Summer 2008 IBM Ring #92 — The Vancouver Circle Magical Minutes

the charles howard ring Vancouver magic circle

International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring 92

——————————————–———-Affiliated with the— Pacific Coast Association of Magicians

The Magical 2008 Annual Summer Picnic Minutes Well Hello everyone! It’s time again to heat up the BBQ and have some great fun with your Circle Newsletter Date: friends and Family. Come on down to Queens Park in New Westminster (by the Band Shell) from Summer 2008 1pm—5pm on Sunday August 17th. The VMC will provide hamburgers & Hot Dogs, condiments and beverages for your family (the BBQ will be cooking from 1pm—2:30pm). You can choose to provide Do you believe in magic? your own extras, such as salads, snacks, and your own beverages. Remember to bring your lawn Of fairies wings chairs and plenty of sun screen, as the forecast for Sunday is “sunny”, “hot”, and “loads of fun”. And pixie dust flirting Through wonderous scenes 1:00 - heat up the BBQ and we have scheduled a little Balloon Work shop for the kids Of griffins flying 2:00 - The Great Canadian Challenge (teams of 2 compete in 6 different events) Through open skies 3:00 - Magic Wand and magic show, starring our own VMC superstars “You” Mermaids singing A sweet lullabye 4:00 - TV Trivia ( Guys vs. the Girls) Unicorns running 5:00 - Wrap Up Through flames of flowers Remember Queens Park has a Petting Zoo and a great play area for Kids. Hope to see you & your Centaurs racing family there! Galloping free As hobbits dance In the forest green Leprechaun's cobbling And banshees screams Look inside for coverage of the Manticors and hippogriffs Dwarves and elves 2008 PCAM and IBM/SAM There's so much more Conventions. Do you believe in magic? I hope you do For if you dont You truly have no imagination And shall boringly wait

Before Deaths door

September General Meeting—Thurs Sept 25th - Janelle Morehart

Annual Auction Inside this issue:

The next meeting of IBM RING #92, The June Review 2 VANCOUVER MAGIC CIRCLE, takes place on Thursday September 25th, 2008 at the Sunrise Community Hall in Impromtu Card Night 3 Vancouver. Doors open at 6:30 for socializing and the business meeting will start earlier than normal at 7:00pm. PCAM Review 4 The business meeting will be followed by the annual auc- tion. IBM/SAM Review 6

Please note that only members in good standing will be Sponsor Spotlight 8 given the privilege of bidding and purchasing items. See you there! Coming Events 10

Summer 2008 IBM Ring #92 — The Vancouver Magic Circle Magical Minutes

June in review…… Submitted by Munro Mackenzie

The June General Meeting, on Thursday June 26th, started with a workshop on children’s magic (appropriate as our major public competition of the year was our Children’s Magician of the Year competition held on Fathers Day). Gary Savard opened with the effects that are appropriate with childrens shows. Gary Savard He also commented on what to say and what not to say (a deli- cate point nowadays). Mike Norden (winner of the Chil- dren’s show on Fathers Day) talked about controlling the audi- ence.

Mike Norden

Matthew Johnson chatted about advertising for children from his experience. Brianna Carlson, our clubs newest junior mem- ber, made a balloon where *something went wrong* but with a surprise ending. She pro- duced an origami bird from nowhere that caught everyone by surprise. After the business meeting it was socializing time with snacks provided by Neil Kremer. Thanks Neil. The winner of our 50/50 draw of $55 was Byrn Williams. Omni Magic also sweet- ened the pot and Michael Meneth, Errol Lipschitz and Byrn Williams won secon- dary prizes. A surprise visit from Lynden Washington was Sterling Dietz and his parents Rich and Rochelle.

Left to Right, Bruce Hunt, Gord Boyes, Sterling Dietz, Denzil Bee, Gary Savard. Guest Ster- Brianna Carlson ling Dietz draws the numbers so President Gord Boyes can award some door prizes.

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Summer 2008 IBM Ring #92 — The Vancouver Magic Circle Magical Minutes

Thanks to John Smithman and Rod Chow, we have some pictures to share. If you take pictures at any meetings or events, be sure to send them to us! (and check out\vmc.html)

Impromptu Card Magic Night - Thursday June 26 Submitted by Munro Mackenzie

Jack Bastow Chris Pataki Tony Kazoleas

Henry Tom Henry Tom opened with a pick a card After the socializing portion of the must present a single effect using ab- on an invisible rope. Rabbi Don Pacht General Meeting on June 26th, it was solutely nothing except what is sup- did an ambitious card routine, followed time for the competition for the Ray plied (a deck of cards, cellophane re- by Rod Chow doing a face up face down Gamble Trophy. This trophy is awarded moved but seal intact). shuffle to a selected card. Tony Ka- in recognition of excellence in im- zoleas made a crucial error and was promptu card magic. The competitor David Hamil eliminated. Steve Dickson did a very funny routine called “wack your pack”. Don Pacht Veteran Jack Bastow did a gambling routine and Rick Mearns did a pick a card reversed in the desk. Rick Mearns was the winner with Steve Dickson placing second.

Rick Mearns

Rod Chow & Sterling Dietz

Rick Mearns, recipient of the Steve Dixon 2008 Ray Gamble Trophy

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Summer 2008 IBM Ring #92 — The Vancouver Magic Circle Magical Minutes

PCAM 2008 Convention Review Submitted by Rod Chow

Monterey, California (July 10–13, In one of the best Pacific Rim Pro- Hewson; David and Cheryl Wilson; 2008) - “The Gold Medal for Juvenile Challenges in recent history, Trevor Dave, Cathie & Trevor Watters and Stage Magic goes to Nicholas Chow... Watters and Lorena presented a very Lorena Paredon; Bruce Hunt (who put The Gold Medal for Juvenile Close-Up entertaining, stunning and up-beat illu- in admirable performances in both the Magic goes to Jack Chow... The Gold sion act to take the Bronze medal in Comedy competitions and Bag-O- Medal for Comedy Magic goes to Jack this People’s Choice professional stage Tricks) & Georgina Hunt; Shawn, Lori, and Nicholas Chow... The Gold Medal contest. Keeping the show tightly to- Barb & Hannah Farquhar; Dennis Chan; for Most Novel or Innovative Act goes and Rod, Sylvia, Jack to Jack and Nicholas Chow... And the and Nicholas Chow. Gold Medal for Close-Up Magic goes to Opening evening got off Rod Chow.” PCAM President and Con- to a fun start with the test Chair, Kevin Cardona, with the S.A.M. #95 “One Hand assistance of his daughter, Claire, pre- Cut-A-Thon” hosted by sented an amazing total of 5 Gold Brian Cooke. Rod Chow, Medals to the Chow’s, which repre- who first originated sented a clean sweep for the Magical this challenge with Chow family. The Chow’s in the PCAM S.A.M. #95 to do the 2008 general contests, held in Mon- most Charlier Cuts in a terey, California, wowed the audience set period of time at and judges with 4 different acts: PCAM 1993, came in at Nicholas – “A Magical Celebration”; a close second in the Jack – “Magical Mysteries”; Jack & finals. After this, Nicholas – “King Tut” with David Wil- David Watters, Lorena Paredon, Shawn Farquhar, pre- son as the adventurous volunteer; and Trevor Watters, Cathie Watters sented his well thought Rod – “MoneyMagic!” Congratulations out trivia type game Chow family!! gether was MC, Shawn Farquhar who “Who wants to be a Millionaire” utiliz- did a solid job of introducing each act ing very appropri- as well as superbly conducting live con- ate questions from testant interviews immediately follow- PCAM and magic Vancouver ing each performance. The live inter- history. After go- Magic Circle view feature is a brand new addition to ing through a num- members the contest thought up by Shawn to ber of contestants, continue to give the audience a personal view of PCAM headliner, play critical each contestant by asking questions Tony Clark, roles to make such as how the contestant got emerged victorious. PCAM work. started in magic and what are his fu- The Portola Hotel ture plans. After intermission, and and Spa, although a while the judges were counting the bit pricey, turned out to be well worth ballots, Shawn performed his signature the extra expense, due to its terrific “Shape of My Heart” giant screen card location right next to Fisherman’s act to put an incredible close to this Wharf. This was a great place to visit outstanding evening of professional as it was really bustling with lots of stage magic. tourists, great restaurants, loads of Now on to the rest of this wonderful souvenir shops and free clam chowder! little convention, which sold out at just Yes, we could walk back and forth and Nicholas, Rod & Jack Chow over 200 registrants. Representing get full on all the free samples of 5 Gold Medals!! the VMC were: Dennis & Melody Monterey clam chowder that the vari-

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Summer 2008 IBM Ring #92 — The Vancouver Magic Circle Magical Minutes

PCAM 2008 Convention Review– continued….

Shawn Farquhar working the wharf. Shawn Farquhar & David Wilson — Bag-O-Tricks ous restaurants were handing out. The evening shows were held at the and Tony Clark. This was also the location of the Golden State Theatre which was two Shawn presented his FISM award win- Street Magic event where we enjoyed short blocks away. This is a very or- ning solid cups and balls and signed watching Shawn wowing the crowd with nate theatre with good sight lines card to sealed deck during the premier his high energy tricks. Fisherman’s where we enjoyed two incredible close-up show to rousing response. Wharf also spawned the “Monterey shows: the PCAM Pro-Challenge (as Shawn Farquhar Hookers” which can be best described earlier mentioned), and the Stars of and David Wilson as “Wives gone Wild” – see photo for a Magic Gala Show which featured Danny closed the con- This convention peep! Cole, Ice MacDonald, Reed McClintock vention, up to looks like it was their usual sober awesome! (?) antics, as hosts of their Better start “Bag-O-Tricks” looking at next contest, a fun years scheduled event which they convention on a created and or- cruise ship!! ganize for each PCAM. Stellar talent, fantastic contests, ex- cellent lectures, well-stocked dealers, a great location, renewed friendships and Kevin Cardona (who was presented the Lifetime Achievement Award by Shawn Farquhar) super hospitality which included free gifts, food and drinks, means I give this convention a two thumbtips up!! Check out for tons The “Monterey Hookers” of pictures from the convention.

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Summer 2008 IBM Ring #92 — The Vancouver Magic Circle Magical Minutes

IBM/SAM Review Submitted by Mike Norden

July 21-26th, 2008 will forever be a So Monday was a Welcome Show star- we hit the time engrained in my memory. This was ring and others. Followed by a gala show at my first IBM or SAM Na- lecture by . 8pm with tional Conventions - and I Some close up competitions Stan Allen, was getting to go to the at 7:30pm and then spend Danny Cole, first Combined convention in some time in the dealer Michael Fin- 30 years! With almost 2000 room. Now I did expect ney, Arden registered guests, this was more of a dealer room, but James, Dale the largest magic convention with over 50 dealers it was Salwak, and ever held in North America, the largest I have ever more! This beating the previous record seen. Shawn Farquhar has was one of of the SAM Centennial in seen bigger and better, or the best 2002 of over 1400 magi- so he says... shows of the Louisville Slugger Factory cians. Man, was I looking week - other forward to this! than the competing acts...I will explain Did I mention that my fellow Ring 92ers what I mean by that in a minute. were Rod Chow, Murray Hatfield and My overall review of this monumental Shawn Farquhar? And that Shawn com- event is positive - we will save the low peted in the Close-up and Stage? And Wednesday was a great lecture called points until the end. After leaving Van- Rod in the close up? (I was just there to "The Business of being Funny" with a couver and taking 12 hours to get to Lou- panel of magicians being interviewed by isville, KY my wife, Nicole, and I were Rod Chow, Mike Norden, Shawn Farquhar Stan Allen. The magicians were Mac King beat. We got in at 1:30am so it was (did you know he was from Louisville? - straight to bed. Who knew that there and so is ?), Michael Finney, are no such things as direct flights to and David Williamson! Now with those 3 Louisville! up on a stage you would think all hell would break loose. While it was funny it was more educational - kinda like a lec- Monday the 21st was registration time ture should be....but I was hoping more and that opened at 8am. I think I man- to see some chaos happen. Perhaps the aged to register about 9am. I must say, lecture by David at Kramien's with Jesse it ran as smooth as butter. Got a wonder- Boyes assisting still sticks in my head… ful package and a great 'gift' - we were take pictures I guess...) And that Shawn to get a gift every day of the convention. was on of the finalist in the close up? The first was a classy magic kit that was Wednesday was our night (people were Well, he might not have won but we are filled with over $50 of cool stuff. Look- color coded according to badges) to at- sure he came a close second in our opin- ing pretty good so far. tend the Banquet. Very fancy - we had ion and he secured about a dozen con- steak and lobster and the food was in- tracts for magic conventions and the deed fabulous. The cocktail hour was a In the essence of space I will reduce likes - so we are pretty sure he came out little cramped though and we had a mad what happens each day to a few para- a winner! dash when the doors opened and we got graphs. Each day consisted of at least stuck at a table with no one we knew. one lecture, and an evening show. You Back to the itinerary! Tuesday held a Turns out we had one of the editors also had the stage and close-up competi- special meeting for spouses. Louisville from the Linking Ring - and some other tions held each day. You were watching has a great history and was a lovely city guy by the name of Bev Burgeron. Some about 10-15 acts each time and by the that was clean and vibrant with lots for legend who was a clown called 'Rebo' on end of the week you would have watched the tourists. My wife and I hit the Louis- an old TV show called Magicland or some- over 160 act compete for over $50,000 ville Slugger factory and she went to the thing. he went on for hours with old sto- in prizes! To say the least you might even Churchill Downs, where the Derby is ries of famous people and magicians...just get sick of magic - and yes, I watched held. We ate at some great restaurants dinner with Bev. Nothing much else hap- every single one. (My wife watched al- and saw some greats sights. Because of pened that night. (Editor note: see sar- most all of them too!) this I missed the David Ben lecture but casm)

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Summer 2008 IBM Ring #92 — The Vancouver Magic Circle Magical Minutes

IBM/SAM Review — continued….

Thursday was a David Williamson lecture Well - it was Saturday before you knew were stretching the convention an extra at 10am. And entertaining as usual - it it! This started with a Wayne Dobson few days, without providing any extra was a lecture on impromptu magic, so he lecture, but I did not attend. After the events. I wish there had been a few did an impromptu lecture. In other words partying with Rod Chow at the local club more big names in the gala shows, and a he did not prepare anything. But jokes I was not feeling like getting up all that few more lectures. But enough nitpicking aside, what he did demonstrate was tak- early. Right Rod? And don't worry - I - it was a great convention that I was ing the free gift magic kit from the con- won't tell Silvia - you party animal you! proud to attend! It was the smoothest vention and filming going out to the ran one I have been too - and they ended streets of Louisville the day before and it with pure elegance in my opinion doing doing the tricks right out from the box. Now that was one funny video!

At 6pm we attended the 'East meets West' close up gala. This was one of my wife's favourite shows and she practi- cally liked Rick Merrill! Sorry Shawn...

Friday saw a Lecture by Derek Lever on The fellas out for a soda. the 'Greatest Magic Inventors" followed by David Kaye (aka Silly Billy) doing one We then had the close up finals at 11am on 'The First Century of Children's (yay Shawn!) and then a lecture by Eber- Dealers Room Magic". The later was fun to watch and hard Riese on 'The Evolution of an Act". being a children's entertainer myself I They had a female magician perform a found it pretty amusing. Especially seeing great set and then critiqued in - a posi- a great awards show and farewell party. how David handles that adorable Hannah tive and constructive light - to improve My hats go off to both organizations on Farquhar as a helper on stage! the act. I found it very entertaining and a job well done! I look forward to an- other combined convention (there is talk rewarding to watch this happen and I was glad I caught it. about 2013) and I hope they listen to the 8pm brought us to the International Gala improvements that can be made. If they

Show with John Archer, Wayne Dobson, have it - I will go! I hope you will join us! Sos & Victoria, and more. Not bad, At 8pm we watched the stage competi- but I must admit that this show left me tion finals - and this is where the com- wanting more. The quick change act by plaint comes in. This was the BEST show Sos & Victoria was amazing! Then a late of the convention. The acts that were night lecture by Mike Caveny on 'Willard competing were BETTER than the paid the Wizard" - fascinating and I bought acts for the evening shows. For the the book and got it signed. I will review 'Convention of the Century' I expected it in a future column for the club! David Copperfield, , Penn & Teller, or at least Louisville hometown boy Lance Burton to make an appearance - at least by video!

Rod Chow, Nicole Norden, Mike Norden, The average cost paid was $400 for the Shawn Farquhar, Lori Farquhar convention - do the math with 2000 reg- istrants and you wonder if it was 'All About the Magic' or about something else? The camera work in the theatre You know you might be a magician if your was atrocious and quite simply was unac- handwriting is better with a Swami gimmick ceptable. While my wife appreciated the that it is with a real pen—Lee Darrow & Mike Norden down time - even for her it felt like they

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Summer 2008 IBM Ring #92 — The Vancouver Magic Circle Magical Minutes

Sponsor Spotlight Presidents Message

Morrisey Magic and reasonably priced – it was value for I hope that everyone is having a won- your dollar. Now, 44 years later, Canada’s derful summer. Some people have been In 1959 Herb Morrissey started a very largest magic dealer is located at 2477 fortunate enough to attend the PCAM small magic business. So small in fact Dufferin Street in Toronto. Their mod- and/or the IBM/SAM conventions, but that they only had one product. ern magic studio has 3000 square feet of if you’re like me you miss the camarade- ‘Morrissey Cups’ - manufactured in Can- retail space to service magicians from all rie and fun of getting together as a ada, available in aluminum and copper. The over the world. And they are still supply- club, even if you do get together in magic world quickly recognized that ing magicians and magic dealers with smaller groups. The good news is that ‘Morrissey Cups’ were good quality cups metal spun products. Today MORRISSEY we have lots of exciting events planned MAGIC is truly an international in the next couple of months. Check out magic company. Known and re- the last page of the newsletter for spected throughout the magic coming events and I really hope to see a world. Visit them at great turnout for our summer picnic on and tell Sunday August 17th at Queens Park in Richard the Vancouver Magic Circle New Westminster. sent you! We encourage you to pa- September has a great lecture, fol- tronize our sponsors, as without lowed by the Lynnwood Clubs Day ‘O the help of our friends like Morris- Magic, and finished off with our annual sey Magic our website would not be General Meeting auction. See you soon!! what it is today.

Looking for Talent Talent Already Found

Dear VMC, Jack Chow & cousin Juliana Chow have been accepted as I am in charge of booking talent and Stage Manager of our Semi-Finalists in the Red Robinson's Talent Showdown at Evening of magic show happening in late October. Calgary Ring the PNE. Their performance will be held on Thursday, Au- 66 is looking for two talented magicians, who can WOW and gust 21, 2008 between 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm at the Rogers please an audience of people made up of people of all ages, Amphitheater at the PNE. from the general Public. The first person must be Funny, and very pleasing to a large audience in a large theatre setting as they will be MCing the entire 1:30 minute show. The second person must be strong enough as an entertainer to be the Headliner Act that will close our Evening of Magic. This all happens in Late October. If you know someone who is interested please send a dvd, tape, email, youtube video, smoke signals to me so I can start the screening process and pick the winners. As of June 27/08 we are not committed to anyone and still are looking locally for Magicians here to fulfill these jobs but We had an exectutive meeting last night and decided to see what kind of outside talent would be interested in being a part in our show. Please send staging requirements, fee, and brief outline of your show as well as some sort of video footage of your show Please come support these awesome junior performers if to “[email protected]”. GOOD LUCK!! you’re able, and let them know how proud our club is of Regards, them. Brent Smith

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Summer 2008 IBM Ring #92 — The Vancouver Magic Circle Magical Minutes

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Summer 2008 IBM Ring #92 — The Vancouver Magic Circle Magical Minutes

September 13th, 2008 ents Coming Ev Lynnwood Ring of Fire presents DAY OF MAGIC 7 Featuring Eric Buss at the fabulous Everett Historical Theater. Thursday Sept 26th Don’t miss the 2 big lectures, a swap meet, the anything goes con- test, the gala evening show, VMC General Meeting and Annual Auction. and much MUCH more! Dealer tables available for $10. Email Evan West ([email protected]) to reserve a table.

Sunday August 17th PCAM 2009

IBM Ring #92 PCAM 2009 will be held on a cruise The Vancouver Magic Circle ship, the Norwegian Pearl, departing Annual Summer Picnic the port of Vancouver on Monday Sep- tember 21st, disembarking in Los An- Queens Park in New Westminster, geles on Saturday September 26th. next to the bandshell. Don’t miss it!! Contact David Watters for more info. Check for info.

Our next guest lecturer is Michael Vincent in September 2008.

Michael Vincent is one the few magicians in the world who is an 'ambassador' for Slydini's concepts. Michael spent his early years mastering all of Slydini’s magic. He will be the first to tell you, "I don't perform any of Slydini's routines any more, except for the Pins, The Coins, and The Knotted Silks, but what I do make use of are the powerful concepts which turns a great trick into a powerful experience of Magic". This session will be an interactive workshop where you will ex- perience the real power of "Audience Attention Control" or "Mis-direction". Here, Michael will expose you to concepts, which can elevate and unleash the real power of your magic.

Disclaimer—These Magical Minutes have been brought to you on a tight deadline with little resources. The author(s) accept no responsibility for typos, spelling errors, grammatical errors, accuracy of fact (or lack of), omission of details, layout, graphics, political correctness, oversight of individuals or groups or groups of individuals who may or may not have contributed to the creation process or the creative inspiration of others. No animals were harmed in the creation of this newsletter.

Summer 2008 IBM Ring #92 — The Vancouver Magic Circle Magical Minutes