Energy Policies in

Jorge Ferrando Empresas Copec

81,93% 99,98% 100,00% 99,05% 39,83% 100,00%

June 24, 2014 17.180

58,90% 51,00% 40,80% 12,00% 66,80% 30,64% 99,89% 50,00%

Business Sectors Energy in Empresas Copec

Arauco Copec Terpel Abastible

Fuels: 9.4 million m 3 sold Fuels: 1,902 million gls LPG: 418 thousand tons Biomass Power Plants in 2013 sold in 2013 sold in 2013

Chile: 10 plants. 606 MW NGV: 381 million m3 sold Argentina: 2 plants. 78 MW 58.3% market share 36.3% market share Uruguay: 1 plant. 164 MW in 2013


LPG: 189 thousand tons LNG: 1.004 million m 3 New 4 - 6 million sold in 2013 sold in 2013 tons/year mine started operations in 1H LNG terminal operating 34,0% market share 2013 since 2009 Energy in Empresas Copec Introduction Introduction

People are committed to their development


Inexhaustible Introduction

Non-conventional renewable energies are insufficient to support the development of societies Energy Consumption and Development Energy Consumption and Development Energy Consumption and Development




0 1 2 3 4 Family quality of life Are NCRE enough? Are NCRE enough?

Energy in Chile: Capacity and Generation 2013

Installed Capacity Generation 17,744.8 MW 68,513.7 GWh

LNG LNG 16.8% 23.2% Diesel NCRE NCRE & Fuel Oil 6.1% Diesel & 4.2% Fuel Oil 5.6% 15.4% Hydropower 26.8%

Coal Hydropower Coal 23.5% 32.3% 46.0%

Source: Comisión Nacional de Energía Are NCRE enough? Are NCRE enough?

1,4% Countries with the Highest Installed Capacity of Biomass Power Plants % Of Total Installed Capacity

15.8 GW

8.1 GW 6.2 GW 4.4 GW 4.0 GW 1.0 GW

USA Germany China India Italy Spain

4,7% Countries with the Highest Installed Capacity of Solar Power Plants % Of Total Installed Capacity

36.0 GW

19.9 GW 17.6 GW 12.1 GW 5.6 GW 2.2 GW

USA Germany China India Italy Spain

Sources: • “Renewable Energy provides 37% of all new US electrical generating capacity in 2013” • REN 21 • Energieverbrauch in Deutschland im Jahr 2013. Are NCRE enough?

Generation Denmark 2012

Others 3.7% LNG 13.6%

Renewable Energy 48.3%

Coal 34.4%

Source: Energy Statistics 2012. Danish Energy Agency. Are NCRE enough?

Solar Power Plant El Águila I. 2,0 MW Capacity factor Q1 2014: 26,6%

Wind farm Canela. 78,2 MW Capacity factor 2013: 21,5%

Small Hydro Chiburgo. 19,4 MW Capacity factor 2013: 40,7%

Source: CDEC-SIC Are NCRE enough?

NCRE Capacity (MW) Power Plant Small Hydro 20 *Maximum Capacity NCRE Biomass 67 Santa Fé Wind 90 Talinay Project Solar 93 Llano de Llampos Project

Conventional Capacity (MW) Power Plant LNG 400 U16 (E-CL) Coal 740 Punta Alcalde Project Hydro 2.750 Hidroaysen Project

15.000 MW

750 223 167 161 38 20 5

Total Small Hydro Biomass Wind Solar LNG Coal Hydro Are NCRE enough?

Development cost by technology US$/MWh 140







0 Dam Run of river Geothermal Coal LNG Solar PV Onshore Wind

Source: Empresas Copec Are NCRE enough?

Energy Costs in Copper Mining (US$ c/lb)

X 4

Electricity Prices for Industry in Copper Producing Countries (US$/KWh)

CHILE Poland Mexico Peru USA Australia Canada Indonesia Russia Kazakhstan Source: Cochilco Are NCRE enough? Are NCRE enough? Are NCRE enough? Renewable Energy in Chile Renewable Energy in Chile

Installed Capacity 2012 %

Chile USA Brazil Germany Spain Denmark World

NCRE Conventional Energy

But if we remove the «Non-Conventional» part…

Installed Capacity 2012 %

Chile USA Brazil Germany Spain Denmark World

Renewable Energy Non-Renewable Energy Source: Renewables 2014. Global Status Report. REN21 Renewable Energy in Chile

Source: Renewables 2014. Global Status Report. REN21

Renewable Energy in Chile


GW Total

Onshore Wind Biomass Tidal

Geothermal Solar Total generating capacity in Chile (2012)

Hydroelectric Wave

Source: Recommendations for Chile’s Marine Energy Strategy: A roadmap for development. Renewable Energy in Chile

Total costs increase Capacity factors are affected

Reserve requirements grow Extra maintenance costs triggered by cycling Policy Recommendations Recommendations

• To remove/reduce barriers for NCRE development:

• Renewable portfolio standards • Short lived feed-in tariffs • Auctions • Smart metering

• To reduce NCRE related problems:

• Portfolios/mixes or incentives that build a supply curve similar to the load curve • Boost NCRE energy trading initiatives • Allow for power source selection at the retail level (multicarrier)

• Clear policy of energy efficiency: Decoupling plus Energy Policies in Chile

Jorge Ferrando Empresas Copec