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Download Full Article in PDF Format DIRECTEUR DE LA PUBLICATION : Bruno David Président du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle RÉDACTRICE EN CHEF / EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : Laure Desutter-Grandcolas ASSISTANTS DE RÉDACTION / ASSISTANT EDITORS : Anne Mabille ([email protected]) MISE EN PAGE / PAGE LAYOUT : Anne Mabille COMITÉ SCIENTIFIQUE / SCIENTIFIC BOARD : James Carpenter (AMNH, New York, États-Unis) Maria Marta Cigliano (Museo de La Plata, La Plata, Argentine) Henrik Enghoff (NHMD, Copenhague, Danemark) Rafael Marquez (CSIC, Madrid, Espagne) Peter Ng (University of Singapore) Norman I. Platnick (AMNH, New York, États-Unis) Jean-Yves Rasplus (INRA, Montferrier-sur-Lez, France) Jean-François Silvain (IRD, Gif-sur-Yvette, France) Wanda M. Weiner (Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracovie, Pologne) John Wenzel (The Ohio State University, Columbus, États-Unis) COUVERTURE / COVER : Aerial view of Chukuchipann, inselberg located near the study area in the Mitaraka massif (photo: Xavier Desmier). In medallion: male of Pygidicrana bivittata Erichson, 1848. Zoosystema est indexé dans / Zoosystema is indexed in: – Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®) – ISI Alerting Services® – Current Contents® / Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences® – Scopus® Zoosystema est distribué en version électronique par / Zoosystema is distributed electronically by: – BioOne® ( Les articles ainsi que les nouveautés nomenclaturales publiés dans Zoosystema sont référencés par / Articles and nomenclatural novelties published in Zoosystema are referenced by: – ZooBank® ( Zoosystema est une revue en flux continu publiée par les Publications scientifiques du Muséum, Paris / Zoosystema is a fast track journal published by the Museum Science Press, Paris Les Publications scientifiques du Muséum publient aussi / The Museum Science Press also publish: Adansonia, Geodiversitas, Anthropozoologica, European Journal of Taxonomy, Naturae, Cryptogamie sous-sections Algologie, Bryologie, Mycologie. Diffusion – Publications scientifiques Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle CP 41 – 57 rue Cuvier F-75231 Paris cedex 05 (France) Tél. : 33 (0)1 40 79 48 05 / Fax : 33 (0)1 40 79 38 40 [email protected] / © Publications scientifiques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 2020 ISSN (imprimé / print) : 1280-9551/ ISSN (électronique / electronic) : 1638-9387 Annotated checklist of the Dermaptera (Insecta) of French Guiana Christophe GIROD 42Q rue Gambetta, F-69740 Genas (France) [email protected] Danilo MATZKE D-04347 Leipzig, Stöckelstrasse 19 (Germany) [email protected] Submitted on 10 January 2018 | Accepted on 15 October 2019 | Published on 18 February 2020 Girod C. & Matzke D. 2020. — Annotated checklist of the Dermaptera (Insecta) of French Guiana, in Touroult J. (ed.), “Our Planet Reviewed” 2015 large-scale biotic survey in Mitaraka, French Guiana. Zoosystema 42 (4): 57-76. ABSTRACT We establish the first checklist of the earwig species from French Guiana, updating previous works. This list comprises 49 species distributed in five families: PygidicranidaeVerhoeff, 1902, Forficuli- dae Stephens, 1829, Labiduridae Verhoeff, 1902, Spongiphoridae Verhoeff, 1902, Anisolabididae Verhoeff, 1902. Twenty-four species are cited for the first time from French Guiana and five species are only mentioned from bibliographical records. Three misidentified records are discarded. Spe- cies diversity in French Guiana is similar to neighboring countries and a few additional species will probably be found. Some poorly recorded species have been found, such as Cosmogerax araguensis KEY WORDS (Brindle 1974), Cosmogerax doesburgi Brindle 1982, Sarcinatrix quadrimaculata Brindle 1971, Doru French Guiana, Dermaptera, unicolor Brindle 1971, Purex surinamensis Brindle 1971, Spongiphora buprestoides (Kirby 1891). Purex formosus, Purex formosus Hebard 1920, described from French Guiana, has been rediscovered in the Mitaraka Mitaraka mountains, Neotropics, mountains and its female collected for the first time. We provide comments on some species and on a new records. few undetermined specimens and indicate some taxonomic challenges unresolved in French Guiana. RÉSUMÉ Liste commentée des Dermaptera (Insecta) de Guyane. Nous présentons la première liste des dermaptères de Guyane, mettant ainsi à jour les travaux anté- rieurs. Cette liste comprend 49 espèces, appartenant à cinq familles : Pygidicranidae Verhoeff, 1902, Forficulidae Stephens, 1829, Labiduridae Verhoeff, 1902, Spongiphoridae Verhoeff, 1902, Aniso- labididae Verhoeff, 1902. Vingt-quatre espèces sont mentionnées de Guyane pour la première fois. Cinq espèces ne sont citées que sur la base de données bibliographiques. Trois erreurs d’identification ou de répartition antérieures sont corrigées. La diversité spécifique de la Guyane est similaire à celle des pays voisins et quelques autres espèces seront probablement trouvées. Quelques espèces rarement collectées ont été trouvées, telles que Cosmogerax araguensis (Brindle 1974), Cosmogerax doesburgi MOTS CLÉS Guyane, Brindle 1982, Sarcinatrix quadrimaculata Brindle 1971, Doru unicolor Brindle 1971, Purex surina- Dermaptera, mensis Brindle 1971, Spongiphora buprestoides (Kirby 1891). Purex formosus Hebard 1920, décrit de Purex formosus, Guyane, a été redécouvert dans le massif du Mitaraka, et la femelle collectée pour la première fois. monts du Mitaraka, néotropiques, Nous commentons certaines de ces espèces et quelques spécimens indéterminés, et nous présentons signalisations nouvelles. les problèmes taxonomiques existants en Guyane. ZOOSYSTEMA • 2020 • 42 (4) © Publications scientifiques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. 57 Girod C. & Matzke D. INTRODUCTION Specimens from the following museums have also been examined, either directly or by the mean of photographs of French Guiana is a French overseas territory located in the type specimens: Guiana Shield, that occupies 83 350 km2. It is mostly com- – Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN): posed of primary tropical forests, but some savannas are also all specimens collected in French Guiana and stored at the present around the coast. This territory has been well studied museum, including holotypes of Purex formosus (Hebard, concerning vertebrates, but the invertebrates remain poorly 1920) and Paralabella chopardi (Hebard, 1920). known. Its insect diversity has been recently estimated at – Naturalis Museum, Leiden, The Netherlands (holotype 100 000 species (Brûlé & Touroult 2014). picture of Purex surinamensis) Dermaptera (earwigs) is a small insect order of about 2000 – Maracay Museum, Venezuela (holotypes pictures of Gerax species with a greater diversity in tropical regions, especially fuscum and Gerax lucidum). in South-East Asia and in the Neotropics (Popham 2000). In Pictures of type specimens of other species have also been Central and South America, species knowledge remains poor examined when available in Fabian Haas’ website (ww.earwigs- although several taxonomical and geographical accounts have, no longer available). Location of type specimens been published between 1960 and 1980 mostly (Brindle 1968a, is indicated for each species, when known. b, 1971b, c, d, 1974, 1977, 1982; Reichardt 1968a, b, 1970, More than 1770 specimens have been studied so far among 1971). Many of the newly described species are known by a which 555 specimens are mentioned in the present paper. few specimens only. More recently, a few additional species The specimens are cited in the following way: town, precise have been described from South America (Anisyutkin 2014; location (with GPS coordinates when known), collecting Kamimura & Ferreira 2017). date, collector, number of specimens and storage collections. As a consequence, the species distributions are largely un- Pictures were taken with a Canon EOS1500D using Cap- known although biodiversity estimates have recently been ture One pro software. Digital images were then obtained by provided for nearly all countries (Haas 2018). using CombineZP software. In French Guiana, the only available works are that of Brin- The taxonomy and nomenclature follow the Dermaptera dle (1968b) and Hebard (1920) who cited 14 and 12 species, species file (HoPKins et al. 2013), with some minor changes respectively. The monographs of Steinmann (1986, 1989a, (Engel & Haas 2007; Srivastava 1999). The genera and spe- b, 1993) mentioned 25 species. More recently, Thouvenot cies are listed under their families. The municipalities where (2011) mentioned 15 species but did not establish any de- the species have been found are indicated. The taxonomical tailed checklist. informations are presented in the following way : city, exact We here establish a checklist of the Dermaptera of French place, date, leg. or coll., specimens number, collection or Guiana, based on recently collected material, with comments institution where the specimens is stored. on several interesting species. ABBREVIATIONS Private collections MateRIAL AND METHODS coll. CGIR Christophe Girod, Echalas; coll. DMAT Danilo Matzke, Leipzig; coll. PKOC Petr Kocarek, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic; We have had recently the opportunity to study a very large coll. YKAM Yoshitaka Kamimura, Keio University. amount of specimens, collected mostly between 2009 and 2015 in various parts of French Guiana. Most of the
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