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THE CANBERRA BUSHWALKING CLUB INC. NEWSLETTER it GPO Box 160, Canberra ACT 2601 VOLUME 38 October 2002 NUMBER 10 OCTOBER GENERAL MEETING 8pm Wednesday 16th SLIDES FROM OUR MEMBERS Come and view slides of our members' travels and walks. They will range from our stunning National Parks in Australia to the Tongario NP in NZ, Easter Island and beyond. Please phone Janet (6288 1398), as the new social secretary,if you wish to show your slides. Shine Dome, Australian Academy of Science Gordon Street, Canberra City Make the most of the evening and join other members at 6.00pm for a convivial meal at the Vietnam Restaurant, 8-10 Hobart Place, Canberra City (opposite Canberra House Arcade, next to Aussie Home Loans) Try to be early to ensure there will be ample time to finish and still get to the meeting in good time the club during the past year, and (EPIRBS) for use by club members PRESIDENT’S we hope they will continue to on trips, and some arguments PRATTLE enjoy their membership and activi- supporting and opposing this move. ties within the club. We hope that a good discussion of the merits and drawbacks of these The President’s Annual Report At last month’s Annual General devices will take place at our printed in this edition outlines the Meeting there were a number of October general meeting, before features of the past year and the changes to committee membership. the club votes on this issue. Come plans we have for the coming year. John Thwaite replaces Dick along, and enjoy catching up with We hope it will be a year where all Johnston as Conservation Officer; people over supper- as well, you club members find active and Cynthia Breheny takes over from will be treated to a range of mem- enjoyable ways to be involved in Ailsa Brown as Publisher; and bers “favourite slides” from past the club program. Janet Edstein replaces Rosanne walks. Walker as Social Secretary. Our Elsewhere in this edition you will Jenny Horsfield thanks to these retiring committee also find a motion proposing the President members for their contributions to purchase of two safety beacons Canberra Bushwalking Club IT October 2002 page 1 taken to organise a Remote Area to John Thwaite for his continued WALKS WAFFLE First Aid course, which will be commitment in organising this funded in part by a grant from ACT event. I hope lots of people will make it to Sport and Recreation. If you are The Ginini Wetlands project, in the Walks Planning BBQ on 19 interested in attending this course which CBC and Namadgi National November (see the Activity Pro- in November, see Dave tonight as Park will work as partners, will gram for details). If you’ve been there may still be a few vacancies. hesitant in the past to lead a trip, continue this year, but has been put on hold for the last few months as here is your opportunity to talk to Insurance other leaders for general tips and the new Bendora ranger settles into information about where to go. 2002 has seen an increased empha- his job. sis in our club on Duty of Care Happy walking in this beautiful (at 2002 has been the year when both issues. The disclaimer “Acknow- time of writing!) Spring weather. the Kosciuszko and Namadgi legement of Risks and Obligations” National Parks have begun to Meg McKone is now a necessary part of our review their plans of management Walks Secretary walks routine, as each walker, with significant community con- whether a visitor or a long-time sultation. Two of our club AGM club member, is required to sign members, Di Thompson and David President’s Report this sheet, and thus acknowledge Campbell, have represented con- their own responsibility in under- servation and bushwalking interests taking what society sees as a risky Welcome to our 41st Annual Gen- respectively, on the National Parks activity. All new leaders receive eral Meeting. Thank you for and Wildlife Service Steering our training document “Guidelines coming along and displaying an Committee, formed to prepare a for Activity Co-ordinators and interest in the running of the club. draft Wild Horse Management Leaders” which provides useful Hopefully you will go away with a plan. This plan will address the and very practical advice on run- fairly positive view of our vexed question of how to eliminate ning a trip in a safe and responsible achievements over the past year, feral horses from the fragile Alpine manner. and be inspired to continue your area. support for CBC by leading Along with every other community Di has also put in many voluntary walks, helping on the committee, and sporting group, we have felt hours as the Conservation rep on introducing a friend to the club, or the impact of new insurance re- the Interim Namadgi Advisory just being an active participant in quirements. Under the insurance Board. Such positions, involving our program. cover we receive, no activities can long meetings and much paper- be undertaken above the snow line, I will outline the features of the work, are often thankless tasks, and and canyoning and rockclimbing club year and also some plans for we appreciate Di’s commitment to have been ruled out. It is very sad the next committee year. the job. We also owe thanks to that this adventurous dimension David for representing the club on has been eliminated from the life of Training, Safety and S&R a working group preparing a our club, and we will hope for a Walking and Camping Strategy for Canberra Bushwalking Club no change of conditions in the future. the Morton Budawang National longer has a search and rescue The new committee will be inves- Park. A sub-committee was ap- component, as the official work of tigating the option of taking out pointed earlier this year to search and rescue is now handled extra insurance to allow above the represent the club’s interests in the by either SES or the Bushwalkers snow line activities to resume next preparation of a new Draft Plan of Wilderness Rescue Squad, a part of winter, as without these, some of Management for Namadgi. This the NSW Confederation of BW the most memorable and significant sub-committee will continue into clubs. Dave Drohan is the club’s walks on the club’s yearly program 2003 and beyond, with John contact for BWRS, and has under- cannot take place. Thwaite as convenor, and we are taken training with them, as all hopeful that a public forum and a members need to have an accred- Conservation series of planning workshops will ited base of skills to be part of this take place shortly. One of the major stated aims of our service. Dave has prepared a constitution is to foster conserva- useful sheet of information for the Social program and meetings tion of our country side and club on emergency procedures, and preservation of national parks. To recommends that this should be We have been fortunate to have this end, our annual broome clear- carried by all club members in their continued access to the Shine ing project continues at the Cotter first aid kit on walks. Dave, as our Dome for our Wednesday meet- River. This year will be the 10th training officer, has also under- ings, and I’d like to thank Rosanne year of its operation- many thanks Canberra Bushwalking Club IT October 2002 page 2 Walker for arranging the venue. night, and I will read his report members of the Namadgi sub- Rosanne will not be standing as later in the meeting. committee; to our equipment social secretary this year, but has officer; Confederation delegates kindly offered to be at each general IYM and Conservation associates; and to meeting to ensure the room is the Auditor and Public Officer. available and locked up after use. In February the club endorsed a Later we will be choosing the new motion to support the United committee, and I hope some of you We have had a number of interest- Nations International year of the will be considering standing for a ing guest speakers on various Mountains. This has involved us in position or nominating someone aspects of conservation and natural some fund-raising, whereby on else to do so. New ideas and new history . Our own club members designated IYM walks members faces are always welcome. slide nights have proved very are invited to contribute a small popular- especially Keith Thomas’s sum which goes into a fund for Jenny Horsfield talk on South Africa, Paul Edstein Community Aid Abroad. This President on South America and Meg organisation works extensively in McKone on Central Queensland. SE Asia, especially in impover- Walks Planning BBQ We are always willing to receive ished mountain communities, so suggestions from club members we saw this as an appropriate At 22 Longworth Place, Holt. about interesting topics or guest group to support. Our funds will Tuesday 19 November, 6.00 pm speakers for these general meet- go into the general aid budget, as onwards. ings. unless we raise $10 000 we do not Come along and help produce a have the right to choose a specific Stan Marks’ gourmet walks are great walking program for Summer project. We hope to raise the very always a popular feature of the and beyond. New and "old" leaders modest sum of $1000 by next social program,as was his mid- all welcome. Bring your own meat, March, but one-off donations are winter dinner in July.