Copyrighted Material
INDEX Page numbers followed by n indicate note numbers. A Array, investing and, 456 Ascending triangle, 192, 193–194 Absolute return, 537 Aspray, Thomas, 160 Acampora, Ralph, 151 Aspray’s demand oscillator, 160–161 Accumulation and distribution, 159 Asset allocation, 448, 540 Accumulative average, 62 Athens General Index, 470–471 ACD method, 239 ATR. See Average true range Active portfolio weights, 539 Autoregressive integrated moving average Activity-based intervals, 17–18 (ARIMA), 429–435 tick bars, 17–18 forecast results, 433 volume-scaled charts, 17 Kalman filters, 434–435 Adaptive markets hypothesis (AMH), 546, 553–554 mean-reverting indicator, 581 Adaptive Trading Model, 527 slope, 434 A/D oscillator, 132–136 trading strategies, 433–434 Advance-decline system, 174–175, 706 use of highs and lows, 434 Advance Market Technologies (AMTEC), Autoregressive model, 50–51 726–727n2 Average-modified method, 57 760 Advances in financial machine learning, 575 Average-off method, 57 ADX line, 39–40 Average true range (ATR), 32 Alexander filter, 624 Average volume, 153 Allais Paradox, 351 Alpha description of, 537 B method, 461–462 Backtesting, statistics of, 569–580 returns, 537 price data, 573–575 American Association of Individual Investors statistical concerns in, 576–580 (AAII), 380 time-series price data, 572–573 Amex QQQ volatility index, 348 Bacon, Francis, 599–600 AMH. See Adaptive markets hypothesis Bailout, 212 AMTEC. See Advance Market Technologies Bands, 42–45, 75–84 Anchoring, 362–363 confidence, 435–437 Animal spirits, 561 formed by highs and lows, 75 Annualized rate ofCOPYRIGHTED return, 754 rulesMATERIAL for using, 81–82 Apex, 192, 234 trading strategies using, 44–45 Appel, Gerry, 169 Bandwidth indicator, 45 APT, 680n22 Barberis, Shleifer, and Vishny (BSV) hypothesis, Arbitrage, 647–649, 655 668–670 Arguments, 588–592 Bar chart, 185, 208–209 ARIMA.
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