Worker Education and Social Inquiry in Australia 1913-1929
izfufrt WORKER EDUCATION AND SOCIAL TNQUIRY IN AUSTRALIA 1913-1929 FIelen Bourke B .4. (lt{e1b . ) Thesis subnitted for tire Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of History, University of Adelaide, Februa.ry 1981 . \ry.8.4. SERIES I)conontic, Polilical, ancl Social Stuclies, tprilten in Auslraliø and Neu Zealand Gener¿rl Etlitor - G. V. POIITUS, À{.Â., B.Litt, No. l.-"Dcr no(:r(r(:!t u,,u ,rìãi." by F)lton Mayo, M.4., Iabb Professor of Psychology and Ethics in the University of Qucclsland. No.2.-"'I'hc Nr'ru Socir¿l Order," .,1 Study of I'ost Wur Rrcon- struction, by Meredith Atkinson, M.A,., latc Director of 'l'utorial Classcs, and Member <.¡f bhe Professorial Iìoard, [,I¡¡ivclsity of Melbourne. No. 3.-"I/istory of Trade Unioni¡ttt itt ¡lusl.ral.'t¡t," by ,I. T. Sukliffc, Scclctary to the Fedcral Government's llasic Wage Cornmission, 1920. No, 4.-"rlfo1'x attd Illodern Thought," by G, V. Portus, ll.A., B,l,itt.. Director of TuLorial Classes and Lecturer in llconorrir: Ilistoly in the Universily of Sytìney. No. õ.-r'ìIodtrn Iìco'ttotttic Hislorl¡" (with Special Refe¡cnce to Austrnlia), by llerbert Heaton, M,4., M.Comm., Litt.D,, late LecLule¡ in Economics and Director of Tutorisl Classos, University of Adelaide, No. 6.-"rl Nt'ut Prouince lor Law a¡td. Order," a Review, by its late Presidcnt, of the work of the Australian Court of Conciliation and Arbit¡ation for fourtcen years. By Henry Bournes Higgins, M.,{,, LL,B., Justice of the High Court of Australia, and President of the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, 190?-1921.
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