HOW TO VISUALIZE YOUR GPU-ACCELERATED SIMULATION RESULTS Peter Messmer, NVIDIA RANGE OF ANALYSIS AND VIZ TASKS . Analysis: Focus quantitative . Visualization: Focus qualitative . Monitoring, Steering TRADITIONAL HPC WORKFLOW Workstation Analysis, Setup Visualization Supercomputer Viz Cluster Dump, Checkpointing Visualization, Analysis File System TRADITIONAL WORKFLOW: CHALLENGES Lack of interactivity prevents “intuition” Workstation High-end viz Analysis, neglected due Setup Visualization to workflow complexity Supercomputer Viz Cluster Viz resources need I/O becomes main to scale with simulation Dump, simulation bottleneck Checkpointing Visualization, Analysis File System OUTLINE . Visualization applications . CUDA/OpenGL interop . Remote viz . Parallel viz . In-Situ viz High-level overview. Some parts platform dependent. Check with your sysadmin. VISUALIZATION APPLICATIONS NON-REPRESENTATIVE VIZ TOOLS SURVEY OF 25 HPC SITES Surveyed sites: LLNL LLNL- ORNL- AFRL- NASA- NERSC -OCF SCF LANL CCS DOD-ORC DSCR AFRL ARL ERDC NAVY MHPCC ORS CCAC NAS NASA-NCCS TACC CHPC RZG HLRN Julich CSCS CSC Hector Curie NON-REPRESENTATIVE VIZ TOOLS SURVEY OF 25 HPC SITES Surveyed sites: LLNL LLNL- ORNL- AFRL- NASA- NERSC -OCF SCF LANL CCS DOD-ORC DSCR AFRL ARL ERDC NAVY MHPCC ORS CCAC NAS NASA-NCCS TACC CHPC RZG HLRN Julich CSCS CSC Hector Curie VISIT . Scalar, vector and tensor field data features — Plots: contour, curve, mesh, pseudo-color, volume,.. — Operators: slice, iso-surface, threshold, binning,.. Quantitative and qualitative analysis/vis — Derived fields, dimension reduction, line-outs — Pick & query . Scalable architecture . Open source VISIT . Cross-platform — Linux/Unix, OSX, Windows . Wide range of data formats — .vtk, .netcdf, .hdf5,.. Extensible — Plugin architecture . Embeddable . Python scriptable VISIT’S SCALABLE ARCHITECTURE .
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