May 2020 Web: Email:
[email protected] Number 18 Buy local. Live local. Good deeds by residents as we take cover items of food to donate at 416-333-6763 and he will do a porch pick-up. This food pantry may be a sign of the And the folks at Oxygen Bike Company times. have offered to refurbish up to five The good deeds of members of our com- kids’ bikes and pass them along to local munity are shining proudly as those in families in the area. self-isolation try to help their neighbours Oxygen will tune the bikes up, replace in these challenging times as we fight tires, seats and brakes if needed up to a COPING IN COVID-19 TIMES as Toronto Police thank healthcare workers as two colleagues COVID-19. value of $100 per bike, which are for 6 hold each other in despair. Some considerate residents left a filled pantry for others in to 10-year-olds. Residents are stepping up to the plate by need as some take to the streets with flags thank frontline staff. posting online countless ways to help Oxygen will work with local organiza- others whether it is making masks, PPEs, collecting The Sixth Street pantry is well-used with area residents tions such as schools, churches and food banks to find taking food and refilling at the same time suitable children for the bicycles. and distributing food or helping out as a volunteer. Long-time resident Daniel Lauzon, of Food for Now, is There are many other kind citizens who are taking or- “It is amazing to see our communities come together so driving around the city distributing food and water to ders from the elderly or neighbours as they make a run much,” says Sabrina Viva, of New Toronto.