The native partridges of Turkey ALPER YILMAZ * and CAFER TEPELI Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Selcuk, 42031, Selçuklu, Konya, Turkey. *Correspondence author -
[email protected] Paper presented at the 4 th International Galliformes Symposium, 2007, Chengdu, China. Abstract Turkey provides a wide range of natural habitat for numerous bird species. Partridges constitute an important part of the native birds of Turkey. There are five native partridge species in Turkey, which are chukar partridge, rock partridge, grey partridge, see-see partridge and Caspian snowcock. In recent years, intensive rearing and releasing of gamebirds has become popular in Turkey and rock partridges are an important component to this activity. Breeding units for the species are widespread in many parts of the country. There are also some breeding units for rock partridges that are supported by the National Ministry of the Forest. The units produce and release partridges to bolster the wild population, but also to provide birds for hunting and tourism. In this paper the geographical distribution, characteristics and contemporary state of the native partridges of Turkey is presented. Keywords Distribution, partridges, status, Turkey. Introduction Urfa (south east of Turkey) is thought to be over 2500 years old (FIG . 1) (T.C. Şanlı Urfa Turkey occupies a unique geographical location, Valiliği İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü, 2007). connecting Europe and Asia, and is a country with a rich and varied historical past. The country’s rich history, geography and nature are entwined and are a part of everyday life. The total number of bird species within Turkey is equal to the number within the whole of Europe due in part to the Anatolian region’s diversity of habitats, including lakes, swamps, mountains, woodlands, and its location on major bird immigration routes (Anonymous, 1986; Boyla, 1995; Somçağ, 2005).