Saanich Place Names Saanich Archives
SAANICH PLACE NAMES SAANICH ARCHIVES Feature Name Description Year N. side Gorge Waters E. of The Gorge in Victoria Dist. Appears on Aaron Point Admiralty Chart 1911 Strait of Juan de Fuca of 1847, surveyed by Capt. Kellett in 1846. Old local name Curtis Point. Property owned & subdivided by Paul Case. Unnamed street being Abbey Road the total roadway flanking lots 6,7,8 & 9 of Plan 10574, Sec. 30, LD. 1956 B.L. #1260, 1956. Abbey Road Unnamed road shown on Plan 11552, Sec. 30, LD. B.L. #1354, 1958. 1958 Farm of Richard John (1854-1901) and Margaret Michell (1866-1951) in Sidney, a wedding gift from his parents. "The farmhouse was torn Aberavon down to make way for the Patricia Bay Highway extension to Swartz Bay," Peter Grant, The Story of Sidney , p. 44. New road by reg'd sub. plan April 3, 1990. Off Viaduct Avenue. New Abraham Court 1990 numbers 4450-4499. Acorn Avenue See BCER 1922 map under 'Duval'. 1922 Changed from Nicholls Avenue - shown on Map 1313 - B.C. #298, Acorn Avenue 1923 1923. Acorn Avenue No longer existing street 1975. 1975 Acres, The Nellie Dean home in 1917. 1917 Adams Subdivision 1941, adjacent to Wyndeatt Ave Gorge Road. 1941 Changed from Second Street - in 'panhandle' area s. of Haultain, off Adanac Street Richmond, behind Memorial Pavilion. Adelaide Avenue Unnamed street shown on Map 5033, Sec. 21, VD. B.L. #3726, 1945 1945 By reg'd sub. plan June 5, 1989. New numbers 1000-1001. Off Adeline Place 1989 Patricia Bay Hwy. Extension by reg'd sub.
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