1 Admln/stratlon MBE 1<18/45 Glenferrle Road Malve.m, Vic 3144 Phone: 03 9507 2315 Fax: OJ 9507 2316 ErnBII:
[email protected] Website: www.mca.org.au ABN 85 070 619 608 Executive Diredt)r Tel: +61 (0)2 9251 3816 Fax: +61 (0)2 9251 3817 Email:
[email protected] Music Council of .Australia Huslc. Play for Ufe campaign Tel: 02) 4454 3887 or 0439 022 257 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.mUSiq)layforlife.org Austra§a'S represenfative to the InternatiOnal Music COUncil ANNUAL REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO THE AGM, SEPTEMBER 28, 2009 The period covered in this report is AGM to AGM, end of September in each year. CONTENTS A. Purpose of the MCA Triennial funding. 2009 is the first year of triennial funding of $200,000 a year from the Music Board of B. Highlights of the Year 2008-2009 the Australia Council, more than doubling the C. Information Services previous core subsidy. The funding has supported stabilisation of the organisation and the addition of D. Research and Policy capacity in marketing, advocacy and project E. Advocacy and Representation management. F. Projects Flnandal. Income in 2008 was a record $942,000, with a surplus of $34,000. MCA Is on track In 2009 G. Governance and Administration with a surplus of $18,000 YTD. H. In Conclusion Business plan. As a corollary of the new funding package, the MCA constructed a detailed business plan along lines proposed by the Australia Council. A. PURPOSE OF THE MCA Information servkles The purpose of the Music Council of Australia (MCA) Music Forum magazine has run into difficulties in is to bring together all sections of the music sustaining subscriptions.