Sportsmen Against Hunger
The Community Post Serving Our Communities Since 1896 Thursday, July 30, 2015 50 cents See page 7A Firemen’s Picnic fun for folks, funds for department By BOB BLINDAUER ment used by the volunteer de- ster. Waterball and fire hose Staff Writer partment. bowling competitions also had The process of putting on been scrapped. NEW BREMEN — Begun the annual local event is not What did happen went off in 1921 it’s the longest running easy when you take weather without a hitch and was en- picnic in Auglaize County. It’s and other people’s schedules loyed by willing participants. always held on the fourth Sat- into account. This weekend’s The 11th annual Firemen’s Me- urday in July. The 94th annual weather turned out to be good morial 5K race produced 165 Firemen’s Picnic was held this for all concerned. That said, not runners joining the morning’s past weekend at the Crown Pa- all the events from past picnics proceedings. vilion. went off this year. The whiffle All in all, the picnic pro- Each year, the New Bremen- ball tournament which is usu- duced the result the volunteer German Township Fire Depart- ally a popular draw was can- fire company expected it to – ment hosts the weekend event. celled because of teams being Staff photo/Bob Blindauer Profit from the picnic is used involved elsewhere, particularly ––––––––––––––– Woodcarver Tim Kuenning applies Dremel tool to owl to be auc- to purchase or upgrade equip- a softball tournament in Min- See PICNIC Page 2A tioned July 25 at the New Bremen Firemen’s Picnic.
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