8 November 2017 Document Version Control Project Title: Habitat Rehabilitation Management Plan - Yarrabilba Authors: Kieran Richardt, Dr Sarah Butler and Mark Ballantyne File reference: NCO11-0011_Yarrabilba Project leader: Kieran Richardt Phone: +(61) 7 5576 5568, +(61) 4 1541 3408 Email:
[email protected] Client: Lend Lease Client contact: Rob Ball Revision History Version: Purpose: Issued by: Date Reviewer: Date: Draft Peer review Sarah Butler 25/02/15 Dionne Coburn 26/02/15 V1 Assessment Sarah Butler 26/02/15 Rob Ball 26/02/15 V2 Assessment Sarah Butler 26/02/15 Kieran Richardt 23/03/15 V3 Amendment Rob Ball 07/11/17 M.N. Runkowski 08/11/17 Declaration of Accuracy In making this declaration, I am aware that section 491 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act) makes it an offence in certain circumstances to knowingly provide false or misleading information or documents to specified persons who are known to be performing a duty or carrying out a function under the EPBC Act or the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000 (Cth). The offence is punishable on conviction by imprisonment or a fine, or both. I am authorised to bind the approval holder to this declaration and that I have no knowledge of that authorisation being revoked at the time of making this declaration. Date 8 November 2017 This report and any files associated with it contain information which is confidential and may also be legally privileged. This document is and shall remain the property of Natura Pacific Pty Ltd (t/a Natura Consulting).