(Iowa City, Iowa), 1942-07-11
10, 1942 =~ Hold ' ~ Cards "at --, Continued Fair -, Today New York In 10lh Innlnl' Contmued fair In eeRtral and east S lo Z. DAILY' IOWAN porUoDl toda,. See Slor, on Pal'e , THE !Ii ''}tecl. IO'fla City's Newspaper " .... : , the Plib. FIVE CENTS 'tBJ!: ASIIOCIATID paull IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY, JULY 11. 1942 VOLUME XLD NUMBER 248 Ire 8akect require. Ir or none I later be e he Use Of ,a gradu. liversilts nent tbls I by Eliza. me eton. oVle 5 an OSSOSI ! Center. rs. R. J Irs. EIdo~ enkinson, Railway Supply,ing, has been Nazis Cut r. Battle of 'Egypt- Rene.wed Central, Red Armies' are J _...:..:..!...-:. ! lead Ways, Means Group Nazis Now Siand Halfway Across Russia , • British r Axis Senate Group sSlon " .. Votes to Up Income As Reds Have Lost Almost All of Ukraine: ~ utz IIlld Desert Forces Tax by 1Per Cent Boosts OPA Ie parenl MOSCOW, aturday (AP)-German troops have driven into he IOWI Rossosh, 150 miles east of the industrial city of Kharkov, and ation, led In(rease to Be Added cut the main railway linking the central and southern red lurageous Fight Fiercely To Previously Agreed Appropriation night at armies. 001 room 12-81 Per Cent Levies A communique early today announced the Russian withdrawal· ,t a meet. Report English, U.S. Raise House-Approved from R08S08h- before a German wedge thrust parallel to the steel ! club. : WASHINGTON (AP)-T h e Planes Disable Many Fi~ure $45,000,000; arm now plucking at Voronezh, 100 miles to the north. [J of the house ways and means committee Restricts Use of Fund R0880sh itself is 20 miles shoJ;t of the Don river which already ation will Nazi Supply Vehicles decided last night to increase sur had been crossed by the Germans striking at Voronezh, but it lis morn.
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