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THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, JANUARY 5, 1923. 23 Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Colin Captain Edgar Alan Corner, The Hampshire Burton., D.S.O., Eoyal Army Service Corps. •Eegiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Lacy Challenor, Captain George Conway Dobb, Eoyal Field C.B., O.M.G., D.S.O., The Leicestershire Artillery. Regiment. Captain John M'Leod Down, the Wiltshire Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel James Regiment. Graham Chaplin, D.S.O., The Cameronians. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Henry Kemble Lieutenant John Francis Eastwood, Reserve Chauucy, 124th Baluchistan Infantry, of Officers, Grenadier Guards. Indian Army. (Dated 30th December Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas .1.022.) Ot-ho MitzGerald, M.C., The King's Own Lieutenant-Colonel William John Patrick Eoyal Eegiment, Commanding 3rd Adye-Curran, O.B.E., Eoyal Army Medical Battalion, The King's African Rifles. Corps. (Dated 30th December ^1922.) Colonel Warburton Edward Davies, C.M.G., Major Gordon Fleinmiug, M.C., Reserve of .D.S.O. Officers, The Gordon Highlanders. Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Captain Robert Michael Grazebrook, M.C., Francis N apier Elphinstorie-Dalrymple, The Gloucestershire Regiment. Bii., D.S.O., Eoyal Artillery. Major Arthur Crosby Halahan, The Essex Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel Regiment. Charles Ne.wen.liam. French, G.M.G., The Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Hampshire Eegiment. Colonel Charles Augustus Frederick Hocken, Henry Haseldine, D.S.O., The King's Regi- Indian. Army. (Dated 30th December ment. Captain Killingworth .Michael Fentham .Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel John Hedges, i D.S.O., Epyal Army Service Frederic Roundel Hope, D.S.O. , The Corps. King's Eoyal Rifle Corps. Major Frank Harley James, M.C., 104th Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Colonel) RiHes, Indian Armv. (Dated 30th Decem- Frederic Arthur lies, D.S.O., Eoyal Corps ber 1922.) of Signals. Major Robert Johnston, D.S.O., 2nd Lancers, Captain Hugh Mowbray Meyler, D.S.O., Indian Army. (Dated 30th December M.O.. The Border Eegiment. 1922.) Lieutenant-Colonel. George de la Poer Beres- Lieutenant Campbell Kelly, M.C., M.M., Ibrd Pa,kenhum, G.M.G., D.S.O., The Eoyal Garrison Artillery. Border Eegiment. Major William Clarke Kirkwood, 97th In- Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Edward fantry. Indian. Army. ('Dated 30th Decem- Albert Porch, C. [.]?.., M.C., Supply and ber 1922.) Transport Corps, Indian Army. (Dated Captain and Brevet Major Hubert Stanley 30th December' 1922.) Kreyer. D.S.O., The- Green Howards. Major Thomas Geoffrey Euttledge, O.B.E., M aj o r 3 n d B re vet -L i.e i ite 11 a n t - Col o nel Eegin aid M..G., The Green Howards. Tilsoi) Lee, C.M.G., D.S.O., The Queen's Lieutenant-Colonel Bryan Henry Ohetwynd- Royal Eegiment. Stapylton, The Cheshire Eegiment. Temporary Captain Frank Douglas Martin, Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Cornish Jeremie The Sherwood Foresters. Stevens. D.S.O., Eoyal Engineers. Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel James Clymo Lieutenant-Colonel Harold William Puzey Milton/ M.B.E., General List. Stokes. D.S.O., Eoyal Army Service Corps. Captain Richard Neville Shute Morse. The Lieutenant-Colonel William John Bell .North Staffordshire Eegiment. Tweedie. C.M.G., Extra Regi mentally Em- Temporary Major John Herbert Neville, ployed List. General List. Colonel George Walker. D.S.O. Temporary Lieutenant John Whitfield El ford L-ieutenant-Colonel (Honorary Colonel) Walter Poynting, The King's Own Scottish Bor- Ward, V.D.. Nilgiri Malabar Battalion, derers. Auxiliary Force, India. (Dated 30th De- Major William Brooke Pnrdon, D.S.O... M.G., cember 1922.) M.B.. Eoyal Army Medical Corps. Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Henry George Captain and Brevet Major Hamlet Lewrhwaite Wilson. The Lincolnshire Regiment. Eiley, D.S.O., The Rifle Brigade. Lieutenant (Acting Captain) John Herbert Robins, Yorkshire Dragoons Yeomanry, To be Officers of the Military Division of the attached Eoyal Corps of Signals. said Most Excellent Order — Major John Lintorn Shore, D.S.O.. The Captain Cecil Horace Reginald Barnes, 3rd f! he a h i re Eegi m e n t. (Militia) Battalion, The Wiltshire Regi- Major Henry Thompson Stack, M.B., Eoyal ment. Army Medical Corps. Temporary Major Alfred Howard Barrett, Captain Ian MacAlister Stewart. M.C., The General List. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Major Geoffrey Ambrose Phillipps Brown. Temporary Captain (Acting Major) James .Royal Engineers. Dudley Sturrock. Royal Army Service Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Corps. Duncan Montague Browne, D.S.O., The Captain Edwin Art bin- -Tel ford, M.O.. Corps King's Own. Regiment.. of Military Accountants. Assistant Commissary of Ordnance and Cap- Lieutenant Anthony O'Brien Traill, The Duke tain James Herbert Browne. Royal Army of Wellington's Regiment, attached Tank- Ordnance Corps. Corps..