Fiscal Committee
FISCAL COMMITTEE Meeting of September 13, 2013 10:00 a.m. Room 210-211, LOB jEFFRY A. PATTISON Legislative Budget Assistant (603) 271-3161 *eat of \1-6). Yiantinhire MICHAEL W. KANE, MPA RICHARD J. MAHONEY, CPA OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE BUDGET ASSISTANT Deputy Legislative Budget Assistant Director, Audit Division (603) 271-3161 State House, Room 102 (602) 271.2785 Concord, New Hampshire 03301 September 5, 2013 To the Members of the Fiscal Committee of the General Court The Chairman of the Fiscal Committee of the General Court, as established by RSA 14:30-a, of which you are a member, has requested that you be notified that the Fiscal Committee will hold a regular business meeting on Friday, September 13, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. in Room 210-211 of the Legislative Office Building. Please find attached information to be discussed at that meeting. Sincerely, effry A. Pattison Legislative Budget Assistant JAP/pe Attachments TDD Access: Relay NH 1.800-735-2964 FISCAL COMMITTEE AGENDA Friday, September 13, 2013 in Room 210-211 of the Legislative Office Building 10:00 a.m. (1) Acceptance of Minutes of the July 10, 2013 meeting NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED ON THE AGENDA UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE IN BOLD. (2) Old Business: FIS 12-359 Additional Information McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center – letter, dated July 15, 2013, that the Fiscal Committee withdraw FIS 12-359 McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center – request for approval of the business plan for the operation of the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center. Tabled 12/21/12 FIS 13-081 Letter from Representative Lucy McVitty Weber, Chairman of the Legislative Performance Audit and Oversight Committee relative to the recommendation of the performance audit topics for 5) Police Standards and Training Council, The Council in Performance of its Charter.
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