CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E3049 HON

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E3049 HON December 17, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E3049 persisting challenges of access, stigma, qual- Bill Number: H.R. 3288 to the New Castle County Police Department, ity and operability in the mental health delivery Legal Name and address of entity receiving where he served for 20 years. John worked system. The Outpatient Mental Health Mod- earmark: Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska faithfully and diligently during his years with ernization Act of 2009 is a house companion 99702 New Castle County, serving eight of them as to S. 1522, a bill that was introduced by Sen- Description of how the money will be spent Chief of Police. After his retirement from the ator DAVID VITTER (R–LA) on July 28, 2009. and why the use of federal taxpayer funding is New Castle County Police Department, John Madam Speaker, PHPs are a cost effective justified: This project (which would be another lent his skills to the Delaware State Govern- alternative that can prevent mentally ill individ- increment in a highly successful, multi-year ment, first as Deputy Attorney General and uals from facing expensive inpatient care, in- funding effort) will repair large sections of the later as Executive Director of the Division of carceration, or institutionalization. The growing utilidor that are in extreme need. The utilidors Alcoholic Beverage Control. Some of John’s use and role of mental health PHPs in our and related piping were constructed and in- professional affiliations include: both the Dela- health care system requires that we amend stalled in the 1950s and were they to fail dur- ware and American Bar Associations; the Dis- the law to assist PHPs in delivering the serv- ing the winter season, when temperatures are trict of Columbia and the Pennsylvania Bar; ices, care and support to those who are living commonly ¥40F and lower, the base could the U.S. District Courts for Delaware and with severe and chronic mental illness. I urge suffer catastrophic results in as quickly as four Pennsylvania; and Life Member, and former my colleagues to support the bi-partisan Out- hours. Chairman, of the Delaware Police Chief’s patient Mental Health Modernization Act of Appropriated Amount: $9,900,000 Council. 2009, which help sustain an important treat- Detailed Finance Plan: Repairs $9,900,000 John is a dedicated man who has had a ment option in long-term care service network. Project Name: Install Edge Lights, Taxiway very successful career, filled with achieve- f Golf at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska ments both impressive and numerous. But Bill Number: H.R. 3288 John is more than that; he is a loving husband EXPRESSING CONDOLENCES AND Legal Name and address of entity receiving to his wife, Sharen, he is a devoted father and CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF earmark: Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska grandfather to his children, Barbara and HENRY S. MILLER, JR. 99702 Darren, his daughter-in-law, Dana, and his Description of how the money will be spent grandson, Robbie, and he is a concerned cit- HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON and why the use of federal taxpayer funding is izen, serving as an Executive Board Member OF TEXAS justified: Provides for new taxiway edge lights of the Delaware Safety Council. John also IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES along a major aircraft access point to the base served 6 years as a member of the Delaware runway. Project includes installing 12,000 lin- Wednesday, December 16, 2009 Army National Guard. I can attest to John’s eal feet of underground wiring and lighting fix- outstanding achievements and his fine char- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. tures. There will also be new asphalt shoul- acter, and today, as he begins a new chapter Madam Speaker, I rise today in honor of ders installed after the lighting is completed. in his life, I stand to honor and recognize the Henry S. Miller, Jr. who passed away on Sat- Appropriated Amount: $3,450,000 service he has rendered to both the individual urday, December 5, 2009. Detailed Finance Plan: Installation citizens and the collective communities of Mr. Miller was an icon in the Dallas commu- $3,450,000 Delaware. The Delaware River and Bay Au- nity who created a real estate empire with f thority Police Department’s mission is to pro- over 1,300 employees and 41 offices. After IN HONOR OF COLONEL JOHN tect and serve Delaware and New Jersey, and joining the business his father founded, Miller Colonel John McCarnan has been doing ex- ROBERT MCCARNAN steered Henry S. Miller Co. to success by pio- actly that for the past 16 years. I thank him for neering the concept of specialization of serv- his service and wish him the best on this mo- ices. Essentially, Miller championed the idea HON. MICHAEL N. CASTLE mentous occasion. of creating specialists in commercial real es- OF DELAWARE tate fields like industrial, retail, and multifamily. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f By doing this, he created a real estate culture Wednesday, December 16, 2009 that encouraged employees to be incredibly CALLING FOR A DRAMATIC IN- knowledgeable in specific areas, allowing the Mr. CASTLE. Madam Speaker, it is with CREASE IN ASSISTANCE FOR DE- company to move forward quickly and effec- great pleasure that I rise today to recognize VELOPING COUNTRIES IN FINAL tively in those fields. the career of Colonel John Robert McCarnan, LEGISLATION ON GLOBAL WARM- Throughout his career and life, Mr. Miller retiring Chief Executive Officer of the Dela- ING TO HELP THEM ADJUST TO was regarded as an honest and humble man, ware River and Bay Authority Police Depart- THE CONSEQUENCES OF CLI- and maintained these traits in an industry ment (DRBA–PD). Colonel McCarnan, through MATE CHANGE where it is easy to devolve into something exemplary commitment and service, has pro- much different. Known throughout the commu- tected the people of our great state for more HON. ENI F. H. FALEOMAVAEGA nity as a businessman of integrity and knowl- than 40 years, and he has proven to be a OF AMERICAN SAMOA edge, he was a pioneer in the Dallas real es- tough and formidable leader in a profession IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that requires exceptional skill and dedication. tate industry and helped to develop it into the Wednesday, December 16, 2009 powerhouse that it is today. Colonel McCarnan’s tenure as CEO of Madam Speaker, I ask my fellow colleagues DRBA–PD began in July of 1993. Since that Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam Speaker, I to join me in honoring this great man who truly time, he has led the DRBA–PD to new rise today to urge my colleagues to support a was ahead of his time. heights, working hard to establish high stand- doubling of assistance by developed countries f ards and promote professionalism, integrity, for developing nations in helping them adjust and customer service-oriented policing. to the impacts of global warming. Increased EARMARK DECLARATION DRBA–PD is known as a professional and commitments are essential if we are to progressive police organization, and this is a achieve a successful international climate HON. DON YOUNG direct result of John’s diligence and talent. Po- change agreement, one that will prevent the OF ALASKA lice officers serve such an important function most devastating effects of global warming. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in our society, and to be as effective as pos- Ironically, the poorest and most vulnerable sible, they must have dedicated and organized countries are the ones that will suffer the most Wednesday, December 16, 2009 leaders. John has been this and more to from rising sea levels, severe weather events Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Madam Speaker, DRBA–PD and he leaves behind him big and other consequences of climate change— pursuant to the Republican leadership stand- shoes to fill for those that will follow. despite the fact that those nations have con- ards on earmarks, I am submitting the fol- A genuine Delawarean through and through, tributed only negligibly to the problem. U.S. lowing information regarding earmarks I re- John earned his Bachelor of Science in Crimi- leadership is vital if we are to prod other de- ceived as part of H.R. 3288, the Departments nal Justice from Wilmington University and veloped countries to step up to the plate and of Transportation, HUD, and Related Agencies later his Juris Doctor Degree from Widener provide appropriate levels of assistance. And Appropriations Act, 2010. University’s School of Law. John began his in the aftermath of House passage of the Project Name: Arctic Utilidors (Phase 11) at law enforcement career as a patrol officer with Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade legislation ear- Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska the Wilmington Bureau of Police, later moving lier this year, the Senate must now act. VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:17 Dec 18, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16DE8.058 E17DEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E3050 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 17, 2009 That is why my colleagues—Rep. RAU´ L levels, and that atmospheric greenhouse gas ples most vulnerable to the con- GRIJALVA, Rep. EMANUEL CLEAVER, Rep. MAX- concentrations return to below 350 parts per sequences of global warming. INE WATERS, Rep. PETE STARK, Rep. DENNIS million of carbon dioxide equivalent. Sincerely, MOORE, Del. DONNA CHRISTENSEN and Rep. As AOSIS has pointed out, ‘‘ Serious ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA, MICHAEL HONDA—sent a letter today to Sen. adverse impacts are already being felt Member of Congress. RAU´ L M. GRIJALVA, JOHN KERRY, the Chairman of the Foreign Re- by island states at the current 0.8°C of lations Committee and leader on climate warming, including coastal erosion, Member of Congress.
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