Pickering, John~T(\N, 1Icgo\'Ern, Atkinson, Rosenwald. Vidal, Pettijohn 2Nd Row->;Lolen
Photo loaned by Minneapoli s Journal 1909-1st Row-Rademacher, Stn"en" Pickering, John~t(\n, 1IcGo\'ern, Atkinson, Rosenwald. Vidal, Pettijohn 2nd Row->;lolen. McCree. Powers. Farnam. 1Jolst"d, \Valker. Ostrand. 3rd Row-Faegre. Williams. Stewart. Leach. Smith. L. Erdall. Schain. Photo loaned by Minne apolis Journal 1910-1st Row-Stevens, McGo\'crn, Johnston. Ro,enwald. L Erdal1. 2nd R ow-~lo rr e ll . Roblt1son, \ \'alker, Bromlc) 3rd Row-Young, Frank, Smith, Pickering. Rear Row-Williams, coach, and Leach, manager. SPECIAL FOOTBALL ISSUE 89 yards came as the result of some heavy compelled to retire from the game .. ~in playing and two S-yard penalties inflicted ne ota's playing was wonderfully bnlhaot upon Chicago. as well as effective. Chicago's team, though beaten deci ively, played high class b.all The second score came from a drop kick. and made Minnesota earn every pomt Minnesota got the ball on Chicago's 37- scored. 11innesota's defensive work was al yard line on a forward pas~ attempted by most as good as her attack. Chicago. Stevens made a thlrty-.seven yard Minnesota' line-up was as follow : Rade run; eighteen more were added 111 the next macher, right end; McCree, right tackle; five plays and then l\lcGovern booted . the ball between the goal posts for three P01l1ts. Powers, r ight guard ; Farnum, center; Mo! stad, left guard; Walker. left ta~kle; Petti Soon after this there followed one of the john, left end, ~cGovern, capta1l1, quarter most brilliant plays ever seen on To rthrop back; teyens, right half; Rosenwal~, left field.
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