M15HD Video Display Resolution

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M15HD Video Display Resolution ® M15HD Video Display Resolution VIDEO SETUP VIDEO OUTPUT RESOLUTION SETTING M15HD TV/MONITOR** Composite/ Composite/ M15HD VIDEO SOURCE Component HDMI Component HDMI S-Video S-Video 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 720p 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 1080i 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 1080p 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 720p 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 1080i 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 1080p 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 480i 60 Hz 720p 720p 720p 720p 576i 50 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 720p 720p 720p 720p 576p 50 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 720p 720p 720p 720p 720p 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 720p 50/60 Hz 1080i 720p 720p 720p 720p 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 1080p 720p 720p 720p 720p 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 720p 720p 720p 720p 1080p 24 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 1080i 1080i 1080i 1080i 576i 50 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 1080i 1080i 1080i 1080i 576p 50 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 720p 1080i 1080i 1080i 1080i 1080i 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 1080i 1080i 1080i 1080i 1080i 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 1080p 1080i 1080i 1080i 1080i 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 1080i 1080i 1080i 1080i 1080p 24 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz LEGEND No video output. No video output; video output available for those TV/Monitors supporting 480i 60Hz or 576i 50Hz HDMI resolution. ** Given resolution level and frame rate are assumed to be supported by the TV/Monitor. The best picture quality is usually obtained by matching the TV Monitors ‘native’ resolution. Video output available at 480i 60Hz or 576i 50Hz resolution with no HDMI cables plugged-in/connected to M15HD. ® M15HD Video Display Resolution VIDEO SETUP VIDEO OUTPUT RESOLUTION SETTING M15HD TV/MONITOR** Composite/ Composite/ M15HD VIDEO SOURCE Component HDMI Component HDMI S-Video S-Video 480i 60 Hz 1080p 1080p 576i 50 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 1080p 1080p 576p 50 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 720p 1080p 1080p 1080p 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 1080i 1080p 1080p 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 1080p 1080p 1080p 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 1080p 1080p 1080p 24 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 576i 50 Hz 480p 60 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 576p 50 Hz 720p 1080p 24 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 50/60 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 1080i 1080p 24 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 50/60 Hz 1080p 1080p 24 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 50/60 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 480p 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 576p 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 720p 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz Highest resolution 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz Highest resolution Auto supported by the supported by the 1080i 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz TV/Monitor 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz TV/Monitor 50/60 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 1080p 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 480i 60 Hz 1080p 24 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576i 50 Hz LEGEND No video output. No video output; video output available for those TV/Monitors supporting 480i 60Hz or 576i 50Hz HDMI resolution. ** Given resolution level and frame rate are assumed to be supported by the TV/Monitor. The best picture quality is usually obtained by matching the TV Monitors ‘native’ resolution. Video output available at 480i 60Hz or 576i 50Hz resolution with no HDMI cables plugged-in/connected to M15HD. NotE Selecting a resolution setting that is not supported by the TV/Monitor will result to the video display going blank. To restore video display, press both the front panel buttons LISTENING MODE and TONE DEFEAT. Both the VFD and OSD will display “Video Reset”, thereby re-establishing video and at the same restoring the “Video Setup” and “Picture Controls” settings to their factory default settings. M15HD Information Sheets Issue 1.2-11/09 ® M15HD InPUT aUDIO FORMaT AND lISTEnInG MODES audyssey MultEQ: Off LISTENING MODE SAMPLE INPUT SIGNAL RATE Stereo Enhanced Stereo Direct PL/PLII PLIIx EX NEO:6 EARS Downmix Stereo ≤96k Analog/PCM Stereo ≤192k ≤96k PCM Surround ≤192k DD/DD Plus/ ≤96k TrueHD Stereo DD/DD Plus/ ≤96k TrueHD Surround ≤192k DTS/DTS-HD Stereo ≤96k ≤96k DTS/DTS-HD Surround ≤192k audyssey MultEQ: On (≤96k only) LISTENING MODE SAMPLE INPUT SIGNAL RATE Stereo Enhanced Stereo Direct PL/PLII PLIIx EX NEO:6 EARS Downmix Stereo ≤48k Analog/PCM Stereo ≤96k ≤48k PCM Surround ≤96k DD/DD Plus/ ≤48k TrueHD Stereo DD/DD Plus/ ≤48k TrueHD Surround ≤96k DTS/DTS-HD Stereo ≤48k ≤48k DTS/DTS-HD Surround ≤96k Legend Listening mode applicable Not applicable NotEs • Analog Bypass is the only applicable listening mode for Source 7 (default Source for M15HD’s EXTERNAL 7.1 INPUT). • The listening modes PLIIx, EX and NEO:6 are available only if there are exactly two surround channels in the input signal (e.g., 3/2.1 or 2/2.1). ® M15HD InPUT aUDIO FORMaT AND lISTEnInG MODES M15HD lISTEnInG MODES anD CORRESPOnDInG OUTPUT CHannElS OUTPUT CHANNEL* LISTENING MODES Back Surround Back Front Left Center Front Right Surround Left Surround Subwoofer Right Surround Left Right Stereo Stereo Downmix PL/PLII PLIIx EX NEO:6 EARS Enhanced Stereo ** Direct The input signal is directly played back in its native audio format. Analog Bypass Dependent upon the input signal’s audio format. Legend * Corresponding output channels are assumed to have been enabled at the Speaker Configuration menu. ** Corresponding output channels are assumed to have been enabled also at the separate Listening Mode: Enhanced Stereo configuration menu. Output channel active. Output channel inactive or not applicable for the particular listening mode. M15HD Information Sheets Issue 1.2-11/09.
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