics, and also in spite of oth­ throughout the senool year, and there wlll^be a pastry table con­ 403 West Center Street Mllcheil 3-7853 her, 45 failed to appear or made ; J?’ *^“ " “ *** where the state can propwly move 'gated in recent years on the aub-> last minute cancellations, i Albert A ^ m s , Father Far- ■ Tomorrow year in the top administrative post BLANKEtS er diversions auch as television, the library- also sends books to the taining variety of home paked j ^ t 'of priestly celibacy and reli­ to help people, particularly b y ex-, Jaycees’ annual M a y dance. tomorrow. . _ # RUGS Agaln-yesterday, a l a ^ nihn- movies, etc. ' Nathan i-ialc, Washington, South, delectables, as well as the new tension o f unemployment bendfits State Armory, 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. A t a brief ceremony at 2:30 this gious chastity. her of walk-in donors app^red to Broken down, the circulation of Keeney and St. James' Schools, editipb o f the Women's Fedetta- . Thq encyclical, made public to­ for people who have exhausted Western Caravan jamboree afternoon ' Martin was slated to children's books fo r each library With transportation of books pro­ ti<^Cook Book. day, ia. dated March 25, ITcaat of u^* i Th^?e w ^ IT 5 n f”t5^VlllI' Ot^rwtlk-ln donor, were Ralph their benefits and who are still a^ow and bam dance. Orange present Cheney with 30 Silver dol­ CURTAINS S P R E ^ monthly Is as fbUCws; Mary Che-1 vided by the school, department. A tea, always a welcome Inter­ the AiriunetStlcm e i thef Virgin unsuccessfully looking for work. HMl, 8 p. m. lars, U»e gift of fellow workers in ney, over 7 ^ : Vt'hiton, 6,000; A t the Whiton Library, classes lude In a hurried day. has also Mary. ______*».- Johimon, George Hunt, George 3 —- He must provide employ­ ''x Monday, May S the building. and West Side Branch. 800. from the Robertson School have been planned to complete the rejected donors which marked the ment by means of state public Chaminade Club concert, Luther 24 BENDIX WASHERS------7 Q R?ERS I: Its Jltle ifl "Hdly Virginity." lowest number of rejects since •Siyverts, Arthjir McCrohon, Fliza- Later, employes were to present What do children like to read regular library time. TlilS, library afternoon's activities. An oBlciat , summary issued by 'i)eth Schaller, Mildred Berggman, 'works by Increasing aid to local HaII.,Bmamiel Luthersn church. Martin with a cake commemorat­ most? According to Miss Marion also services the Waddell.'’Hollis­ Proceeds from this Mother's the start of the local program ^/ governments for the building of Annual meeting of Manchester the Vatidiin Presk oiTlce liaid that Scheduled donork who. appe^TM Eonald Caldwell, Leo Barrett, ing His cecond anniversary as gen­ Jesseman, children's librarian at ter. Bowers and Buckland Schools. Day sale will go toward each in­ Vlrgimty is uq^rstpod in its Dwight MacFarland, BMward Goss, better schools and by the resump­ Council of P T A Assn., Green eral manager. WE DO IT or U DO IT! dividual member of the ^ a len ts included Donald Carpentetr ; Mrs. the Mary Cheney Libiar>’, it is a Classes from the Washington traditional sensei^and ineana not and Barbara Kloppenburg. tion of state middle income hous­ Schqol, 8 p. m. Clare Reynick, Mrs. Eva^ussiet, ing. tosBup between fiction and non­ School go to the W'est Side Project Group con trib u ^g her only phyalcal in \ «^ ty in sexual The next Bloodmohile Day for Friday. M^J' 7 Party dessert: Pour chocolate PAR K IN G — T E LE PH O N E MI-9-8212 particular talent or service. This George Magnusen, Raymond Mer­ 4. — He must lower the state fiction, with good stories of ad­ Branch. matters Imt "alsq and ^specially” Manchester will be Fridays May "M ay Fellowahlp.” at Commu­ sauce over drained canned pears venture and fanlily life leading project is year-ions/'^ concluding cer, James Fogartj^'Jr., . Stella sale.? tax and take other necessary During t,hc school year the chil­ the state' of chastity V f religious, 28. Those who wish, to be dot^ors nity Baptist Church, 2 p. m. and top with whipped cream to the fiction list; biographies are Fyler, Mrs. Ruby^Fairtleld, Mary steps to combat recession or de­ OPEN^LATE dren's department is a veritable In September at xylftch time the men and women, sectilpr priests on that day may phone Red O oss Daughters of Isabella benefit which a little rum flavoring has very popular virith both boys and contents of each tMent box wUl be l McKeever, D $^thy Johnson, pression. ' source of information for all sorts and pei-sonk conseorated ito works headquarters, M I 3-5511, and card party. St. James' Church. been« - girls; acience and historj’ top the donated to the ^Women's Federa- Francis Cownm Hermarf Heck, 5 — He must be a man who. Saturday, May of classroom reference work. I of charity In thq world.'\ make appointments starting im- 8 non-fiction list. tion. Followlpg the biblical para-' Mrs. Celes^ Shelden, Mrs. Muriel from experience in administrative Three-act comedy, "Take Care Typical inquiries for one day in­ The iS pe warned that the mediately. ble. each TaUmts Project member \ Mosler,' Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson, functions can be expected to show of My U ttle Gtrl,”\ (Jooper Hall, Available in the children's de­ cluded Euph things as slums, wom­ Catholic Chitreh's doclrlpe ia partment at the Mary Cheney Li­ was given yont dollar to multiply Mrs. Ndrman Southerglll Mm . ability In the field of state gov­ South Methodist Church, en's rights, national government, "sometimies forgotten or. .^eYen as many/times a-s possible by Muriel Stevens, Mrs. Frank Sy- ernment. go that we may have Monday, M ay lo brary are ovet 10.000 books for beginning of jazz, Wright broth­ altered." He ..'expressed' alsap; children o f pre-school age through means w her talent. mnnds, Mrs. Marie -Ben.son. Muril real promise of competent, effici­ Testimonial dinner for Wilfred ers, soil conservation, information proval (if. the Importance wHlcm Girl Dragged By 3 Studebakers irafca clam twoop kr Amorica’s • y lM lI the eighth grade. With the -S.OOO, Thfyartlcles and services offered -'• With all the best books for boys over making, baby sitting, taxi A 16-year-old McKee Street girl in Manchester. service. Ironing, mending, baking Precious TretMirte die MfeCartin, Mrs. Grace Agrtew, w a s, dragged or pulled some 20 problems of the state, including Saturday, May IS and girls available here in the •'.Sacred' vlrglnlty/''and perfect Elizabeth Chase Mrs. Nancy adequate mental hoapital facilities; As part of Its serv'ices to the libraries, there is no lack of good and many others are included feet by a car she couldn't let go of ' "Girl Scouts Together” pro­ SniDEBAKERl BinER MEHIIN6 fliastlty, consecr^d to the serv­ Grant, Mrs. Catherine / Bolduc. last night, -but was not seriously concerned about Improving edu­ children, the Mary Cheney Library reading on hand for children of all among the.se services and talents. _ gram at State Armor>’, 2 to 4:45 holds story hours for children be­ Further information and a list of ice*'of Ood, cerfalnly is for the Louis Mlchsud, Mrs. Edward La- injured, police reported today, cational facilities ami a man who p. m. ikges. Many of the children are Chance, Antonio Salvatoee, and will seek to bring to Connecticut tween the ages of 5 and 10 during using these books constantly and these talents may be obtained flhurch one o f the most precious ' Patrolman John Krinjak said the May 20, 21'and 22 achool vacations and during the from Center Church office. treasures M in its Author has left York Strangfejd. girl, Gail Mostonl, 16, of 258 Mc­ types of industry which we do not Center Thespians present the librarians are always glad to Also Daniel Ed'vfirds, Zoel have now. including a steel mill, to ■ summer months. These are not work with children and parents Mrs. Edward DIk. chairman of tr. It a p ^ heredity.” Kee St., was shaken up when a car “Miranda,” Bowers School, ' TWnuipber of faithful who have Parenteau, JusUi.s Paul, Mre. driven by Ned (Jharles, 19. of 41 increase jobs and help business Friday, May 28 WINS THE 154 MOBIIfiAS RUN held while the schools ai-e in ses­ selecting books and aiding in any the Mother's Day,sale, has an­ nounced that non-perishable Items thjMfDeem consecrated to God from Susanna SheppaVd, Mrs. Lydia Bigelow St., started to pull away and' industry. W P A Mysticettes .Springtime sion as the librarians are then too vyay possible. iierald Plioto Murphy, John Rice, Betty Jane William E. Steckcl, 77 Boulder Rd., in the role of the Sultan, is shown above in the palace convers­ for the .sale may be left at the e beginning of the church to our from in front of her house. Revnje, Verplanck School, 8 p. m. McEsier, Earl Avery, Mrs. Mar­ BALDWIN PRAISE^ LODGE ing with three of his eight wives who are. from left to right, Mrs. Muriel McClain, M r» Martha Martin church the day before or morn­ present days is incalculable, he Krinjak said the two had been Saturday, May 29 Ao gas-eating excess iu lk f Nopower^timstitig extra weightf tegic reasons. The restrictions still guerite Gidnian, Jubtin Gidman, and Mrs. Hilma McComb. This is one of the many colorful and amusing scenes in ‘^’Harem-Skarem," ing of the sale. A box for this j added. talking and that Miss Mostoni was Portland, April 30 (/P)—Republi­ 20th reunion, cla.ss of 1934, Britain Set to Sell apply to the Red Cjhina area. The Pope said the nobUlty of its Frank Qiilsh. Sr., Julius Sclimldt, holding onto the rim of the car can State (Chairman Clarence F. MHS, Garden Grove. an original musical comedy which the Co-Weds of Center Church are presenting topight and tomorrow purpose will be placed in the par-1 Mrs. Betty Jane Messibr, Roger Including are such items a.r motives should inspire preference door on the driver’s side when Baldwin said here last night “ GoV. Saturday, June 5 at 8:15'p.‘ m. in the Waddell School auditorium, under the direction of William AMley- It Is the ninth ish foyer. i Negro, Dorotliy Turner, Kirs. Rutli aluminum steelcorded wire, certain for the state of virginity to that of Charle.s started to drive off in low Lodge has been far and away the 30th reunion, class of 1924 MHS. Rubber to Russia annual revue of the organization and la for the benefit of the 175th Anhiversar/ building fund of the Lloyd, John Plimpton, Jr., Mrs. ferro-alloys, certain metals and iraiTiage. gear. The girl, however, apparent­ mo.st succe.ssful governor of Con­ Country Club, 4 p. m. alloys.i metal drums and barrels, church. „ . William Palmer, Ru.sscll Person. ly unknown to either, was still necticut in the field of sound and However, he said, one should not Albert Scabies, Josepli CadorMte, (ContlniMd fmin Page One) certain \/ire and tvrip of copper abstain from marriage for reasons' holding on. , lasting administrative reforms.” Cart L!imbardo, Charles Spratly, or copper alloys, rolls for rolling taken by “ constitutional'' means. ' ► TOYS 4 of self-interest, nor from fear of The patrolman re^ rted that the Baldwin contended that Lodge H n 1954 StirielMkar Philip Bayer, Joseph Gouin, MiAs ■p,i Alfred Eliten, Mr.s. Elizabeth Sradebaker Chesipioa! sidei-ed remack.-ble the fact that parade shouting the -party slogan: social works, missionary ' work, and a generous supply of the valu­ o f Timde would not disclose the Hartford Conn. Trust . 87 92 14.463 of the nearly 21,000 By John Mather Chapter Minder. 'Wilfred Cote, Patrick quota but said 1952 shipments " P U P all the w ay!” have been fotinded and directed by able Ui and Bi Vitamins. Helsinki, Finland, April 30 (/P)— Manchester Trust 60 — registered men and women over Grakowsky, Edwin Culver, Eld- j Often In lu davs time folks lack­ I s r liim p iO il wiIB were worth 32,510.000 pounds The crowd was orderly and police rieats, '»y roeh nn^ women of re­ The Australian diplomatic staff Phoenix State Bank 21 cast bsIloLs in this first general praised the people for "not creat- De, Molay Mothers Circle ward Werner, Dana Gatchell. ing these needed Minerals and Vita­ ($91,028,000). He added this was ousted from Moscow was on ib- and T r u s t...... 69 64 Sgions ordei*. E'rancis Long, Carl Heltgren and OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS mins feel the difference. Friends Overdrive got 29J8 election. Some voters in isolated ii.g a single incident.” Such a prodikdouu activity, he “about all we'd let them have." way by train today to Helsink’ on Fire Insnranoe Corapanlee Joseph Accomeio. , notice It—there Is actu.ally the urge plaees had to paddle miles in GRANTS STORE said, would be rdndered practically to eat— nerves grow steadier— work n d a t per gallon! The sales fell to 6,266,000 the first leg of its journey home. Aetna F i r e ...... 'i.'V'j 68'i Walk-in donors were Mrs. E.sther Studcbalccr made a clean sweep t Run srinners are available im­ canoes to nolling stations. Make a savory garnish for roast Impossible by eoNcitude for a home comes lots easier. You rest and pounds ($17,544,800) in 1953. The j;roup of 10 Australians.- Hartford Fire . . . . » . . HD 1.54 Clark. Arnold Clark, Werner F irst tn the Grand Sweep­ mediately at surprisingly tow The colonial authorities accepted chicken. Mix 6 tablespoons of «n d the cares o f a family. sleep much better. The sharp decline showed Rus­ headed by Charge D'Affalrcs Brian National Fire ...... 76'3 79 *i Hirsch, Stanley Sholik, Alfred Decide now lo take FERRIZAN stakes! F irs t o f all cars in the PU P victory and promised to catchup together with 2 tablespoons Saturday, May 1 The Pope warned against what cost. Studebaker !s the.bcM ' sia was not buying any total even Hill and .including two wives and Phocni.x ...... 101 109 Hagenow, Edward Fitzgerald, Your Choice fny 30 days and see Just whst It will / actual gas mileage! cooperate fully with the elected of brown sugar in a skillet; add 6 he described as a new concept for Dwarf Apple First o f a\\ built, best engineered, best I9M Cts mpim d-goumsw jodai close to its allotted quota from two child! cn, left Moscow last Life and Indemnity Ins. Cos. Evelyn Fitzgerald, Alfred Ven- i do for you—and remember this legislators who will he sworn in canned peach halves cut side down the training of young clergy—that overdrive cars! First o f alt styled car in America. Oct an Britain and its major rubber pro­ night and were expected to arrive Aetna Life ...... 118 123 9:30 A. M. FERRIZAN must, give you "full for their new three-year terms in and simmer about 5 minutes. Serve '■Of exposing them to temptations. ______I Dwarf Baldwin satisfaction'or your money hark. automatic drives I You can't excitingly out-ahead new '54 ducing source of Singapore, a here later today. Aetna Casualty . . . . .134 144 British CrowTi colony. Conn. Gen...... 305 320 the Legislative Council probably in hot. .Some he said, that' semi­ $ ' Get Genuine FERRIZAN today— get this performance in any car Studebaker I It puts you . The Embassy wa.s shut down and Dwarf McIntosh ino Tablets 11.5*. ’ 1 8 2 9 ^ Singapore . obtains. Its rubber Uai tim'd Steam Boil. . 60'j 63>j June, narians. and'.young members pf but a Studebaker. Duplicates ahead of the parade . , , it the staff wa.s asked to leave after KUVniB LMMIT mainly from vast plantations in Travelers ...... 1175 1225 Instead of appointing half of the JtligTow'erderti'Should pFove tlCefC 100 TaMcta Only . .$ l..%8 of the Studebaker Mobilgas gets you monwben you tradel the'Soviet Union last we<*k broke ROOFING SUPPLIES Dwarf Delicious Public UttUtlea council as in the past, the British chastity by ah unqualified con- 350 Tablets ___ . .$4.,50 the British protectorate of 'Ma­ off diplomatic rclatloref/Pith Aus­ GET ’EM A T inrWMwr.i^mv. oofteiitiai 9‘kfW la ya as well as from Indonesian Conn. Light Power . 16>, 18'!, governor. Sir Patrick M. Renison. ! -tact with the dangers ot the world jid0woti hiT/. fkcome 'vBnnf tralia over the ^case .Of. Vladimir Mail Orders 10c Extra pi^ucers. Conn. Power ...... 41>5 43'a will name only three to the council. ' in order that they learn to guard W. H. ENGLAND CHORGHES MOTOR SALES •W Jtm mmU CkWt or Owdhiwu-. Petrov, who quit his post in tlie OVER 30 YEARS 0H wfhomst at tern to st, m a j A Board of Trade spokesman Hartford Elec. Lt. . . 5 V , 56'3 Three other seats will be filled by ; againat them. The Pope then de­ 80 OAKI.ANO STREET MANCHE.STER Soviet Embassy in Canberra and LUMBER COMPANY Your Choice t e y tn jMonl) tomwtmnthas. said that the lifting of controls Hartford Gas Co. .. . 34 37 government officials. nounced what he described as the Pear Trees J. W. Hale Corp. V as given political amium. So. New England PU P leader Leigli RiChardx>n. perits of such a method and advise Telephone MI-9-0344 'Was not because of any feeling Dispatches from t>erth, Aus­ that Russia should get more rub- Tel...... p>n who pledged during the campaign the recourse to prudence which Plum Trees tralia, said the 51 persons attached ^ r , but because the Kremlin was Manufarturing Companlea to change some portions of the AND has been tested by coiturles of ex­ getting whatever rubber it w'ant- to Russia'.? mi.ssjpn in Australia Allied Tiicrnial .... . 42 -- colonial government's long-range perience. Cherry Trees-^ ed anyway “from othei- world left for Et'ropc yesterday from Am. Hardware .... . 13 V.5 development program, said in a The Pope described a;f- com­ iKurces." Fremantle aboard the Britl-h liner Arrow, Hart. Heg. . . 38 41 statement all action would be CAPITAL SAND and CINDERS COMPANY pletely'fiklse the assertion some­ Under ■ changes in the export ■New Apstralia. Assoc.' Spring ...... 27 30 times made that members devoted The ship, recently used to take 5 VEGETABLE PLANTS. PERRENNIAL and Bristol Brass ...... 1 5 'j 17'j' N E W MOM to s religious life are “almost re­ licensing control export licenses ______HARD SURFACE ------/ are no longer required for sales of migrants to Austrrlia, carried no Cheney Bros...... 7 8*3 moved from society.” ORIENTAL FLOWERS. HART SEEDS. SHRUBS, natural rubber and rubber latex— otM r pa.wcnger.s. C oliln s...... 98 108 MANCHESTER "The holy virgins who spend EVERGREENS and FERTILIZER FORGET MESSY except insofar as it affects the Red /' A Soviet woman economist en- Em-Hart ...... 30'i 33'j their entire liv -s in the service ot China urea. ■^routo to Australia on a British Fafnir Bearing .... . 37 40 MILLWORK CO. the poor and the sick, without HAND DEFROSTING liner was ordered ashore today at MoNchestOT W allpaper There is nothing, of course, that Landers.. F'rary. Clk. . 26 28 254 Broad S t — Tel. Mi-9-S283 distinction o f race, of sbeial con- Stop In and Ixiok Over Oitr Stock Colombo. Ceylon. I! D. Egoroy, DRIVEWAYS SPECIAL - can stop Russia from eelllng rub­ N. B. Mach. Co. new . 24 >4 26', ' ditibn or religion, participate in- O ld Paiat Com^ny head of the Russian Emba.ssy con- ber to Communist Oilna. . North and Judd . .. . 25 28 timatelv in their miseries and suf­ D. E;. rRBCH ETTE, Prop. .■aalar section in New Delhi, India, 9'2 l l ' i INSTALLED R A N € H 5 Lbs. Gra.sS TTie Board of Trade also re­ Russell M fg...... ferings.” flew to Colombo with instruction Stanley Works com. . 46'; 49', FOR EXPERT So, he added, do priests, who, as 249 Broad St.. Tel. MI-9-6591 moved the requirements for export GARDEN SALES Seed— $1.79 - licenses on a number of other ma­ i from Moscow for the woman. Terrv Steam ...... 99 109 WE HAVE THE PROPER good pastors, following the divine Klara I. Bobkina, t'o discontinue OPEN EVERT EVENING 312 O A K L A N D ST. MI-9-9406 terials which had been under ,rc- Torrington ...... 25 27 CABIKfT WORK WORKMANSHIP AND EQUIPMENT example of the Master *,'know thWr O N TIL 9 ■trlctions for supply and not stra­ her voyage. Informed sources said f . S. F.nvciope com. . . 73 ■- , ' sheep and call them by name.” .' ehe woijld go to New Del'ii. 1 U. S. Envelope pfd. . 62 67. CALL WITH Vecdcr-Rbot ...... 34 37 FREE ESTIMATES The above quotations are ,iot to MI-9.3283 Showy Fruit Stamp-Ons HOME THIS Twd-^Way Play Togs be construed as actual markets. Call CH-6-2318 or AD-2-9432 Open 8 A..5I. to 9 P.M. Dally NO CHRISTMAS TUKE^ NEW Vlrtoria l/P' A campaign to eliiniuate Chri.stm?.? tree.?c-s/is being COMPLETED urged on the British Columbia government by Bert Price, .Social MAGIC C1^LE" SELF.DEFROST1NG Credit member of the legislature from Vmieouver..“ \Vhole.sale sla.sh- ing of .Chiistmas trees- ma.v one | Burned ^ake • • • or Cheerful Chat? (lay invpcril the luniber industry,” 1 Garden Open Fad Saturdays Until N«Mb __ I___1J2.______:___I . -A; 4^ • •- , 1 / ^ -r»- ' " • - i li A I A -V:; ( ■ - J. -'I "v'V I ■ I '- i '


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 80, 1954 ■■I ■... tOONERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER PAGE THIRTEEN \ 'aon of Mr. and Mrs. John' Mali'h Coventry W a p p i n g ' 'S o l t d n ".Pee W ee" Menard, and hia Trail. by tha youngsters to finance m. oY-^Ekuit Windsor Hill, has ■ boon Herders will be sponsored by the M I C K E Y ( H i m s e l f ) W c G u i A E twp-day trip to New York on May Sense and Nonsense selected to represent South Wind­ ('range at the (Tommunlty Hall bn 13 Aqd 14. It Is expected that the WINDOW SHADES NewP&W,Piant sor at Ni'tmeg Boys’ State from May 8 at 8:30 p. m. The Home grand t^al of tlje trip fund go . ?■ i . . Church Society to Present Jiaie 27 to July 3. New Car Show Economics Orrnmittee is In c h M ^ over $70ON.,the minimum goal set Friend — We go away for our' Groom — Calm down, dear, of arrangements. LONG WEARING holidaya.iia...... w.every third.k i.j year.------pleaae. I ’m going to hav«. enough by the studelit^. y To Employ 385 Manchester Evening Herald Tickets May be obtained from PersonhL,Mpntloi|/ ' Man — What do you do the trouble explaining you to her! COLOMMA ARROW Wapping correspondent, .Mrs. An­ To Be Feature Mrs. Donald Tedford. chairman, or Mr. and Mrs. Scbagtiail Gambo- other yean? Two Comedies in One Act nie C'oUlns, tele^on e Ml-S-4419. Wapping, April 30 (Special)—‘ any member of the committee. latti have returned-m^their home M On Made So Order Friend — The f in t one we talk Gentlemain .(to mistress) — 1 Mrs. Arthur Pinney, MLss Grace of laat year's holiday, and the next The ‘ Utilities IndusCrie.s Co. Is on Route'85 after spe'nding the GlaGG With Year Itelien / swear, you are very handsome. Coventry, April 30 (Speclll)— Ity chairmen, that atampe w lll'be Of Street Fair Tedford. Mrs. Hazel Floyd. Ed­ winter in Florida. X year we discusa plans for the fol­ Mistress—Pooh! You would say building a 97,500 square foot build- ward DeDosaer. Mrs. Peter Masso- a i t lowing year. The Christian Endeavor Society of sold for only seven weeks for those PiaiiQ at'Xheatfjr Mr, and Mrs. Charles T. H#tl>- 3KIN6 THEM STiuTS MERE^ so even If you did not think so. interested in filling their stamp In," south o f the Dairy Dell Ice Bolton,’ April 30 (Special)-^ lini, Mrs. Mildred Judatz. John aw-ay, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Piniv^. the Second Congregrational Church' Cream Bsr on U. S. Route 5, which E. A JOHNSOir FAST ' Gentleman - And so you would books before the cloie of school. Yankee Street Fair co-chadrman. Maasolini or Bruce G. Ronson. and Mr. and M rj. Fred C. Mohr I am the first daughter, of the will present two one-act comedies they hare already leased to the think, though I shpuld not say so. Sewing (Tub Formed • . Is Gift to Ret? Mrs. E. E. Perkins and Mrs. Louts PUC Bridge Hearing Set were among those who attended first daughter, of the first da\igh- Pratt and Whitney Aircraft for PAINT OO. May 8 at 8 p. m. In the Church A new 4-H Sev lfig< d u b . was ^ Dimock, Jr. have announced a. The Public Utilities Commission the supper meeting of Pioneer ter, of the first daughter; also the A lady had a cocktail party. three years. The expansion of the Community House. M r.'and Mrs. formed Wednesday at the home of hew featxire at this year's fair will hearing bn the wooden bridge at Past Masters Assn, at:, Hillstown 699 Main St.. TeI. lll-9.4S01 first daughter of the first son, of From all accounts it was highly company's present facilities will The Stanley Warner Corp., own­ I James T. LaldlaW will direct the Mrs. Arthur Johnson, leader, on be a new car show on the Green. the Notch will be held Tuesday at Grange last night. the first son, of the first son. successful - at least, one would be used for development o f an er i.of the State Theater and, until plays, "Food ■ For Father,” and Ripley Hill. Officer# elected fol­ Leslie Bolton, who is in. charge 10:30 a. m. in Room .585 at the' « —Peggy Lang, gather so from the report she gave- atomic energy aircraft engine. recently, the Circle Theater, has State Office Building In Hartford. Manchester Ex*enlng Herald Birmingham, Ala. "Scrambled Eggs," by Helen M. low: president, Phyllis DeForest; of all rented space available at a friend: "It was swell—19 out of vice president, Gsil Oargo; secre­ Utilities rep”esentntiVes said donated the upright piano used 12 came."- Clark. the J'une.5 event, will be assisted Expert To Serxe 100 Bolton eorreapoilrient. .Vlra. Joseph tary, Edith Sheldon; t.ew* report­ the new building will provide 52,- I T ’S EASY TO SEE He-'^If you'll give me your tele­ During intermission Andre Lieb- 000 square feet of office space and for several years at the Circle to by John Rogers bn the car show' Eighth grade students expect to IPItalla, tHephone Mitchell S-S545. man will play two accordlan selec- er, Sandra Johnson, acrapbook. tjie town Recreation Dept, for use serve about 100 at their roast beef HOW THIS HAPPENEP phone tHimber I ’ll call you up Two deacons once disputing will have about 385 emplo.ves. The feature.- They have announced that, LOAM sometime.X tlons, a polka "Annie Did It keeper, Roberta Rankin and game site has an 867 feet frontage. at the East Side Recreation Cen­ five car dealers viill display three supper tomorrow night at the There'ara only about 100.(WO cars about a proposed new graveyard,' leaders, Marion Wood and Pamela She — It*s in the book. one; remarked■ Wrong,” and "The Merry Widow Cancer DrIve-LAgs ter, James Herdic, superintendent models each and have a repre­ school. This is the last of several and trucks in operation In the R e­ Rich.'Cultivated Loam S ir^ Ellis, He — Fine! your name? W alts." Mrs. D. P. Ca.vanaugh, chairman of recreation, said today. sentative on hand throughout the fut>d raising project# undertaken public of Indonesia. What's First Deacon—I'll never be The girls will meet Thursday at For Sale She That's la the book, too. burled in that ground as long as I TTie oasts include; "Food For of Ih ». Cancer Drive, reports that William McGrath, manager of dav. >, live! Father," David Breithaup por­ 3 p.m. at Mrs. Johnson’s home. A only $325 has been received to­ the State Theater, informed the PETER ' name will be chosen for the chi4> Manchester dealers participating trayed by Donald Gehring; Arnold ward the $650 q\iota. The drive is Recreqtlon Dept: recently tbslt the 'T h ey had been marfied only one Second Deacon —What an obsti­ then. Include Carjer Chevrolet Co., Dil­ Breithaup, by, Glepn Bradley; supposed to end Saturday. A total piano would be donated by the night, and were h a v ih g ^ e ir first nate man! NerviCe OulM to Meet lon Sales and Service. Moriarty LALASHUIS . Ruth Norton by Joan Ayer; Agnes of $500 was collected last year. State Theater. breakfast together in the',, hotel First Deacon—If my life (■ ■ The First Congregational CThurch Brothers. Manchester Motor Sales restaurant. When 'the waitreaa spared, I will! . Bentley by Anne Reynolds; Bar­ Residents desiring to coatrlbiite Herdic said the piano has al­ and a Roc!;ville dealer, Barlow NEW LOW Excavating and Grading ^ ‘30 I bara Hutchins, Maryanne Davis;. Woman’s Ser ica Guild will , meet may send checks in care of ®ox ready been put to use at the Jun­ C a»» t * 9 « h M l* l< brought the menu, she said "Hello Monday at 8 p.m. at the home Of Motor Sales. T M l*f U t OH Mrs. Carlson, Helen Jordan. 162 'South Windsor. ior High Dance Conducted by .the Contractor honey" to the groom. SilenTe Dora -I don't think that atory Mr.'. E. Lynn Beerwort. The I>og Liernsea Filed SUMMER PRICES reigned until ahe left, then the bride^ w e heard about Barbara ia so bad. "Scrambled Eggs," Nicholas by 1 Cub Park Organized Recreation Dept. Friday. ‘ Nearly women will work on plans for their Town (Tlerk'e-David C. Toomey "Can I help i^ f you're not a perfect 387" blew up. \ C ora—Give it time, my dear, Dwight Gordon; Jay. Charles Joseph Pacheco has announced 40o youngsters attended. Herdic 4 - ? e - 5 A » Bradley; Winifred, Adele Gehring; next project to raise money for the said last night that more than TEL. MI-9-2558 Bride--Who is she? givKJt time. / that (iub Pack 62 has been or­ expressed appreciation for the JEDDO—HIGHIJiND Lucretia, I.,a-Lee Becker; Olga. churck. Officials said all women of ganized. Applications 'or inember- contribution and noted that there half the estimated number « f dojf the church are Invited to help licenses to be obtained in tqwn OUT OUR WAY BY JML WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Carole Wlttmann; Ivan, Ernest. nhip may be sent to Pacheco at will be many uses for the piano at DAILY CROSSWORD pqZZLE Morris. make a success o f these projects. Miller Rd„ RFD, Wapping. These the recreation center. have already been issi ed. He eXr COAL T„n $26.10 Board Bans Salesmen Set-Back Wlnaere Listed. applications must be recelvied be­ pects there are about 100 or 125 There were eight tables of set­ . (Cash— Delivered) Antw>r to" previous Puxzl* The Board of Education voted fore Monday. The (h-'j Dens will yet to be obtained before Saturday '^OW/AGOV /i(-3o back In play Wednesday night at evening, the Mav 1 deadline. M E TOO/ a n d I WE've BAH.' you gUFfOOiS ARE K • . that no salesmen shall contact any be formed on that date. CO.NNUmci’T WITHOUT A NEVER STUPlEP Missing Words □ □ u u l a u f i i u a e s a the hlathan Kale Community Cen­ Deaths Last Night Property Trilnsfrrs Listed TOO BAO AM?. POPCVERT^T^'lf.fc,— ' TOO BPA5H FOR VOOR PVPtl during school time without W. David Casavant of Beelzebub NOW! '^TH' CHURCH AMP TH’ BIRTH TM' CONSTITUTION CJ□ □ approval and ig'rmission of super­ ter. Prizes were awarded as fol­ Road will act as Cubmasler. His Recent property transfers at the TOWM MAU. ftURMT CERDFlCAte BECAUSE I WAG HAULED ANCHOR eiZBeCHBS/-^ INSTEAD □ Q Bu g ] y| Ton I atrgd th* plHowtt Why?" LJm H vising principal or an authorised lows; aaaistanU will be Stanley Danilo- By THE ASS(K'IAT£D PRESS Town Clerk’s office include a home COKE $23.00 AT c a n t NOW IG A OF REPENTING FOR C tX5VSAJ~AMP I NEVER LOOKIN' 6ER3RE WE SAW OUl^p,, ACKOS8 DOWN QBIB ca a E Woman's first, Mrs. Mertie Mar- FAJPANYEOOY Ot-P MAN WITHOUT FOR LOOPHOLES, c u t t in g o f f My in ­ □ Q B C3 __ representative. Also, that all wlez and Fred Andreoli. Further Pasadena, Calif.— Rear Adm. on Goodwin Road from Frank and ENOUGH TO PROVE I rbtte o f Willtmant|c; second, Mrs. A COUNTRY/ IN rr/ c o m e , you WAV rT 1 — — cross bun * *T” M p □ \eachers who carry school children information may be obtained by Herbert Victor Wiley iret), 63. Ruby Dittrich to Samuel W. and WAS, BORN IMTHE IM HALF 2 Egg-shaped 5 Mary Rose Gray of Mansfield; calling Mr. Pecheco. T p f ^ t ) r ®i->'eTEST IMPERTINENT.' ^ 4 A — of bay aicaa aim o pgLl must carry adequate automobile former commanding officer of the Ix>uise D. Brocklebank: a five acre FOGARTY BROTHERS MANCHESTER COUNTRY/ I'M A a f r a i p t o 3 Cheap "t third, Mrs. Roxanna Richardson. X OUGHT TO 8 Touch ■ sore □ a « □i liability Insurance for the period Concert Set at Church ill-fated dirigibles U. S. S. Akron tract on Notch Road from Marion 256 CENTER KTREET—MANCHE.STER PEAPMEAP HERE/ UX3K MYSELF, T O P d a w n / apartment aam 5 ■ Na of time in which they are under Men's first, Howard A. Richard­ Monday ovening thy YW CA t h r o t t l e y o u SWEETIE PIE By NAD INE SELTZER and U. S! .S. Macon, and assistant K. Phelps of Royal Oak. Michigan 24' HOUR SERVICE—TEL. MI-9-4SS8 UP/ houses a a i 3 Q c contract with the Coventry Board son; second, Stanley W a w e r; choral group of Hartford will pre­ rx IM G ' J (E AT iN S LAST 12 New Year's dean of engineering, at the Uni­ to James S. and Marjorie H. Klar; f A F / ' 4 Slams ama □ w 7 of Education., third, CTlsyton Lemlre .of Wtlll- sent a concert in the Community COAL—COKE— FUEL OIL AW NIN6 ^ ^ - NEAK'5 □ B D A "T cTjA versity of California slpce his re­ a 21 acre trart in the Lake §treet 3 Toward the n • A variety shaw; will be presented mantlc. Church. Tile program offers a 13 Landed I t Lo |f |n | IBo Bd O I ■ T o T i. tirement In 19(6. Born in Wheel­ area from Ernest Copping to sheltered side ■ "t May .3 and 6 at the Robertson Specials, Mrs. Richardson. W al­ variety of selections wiUi solus by ing, Mo. Died WedneBday. James C. and Ernestine A. Geer ; 14 A ----- of UBLlB|C3aL3 I pg r 6 Supple' School for the benefit of the grade ter Hartigan of Wllliihantlc and members of the chorus. and five lots on Brookfield Road © glass' 24 October's 40 Entrances j [ 13 Just an 7 And so forth educational trip fund. Mrs. E. Dickenson. There will be The Rhythmic (Thoir of the Com­ The homes of two former Presi­ from Harry Goodwin to Laiirier birthstonc 41 South < Foster Winners Listed munity C!hiirch al.so will be on the also-— (sb.) a similar party here Wednesday dents are preserved in Massachu­ F. De Mars. 8 Lance 25 Man's American Safety poster winners in the at 8 p.m. program with vocal accompani­ setts -John Adams and John Quin­ Grange Show Slated 18 Ignorance ment by a male quartet from the ' 18 Heavy 9 Pain nickname mountains conteAt sponsored by the Parent- cy Adams. A show and dance featuring^ Teachei^Assn. have just been sin- choir. I hammers 10----- upon a 28 Senior 42 Demure Manchester Evening Herald Cov­ noiinced.'^’group 1 (grades 2 and 3), Mrs. Anthony Urbahettl, former i 20 Stormed lime 27 Denial 43 Network entry rorrespopdent, Mrs. Charles YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS 11----- off, in 28 Nevada city 44 Chills first, Lynn XSchulthelss; . second, U Little, telephone Pngrim 3-6MI. organist of the Talcottvllle Church, '21 Mouse genus will be organ soloist for the con­ 122 Smell golf 29 On the ragged 46 Present John Ohiund; tfiird, William Zeig- ler. N cert. '24 A n ----- and 17 Laundry ----- participle machine 31 Tell endings Group.3 (Grades 7, 8), first, To Give SernMin shut case The Rev. David Crockett will WILLIS PLAN! Sandra Eremita: second Sally Ann , 26 Portent 19 Stupid pupil 33 Amphitheater 47 Was born# , Thespians Select W hile; third, SIgmar Bfamberg. take "It ia a Good Thing to .27 Before 23 Low sand 38 Hebrew 48 Afre.sh AMESITE DRIVES Group 3 IGrades- 7, ki, first, Dream" for his Sunday morning (prefix) hills ascetic 50 Wire measure!' Cast for ^Miranda’ Thomss Sllvjn.sky: second.'^David sermon. 3(1 Writing tool ■Buck: third, Martha^ McCoinbe. Oiosen For Boys’ Slate No Monty Down * 36 Months to Pay 32 Approached Money prises will be presented»^ Members of the cast o f the John Malin, a junior, at Ells­ 34 Be present Center Thespians production of worth Memorial High, School and J.R wujliamf, 33 Going astray I.,rgion to Be Host Paving • Driveways • Parking Areas t h e LOST LEGION d-so____ 38 French plural The American Legion Past and'^‘‘Miranda’! have been announced Auxiliary will ''be hosts to the BUILD A article by the director, Mrs. Marvin W il­ Fourth District A L meeting Sun­ A LLE Y OOP Peace And W'hat?‘ 37 Charges son.- V Manchester BY V. T. H AM LIN 39 Bacchanalian day at 3 p. m, in the local Home The leading rqles of Sir Paul and cry on Wall Street. Mrs. Edward S. Lady Clare Martin will be played DO 40 Click beetles Franz win be in charge of the re­ by'*C!harles Ti.idle and Erna bur­ 41 Literary freshment committee. gess. Cai'ol Wood will be seen as Mitchell 9-5224 fragments 4-H Siuiday Planned Miranda Trewella, around whom GARAGE 42 Before Sunday .will be ob.sci ved as 4-H all the action revolves. 43 Ava's Frankie Sunday. A ll club members are Supporting roles of Isabel and CROCKETT 49 Name requested to attend their respec­ Nigel, friends of Sir Paul and Insurance Agency THOMAS COLLA CONST. TbeMURRIDOR tive churches and sit in a group. l.ady Cfiare, will be portrayed by favorably 'A First Congregational CTiurch serv­ J^oris Bolding and William Mac­ 244 MAIN STREt:T 251 BROAD STREET MANCHESTER With Storage 31 Electrified particle ices are atf 10:45 a. m.; Second Donald. , Telephone MI-8-5416 TWO UTE MODEL 52 Roman road Congregational Church 11 a. m.: Dorothy FariOonl as the ^ifiaid. St. Mary's Church Masses, 7:30, Betty; Willis Gay rs the buller. 53 Gloomy Dear. * G * 54 Poem 9:30 and 10:30 a. ni. and :St. (Tfiiarles; and Jodie Gotnik, as Combinotiao Ahimlnum 55 Esau's----- of Joseph’s Church services in Eagle- Nurse Cary complete, the well NO DOWN PAYMENT! ville at 8:30 a. m. . chosen cast. / pottage Storm-Screen Deer "Miranda" is a delightful come­ 58 More o r ----- 4-H Town I'nit to 5leet * The 4-H Town Committee W'ill dy In keeping with the spring 57 Off with the • ■ ' > meet Monday at the home of'Mrs. mood. The English dignity of the TZc' ^/uenUCt/ *Bo/fzk/ old, on with ‘Pop used to be a big racing mani—until Mom caught Frederick Miller at 8 ' p. m. To Marti:i housejtold is perceptibly Features th e ----- SY^ARSTOPAY! him!’’ be discussed, will be plans for shaken by the arrival 'and extend­ BUGS BUNNY the camp fund, complete plans for ed visit of Miranda, one of Sir Exclusive reinforced MAS­ BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES town demonstration day, plans for Pa\il'8 "p'atients’L The amusing TER CORNER*' SET A SO /'N ’ .' YA ACOLED ALLEY CAT; No S oap !, BY EDGAR MARTIN visiting 4-H gardens, plans for a incidents which result provide en­ r-€M PUS IS COWN' OUT dress revue, continuation of plans joyable fare for every theatergoer. All extruded aluminum A TR;C< I O V E R PAY ! N C W AW13'. VM\S YHT. •TH\F> \ MOST TttTVi VStVVSlMWY for the Fair and plana for County 63ST5 . UBARNEO AS HAV3Y TO 90ST9ONit Demonstration Day. Tnterchangea'ble full vision A N A M A T E J R TXVtYVOKffe RtPORT Supper Nets flOO HA'ftVt OOR CLV3«, M ltT\N i6 inserts T0t»5O AVHYAW ?| TWV V«.XT * About $100 was' realized from^ the chicken pie fUpper Wedne.sda^ PlaHHing to B u ili? Full 1" Thick door night for the Or-'dr 8 Educational SEE — .I.ICI »"•' ■ trip fund. Mrs, Lawrence C. Lati­ Adjustable rain drip and mer. Mrs. Andrew Liebman, Jr., W. H. ENGLAND wiper and Mrs. Rayipond B. Fowler were LUMIER COMPANY 'fc. Extra heavy Kick Plhte— general chairmen, Telephone MI-t-9244 IE] .Stamps Hold at. HchoOl T^iiSiinw' jLU M 6 ” thick IT. S. Defen.se Savings Stamps h n j j j Extruded aluminum door sold at the Robfrtson School Wed- casing frame nasday totaled $59.80. James T. Laidlaw'a Grade 6 class placed first | Two double-strength glass In sales with $9.20; Mrs. A " Hors- ' inserts. man'# Grade 2 wsa second with » PRESGftIPTIONS $7.80 and’ Mrs. Natalie Perry's PCAREFULLY COMPOUNDED^ Two Alclad aluminum PRI.'^CII.LA’S POP BY AL VERMEER Grade 2 -was third with $6.90.. 1/ -Every transaction at the First National Bank of Manchester screen inserts MICKEY FINN Pupils are reminded by Mrs. t Arthur Drug Storos^ Inserts interlock into door Enough Is Klnough! BY LANK LEONARD Eugene Rychling, local American moves swiftly and smoothly. The clearing of checks is ex­ ^TR V COUNITINQ- Rattle-proof insert clamps SHEEP, PRI^CIL Legion Auxiliary National Secur- hk ▲ A A A i*. pedited, for instance, because we are a member of the TWO. H T WASAN Federal Reserve System. The most modern machinery speeds IX T R A FIET Three stainless steel hinges ACCIPENT,51R! Pneumatic .\ir Closer and I-IA t TERRIBLY items through the bank. GIVE STORAGE ' Safety Chain s o r r y ! AND WORK SPACE Top quality door latch Likewise, your individual problems are given undivided at­ Rust-proof and whrp-proof tention by our officers. 'A smafti loan may be granted on the X Ornamental grille (A t slight spot; arid for the more complex transactions; we feel that for SoMxrMiNG Nzw ha«bcea added Othir Homt extra cost) you, tirne is of the essence. to the old Kyle fu ig e f By in- ImprovMQtRts Completeb' installed by ex­ crcaaiog the width, or the length perts That' $ why businesslike men and Women say, "The First (or both) two extra feet, you nurh AS finishing the obtain at low com National Bank of Manchester is a good bank to do business lui.*ieiitent or the attic, with. They get things done." . abeher for your cor T M. R«c U. 8 P a l. OM. :..coUiaUc ipoec Aar •tafaga ar building . a rumpu.s, work bench ^ ' A t CAITAIN EASY Suspiciori' Confirmed ^Y LESUE TURNER Have You Cheokod Off room, modernraing FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Hiave A Piece Of Pie? BY MERRILL C. BLOSSER Every family n ^ i more room. ,v((ur kitchen or add? _ANP 8URI06P FAR A OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS UNTIL NOON Here ii|an ecooainicaJ, practical TOO FAST FOR HER \ Your Spring Cloaniug Jobs? ' way to obtain extra Morage apace, ing rooma to your TO RUN FOR. THE FiRB “i Ou,YKAH? 7frr ^Why Do L MAFTA ^ and THURSDAY EVENINGS 6:30 to 8:30 V EXTIN6UI5HER.. AND > ALWAYS PICK A And today "Garagc-Plui-Sror- house may be done un­ PUT IT Out. less than fig h t w ith a lu g First on your list should be “ drapes, ' CLOSED WEDNESDAYS AT NOON HALF DESTKOVEO! SHE t h a t t o t e s HIS „ age" i* ao caar to come by. No der the same plan. Lunch t o s c h o o l^’ MUST'VE seen bedspreads and slip covers to New Model." cash ia reqaired. No 'down WAITING MTHAN . . . for this is a job we know . . . apd have payatent acccMary. Financing EXTINGIFSHER'. done for toiany years . . . and can do 'to trraogeaMptt are eaty. Small your satisfaction. . nMmthiy paymeattadd a v^aable RoN^andddwnl Manchester housewives like to brinK improvemaag 'to y#ar property. EASY Taps in Parfarmanca their things to New ■ Model for Spring Study the MigggMiont oo the uie MOOfTHLY TERMS cleaning . . . for they know that our of thii teorage space. Wc have superior workmanship and matefials guar­ othcri to ibow you. Come ia NO CASH antee them superior results. and tec all th< ic iig a t. Blae- DOWN printi and mattrial litti are available. Wc will gladly help askforoetars VIC. F L IN T Meiwage For Patches BY M ICHAEL O’M ALLE Y yoa in your plaiHMg. ' THE STORY OF MARTHA M'AYNE L ii Got Hef Man BY WI^kSON SCRUGGS

NEW m o d e l S «l«ct a pl4M from our largo ossortnMnt — build it iTTliffMEDOUTTUAr TvoeuzHOPioje UUNDRY A DRY CLEANINfi yoursnif or w « wM furnish Mm lobor and mcRnriois. w as CACl IS FIANCEE Included or*: No. 1 fir dimensional lumber, 215 FROM NEW VOCk.SkC Certointeed osabalt shingles. Stanley roN-up go-' '' GBABeED CARL AND THE .WASO-lEO M U RIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK rage door, winM ws ond (clapboards or shingles for ‘ W ID THE h o u s e / exterior Eni^. MA$CHESTER

M OF MANCHESTER AWNING CO. G. E. WILUS & SON, I k 195 WEST Ce n t e r S t. syrt*" Td. - KOrTARLlSHEp 1878 Phdne MI-»^3()9I (Formerly a^ 130 Mt«eti«tt 9-4S1I . t MAIN STREET* r . TEL. MItS-5125^ Hartfprd Road) - /. Star* 414 Open All Day Sat. /.p a ' 1

•V.\ S * .A F V


THE P ic k ^ f f PIr v F o ils , 8 t o 6 Herald Angle Robin Roberts Ctstsirt With Pi^lttsr /. EARL W. YOST ee One Near Record Entry Field in View Johnson and JMorhai^dt Sporta Editor TIMES HAVE CHANGED By BEN PHLE g X r ' • the other way. I didn't and the 1 Del ' Crandall's ^ r d inning Dodger horns run ba-ragt in Cin­ But JNo-Hitter ^Would Jovial Dr. George Caillouette Aaaoclated Preas Sporta Writer ■tar delivered a single that tied the bout never came off." double put the only dm t in one of cinnati with a pair and added a game. ■ Pace 12-Hit Assault Injected life into the gathering Hitters beware! Philadelphia's Roberts’ best ever/performapees. For Kentucky Derby Run Saturday when he was called upon to say a Maltempo, tha writer is sure, double to tl,e 10-hit attack against Eddie Robinson, another pinch Itobin Roberts is baiic In form— I The 27-year-old M-MIchigan State hitter, followed with another single few word! at the recent testimon­ 'Will follow in the footatetps of the star faced SO titers, walked two H -Ty Perkowskl. Dick Williams, le Better^--Roberts McDonough Goes Route ial banquet honoring newly-named with a vegeance. that meant another run and Allie — ------' .| I Doc. A former smstsur and pro- The tireless righthander has and struck oat six. The walks Pee We# Reese and Gilliam all Reynolds saved Eddie Lopat'a ed with more than 100,000 specta­ ner will receive a net of $105,500, State Athletic Inspector Sammy Bofilbs Away . fessional boxer, Maltempo’a back- been mowing down the opposition both went t^^pinch hitters. Three homered In the sixth Inning. 150th major league triumph with ■41: /\ tor?'. The mile and a quarter clas­ exceeding the record o f $98,050 ^ ilwaukee, April 30 tA*K—“It* The near-masterpiece-was Rob- Spacing Seven Hits; Maltempo. T h e affair waa held at Of the strikeouts lyere registered this OWo JUver t ..... Joe Louis's successful heavyweight and they began to sing the blu4s the Reds held on to first place in singled home- two run/, in Uie top V as beaten ’ by Clevtland in his A late check of the barns ahow. ousted frofiyChc favorite's role be­ voice, "it sure would be nice.- You walked for reliefer Ray Crone to a.6ked me to take the job. The Churchill Downs early this raork' Meriden . . . J/VyiOO McDonough, 1> 0 0 0 3 title defense against Natle Mann in Philadelphia. •/ the National League as Pittsburgh of the ninth at St. Louta Harvey last start i fter pitching no-hit ball “ Didn’t know he was starling in ed that a score of horses would he fore p o st^ m c although his odds know. I never had a one-hitter be- open the ninth and died on first judge said, 'You have got to lake ing to drop the names of their the Derby. 'What ia his odds?" entered. Some were entered w1tjj fore. Usually they get to me for Roberts climaxed his brilliant .Tnisis ., ...... xs 7 U 37 13 ' will be aeen on the Greatest Fights But that’s all over pnd forgiven nipped 8t. Louis .4-3. Baltimore Haddix /truck out IS Pirates in into the ninth inning, was in fine might w ;«l be shortened. Yesterday’s Results MfHRoa <8! the job. No one else wants it.’ " hcq>«^B into the entry box for. Out of the Downs' backstretch, the hopes that there will be an seven or eight in the first couple night by striking out Mathews, of tha Century following the live now. He toppled the Pirates the edged Wasiiington 2-1; Cleveland Euffering hia third loss. form again agaim i Washington. Manchester 8. Meriden 6. , AB R H PC A K the chiropractor told the aasem- perhaps the richest of all Derbies. where the Derby horses are sta­ o ff track, others with the hope innings.' : slugging terror of, the majors a Zv.-.k. t-.f. p .... bout... Baseball Saturday on next time out with a fOur^it shut- defeated Bo.iton 5-3 and the New (Casey Stengel, who rewrites the He struck out nine, making him AMD. JOINTLY owned by Middletown 4, Hall 1. blance. . ‘-They came from far and near by bled, the stars of this three-ring it will be fast. Not more than 18 * * • ! year ago, for the third straight KryStork, ft Channel 8 will be the Yanks and Out, lost a 1-0 heartbrci)ker to the ■York Yankees svened matters rgles of l'Hse'^^1?J r and managing the Blueflelda' orated in horse motife. Oonversa- . m. (EST) and by that Mme the 18 start/it'H be the richest Derby Including Eddie Mathews three Although elated at the best line..-" Usual heavy weekend of If any but the top five even break times, righthander, supplied the hurling, Mancheater in. Meriden'S; haaea*'on . baseball team when it ranked with auto racing la scheduled with tlons, niany of them over the tradi­ three-eighths mile long stands and in hisjdry with a gro.aa value of pitching -performarfee o f his ca­ . refuting to accept the second place I have for. all of the things that I into the money it will be a big going the,.route and turning in halla. DeManrhe 2 . Zvak J, gepanak 1. the beat lii Connecticut, Doc ac­ stock car events Saturday night at Following are two letters, from Tonight at the auditorium of. opening day. Memorial Day, and tional Derby mint pilep. atari out the infield are expected to be pack­ $127.,fl00. On that basis the win­ surprise. Roberts admitted he knew he reer, Roberts was perturbed' at j medal. the V’erplan^ School, the M*n^ that the aeeokd Held sTlU he laady some neat clutch performances on Mrrv,n«n»h'’'i'r’ an cepted the State Athletic post. Riverside Stadium and Sunday former Manchester High track cap­ learned through Pete. had a one-hitter on the fire, but something a Philadelphia .news­ rheater L i t ^ League vrill hold on the way. Gene Johnson, Moe Mor-DeManrhe'# for 4 runa In l 'j-3 Innlnv- He held the post for a number of afternoon at Plainville StadUim tains, Fran-l.«ar,T and Al Bray, in Retiring Coach "P ete” Could hsar* kept quiet There were the theorems of the a abort thne later. This arUt giva a said he wasn’t nervous at any paperman had written abotit him open mepiang at which time all hardt and Harry Griswold clubbed flv»k 7 for 4 nina in 4 1-6. gepanak 1 Top years. and Stafford Springs Speedway... praise of Coach Pete Wlgren who about tha error and no one would totol of three flelda for IJttle time. during spring training. The , 27- enemy pitching for nine hits b e - jl, " !" J " D'Manche; u. O’l.eary- Is retiring In June. Leary was one I have been the wiser but tb % '■ not clasaroom, the instructions that parents,/ friends, civic, .service, . League haaehall. lacludlag the "You don’t forget it .when a year-old righthander had one of Doc Caillouette was a good Com­ Bill Swlackl, former Ail America improved my - running, and the vetcrapa and PTA organisations preeeat field at Charter Oak Park. Correlatio tween them of the even dozen ■ _____ 1,______missioner. It was during his tenure end with Columbia and la ^ r with of the greatest runners Wlgren ever ! Wigren’s way. He wanted to win aa avored Major League guy lays into one like Crandall the Worst springs of his career. safeties rapped out by the Injuna. turned out. Pete and Will Clarke 'keenly as.any coach but not at the training in aportamanship and are cordially invited to attend. The Due tq the buUdtag of. the high did,” he said. "Usually you don’t "But that doesn’t mean a pick it up. Darting for the piste, of office that the Red Men oro- the Olanta and-'Detrolt LJona. has Meriden put together a ninth in­ will be honored at a Testimonial aacrifice 'of absolute honesty and oitisenahip that cornea from being pu ):(^e of the tj-pe o f meeting is arhool, Metaorlal Field arlll ao keep track. But I did last night. I thing. And nobody ■ would w orry Harry did not see Zvsk backing moted both boxing and wrestling signed as an end coad^^wlth the to' explain to all the 1: zie funda­ loager be avhllable. = L e a d e r s = ning rally that fell short. Mc­ ■hows at the Red Mep'a Arena, Gianta... Bill Hollan^ one of the Banquet on Monday night. May 10 ■quareneaa and tha welfara of his ‘part of his team, was feeling real good and every­ about it if guys wouldn’t write Donough fanned the final man "P *.*’* n«.V. Th! rela;y to him at charges. mentals of the Little League baas- Officials of the Ltuia League In BO Wells Stfeet Armory and the best-known big car jiilots in the at 1 o’eloek at the State Armory. Pete was always .g fine example ^ Derby Race AMERICAN LRAGtK thing was working." those kind of stories." with two on after running the the plate e. aaed the runner, John- ball program. > are anticipating a large turnout. State Armory. Many of the beat racing field, haa entered competi­ I " I ’m sure that nothing but the for all of us. / B atling—Glynn. CUv#lanston. Avila, Local Sport to Meal second and was knocked ek brothers and Gua Sonnenberg. hope who wa/deflsted by Jimmy expected the State INrecter, Wil­ Cleveland. Rizx'uto. New York and Ter- ston, Rhode Island, in May of 1938, to Stonington. 'JPete". especially, always remember. •/' Fblladelpbla 4. HUwaukre 0. "YouVe to be lucky to win i Caposella is down, Provoet nursing third. That all ton-notchers in their dav. Slade Ust Mbnday night. Jackson liam Kay o f SouthIngtoB. Don PUtsburgti 4, SL Louis 3. williger, Washlnalon. 8. A 'niimbet of boxing commia- aaid before/the bout he w-as going only to forfeit the title later? I deserves a tribute for his sports- Pete waa a friend 5>f every boy Only games scheduled. the D erb y" i “ "own as the announcer for the Runs Batted In—Fain, ('hlragn. 12. Beats Lyman ended that, for the time being. liie local High School team ran manship In calling attention to the Berger of Rockville, a member of American Minriso. Chicago, l i : Ros#n, Cleveland. Chatter • » * gioners, now known as inspectors, to losc /"imd I ’m glad I did. My out for cross country or track, ___ York tfacka. He will team up a total of 33>i points to Stoning- mistake. ti ’ State Board, uill both be on New York S, Chicago 4. Bauer, New York and Bushv, Washing­ have, been known to go along with mother' t i^ t a me like a baby and and he aided add encouraged hand to take part In the program. Cleveland 8, Boston 3. XV 'rl*u ^ “ P Alien, the voice of the ton. In. While Howie Lautenhach of MANCWBMTER’S t w o final ton. Conn., High School’s 30H.’ This act certainly emphasizes the BMUmorii 3, Washington 1. w lU t^ S to 1 shot Gallahadion, I York Yankees- Flits—Goodman; Boston, IR;- Fox and markers came wfth the help of two promoters in various towns in re­ won’t even let me have a girl everyone regardjeaa of ability. All Also acheduM to be present Is LEGION B ASE B ALL School Cheney Tech was limiting Lyman however. Coach Charles "P ete” fact that Coach Charles L. Wigren Only games, scheduled. vo^teeredi^e advice. He drop-1 Rryan Field, who called last Groth, ('hicago, 17; Stephens. Baltimore Meriden bobbles in the sixth. Mor­ gard to allowing matches to be M end/ Sporting News tells a that Pete evep^ expected of any­ Baaron PIttenger, Regtenal Direc­ Amcricaa and Avjla. Cleveland. 16. will be in session Saturday after­ Wlgren believed a mistake had is a man of the highest type and one waa his b^st, and he possessed , in on Threewitt in Correia-1 year’s Derby for 'TVi will do a High of Lebanon to four hits, his hardt initiated the .frame with an­ l^e made when the weight differ­ feceht story aliout Bob Feller of tor for Uoiw., Maao., and Rhod^ W L PCT CBL tens track room on Shed Row at. pre-race background shoW’ for the Doubles—Kuenn. Detroit. McDougald, noon at 1:30 at Mt. Nebo. ence was great. Cleveland Indiana which oc- been made in awarding his team a one that always set an example for the profoupd ability aa a cciach Chicago ...... % 6 .SIS — New’ York and Busby. Washington. 5 : mates pounded out 10 safties for other double to center. Johni*on. second place to which it was not hia boys to follow. Island. Past and preaeat orflceni Detroit ...... 6 4 .600 Churchill Downs. same network (CBS).- His show Goodman and Jensen. Boston, Groth, Happy-go-lucky Doc told the id during one of the spring that makes all of his boys a-aint of the Manchester League will par­ C-hirago. Delsing, Detroit and rower, a 11 to 4 win. The game opened four for four in his day’s work, entitled and hia h*igh sense of Respectfully submitted, Washington ...... 6 B .545 Threewitt, although new at the ; starts at A p. m.. Eastern Stan­ DOUBLE S TR IK E Mixed Don- Maltempo gathering of an experi­ ea against the Giants. Says to do t ^ ir best. ticipate la the program and Presi­ Philadelphia...... S 5 .500 Philadelphia. 4. the season for Coach Kenny Hud­ lashed a single to produce the nui. sportsmanship led him to inform Fran Leary. AP Newefeaturea X New York ...... 8 S .500/ business of getting a horse ready | dard Time. Allen and Caposella Triple.s—Minoso. Chicago. 3 ; Skowron. bles Bowling League will hold ILs son’s Techman. . The ball was k tek ^ around in the ence he had along the aforemen­ "In an exhibition game in Aa.eaptatn of one of the many dent Ted Fairbanks will be chair­ banquet Saturday night at 6:30 at the Meet Officials of this possible 26 Bolton Street. Syracuse, N. T.—Bay/%rcel, Cleveland ...... 5 fi for America’s No. 1 glamor race, take over at 4:15. New York and Busbv. Washington. 2 \ Lautenbaijh and Jack Manning outfield end Johnson raced around tioned lines one night., / which I pitched, I struck out theerror. croad' country teams Pete coached man of the meeting. Baltimore ...... l> 7 seventeen player* tied with 1. the Albti Room in Glaatonbury. Olanta' bonus baby, Joe Amalfita- who made his mark aa a tratoer agreed without batting a lash. | / of the losers each went the route. to third. Shortstop Dick Sham- "It, was the main bout. I knqw The field where the meet wna tqVlotory, and aa a paraonal friend, All boys between the ages of 8 Boston ...... 4 H»>me Runs—Jensen, Boston and West-* L e a ^ a champions were Mr. and no. Afterward Joe came up to me It was my privilege while "You've got to be lucky, all Syl Veitch, trainer of 'Fishcr- lake. Cleveland. 4 ; Mlnoso, Chlrapfo. Manchester scored 10 of its 11 mock threw Bogll's grounder Into one of the boys wa.s Billy Satryb g held was quite muddy and the tape J want to wish him the good luck, (Uid 12 years of age who are In­ and now directs televised boxing attending Manchester High Schoo Cincinnati .600 right," he said. map, surprised the boys by work­ Bauer. New York. Zernlal. Philadelphia Mrs. Ernie Pohl. Mr. and Mrs. Joe runs in tlie sixth and seventn the dirt at first and the ball want of Rockville,” Doc said. "The,- dif­ and said; ’Bob, that was a ter­ loob the happiness and the green pas­ terested In the Little League base­ St. Louts .436 and Vernon, Washington, 3., Rossetto were runnerups.', measure was coated with dirt when to have been Instructed in bouta on Saturday nighta, aaya aa The word is passed along as the ing the C. V. Whitney colt late frames. Lyman High registered ference , In weight waa too great rific alow curve you th'^ew me’... tures that one who has run such a ball program are also i..vited to Brooklyn .571 , Stolen Ba»es.-Hunier, Baltimore. Jen- winging out of play, Johnson com­ the measurement was made and a classroom and coached on /the a trainer he patterned himnelf New York .536 world’s best advice on tomorrow’s yesterday afternoon. He worked ken and Plersalt. Boston. Bovd. Chica­ twice in each the third and seventh ing home. and I would not allow bout I said. Thanks.’ I -didn’t dare tell Manchester boy was awarded a Pete W’lgrea grand race so richly deserves. attend as-a morie entitled "Little Milwaukee . .417 five-eighths of a mile in 1:02 and go and MrDmigald. New York. 2. JOE HALOBURDO and Ray frames. to be presented. The promoters him It waa my fast ball.” athletic field by Pete Wlgrep,'^ one Very truly yours, League Basics” will, be shown fo^ after Doc Bagley- Philadelphia Derby. Shed row, the stable area, Pitching—Gromek. Detroit and leopat. Meanwhile, McDonough was second place in the 12 lb. shot put of the moat capable meii know. galloped out the six furlongs In Juros will compete with the Uni- Monday afternoon the locals will and managers a.ssured ^ e every­ Albert E. Bray their benefit. Part of the movie ".I thanght t o waa a great train­ Chicago .... 4 is the best place to go at any sailing along on a three-hitter. with a toss of 47’ 9',4’’ when his believe .that this boy could have It Is difficult for me' to find Pittsburgh 6 .375 1:15. moTf.^ioiani^'rhVi^o: Lomon! Connevtlvut Saturday in play Wllllmantic Tech at m i.. thing would be all right If ^ looked TEACHERS CLASH 1943 Cross Country also. Shows soine of the 1952 Little er," says ArceL " I Indtatod him track when you’re looking for a A fter his two boots. Cole made a best throw was nearly 10 feel short thrown the shot the announced dis- words that will adeqdstely ex- AY'S GAMES "He looked like he wanted to lAml, Ggrvor. D«'lroH. McDonald. N#*w the sixth annual . 8th Regiment Nel^. deqda._...... Captain, State Champs League World Series. Boys plan­ every etoace I get. Back In thosa . , JCarieaal "good thing.” / York andxTrlcr. Phlladelnhra, 2A 1.000. complete about-fai^c, handling of that mark. Coaeh Wigren did not tance and told the officials so. also ' press the sincere sppi^lation that run." said Veitch. "so I thought I Pershing Rifle Drill meet at Fitchburg. Maas.. April 30 (A5 - Coventry, Conn. ning to attend should be accom­ days there werea’t many caagu- BrookI: Cincinnati inlght)- Even in the Derby, they agree StrikcmiU — Turlsv. Baltimnro. .32; eight chance* in a row flawieealy. lanta. Doc wauld chew up some combe, vs Podblelgn tt-0». better give him a workout then as Plrrr<».. Chicago. 23; Garcia. ClMrland. Storrs. Some of them were flagged in big Fitchburg Teachers' college pitch­ panied by a. parent. lady luck must be on your side. er Bemie Pollack defeated the tobacco aad alap It an a flghtor'e Pblladriphia at Milwaukee (night) — he might not be in condition to run 15: Crromck. t)F*troll. 13: Truckg. Chlca- league * yle. He aterted five of six LOUGHRAN ST.4RS . Another phase o f the program Siramgas (3-1) vs Conley (O-O). ffo. 13. - \ Lopez Confident New Britain Teachers’ College Trinity Defeats cut. It worked. , York at rChlcago—Maglie (3D) tomorrow morning." NATHVNAL LKAlsl K Gene Johnson out* In twi innings. of the open meeting will be to ex­ The Derby is a race for young Facts and Fiffurcs baseball team yesterday, 7-6. Pol­ Lfart Looks to Pro^Qareer plain the ides of the Little League “ One night to sent me Over to Jtush (l-t>, Incidentally, tne Whitney train­ Batting Jackson. Chicago. .600: Tem­ © • • * • West Hsven. April 30 (A5- Pete ,1ttsburgh at St. Louis .night)—O'Don- horses, but a sure starter is King er got odds of 4-1 in the future pi*'. rin rin nati. .389: Fondy. Chirago. lack tied his own game In the Farm progiam and to make on at­ New Jersey with a youag toy. .1 fll (ID) vs Lint (0D» or Miller (OD). Against Yankees Mancheater acored a run in the f SHOWING SIGN'S of tiring, Cadets, 12 to 4 Loughian, fanning 15 batters, Phalanx, an arthriua sufferer. books that his horse would finish .381: JablonNkt. St. Louis and Ht^ges, GreyKound I.inea ninth with a single and won it in tempt to obtain volunteers who gueas I was praying my wonH Ameriraa Brooklyn, .376. Oil Kentucky Race first frame and never gaye- the lead .McDonough let up in the ninth pitched a 2-hltter yesterday ss his Detroit at Waehinmon (night)—Car­ King Phalanx, a 3-year-old like at least fourth. the 11th with a triple. After WinningAAUCrown will act os coaches. The idea is get cut because Pd bought a akhel Runs—Bell. ChicinnaU. 17: Moon. St. added three more in the ; and was tagged for an inning . /Announce St. Thpmas Seminary baaeball ver (3D) vs Shea (0-01. all other eligibles, takes whirlpool Louis. 18. Gilliam. Brooklyn and ^uer. New York. April 30 (Ah • CTeve- New London April 30 (/P>- - that boys who. do not make the plug. I waa golag -to akaw them BaUimore at Philadelphia (night)— bath, treatiflents for the disease, Chif'agb. M. .lackAon, Chicago and Louisville, Ky., April 30 i/D — land Manager A1 Lopez sent his ?n h^lf' in"ih opening triple off thei bat of Lor^ Special Bus Service team of Bloomfield drubbed Quin- first teams will then have an op­ how Doc Bagley operated Plllette (3D) vs Kelln*r (1-2). in n u f in the third And pulled out, ^nr ith ‘Tnmaaa«ff4 /AiiAiap..ef Trinity College’s baseball' team , which usually afflicts the aged. Kluszewskl. Cincinnati. 12. Facts and figures on the 80th run-' team against the New York Yan- Boston, April 30 (J5 — Garnett. B^l^lmore. In 1:18 of the second. nipiac College of Hamden 10-$. portunity of making a fariii tsam . Cleveland at New York—Lemon (3D) Ziiluctas Ro8i . Runs Batted In—flreengra??. Cincin­ in front by four again wit^h a pair wUh a doublTTh.t so it W Ind Now In Effect -banged out 15 hit.s yesterday as I ‘T deat fc i^ wtottor my bey vs Morgan (ID).' Because of the arthritic condi- hing of the Kentiicky Derby Sat­ Is'ees today, confident the Indians Hart of Philadelphia looked fo r -; / The team trophy went to the The game was played in the so that in Manchester we will have nati. 16: Bell. (Cincinnati. 15; Jablonski. of talllea in the fourth. In between I^rence e«ln ^ ^ ^ ^ L Top Stars -k Top Cars it defeated the Cosat Guard Acad­ got cut or vftothor 1 Juat waated Chicago at Boston—Keegan (3D) vs ticn, the Te.yas horse from the St. I.,ouis. 13. Hodges. Britokhi). Klus- urday; are improving and convinced of TO ward today to a professional d eb u ^N ew England entry which In turn Municipal Stadium here and Quin- more boys playing Little League < / / Hudson (OD). ,i atrikeouta in the sixth, they sent' emy here 12-4. Coast Guard It so mueli 1 Imagined It. But I stable of Sam E. Wilson Jr. of Ill Main Event zewski and Po.st, Cincinnati and Musial, Place — Churchill Downs. the long range soundness of his SUFFOLK DOWNS in the near future after proving'M gave ’ It to the San Francisco nipiac was the home club. It waa baseball in the various neighbor­ St. Louis. 13. ■ ' ^ two more runners scampering didn't score until the' seventh when superiority over amateurs iiydhe squad in s friendship gesture. New ■nw somO blood ever his eye aad I Corpus Chrlsti, walks- with an Hits.—<«iiliam. ^Brooklyn. Temple, Cin­ Post time — 4:30 p. m. EST. infield shakcup. This despite the acrosfl the dUh before Meriden’* with a single and McDonough was Direct Bus— No Change' a tight battle (3-1) going Into the hoods throughout the town. went to work en the .tobneieo. cinnati and Jablonski. St. Louis. ‘ 21: in real trouble. Pinch-hitter Al S T O C K it cante up with a 4-run rall.v. 66th National AAU boxing ^am - England. Frisco and Philadelphia eighth inning .hut St. Thomas awkward gait. New York, ApriPSO /Pi -Orlan­ Purse — $100,000 added to nom­ fact rookie third baseman Rudy f^ a l bid waa thwarted. • Races— Mon. thru Sat. It la expected now that a field the tinse tto fighter got Snider. BrookKii. Jackson. Chtrag*) and Johnson was a strike-out victim. However, Trinity co((ntered in' the pionships. / each had two champions in the 10- scored four runs.' and topped it off do Zulueta, the Cuban lightweight Bell and Greengrass. ('inclnnatl. 19. ination and starting fees. Regalado is ailing. POST TIM E 1:S0 P.M. has been approved at both the the comer, 1 was out cold, For the saihe reason, he ia a Booth hit toward second and eighth with a six-run splurge. Hart was selected a ^ ih e out- cl*»s ohampionshipa who neither daidage.s nor gets Double.** —* Greengrass. Cincinnati. 8 ; ; Value to winner — About $100.- Lopez recently shifted A1 Roseh, MORitHARDT’.S R E P UTATION i by scoring three more In the Waddell and 5’erplanck schoola bad to take me to the koa-,j slow starter. His trainer, R. A. SnidQi*. Brooklyn, 8 ; Gilliam. Brooklyn, C A R R A C ES atimding fighter inline 3-day, New light heavyweight rham- damaged, takes on Paolo Rosi, the 000 ( depifndlng on numbera of 1953 American League most valu­ muat____ naye______reached_ Meriden., al- S)^’***' trying for the double play Round ^ A 7 C Plus •A hirth. that at least oae win be ready for pitai. I was real skit." Mattingly, says he needs about a Adc»>rk, Milwaukee and Muslal. St. SCHOLASTIC BASEB.ALL event last night at ^ sto n Garden plon Warrenell Lester Of Baltl- balding- Italian tonight in the top Louis. 5. . starters). able player, from third to first, ready. He got four”soft "pltchea Tn I *** the ball, booted it Trip O Tax half-mile to get started. Then, says tU.. ^ A t . . S t . I . ; AS A. run amrAH 7 «eal*'a 1 Middletown 4. Hall (West Hart­ TrIplea—Temple. Cincinnati. Mavs, Number of starters — Uncer­ put Regalado on third and benched the bbttom of the first and trucked ss a run scored. Zysk’s hot Incliidea Admiaainn to after he acored hla' 52nd straight more, the only other 1953 finali.ot Mattingly, he "shifts gears like a 10-round bout at St. Nicholas Every Sunday ford) 1. , victory by stopping Norman entered, waa not to be denied. Un- Arena. New York and Moon. St. Louis, 2 - tain 116 or more expected). W ill Gly.ia who had been at first. on down the line without getting a bounder that Dave Colas, John­ the Track. MED truck " twent.y-five players tied with 1 . Bristol 6, Windham (Willimsn- Johnaon of M ilm ukee in the first like Johnson, he went all the way,' The fight, which will he tele­ Home Runs—Hodgej*. Brooklyn’. 5 : Favorite — Correlation. Yesterday in Boston Regalado ■wipe at the ball with hia lumber. son's understudy at third. let roll U ke all distance horses, he Bus Leaves 9:22 A. M. tic) 5. round of the^ 2 pound c l^ s fin- decisloning Eugene Tuff of Colum- ^ vised ove*- NBC_ and broadcast Gilliam. Brooklyn. Sauer. Jackson and Last year’s winner—Dark Star. came up with a pulled leg muscle Coach Tom Kelley put the hit-and- away from him, loaded the bases, 2:30 P M. Baker, ('hlcago. Kluszewskl and Post, From . Manchester 8. Meriden 6. als. It was/nla fourth t ft h n ic » . bus for the crown, KeMtals tiums on the speed In the late over ABC, is scheiluled to start at Distance — One mile and one running outsacrifice bunt In the run on with two down, Johnson at now with two out after a force stages of the race and can beat Clncinnali and Mathews. Milwaukee. 4. Wethersfield 6. St. Thomas High knockout svln In as many bouts , The other champions: ] 10 p . m. (D ST). Although Rosi Stolen. Bases— Robinson. Brooklyn. quarter. sixth inning. Trainers say he may bat, and the count two and onf. play at second. TTiafa where Staffori Springs horses that tire early. CENTER (Bloomfield) 1. during tjje tournament. ''J12 pound class — Charles started out as the stirpri.sing Fondy. Chlcagt> and Templo) ('inclnnatl. Record time — 2 minutes 1 and be out a week. Gene stepped into It and sent the McDonough rose to the occasion ,, Wilson (Middletown) 7. South­ Oddly, rain doesn’t affect the 3 : six players tied with 2. 2/5 seconds by whirlway in 1941. ball acreamlng on a line tp the and stifled Curry. TRAVEL BUREAU “ I coiildn't feel happier," Hart Branch, Philadelphia. favorite, tlu'-odds settled down to Pitching—Maglie. New York. 3-A. "W e’re definitely going to stick Speadway, Coaa. ington 0.. 119’fMund class—William Ramqs;! Nothine to send away for colt’s performance as an arthritic pick ’em early '-oday. I.IKX);' Podres. Brooklyn. Nuxhall. (Cin­ Crowd — About lOO.MO expect­ with'the new infield coqibinatlon,” road In leftcenter. It was a liner Morhardt has now hit safely 49.5 Main S t— Tel. M1-9-808P said .After he was presented the n igh t suspect. He runs as well as cinnati, Jolly, Milwaukee and Presko, ed” — all the way. -Morhardt wasted fio trophy. " I ’Ve won eight trophies New Bedforc]. Mas.*. . * | — we supply you right out On the basis of past per­ Lopez insisted. As for Rosen? six times in eight trips for a .7.50 ADMISSION SOX OUT ON OPTION in the mud as. on a try track.' St. I/Otils. 2*0. 1 .W . time circling the bases. Good field­ Since I started'"fighting, but this 12.5 pound class- -Stan FUzger- ^ o f our own stock. formances, the battle should be Strikeout.s— Had^lix, St, Louts, 26; Broadcast ■ Radio (CBS) at "Al’s doing a good job," Lopez mark. .Johnson, hitless ip the 4:15 p. m. EST. ing and the relay by Bob Zysk, who opener, climbed to the ..500 mark Adults $1.20 (Tax Incl.) One U tops," he added. Sid, Buffalo. N. Y. / j rated a tossup. Zulueta,' who Is Roberts. Phlladelnhia. 20; Spahn. Mil- said. "H e’s doing better around 139 pound clasa- Robert Shell, Tuxedos, Cutaways and all v a u k e e .'j9 ; Maglie. New York, 17, An- Television — (CBS> at 4 p was to come on later and' get with 4 for 8..McDonough com- Children 60c (Tax Incl.) Boston ( the shortstop ;wUh Louisvilje in 1953. Telephone MI-9-1.352 third in the 1952 Derby. whipped Paddy DeMarco, the cur­ Saginaw, Mich-—A1 Andrews. iM c 'gilts/Coach Kelly still un­ and part way through the ropes ratic. u.' spectacular, loomed sacrifice fly. Regalado scored two position, found aiiough'-room be­ HILLVER LOKEfl rent champion, in two out of three 151, Superior. ! Wis., outpointed before referee stopped it at 2:16. as the man to beat a.s the North runs and laid down two s a ^ flee tween BUI Booth and the third base certain over hts regulars at first, New Haven, April 30 i®- The The Home of CLEAN, QUALITY USED CARS Tomorrow’s television audience bouts. and South Amateur Gelf Tourna- Sammy Mastream, , 154, Pitts­ Second And short. This was par for the course for ! New Haven Teachersi^AJolIeg#' burgh, 10. [ - bunts- as well as accepting ^ u r bag to plant h l» liner and it rolled rhenl moved into the semifinals chan(ie8 cleanly "before b e 1 mg into foitl territory. A double and ThrSq games next week. .A visit the 19 year old food firm worker | baaeball team, with freshman Jim VISIT OUR MODERN SHOW PLACE TO SaECT YOUR NEXT CAR Worcester, Mass.— Cuhle'y Mon- to Windham Monday and then p i P E P n o o FliEE FARKING who accomplished th* following in 1 .Farrell tossing s five-hilter, took t(iday. . . < f«|pced to retire. Lopez liked whaU RBI went to Cole aa Ale scampered n)c, 138, Worcester, outpointed A1 home gamea Wednesday and his three previous appearances: Patton. vWhose daring play jUst he saw. - ' . Morhardt slammed a double to I Hlllyer College of Hartford over OPEN EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS TO 9 P.M. , missed winning the Masters Tour­ Duarte, 136, New Bedford, 10. Thursday with Eaat Hartford and 1. Stopped Adam Jeronse Elll- the hurdles here yesterday, with \ But even the loss of a few days ;tcent«r, rescuing Cole, and that; nament.three weeks ago; met Wil­ Denver — Red Martinez, 117, Middletown in that order. .Start­ btfQra you buy! aon, Columbus, Ohio la 2:06 of the a 15-3 triumph.’ Farrell, who was a disappointment to Rudy. alt for atartgisDick DeManche.|^' lAlNVlLl liam Hyndman, Abington,- Pa., in- Denver, knocked out Junior Best, Zva^^ame on and Gris welcomed ing gqme time will be 3 o’clock In StaoLium oecond- ; weighs' 150 pounds, fanned six and .surance opecator ifi one 18-hole 122; Salt Lake City; 2. (Top regu­ " I t ’a tough just when I'p)- future games.. Probably will be 2. Stopped John Willis of Oak­ after giving 4ip two runs in the 192S SILVER GHOST ROLLS getting etgrted.” h e’ sighed. him ti^he scene with'a amaah 1953 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE match today 19:45 a, m., EST). lar bout on ELzard Charles exhibi­ UiroughX’ th# middle. Mori Ronnie Simmons getting th# nod land, roJlfi. In 1:12 of the i»cend. first inning settled down end had . R O Y C E with Alex Weloh. Rockford. Ill, tion card). • 1 • in Willimantic after his perform­ S. Stopped Sidney Brewer of control the rest of the v(;a^'.'' . - Ivory with green top.. 1.000 guaranteed origi­ 4LOLFERS atreaktnipsin with the fourt: UV*cE attorney, engaging Frank Meach- CYCLONE ance against Hall..Lot of youth­ Chauffeur driven limousine. Ifi.nOA . original nal mllM. Just like braail new. Save kn»> NOW IS THE TIME-U Ames. Iowa, ( N E A ) “ Iowa Zysk walkM the next two men end am;. Roanoke Rapids. N. C ...vet­ , Only one letterman Infielder re­ ful pitchers on the squad and EVERY miles. Always the best of rare— in "like new” dreds of dollars. State, defending golf champion of then got Gary Bogli.to fan on a 3-2 i eran, jn the other. T^e winners lumed to this year’s Duke baseball count. Marty Starin or Steve Cooper condition. , , Now, Bolero Hio Annual "RUSH" Porlod, is tho Timo the Big Seiwn, is dowm for 10 meet over 36 holes fw , the title team. He ia second baseman Dick will work the Hornet, game. .Mc­ * t tomorrow. Brewer. toumamenla. side by side SUNDAY, 2:30 To Medomizo Your Homo With AiitemoHc Oil Hoot. COLE, HOMBHIIAT jittery in Donough will be saved for Middle- 1951 PON TIAC 8 A LL M H A L 1952 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE Pitcbqr Warren Hacker of the his first chance, boo'te#' a gr


Automobiles for Sale 4 Auionlobiles for Sale 4 Household Services Business Opportunities 32 Articles For Sale 45 Household Goods 51 Rooms Without Board $9 Business Locations Houses For Bale 72 Houses. For Sale 72 Hooim For Sale 72 Wanted— Real Estate 77 be sure that their children will 1949 STUDE16AKER Champion con- Offered '• I3-A ’ For Rent 64 turn out perfect. Intelligent diact- LOOK! FOR LEASE ALL ALUMINUM comblnaUon win­ SEVERAL USED refrigaratora, $35 LARGE, PLEASANT room, private MANCHESTEIR, for relaxed livtog. MANCHES'TER WEST SIDE—Seeing la believing. WB HAVE buyers Waiting for sin­ pline— not too atrtet and not. too verUble. Price $450. Inquire 31 CORNICSB, Drapes and slip covers dows and doors, self-storing, savs Barstow's, Just north of P.O. hoiiie, next to bath. Kitchen privi- ONE ROOM ground floor office on Plenty at land. Seven room home. Six room Cape Gbd, dormers, tiled NO CASH DOWN Stone St. MI. 9-5463. SEitViCE STA'nON gle and two-famUy homes. Mort- mild—certainly nklpa^Untloubted* cuaiom made by Classic Decora­ heat, comfort, convsntence, last a Irour Weatinghouse dealer. Xa. Ibfes, Couple or gentlemen. XO. Center St., with heat and elec- Desirable location. Only $13,500. SIX ROOMS, 3-3—Steam oil heat, kitchen,' nreplace, aluminum gagas arranged. Please caU A.C.B. ly, it is extremely " Important to Located on main thoroughfare 9-3506. \ trlcity, $40. x n . 3-4524. ' H. B. Grady, Broker. XU. 8-8009. LOW MONTHLY tors, 41 Oak St. For free estimate lifeUme. .Free demonstration. Call 9-7334. \ - ■ ... I I. ... , ,1 aun porch, garage. Corner lot. stornu throughout, blinds, Bendix, Realty Co. XU. 9-2392. keep growing boys and girls busy AMESITE PAYMENTS Auto Accessories-r-Tires 6 cau Ml. 9-2730. —good locaUon—-doing good gal- anyUms.' Bill Tunaky. MI. 9-9095. Shade trees City water and sewer. finished cellar. Completely fenced and interested to what they are lonage— low re:ntal. One 11 ft. Coldapot Refrigeratbr f u r n is h e d ROOM for relit near 168 BENTON STREET. Move right in this Clean bungalow type home. Near but and store. 30 day occu­ to yard wHh patio and fireplace, doing. C L A S S in E D A1 FOR TIRE18, Tubes and batteries FLAT FINISH Holland window DELTA-DE WAUT power tools and with approximately 80 pound frees* Mato St., Gentlemen preferreil.9 Suburban For Rent 66 -Shrubbed beautifully. Reasonably '41 FORD COUPE contact your Goodyear Service shades, made to measure. All Call Hartford JA-5-2103 Hazel St. Tel. XU. 9-2170. - Five well planned rooms with ex­ pancy.—$11,200. Youth is not always fres from DEPT. HOURS \ acceasortea. Salea, service, demon- compartment. Like new. pricsd. Phone Barbara Woods real mental dUficuItiea which pro- DRIVEWAYS New tires. '47 motor. Store, 713 Main Street. MI. SOUTH COVENTRY -Apartment. pandable second floor. Oil burner. metsU Venetian blinda at a new- For InforttiaUon straUon. Terpu arranged. Capitol $150..:^ SEVEN ROOMS—3 down 4 up. Agency. XU. 9-7702. , i dues behavior problems. One form S:16 A. M. to 4:30 P. M: Only $13.07 month. 9-5390. Uae our easy pay plaii. low price. Keys made while you Equipment Co., 88 Mato St ,uT AT THE CENTint, pleasant rooms 4 rooms, bath. 2nd floor, suitable Garage. Porch. H. B. Grady, Brok- The > ESTABLISHED Meat and. grocery family of 3, $W'per month, lease, er. XU. 3-8009. Suit porch. Steam heat oil. G. also do DEPENDABLE, conaci e n 1 1 o u s COLEMAN OIL hot water heater. their parents and others indulged ents, teachers, and, in J a ct all of rel chair, etudfb couch with slip FOUR OR five unfurnished roomA, 3-6969. / 5 room single on same lot. On bua 3-8662. too much. Being good parents Islus. We should be doing a much LOST—Gold chain bracelet with Sedan—Fully equipped. License included. Insured, dual all typea of carpentry work, re­ workers. Must be over 25 years Reasonable. Call MI. 9-5686. cover. Universal ironer. AH to refined couple, no children. Call COME TO TAINTOR^S con.trolled standard and hydrama- modeling, alterations, etc. Hood old, married, for steady, year line. Near stores and school— quite a Job; even the best cannot better Job of It heart lock, in Main Street stores. good condltioh, Xa. 9-1338. < Business I.tocations MI. 3-5622. $15,000. TAIXXyrrviLLE — n iree building Reward. RockviUe S-7713. 1951 Pontiac Catalina — Hy- Uc cars. Ml. 9-7398. workmanship, and reasonat^ 'round work as service station at- FIELDSTONE for fireplaces or re­ taining walls. Call Coventry PI. ______For Rent______64 lots, 100 X 200.* High elevation, dramatic drive, radio, heat- rates. Estimates gladly given. ^ tendant. Good opportunity for right WANTED by a neat, conscientious APARTTdENT HOUSE WITH border of Manchester Town Line. LOST—Maroon divan cushion, be­ DRIVING IhstiucUons from your Call Dick at PI. 2-6695 or John at nian. Apply in person. McClure 2-7161. ELECTRIC IRONER. slightly used. haa everything,-ythtog, ManchesterXtonche^ter Green WHILE THEY LAST er. LARGE sioRE for refit with bate* adult couple (both go to business SEVEN APARTXfENTS — Very Near new highway. Tel. Manches­ tween Maple Street and Foxcrofl boms, Dual-co:^tral insureo car, Ml. 3-5769. Auto Co., 373 Main. Reasonable. Call MI. 9-7059. daily) a four or five room unfurn­ section $16,900. R ancl/ home, al- standard or automaU’:, Call Man- ment, desirable location. Suitable good condition. Good revenue. Near ter MI. $-4857. Drive. lender call MI. 91081 after 1951 Studebaker Champion 2- ished rent with fnrnace..Centrally most neww, centrally Jocated. Ap- Main Street. 5. chestei Drtvuig AcaCemy. PI. SPBiClALIZINQ In custom built ga­ PAINTER. WANTED, Inside work. CAMP TRAILER. 76 Birch Street. DIVAN AND two chairs, portable for any business. For Information, BROWN Door— Radio, heater. write Box E, Herald. located. Can furnished best of ref- prox. .$2,000 down./New G.I. ap 19S1 FORD 1SW GHEVROLET 2-7249, Toll fret. rages, Stanley overhead doom, Expertenred man only. Call MI. victrola, gateleg table, tool chest, erCijces. MI. 3-8025 after 6 p.m. proved ranch homes, 5H rooms ANSALDI HEIGHTS—Five room Resort Property For Sale 74 LOST—PASS BOOK No. 64491. -ahineta, block tile ceillngi, al­ %1614. X ,. bird cage, porch rugs, lattices, JS-Door. Radio, heat*heater. Very 1950. Nash Rambler Conv.— FISHERMEN! Get your night SECXIND f l o o r , 2400 sq. ft., full celiacs, priced at $12,400. Ix>w ranch. Full cellar, fireplace in base­ dean. 8-Door. Radio aad heater. Notice is hereby given that Pass A im ) DRIVING InstrucUon. AU terations. additions. Call Frank xn. 3-8190. WANTlBD--Four room apartment, COVENTRY la ke:— Four room BEAUPRE Rimio, heater, overdrive, crawlers from Robert Ames, 91 plenty ^ t , two lavatories, three down payment /Call the Ellsworth ment and living room. Ceramic tile Book No. 64691, issued by The lessons on insured dual control Contoia, ML 3-5322. EXPERIENCED Automobile wax unfurnlahed, heated. References. Mitten Agency, Realtors, MI. year round cottage, fully insulated, Savings Bank of Manchester has car. Capable experienced instruc­ and polish man. Call Bruno. Ml. Laurel Street, Manchester. MI. front romns, suitable light manu- bath. Youngstown kitchen. Formica 1950 — Dynaflow. Fully factuttog, large office haUs. Apply MI. 9-3137, 4:30-6 p.m. ^ 3-6930. / counter, full insulation, plastered atorm windows, fireplace. ETill been 1^ and application has been tor. Cordner Auto School. MI. 9-5293. X 3-4520. 35c a dozen, 3 dozen for $1. Machinery and Took 52 price $5,000. About $2,000 cash re­ BEST $895 $550 made to said bank for payment of equipped. 9-6010, JA. 7-3680. Roofing—Siding 16 Back/r, 36 Oak. . walls. Hot water oil heat. Cast Iron WANTED—Man to work p i^ tlm e ELECTTROLUX Refrigerator, $10, WE BUT-Sell-Trade-Rent power FOUR BI^ROOM home, large, lot, recess radiation. Garage. quired. ACB Realty. XU. 9-2392. SM Dowa the amount of deposit. Farms and I.aitd For Sale 71 nice n^ghborhood, combination COVENTRY LAKE— 3 room cot­ 1949 Studebaker Pickup, % a d r iv in g FOR THE BEST in Bonded built caring for lawn. Tel. MI. frTlSS one white sink, $3, tw6 soapstone mowers, chain saws, UUera. gar­ CONDITIONED offices. Mod- UTO instruction from storms^and.screens, oil hot water tage, occupied year round, Water, BUYS REIWARD FOR information leading Ton. your home. Insured dual control up roofs, shingle roofs, gutters, after 6 p.m. ‘ set tubs, $3. MI. 9-2744 ,sfter 5, den *ractors, outboards, power design. Near Post Office, Msln FARM, FIVE acres, - clear land, CHARLES LESPERANCE car. Larson Driving School. M l. conductors and toct repairs call tools. Terms arranged. Capitol , itreet, corner Wadsworth. Xn. heat /^fireplace. Priced right for MI-9-7620 electricity, 1 acre. Price $ £ ^ . 19MIIPD6E to recovery of diamond* engage­ Eight room House. Diricct from quicic sale. A. R. Wilkie & Co. MI. Terms. Owner, Box 682, Manches­ ment ring. MI. 9-6717. 1942 Mercury Convertible— 9-6075. Coughlin, MitcheU S-7707. Equipment Co.. 36 Mato Street. / 9-9779, or MI. 9-9819. owner. 538 Bush Hill Road. Real EUtate and Insurance 4-Door. Fluid drive. Radio, 1950 BUICK Good condition. MEN OVER 18 Boats and Accessories 46 9-.Z461, MI. 9-4389, XU. 9-9531. ter, Conn. heater. No money AMm. BALLARD'S DRIVING SCHOOL — RAY'S ROOFING Co. Built up TWO GOOD Used New Holland FOR RENT-Small store. 28 Oak EASTERN Connecticut —50 acres, BpeclaL Rodlo, heater. 4-0 roofs, gutter work, roof, chimney GOOD l)SED OUTBOARDS^ Rea- balers, also oil display, the Street. For information call xa, CARDNER s t r e e t — Four bed­ NEW LISTINGS Announcements 1948 Plymouth Coupe— Good, “ Manchester's oldest." Owner- interested in outdoor work for modern house. State road, quick rooms, I ’ i bathe, full shed dormer. Certified by A ^ and Board of repairs. Free estimates. Ray sohable. 'Traded for new Evin- low priced Model 66, p ^ e r 9-1690 or MI. 9-8094. sale $12,500 ; 60 acres, modernized' Suburban For Sale 75 transporation. one rtonth? Cape Cod. Good closet and storage 37 PEARL STREET— 6 room home As Is RALEIGH COUPONS — Redeem Education. We offer training, ex- Hagenow, MI. 9-2214. Ray Jack- rudes! 4 h.p. Xtartln 40 twin UMd off. Can be seen at Shepard/ colonial house, outbuildings, on lot 93 X 15(>. Porches, furnace, BOLTON HILLSIDE, 4>i room your coupons here in town. Select son. MI. 3-8325. fresh water only: 35 lbs, onl.v iMfr. apace. Garage. Plenty of trees. 1954 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 4.DOOR^SAVE! $795 PRE-WAR CARS perlence, latest methods. MI. Good Hourly Rates Equipment, 200 Weat Mato $15,800. Others to 400 acres. List­ Large kitchen,' 'sun porch with garage, hobby shop. Fine neigh­ ranch, combination kitchen, din* your premium, carry it home with 9-2245. Fisherman drive, 'oqly $45. Cbrls- Rockville. ings always needed. Welles Agen­ 2-tone green. Loaded wlth|extraa. Execntlve's ear. FOR ALL KINDS of roofing, siding windows and t<;;)'eens. Can give bor hood. Price $10,500. ing room, fireplace, double you, no postage, no delay. Visit 310 Down, 35 Week O aft. 6'i h.p., cleaiixnew prop, Notice cy, Coventry. Tel. PI." 2-6872. closets, sliding doors, garage, our store for premiums for La- and painting call Manchester $90. Evinnide 4 cyl. ZepKyi;-Fisher- early occupancy. C^all Owner, MI. RANCHLIKE HOME—5'4 besutl- 1953 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 4-POOR Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 Apply At 9-8718. many extras. Lot 107 x ISO, no 1952 PONTIAC R m a , Kirkman, Bordens, Octagon, Many To Choose From Roofing and Siding Co. Free esti­ man drive, used fresh w at^only, Musical Instruments 53 Zoning Board of Appeals fill rooms on ftrst floor;, finished Jet black. Low mileage, One-oniier car. Loaded with extras. 1M7 PONTIAO mates. Tel. MI. 9-8933. Houses For Sale 72 bedroom and storage secorid floor. development. Only $9,500. Carlton Priced at a nice MVing. Hearth Qub, Mrs. FllberU, GIRL'S 24" blue and white Road- WYMAN’S GULF SERVICE $75. New 1953 Evinrude-Fl^w^o NEAR BUS, space, comfort and W. HutcMhs. XU. 9-5132, 9-4694. Catalina. Hydranoatlc. Radio, R alei^ . Potterton's, 130 Center with neutral clutch, Reg. $214.50. XroSIC IrrtrumentiU' rental. Com­ Manchester, Connecticut Fireplace.' Full basement. Hot heater, visor and viewer. Two- Ctnb coupe. Hadioi heater. CHGRCHES MOTORS master bicycle, in good condition, ROOFING, Siding and carpentry. STATION economical living in this well St., Manchester, *. $20. MI. 3-7919. only $189, save $25.50. Terms, Bar' plete line of insmments. Rental water oil heat. 2 car garage jind tone paint. Is. SpeciaL Na miasy Oeen 80 Oakland St. — MI-9-9483 Alterations and additions. Ceil­ ^applied to purcMse price. Rep­ EXCEPTIONS . VARIANCES cared for, four rbpm home. Oil VERNON—Four finished rooms and 1953 DtSOTO 4.DOOR SEDAN 24 Maki St., Manchester atow's, Evinnide dealers since MANCHESTER furnace, lot 100 x 140.\Price $9,700, hobby ahop. Excellent condition. garage, hot water oil heat, conven­ Heater, seat covers. All new tiree. Light green finish. A real low ings: Workmanship guaranteed 1934. Just north of P.O, Phone MI. resenting O lds/ Selmer, Bach, (GR.arrTED) CENTRAL — 6 finished rooms. A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn Madeline Smith, Realtor. XU. ient to highway. Boating and fish­ price! Personals Business Services Offered 13 9-7234. Pedler and Bundy. Metter’a Music Screened porch. (Dversized gsrage. ing in the back yard. $11,200. 1951 OLDSMOBILE "ST’ Holiday street. Mitch-'I 3-4860. 4:30 to 5 P.M. Studio, l ^ e a . XO. 8-7500. Vslle.v OH Company, 559 Main 9-16^2, MI. 9-1146. $11,500—Four room bungalow Ix>vely shaded 'yard. A good home Madeline Smith, Realtor. XU. $1695 $295 THE PROSPSXTT Bdll School for coupe, lustrous tutone blue finish, WIRING INSTALLATION of all Street 1951 PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE 4.DOOR fully equipped. A real sporty GOOD USED Outboards. Reason­ Church of the Nnzarene, 236 Main with detached garage. located on BEAyTIFUL Cape Cod»aix room (2 in fine condition.— $13,500. 9-J643, XU. 9-1146. young children. Transportation types. No Job too small. Peter able. Traded for new Evinriides. GULBRANStSI Spinet piano, ms' Heater, t'lean. Dark gray finish. One-owner car. model and priced to sell today. Rouffng Street a very attractive lot. In A-1 con­ unfinished) home. Fireplqce, oil 29-31 HAZEL STREET—Duplex furnished. Mrs. Lela Tybur, direc­ Pantaluk, 40 Foster street. Phone 16-A 4 h.p. Martin 40, twin used fresh hogany dnlsKx complete with dition. Close to the Hartford bus. EAST WINDSOR, off Route 5, at­ Pre-War Cars Available From $10.00 to $150 tor. Phone Mitchell 0-6767. Center Motor Sales, 461 Main St. GOOD, RELIABLE bench. Used for display only. New Mfurtce Maloney, 639 Center heat, storm windows and screens. 4 and 4, 2 garages and a good 1951 CHEVROLET DE LUXE 4-DOOR MitcbeU 9-7303. r o o f in g —Specializing in repair­ water only. 35 lbs, only $69. Evin- Street Completely landscaped. Call owner ■ tractive iour-room Cape Cod, ex­ No Money Down rude, Sportsman, 2 h.p. single piano Guarantee, skye $200, now $15,500--New’ listing, six room sited ahop. Ehctra lot. Interior en­ pandable. Lot approximate half Power-Glide transmiHKion. Radio, heater. Jet black. A real clean MRS. ZOPPI, reader and adviser, ONLY DOUGLAS wUl aeU you a ing rdOfs of all kinds. Also new AUTO MECHANIC only /$424. Ward Iftause. MI. C. Rudolph Anderson, 10 Russell direct at XU. 9-6503 after 6 p.m. tirely redecorated. New GE oil roots. Gptter work. Chtmne.ve Fisherman drive, only $45. (Tlhri#- ranch, patio, attached garage, hip acre, full basement, tile bath. car! AU wMcome. 236 Franklin Ave., late model car as low as $145 GARDEN PLOWING. Ask for Walt. Street furnace. Ehccellent income. down. We do not ask you to take cleaned, repaired. 26 years’ ex­ Craft, 5'a h.p., clean, new prop, roof, overhang, two years old. High MANCHESTER-Ranch, full cellar, Price $10,100. Call owner, Windsor across from the Art theater. For MI. 9-0553. Wsyne Wright, East of 202 New mortgage available. appointment call CHapel 4-6m . a loan from a bank* or finance perience. Free estimates. Call Good Working Conditions $90. Evinnide 4 cyl. Zephyr, Fish­ BALDWIN ORGA-SONIC 0>gan. Bolton Road four bedrooms, two .baths, two MADELINE SMITH Locks, NA. 3-6730. 1952 MERCURY HARD-TOP CONVERTIBLE Howiey. Manchester Mitchell erman drive, used fresh water fireplaces, den, terrace, garage, Radio, heater. An extra clean car! All good tiree. Low mileage. TAINTOR PONTIAC, INC. company to complete your down 'sctically brand new. Easy to Wayne Wright, Rear of 202 New $16,500 — New three bedroom Realtor ROCKVILLE—Two-family house 5-5 EXPERT COR8ETRY service in 3-5361. only, $75. New 1953 Evinnide play, hours of fun for the fanrtily.' choice location. Immediate occu­ payment. Positively only $145 MASON—Fieldstone a apeclalty. E. Top Wage For Right Man Bolton Road ranch, patio, ' attached garage. XU-9-1642 MI-9-1146 remodeled, excellent Income. Plae- 'your home. Trixie foundaUons. down buys a 1949 car, $195 buys s Fleetwin with neutral clutch, reg. Ideal for home and entertainment. pancy. , The Eacott Agency. Open 155 CENTER ST. — MANCHESTER Toth. Phone Ml. 9-3207. $14.50, only $189. Save $25. Terms her Granstrom, , 50 Oakwood Extra large basement. Wooded lot. all weekend, xn. 9-7d83. ter. Combination atorm windows, OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 Aida Adams; 53 Duraht St. MI. 1950, $295 buys a 1952. No addiUon- Smaller than spinet piano. For in­ R V d TEL MI-9.4545 8-8160, call after 5 p.m. Heating— Plumbing 17 Barstow's, Evinrude Dealer sinpe Convenient to schools shopping, large rooms, inlaid linoleum al side notes or loans. We guaran­ g u a r a n t e e d Top quality tela- formation call Mr. Hilliard. MI. HonorksHoriarty, 184 Woodland MANCHESTER—Four room Cape MANCHESTER OLENDER’S BODY SHOP* 1934. Just north of P.O. Phone 9-1036. etc. throughout, Oil hot water heat, full OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 tee to'seU under the above terms vision service. Calls received be­ GUARANTEED PLUMBING and Street Cod, brick, oil hot water' heat, basement. Nine closets each floor. WANTED — Riders, vicinity of fore 9 p.m. will be serviced same 9-7234. • ' X. ' Six room Cape Cod that is be­ Henry and Princeton streets. Mid­ with notes as low as $40 monthly. heating. Jobbing and new work. Route 83 coml^nation metal storms and Large landscaped lot. Direct from Good Credit is our only require­ night. Ml. fr-1347. Effectlve'date Xfay 1. 1954 BOLTON ing completely redecorated. Has dle 'Turnpike and Green Road to Joseph Skelley. Ml. 9-3014. Wanted— ^To Buy 58 screens, Venetian blinds. Excellent owner. Asking $16,JOO. Call Rock- ment. Douglas Motors, 833 Main. condition. 410,500. Bolton, terrific oil hast and a nice large kitchen. Market street, Hartford, hours 9 Rockville Diamonds— Watchi Notice filed ln\pffice of the $9,990— Six room Cape Cod. Fire­ vUle 5-5$S6. BROWN-BEAUPRE LENNOX FURNACES and warm four room ranch style, picture All aix rooms finished, too. This to 6. MI. 9-3315 after 7. PLDWING AND harrov(;ing. Butler, Jewelry 48 Town Clerk on AprihM, 1954; place, Oak floors, plastered walls ^^sCOP^’OPATf0 THE FABULOUS Hudson Hornet, air heating. Earl Van Camp. MI. WANTED—Twin baby carriage. window, oil heat. Full price, $93()D. property is selling for $11,500. ROCKVILLE:— Three-fainily house. direct from owner. Like new with MI. 9-6444. 9-5844. BARTENDER, three nights a week. ZONING BOARD OF J^PEALS down, drywall up. Large modern House is now vacant. Thia one Good Income. $11,500. H. B. Grady, LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ Reasonable. XU. 9-1992. Manchester, seven rooms, four Automobiles for Sale 4 only 10,000 miles. Save 81.600. Will Experience preferred but not es­ William H. Stuck, Oiairmap cabinet kitchen. Ba.sement garage won't last, so act fast. Broker. XU. 3-8009. DOORS OPENED, keyi fitted pairs, adjusts watebes expertly. Clarence N. Lupien, Secretary bedrooms, oil heat, sale prick, NOW AT 358 EAST CENTER ST*— T O . MI-9.5234 consider trade. MI. 9-6660. sential. Apply in person; Princess possible. Close to Manchester. $11,600. ManV more priced front Over on Woodland Street we 1933 FORD Ranch wagon. All copied, vacuum cleariera, irons Movinn-^Truckins Reasonable prices. / Open daily. MANCHESTER, CONNECTlCVT* metal all purpose vehicle Low, guns, etc., repaired. Shears, Restaurant. Rooms Without Board 59 $7350 up. A. R. Wilkie A Co. XU.\ have a new ranch home with three 1953 CHEVROLET all metal station Thursday evenings; 129 Spruce low down payment. Balance 36 kniveh, mowers etc., put into con­ Storage / 20 street, ktltchell 9-4387. LAKE PROPERTY 9-2461, MI. 9-4389, MI; 9-9531, bedrooms, fireplace- and all the GLASTONBURY wagon, like new cemdiUon, radio, IN PRIVATE Hom^ clean, pleas­ other extras that go into a new DILLON months. Honest Douglas. 833 Main. dition for coming needs. Braitb heater, low mUeage. Douglas AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., CARPENTER WANTED. Call Ml. ant, large room. Quiet neighbor­ LARGE see ROOM Cape Cod. house. Good location, close to Motors, 333 Main. waite, 52 Pearl street. . local and long distance moving, 9-0308. hood. Gentleman preferred. Ref­ Basement garage, spacious family SECLUDED—In a beautiful grove BEU^JRE YOU Buy a used car Garden—iFarm— Dairy $13,i9?0—Bolton Lake. Uirgo ato school, bus, etc. We have a sign of tall pines, this spacious 3 bed­ See Gorman Motor Salea Buick pac5klng, storage. Call MI. 3-5187 erences required. XU. 3-8183. room ranch in an ideal waterflorit size kitchen, one bath down, sec­ bn the house. Drive by, if you want SALES and SERVICE GONDEIR'S T.V. Service, available Hartford* CHapel 7-1423. ______^Toducts______M FOR RENT room ranch house is brand new.' Sales and Service. 285 Mam 1951 FORD converUble coupe. any time. Antenna conversions, location. 100’ frontage. Easily con­ ond bath up nearly completed, hot to see through it, just call us. Radio, heater, new top. In excel­ Situations Wanted— ROOM IN Private home for gentle­ water heat, storm sash, screens, Large living room^ with fireplace, street' Mitchell 9-4571. Open eve­ .^hilco factory tupervlaed service. MANCHESTER - Package Dellv man or couple. Kitchen privileges. Offics of 4 smeiH rooms verted to year around home. A real Priced at $13,500. This is one of modern kitchen, full cellar, Tim- nings lent condition throughout. Low Tel. Ml. 9-1486. Female 38' CmC^CEN MANURE for your gar­ buy. . shingled exterior, on bus line. High the few new rsnehes available at down payment. Douglas Motors, ery. Local light trucking and Inquire 224 Charter Oak St. MI. for profossionol or bust- mortgage available. Only $13,500. kin hot water heat (base teard). —FORD- den and shrubs. Tel. MI. 3-6971. 3-8368 between 5 and 8. . thi* price. SAVE! DOUGLAS Has older cars too, $5 333 Main. MANCHESTER T. V. Service, package delivery. Refrigerators, Warren E. Howland. Realtor, In­ Priced at $16,800. (low down pay­ washers and stove moving CURTAINS Laundered and ironing liiou purposof. Up off Mather Street in a nice ment). Located 3 miles from Glas­ S19 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER down. 1946 Chevrolet club coupe. radio and T.V. spedalkda since VEXSETABLE Plants: tomato, cab­ /VERNON surance, 648 Woodbridge Street, section we have two houses that 1941 DODGE—Black, deluxe luxury specialty. Ml. **-0752. done in my home. MI. 9-4S33. PLEASANT, FURNISHED room, xn. 3-8600. MI( 3-4711. tonbury center on Hurlburt St., 1940 Chevrolets (4), 1941 Chevro- 193*. House set W'c '’all $J6i. bage, lettuce, broccoli, kohlrabi. suitable for two persons. One S U N N ^ ^ E W DRIVE people must sell. One is brick, a SAVE! lets, 1941 PonUacs (31, llMl''Ford liner. 10,000 miles on new motor. Krause's Greenhouse, 621 Hartford 571 CENTER ST. off Hebron Ave., 4 and one half f Original' paint, radio, heater, ex­ MI. 9-6660 or MI. 3-4607. EXPERIE^fCED WOMAN will care block from Main St. Phone lU. Cape Cod with shed dormer. All miles to Manchester. club coupe, etc. Douglas Motors, Painting— Papering 21 for child day times. PMvjte home, Road. Xn. 9-7700. 9-3884. A fine community of *(9®*? rooms finished, lavatory and bath. 388 Main. cellent condition. Sacrifice $M. ANTIQUES Refiniahed. RepaiHng CoEAD.3.1714 ranches, split-levels and Colonials. dwelling. Four rooms and bapt enclosed yard. Recreation facili- down, 2 rboma up, all knotty pine. Basement .garage, amesite. combi­ $ A Y E ! MI. 9-3967. done on any furniture, ‘neihan, WELL ROTTED cow manure, flat p l e a s a n t r o o m In private A variety to choose' frrim. now, but FOR PRACTICAL FOLKS—If you Ues. Dinner provided. MI. 3-5182. All uUlitiea. E X E Realty Co. Mi. nation windows, etc. The other is A*!*! Used Cars 1951 NASH all metal station wagon. wall stones, loam, and firewood. / if the home you desire Isn't here 189 South Main St. Phone MI. PAINTING AND home. Centrally located. Shower, for Mr. Slodgor a cute two bedroom ranch. Base­ want a reasonable home in good Radio, heater, low mileage, high 1951 CHEVROLET Fordor aed^n, 3-5648. Leonard GIglio. XU. 3-7083. It can be built on one of the few 9-6297, XU. 3-4480 any time. You can sav* s«v«r^ hundrsd black. Very good condition. MI. PAPER HANGING bath. Breakfaist if desired. CaU ment garage. Corner lot. We will neighborhood, early possession, nice gksolinf mileage. Douglas Motors. Dogs—Birds— Pets 41 MI. 3-5033. remaining lots. Open Sunday 2-5 yard, bus nearby—large living dollor^ on thoso Sofo-Biiy Usod 833 Main. 9-9471 after 5. FURNITURE Refinlahing, anUque CAPE COD—Four lovely rooms be glad to show you through these. P. M., weekdays shown . anytime down, expansion attic, extra large room, dining area, modern kitchen, 10S1 FORD FONDOR I OYL $160$ furniture a specialty, chairs caned JOHN M. McCANN THE NEW MANCHESTER Pet Household Goods 51 NEWLY DECORATED, Beautifully Out riding? Drive by the new C o n or Moriorty BroHwrs* by calling the j^ones listed below. kitchen, nreplace. hot water heat, ranch home on Greenwood Drive. 3 large bedrooms, 1 and one half \ RADIO AND HEATER 1954 CHEVROLETS, 2-doors, beau­ Spring Into Spring In One Of and rushed. Anson F. Tborp 30 Laurel Street'^ Center, 995 Main St., invites you furnished snd spacious room. The DIRECTIONS/ 'i mile east of \ ’ <• w recreation room in cellar, amesite Sign bn the house. Three bedrooms, bathe, car port, screens and storm Como in ond soo for youreolf! tiful colors, 1954 Pontiac Star. Th4se Thoroughly Phone Mitchell 9-5735. to visit peU of all kinds. Con­ most complete light housekeeping Vernon Center on Route 30. Chief, Catalina, teeny-weeny mile­ Tel, MI-3-7388 or Ml-3-6738 NO NEED TO JOIN A CLUB drive. Beautifully landscaped attiyched garage, patio, lot of 90 sash., located off Main St., on Reconditioned Used Cars necticut bred ParskeeU. ML facUlUes available In XIanchester. yard. Many more extras. .Price Curtis Road. Price $14,800. age on each. ^ l i 90-day guaran­ COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart 9-427"'. Hour* Monday through Top Quality Furniture You will marvel at the clsanllness G O O D JOBS X 400 . . . we could go on and on. 1953 PATRICIAN 4-DOOR 1952 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR $1M5 tee, bank financing. Bob Oliver R. Wolcott on wringer and auto- WARREN E. HOWLAND $12,400. Phone Barbara Woods Drive'out ahd see real quality con­ Exclusive With 1952 Dodge Coronet 4-Door—$1595 P a in t in g , Exterior and interior, Friday, 10 to 6:30, Wednesday Brand Name Appliances of this building. ChUdren accepted. Ageqcy. MI. 9-7702. Black. Fully pou ^ ro, (ully equipped. 8 CYLIN D ER has the best in cars at -Center Dark grey, has everything. .maUc washing machines, vacuum paperbangtog. CeUlnga refiniah­ closed at 2 p.m. 8 . A H. Green Central. Priced sp reasonable FOR struction for yourself. Selling at j cleaners, motors, small appli­ RICHARD B. MOORE 6,000 mile*. Motor Sales, 461 Main St. ed. Wall paper books on request. stamps. arid TV at Tremendous SaVtogs you’U gasp! Bs sure snd see this SEVEN ROOM Cape Cod with ga­ $16,500. ’ 1952 Dodge Coronet 4-Door—$1595 ances. Welding 180 Main street. Realtor —* Insurance T/vo family off Broad Street. Light grey, locally owned, low Estimates ^ven. FuUy insured. CHAXIBERS FURNITURE one. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St. SKILLED rage. tile bath, combination Storm ReaUor 1952 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR $1295 TO BE SURE Phone Ml. 9-6678. Call Edward* R. Price. MItebeU 648 Wpodbridge Street windows and doors. Sewers, city Four rooms on each side! One aide 1953 PACKARD MAYFAIR HARD-TOP mileage. Live Stock—Vehicles 42 SALES . ATTRACTIVE ROOM, all new is on lease at $9.5 per month, the Phone Glastonbury ME-3-9494 - 6 CVLIN'DER COMPLETE Hand and power lawn 9-1003. ■ MEN water, on bus line, nesir school, 2-tone. tan. Fully . equlp|ied.\' SEE McCLURE 1952 DeSoto Custom 4-Door—$1645 At The Green' ' furniture, desirable ne^borhood. Phone XU-3-8600 or ,XU-3-57U Church and stores. Price $15,000. other the owner is vacating. This Ruth C- Rourke—ME-3-9298 Dark green. 17.897 original miles mower isalcs. and service. Motors PAINTING AND Papering. Outside WE BUY COWS, c ^ v s r and beef Garage svsilablc„;i phone XU. XUtchell 3-5187 MI. 3-4007. is an excellent proposition for two Associate - f o r clean, ^aranteed 5 used 1952 Dodge (Coronet Club Coupe— tuned ar>' overhauled. Pickup and painting estimates now being cattle. Also horses, plela Bros. 3-8126. Deal With A Realtor— families. House ismnly 5 or 6 years deliver}' service. Gibson's Garage. T*1. .M1. 8-7405. Houra: 10 to';i~7'.30 io.8:30 P. I t •'m e c h a n ic a l 4 1951 FORD FORDOR $1115 cars. Any make. Any mcidel, *1545 ^ -V given. OaU Gilbert i'ickett. MI. 54-ACADEMY STREET.-Six roam old. The owner* are asking $18,500. MI. 3-5012. 3-6982. OEiSIGNERS Your Home Specialist VERNON,. 20 minutes from Hsrt- 1952 HUDSON CLUB CO U H s CTLIN*DER FORDOBIATlO-RAOlO sad HEATER 1941 t o 1954. Easy payment Metallic bronM. All extras, white BROAD .BREASTED Bronze fresh Dutch colonial, in good condition: Call ns, we M-ill give you all the Red and gra.vV FuUy equIppfB. walls. ALL KINDS of antenna work. Call . frozen Toms, 14 to 20 pounds, SSc WANTED > Laundry • room off kitchen, details. . ford. Homes. you can afford. a t bank rates. CONTRACTOR—Interor and 'exter­ $10,000; One six room Cape C>>d, 2 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook 4-Door— Art Plimey, TV Antenna "pedal- lb. Sebaub's Turkey Farm, 188 Reliable, Honest, Person PTOOL DESIGNERS screened porch, atUCr oii eteam Just listed a new super ranch ior painting and paperhanging by SEPTIC TANKS heat, atorm windows and screens, home, six months old. Custom built unfinished, one four room ranch. 1 1951 roRD TUDOR $1995 $1045. . , 1st, Sales and Service. Very fair a reliable contractor, 1-3 and more HiUstown Road; *- TO TAKE OVER - , BIGELOW STREIET H. B. Grady, Broker. MI. 3-8009. i McCLURE AUTO CO. U gh t green, one owner. prices. Tel, Ml. 9-4772. A N D ■ • D ETAILED one-car garage, one block from for present owners.. Located off 8 CYUN'DER FORDOMATIC—RADIO and HEATER off on all 1954 wallpaper. All cus­ UNPAID BALANCE bus tins,-store and short walking 1953 MERCURY 4-DOOR Owners are moving out of this Porter Sti-eet. Asking tab on this COVENTR-Y—Main Street, 3 apart­ Maroon and black. Radio, heater. i 1950 Chevrolet ^-Door—$945 WEBB’S TV - 17 Mspie St., $3 per tomers receive a written guaran­ MONTHLY PAYMENTS’ • TOGL and DIE MAKERS distance to school. Shown by ap­ is $27,500. Really gorgeous. Why Husdon Sales and Service tee. Free estimates with refers Articles For Sale 45 PLUSBED SEWERS ment house (5-5-3 (, one now 'Light blue. 28,672 miles. Power house call. All wurk fully guaran­ desirable 6 ^ d 4, duplex. Piice pointment! Asking $14,500. Elva go through all the headaches dt Very low mileage. New car warranty. glide, radio, heater, white waifs. ences. By calling AD 2-6285 after BAILEY’S AnUque Shop, 382 Mato $17.63' Tyler, Realtor. XU. 9-446$. vacant, garage, >i acre, good re­ 181 FORD TUDOR $98 373 Main Street teed. Call Ml. 9-6535 for quick • TOOL and GAUGE has been substantially reduced for having a Home built when a de­ turn. Asking $13,600. Welles Agen­ 1949 Ford V-8 Club Coupe-^$595 honest service. 5 p.m. Mr. Hebert. - street Mitchell 8-SOOS. Moderately 3 COMPLETE ■ > X 8 CYLEO IEB Mathlst CleasMi INSPECTORS a fast ssle. Excellent niortgage MANCHESTER —Several two-'fam- sirable home like this is available. cy , Coventry. Tel. PI. 3-6872. THREE TO CHOOSE FROM ' Open Evenings Black. $95 down. Thoroughly re­ priced Items to china, glass, tin­ ROOMS OF BRAND We can *hbw this to you at your WIRING DlSTALLA'nON and re­ PAINTING AND Paperhanging. ware, pewter and furniture. available. To^lnspcct this property Uy homes, three bedroom, auto­ conditioned. Satiafactlon guaranteed. 35 years NEW FURNITURE Septte Duka. Dry tVeUs. SeWer • GAUGE MAKERS convenience. COVENTRY—$1000 down buy* new­ 1950 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDANS 1952 FORD fordor, original A-1 con- pair of small electric appliances Llass InstaMed O Bar Water­ contact matic heat, with garages located 1949 Dodge i-Door and 4-Door— experience. Orders taken for out­ LOAM— Rich top soil, delivered. Beautiful Westtoghouse Elec. in east and west aide. The Escott er C:*p« Ck>d, 4 rooms, bath, full 1 Grey. Radio abd heater. 181 PLYMOUTH TUDOR $995 diUon, new tires, lustrous blue fin­ $695. • and fixtures. (Hsrence G. Smith, Refrigerator proofing Done. T. J. CROCKETT BOLTON basement. State road, balance G.I. I ish. 1951 Chevrolet tudor, deluxe 21 Knox St. Phone MI. 3-8423. side work now. Call Raymond No. 1 grade, $3 yard. No. 2 grade, • PRECISION GRINDERS Agency. Ml. 9-76$3. Both nice cars. Take your pick. Beautiful Bedroom Suite mortgage. Also, 10 room house, j modeli equipped and honesUy Trudeau. Ml. 9-1614. 12.50 ]rard. Washed stone, send, Broker On a few acres, a two bedroom 1948 (Bie\Tolet 2-Door— $595 RUBBISH AND Ashes removed. gravel, till. Nussdorf Sand and Beautiful Living Room Suite McKin n e y m o s . • JIG BORERS MANCHEISTER —This agency has improvements, ■ barn. 7, acres, guaranteed. 1949 Mercury con­ 244 Main Street Colonial close to. the school. Large $13,700. Over'100 others, new list­ verUble. Radio, heater, new top Nice clean car. Radio, heater. General cleaning of attics, cellars Stone Co. Ml. 9-7408. Beautiful Dinette Set BEWBRAOB DISPOSAL CO. a large listing of 4, 5, 6 and 7 room 1953 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 1950 FORD FORDOR $145 e x t e r i o r p a in t in g only. Free IS9-ISt Prort Sfr Tel. Nl-S-SSaS • EXPERIMENTAL Phones; Office: XU-3-5416 singles at $8,750 and up. Two fam­ attached two car garage. House Is ings needed. Welles Agency, (iv -1 A real clean one! Tan color. lustrous black finish. Priced to sell 1948 Ford 2-Door—$475 and yards. Ml. 9-9757. Beautiful "Dg Luxe" Range estimates. Ml. 9-1383. USED FULL length wood screens Residence XU-9-7751 ily homes, 4 and.4, 5 and 6,.6 and in good repair; Has a full basement, entry. Tel. PI. 2-6$72. I today. See Bob Oliver at Center No down payment. New motor Instead o f Weatinghouse Elec. Re­ MACHINISTS Radio and healer. H A I RADIO-TV Service. Service with hardware. Sizes 24” and 39", frigerator if you prefer 6 rooms, $13,500 and up; colonials, two flreplacea, nice kltcjten and Motor Salea, 461-^Maln. job. reallv beautiful grounds.' Asking charge $3.50. Tel. MI. 9-6665. Gary 82" X 56", 32" X 47". Tel. MI. Ruga, LaWipa, Tables, Linoleum and seven looms at $14,800 and up. 181 FORD VICTORIA $18,000 on this. - Wanted— Real Estate 77 $1295 1941-1940, OLDER Cbevroleu, 1947 Old* 2-Door—$495 lamonaco. Private Instructions 28 3-4836. Few Other Articles Ranch homes,. $11,$00 to- $36,000. 1952 CHRYSLER SARATOGA Apply MANCHESTER On the Lake, a cozy two bed­ RADIO and HEATER—FORDOMATIC Tt'BEUUUl TIRES Fords, other good transportaUon. All‘ extras. No down payment. EVERYTHING Please call Howard R. Hastings READY BUYERS waiting. For Im­ 2-tone bine. Ftill.v equipped. LAWN MOWERS all types sharp­ COMBINATION Aluminum win­ I Agency, Manchaater. ML fr-ub?. room winterized home. Ideal for mediate action list.your property Good credit bnable us to accep «$5 You can’t go wrong going to the A(XX>RDION and piano taugbt in A very clean car. , ■ ■ down. Douglas Motors, 833 ened and repaired; Delivery serv­ dows and screcna, $17.16 and up, 'THE UNPAID EmploymenT Office Pleasant and roomy $ix room a couple or a small family. Only with the Albert J. Gatto Co., Real­ right place. Written warranty with ice. G. Snow, 336 Summit. Tel. MI. your home. Ml. 9-5144. plus installation. CombtoaUon BALANCE PRICE LOOKING FOR dwelling on bua line. Not in a de­ LARGE FIVE Room ranch home, $11,000 and we can work out darn tors. CH. 9-8489, evenings XU. 1949 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE $78 NASH RAMBLER, 1951 converUble, most purchases. ' 3-4531. aluminum doors $49.50 plus toatal- velopment. First floor has nice 2-car garage, Venetian blinds, good terms on this. We ere having 3-6946, JA. 8-398$. ONLY $488.26 screens, storm windows, radiant 1953 MERCURY 2-DOOR overdrive: heater, radio, 5 Gen­ Bonds—Stocks— laUon. Manchester Home Impmve- Free storage until wanted. Free OFFICE SPACE sized living room, large kitchen it open for inspection on Sunday Blue. Radio and heater. eral white aide walls. Uke new, SOLIMENE, Inc. STONE, BRICK, fireplace and ce­ ment Co.. $5 Oak St. $11. 8-8177. Weekdays , ' ivith dining area, two bedrooms heat. Beautiful corner lot 106 x 98. 2-5 . It is on Route 44-A lust past CASH WATTINO for anv type real ment work. Call MI. 9-54S1 or MI. Mortgages 31 delivery. Free set up by our own Nice, clean car. ^ua two extra mow Ures, 1809; 634 Center St.—MI-3-5101 and bath. Second floor, two bed­ XU. 9-0353,. the Bolton Lake House. . estaU ybu have to sell. First and 1949 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE $85 3-5042. b e a u t if u l Selection of wool rem­ reliable men. IN A 100% second mortgage money available. .V Private owner. 428 Lake St., Man- 1963 MERCURY converUble, clean, FIRST AND second mortgages 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. !1 rooms. Oil heat, fully inaulated. EAST HARTFORD. Bcantifui Sun­ chanter. nants at low prices. AJao rug wool No Payments To Banks AH' city utilities. BaXement ga­ Also listtoga wanted. CaU The very good cobdiUon. Call MI. HAVE YOU HAD your sewing ma­ bought for our. own account Fast, and toatnicUms to braiding rugs. set Ridge. Three homes priced T. J. CROCKETTf Johnson Building Company, 953 W* hovs o vtry 9«n«reus stiMtion of confidential service. Manchester or Finance Companies L O C A tlO N ' rage. A rear buy at $13,500. 1960 PLYMOUTH sedan. Good con­ 9-1504 or m . tr is ii. chine looked over recenUy, tJke CaU RockvlUa 5-5706. . from $17.200JO $23,900. See these Real Estate Broker Mato St. XU. 8-7498. Eronlnga XU. everything else, it needs adjusting Investment Corp., 244 Main street Phone Me Immediately WITH AVAILABLE (Cloaed Saturdays) today. The Escott Agency. XU. oHior us^ cars— at low, low pricos. dition. Radio and heater. Call MI. WILL SELL to reliable party 1951 1 Phone Xn-;3*5416' or 9-l0$7 after 4-p. m. knd cleaning periodically. Serv'ich Ml. 8-5416 HUMUS HARTFORD CH-7-0358 ' ALICE CLAMPET, Realtor 9-7683. J / ;AU CARS LISTED ABOVE CARRY Studebaker Stariite coupe Com­ on all makes of sewing machines. PARKING SPACE? A I Residence MI-9-7751 IF READY to buy, sell, exchange mander. P4rty can assume con­ After 7 P. M, CH-6-4690 1*46 BUICK Coupe. 1948 Oldsmo- Work done In your home. Why not Business Opportunities 32 Superior quality, acreened and PRATT and WHITKf:^ , Ml-9-4') ^ ON HAMLIN. St. Two-famUy flat. real estate, mortgages arranged. 30-DAY UNCONDITiONAL GUARANTEE. Mla 6 <3TUnder, 1940 Dodge coupe. tract at bank with no money down. get an esUmate\ oii electrifying ahredded. Truck ahovel arid back See It Day Or Night We have Just such offlecs Six rooms on each floor and a EAST HARTFORD. Near preaant Consult Howard It. HasUiiga, 85 damn and good cradlt. Walk in, Balance. PI. 2-6166. your machine, Nchel. MI. 9-9419. ^ ESTABLISHED soda ahop and hoe for hire. \ If yon have fio means of transpor­ swaitisK yMT iimpectioa. healed bedroom on third floor. Oil high school. Sevaral homes priced Agency, XU. fr-1107. ■AIRCRAFT u il t MORI ARTY BROTHERS Day phone 8-5171.' . . ''luncheonette for sale.- Long term, tation. in stod my auto .for you: ' CUSTOM B four ■ room, ex­ steam heat. 2icar garage. Call drtvs ou t Wa are easy to do busi- RockviUe 5-5652 For complete ipfdrmatioB to the $15,000 brocket. The Escott Mttiy OtoQttiiaiiaiiiBliObHiBFpiM Bsos With. No pressure*; no' big low rent lease available. ACB No obligation. pandable to aix, cabinet kitchen, Owner XU.. $-5593. ' Agency, XU. 9-7688. LISTINGS WANTED — Stogla, CHRYSLER Windsor deluxe. YOUNG MAN with small pick-up Realty for appolntihent. Ml. 9-2392. ale; Ffriiik Miller at OhrWM ot Ualtoe Almaftk ' latge,. livtog room, flreplace, oak twn-famlljr, ^ threa-famuy* bum- LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALERS dourn payment. See Bob Oliver at Private owner. PI. 2-653S. A—U-B—E—Rr-T— S truck. wUI dO odd Jobs,>. evenings . I^Utler 9-2548 ■43-45 ALLYN S T ^ HARTFORD floors, sanitary molding; storm $1,000 DOWN. THREE bedroom NEIAR BOWERS School and bus inaw properre. Have many cash ..datal- Motor SaUs, 461 Main 8 t \ RESTAURAIfr-Grtll. centrally lo- oanMfsUea -i Windows, oil steam heat, 100'- lot, ranch, f lr ^ a c e , tUs bath', one billMi givtl fos M attrailivt in i 1»49 STUDEBAKER Pickup. Good lor week-ends. Va. 9-8452. THE 1SAVIN6S BANK line. Five lazga rooms, garage feujrora. Xurtgagas arnngad. 301-3\5 CENTER ST. — TEL MI-3.513S lOBlLE Six, 4-door -4 rated. Large dining room eeatiivi ALL FAMOUS make power mow­ lOatCURT Tricycle, child’s trse- treaa, near -storea. . bu s., OiUy acre Umd, |l00 month, lor 8 jraars. •qd acroeaad porch. All Impro.ve^ 'Plaaaa aaS Otono L. Oraaiadle. ’ttUcb. Make an o«er. No down ROTOTILLER For Hire with opera­ see Mala St.^1 BarWatt^^ r is a iMf FM ^ Good 'coodi- IM^ people. Long lease, resonable. ers $49.95 up. Buy OR budget. No lor arid l$|rby'vsrQum cleaner. At- OFMANCHSSTEK 819.0M. Caifwa W. Hutehtoa. M l J 19 satoMt— out.- Carttm W. meats. BxOelleat eendftiea. Lot 99 jtoflter.^^iatchd M m MS 9-6814. tor. Lgwns.itobiiccq beds, gardens 'Terms. Call after B p.iq. JA. money down, 88 waekly. Budget tacbmentA jtosaonable. CaO JA. f r « 88. fr^iNl s- \ a u t » lU .M L s 16$. Con ML frWM* mmmmmmmtkmmmmfimm Free estimates. ML 8-8144.^ k-6623 ask for Mr. K U nan.. Center, 91 Center St. s-dts. V |:^V J ■ •-

.1' •'•-■• } -J V, -V- i ■v'-‘ .

PAGE EIGHTEEN M k m lftB U t fE u ^ ttin g FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1964 Avemge Daily Net Ihrens Run For'the Week Ended The Weather V. Ihe combined mothers circles of Gibbona Asaemltly, Catholic La- Rooeoiary Symons, 15-M Forast April 34, 1954 Pmaesat nf U. S, Wenthar Barian ik. James' Ohurcdi will receive Jacoby, lU, AutumiR 8t.;~Wayna diea of Columbua, will hold Ita St.; Pamela Covey, 43 Waddell Rd. Unbergar. Stein Road, RockvUIe; .^boutTow n cmnmunlon together at St. James' meeting Tpeaday evening. May 4, Hospital Notes Chdrch at the 8 o'clock Maas Sun­ BIRTH YESTHiaDAY:. A daugh­ Mra. BhnUy Maire) 77 Doane S t ; CUANIN6 AND mSYAlUNfr Tonight pnrtly Handy. 1/OW In in St. James' hall. . The buaineas ter to Mr. and Mrs.. Edward Peck- Oarol Scata, 18 Falndew St. 11,165 Tonlcht at 8,>lh Oranr* hall, day itaorning. Each circle will meet Piattents T o d a y ...... lower jepi Mtmdnjr Hoodjr, Mian Dauchtera of Ubekty Lodgea, Noa. meeting will begin promptly at 8 . . . . :yl5S ham, Tolland. , Member ef the Audit Wl in the*, church basement at ADMITTED TE ST DISCHARGED TODAY: R ua^ dersbewera late in day. High la 135 and 17, will present their pro­ o'clock and will be followed by a R D A TCj SEPTIC TANKS and CESSPOOLS Bureau of Circulations FollowUig the Mass, St. Fjancin one-act play.-by the .Center Thes­ BIRTHS TODAY: A ton to Mr. Ouillette, 244 ’Wbodland St.; Mra. gram , "BuUdlng of the Croas," Ronald UtrlcJ, Wapping; John 'and Mrs. Howard Coro, 132 Spruce Carol Hunt and daughter. 285 A 4Maplato argMUnttM at TRAINED $BWAOB 8PB01AUSTS lower Iga. Xavier Mothers Circle wilt have pians. Refreshipents and a aoclal Being the moot medem em ipaeat and maAleery—RESULT: A Manche$ter— A City of yUlage Charm under the direction of Mrs. Joseph breakfaat\at the home of Mrs. Gallaaoo, 11 Strant St.; Mrs. Lila St.; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Charter O.-h St.; Sheal Wenlck. 30 J^mston, 15 Hawley St. During time will follow. Mrs. Charles BBTIEB Job at a L O W m jm O B . J. E. Smith','236 Autumn St. L'Esperance, chainnan, wilt be Strange, 58 'Virginia Rd.; Mrs. Bernard August, 18 Mints Ct. Green Manor Rd.; Mra Annette the evening M n. Clara Robinson Alica Groushinsky, Wapplng; Rob­ DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Glode and eon, 72 Alton S t; m i— VOL. LXXtiI, N0.186 (Clatalfled Advortlalng oa Pago 10) , . and Misa Emma Craig will preside assisted by Mrs. James W. Farr, a Sump ptunpa taotalM to . ^MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, M AY 1, 1954 (TWELVE PAGES) The Willing Workers of the Mrs. John Fitzgerald, Mrs. Mau­ ert and Claire Newberry, 19 tfero- Mrs. Evelyn Tedford, 620 Birch Mary Mielke. Bolton; Mins Anne THIS IS WHY PRICE FIVE CENTS at food tables where a variety of South Methodist WSCS has set thy Rd.; David Collins, 195 Eld- Mt. Road; .Frank McCarthy, 85 Welch. 103 Greenwood Dr.,; Mrs. rahMve water Creal 'y ea r rice O'Connor, Mrs. Joseph Rourke •eUar. . . . nora people call'' Iriah, nut and other breads, calces, the date of WediTMday, May 5. for Slid Mrs, John O'Neil. - ridge St.; Royal Jaiiam, Coventry; Main SI., Carl 'Rivers, 218 Oak St.; Lorraine Benoit and daughter, 262 plea and cookies will be offered for its annual birthday supper. Each Mrs. Helen Smith, Andover; Qyn- Mrs. Helen Heller and daughter, Woodbrldge St.; Mrs. Beatrice Mc- e New ondergroand water M Kinney. Bros. aala member will prtng f. casserole or thia Wallace, 35 Drive E; Adam 133 Oonway Rd.; Mrs. Ruth Ben­ Conville end ooh, Eilington; Mrs. lines InetalM. (1) Prompt Service Democrats King David Lodge No. 31, lOOF, BaJonU. 38 North St.; Vera De- son and son, 155 Green Manor Rd.; Gloria Oakes, 61 Hawthorne St. e New 'reetpreeff* sewer Scelba Set other food item, and will be privi­ will meet tonight at 7:30 in Odd Hnea Install^, (2) Quality Work Ltf Gov, Allen Says Epworth Deaguers will meet at leged t^dnvite- a friend. Merrtiant, 182 Vernon St.; John David Phelps, 44 Packard St.; (3) Reasonable Prieea the South Methodist Church Sun- Fellows Hall. After the- business McLead. Talcottville; David Pe- a. Fteged sewte Hnae elean- meeting refreshments will be serv­ Martin'Goodell, Stafford Springs; The Salvation Army band, un­ See Senate di^ pt 7 P eharp for a brief de­ Hartford' County , Federa­ rattl, 52 Drive B; IJrs. Hannah Mrs. Feme Daly/. 118 Doming St.; der the direction of C. Peter Carl- a i alectriaaOY* IK lA F E . . . IE SURE For Parley votional and business meeting, ed in the banquet hall. All Odd Presoler, 7 Walnut St.; Robert Mc­ Mn.». Sojvhie Graezewski, Hazard- ' Sc ■ ■ tion of Democratic Women’s Clubs Fellows are welcome. aon, will leave Sunday at 1:80 p. e after which tliey will leavO' for vclu hold its annual convention at Cann, 869 Main St,; Mrs Margaret ville; Mrs. Elms Griggs. 13 Kerry m. by bus for Norwich, where the W ar Curb Hartford. Forrest F. Howell, 225 285 Broad St. tonight at 8 o’clock. Mayer, 35 Irving St.; John Person, St.; Judge Michael O'Connell, Staf­ musicians will take part in a aec- Parker S t, who is engineer at Spe^era will be the Honorable Mr. and Tiw. Raymond Schiebel, 20 Packf rd St. ford Springs; Mh». Mary Foxen tional soldiers rally. The prin­ Call M cK in n e y b r o s : Hartford, May 1 (8»i— In a whol­ On Trieste 112 Sumi ler St., a ^ Mr. and Mrs. W n c riuUo station, will take John Bailey and Congressnmn A D M I T T E D TODAY: Mrs. and'aon, Storrs; Peter Bonino, 33 cipal ftpeaker will be Col. William HWASE DBPOSAL COMPANY Washington, May 1 (ffO— ly unexpected move, Lt. Gov,, Ed­ them for a tour of the building. Alton A. Hall, 37 Holl St., recent-, Eleanor Johnson, 652 N. Main St.; Eldridge St.; Mrs. Elizabeth Du- Three Democratic Senators Thomas Dodd. Delegates from the G. Harris, Jleld secretaiy New T i^ mtcaiin s-asoo-^iao-iat p e a r l s t ^ Ma n c h e s t e r ward N. Allen has said he is not Sparks Surprise Rome, May 1 (yP)— U, 3- local club are Mrs. Mae Vennard ly visited Orlando, Fla. Susan Smith, 15 Fiench Rd.; Mnr. basinski, 81 Union St.; Wanda York City. said today Congress is in no ■ / and Mrs. Ella Quish, with Miss \' a candidate for reelection. Secretary” of State John Fos­ The Junior Miaaionary Society of mood to approve involvement The 61-ycai--old Allen said in a ter Dulles and Italian Premier Che Emanuel Lutheran Church will Wanda Pagan! and Mrs. Ann Kearns as alternates. All members of U. S. fighting units in the statement yesterday that the de­ Mario Scelba meet in hold its UMmthly meeting at 9:30 mands of his business as head ,of tomorrow morning in Luther Hall. of the local club are invited to Indochina War. Milan Monday to “ look over attend. Refreshments will be A Republican, Sen, Flandera a large department store here y served. Further information or (Vt), agreed that the Uiought of make it impossible for him to re­ the international horizon” John Mather Chapt^i^ DeMolay main in public office. mothers group will hold a food transportation may be obtained by llirect American intervention la un­ amid growing reports of ^Absistaiice' tlip Siibjecrof the Meelitif; calling either Mrs. \Pennard or popular in CongreM. But he said The announcement caught secret negotiations over sale at the W. T. Urant store to­ everyone by surprisd, apparently TopEnyoys morrow morning, starting a t 9:30. Mrs. Helen Fitzpatrick. the U.S. and the United NaUona Trieste. - may be forced to take direct action including Gov. Lodge to . whom Allen disclosed it at noon yester, As far as lU ly’s part In the talks Pfc. Robert W. Helm, 439 Cen­ if the. Communlsta threaten to over­ goes, that international horizon ter St., who is now serving with run Indochina. day, several hours before he made 04 0/ • • • it jpiiblic. has two darkening storm clouds. PUet Again the Airborne in Japan, would ap­ BENDIX WASHER Sen. Edwin C. Johnson (D-Colo). 'The governor was “perfectly They are: preciate receiving letters from his took note of President Elsenhower's and DRYER SERVICE - swell about it," Allen told report­ 1. The unsolved quarrel with friends in Manchester. His ad­ y ^ X news conference statement Thurs­ Yugoslavia over Trieste.'! By ED MORENCY dress is: Pfc. Robert W. Heim. R. ers. "He tried to talk me out bf At Geneva day that this country will not get it, but this is it." ' , 2. Tough internal barriers to M Years as FieM Engineer A. 12437782, 06. H. 187th Bn RCT, into a war except through the con- Service Within 34 Honrs « From the governor’s office, Al­ raUncation of the European De­ A.P.O.; 51, c/o Postmaster, San atitutionai process, involving a dec­ fense Commuqity Part. Geneva, May 1 (A*)—U. S. collect. Francisco, Oallf. laration of war by Congress. len went to a sperial meeting of XU, Mewiagton, MO-5-0135 the Mirectors o f . his store (Sage- Scelba requested the talks. His Secretary of State Dulles and •'Will Walt l-ong Time” Alien A Co.). Then State Repub­ Foreign Ministry- annuunced only Sunset Rebekah Lodge will meet "If the President waits for Con­ that he wantj^ ta have "a brirt Soviet Foreign Minieter V. M. Monday at ft.p.m. in Odd Fellows lican leaders who could be reached Afoiotov went*into a private gress to give him the go-ahesl on ■weiv notified of the development, look around the. horizon and an ex­ Hall. Following a short business sending U.S. troops to Indochina,” change of viewa on questions of huddle today to carry on-their session all officers, guards and after wliich Allen imparted the JohnZon aaid, "he will wait for a nejvs to leaders of the Hartford common interest." talks on President Eisen* those taking part in the tableaux long, long time. There is ‘no senti­ However, most observers here, ' LOAM will hold K rehearsal. Mrs. Frances G.O.P. organization with which lie bower’s plan for an intenut* Mo. 1 Oiade $S yd. No. 3 Grade ment in the Senate- for intervention, has been closely identified for believed the request megt have $3.50 yd. Washed Sand, Gravel, Herron and Miss Mary Hutchison in Indochina." ' 'more than 30 years. been more apecifle thkn that, to tional atomic energy pool. are co-chairmen of the refresh­ It waa the second meeting- ba> Stoae, FOL Sen. Monroney (D-Okla) said in' It was not until then that Allen EDWARD N. 'ALLEN ceuse Dulles to cancel plans to ment committee and will be as­ a separate interview that "no case made his decision public with an hurry back from Geneva to a tween the two top East-Weot dip* sisted by Mrs. Muriel Davis, Mrs, Here are the cottons you've been wait­ has been made as yet fof the .. . . announcement In which he said: mounting pile of work in Waah*: lomats since they came here for NUSSDORF velopment of the business of which lost Monday’s opening of the con­ Saad * StoBO Co.—BO-0-7408 Elizabeth McIntosh and Mrs. Ellen ing for! . . , Young, cool, colorful . . , use of American troops” in Indo­ “ I will not be a candidate for the I am the head—responsible for its ing.ton. Wilson. bom to be worn from now until faH! china and h« added: "There is lit- nomination to any political office For one tiling, there have l>een ference on Far Eastern qumtionai future welfare and that of its 1,000 Strictest Seereey Ue likelihood that Congress would in the forthcoming Republican employes." persistent reports of Amcrican- give such authdrity now." convention. It has become necea- Despite the surprise nature of Yugosiav negotiations in Wa.sh- The meeting today waa held ia Sen. Holland (D-Pla) said he saf'y for me to devote my entire ington and London. For another, strictest secrecy. Molotov had ia- dicated early this week he waa would have to know much more time to the management arid de- (Continued on Page ’Two) Scelba’.s 'troubles over EDC ratl- '-‘about the immediacy of the situa­ 8cation have been increasin;ly ready to deliver Russia's roply to tion (in Indochina) before I'd con­ obvious since he first patched super-secret "concrete” propooala GIFTS FOR (Not axacUy aa iUuatrated) tent to sending our combat troops made by the United States March itogether a center coalition govern­ 19. there." — ment 2'.j months ago that has only Sen. Flanders (R-Vt) took a Nobody Requested a 17-vote edge in the turbulent A communique issued after Ute somewhat different position. He Chaml>er of Deputies. hour-long Dullee-Molotov meetiiy ssid this country and the United said the two atatesmen discuoaed Both the Red Left and the the "reply of the Soviet govern­ fflrtiier); flap! Nations may be forced to act di­ Fascist-Monarchist Right chal­ rectly, if the Communists threaten ment of April 27 to the United Pictures: Sergeant lenge his pledge to push EDC an- / Presidents of three of the natton's top labor unions pose April SO at their meeting in WaahteKton States note of March 29, 1954 ” to'nyernin Indochina and thus en­ proval through, and the e.xpectabl^ which Dave Berk, right, of the AFL teamsters said was to exchange views “ on how our thrc« organ* danger. all of vital Southeast Asia. "This reply will be further con­ FOOD SALE also HAND MADE delays make it doubtful he cOn ixatlons ran he of assisfance to each other.” Left to , right: David J. McDonald, CIO Steolworken; sidered by the United Ststas in "We han’t pass off sll our dan- even bring the issue to a vote until John L. I,^%$is, l*nlted Mine Workers, and Berk. (AP Wirephoto). Woohington," the communique gc;-8 and 'troubles to oiif children New York, May 1 (/P)— An Air Force sergeant wlio directed fall. The United States in kno)s'n to from American delermtion head­ snd grandchildren,” said Flandera. the taking of the controversial photograph in the McCarthy- wont faster action. quarters here said. GIFTS and POTTED PLANTS "We must face^them." The troubles with Yugoslavia \ Army hearing wa« quoted in the New. York Times today as Prom the wording of the brief However, he agreed the thought over disrupted Trieste'^ere equally communique and from American of direct Interventi'dn by American .saying' nobody asked him to have the picture taken. Walkouts Tie FORSALE The newspaper, in a dispatch J — ------difficult and almost'certain to oc­ murceo, it was apparent that 4 I combat units in the ihdochina War cupy a considerable pi|rt of the Quake Hits Greece, Dnlles and Molotov reached no Brm now is unpopular both in.. Congress from 'Washington, said Staff Sgt. talk.s. and the country at large. Flanders Herbert R. Manchester of McGuire Major City and conclusions in their discussion on Air Force Base In Hew Jersey Justice Blocks For weeks, there have been ru­ Biaenhower's plan for a world pool CENTER OONORECATIONAL. CHURCH \ Is a member of the Senate Anned mors -a n ^ n tin g to fairly solid Services Committee. 'x made the statement to newsmen of atomic energy for peaceful pur­ \ after testifying in the hearing. reports—Yhat Yugoslavia has Iri- Many Factories 2 5 ,0 0 0 Lose Homes poses. Ehirlier In the week, the House An issue in the hearing has been Proxy Votes of dteata^to Washington it. might ^ Eieenbower Pima TUESDAY, MAY «, 1 to t P.M. defeated 214,37 a proposal by Rep. whether Ai-my Secretary Robert T. be ready to accept “under pres- These talks between the Amtrl- Coudert (R-NY) aimed at barring By THE AH80CIATED PRE»W Steven 1 asked to have the photo- , s\ire" a new basis for Trieste set- Athen.s, Greece, May 1 (A*)—Greek officials reported today cons and Riiaslana have been going use of American combat forces in TEA WII4 H SERVED grap'h taken. Central Stock Moment that la not far beyond Indianapolis, a city of 500,000 the earthquakes which struck central Greece yesterday and on behind the tightest cloak <5 Indochina withoiit prior congres­ The atafl erf Sen, Jose^kh R. Me- 'Italian demands. population^.JHa^wlthout bus and secrecy since Eisenhower proposed sional aMHR: coudert offered hla While American and ... Italian crumbled whole towns killed at leant 20 peraons and injured en international pool o f atomic proposal as an amendment to a 'Oorthy presented into evidence a '‘ New York, May 1 (JPi trolley service today as AFL^driv- SPONSORED BT “ TALENT PR0.1ECTP OF THE WOMEN'S photograph^. showing Stevens sources have professed ignorance 130. More than 25,000 were madO'homeless. Earlier-official energy raw^ mateiiala and know, bill carrying nearly 29 billion dol­ preme Court Justice has of arty such move, there have era stnick ih a dispute over wages. reports had the death toll aa h ig h , ------— ^------— FEDERATION, CENTER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH standing with Pvt. G. David Bui a walkout by AFL tianait, now for peaceful uses in hia ad- lars for national defense during the until next Thursday the been Mnta from f.ie French in the as 150, dress^ tb ^ e U.N. General Aasem- Schine. The Army later contended, workers in PlUsbirgh wos called -Light tremors continued \ and the McCJarthy forces agreed, of any proxy votes bly last Dec. 8. .(f'nntiniied on Page Five) ntlnued.on Page Five) off after .90 minuter. throughout the day after the vio­ Tornadoes Hit that, the picture ha5. been clipped shares of New York -dentral Rail- Other strikes started today idled There ia nothing that would pre­ lent initial shock lasting 20 sec­ vent Dulles and Molotov from go- to. eliminate a third man. Col. Jack road stock purch^bd by two Tex­ electrical workers, bekery em- onds. The Athens observatory re­ T. Bradley, from the grmtp. plo,ves and CTO steelworkers. Ing over other problems, includ­ as oil millionaii^. ported 38 disturbances, three of W ide Sections ing the currently bogged-doW' dle- Schine and Roy i .. Cohlv chief The largest involved some 9.500 Military Court them violent. cuaaiona on Korea and the pro­ counsel of McCarthy Senatorial In- The oil .magnates', Clint W. I Court Permits e-. pJoyes of seven jPhilco Corp. .King Paul and Ciown Prince p“ J ' * Murchison and Sid W, Richardson, jected talks On Indpchlna here at Pamper Mom Pratty Fashion ve tlgatlons Sihcommlttee. both plants, six in the Philadelphia area Constantine cut short an inspec­ In S ix States Geneva. SELF-SHOj^ENING Ready to Study have testihed that Stevens asked are seeking* the right to yPte . the i Rooil^Velt to and one in Sandueky, Obio, who tion of Array units in Thrace to With a Blouse Etpaeiaily Tor, that the picture be taken. Stevens .shares-/how held in a voting trust are seeking higher wages. fly tp Volos in the Gulf of Pegasal. The U, S. chief diplomat has a has expressed doubt that he did.- by C|vaBe National B^rtk under or-1 About 1..560 AFl,. workers in 13- Little Rock, Ark., May 1 (iPV— full weekend schedule before he ■uhere the earthquake destroyed leaves Monday to return to Wash­ Her Day. . \ - An Air Force photographer def* of the Inters^aie Comirierce New York City bakeries also the town hall and split open a aec- Tornadoes and vicious'.winds lash­ . .. •» ; Dickenson Fate Comrtii.^l G. Walter stayed lea.st 56 injured and caused dam ter Bedell Smith, who la arriving TAFFETA SLIP 40 danier nylon. Vizea S3 to 38. as to whether this was done at Pasadena, Calif., May 1 UPs— midnight tonight in several up­ worst hit areas of high ranking Array officers wa.s anyone’s request. Chase'frpirf.authorizing any of the The James .Roosevelts- may obtain state cities. They eetimated 4.700 The quake di.saslfc. was the i »Kes ratjmated in the hundred’s of today to head the U. S. mission « proxies until the ThprsdaV hear­ thou.sands of dollars. Geneva- after Dulles departs. P. ; ■ confronted today with conflicting The Times quotec Manchejiter as'* a divorce or separate maintenance workers would .be involved in the worst since/ the shocks that devas* ing. Walter acted on a motion by Texas suffered the most dam­ ‘ On his way to Washington. Dul­ po tiails of Cpl, Edward S. Dick­ telling newiwnen he f*aw .Stevens decree if and when their sensation­ walkouts. tated the Gieek Ionian islands last the New York C^entral and one tif al marital dispute Comes to trial. In the greater CTncinnaU area August, killing up to 1,000 persons age 39. injuted in 23 towns and les first will stop off in Milan. $ ^ . 9 8 j / enson as a man with ‘^character standing with Schine and Bradlev its directors. HarPijd S. Vander­ Italy, to confer briefly with Prime and that he (Manchester) directed And if tl^ p is a trial, the strikes hit three industrial plants and destroying the homes of communities. Other abates hit yea- defects” and a mentall.v unstrung bilt. \ famed "illfldetlties letter,” signed and threatened to spread to a 120,000. teiday included Oklahoma, Arkan­ Minister Mario Scelba on mutual photographers working under him U. S.-Italian problems. \boy who had been prepared "for to get a picture. The railroad's present manage­ by the eldest son of the late Pres­ fourth as about 1.2)0 (710 United , YeMerday a stricken area sas, Lsiulsiana.. Missouri and Iowa. Larger sizes 40 to 44— 15.98 and |7.98. Crucifixion." ment and Robert R. Young are ident and dated Feb. 27, 1945, will ^teel Workers walked out at mid­ stretched from the east coast into Mrs. I ^ t Sowell, 73, of . Many, Although the formal meetings Manchester said he had ■ read battling for control of the iwilroad. on Far Eastern questions here at EACH '^ o s e |H>rtrayals of the 23-year- about Schine in the Times the be part of the record. The letter night. live Pindus mountains, where shat­ La., was the only fatality report­ [It Yeung is backed by th h . two ilsLs nine instances of misconduct Meanwhile, negotiations re­ tered villages could be reached ed. Her body was found.. draped Geneva have been recessed during o ld ^ I from Ci-acker's Neck, 'Va., previous day and believed a pic­ Te.xans. cam^n flbalng argvments yester­ with women, which Roosevelt has mained stalemated in Bo.iton be­ only over donkey trails. Destruc­ around a fence post. SU persons the weekend, there was the usual ture of the private with the Secre­ Justice 'Walter . also Mgned kn amount of behlnd-thc-tCenea dlp- day hy\the prosecution and defense tary was news. He said that Shine, denied. tween ' the American Woolen Co. tion appeared to center around in the,Sowell home were injured. at thcN.nrecedenV»etllng court- order for,th e Youpg .faction to^. Superior Judge Kurtz Kauff- and some 3.000/CIO textile.work­ Granit.va. I.i5 miles northwest of Eleven separate but small tor- lomatle activity going on. later the same day, asked him not how cgusc why tl.e court should Among other meetings sched- martial li, which Dickenson is ac­ to send it out for publication. nian yesterday allowed Roosevelt' ers. Seven Ara’erican Woolen mills Athens, with the towns .of Sofa- i nsdoes struck In easteVn Iowa. ./ cused of Vollaboiating wllli the not grant the railroad's motion for to'amend his separate mainte- have been closed since Mondpy dhes. Farsala, Karditaa and Do- One twister Injtired five mem­ Washable Fabric enemy while a prisoner of war in MAY SHORTEN PROBE a temporary injimctlon against nane'e suit to a divorce action, but when {he union struck 11 plants mokos hardest hit. bers of a family near Cedar (Coatiaued oa Page Five) Special Sale voting of the 800,000 shares at tbe denie victims ani^ dispatched troops to'east Texas twister that stnipk the COLORS TOO! faces a maximum penalty of life The ruling on the divorce motion W, Marshal Dale, president of repair . communication , lines, 'a > Beulak. schoolhouae, 13 mil^aouth- JtOVALTY’ HOLDS REUNION imprisonment. in effect placed the divorce on, file. the Indianapolis Transit System' rellgious . hohda.v; which 'had j «a*t of Lufkin, Tobruk, Ubya, May 1 — GRASS SEEP Defense Atty. Guy Eihery took The charge is unspecified extreme closed down' communication and! West of Lufkin; another tornado queen EUzabeth II sad the Daka an hoqr and 50 minutes, to-sum up * cruelty. Mrs, Robsevelt wa'k given (Continued on Page Five) • government offices hindered the. ■'*’■*’*'<1 P*** Ike Grapelsnd, Tex., ''As. Wo Riots on Holiday: 20 days to answer or demur to of Edinburgh hugged aad kiaoed aw, U. I: Dt^kenson’s case and plea pas­ -r'— . .'V relief meaiiures. school building in which 600 ohil- Prtare 'Charic* sa d ' PriaeeM Daklia^ filadioli Bulba-4egoBias-4lloxinia First quality .darklseam. 60 sionately for acquittal. force him to name specific acts of M «,v .„ a ■Yaae for the flret time la fivo gauge sheer nylon in new The proaecutpr,' Col. C. Robert truelty. Failure to demur or an­ school e^-aped damage, - but de­ ' ■' : ! . ' ■ swer m e^ s Roosevelt could ob­ Ilnea were down, delaying details naonths piday. Thru the reuaited shadeg for summer wear. Bard, used an hour for .'his sum­ on the extent of the disasle’r. struction' in downtou-n Grapeiond royal fsoBlIy sailed out o f beasb-^ mation against the former POW Reds Stage Arms Show tain a divorce by default. , was estimated at S2S.O0O. R-i*y. t'*— All with reinforced heel and . Consolidated trial of the. divorce News Tidbits Here was the situation kccording wrerkied "irobruk. hacbor op lha INCINERATORS shorten* vp and concluded that thlk was\ the * Houston, Fort Worth,,Dallas, San flual stretrb of a world toes for extra wear. and separate maintenance actions to available reports: Antonio -ail felt the force df the HANDKERCHIEFS ■ big issue: Culled from AP Wires .Sofadhes. te 3 inchc* ' "Whether the voice of the people will not start until Ute fall or 1 . 1^“'H spring storms that damaged a houo- « •orly spring because of a crowd­ almost. entirely destroyed. One project in West Dallas so ex- BANDIT NABS 819.M5 Lawn Mower Sharpeoiof aid Rapairiag without a Mitch F^R MOTHER'S DAY GIFT Is to be heeded and obeyed by per­ As Feature bf May Day New York. May 1 UPv—A maa .* <* sons in uniform or whether they ed calendar, Judge Kauffman said. per-ion was killed and several in- tensively that 18 families had to be ... ooch tior Fine qualityjeotton or.linen handkerchiefs in all white Judge Kauffman also overruled New Ebigland Steel Development jured, _ evacuated. ___ wearing a black hood extead* Asm 2 pr.for J|-55 are to be disregarded and violated Ing to bis kaqes held up tba and colorful prints. London. May I i/P) — Europe public a{)pearmnees Roosevelt’s demurrer to her con- (Torp. applie.s for an extension, of’ a Farsala, about the same size,* a protective wall over the State t«iew« WiM nooHy Kollopod at will." in recent certificate of necessity for a non- cashier of the Hotel RuM velt Bard said the psychological de­ celebrated^ May Day today in a months. tenUon that his infidelities letter had 80 per cent of Its houses Fair Auditorium at Dallas was de- WHITE, RED aad YEUOW ONION SETS H.aleck fcM* ond Mitch'finiihod , holiday mood, with pleas for peace and another one he signed and integrated steel mill . . . Austral­ today aad escaped with 819AM. a * - • fense thrown up by Emery was A Peiping radio broadcast heard ian diplomatic party attached to C-ee* Wwe of loftly'iwiihinf coming from both sides of the in Hong Kong said Mao arrived dated the same day constitute a (Continued on Page hive) (Continued on Page Five) "too nebulous, too close to charac- iron Curtain. the closed-dpwn Moscow Embassy ' Gl'NME-V DISCARD LOOT G»ey tej: defects to be of any value." He J several hours after the lenrthv contract. The other letter offered SEED POTATOES FOB EARLY PLANTINC Coianoto* ocototo rayoh 2 5 ^ ’rae biggest^demonstratlon was- parade had started. ^ ^ Mrs. Roosevelt half his property arrives In Helsinki. Bostoa, May 1 CT)—Twa giia> referred to testimony by some doc­ »« D -j a Shouts'of Gunman's ,oose mask during at­ men held up five employea ql a ' toffoto . . . wothoi tors, used by the defense, that in Moscowis Red Square, where- Long live Mao” and and half his net income for life. Soviet Dlsfense Minister Marshal tempted holdup lead* to arrtst of First Natioaal Market la Rex> in o jiffy . ,. coior-foit Communist pressure tactics had "May Mao have a healthy life” ■ "We consider the judge’s rulings Green Nikolay Bulganin told a crowd: a victory for our client," said Mrs. four men when a bookkeeper Ickes Claimed FDR Feared bury today aad escaped with irhpaired Dickenson's sense of could be heard. Tlie latter obvi­ recognizes mah as her brother-in- 81.540 oaly to discard It la a aO W ER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS . . . . ihouldor Mropt Stamps Given "In foreign'policy it is the glori­ ously was a reference to hla re­ Roosevelt's attorney, R obert ous task of our government not law . . ; Psychologist says many field duriag a police ebaee.. edjMlablo . . . BEAUTIFUL SPREADS With Cash (Continued on Page Five) ported iilneseea. chronic bad driver* are in worse ASPARAGUS aid RHUBARB ROOTS to permit a new war and to keep The. radio said thousands wattdi- (ContiNued on Page Five). Revolution if Relief Stopped MMii 32 to ' up normal relations between all flhape mentally than criminals and JAP SHIPPER INDICTED By MORGAN JONES ■ Sales ed the parade, - which started at some peraohs driving cars r/oiUd — Tokyo. May 1 CTI—The bcai vcquntrles.” dawn. The militaiy made up ttie French Fort Fight in western Europe. Ckimmunista be committed as legally insans.. Washington, May i C*V—The the happenings of Roosevelt's soc- of Japan’s third largest shippiag major portion but one mkss, of Spouse Confesses Puerto Rican .vouthlnl apumi^ late Harold L. Ickes wrote in 1938 ond term and tells of the New company. Kenouke Mataao, baa Spraian al All Kiads Waad Killara and Socialists held separate ral­ marchers csiiied giant pictures of SOFT. LUXURIOUS lies to observe the traditional in­ lover knia his would-be sweetheart that President Franklin D. Roose­ Deal President's unsuccessful bat­ keea ladlcled ia coaacctioawith ‘Calm’ on 50th Dav world Commrniat leaders, includ­ and her mother ana Critically velt feared a possible revolution if tle to add six justices to th e, the aatioa’s mouattag bribery MINUET *2 4 ’^^ ternational Workers' holiday. ing Ho Chi Minh, chief of the Viet­ To Shooting Wife Scott Lawi Saad aid Farlillzar Spraadara May Day passed practically un­ w;ound* himself . . . Soviets reject he followed •'i-on-servatlve" Demo­ Supreme Court, of Roosevelt’s ill- sraadala. Mataao Is oae of tha Chatham lOO^o Wool SMART, COLORFUL minh rebels in Indochina. biggeot figures swept up so far "Hanoi. Indochina, May f''i4P)— noticed in Britain, but it Was a Western-backed plan for restoring cratic advice to halt relief spend­ fated attempt to purge ontl-Ngw , In B.itish Hong Kong the day .AtMtria's civil aviation. ing and farm aid in an effort to la the laveotigatloa of rhargea The French today reported a full holiday in West Germany, pmeed quietly. New Haven. May 1 if) — M n. Deal-Deipocrata in .1938, bf set-1 Navv. issues first draft ro ll‘'for balance the budget. bocks in th.e mid-term elections j that shipping firms bribed high COTILLION ,*|9'9® "calm" night at the embattled Italy, Norway and several other Sounding the keynote for the Joyce Midder, about 50, was shot to BLANKETS pbysirinns. asking for 480 doctors that year, and of behind-the-scenes j goverameat officials to oecara fortress of Dien Bien Phu after a countries. Kremlin. Bulganin said; death early today in her Day street, Book Covers Three Years BATH A\AT SETS during June and July . . Cana­ Ickes, secretary of the interior White House social doings. lush subsidies aad favocahl* leg- Give mother a new spread—rtther Minuet or CotUlioo. aerlea of lightning ctaargea against Esormons Jet Plane “ Hundreds of millions of our home, and Detective 8gt. Roliert J, lalatioB.. . Beautiful in any modem or period room. Vietminh attackers. The Moscow celebrstien had a dian heir to a 2nnunist j 193*. > , come under his fire was Rep. Ray- | oocapod serloas lajary early ta> . the apple of our eye th- defense orfM they prevented ’him from turn­ his tiihl for grand larqeny testify The 3S3.000-Word votume. titled day la a eoltisloa betwoea ah , and Ud cover. killed and .oome prioonenf were Chins followed the psttem 'ef her ability pf our country, shooing al­ burn (D-Tex), then Houm^.\ pia-i ing his ,23 colibi'e platol fw him- ’ . ; . Par Aosn. o f St. LouiiP urgn) ("TTie^ Inside Struggle.* ts being '-rity leader a'nd now ihtnority! automobtte aad a traller-ttmak trtcen.' . V Soviet neighbor with a military ways due concern fo,-> the strength)- . The French High Command ■HI. waa token to St, Raphael’a snspeaston of McCai'th.V r -Yrmy publiahefl. May 4 by Simonyhnd leader there. oa SUoa Itoaa Highway, C raa^. review. Moo Tie-tung, thq coun­ cning imd.ppntlnuoua perfecting (rf Hospital under/a police guard, ; keartaga i)ntil adoption o f a code acknowledged, however,' that the try's ailing dlctstpr, sppevod in Schuster. Excerpts wtHvgppear in Among ether thlnga. Ickea arrote i welL Driver Ralph Balcy. m , wt 3«OVOrS9UARI TBL MI-9.5274 our anmsd'Mi^ea. _ - This is the^way police mported j of-procedure " fo r the sake of pre- the May 18 issue of Look maga- the reviewtiig rtoiHl In the'eapitrt March 4, 1938. that Roeotv^ I Eaxbwy. Maoa.. aa$ hia «Mm (Ceetibeed oa Pago Two) of Peiping, molcln]g o n a ^ t o - r o n / l aorving the diinHX govenunon- rine out next weelt. (Caethiusi oa ^aga Etevea) | (C m IIb m 4 P»«n yiva) I tal proeaii in theYl. 8.” •/ "The Ipoida Btfiiggl*" tracoa 1 \ . (Cbattaaod «a Paga : I) V ' \ ' - . " ’ . r ' ..V . X \ . J'