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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-60262-5 - Enumerative Combinatorics, Volume 1: Second Edition Richard P. Stanley Index More information Index (2+2)-free, see poset, (2 + 2)-free , see Terao, H. (3+1)-free, see poset, (3+1)-free , see Wang, Y. H. 00, 34 , see Wei, F. δ-chain condition, see poset, δ-chain condition , see Wong, S. Z. W. δ-vector, see polytope, convex, δ-vector , see Wu,S.Y.J. 1,ˆ see poset, 1ˆ , see Xie, J. X. 0,ˆ see poset, 0ˆ , see Xin, G. λ-chain condition, see poset, λ-chain condition , see Yan, C. H. F. 1/9899, 530 , see Yang, D. M. 103,049, 141 , see Zhang, Y. 132-avoiding permutation, see permutation, , see Zhao, Y. 132-avoiding A = B, 143 2143-avoiding permutation, see permutation, ab-index 2143-avoiding of a poset, see poset, ab-index 310,952, 141 ab-index 3142 and 2413-avoiding permutation, see of the symmetric group, see group, permutation, 3142 and 2413-avoiding symmetric, ab-index Abramson, M. restricted permutation, 173 see , Chan, C. Terquem’s problem, 151 see , Chen, S. Acerbi, F. see , Chen, W. Y. C. 103,049, 194 see , Chu, S.-C. action see , Deng, E. Y. P. adjoint, 82 see , Diao, H. acyclic digraph, see digraph, acyclic see , Ding, Y. acyclic orientation, see graph, orientation, see , Du, R. R. X. acyclic see , Five Eagles acyclotope, see polytope, acyclotope see , Han, G.-N. addition law, see law, addition see , Hibi, T. adjacency matrix, see matrix, adjacency see , Hou, Q.-H. adjacent, see graph, adjacent vertices see , Jia, R.-Q.
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