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September 20, 2018 Issue 1 Follow us online

Big Changes: Dordt to unveil new University logo Erika Buiter – Staff Writer work that needs to take place every summer just to keep this place operating like it needs to,” On May 13, 2019, Dordt College will become Dordt’s director of facilities and services Nate known as —but before then, van Niejenhuis said. there is still work to be done. Dordt’s marketing In addition to their regular work, maintenance and communication office was behind the will be in charge of re-tagging the “Dordt original university announcement. Now, they College” signs on the red brick gateways, as are busy working toward the next big reveal— well as removing the pedestal signs in front announcing the new university logo during of the buildings. Signs will be taken to a Defender Days, a date which they chose very local contractor who will reface them with the intentionally. new logo. In addition, the banners along the “Defender Days is one of the biggest on- sidewalks and signposts in the parking lots will campus events of the year,” said Sarah Moss, be replaced. director of marketing and communication at Photo by Erika Buiter “A lot of the actual re-creating of the decal Dordt. “Approximately 1,200 alumni, parents, consultant to create the new logo. In mid-May, It’s not just students who want to see the will be done by an outside contractor,” van siblings and Dordt supporters visit campus, not they came to campus and held focus groups, logo—Dordt staff are eager for the reveal, too. Niejenhuis said. “The removal, repair, cleaning, to mention the students and employees already including two student groups. Jim Bos, registrar and director of institutional replacement and reinstallation will be handled on campus as well. It seemed like another “We wanted to make sure students were research, is preparing paperwork for the by our department. We will begin that as soon as opportunity to celebrate the university initiative involved in the focus groups because obviously name change, including IRS forms, possible possible immediately following our changeover. and to make sure people are aware of the logo their perception of what Dordt is should trademarks, and new transcripts and diplomas— Folks can anticipate that work being ongoing change. That’s really what we’re doing—raising influence what the logo looks like,” Moss said. all of which will have the new logo. Bos will throughout the summer.” awareness and having fun with it.” The responses of the focus groups were start the filing process for the name change in Van Niejenhuis will work with both outside The new logo will be revealed on Friday, Oct. analyzed and compiled into a brand assessment, January. For staff like Bos, the logo reveal contractors and the Athletics department on 19, in the Campus Center before “Late Night and over the summer, logo designs were received brings both work and excitement. two of the bigger changes—replacing the DC with the Defenders.” Some Dordt University and the deciding process began. While the student population—and staff—will cross on the football field and on the De Witt merchandise will be tossed out at the event. “Over the course of the summer we were only have to wait another month to see the new Gymnasium floor. Overall, though, he’s looking The logo change is by far the earliest and most able to present the logos to some students, logo, physical changes to campus will not appear forward to the change. important of the physical changes that will the administrative cabinet and the university until next summer. After the official change “I think there’s some mixed feelings,” van take place because of the change to University. initiative task force,” Moss said. to University on May 13, 2019, signs with Niejenhuis said. “I think we’re excited about Whatever the new logo is, it will be everywhere Student Government also recently saw some “Dordt College” or the “DC Cross” will have what the new is going to look like, and what it’s on campus. logo designs. But students should not get to go—and that’s going to be the Maintenance going to bring, and there’s a little nostalgia to Dordt administration tasked the marketing overeager this early on. Department’s job. see the old go. But at the end of the day, I think office with spearheading the logo design process. “We’re close, but there are still some aspects “The biggest challenge is that we have all of it’s a positive change for Dordt.” The marketing office contracted a designer and that need to be finalized,” Moss said. our ongoing maintenance, upgrading and repair Putting the she in STEM More than words on a page Evangeline Colarossi -- Staff Writer Before this age, students are not widely exposed to programming. These classes expose students Jenna Stephens -- Staff Writer “While the ability to read is important at all Dordt currently has thirty-five computer to scientific and computational thinking, which levels, research shows reading by the end of science majors. Only three of them are female. can be used across the board of majors. If you are paging through the Diamond, third grade is a critical predictor of success,” the Last year, there were none. “We push communication on our students, chances are you can read and comprehend overview of the Early Literacy Law states. While working on her doctorate, Professor though the stereotype is just sitting behind the words in front of you. The ability to read The law points to long term consequences of Sandouka is one of four women in her program. a screen programming all of the time,” is sometimes taken for granted once mastered. reading difficulties, such as dropping out of She is Dordt’s only female Computer Science commented Sandouka. But those first years of learning the alphabet and school. But the effects stretch far beyond a professor. Elizabeth Wilterdink is a freshman at sounding out syllables are vital in promoting diploma. The National Center of Women in Information Dordt, and one of the three women in the future success. Diversity in reading ability can be a Technology (NCWIT) partnered with Microsoft computer science program. Elizabeth’s father Iowa’s Governor Kim Reynolds recently challenge for teachers because children come to increase the diversity among IT programs. programmed computer games with her as she announced that the percentage of students in in to elementary school at a variety of places. These companies pooled money towards a grew up, and from a young age Elizabeth was kindergarten through third grade who met or Some are ready to read, some are not. The grant that will be used to focus on promoting drawn to computer science. surpassed reading standards rose to 70.5 percent home environment plays a significant role in the interest and involvement of IT within junior “I can see myself in a career of computer in the spring of 2018. This marked a 0.8 percent determining reading ability as exposure to high girls. science, it seemed like a very definite option,” increase since fall 2017, and added to the reading materials and simply being talked to “It’s about inspiration — it’s about insight,” Elizabeth said. now three year streak of rising rates in Iowa’s can influence their literacy later in life. said Linda Boff, chief marketing officer of In her free time, Elizabeth creates programs for students. Many Dordt students volunteer with the Owl’s General Electric. “If you show young girls her computer. She has made a program similar Despite this progress, the fact that almost 30 Nest program at the Sioux Center library. They women who have achieved in STEM, hopefully to Learn Mode on Quizlet, but specialized it to percent of Iowa’s K-3 students fail to reach the meet weekly, serving as one-on-one mentors for you’re showing them the pathway.” work with short questions and long answers, state’s benchmark reading standards pushes struggling readers. Professor Sandouka is using the NCWIT grant along with spaced repetition. She has also made teachers, parents, community members, and “Reading is important, because being able to through her appbuilding class during Dordt a program to help her memorize large chunks of legislators to do more. understand and evaluate the ideas around you Discovery Days. If a girl signs up for Dordt scripture word for word. “It’s like a vehicle for other learning,” said Dr. enables you to be more informed in the choices Discovery Days and chooses to take this class, Although Elizabeth has already seen the Gwen Marra, Professor of Education. “When you have to make in your daily life,” said they will find that the cost for their week of minority of females in her field of study, she you learn how to read and master that skill or Jennifer Breems, Director of Library Services camp has been covered by this grant. has no fear about her gender affecting a future develop proficiency, then it makes your learning at Dordt. “Reading can increase your empathy The number of girls that take App Building career. “I’m not worried about my chances of in other areas easier.” for other people and help you see things from has increased from one to eight over the past getting a job or being respected, as long as I put The Iowa Early Literacy Law, adopted in other people’s point of view.” three years. While none of these students have the work into it and have a good background.” 2012, requires that statewide progress in graduated yet, they are experimenting and The ratio of men to women in STEM fields reading be measured three times a year in K-3 learning what it is they enjoy doing. is beginning to pull more even, though the students. This screening includes Iowa school “Computer science is now being recognized as mindsets within those programs don’t change districts as well as private schools. The law a needed skill, beyond just math and reading,” nearly as quickly, according to Professor also requires schools to provide “persistently at said Sandouka. Sandouka. “You [females] have to learn to not risk” students with summer reading programs Over the last few years, the state of Iowa has just take the teasing, but also give it back. At and requires that retention be considered for made it mandatory for math teachers to teach the same time, guys learn a different way. They third grade students who fail to meet necessary a programming class to high school students. can’t just be boys in a classroom.” standards. · News· page 2

9/11 perspective: may we never forget Caleb Pollema -- Staff Writer many lives lost that day. Every square inch of attacks. the museum seemed to have some symbolic My parents remember all the American flags meaning tied to the attacks. You get a lump in throughout our neighborhood, praying with your throat and emotion overtakes you when neighbors, and lighting candles on our front you stand under the exact spots where each porch. plane crashed into each building. I was only two at the time of the attacks, and Various pieces of debris along with the famous I often wonder what it would have been like steel beam cross that was erected at the site to have been older when they happened. What of the attacks fill the museum and each piece would it have been like to not only remember seems to have its own story to tell. that day, but to remember September 11th both My favorite part of the museum was a special at the sites of the attacks and across the country? exhibit on the post-9/11 effects of sports. What would that tremendous sense of The attacks postponed games in the NFL comradery and patriotism across our great and ultimately lead to one of the most iconic nation have felt like. I feel as if each political ceremonial first pitches of all time by then party would do itself a tremendous service President George W. Bush at a Yankees and if it remembered those days after 9/11 when Diamondbacks World Series game. there was a great sense of unity regardless of I could go on about the details of the museum, political affiliation because we were all simply but I think that it is best that I save that for Americans. another day. As the years go by less people will remember After I exited the museum, my dad and I went what it was like to live in a pre-9/11 world. up to the observation deck of the new One World People will not know what it was like to go Trade Center which offers a beautiful view of through airports without all the stringent Contributed Photo the New York City skyline with hundreds of security measures. People have forgotten what Sometimes we forget how fragile life is and iconic sites and buildings. a world without terrorism was like. how easily it can be taken away from us. These attacks resulted in a catastrophic loss The whole experience of the day was I think people have also unfortunately For the 2,977 Americans who died on of life and shook the heart of every American overwhelming for me, but it took an even forgotten what it was like to live after 9/11. September 11, 2001, this was their harsh reality. to the core because of the undoubted personal, greater toll on my parents. Both ended the day People have forgotten what it was like to Hijackers took control of four commercial economic, and social effects that they had with teary and red eyes as they recollected what come together over shared values regardless airliners and crashed one into the North Tower caused. that day was like even all the way across the of political ties. People have forgotten that yes of the World Trade Center, one into the South This past summer, my family and I had the country in my home state of California. united we stand, but also divided we fall. Tower of the World Trade Center, one into the honor and privilege of getting to go to the 9/11 My parents told me and my sister of how they I hope that we will never forget 9/11 and its Pentagon in Washington D.C. and one crashed Memorial and Museum in New York City. This remember that day and the obvious sorrow and tremendous effects on us as a nation. For the in a field after passengers on board revolted was one of the most humbling experiences in anger that it caused in them both. But what sake of the many lives lost that day let us regain against the men who overtook the pilot and my life thus far. struck me was not their recollections of that and relive our memories of 9/11 for the 2,977 crew. The museum is a beautiful tribute to the day, but their memory of the days following the Americans who cannot. A wild Week of Welcome On with the show: students Danielle Schultz and Sarah Widener -- Staff to embrace this diversity, Seaman explained, Writers “We were more aware of some of the verbiage ready to pop this weekend we were using. We avoided saying ‘freshman’ and ‘4 years.’ Instead, we said ‘incoming class’ Benjamin Boersma -- Staff Writer has the final say. or ‘first year students’ on all of our documents “Some of the music he selects is already in and in our verbiage.” This Friday evening, a decades-long tradition our library, some may be ordered, but some we WoW leader Chloe Hansum said all WoW returns to the B. J. Haan Auditorium. Featuring simply rent for this pops concert,” said Seaman. staff members are asked to fill out a survey both the Dordt College Combined Band Besides the music, another favorite is the expressing what went well and what could use and Chamber Orchestra, the theme of this costume contest. Each section of the band and improvement. year’s pops concert is On with the Show! and orchestra dresses up as if they were part of While it is great to have staff feedback, there will include selections from many popular the movie or musical. The principal player of is a bigger question: what did the participants Broadway musicals. each section is in charge of coordinating the think about Week of Welcome? “The concert has been around longer than I costumes of his or her section. Freshman Sarah Holmberg approved. have been,” said Dr. Bradley Miedema, who “There’s a lot of crazy things that happen,” “I liked it a lot,” she said. “It was good because directs both ensembles for the concert. “The said Miedema. “I enjoy seeing their creative they tried to get you surrounded by people right previous director had established that tradition, abilities in a fun, lighthearted way.” away.” Although, she did admit that there were and so I continued doing it when I took over in The concert will begin at 7:00 Friday evening. “almost too many activities.” 2008. It’s been around since at least the 1990’s.” “I think it’s a great way to get students Abigail Barrientos agreed. “It was really fun! This concert is the first major performance of working together towards a common purpose,” I feel like--they were too interested in keeping the band and orchestra during the school year. said Miedema. “Regardless of their year or us busy so we weren’t homesick, so much so Daniel Seaman, who is part of the pops concert major, they are investing their time and talents that I was overwhelmed. But I did have fun and planning committee, explained what happens to do something in an excellent fashion. This met a lot of friendly people. My WoW group behind the scenes. concert wouldn’t happen without that.” was awesome!” “We start talking about details in May before Although she felt the same, Antonia Celaya school starts,” he said. “We worked slowly Photo by Emma Stoltzfus embraced the craziness. “I liked the high energy over the course of the summer and then more and how they kept us going all the time. It was efficiently once school started to ensure the “For them, it was a physical, emotional, and hard to be stressed out about school starting.” details were in place.” spiritual punch to the face.” Most students fell somewhere into one of these One of these details is who the hosts will This is what East Hall Resident Assistant categories—acknowledging the exhaustion and be. This year they will be Zach Dirksen and Kade Krosschell said of students’ responses to occasional awkwardness of WoW, but also Nicholas Schnell. Week of Welcome (WoW) here at Dordt this deeming it fun and helpful. “I was friends with previous hosts, and I had year. “It’s a time where we show an aspect of Although their general consensus of WOW jokingly asked them to put in a good word for life that you haven’t really seen or experienced lined up with Dordt’s goals, some of these me to host this year,” said Dirksen. “I didn’t before, where you are free to be who you want incoming students also expressed things they think it would actually happen. When I got the to be. And to give students a welcome to Dordt.” would like to see changed. news that it had, I was surprised.” WoW coordinator Daniel Seaman said, “My Barrientos admitted it might be helpful to slow Usually the hosts are recommended by the end goal is that each new student arrives on down WoW. “Maybe just don’t throw all the previous year’s hosts, although co-host Schnell campus and has a sense that they are valued as activities, rules and information at us at once,” had a somewhat different story. an individual.” she said. “We need more time to process.” “I had just gotten done with my alto saxophone The official purpose of WoW, as defined Celaya thought it might be a good idea to jury at the end of last year, and as I was walking by WoW director Eric Tudor is to “eagerly preview the WOW Olympics the night before out Dr. Miedema came up to me and asked me incorporate incoming students into the “to get people excited” and “so they would if I would be interested in being a host,” he said. community of Dordt College and prepare them know what they were doing.” Once the planning committee and hosts are for their collegiate experience.” Incoming student Yuji Seo commented that selected, work begins on choosing music. This year, there were roughly 390 WOW individual WoW groups should spend more “We don’t get much rehearsal time with each attendees representing 4th, 3rd, and 2nd year time together. “We don’t have any special time group,” said Miedema. “I try to find what music students along with transfer, international, to focus on getting to know others really well.” is the best fit with a good variety within each and exchange students. Seaman mentioned According to these incoming students, group.” this was different from previous years in that it appears that WoW achieves its goal of The planning committee usually recommends “all international and exchange students were introducing new students to Dordt life. Week of music titles based on suggestions from the involved this year.” In regards to changes made Welcome continues to be a success. ensembles the year before, although Miedema Photo by Retasya Badudu · News· page 3

Supreme Court: a heated confirmation hearing still boils Harrison Burns -- Staff Writer result in, stating, “You know I used to worry Supreme Court Justice, lamented this lack of that they wanted to turn the clock back to the bipartisanship, “That’s the way it should be, 1950s, now I worry they want to turn it back to instead of what it’s become, which is a highly the 1850s.” She joins many of the detractors on partisan show. The Republicans move in the left, who oppose him on the grounds of his lockstep, and so do the Democrats.” political bias particularly on social issues like But while the contentious nature of the abortion, same-sex marriage and gun-control. hearing has drawn attention, some point out that This conflict came to a head when Kavanaugh’s partisanship is not a new development within Senate confirmation hearing commenced on Trump’s presidency. September 4th. On the first day alone, local “That kind of resistance to approving the police arrested more than 70 protesters during nominee of the president in the office of the the proceedings. Tensions flared even during Supreme Court by the opposition party, that the standard procedures, with likely Democratic really started back in the 1980’s… with Robert presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Cory Bork,” Taylor remarked when discussing Booker making extensive critiques of both the Kavanaugh. Bork was the first in a long line candidate and the hearing process. of both conservative and liberal judges to be In particular, Senator Booker made a dramatic vehemently opposed for the sake of attacking scene when he announced that he would be the opposite party, and it seems this most recent releasing classified documents concerning hearing is following that pattern. Kavanaugh to the public. Booker himself But just as the hearings winded down, Senator described this breaking of Senate rules as, “This Diane Feinstein revealed an unexpected and is probably the closest I’ll ever have in my life potentially lethal twist to stop Kavanaugh’s Contributed Photo to a ‘I am Spartacus’ moment.” confirmation. An originally anonymous While some praised this as a courageous source accused Kavanaugh of serious sexual Judge Kavanaugh’s path for Supreme Court action, others criticized it as mere political misconduct when he was in high school. The the strong support and criticism Kavanaugh confirmation has been filled with heated conflict theater. Professor from the Dordt source was later revealed as Christine Blasey would face from the country’s political leaders and unexcepted controversies, placing it in College Political Science Department had a Ford, who released a letter detailing the and commentators. Most conservatives the center of Capital Hill’s spotlight in recent similar view when discussing the drama. accused assault she experienced by the then- defended the nominee, citing his emphasis weeks. Even with Judge Anthony Kennedy’s “Politicians, regardless of their party, do a seventeen-year-old Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh on strict adherence to the Constitution. This retirement announcement in late June, the lot of grandstanding in these kind of public unconditionally denied the accusation in a support was encapsulated in House Leader Paul vacant seat has been the subject of keen hearings… I see [releasing documents] as more statement. Ryan’s statement following the nomination, interest. Interest only increased with President of a gimmick he used as he’s getting ready to The accusation is currently being “Kavanaugh has shown that Constitutional Trump’s announcement a week later that Brett run for president,” Taylor said. investigated by the FBI and Senate with principles are the ultimate guide for his Kavanaugh would be the nominee to replace This heightened partisanship on display is more information likely to be revealed in the opinions.” him. often cited as a symptom of the Trump-era coming weeks, leaving Kavanaugh’s already On the other hand, Hillary Clinton voiced her The following weeks set the stage for both of politics. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a current contentious confirmation more uncertain. fear of what Kavanaugh’s confirmation would

Beyond the cornfields Suicide rates rise Tess Hemmila -- Staff Writer people do not fully appreciate the beauty and Tess Hemmila -- Staff Writer significance of Mexican culture. The term ‘Hispanic’ unites many people Recently, the film industry has used movies many students are trying to decide on a life- groups and nations around the world. The like Disney Pixar’s “Coco” to bring attention long career and are facing constant pressure importance of this word can be lost because it to ’s rich history, customs, and culture. to succeed in their classes. With the stressful is too often used incorrectly or interchangeably While these movies are helping to bring demands of college life, it is not uncommon with ‘Latinx.’ Yet, in truth, Hispanic is simply Mexican culture into the mainstream, it is for students to neglect their mental health or to a catch-all term for all Spanish speaking important to realize that these films only show write off their concerns. Unfortunately, some countries. a small part of the massive sphere of Mexican students feel that they will be judged for their To recognize the beautiful history and culture. mental health struggles or choose to ignore their influence of Hispanic countries, the United Beyond Mexico, there are many Hispanic issues all together. States celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month from nationalities and cultures that have left a mark According to social work professor Tara Boer, Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. This month is dedicated on U.S. culture. Central and South American one way to confront suicide and mental health to acknowledging the incredible impact that influences are increasingly prevalent in the issues is to start honest conversations around Hispanics have had on the nation and to U.S. Yet, because the United States is a country campus. remember the cultures that have been integrated populated by immigration, sometimes cultures “There’s a lot of stigma about mental health into U.S. culture. are blended, misunderstood, or forgotten for various reasons,” said Boer. “If students The United States has a wide range of altogether. are willing to be vulnerable and share their nationalities and ethnicities mixed into its According to Paraguayan student Jazmin connected struggles, it’s possible that we could population, including a very large Hispanic Mendieta Gauto, it is important to appreciate overcome that stigma.” community. According to Pew Research Center, the individual cultures that have impacted Students around campus can help prevent Hispanics make up nearly 20 percent of the U.S. the United States and not to forget their suicide by learning the warning signs of population and are the largest minority group in contributions. someone who is struggling with their mental the country, as of 2016. “We need to celebrate this month because the health. Some of the most common signs include: drastic change in appearance, sudden Because of our shared border, the largest cornfields in Iowa are so big that sometimes you Contributed Photo Hispanic nationality in the U.S. is Mexican. forget that there’s something beyond them,” loss of interest in hobbies, withdrawing from Mexican culture has been a part of American said Mendieta Gauto. “The richness of the friends or social situations, and loss of appetite. culture for hundreds of years, especially in culture, food, and music in Spanish speaking Suicide affects the lives of thousands of Students can help support their friends by the Southwestern states. In some regions of countries can be quite unknown on this campus; people across the nation. Because of the far- being open in conversation and by monitoring the U.S., aspects of Mexican culture, such as not because opportunities to experience these reaching repercussions of suicide, September for warning signs, but it is also important for Mexican food, Mexican music, and even the cultures are not out there, but because we don’t is dedicated as National Suicide Prevention students to know their boundaries. Ideally, a celebration of quinceañeras, are a part of daily know how to explore a mind that’s different Month. student who is feeling unstable should be sent to life. Despite this blending of cultures, many from our own.” Suicide rates in the United States have been Dordt’s counselors in student health to get help on the rise for years. According to the National from a mental health professional. Institute of Mental Health, the United States According to psychology professor Mark suicide rate has increased by over 28 percent in Christians, it is crucial that people know when the last 20 years. Because of this rising number, they are out of their depth and tell someone. suicide is listed by the CDC as the tenth leading “Know your limitations,” said Christians. cause of death in the U.S. “As a friend, you can only provide a certain The statistics are even more staggering for amount of support. If someone you know is an the college demographic. According to the immediate danger to themselves, ready to take American Association of Suicidology, suicide their own life, don’t feel like you can talk them was the second leading cause of death for young out of it. Just call 911 right away.” adults, 15 to 24 years old, in the U.S. as of 2016. Suicide has taken the lives of tens of thousands * If you are struggling with your mental of young adults in the last decade. According health, you can set up an appointment with to the College Degree Search Network, student health through DCC or call (712)-722- approximately 1,100 college students commit 6990 suicide every year. * National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800- College students are no stranger to pressure; 273-8255 · News· page 4

New grinds at the coffee shop Looking back: Doon oil spill Emma Stoltzfus -- Staff Writer sophomore year. They both work at the Bunsen Alex Van Den Top -- Staff Writer Brew. When asked about students having difficulty ordering drinks by their Spanish label, the two laughed and said that while some try, most order in English. Lenderink claims to like the new brand, “I love the chocolate [café con chocolate] especially if you add a little bit of flavoring” She also commented on how much better the new machines work than the old ones. “There would be problems every shift and they knew they had to get something new.” The new artwork displayed in 55th Avenue actually isn’t all that new. Van Eps explained how board members found a large picture of Dordt’s layout behind a fridge while they painted the walls. It now rests in a place of honor on the fresh grey paint of 55th. Photo by Emma Stoltzfus Beyond the new coffee and decorations, Dordt College’s coffee shops have a new look DCBC is looking at making some updates and flavor. within the club itself. According to Van Eps, the Over the summer the Dordt College Business club is hoping to create an added focus on their Club (DCBC) made numerous updates to the members beyond the big field trip and shifts in Photo by KTTC Newsroom appearance of 55th Avenue—including a paint the coffee shops. Ideas include speakers and June 22, 2018, will be a date that’s hard to job and new artwork. workshops that will help build a stronger core forget in northwest Iowa. According to reports Leloux said the fumes from the oil were so bad The new brand—Café Bustelo—brings with within the club. posted by the Des Moines Register, a 31-car that BNSF personnel nearly advised an entire it updated coffee machines that can make ten While the DCBC moves forward in their derailment on the BNSF railway in the Doon/ evacuation of the city. different drinks. Bright red and yellow menus changes, bright red and yellow cups are seen all Rock Valley area spilled over 200,000 gallons Despite being plagued with a disastrous next to the register display an image-based over campus. of crude oil into small-town communities in the concoction of floodwaters and oil, the small- selection of drinks under English and Spanish dead of night. town community came together to get the labels. The accident occurred after the Siouxland mess cleaned up. According to Leloux, BNSF The new drinks can be hot or iced and come area saw days of heavy rain, which caused personnel were wary of Doon residents during in different ratios of milk, coffee, and chocolate. floodwaters to cover the train tracks. According the initial stages of cleanup, fearing it would be According to Bethany Eps, co-president of to Doon resident Jacob Leloux, most of the a similar scene to the Dakota Access Pipeline DCBC, the decision to switch coffee brands residents did not even know that it happened. protests. Instead, they were greeted with food. came about due to a combination of problems “Around 4:30 in the morning, one of our Lots of it. with the previous machines and consideration neighbors started pounding on our door telling “They actually thought we might’ve put of student input. By the final board meeting of us there had been a train accident,” Leloux said. something in [the food] and made some of the last semester, the decision had been narrowed “I have an uncle who owns most of the property guys lower down on the totem pole try it out down to two brands. “We decided to go with where the spill happened, and it [his property] first,” Leloux said with a smile. “When nothing Café Bustelo because it was fun and brilliant just happened to be able to contain [the spill] happened to them, they figured it was safe to and something we wanted” Van Eps said. very well. The oil that didn’t get contained got eat.” Leloux added that most of the community The new brand actually shrunk DCBC’s profit carried downstream. Not much of it got into felt the railway was not at fault. margin, but Van Eps said the club had built up people’s basements.” Although the uncommon kindness of Doon enough profit to do something really special for The plot of land mentioned by Leloux helped the coordination and organization of the students. happened to be a lifesaver for BNSF; it kept cleanup efforts, the town still has a long way Breanna Sterenberg and Cassie Lenderink the oil contained within a small area. While to go. It could be as long as 18 months before are both junior accounting majors who have the majority of Doon citizens did not have to the area of the spill is completely cleared of oil. been working with the business club since their deal with cleaning oil out of their basements, Photo by Emma Stoltzfus Rice to spice up Grille menu Learning to live with ADHD Juliana Martinez -- Staff Writer Evangeline Colarossi -- Staff Writer directions well. “I realized that I’m always asking for help Studies show that the rate of ADHD has risen while I’m reading instructions on assignments. significantly over the last 20 years. One in every Always,” she said. 10 students has been diagnosed in ADHD. As Sometimes she just needs someone to sit a majority of Dordt’s students range from 18 down with her and talk her through what is to 23 years of age, their generation falls in the needed on a homework assignment, project, or middle of this trend. piano piece. The Affordable Healthcare Act has shown that “I learn better when someone helps me. I the rates doubled in girls, though the rate of probably won’t develop what I really need to boys with ADHD remained higher. The number learn if I do it by myself.” Contributed Photo of diagnosed cases may have risen significantly The Academic Enrichment Center (AEC) Rice bowls: they’re everywhere. From due to minority groups receiving more available focuses on helping any student that shows salad. Mexican food restaurants, such as Chipotle and healthcare over the last two decades. interest in academic assistance. The AEC has Although the new salads and rice bowls have Qdoba, to Mediterranean choices, like Roti, to The United States has the highest rate of audio textbooks, voice to text, and text to voice been a big hit, some students did not realize Korean variations, like Yum Yum, rice bowls diagnosed cases of ADHD worldwide. Questions software for students who learn or accomplish that the rice bowls were offered during meal are here to stay and are now making their debut have risen about misdiagnoses because of this. more through non-traditional methods. The exchange, and others have not tried the new at Dordt College. Symptoms could simply be personality traits as AEC offers accommodations that students can options. The Grille offers bowls with quinoa and opposed to actual markers of ADHD. “It might apply for, such as taking tests at the AEC in a Released last spring, the Eatable app’s mobile rice as a base with three options for protein, be an epidemic of diagnosing ADHD,” said silent testing space or using a large white board order feature creates an extra challenge for including two types of chicken and one type Stephen Hinshaw, an author who specializes to write out thought processes. This provides Grille employees. But at large, the app has been of beef. There are four different sauces to give in ADHD. It could also be a result of doctors a contained atmosphere without distractions very helpful for students running for meals in the bowls extra flavor and various options for recognizing symptoms and identifying ADHD but where a student can fidget all they need between classes. Jensen said that by the end of vegetables. To top it off, the entree is completed more as they study it further. without being distracted by or interrupting last spring, about six sandwiches were made per with peanuts or garlic and served with an egg ADHD will not affect your acceptance to other students. The AEC also has ways to record minute during the busy hours, “the Defender, of roll on the side. Dordt, but it may affect your study habits. lectures for future reference and gathers notes course, being the most popular” sub choice. “Some people called me genius for switching Raegan Kromendyke, a sophomore at Dordt, from other students to share with those that While we cannot expect to see any changes to it,” said Jake Jensen, Grille retail manager. has found ways to improve her learning abilities struggle with note-taking skills. in the main menu, we may start to see some Jensen noted that they serve about 100 bowls despite her ADHD. She finds that color-coding “ADHD just means sometimes you can’t focus slight variations in toppings for the rice bowls per day, not to mention the 200-250 sandwiches her notes and classes helps her to focus on one and sometimes you’re a little too hyper,” said and salads as early as November. Although Grille workers crank out in the afternoons. The subject at a time. Like many other students, Raegan. “I’m very open about having ADHD some students complain that there is too much Grille has also expanded its menu to include Kromendyke works best in certai places. There because it’s something that people don’t always sauce or not enough chicken, these rice bowls three hand tossed salads, each of which has a are some projects that she has to accomplish realize will affect your learning. Sometimes are selling quickly and will become a staple for variety of toppings and specialty dressings. alone with no distractions. ADHD just isn’t that visible.” the Dordt College Grille. “It was like the best salad I’ve ever had,” said In ED 145, Kromendyke learned that ADHD sophomore Selena Munson about the Uptown students sometimes struggle to pick out · News· page 5

A family affair: Dordt welcomes new ag professors Sarah Widener -- Staff Writer understand concepts and practices that seem their vision, and how they’re maintaining the opinions. overwhelming or complex, and breaking them integrity of the culture and the faith. There’s lots What are you hoping to make happen here down in a manageable way they can understand. of other colleges and universities that started as, at Dordt in the next few years? So that’s how I got into this my interest in religious institutions but now have gotten away Spring: Short term I want to develop teaching. It’s always kind of been something from that. I appreciate the reform perspective relationships with students that build to trust I’ve enjoyed doing even in my role as a lawyer. that they’ve established. and mentoring opportunities. Long term, to be Where did you go to school? Spring: There is also the unique aspect that able to grow and expand the department and Kyle: I went to Lincoln for undergrad law there were two perfect job openings within the strengthen course offerings. school and then Texas Tech for my masters. same department. Kyle: I think there are some markets out Spring: I went to Dordt College for my What are you enjoying most in the classes there that don’t realize that Dordt is a Christian undergrad, completed my masters at Michigan you are currently teaching? college with a full Ag program and we State, and achieved my doctorate at Texas Tech. Spring: I enjoy the interaction with the have opportunities for growth. We offer the What was your favorite part of college? students. perspective that nobody else can there’s all sorts Spring: The relationships and mentors. Kyle: The opportunity to learn from each of resources out there on the technical aspects of Kyle: I enjoyed the lifestyle of being a student other. things but they’re not offering the perspective and learning. How have you seen God working here? that Dordt does. It would be great to utilize our If you were giving advice to a college student Spring: People are genuinely interested in niche market and grow the program. on how to succeed academically, spiritually, how we’re doing and have been offering help if When students graduate, what is one thing and emotionally, what would you say? we need anything. you would want them to take with them from Spring: Well, first is that you recognize that Kyle: Lots of people are involved on campus your teaching? your passion can be your calling. I would also or in foster care and adopted have reached out. Spring: I want them to have the excitement Contributed Photo encourage integrity in all of those areas. It’s just been really cool to make that connection that comes with align their passion and their Kyle: If you have a passion for something and with so many people. calling along with critical thinking skills. you are good at it, then pursue it. Don’t think What is your personal mission statement Kyle: I want my students to understand the law Dordt welcomes husband and wife team that you have to do something just because towards ag? of unintended consequences. Issues whatever professor Kyle Dahl and professor Spring you have to make money, or because you’re Spring: I want to be very proactive in they are aren’t simple. You just can’t say oh Dahl to the agriculture department. Professor obligated by other pressures, whether societal addressing current Ag issues and working this is good and that’s a bad it’s a little more Kyle Dahl has advanced degrees from both or family. Trust that the Lord has a plan for you. in consumer interests and on taking that complex than that. You have to understand that the University of Nebraska and Texas Tech Also, you may start heading one way and end communication gap between producers and if you do something over here there’s going to University. Professor Spring Dahl has a PhD up somewhere else. Lots of people who thought consumers down. be an impact over here. Nothing happens in a from Texas Tech University and a MS from they were going to do one thing end up doing Kyle: I want to get students to think critically, vacuum. Michigan State University. something completely different and that’s okay. because you don’t know what the next What have you learned from your past jobs? generation is going to face. If we have the right Professor Spring is teaching orientation What inspired you to work in agriculture? Spring: As an outbreak investigator, I learned framework, and we’re able to think critically and Ag safety along with principles of swine Spring: Working with people and animals and more about the networking of the food industry about things, we can address these issue instead management this semester. Professor Kyle is food industry has been a lifelong passion for me. within production agriculture. I took that into of being blown by the winds of trends and teaching marketing of agricultural production. My parents did a very good job of interpreting teaching online. I’ve been teaching online for “Train up a child the way they should go” by 12 years for a couple of different universities encouraging my interests and passions as much and at the same time being mom and doing as my behavior. some consulting and managing. Being mom is Kyle: My passion for agriculture was sort actually probably where I have learned the most of the later in life revelation. I had a small because of serious issues that our kids have with town solo law practice in Nebraska. It was food. I put a lot of my research background into my interaction with clients, helping farmers figuring out what was going on with the kids with estate planning, business management, regarding food. signing up for entities, and things like that that Kyle: What I’ve learned from my different interested me in agriculture. Also, Spring, while experiences in different jobs is that it’s about she was in grad school, influenced me from our the relationship with the person you’re working conversations, which is how I ended up getting with. That was where I found the fulfillment. a master’s degree in food sciences. It wasn’t in the subject matter but in the What is one life experience that really relationships with the people. shaped you into who you now are? Can you tell me a little bit about your kids? Spring: Being homeschooled which allowed Spring: We have seven kids that call me mom. for my involvement level in 4-H and a focus We have two biological, three that are adopted on animals and animal sciences. Also my from foster care, and two that we are fostering. undergrad experience at Dordt helped me to see What age range do your kids fit in? Ag as both a calling and as a passion. Spring: 11 to six weeks. Kyle: Throughout my practice, I found what What made you both decide to teach at I really enjoyed was working with people Dordt? Contributed Photo and explaining things to them, helping them Kyle: I appreciate what Dordt is doing with

Dordt Dining serves record numbers at annual scholarship banquet

Elizabeth Helmkamp -- Staff Writer meal and fellowship with their table. The end Sneller also noted, “And then of course the Rec best ever. Our student testimonials were so of the meal was marked by a speech given by Center and Joe and Jeff Gomer helped make thoughtful and well done. Our musicians did On Friday, September 14th, Dordt held its President Erik Hoekstra. Following this, the rest sure everything was ready for us.” “It’s a huge professional performances that will long be annual Scholarship Banquet at the Recreation of the evening was spent listening to student effort on everybody’s part,” said Lawrence. “It remembered”. De Witt expressed. “Our donors Center. The Scholarship Banquet is the largest and donor testimonials, as well as musical takes the whole Dordt community, everybody and guests love hearing from them as well as event Dordt Dining hosts, according to Nick performances by select scholarship recipients. involved to make it a success,” agreed Sneller. their own student scholarship recipients. That’s Lawrence from Dordt Creative Dining. The The Scholarship Banquet requires a lot of This year, the banquet was bigger than the best part of doing events like this. People banquet is also the only one that is “plated”. effort behind the scenes to go smoothly. “I would previous years. “Our counts grew dramatically,” leave loving Dordt College even more”. “Plated” means that the dishes are served to the say that the hardest part and most stressful on said Sneller. “Almost by a hundred,” added Sneller said, “Everyone got meals, nobody diners on plates, rather than having the diners my side, would be making sure that we have Lawrence. Continuing, Sneller revealed, “So dropped any platers that they were carrying receive their food buffet style in a line like other enough staff.” Said Mindi Sneller, from Dordt we had to make some adjustments on our end with all the food, so that is always a success.” large events Dordt Dining hosts. Creative Dining. “It’s chaotic, a controlled chaos with , because we don’t have enough Summarizing his opinion on how the banquet Over 100 students and donors attended really,” added Lawrence. Continuing, Sneller china to do such a large, large group like that. went, Lawrence remarked, “I think at the end the banquet this year according to Diane De said, “We could not do it without our Dordt So that was one of the hic—I don’t even want of the day, the client(s were) pleased with the Witt, Signature Events Coordinator from the family here, and without all of the willingness to call it a hiccup, that was just a blessing, it event, and it was a good showing of Dordt for Advancement Department. Students and donors and eagerness of people to help us get through grew, but we had to adjust what we did so that all the donors and sponsors and everybody else were given nametags and sat according to the event.” According to Sneller, 65 work study it could still work”. De Witt confirmed that the that were there.” which scholarship they received or were donors students plus Advancement Staff worked the Scholarship Banquet had 100 more attendees for. After the attendees were situated, there event. The basketball, softball, and football than ever before. was a devotion and the meal began. Students teams helped out as well, and were able to raise Encapsulating the event, De Witt said, “I and donors were able to share a three-course some money for their teams at the same time. thought [this year’s banquet] was one of the · Opinion· page 6

The importance of Crazy Rich Asians

Danielle Schultz -- Staff Writer Directed by Jon Chu and starring Constance they’re doing” in the film compared to other Wu, Henry Golding, Michelle Yeoh, and Hollywood movies he’s seen. Gemma Chan, among others, Crazy Rich “It feels good because I am an Asian. I saw one Asians is a huge step forward to having more or two Asian actor or actress in a Hollywood Asian representation in Hollywood films. film, but this is my first time to see an all-Asian “This shows—once again, with emphasis— cast in a Hollywood film,”said Juhun Kim, a that true diversity matters,” producer Brad junior at Dordt. Simpson told the New York Times. “Audiences When asked if he thought it would lead to are tired of seeing the same stories with the more diversity in Hollywood films, Riadi said same characters, and we have to give people “Definitely. It’s a start. Asian casts are not a reason to get off their couch or devices. We common. People felt excited.” have to give them something different.” Belicia agreed. “Because it’s so popular, it Crazy Rich Asians success is especially would encourage more filmmakers to step up visible with the trend of whitewashing Asian and cast more Asians. They [people] appreciate characters, such as the casting of Tilda Swinton the message of it or maybe they are curious as the “Ancient One” in Doctor Strange, or about the diversity.” the casting of Scarlett Johansson as Motoku In August, before the release of the film, Chu Kusanagi in Ghost in the Shell. had told The New York Times, “If we make Director Jon Chu is hopeful this will lead to a decent showing on that first weekend, there more diverse casting in Hollywood films. are like six Asian-American lead movies set “I hope in ten years, we look back at this up at different studios. They’re not greenlit. moment and we forget all about it. We’re Everyone’s waiting to see how this one does. Contributed Photo Based on author Kevin Kwan’s international like, that was a thing? An all-Asian cast was a But if this one does well, we’ll immediately bestseller, the romantic comedy that is Crazy Crazy Rich Asians follows New York thing?” Director Chu told CBS News. have more chances. And if it doesn’t, we’ll just Rich Asians became the first Hollywood film economics professor Rachel Chu as she agrees As far as initial reactions go, Dordt sophomore have to do it again.” since 1993 to have an all-Asian cast, earning to travel to Singapore with her long-time Yovela Belicia was “surprised…how they It’s safe to say that Crazy Rich Asians is doing more than $26 million at the box office its boyfriend, Nick Young, to his best friend’s [the filmmakers] kept the cultural aspects more than well at the box office. Just to prove opening weekend after it was released August wedding. Little does she know that Nick’s authentic,” including food and scenery not it, two more movies featuring Asian leads, To 15th. family is extremely wealthy and prestigious, typical of the Western worldview Hollywood All the Boys I’ve Loved Before starring Lana The film has not lost momentum. Currently, it and Nick is one of the island’s most popular films usually adopt. “It made me feel proud of Condor and Searching starring John Cho, have has earned more than $143 million domestically bachelors. She is thrown into a world of high- my heritage,” she said, referring to her home since been released on both Netflix and the big and $174 million worldwide, stealing the stakes and deception as she tries to navigate country of Indonesia. screen. number one position at the box office three her relationship with Nick’s disproving mother, Likewise, sophomore David Riadi commented Hopefully there are more to come. weeks in a row. Eleanor. that he could better “relate to some of the stuff New DCC website fails to impress, yet New coach, Emma Stoltzfus -- Staff Writer new challenge Alex Van Den Top -- Staff Writer

Brian Van Haaften is Dordt’s new head coach of men’s basketball. He has some big expectations, starting with being a top four team in the GPAC. “I think we are a very dangerous team with good balance that can compete night in and night out,” Van Haaften said. “We got a lot of young athletic players that Ross Douma and the coaching staff did a great job last season getting the younger guys in, and I think we’re in a real good place to compete this year.” Last season, the varsity men’s basketball team finished 12-19 overall (6-12 in the GPAC conference). However, Van Haaften plans on turning things around. Racking up over 400 wins and a little under 200 losses over the course of 10 years with Buena Vista, it’s apparent he knows how to win. He also stacked up five consecutive Iowa conference tourneys from 2001-2006. After having so much success with the Buena Vista basketball program over a decade, what’s the cause for the change of scenery for Coach Van Haaften? While it may take more than one The other day I was sitting in the Fruited Plain He told me that about 75% of Dordt students Photo by Sawyer Strelnieks interview to answer that question, according Café and looking at my financial statement now access the DCC website from mobile to him he’s just looking forward to a new at Dordt. Sipping my $1.50 latte (props of devices. While I personally don’t use the DCC themselves. How soon that will come to fruition challenge. bringing my own mug on $2 latte Tuesday) I website on my phone, apparently around a is a whole other thing, as Dadisman said other “I’m looking forward to finding a new way scrolled through and clicked on the “accept or thousand of my fellow Dordt students do. tasks—like missing or broken links—take of coaching. It’s a young man’s game,” He reject awards” button in the financial aid home Van Donselaar also informed me that the top priority at the moment. added with a dry smile, “and I’m not a young page. It directed me to the Commons breakfast four types of feedback they’ve received on the When I first came across my breakfast-menu man anymore, but I’m still looking forward to menu for October 31st, 2017. new DCC are about the yellowish-not-quite- financial aid I had a bit of a laugh, showed it to coaching in a different way and the different Houston, we have a problem. Dordt- color, the learning curve of a new my roommate, and moved on. challenges that they may present.” As users of the new Dordt College Central site, how it works way better on mobile, and That was the wrong move. With GPAC conference basketball right (DCC) website, you’ve probably already that it seems faster. When I spoke to Van Donselaar he asked for around the corner, we will see how Brian Van encountered this on some level or another. If After the departure of one of the main my feedback and—when I mentioned what Haaften handles his new position. you haven’t noticed, evidently Dordt also has designers behind the website and since the start I found—if I had done anything with that For more information, you can listen in to the new school colors: a lovely neon yellow and of the fall semester, Mark Dadisman is the new information. full podcast feature of Coach Van Haaften on minty blue. We have a new website, and it’s not kid on the block in computer services. A Dordt At that point I realized that I was not helping our website dordtdiamond.com. behaving very well. graduate himself, Dadisman’s current projects matters at all by not reporting issues to computer I went over to computer services to see what include setting up the Dordt forums and fixing services. was up. various broken and missing links. According While DCC definitely has issues, take a lesson Brian Van Donselaar is the director of Dordt’s to him, many of the pages were scrambled in from my case of breakfast-menu financials and computer services and answered some of my transitioning information between the old and report any problems you find. very much not-tech-savvy-questions. I learned new DCC websites. While it might bug you to see that not-Dordt- that in building the new DCC over the past six The department is currently working on the yellow, it’ll help in the long run. Who knows, months, computer services had two goals: make problems, Van Donselaar assured me, and is maybe it’ll help speed things along and we’ll it mobile-friendly and improve navigation. Van even looking at eventually putting together a get our precious Dordt gold back. Until then, Donselaar believes they’ve succeeded on both customizable color scheme option. This would it’s harder for computer services to fix what counts. allow users to personalize the colors on DCC they don’t know about. Photo courtesy of BVU’s The Tack · Arts & Entertainment· page 7 · Arts & Entertainment· page 8

Oscars: the unpopularity of Paul McCartney: No. 1 again

Garth Van Donselaar and Zach Steensma -- Staff the popular film category Writer Harrison Burns -- Staff Writer Volkers, Dordt digital media professor, pointed Egypt Station boasts a triumphant return The Academy Awards announced that the out one problem with the announcement, “I by Paul McCartney, beating Eminem for the new “outstanding achievement in popular film” was confused because they didn’t give a lot of coveted number one Billboard spot. The album category will be postponed after an onslaught of definition as to what that [popular film] means… carries a welcome and familiar pop-rock sound, negative reactions. The category was originally Best film isn’t always the most popular film”. reminiscent of McCartney’s work with The announced in August alongside a host of other This lack of clear explanation is likely another Beatles and as the leader of the band Wings, but changes to the movie award show’s format, reason the Academy sought to postpone the with some fresh experimental elements thrown including a shorter run time of three hours and a award for the time being. in the mix. date two weeks earlier than usual. Critics have also noted that this change will These experimental elements, such as added The Academy initiated these changes in only increase the divide between the populace synths, sometime give an industrial feel to response to the poor ratings of the most recent and more “art-house” films by giving a songs such as “Fuh You” and “Caesar Rock.” 2018 Oscars that garnered only 26.5 million consolation prize for mediocre but money- Many of the songs on Egypt Station are driven viewers, a nearly 20% drop from the previous making movies. Jason Hartnett, a junior who by the bass, piano, and drum core. Keeping Contributed photo by Capitol Records year. The drop in ratings is not an anomaly but has participated in many Dordt digital media true to the simple McCartney sound, most of follows a ten year pattern of steady decline. activities, shares a similar opinion. He stating the instrumentation is relatively simple, but overtop such a digitalized, electrical track, but it In an email to Academy members President that instead of adding a secondary category interesting enough to keep a listener hooked just goes to show how versatile he is. John Bailey stated, “We have heard from many “Directors should make their movies better so for the duration of the album. Throughout the Another more experimental track, “Back in of you about improvements needed to keep the they can win better awards.” However, Jason course of the album, synth, brass, and string Brazil” is a fun Latin-jazz tune. Flutes, strings, Oscars and our Academy relevant in a changing acknowledged that filmmakers are not solely to parts are woven into the bridges of songs to add synths, and extra percussion are all brought into world”. However, the attempt to stay relevant blame for this divide between popularity and that extra flair. the mix to give the track a full and varied sound. with the ambiguous “Popular Film” category quality, “People don’t want to go to a movie to Egypt Station covers a wide range of sounds The diversity on the track brings new sensations was not well received by both social media and critically think”. and styles between all 16 tracks. to Egypt Station without feeling out of place. film critics forcing the Academy to back-peddle Though response to the popular film category The first full track of the album, “I Don’t Diversity is not the only strength of Egypt in early September and delay the change. was largely negative, some view it as a necessary Know” sees McCartney at his most somber and Station: the production on the record is tight This is not the first time the Oscars has innovation. “I wasn’t against it at all,” Volkers reflective. A melodically rich yet melancholy and professional. The instrumentation is clear made changes that bow to public opinion. In elaborated, “in fact, it seemed maybe a little bit tune, it’s definitely a stand out, both in this and easy to hear, and overall the record has a 2008, the outcry against Christopher Nolan’s overdue to have something like that—but what album as well as among his other works. crisp and glossy sound. The Dark Knight being snubbed out of a Best is your criteria?” Immediately following, however, is “Come While production consistently maintains Picture nomination resulted in changing the While it remains to be seen whether the new On To Me”, which provides an interesting focus, some of the songwriting doesn’t: some number of nominees from five to ten. award will actually be instituted in a future contrast, featuring a straight-forward 70s rock songs feel overdrawn and repetitive, and the While the increase of nominees was show, its controversy has revealed trials the feel driven by a bouncy piano and bass hook. album seems a bit bloated with 16 tracks and received positively, the popular film category Academy will face as movie-going continues The song feels like McCartney remembering a total runtime of 57:30. Regardless, fans will has been met with confusion and disdain. Mark to change. his past as a former love interest. The bridge feel at home with Egypt Station. keeps the track fresh and shakes things up with Paul McCartney adds another entry to his a heavy horn bridge to help it push forward. already expansive and acclaimed discography. “Who Cares” has a similar, old school feeling While Egypt Station may not be his greatest Miss America: crowned or driven by a steady soft blues rock and guitar work, it feels like an album that accomplishes hooks instead of a piano. Such songs allow the what it sets out to do, to feel like a journey into condemned? album to keep its familiar feel while dipping its old and new territory. Jenna Stephens -- Staff Writer America organization posted on its website. toe into other sounds. “But more importantly, their voices will be But there’s more to the album than nostalgia- Score: 7/10 heard.” perhaps most notable is “Fuh You,” which has Our Favorite Tracks: I Don’t Know, Come On For the first time in the competition’s 98-year a very modern instrumentation featuring light, To Me, Dominoes, Back in Brazil history, contestants did not parade the stage synth sound, and high pop piano. Admittedly, it If you have an album you would like to be in swimsuits. The traditional evening gown sounds odd to hear McCartney’s distinct voice reviewed, feel free to email Garth or Zach. competition also underwent changes. Now called the “Red Carpet,” contestants could wear whatever they wanted to give them the opportunity to display their individual style. Theatre department’s next Senior Martina Hoogland has competed in the Miss Iowa USA pageant since her senior year of high school. Although the Miss USA system act is move still includes the swimsuit competition, Martina Alicia Bonestroo -- Staff Writer appreciates the changes made to the Miss America system. “I think it helps young women realize that pageants are not only about outward beauty,” she said. “Instead, they are about helping individuals grow confident in their abilities and talents.” As the father of two daughters, Professor Matt Drissell takes a different stance on the topic of pageants. “They’re terrible. I wouldn’t want anything When walking through the hall between the will create an opportunity for a new theatre to do with them,” he said. “I think it’s a sad, classroom and science buildings, it’s hard to program focus: Musical Theatre. When the chauvinistic holdover from the past.” miss the familiar conversations bursting from department leaves its temporary home, “The Big Miss America 2.0 formatted the competition the Theatre pod. However, after spring break, Box” will likely be repurposed for professional less like a beauty pageant and more like an this will no longer be the case. services. However, the long-term plan will not Contributed Photo extensive job interview for the position of This year, the Theatre Department will move be completed for another five or six years. Miss America and the scholarship which to a new, temporary quarters during spring “We are excited to be able to keep moving Miss America underwent a makeover this year accompanies it. The judges chose Nia Franklin break. They will be taking up residence behind toward the ultimate goal of having an on- in an attempt to combat dropping viewership and of New York as this year’s winner. The 24-year- the Science Building, near the old greenhouses, campus theatre,” theatre department chair remain relevant in today’s culture of women’s old also earned a $50,000 scholarship and the and yes, students are still invited to hang out Teresa Ter Haar said. “This move is a stepping movements and feminist empowerment. chance to speak, make special visits and raise at the new pod. This new building is currently stone on that path. It is a bit daunting to think On Sept. 9, 4.3 million viewers tuned in to support for social initiatives during her year- dubbed “The Big Box.” of two moves in the next six years or so, but ABC for the live telecast of Miss America. This long reign. “The Big Box” will be built with a specific the long-term benefits outweigh the short-term marks a 19 percent drop in viewership from The Miss America Organization’s attempt to purpose in mind. Installing extra-large doors, challenges.” last year, continuing its steady downward trend revamp the competition comes at a strategic reinforcing floors for large machinery, having Nursing students will be excited to hear since Miss America’s pinnacle in the 1960s time. Recent years have been characterized coverable windows, and possibly even another that the current theatre pod will soon become when tens of millions of viewers tuned in to by social movements, feminist activism and building are being discussed with the architects. their very own. The entire space, except for root for their home states. change, often touching on what it means to be a This new theatre will be able to seat up to 140 the costume shop, will be renovated to suit Some might say that pageantry should become female in the twenty-first century. people and will include a makeup room, a new the nursing department’s needs. The current a thing of the past. But instead of backing “Before I participated, I never had a great self- scene shop, a classroom and offices. makeup, electronics and chair room will down, the Miss America organization gave this image,” Hoogland said. “I always compared The long-term plan is for the Theatre become their small screening room. year’s competition a transformation, focusing myself to others, and it hurt me quite a bit. Department to take up residence in the The costume shop will remain in its basement on empowerment and even adding a new title: Now with doing this pageant, I have learned Performing Arts Center. This will be built home at present. Miss America 2.0. that what I look like or who I am as a person is behind the B. J. Haan auditorium as an addition The groundbreaking for the “The Big Box” “Starting this year, candidates will no longer enough for me.” to the existing building, occupying the spot will happen in November. be judged on outward appearance,” the Miss currently used by the campfire. The addition · Sports page 9

Defenders fall in conference Nike kicks up a storm opener against Doane Sam Landstra-- Staff Writer In Nike’s new ad campaign with Colin Caleb Pollema -- Staff Writer Kaepernick, their willingness to embrace controversy allows business to soar. Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Nike’s famous Just Do It ad campaign, Nike released a short video titled, “Dream Crazy.” Narrated by ex-NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, the video highlights Serena Williams, Shaqeum Griffin, and numerous other athletes who have faced adversity in their sports careers. Contributed Photo “Believe in something. Even if it means wear Nike gear, but that does not constitute an sacrificing everything,” Kaepernick says into alliance with them.” the camera with an American flag waving in the Despite the intense opposition to the release of background. the ad campaign, Nike stocks soared following Kaepernick has long been a catalyst of an initial drop, reaching an all-time high a week heated debate in America. His kneeling during after the ads release. Additionally, Nike gained the national anthem in protest to police brutality 170,000 Instagram followers. in America even got the president to chime in. The substantial increase in sales and In the fall of 2017, President Donald Trump popularity following the ad may seem called the NFL players who knelt during the surprising, especially given the controversial Photo by Sawyer Strelnieks anthem “sons of b-----.“ Many people believe nature of Kaepernick. However, this is a formula that Nike has followed before. Since This love was made evident immediately that Kaepernick’s protesting disrespects the The Dordt Defenders opened their conference its founding in 1964, Nike has continually after the game as the team gave each other American flag and what it stands for. Although slate of the 2018 football season at home against embraced controversial athletes and flourished, “attaways”, which is where one player stands the protests have largely stopped, Kaepernick the Doane Tigers on Saturday. holding the title of largest footwear company in up and praises another player for something is still out of an NFL job, with many experts With the hot temperatures and high humidity, America. they did well during the game. claiming that NFL teams are blackballing him the contest was a grudge match for sixty In 1993, Nike released an ad featuring Hall After a difficult loss, the team resolved to not due to his controversial nature. minutes. of Fame basketball player Charles Barkley let one game get them down. Those in opposition to Kaepernick’s Dordt got off to a rough start with a lack of in which Barkley declared, “I am not paid The team also urgently waits to hear the peaceful protests claim that Kaepernick has not offensive production and found itself down to be a role model. I am paid to wreak havoc status of Noah Clayberg and Keithen Drury. “sacrificed everything” for the greater cause of 21-0 with four minutes remaining in the second on the basketball court.” The ad caused much Both running backs left Saturday’s contest with his protests, but that the real sacrifice has been quarter. That all changed when Dordt running controversy and drew criticism towards Barkley injuries. made by the US soldiers that have died for back Noah Clayberg found a hole and raced 53 as individuals claimed that he was trying to Clayberg left the game in the third quarter their country. The release of the ad campaign yards for a Dordt touchdown. shrink his responsibility as a basketball player. after sustaining an apparent right foot injury. He brought forth heated opposition. Videos posted The Defenders headed into the locker room Additionally, in 2009 when golfer Tiger Woods was seen roaming the sidelines on crutches with to Twitter showed individuals burning their down 21-7 as the temperatures continued to was accused of having an affair, Nike was one a bag of ice on his foot. Drury also sustained a Nike gear or cutting the Nike swooshes off their climb. of the only major companies to not drop their shoulder injury that prevented him from getting socks. A select handful of colleges such as The The offense for both teams came to a endorsement deal with Woods. back into the game. have declared that their screeching halt in the second half until Levi Kaepernick, despite his controversy, or “Our players fought through adversity well athletics teams will no longer wear Nike. Schoonhoven broke free for a four-yard perhaps because of it, has allowed Nike greatly and the character of our team is tremendous. It’s Dordt too, has many sports teams that wear touchdown run to cut the Doane lead to 21-14. to profit off him. And perhaps Nike will do the a disappointing finish, but we will bounce back Nike apparel, including the football team. Doane would respond with a field goal of its same for Kaepernick. Perhaps Nike’s embrace strong,” said Coach Penner. However, Dordt Athletic Director Ross Douma own on the next drive to extend the lead to 24- of Kaepernick will continue to push the The Defenders will look to rebound next states that Dordt does not really have a place in 14. narrative that his protests are not destructive, Saturday as they head to Hastings, Nebraska, to the controversy. But Dordt would not go away. Dordt but constructive; that although the means may face the Hastings Broncos who are 2-1 overall “Dordt College is not affiliated with Nike in quarterback Brock Lamle lead the offense to be debatable, they push for a greater and more after losing their conference opener to Briar that we do not have a signed agreement with another scoring drive that cut the lead to 24-21. them,” Douma notes. “We have students who equal America. However, a last minute Dordt drive would fail Cliff last Saturday. to complete the comeback as a Lamle’d pass Despite the grueling loss, the Defenders was intercepted by the Doane defense to secure look eager to prove that they can live up to the win for the Tigers. the expectations of this year with a great Cross country teams take After a disappointing loss, the team gathered performance next Saturday. in the south endzone surrounded by Defender “We know what our goals are for this season, Nation for a postgame talk. but more importantly, we know why we strive first at home race “What was the one word that we focused on for those goals,” said wide receiver Josh de Zach Steensma -- Staff Writer from across Defender nation. Athletes from all week?” Coach Penner asked his team after Jong. Northwestern College and Dakota Wesleyan the tough loss. The game against Hastings is set for 1pm University were also represented at the meet. The team responded in unison, “LOVE!” start. The Defenders return home the following The meet displayed the talents of the Dordt Saturday to face the Concordia Bulldogs. cross country program, as both men’s and women’s teams saw a strong start to the season: each team took first in their respective races. “Both teams have prepared well for this VB: aiming for championship season and that showed in the first meet,” said Joshua Meribole -- Staff Writer “You never know what to expect going into a head Cross Country coach Nate Wolf. new season because it is a change to lose people The Dordt women took the top four individual Last Tuesday, the Dordt women’s volleyball and add other people. It’s just like you go from spots with runners Annechiena Knevelbaard, team defeated Northwestern 3-0. The Defenders the norm of what you know, to just completely Olivia Couch, Sarah Wensink and Eden Winslow have played 11 games so far this season, changing that,” said Leah Kamp, a senior. “This placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, respectively. winning nine and losing two. year is kind of nice that we did no lose too many On the men’s side, Dordt had six runners in As the new season dawns, coach Chad Hanson and so we still have our core senior group. But the top ten finishers, with freshman Eric Steiger said that Dordt faces several challenges such as we definitely love the freshman with open arms. and sophomore Jacob Vander Plaats leading the finding out who the starting players will be and They have been awesome, and they have been pack. the team’s chemistry. really easy to get to know.” For most of the year, the Dordt Prairie is a Wolf noted that both teams have “a large “On the court there are many decisions and Last year, Dordt placed second in the GPAC peaceful place, boasting beautiful seasonal contingent of young runners,” and pointed reaction(s) that are made in split second in competition for the second year in a row. flora, a thriving wildlife habitat, and a quiet out that the more experienced upperclassmen time,” said Hanson. “And as the seasons begin, “I feel like it is also a lot of pressure to go to,” trail that never sees more than a few runners, play key leadership roles on the team: “We are sometimes we have forgotten the on-court says Aubrey Drake, a senior and a defensive pedestrians, and cyclists. focused on providing support for the young decision of who takes what ball.” specialist on the team. Aubrey has been playing But every year, on an ordinary, late summer athletes as they acclimate to college racing, Hanson said that the team’s chemistry has volleyball since her freshman year. “We are morning in early September, the regular rhythm leadership positions within the team, and improved as the players are learning to practice trying to take it as a new season. Even though of the Prairie is briefly interrupted by the swift college life and general.” and play more with each other. we have a lot of the same players playing, we sound of spike-shoed feet gliding across the Steiger and Winslow are just a couple of “The time that it takes a team to form and are trying to take it as a new team.” dew covered grass. this year’s younger standouts. New faces, in get used to each other is a month or two,” said Hanson said “The Hanson Hope” for the team September 8th marked the first race of the collaboration with returning sophomores and Hanson. “So, by the chemistry of the last season is that they grow spiritually, academically, and season for both of Dordt’s cross country teams. experienced upperclassmen, make for a strong we were very familiar with one and other. We become more involved with the community. The annual Defender Holiday Inn Express team and a promising season ahead. had very understanding roles from one player to For competition, Hanson said that he hopes Classic is Dordt’s annual home meet and the “Each year is different and unique,” said Wolf. the next on the court. And graduation happens, that they would have a strong team that would start of the season for the Defenders. This year “As coaches, we are excited to see what the year and the chemistry gets re-shuffled.” enable them to win both GPAC and NAIA saw roughly 100 athletes in total from three holds for the teams and individuals.” Hanson is the coach of both the men’s and championships. men’s teams and four women’s teams. The next meet of the season will be the Dean women’s teams. He has coached women’s The GPAC rankings for colleges are due to One unique aspect of this particular meet White Invitational, held on September 22 in volleyball for 8 seasons, and men’s volleyball come out this week. is the traditional inclusion of Dordt Alumni Crete, Nebraska. for 4 seasons. teams, which are made up of former athletes · Sports page 10

Serena Williams courting Pep band rallies for another controversy school year Sam Landstra -- Staff Writer Garth Van Donselaar -- Staff Writer operation is student lead and run, with Seaman calling the shots. Seaman began to assume Dordt College Pep Band has begun practicing responsibilities of pep band two and half years for the school year, preparing to play for Dordt’s ago and is currently searching for another athletic teams during home performances. student to replace him after he graduates this The members of the band could not be more spring. excited for an opportunity to cheer on their “We go out and try to perform good, quality fellow Defenders. music for the public sphere,” says Seaman, “Pep band is a great opportunity make some acknowledging the pressure to represent the noise and be rowdy, but also use a skill that you music department on the field. have… to support what this school is doing,” The Dordt College Pep Band is planning to states junior Levi Smith, who has played in the perform at about nine games throughout the band on the French horn for three years. school year, mostly during the fall semester. Daniel Seaman, a senior who directs and Seaman acknowledges that schedules cause organizes pep band, also expresses a similar conflict which makes it hard to find games to play sentiment from his side. “I’m excited to be at, however, “we still enjoy the opportunities to working with different students this year.” perform and play at home events.” Seaman also notes the diversity of students who If anyone is interested in joining the pep band, join pep band, from those in concert band to Seaman notes that regardless of skill, students Contributed Photo those who are not even in an ensemble at Dordt, can contact him via email for more details. equality in her tennis career as well. One such student is sophomore saxophonist Students are also welcome to reach out to Additionally, Grand Slam winner Andy A controversial ending to the Women’s US Cody Meiners, as he does not have enough Seamen for inquiries about instrumental rentals. Roddick also tweeted, “I’ve regrettably said Open Final between Serena Williams and time to commit to another major ensemble. “It’s “We would like to continue to grow and worse and I’ve never gotten a game penalty” Naomi Osaka ignites a discussion of the double- a chance to get together with people and play provide this opportunity to create great music Longtime tennis fans will also remember tennis standard placed on women in tennis. music,” he remarks. for any and all who are interested,” he notes. legend Andre Agassi’s famed outbursts at Recently at the US Open Final, 20-year-old While the pep band may be under the music The ensembles first performed first home officials; and, although many times Agassi was Naomi Osaka pulled off a stunning upset against department’s direction, the entire pep band football game on the 15th of September. Serena Williams, denying Williams her 24th indeed penalized, he also got away with things Grand Slam title and becoming the first female far worse than what Serena was penalized for. Japanese player to ever win a Grand Slam. Debates of sexism in tennis are not new to However, Osaka’s victory was overshadowed by Serena either. Earlier this year, the French Open drama between Williams and the chair umpire. banned Serena Williams’ Nike catsuit which The controversy in the match came from she wore in competition following the birth of chair umpire Carlos Ramos issuing Williams her child. The catsuit allowed for easier blood three different code violations, resulting in flow as complications in Williams’ pregnancy Osaka being awarded a game point. Early resulted in poorer circulation. However, The in the match, Ramos penalized Williams for Open cited that “one must respect game and receiving coaching. Williams disagreed with place” and banned the suit. Ramos’ ruling claiming that the thumbs-up her Fifteen-year head coach for women’s tennis coach gave her was not coaching and that, “I at Northwestern, Jeff Guthmiller, commented don’t cheat to win. I’d rather lose”. Later in the on the situation stating that although Serena is match and continuing to be upset by Ramos’ one of his favorite players, he didn’t excuse her ruling, Williams berated Ramos and called him reactions to the chair umpire’s calls. Guthmiller a “thief”. Serena’s words prompted Ramos to states, “He was there to do a job and she can give Williams her third code violation, resulting be emotional to that but to berate him as he did, in a game point being awarded to Osaka, an that’s not okay to do that.” However, upon being unprecedented event in US Open history. asked if he believed that there was a double- In the midst of the controversy, Williams standard placed on women, Guthmiller agreed. claimed to the referees that her third penalty was Observing that in his experience in watching not warranted and that men “do much worse tennis, he has seen male tennis players “be than that. This is not fair” much more aggressive in their language, in their Despite her loss to Osaka, many people have approach to an official and not get a point or a backed Williams in her claiming of a double game taken away”. standard in tennis. Legendary tennis player Ultimately, Guthmiller said that he felt for Billie Jean King tweeted following the match: Osaka and how her first career Grand Slam “When a woman is emotional, she’s “hysterical” victory was overshadowed by controversy. and she’s penalized for it. When a man does However, a powerful backing to Williams’ the same, he’s “outspoken” & and there are no claim of a double-standard in tennis creates an repercussions”. King herself has fought for increased attention to how women’s actions and emotions on the court are perceived. Photo by Liz Bunker

Diamond Staff 2018-2019

Story Editor: Sawyer Strelnieks Tess Hemmila Staff Adviser: Joshua Meribole Juliana Martinez Lee Pitts Video Editors: Joshua Meribole Layout Designer: Juliana Martinez Caleb Pollema Retasya Badudu Garth Van Donselaar Danielle Schultz Zachary Steensma Assistant Layout Audio Editors: Jenna Stephens Designer: Alex Van Den Top Emma Stoltzfus Emma Stoltzfus Staff Writers: Sawyer Strelnieks Justin Banks Alex Van Den Top Copy Editors: Benjamin Boersma Bethany Van Eps Janelle Cammenga Benjamin Bouwkamp Connor Van Hulzen Jenna Stephens Harrison Burns Sarah Widener Evangeline Colarosi Sam Landstra Photography Editors: Elizabeth Helmkamp

Defenders on the field

Photo by Sawer Strelnieks Photo by Sawer Strelnieks

The women’s volleyball team is on a 3-win streak with games coming up against Jamestown on 9/21 at Dordt football won their opening game at Waldorf and lost their home opener vs. Doane last Saturday. home, varsity starting at 7:30 PM, 9/22 at Midland, and 9/28 at home against Hastings. The team hits the road next Saturday for Hastings, game starting at 1:00 PM. The following Saturday (9/29) Dordt is back at home to play Concordia, kickoff is at 1:00 PM.

The women’s soccer team won their first The men’s soccer team is on a 3-win streak with their first conference win vs. Presentation last Saturday. conference game vs. Presentation last Saturday. They play Dakota Wesleyan at home after the women’s game this Wednesday, game starts at 4:15 PM. Their upcoming schedule includes Dakota They also play Doane at home this Saturday after the women’s game at 3:15 PM and hit the road for Wesleyan at home; game starts at 2:00 PM and, Jamestown on (9/26). Doane at home this Saturday; game starts at 1:00 PM. They hit the road for Jamestown on (9/26) for another conference game.

Photo by Sawer Strelnieks Photo by Sawer Strelnieks