THE LOOP October—November 2018 Endless Summer 5K & 10K

As the sun rose over Anastasia Park and our beautiful ocean, it also began baking the sandy beach and over 600 athletes prepar- ing to challenge themselves on one of two demanding courses. This was the largest Endless Summer run in history.

The two courses shared the beach for two miles. It was difficult to find a comfortable rhythm on the undulating terrain left by the outgoing tide. As runners left the beach Photo Courtesy Jim Wauldron they had to negotiate a soft dune and a narrow boardwalk. The 5K was done In This Issue: but the 10K runners headed toward the wooded trails of the park. Though some of the 10K course was shaded, the day’s heat continued to build. The President’s Message 2 heat and humidity caused many a runner to briefly walk. Some were happy ACRR Calendar 2 to survive, the toughest thrived. Spotlight John Webb of Fleming Island outlasted Bill Phillips to win the men’s 10K Don Hollingsworth 3 while Rashida Hakeem of Ormand-By-The-Sea narrowly defeated Katelyn Tracy Vann Lee 4 Lawrence to win the women’s division. Andy Nicol won the men’s 5K and Deanna Reich won the women’s division. Many ACRR members overcame Laurie Graham Barnhill 5 the tough conditions and walked away with awards. Jim Powers 6 The ACRR also shone in the quality of the event. Compliments were heard Mike Chismark 7 throughout the post-race festivities. Such a successful event takes considera- Race Calendar 8 ble planning and expertise. It also takes the effort of many volunteers. Be- Destination Gasparilla!! 9 tween the ACRR and the Friends of Anastasia over 60 volunteers supported the race and its two great causes - Don’s Friends and Friends of Anastasia. New Members Photo Caption 10 Oh, and we all got the best shirt ever! Gluten Free Goblin Goodness 11 For full results go here The Finish Line 11 Ancient City Road Runners:

Volunteers needed for the St. Augustine Half Marathon Weekend. November 11th, 6:30am-10am. If you aren't running please sign-up here. If you are running we will be cheering you on!! 1 THE LOOP

A message from our President Club Calendar I am pleased to announce that, after several years of ab- sence, our newsletter, The Loop, has returned. This will Weekly Runs help us stay in touch with one another, keep aware of Tuesdays 7:00am OFC Cafe 11 Run running related events, and share training tips, recipes, 6:00pm Publix Run and motivational messages. This newsletter also pro- vides an opportunity for us to communicate various club Wednesdays 5:15pm Oldest City Run accomplishments, news and needs. Here are just a few: Jim Powers has taken on the responsibility of Thursdays 6:00am Lighthouse Loop Run maintaining our website 7:00am OFC Cafe 11 Run and our Facebook page is now updated regularly to pro- vide you with the most current information possi- Saturdays 7:00am Publix Run ble. We encourage you to visit both! Special Events Exciting additions that I just have to mention - 1. We have a new run, the Wednesday Night Oldest City Run October 4 5:30pm Birthday Social @ which meets in the Lightner parking lot at 5:15. Mike Dan Murphy’s and Gail Cullum have done an amazing job starting and growing this Historic loop. Kudos to you both! And 2. October 13 3:00pm Hash Run @ The Miami Tri Events, the race promoter for the St. Augus- Mission Parking Lot tine Half Marathon, has reached out to ACRR and asked us to help promote this awesome race. They have gra- October 16 7:30pm Monthly Meeting @ ciously named us as the event’s charitable organization Growers Alliance and will be making a sizable donation to our club. Thank them by signing up to run or by volunteer- November 11 6:30 - 10 St. Augustine ing with ACRR to work the water stations. Remember Half Marathon - 20 Volunteers Needed ~ we rise by lifting others!

ACRR Officers & Directors

President - Tracy Lee Matanzas 5000 Director - Reuben Franklin [email protected] [email protected]

VP - Lauri Barnhill Hash Master - Andrea Giovanni [email protected] Members at Large - Jamin Rubenstein, Jay Mike Chismark Floyd & Deb Powers [email protected] Club Merchandise - Deb Powers Angel Baer [email protected] [email protected] Floatmeister - Fred Schmidt Membership - Jim Powers [email protected] Newsletter - Tim Buckley [email protected]


SPOTLIGHT Don Hollingsworth, Founding Member

At 71 years young, Don is sill a force to be reckoned with. He was one of the six founding members of Ancient City Road Runners back in 1981 or thereabouts. They were approached to take over the running of the Matanzas 5000 in it’s fourth year. He and his wife Nancy still par- ticipate in the organization of this great local race.

Although you won’t see him at any of the organized club runs these days, he still keeps up a religious regime of running three to four times and 30 miles a week, “whether I want to or not”, he laughs. He could still show Don is on the right. some of us up with his 9 to 10 minute pace. He says that he prefers to run alone these days 99% of the time “because I am so busy and like to get runs in before my day starts”.

“How long have you been running?” I asked him. “I can’t remember when I didn’t run.” He chuckles. He competed in the Junior Olympics in high school and being short at 5.0’ tall his coach had to find him size 4 ½ running shoes. He wrestled in junior college and used running to get his weight down for wrestling, which he said helped to sweat pounds off.

Don attended the University of Florida where he was working on a five year mechanical engineering degree, but the Vietnam War effort interrupted his studies. He spent his working life as military per- sonnel for 4 years; a farmer in Alabama for 8 years; then 32 years at FSDB as an electronic technician and Apple technician. Now retired, his days are still busy with going to the gym 3 x week, where he works complimentary muscle groups with 32 different sets of weights; fishing on the Atlantic and St. Johns River; riding Harley Davidson motorcycles (his dad opened a Harley Davidson dealership in 1946 and he used to race the bikes to promote the business.)

I asked him if he still ran races and he said yes, but mainly the smaller races with his Godchildren, and the Gate River Run. He ran 13 marathons, the last being in Boston in 1987 at age 40. He had an obses- sion to run 2:40 marathons. (He used to fly to Boston on Peoples Airline for $50, when you paid when you got onboard).

I asked Don what he thought was the best about running with a group, and ACRR?

“The best part is being with fun, optimistic people, the camaraderie and talking while you run.”

Finally, I asked him “Don, what else would you like to add?”

“If you see a new runner, introduce yourself to them. I’m an introvert, but you have to force yourself to do it.”

Great advice, don’t you think? by Andrea Giovanni


SPOTLIGHT on Tracy Vann Lee, ACRR President

Meet Tracy Vann Lee (aka Bama Mojo – Hash Name)

At 55 years young, she is a woman of many skills and wears many hats.

She moved from Alabama to Florida and married Drew in 2008 (celebrating their 10 year anniversary in August of 2018), and shortly after joined ACRR in 2009. Tracy started running in 2008 and jumped into her first 5K in February of that year. She felt like she needed to take charge of her mid-life lifestyle and improve her health.

Tracy found that travelling between Alabama and Florida and having her husband gone with his job, made it difficult for her to get to know anyone, so the running group was a great way to become in- volved with a community and to make new friends. She says that “All of my relationships have evolved from running, and that it is my touchstone to St. Augustine.”

Tracy and her ever smiling face can be seen at the Thursday morning OFC run, the Saturday morning Publix run, and alternating Tuesday OFC morning and Tuesday evening Publix run, and sometimes the newly formed Wednesday evening downtown run.

Tracy does not run in many races (she often volunteers) but enjoys the destination races such as Key West Half Marathon. She ran a Marathon in Albany GA in 2012 with an impressive time of 4:18 at age 49. That race was run entirely in rain from and included a tornado!!! (No wonder she ran so fast)! Running a second marathon is on her bucket list. Let’s hope she has better weather for the next one.

Tracy is not a fan of 5K’s “because they are too fast for me!” She likes to run a steady and more com- fortable 10+ minute pace on her regular runs these days. She also does weight-lifting, enjoys bike rid- ing on the beach and is a member at Bailey’s fitness.

But finding time for these pursuits is challenging as she has a very active lifestyle with her jobs. When she is not running around selling real estate, or doing bankruptcy para legal work, she is reno- vating flip houses and performing ACRR president duties. Although she is happy to give running ad- vice, she feels that others have more knowledge than she does and she has more to learn than to teach. But ask her about power tools and her face lights up and she will list all of the ones she has used and requested as gifts from her husband! Nail gun, miter saw, and chop saw are a few that she mentioned.

Tracy says that she would improve ACRR by having more member participation, having them get to know each other better, allowing them to take on responsibilities, giving them a platform to shine and to become involved.

Tracy has a daughter in law, Savannah (married to Denton) and soon to be Grand Baby is Charleston. She and Drew have another granddaughter, Darcie who lives in the UK. Tracy also has a fur baby, a Wheaton Terrier named Dexter.

I am not sure Tracy has time for any hobbies, but she says that she likes travelling and football and asked me to mention ROLL TIDE!!! by Andrea Giovanni 4 THE LOOP

SPOTLIGHT on Laurie Graham Barnhill, ACRR Vice President

Meet Lauri Graham Barnhill. Lauri is the Vice President of ACRR and this lady knows a lot about running - and cycling and swimming too! Lauri is known to most as a triath- lete and Ironman beast, so don’t let her svelte figure fool you.

An almost local, born and raised in Jacksonville, Lauri moved to St Augustine part- time in 2004 and then fulltime in 2012. Laurie and her husband, Dr. Robert Barnhill, manage a Gainesville chiropractic clinic.

She has been a member of ACRR since 2010 and runs with the club three mornings per week, She is now officially “allowed” to run with the Tuesday, Thursday sect of ACRR, the OFC’s, as she turned 50 this year. (OFC is runners and walkers over 50 – although there are honorary ‘young-uns.’)

Lauri has been running for over 30 years. She began to help her endurance while dancing in high school and college (Go Gators!). She competes about 15 times a year, preferring 15K’s, half marathons, and, of course, the Olympic distance triathlon and half Ironman. She has finished one full Ironman, over 10 half Ironmans, marathons, half marathons, and shorter distance races/triathlons. She doesn’t care for 5K’s as she does not like sprints. “I’d rather hurt less for longer,” says Laurie. She has adopted the Galloway (walk-run) method after fighting plantar fasciitis for years and still places in many races. Her favorite marathons include Donna, Mardi Gras, and Maui. Her pace is impressive, too. She has run a 5K in under 21 minutes, but typically runs in the 23’s. Her half marathon PR is 1:44:11. About 10 years ago, she qualified for both Nationals and Worlds in the half Ironman after a PR of 5:32:00. She competed in the Nationals skipped the Worlds. She averages about a 9 minute pace on a typical run. She also swims, cycles, and lifts weights in their impressive home gym.

Laurie loves to give advice on running, when asked, but focuses on nutrition. She is a registered dietitian and teaches a healthy nutrition course at Flagler College. Ask her about the class! She likes to dissect recipes and rebuild them in a healthier form. She believes in moderation for just about all things.

Lauri is also a chiropractor, has two awesome step sons, Kurt (30) and Kris (25), and two rescue Chihuahua fur babies, Pinkett (after Jada Pinkett Smith) and Shenzi (after Whoopi Goldberg’s character in the Lion King). Lauri saved the pups from near death and is a dedicated doggy mommy. Laurie also loves to cook, snow and water ski, research and discuss nutrition, travel with Robert, and attending Trinity Episco- pal church downtown. Something many people don’t know about Lauri is that she is “obsessed” (her word) with ice-cream! Her retirement dream is to own a ‘healthy’ ice-cream shop.

When asked what she liked best about ACRR, she said “The people; they are the greatest group.” And how she would improve the group? “I would like to see more younger people with fresh ideas, joining the group and becoming involved; perhaps even stepping up into board positions.”

And lastly, my favorite story is how Robert proposed to her. They were both running the Mardi Gras Mara- thon, New Orleans, and Robert started out in a grey shirt. He kept ahead of her by a mile or so, and after the turn around at mile 17 or 18, she saw someone who looked like him coming towards her, but this guy was wearing a bright yellow shirt. And as he neared her, she read the print on his shirt “Will you marry me?” She told me that the next mile was the best she has ever run. The next time you see Laurie, be sure to say hi! 5 THE LOOP

SPOTLIGHT on Jim Powers, ACRR Membership Director

Meet Jim Powers (aka Cabana Boy – Hash Name)

At a spry 67 years young, Jim is a regular sighting at many of Ancient City Road Runners Runs and Events. With his wife, Debbie, you will see him selling club T-shirts at most of the local races (and sometimes from the back of his vehicle); encouraging folks to renew their memberships before the big push for The Gate River Run VIP tent; and you will hear him regal- ing you with stories of his amazing travels along with his many running adventures.

Jim is originally from Muncie Indiana. He moved to Florida 12 years ago and joined ACRR around 9 or 10 years ago. He has been running since he was in middle school, so for approximately 50 to 60 years.

He doesn’t participate in many races these days, but still carries a torch for the famous Gate River Run 15K and in former years has enjoyed the Club destination half marathon in Key West. He has run sev- eral marathons, namely Boston, Chicago, Marine Corp and the 1st and only St. Augustine Full Mara- thon, which qualified him for Boston at the age of 60!

He was actually at the 2013 Boston Marathon when the dreadful bombing took place. He will tell you the amazing story of how he became separated from a running friend.

He likes to run anywhere between 5 and 8 miles at a 9-10 minute pace, depending on the temperatures and what live band he was listening to the night before until late.

He chuckled when he stated that he is happy to give running advice to anyone who asks, but says that it is “free and overpriced”. He says he will give it to anyone who will listen. Jim loves to tell a tale, and he’s good at it.

As someone with an amazing metabolism, (he finds it hard to gain weight), Jim does not do much else in the way of exercise, except for push-ups, sit-ups, planks and the occasional 16-ounce curl. by Andrea Giovanni

………..And speaking of running

“If I ever stopped running, I’d feel terrible - as if I were slowly decomposing. I enjoy being fit. There’s a feeling of independence to it.” The great Bill Rodgers over 40 years ago. He’s still running.


SPOTLIGHT on Mike Chismark, ACRR Treasurer Mike Chismark is a funny guy. The first thing you notice about Mike is that he looks like he is about to tell a joke, has just heard a joke, or is thinking of a joke.

Mike is also a well-versed runner and at 61 years of age has run in every continent of the world except Antarctica! He has run in most internation- al cities and most US states.

He runs with the ACRR OFC group on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from the beach parking lot across from Café 11 and often can be seen running on the beach. He also runs with the Saturday morning group at Publix on the island. And now he tries to make the new Wednesday evening downtown run. He likes to stay fit by riding his bike to and from these runs, and he likes to SUP surf, lift weights, and do yoga. He works out about 6 or 7 days a week.

Mike started running about 40+ years ago when he was in the Navy and would use the airport runways for his track, while on his lunch break. He said he took up running because if you could run three miles in under 18 minutes, you got an “outstanding” status”, which he said as a twenty something year old, was a challenge he liked to tackle and was much easier to attain at that age. Nowadays he likes to do about four or five races a year, the 10K being his favorite distance. He says he ran about two marathons, but that was “a zillion years ago”! (His words) However, an Achilles injury has put him on the bench, so to speak for a while. Pre-injury, Mike would consistently run a 7:45 to 8:45 minute per mile pace.

When I asked him what he liked best about ACRR and running with a group, his responses were mostly quirky and un-publishable!!! The ones I can mention are “NOT talking to Bob Wong” (a standing joke between friends) and “I like that it is a nice drinking club with a running problem”! Yup! That’s Pilot Mike for ya!

He would like to see more participation of younger runners in the group and to recruit more people to assist with the “running of the running group”.

Mike has been married to Lisa for 37 years. They have two grown children; Meghan 36, and Dan 33. Now retired, Mike likes to engage in many activities, such as watching football, kayaking, cooking, watching movies and when possible, flying. Originally from Peoria in central Illinois. He moved to Florida, (temporarily first), in 2003. He and Lisa now enjoy the beach life on Anastasia Island. Mike was a Fed-Ex pilot for 31 years and has been dubbed “Pilot Mike” by his running colleagues.

One of the many funny stories he shared with me was that he got lost while running in Japan and in Par- is. He was also stopped by the police in Newark NJ because he was running at an unusual time and in an unusual place!

Before Mike takes a run in Antarctica, seek him out, say hi, and ask him to tell you a joke. He will. by Andrea Giovanni


Fall Race Calendar RACE DATE Location

Trick or Trot 5K and Monster Mile Saturday, October 13 St. Johns Great Candy Race Quarter Marathon and 5K Saturday, October 13 New Smyrna Beach

5th Annual Pink Out 5k Thursday, October 18 Tavares,

Fruit Cove MOVE 5K Saturday, October 20, St. Johns 2018

Creepy Crawl 5K and Vampire Mile Saturday, October 20 Ponte Vedra

Team Gina 5k Saturday, October 20 Apopka

Harvest Hustle 5k Saturday, October 20 Ocala Ancient City Brewing Boos and Brewz 5k Run and 1 Friday, October 26 St. Augustine

mile walk

Jail Break 5K Saturday, October 27 St. Augustine

Spooktacular 5K race, Monster Mile and Kids Dash Saturday, October 27 St. Johns

Marion County Halloween Run 10k/5k Saturday, October 27 Ocala

Cottonmouth Quarter Marathon and 5K Saturday, November 3 Elkton

Florida Brain Tumor Walk Saturday, November 3 St. Augustine

Beaches Chapel "Run with the Lions" 5k Saturday, November 3 Neptune Beach

Brain Tumor Society 5k Saturday, November 3 Jacksonville Paint the Towne 5K Sunday, November 4 Daytona Beach

Pumpkin Run 5k Saturday, November 10 Winter Park

St. Augustine Half Marathon, 10K, and 5K Sunday, November 11 St. Augustine

Run Turkey Run Thurs, November 22 St. Augustine

Ponte Vedra Turkey Trot Thurs, November 22 Ponte Vedra

Psych Ed Connections Turkey Trot Thurs, November 22 Ponte Vedra 34th Annual Thanksgiving 5K and 10 Mile Thurs, November 22 Deland

Run Turkey Run 5k Thurs, November 22 St. Augustine

YMCA Turkey Trot Thurs, November 22 Tavares, FL Space Coast Marathon and Half Marathon Sunday, November 25 Cocoa

Guana 50K and 12K Sunday, December 2 Ponte Vedra

Gingerbread Man Dash 10k/5k Sunday, December 2 St. Augustine

Santa Suits On The Loose 5K Saturday, December 8 St. Augustine Bch Holiday Bridge Challenge 5K Saturday, December 22 Ormond Beach


9 THE LOOP New Members

A Very Warm Welcome to Our 2018 New Members. We Have 55 New Members!

William Adams Jennifer Carrigan Dave Hoock Richard Proffitt

Karen Adornetti Melanie Corallo Scotty Jacobson Elizabeth Rader

Jamie & Julie Alford Justine Cronk Haley Kenyon Deanna Reich

Anne Barnes Bill Crutchfield Karen Kieri Ron Reynolds

Gabriel Barnes Carl Cuipylo John Kreitner Chris Roach

Jessica Beach Katherine Delaney Alexandra Leslie Alfred Sanders

Rich Bevilacqua Khisha Dukes Joshua Liller Jaime Sawczyn

Gina Bingman Michelle Fredette Angel Llano Melinda Sellars

Kurt Bogart Dylan Goetz Pam Lonsdale Ashley Siders

Trevor Branam Heather Golz McKenna Meehan Donna Smith

Patricia Brink Charles Goodyear Laura Moorhouse Roxane Smith

Kasey Brinkley John Haley Bob Morgan Robin Snyder

Kyle Burke Jessica Hamlett Mary O’Donaghue Sonya-Lee Zezza

Chris Bucci Jorge Herrera Corey Prior


Gluten Free Goblin Goodness

INGREDIENTS 1 – PREHEAT oven to 375F. Grease a 12-cup muffin pan, or line with papers. 1 ½ cups King Arthur Measure for Measure Flour ¾ teaspoon baking powder 2 – WHISK together the flour, baking powder, ½ teaspoon baking soda baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. ¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon 3 – STIR together eggs, oil, vanilla, pumpkin, and ¼ teaspoon ground cloves brown sugar.

¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg 4 – COMBINE the wet and dry ingredients, stir- ¼ teaspoon salt ring until combined. 2 eggs 5 – FOLD in the mini chocolate chips. 1/3 cup oil 1 teaspoon vanilla 6 – DIVIDE the batter evenly among muffin cups.

1 15 oz. can pumpkin 7 – BAKE muffins for 22-24 minutes. Remove ¾ cup brown sugar from oven and let rest for 5 minutes before 1 cup mini chocolate chips removing from pan.

The Finish Line - Building a Distance Base

The worst of the heat is over. I am quite thankful for that. September seemed particularly hot. But, if you managed to train well through the summer heat, you’re well prepared for the racing season. If you cut your mileage during the summer, this is the time to begin building a distance base. A distance base provides the foundation for a good running program and typically consists of four to six weeks of runs of similar length.

How long does it take to build a base? Of course, that depends on your experience and current fitness level. So first, you must assess your current fitness level and determine what you want to achieve. For example, suppose you’ve been running three or four times a week and averaging 4 miles a run during the heat. Your experience level is moderate - let’s say you’ve been running for about four years. You look through your logs (ideally you’d have a log) and see that your best runs/races occurred when you were averaging 30 miles a week. So what now?

Well, all the approaches suggest increasing your mileage carefully to avoid injury. You might first add an- other 4 miler. Then the next week add a mile to two or three of the five runs, then the same the third week and the fourth - maybe add a sixth day if you can handle it. In any case, it should take you four to six weeks to get back to 30 miles safely. Ideally you’d hold that mileage for about four weeks before adding long runs or speed work. So for those weeks you’d have five runs of six miles or six runs of five miles. Now you’re ready to safely add some serious workouts.

This is just an example, real life is not so neat. You may find you need to back off from time to time. You may have to vary your distances more than suggested. You may supplement with biking or swimming. Eve- ryone is a bit different. But the principles work for most runners and prepare them for success.

Next: Adding to Your Foundation - Tim Buckley 11