Current Status of Geothermal Energy Utilization in Romania

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Current Status of Geothermal Energy Utilization in Romania M. Rosca, M. Antics: CURENT STATUS OF GEOTHERMAL ENERGY UTILIZATION IN ROMANIA 4. CURRENT STATUS OF GEOTHERMAL ENERGY UTILIZATION IN ROMANIA M. Rosca, M. Antics University of Oradea, Faculty of Energy Engineering, 5-9 Armatei Romane St., 410087 Oradea, Romania [email protected], [email protected] Abstract to 3,000 m, have been successful, producing geo- thermal water with 37-84°C wellhead temperatures. Exploration for geothermal resources began in Romania in the early 1960’s, arising from a 1. INTRODUCTION hydrocarbon research program, which, as an Romania, as many other Central and Eastern unexpected benefit, also identified eight promising European (CEE) Countries, has significant low geothermal areas. Within these areas, over 200 wells, enthalpy (50-120°C) geothermal resources suitable drilled to depths between 800 and 3,500 meters, for direct heat utilisation: space heating, tap water showed the presence of low enthalpy geothermal heating, greenhouse heating, fish farming, animal resources (40-120°C). Completion and experimental husbandry; aquaculture, health and recreational exploitation of over 100 wells during the past 25 bathing, etc. years has enabled evaluation of the exploitable heat available from these geothermal resources. Proven Until the 1970s, these resources have only been geothermal reserves in Romania are currently about partially used, mainly for health and recreational 200,000 TJ for 20 years. bathing. The use of natural hot springs in the Pre- Carpathian area of Romania has been known since The main Romanian geothermal resources are the time of the Roman Empire, when the Dacia found in porous and permeable sandstones and province had famous health spas: Geoagiu, Herculane siltstones (for example, in the Western Plain and the and Felix Spa. During the last hundred years, Olt Valley), or in fractured carbonate formations geothermal health bathing flourished especially in the (Oradea, Bors, North Bucharest). Western part of Romania. The total thermal capacity of the existing wells The geological exploration for hydrocarbon res- is about 480 MWt (for a reference temperature of ources carried out in Romania after World War II had 25°C). Of this total, only 145 MWt are currently extensive budgets and, especially, the oil crisis of the used, from 96 wells (of which 35 wells are used for early seventies gave a significant impulse to the iden- balneology and bathing) that are producing hot water tification of geothermal reservoirs including the ev- in the temperature range of 45–115 °C. For 1999, the aluation of exploitable reserves; proven by boreholes. annual energy utilisation from these wells was about Many geothermal operations have been completed 2,900 TJ, with a capacity factor of 0.62. More than between 1975 and 1990, mainly for greenhouse heat- 80% of the wells are artesian producers, 18 wells re- ing, space and hot tap water heating, some industrial quire anti-scaling chemical treatment, and six are re- applications, and for health and recreational bathing. injection wells. The main direct uses of the geother- The existence of both the resources and the con- mal energy are: space and district heating 39.7%; sumers provide good opportunities for the develop- bathing 32.2%; greenhouse heating 17.1%; industrial ment of direct uses of the geothermal energy. How- process heat 8.7%; fish farming and animal husban- ever, practical accomplishments of the last ten years dry 2.3%. are rather modest: Beius, Cighid, Oradea and Cali- During 2000-2004, four geothermal wells have manesti. These projects were intended either for mo- been drilled in Romania with National financing, and dernising the equipment and management of existing one additional well is in progress at this writing. All geothermal systems, or for the exploitation of new re- the four wells, drilled to depths ranging from 2,000 m servoirs. Some of these projects involved consultants from West European countries, and have been awar- 295 International Geothermal Days POLAND 2004. Zakopane, September 13-17, 2004 International Workshop on Geothermal Energy Resources in Central and Eastern European Countries: State-of-the-Art and Possibilities for Development ded financial support from the European Union. The exploration and exploitation permits (long term completion of these projects took a long time and concession). great efforts, as they required legal and financial In 2003, the Romanian Government approved conditions quite new for this part of Europe, where the “Strategy for the development of renewable the countries were in different stages of the transition energy sources”, which sets short and medium term from a centrally planned to a free market economy. targets in accordance with the EU principles and The large majority of the geothermal projects directives. The Kyoto objectives imply for the Euro- currently operating in Romania have low efficiencies, pean Union, between 2008 and 2012, a reduction by lagging behind in technology, infrastructures and 8% of the greenhouse gases emission compared to the equipment may be regarded as obsolete. The delive- 1990 level (corresponding to about 600 million tons red energy is much lower than the demand and the per year of CO2 equivalent). The European Council potential of the resources. The absence of an Resolution on renewable energies of 8 June 1998 efficient management, the lack of adequate seeks a doubling of the share of renewables from 6% maintenance, and mainly the lack of funds required at present to 12% in 2010. These targets are also for the retrofitting of the geothermal operations did assumed by Romania, as it intends to join the Euro- not allow the full development of the exploitable pean Union in 2007. resources. At present, except for hydro, all other renewable The development of direct uses of Romanian energy sources have minor contributions to the Ro- geothermal resources has been hindered considerably manian energy mix. The main energy sources are by the inevitable difficulties attending transition from still fossil fuels. The first 700 MW unit is currently a centrally planned to a free market economy. More- on-line, the second being expected to start operation over, inadequate knowledge of, and difficult access to in 2006. the latest technology developments, as well as lack of Two companies are currently involved in geo- know-how to identify and prepare relatively complex thermal operations. Foradex S.A., located in Bucha- projects has hampered the development of rest, is state owned drilling company that has the ex- geothermal resources more than would have been ploration or exploitation concessions for the geo- expected, given the demonstrated substantial thermal reservoirs located in the southern half of resources and the substantial benefits deriving from Romania (Banat county, Olt Valley, and Bucharest geothermal use. As a result, current geothermal regions). Transgex S.A., located in Oradea, is also production falls far short of the country’s mainly a drilling company privatised in 2000, and has considerable demonstrated potential because of non the exploration or exploitation concessions for the sustained production (self flowing mode instead of geothermal reservoirs located in the western part of artificial lift) and the lack of injection into the source Romania (mainly Bihor county). reservoir of the heat depleted brine. Some systems, A consulting company, Geofluid S.A., which is on a limited basis though, are applying the doublet concept of heat mining (Oradea, Bors, Otopeni – all a French-Romanian joint venture, operates in Oradea too. fissured carbonate reservoirs). Relatively low cost reinjection in sandstone reservoirs will become The University of Oradea has a Geothermal Re- critical for the disposal of the heat dep-leted brine in search Centre, an International Geothermal Training many locations, due to new environ-ment protection Centre, and its Faculty of Energy Engineering offers legal regulations. undergraduate and graduate studies in renewable Other barriers for geothermal development are: energies, including geothermal. • Lack of fiscal support from the government; • State subsidy for heat from fossil fuels redu- 2. Geothermal resources ces the competitiveness of geothermal energy; In Romania, thermal springs are the only ma- • Lack of potential financing from municipa- nifestation of geothermal resources. From prehistory lities for secondary network development; to the present, the human community continued to • Low potential of the drilling companies to live near and develop a variety of geothermal areas: invest in well or network development; Oradea, Felix Spa, Herculane Spa, Geoagiu, Calan, • Restrictive credit policies of commercial banks. Caciulata, Mangalia (Cohut and Arpasi, 1995). The first geothermal well in Romania was drill- The current Romanian legislation relevant to geothermal development is harmonized with Euro- led in 1885 at Felix Spa, near Oradea. The well was 51 m deep, with a flow rate of 195 l/s and a tem- pean Union principles and supports renewable ener- ° gies, among which geothermal is specifically menti- perature of 49 C. This first well is still in operation. It was followed by the well drilled at Caciulata (in oned. The mineral resources (including geothermal) ° ° are owned by the State, their exploration and exploi- 1893 - 37 C), Oradea (in 1897 - 29 C) and Timisoara ° tation being regulated by the Mining Law issued in (in 1902 - 31 C). 1998. The National Agency for Mineral Resources is The search for geothermal resources for energy the Governmental institution in charge with issuing purposes began in the early 60’s, based on a detailed 296 M. Rosca, M. Antics: CURENT STATUS OF GEOTHERMAL ENERGY UTILIZATION IN ROMANIA geological program for hydrocarbon resources (that temperatures are between 50 and 85°C. The had extensive budgets). There are over 200 wells minerali-sation of the geothermal waters is 4÷5 g/l drilled with depths between 800 and 3,500 m, that (sodium-bicarbonate-chloride type) and most of the shows the presence of low enthalpy geothermal re- waters show carbonate scaling, prevented by sources (40÷120°C), which enabled the identification downhole che-mical inhibition.
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