Guideline Development of Potential Tourism Management at in Province via Participation between Government Private Sector and Community แนวทางพฒนาศั ักยภาพการจัดการการท่องเทยวอี่ ุทยานแห่งชาติเอราวัณ จังหวัดกาญจนบุรี โดยการมีสวนร่ ่วมระหว่างภาครัฐ ภาคเอกชนและชุมชน

Jirat Chuanchom1 Nongluck Popichit2

Abstract The objectives of this research are to study potential of tourist spots, tourists’ behaviors and management of natural reserve parks in order to identify approaches to develop potentials of tourism management of Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi province, . The study adopts mixed research methods. The quantitative data were collected from questionnaires distributed to the sample of 400 tourists, aged between 20 - 60 years old. The sample was selected using the non-probability quota sampling method with equal number of 200 tourists who visited the National Park on weekdays, and another 200 touristson weekends. Meanwhile, the qualitative data were collected by conducting in-depth interviews with 16 selected stakeholders of the Erawan National Park and analyzed using descriptive methods. Results of the research reveal that the Erawan National Park has potential regarding tourism, environmental and management, to accommodate the tourists. Challenges of and obstacles to the management are related to crowdedness caused by too many tourists in the waterfall area, since the forest tracking and bird watching activities are not popular among the tourists.

Keywords: Tourism Management, Erawan National Park

บทคัดย่อ การวิจัยครั้งนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาศักยภาพแหล่งท่องเที่ยว พฤติกรรมการท่องเที่ยวของ นักท่องเที่ยวการบริหารจัดการอุทยานและหาแนวทางพัฒนาศักยภาพการบริหารจัดการการท่องเที่ยว อุทยานแห่งชาติเอราวัณ จังหวัดกาญจนบุรี การดําเนินงานวิจัยเป็นการวิจัยแบบผสมผสาน ผู้ให้ข้อมูลการ วิจัยเชิงปริมาณ คือ นักท่องเที่ยวชาวไทยอายุ 20 ปี ถึงอายุ 60 ปี ใช้การสุ่มตัวอย่างแบบไม่อาศัยความ

1 Faculty of Management Science Administration, SuanDusit University, E-mail: [email protected] 2 Faculty of Management Science Administration, SuanDusit University, E-mail: [email protected]

42 Vol. 15, No.2, July - December 2016

น่าจะเป็นแบบโควต้า โดยเก็บข้อมูลโดยใช้แบบสอบถามจากนักท่องเที่ยวที่เดินทางมาท่องเที่ยวในวัน ธรรมดาจํานวน 200 คน และวันหยุด 200 คน รวมทั้งสิ้น จํานวน 400 คน สําหรับการวิจัยเชิงคุณภาพเก็บ ข้อมูลโดยการสัมภาษณ์ข้อมูลเชิงลึกจากผู้ที่มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียกับอุทยานแห่งชาติเอราวัณจํานวน 16 ราย โดยคัดเลือกแบบเจาะจง และวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลเชิงพรรณนา ผลการวิจัยพบว่า อุทยานแห่งชาติเอราวัณมี ศักยภาพในการรองรับนักท่องเที่ยวในด้านแหล่งท่องเที่ยวด้านสภาพแวดล้อมต่างๆ และการจัดกิจกรรม ปัญหาและอุปสรรคการบริหารจัดการ คือ นักท่องเที่ยวเข้ามาท่องเที่ยวบริเวณน้ําตกเป็นจํานวนมากทําให้ เกิดความแออัด ทั้งนี้ เนื่องจากกิจกรรมการเดินตามเส้นทางศึกษาธรรมชาติและการส่องนกไม่ได้รับความ สนใจจากนักท่องเที่ยว

คําสําคัญ: การบริหารจัดการการท่องเที่ยว อุทยานแหงชาต่ ิเอราวัณ

Introduction The province is famous for its historical sites as Tourism is considered as the largest it had been a significant Burmese-Siamese industry in the world and has been growing battleground for over 400 years. Particularly, rapidly across all regions of the world. The the province is the home to the famous Bridge United Nations World Tourism Organization of River Kwai or the Death Railway. The (UNWTO) has predicted that, in 2020, the construction was initiated by the Japanese number of tourists worldwide will increase to army using tens of thousands of POWs including two times to more than 1,600 million (Ministry the British, Americans, Australians, Dutch, etc. of Tourism and Sports, 2015). In the future, and Asian slave laborers during World War II. tourism will become important recreational The Bridge is part of the Japanese army's plan activities for people in the age of globalization. to construct a railway line linking Thailand to In Thailand, the tourism industry has been and was meant to transport necessary expanding rapidly. From statistical data, the cargos. As the construction took place in number of tourists coming into various provinces unfavorable conditions, difficult terrains, diseases of Thailand was 24,809,683 in 2014, and rose as well as food shortages; tens of thousands of to 29,881,091 in 2015, or the increase of laborers lost their lives. It is believed that one 5,071,408 people (Department of Tourism [DOT], life was lost for each sleeper laid in the track. 2015). (“Tourist attractions”, 2000) Kanchanaburi province is a major tourism Bridge of River Kwai took only one month destination for both Thai and foreign tourists. to complete using steels transported from the From statistical data, the number of tourists Malay, and it was official launched on 25th visiting Kanchanaburi was 6,641,111 in 2014 December 1943. Nonetheless, in November 1944, and increased to 7,574,278 in 2015, or the the Bridge was bombed by the allied Forces increase of 933,167 people or 14.05 percent for several times until the middle part of the (DOT, 2015). Bridge was destroyed. After the war ended, the The reason why Kanchanaburi has attracted Bridge was repaired and, at present, it is numerous tourists stems bacially from its regarded as a “Symbol of Peace” (Figure 1). loacationalong the Thailand-Myanmar border.


Figure 1 Bridge overthe River Kwai Source: Tourism Authority of Thailand (2015)

In addition, Kanchanaburi has many natural From the statistics, the total number of attractions such as Erawan National Park, SaiYok tourists who visited Erawan National Park in National Park and Thong PhaPhum National 2015 was 712,763 people, generating the Park, etc. From statistical data, the number of revenues of 90,603,396 baht, or a rise of tourists visiting SaiYok National Park was 120,297 17,249,122 baht from of 73,354,274 baht in in 2014 and rose to 121,949 in 2015. Meanwhile, 2014 (Department of National Parks, Wildlife the number of tourists visiting Thong PhaPhum and Plant Conservation: DNP., 2015). Hence, National Park was 19,225 in 2014 and rose to private entrepreneurs also see an opportunity 23,244 in 2015, while Erawan National Park has to conduct relevant business in the areas close attracted 748,749 visitors in 2014 and rose to to the Park, including accommodations, 712,763 of visitors in 2015 (DOT, 2015). restaurants, or even tour guide provision. It is notable that Erawan National Park has Various businesses conducted in the National got the highest number of visitors of all National Park and the increasing number of tourists Parks in Kanchanaburi. Factors that attract every year has affected the sustainability of tourists into Erawan National Park, in addition the natural resources of the Park. Without to its not-far-from- distance, are its proper maintenance, the National Park may be unique crystallized clear waterfall reflecting degraded due to having to inadequately emerald-like radiance, thus making it the perfect accommodate an exceeding number of visitors. place for visitors to spend their leisure time. According to the study of Department of Moreover, the Parkattracts visitors in and outside National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation: Kanchanaburi province, rendering the locals in DNP. (2014), it was found that Erawan National the communities around the National Park to Park Waterfall can accommodate 2,464 earn incomes from sales of food, drinks and tourists/day. Nonetheless, the Park has no souvenirs to tourists. further potential to support increasing number

44 Vol. 15, No.2, July - December 2016

of tourists, and may pose a threat to the Park tourist spot and its maximum utilization. The in the future. Hence, related organizations results were discussed below. including public and private sectors as well as From the evaluation, it was found that the community should be aware of and Erawan Waterfall hiking trails can accommodate contributed to the maintenance of the Park. up to 8,850 persons/day. The statistics indicated In this regard, the researchers reckoned that, during tourist season (October - April), the that Erawan National Park should determine average number of tourists who visited the approaches to remain in good condition so as Erawan National Park during weekends to accommodate the increasing number of (Saturday - Sunday) and public holidays was visitors which contribute to the economic 4,259 persons/day. From the evaluation, it was development of the province. The responsibilities found that toilets of the Erawan Waterfall and to maintain and reserve Erawan National Park nearby areas can accommodate tourists of up do not fall only on officers of the Park, but the to 6,480 persons /day, while shower rooms communities, restaurant and hotel operators and outdoor shower in the National Park can as well as government agencies in the area accommodate up to 1,404 persons/day. Thus, should be involved in the management of the when comparing the current usage level with Park to lead to sustainable tourism. the average number per day of 4,259 tourists To conclude, the tourism industry makes a who visited the Park during holidays, it was significant contribution towards the economic found that the shower rooms were not sufficient development of tourist destinations but also to meet the needs of visitors. faces challenges and criticism related to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports (2015) has associated adverse environmental and social specified criteria for assessing value and impacts. Being a resource-dependent industry, attractiveness of tourism attraction (waterfall) it is urgent that tourism developers and as consisting of 2 main areas. government regulators recognize their 1. Factors of value and beauty of a responsibility towards the environment and waterfall: consisting by of volume of water, consider the environmental and socioeconomic height of the waterfall, width of the cliffs, impacts in order to remain viable in the long number of layers, quality of the water, stones run. around waterfall, waterfall basin, the integrity of the forest, trees, wildlife such as birds, Literature Review landscape, natural route, and historical Department of National Parks, Wildlife and significance. Plant Conservation (DNP., 2014) has initiated a 2. The risk of destruction, including Project to study potential of Erawan National exploitation of the area above the waterfall, Park to accommodate tourists in three aspects, invasion condition, project involving the use of including physical (such as facilities), ecological water above the waterfall, and the risk of and social aspects by considering overall damage from natural disasters. potential of Erawan Waterfall which is a famous


Vuuren and Slabbert (2011) explored the negotiated with the stakeholders. Through sustainable tourism development. A framework 2. To study behavior of tourists in Erawan travel behavior and linked it to the way in tourism advisory boards or councils, stakeholders of sustainable tourism was therein adopted, National Park in Kanchanaburi province; which tourists behave according to their attitudes can help managers to establish visitor conditions consisting of environment, economy, and society. 3. To study the tourism management of before, during and after travelling. Knowledge and set quantifiable standards for problem Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi province; regarding travel behavior can assist in marketing management and impact limitation. Challenges Objective and product planning and development which in stakeholder concern cooperation and public 1. To study the tourism potential of Erawan can increase the number of visitors to tourism participation. However, formulating a clear idea National Park in Kanchanaburi province; products such as resorts. The results indicated of different stakeholder groups can be difficult, that the main travel motivations are resting open discussion may be seen as a threat to Conceptual Framework and relaxation, enriching and learning one’s power and control, the most vocal critics experiences, participation in recreational can dominate the participation process, and activities, personal values and social public participation may be more a form of Quantitative Qualitative experiences. appeasement than a way to solicit stakeholders’ Messer and Bennett (2014) studied input. Tourism potential of Erawan Tourism management of Respondents who provide sustainable tourism and identified the In this aspect, factors promoting participation National Park in Kanchanaburi Erawan National Park in information relating to province Kanchanaburi province management of the Erawan environmental, economic, and socio-cultural and effective communication are related to National Park in Kanchanaburi aspects of sustainable development in both trust to enhance a group’s willingness to 1. Access to the area 1. Education and raising province the planning and operation of tourism. participate and a collective approach encourages 2. Activities awareness Sustainable tourism development requires the public participation. Claiborne (2010), explored 3. Safety 2. Human resource 1. Hotel/Restaurant informed participation of community members the role and value of social capital in community 4. Environmental factors 3. Management 2. Government and stakeholders, strong political leadership tourism development, and found that local 3. Local communities and organization, and continuous effort to participation in tourism has been regarded as a Tourism behavior of tourists in 4. Tourists create a high level of tourist satisfaction. positive force for change, yet representing an Erawan National Park in According to Wang and Tong (2009), local over-simplistic conclusion. The principle behind Kanchanaburi province

Community is an important tie of binding the local participation may be easy to promote, 1. Purpose of visiting The Development Guideline of Potential Tourism Management protection to economic income and social however as seen in this case, the practice is far 2. Activities during the visit at Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi Province Thailand by Participation between Government Private Sector and benefit, and it is the core stockholder of more complex. Generally, it is often assumed 3. Planning of traveling route ecotourism. The existence and development that members of a community are willing and Community of local inhabitants are based on resource an able to participate equally. However, the environment of ecotourism areas. The local initiative for participatory community inhabitants are both the beneficiaries after development may be started, but the Figure 2 Research Conceptual Framework environment optimization and the victim after community does not fully participate due to ecological environment broken by ecotourism lack of interest. From Figure 2, the conceptual framework Independent variables are: development. Community participation in Sherpa (2011) described and evaluated the was developed from the literature review and Tourism potential of Erawan National Park ecotourism can make a positive promotion to role of public participation in tourism related researches, and consisted of dependent in Kanchanaburi province, including Access to the protection of ecotourism environment. development projects in high mountain and independent variables as following: the area, Activities, Safety and Environmental Pedersen (2002) stated that effective visitor environments in India. Public participation in factors. management involves establishing limits decision-making is a critical component of

46 Vol. 15, No.2, July - December 2016

sustainable tourism development. A framework 2. To study behavior of tourists in Erawan of sustainable tourism was therein adopted, National Park in Kanchanaburi province; consisting of environment, economy, and society. 3. To study the tourism management of Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi province; Objective 1. To study the tourism potential of Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi province;

Conceptual Framework

Quantitative Qualitative

Tourism potential of Erawan Tourism management of Respondents who provide National Park in Kanchanaburi Erawan National Park in information relating to province Kanchanaburi province management of the Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi 1. Access to the area 1. Education and raising province 2. Activities awareness 3. Safety 2. Human resource 1. Hotel/Restaurant 4. Environmental factors 3. Management 2. Government

3. Local communities Tourism behavior of tourists in 4. Tourists Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi province

1. Purpose of visiting The Development Guideline of Potential Tourism Management 2. Activities during the visit at Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi Province Thailand by Participation between Government Private Sector and 3. Planning of traveling route Community

Figure 2 Research Conceptual Framework

From Figure 2, the conceptual framework Independent variables are: was developed from the literature review and Tourism potential of Erawan National Park related researches, and consisted of dependent in Kanchanaburi province, including Access to and independent variables as following: the area, Activities, Safety and Environmental factors.


Tourism behavior of tourists in Erawan purposive method and got four representatives National Park in Kanchanaburi, including The from each group Purpose of visiting, Activities during the visit 1. Four representatives of the private sector and Planning of traveling route. consisting of tour operators, hotel and restaurant Dependent variables are: operators whose workplaces are located around Tourism Management of Erawan National the Erawan National Park for not less than five Park in Kanchanaburi province, including years. Education and raising awareness, Human 2. Four representatives of the government resource and management. sector whose positions are in the managing level for not less than three years. Research Methodology 3. Four representatives of local communities Mixed methods research, or the combination who have been living around the the Erawan of qualitative and quantitative research, is National Park for not less than five years. adopted as per following: 4. Four representatives of tourists who have 1. Population and sample visited the Erawan National Park for not less Quantitative Research than three times. Populations are the total number of visitors 2. Data Collection Method to the Erawan National Park, Karnchanaburi, of Quantitative Research 712,763 people in 2015 (DNP., 2015). The sample Data collection tool was a questionnaire group was calculated by using the formula of with the reliability coefficient of 0.970 and Taro Yamane (Yamane, 1973) with confidence divided into 3 sections including: level of 95 percent and significance level of Section 1: Tourism potential of Erawan 0.05. The calculation has determined the sample Nation Park in Kanchanaburi province. The group of 400 people. 5-point rating scale questionnaire with 23 items The sample group consisted of Thai tourists was implemented to measure 3 main aspects, aged between 20 to 60 years old, and selected namely, access to the area, activities, and safety using the non probability sampling technique and environmental factors, The reliability from the visitors who visited the National Park coefficient of this section is at 0.963. during weekdays (Monday - Friday) and Section 2: Tourism behavior of tourists in weekends (Saturday - Sunday). As the actual Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi province. ratio number of tourists in each time period The 5-point rating scale questionnaire with 23 was undetermined, we specified the equal items was implemented to measure 3 main number of sample group of 200 people during aspects, namely, purpose of visiting, activities weekdays and 200 people during holidays, a during the visit, and planning of traveling route, total of 400 people. The reliability coefficient of this section is at Qualitative Research 0.918. The respondents for quantitative analysis Section 3: Tourism management of Erawan are 16 stakeholders of Erawan National Park. National Park in Kanchanaburi. The 5-point The sample group was selected using the rating scale questionnaire with 22 items was

48 Vol. 15, No.2, July - December 2016

implemented to measure 3 main aspects, Qualitative Research namely, education and raising awareness, The data from stakeholders of Erawan human resource, and management. The National Park were analyzed using the content reliability coefficient of this section is at 0.957. analysis. Qualitative Research Data collection tool was unstructured Results questions for in-depth interviews with 16 Quantitative research stakeholders Erawan National Park. The Objective 1: To study the tourism potential questions asked about the reasons for visiting of Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi the Erawan National Park, the management province; The highly agreeable opinion regarding plan for the Park, the involvement of local the tourism potential of Erawan National Park community in the management of the Park, is related to the overall perspective on access and the plan to provide security to tourists who to the area ( x = 4.04, SD. = .66), environmental visit the Park. factors ( x = 4.01, SD. = .73), safety of tourism 3. Data Analysis spots ( x = 3.87, SD. = .80), and activities ( x = The data were analyzed as following: 3.71, SD. = .81) (Table 1). Quantitative Research The data were analyzed using frequency distribution, arithmetic mean and standard deviation.

Table 1 Potential of Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi Province Potential of Erawan Priority x¯ SD. National Park Ranking 1. Access to the area 4.04 .66 1 2. Environmental factors 4.01 .73 2 3. Safety of tourism spots 3.87 .80 3 4. Activities 3.71 .81 4

Objective 2: To study tourist behavior of Park in Kanchanaburi Province ( x = 3.56, SD. = tourists in Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi .68) was highly agreeable. Activities in the province; The overall perspective onreason for Erawan National Park ( x = 3.27, SD. = .92) and visiting Erawan National Park ( x = 3.89, SD. = Information of the National Park ( x = 3.27, SD. = .71), and purposes of visiting Erawan National .95) was moderately agreeable (Table 2).


Table 2 Tourism behavior of tourists of Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi Province Priority Tourism behavior of tourists x¯ S.D. Ranking 1. Reason for visiting Erawan National Park 3.89 .71 1 2. Purposesof visiting Erawan National Park 3.56 .68 2 3. Activities during the visit 3.27 .92 3 4. Information of the National Park 3.27 .95 4

Objective 3: To study tourism management management ( x = 3.95, SD. =.71), human of Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi resource ( x = 3.91, SD. = .75), and education province; The highly agreeable opinion regarding and raising awareness ( x = 3.88, SD. = .76) to the tourism management of Erawan National (Table 3). Park is related to the overall perspective on

Table 3 Management of Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi Province Management of Erawan National Park Priority x¯ SD. in Kanchanaburi Province Ranking 1. Management 3.95 .71 1 2. Human resource 3.91 .75 2 3. Education and raising awareness 3.88 .76 3

Qualitative research In addition, the National Park has officers From in-depth interviews with stakeholders, to oversee safety of tourists at the waterfall on it was found that, during the peak season, a each level and has a first aid kit ready for any large number of tourists would visit the National accident. Moreover, local communities and Park. This would cause congestion and authorities in the area would co-organize joint overcrowded are especially around the waterfall activities including the prevention of forest fire area. It is due to insufficient areas to and other events during important festivals. accommodate the tourists. Therefore, visitors Nonetheless, tour operators, hotel/restaurant had to scatter into different levels of waterfall. operators and people in the community are In order to maintain cleanliness and waste concerned that increasing the National Park management, the National Park has a policy to entry fee would affect the number of tourists prohibit waste dumping by inspecting belongings who visit the National Park as well as revenue of visitors prior going up to the third level of of the shops, restaurants, hotels and the waterfall. accommodations around the area.

50 Vol. 15, No.2, July - December 2016

Discussion Hence, only a small fraction the forest tracking The quantitative research on tourism activity potential is being used. behavior of tourists revealed that the tourists Regarding cleanliness and convenience of came to the Erawan National Park particularly restroom, the tourists reckoned that there are to spend their leisure time at the waterfall. As insufficient restrooms. The findings were aligned a result, they caused congestion and overcrowded with the study of Department of National Parks, the area due to a large number of tourists, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP. 2014) especially during the peak season. Therefore, which found that the restrooms in waterfall the visitors are scattering into different levels and vicinity area in Erawan National Park have of waterfall in order to avoid congestion in the capabilities to support 6,480 tourists/day. At lower level. The findings were aligned with the the same time, the bathroom and outdoor study of DNP. (2014) which stated that the shower area can accommodate 1,404 tourists/day. physical capacity and facilities of the tourism Therefore, the average number of 4,259 spots are factors that determine the potentials tourists/day during holiday is relatively too high to accommodate the highest number of for the bathrooms to accommodate and be tourists at a certain time. From this analysis, adequately used by all the visitors. Erawan National Park Waterfall can accommodate When considering the factors relating to up to 2,464 tourists/day. Nonetheless, during the tourism behavior of visitors of the Erawan holidays, the number of tourists who visit National Park, the most of them agreed that Erawan National Park Waterfall has already beautiful landscape and scenery is the main exceeded its potential to accommodate all of attractive factor. Moreover, the tourists learn the tourists (Over CC). Therefore, it can be about information of the Park from friends, concluded that the current level of tourists relatives, acquaintances and tourist information would seriously be imposing an adverse effect board. The results were in line with the concept on Erawan National Park Waterfall. of Vuuren and Slabbert (2011), indicating that For information obtained from interviewing the main travel motivations are resting and with the tourists, they stated no interest in relaxation, enriching and learning experiences, forest tracking nor bird watching activities. In participation in recreational activities, personal addition, the latter was indicated as the least values, and social experiences. interesting activity with moderate agreeable opinion among the visitors. The results were Suggestion aligned with the study of Department of 1. Suggestions from the research National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation From the study to determine approaches (DNP. 2014) which stated that the forest tracking to develop the potential of tourism management route (the Bamboo Forest) can accommodate of Erawan National Park in Kanchanaburi 270 tourists/day. Nonetheless, the officers of Province, the involvement of government, the Park reported that the average number of private sector and communities, is recommended tourists who engaged in the forest tracking as following: activity is 384 persons/year or only 2 persons/day.


1. Management of overcrowded problem use signboards to promote the tourists to due to a large number of tourists, especially maintain the cleanliness of the restrooms. during the tourist season. Visitors should be 2. Suggestions for further research scattered in different levels of waterfall in The future research may focus on the order to avoid congestion in the lower area as effect of tourism behavior on management of Erawan National Park has limited resting benches Erawan National Park, and on the awareness for tourists. Therefore, Erawan National Park and recognition of tourists on conservation of should develop alternative natural routes to natural resources in the tourist areas. attract tourists to enjoy other activities. 2. Management of wellbeing and safety of References: visitors in the Erawan National Park, Kanchanaburi. Claiborne, P. (2010). Community participation The research showed that officers on each in tourism development and the value of floor are monitoring and providing security to social capital: The case of Bastimentos, tourists and are ready to provide first aid Bocas del Toro, Panamá (Master’s thesis, response when any accidents occur. However, University of Gothenburg). the tourists have indicated that the officers Department of National Parks, Wildlife and should patrol the area to look after the tourists’ Plant Conservation. (2014). Project to study safety. Besides, there should be more warning potential to accommodate visitors of the signs available to tourists in several languages Erawan National Park. Retrieved December other than Thai such as in English and Russian. 28, 2015, from http://www.dnp.go.th/nprd/ 3. Management of waterfall area is a very detailproject/cc_erawan.php (in Thai) important factor that cannot be overlooked as Messer, C. C., &Bennett, J. (2014). Sustainable visiting waterfall is the main reason that tourism development in destination attracts tourists into the National Park. Erawan voyageurs national park communities. National Park is unique because there are many Minnesota: University of Minnesota. Mahseer Barbs which are not afraid of tourists. Ministry of Tourism and Sports. (2011). Nonetheless, some of the Mahseer Barbs are National tourism development plan 2012 – too large, so some tourists fear that they may 2016. Bangkok: Tourism Development be dangerous to young children. Hence, the Bureau, Department of Tourism. (in Thai) park officers should take out some of the . (2015). The strategy of Thai tourism larger fishes and release them in the nearby 2558 – 2560. Retrieved July 28, 2015, from dam to ensure the tourists’ safety. http://www.mots.go.th/ewt_dl_link.php?nid 4. Lastly, tourists are urging the National =7114 (in Thai) Park to effectively manage restrooms as there Pedersen, A. (2002). Managing tourism at world are insufficient restrooms in the Park. Therefore, heritage sites: A practical manual for the Park should provide cleaning staffs to world heritage site managers. Paris: UNESCO standby especially during the peak season or World Heritage Centre.

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