DIRECTORY.] 301 HEDENHAM. [.] Keppel Rev. William Arnold Walpole, Golding Robert, butcher Robert:s Charles, farmer B.A., ;r .P. Hall Golding William, farmer Roberts Louisa (Miss), dress maker Burton Frederick, miller & shopkeeper Hall John, llfaid's Head Robert:~ William, plumber & glazier Chapman James, Chequers Huson John, shopkeeper Roberts William P. shopkeep~r Crome J onathan, coal dealer Lockett J ames Charles, shoe maker Sexton Samuel, farmer Earl Samuel, chimney sw~eper Page Robert, tailor Sexton William, miller & farmer E verson J ames, carp en tcr Pointer William, shopkeeper Bpringall Sarah (Mrs.), farmer Franklin Thomas, gardener Remmington Wm. blacksmith&bcer retlr Warren Daniel, farmer

• HEACHAM is a parish, large village, and station on the of worship for Wesleyans, Independents, and Primitive Lynn and H unstanton Railway, 12 mile;; west from Burnham Methodists. Colliers and other small craft can unloa1l their Market, 14 north-north-east h·om Lynn (its market town), cargoes l1ere. A fair is held on the 20th June in each year. 2~ from Snettisham, 3 from the pleasant watering-place of Here was a cell of Cluniac monks, under Lewes Abbey. In Hunstanton, 6 from Docking, and 112 from London, in the 1850 several coins of the reigns of Henry I., II., and Ill. Western division of the county, Smith don hundred, Docking were dug up in the churchyard. There are sev~ral excel­ union, Lynn county court district, Heacham rural deanery, lent quarries in the vici11ity for stone, called Carr stone, N orlolk archdeaconry, and Norwich diocese, very pleasantly which is used for building; it is soft when taken from its situated on the German Ocean, and on a small rivulet abound­ bed, but acquires hardness when exposed to the air. Brick ing in trout. The land is in a high state of cultivation and and tile making is carried on in the parish, and there are most productive, ar1d in every season the fertile and well­ corn mills. The Hall is a picturesque building of red brick, wooded district affords ever varying- changes of sy I van pleasantly situated, the seat of Charles Fawcett N eville­ scenery: the village appears at a distance as if embosomed Rolfe, Esq., J.l'. Hamon Styleman Le StrangP, Esq., who in wond, above which peeps the church tower; anu it has id lord of the manor, Charles Fawcett Neville-Holfe, Esq., fine firm sands, rendering sea-bathing safe and agreeable; ;r.I'., and Caius College, Cambridge, are the principal land­ the houses are neat, with ample gardens. The church of St. owners. The soil is various; the subsoil is chiefly chalk. Mary is a noble edifice of stone and flint, in the style pre­ The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and m::mgold valent in the fifteenth century, and exhibits traces of having wurtzel; and beans on the part next the sea. The popula­ undergone repeated alterations: it consists of nave, chancel, tion in 1861 was 900, and the area is 4,833 acres. In 1851, aisles, handsome south porch and a. vestry, and has a square 225 acres of common were enclosed from the sea. tower rising from between the nave and chancel, containing Pari:;h Clerk, Rohert N ourse. 2 bells: it contains monuments to the Rolfc family, also one to Nicholas Styleman, Esq., who died April 30th, 1830, aged PosT 0FFICE.-William Wiseman, sub-postmaster. Lon- 72 years: it has an organ and west gallery: the windows don & other letters are received through Lynn by mail contain some ancient stained gJa,s. The register dates from rart, mttive at 7.30 a. m. & are dispatched at 5 p.m. the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £228, Ilunstanton, St. Edmunu's & Snettisham are the neare8t and lR. 29r. of glebe land at Heacham, lR. 5P. in Snettis- money order offices & savings banks ham, and 7 acres in Sprowston, near Norwich, in the gift of Parish School, Jame~ Foulsham, master Charles Fawcett N eville-Rolfe, Esq., .r .P., and held by the Railway Station, William N ~lson \Vright, station master Rev. J oseph William Charlesworth, R.A., of St .. Peter's Col- CARRIERs.-Henry High, to Lynn, tuesday, thursrlay & lege, Cambridge. A parish school for boys, girls, and infant9, saturday, passing· throug·h Sncttisham, Ingoldsthorpe, is SUflported by C. F. N eville -Rolfe, Esq., .r.P., and others: Dersing ham, Castle Rising & Gaywood; other carriers a Sunday school is held in the school-room. 'l'herc are places pass through for Lynn PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COM:IIERCIAL. M:inns Jane (:Mrs.), beer retailer Berk :Misses Baney Benjamin, farmer, Old farm Minns Robert, beer rtlr. & wheelwright Black Mrs. Church house · Bass Jacob, Wheat.~henf Miuns Wm. wheelwright & machine ma Burcham Mr. John George Bly Francis, carpenter & builder N ourse Robert, bricklayer Charlesworth Rev. Joseph \Villiam, Boothby Octavius, gardener Nourse Robert, Fox ~ Hounds, & B.A. Vica!"age ' Eussey Matthew, lVest Norfolk hotel briekla,ver Davy Mi~s, Heacham lodge (Station) Patrick Robert, brick & tile m:1.ker Dufii,..ld Miss Clarke Henry, farm bailiff to Miss Davy Perfitt Robert :::lamuel, grocer & draper Granger Mrs Duffield Thomas, farmer Pull James, plumber, glazier & painter Ilarnilton John de Courcy,esq.Manor ho Frary Charles, beer retailer & butcher Rix William, farmer, College farm I~ewis Mr. \Villiam, Church farm Hall John, gardener & seedsman Robertson John, butcher & farmer Lloyd Miss Hamilton John de Courcy, farmer, Roythorne Robert, wheelwright Neville-Rolfe Charles Fawcett, esq . .r.P. Manor house Russell John, grocer & draper Heacham hall Heugh Henry Potter, tailor Savory Thomas, baker N evil le-Rolfe Miss Helen, Home mead High Richard, carrier Skerry M aria ( l\frs.), straw bonnet mkr Oakley Rev. Edwin, B.A. [curate] Hudson Edmund, farmer Skerry Thomas, shoe maker Oli~er Lionel, esq. Summer hill J,and Catherine (Mrs.), farmer Spencer Edmond, farmer, Caley farm Rowland George, e~q. Holly lodge LewisAlfred,miller&farmer,Caleymi!Is Wagg Henry, grocer Sharpe Mr. James, Rose cottage Lewis Charles, farmer Wagg Mrs. Sarah, miller & baker Spencer Misses, Chesnut cottage Lewis William, farmer, Church farm ·ward William, tinman & b1·azier Spencer Mr. Edmond, Caley farm Lord Jane(Mrs.), milliner & dress maker Wiseman Wm. shoe maker & postmaster \Yells Robert, esq. High house Mallett William Granger, blacksmith Yaxley Samuel, shoe maker

is a parish and scattered village, 2 Colonel Custance is the lord of the manor of Dages with miles east from Loddon, in the South-Eastern division of Heckingham. The principal landowners are Sir \Y. Bowyer the county, Clavering hundred, Loddon and Clavering Smijth and Mrs. Frcston. The soil is mixed; subsoil_, union, county court district of Bungay and Beccles, rural sand, brick earth, clay and gravel. The chief crops are deauery of Brooke, arch deaconry of Nor folk, and diocese of wheat, oats and barley. The population in l8Gl was 317, Norwich. 'I'he church of St. Gregory is a small thatched and the area is 1,102 acres, rated at £1,723 6s. 9d. structure: it has chancel and nave, with octagonal tower Parish Clerk, Adam Grint. and 2 bells. The register dates from the year 1542. The living is a vicarage, annexed to th~t of , yearly value £80, in the gift of Sir William Bowyer Smijth, Bart., and Letters through Norwich. Loddon is the nearest money held by the Rev. David Benjamin Morley, T.A., of King's order office Colleg-e, London, who resides at Bales. The poor's land is Loddon Union House, Rev. W. W. Ilobson, :B.A. chap­ 2A. 3R., awarded at the enclosure in 1822. The Loddon lain ; .Frederick Elmer, master; Mrs. Susan Elmer, V nion House is here : it is a large commodious building, matron; Robert Harmer Houghton, schoolmaster; l\Irs. capable of holding 600, but generally contains about 200 poor. Charlotte Houghton, schoolmistre~s Hayward Mrs Hayward Edward Waiter, farmer; & Os borne William, bont & shoe maker Blunderfield George, farmer at Hardley f;bardalow 'Villiam_, fanner :Freston Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Lewin Charles Abbott, farmer Wigg George, farmer

HEDENHAM is a village and parish, 3 miles north- Loddon and Clavering union, Bungay county court distrl~t west from Bungay, and 11 south-east from Norwich, in the rural deanery of Brooke, archdeaconry of Norfolk, Bn~ South-Eastern division of the county, Loddon hundred, . The church of St. l\Iary is a fine