Summer 2010 Susan G

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Summer 2010 Susan G WVAD Quarter News “News brought to you by the West Virginia Association of the Deaf organization.” Volume 31, No. 2 Summer 2010 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 2010 by Tami Deem One day Missy Barie decided to participating in the event and 6,315 organize a group of deaf people to par- participants. ticipate in the “Susan G. Komen Race Aft er the event, we went to Olive for Cure 2010” walk in Charleston, WV, Garden and had dinner together. Food that was held on May 1st, 2010, in honor was awesome! of our dear friend, Phoebe Jo Richards, Because we had so much fun together who had batt led breast cancer last fall and felt it was such a rewarding feeling and beat the disease and also for others towards a worthy cause, Missy is plan- who have either survived or lost the ning to organize this again next year batt le to breast cancer. with special t-shirts for us! Mark your Those who walked with Phoebe Jo calendar for May 7th, 2011! Come and were Tami Deem, Marilyn Bishop, join us! You will feel overwhelmed Missy Barie and her daughter Ellen, being at this race and it’s a wonderful John Burdette, Erin Fulton, Melinda feeling that no one can describe! You Hurd, Larry and Sally Hubbard, and have to be there to experience it! Julie Simmons. We walked 3.1 miles Phoebe Jo leaves an important (USA Track and Field certifi ed) on the message for you all and wants ALL of Kanawha Boulevard and Phoebe Jo made you to check your breasts faithfully once it through the walk! We were so proud a month (more oft ener would be great) of her! and to go for yearly mammogram check At the end of the race, bananas, up because she wouldn’t want you to go water, and yogurt were off ered to those through what she went through; “it’s a Phoebe Jo Richards, breast cancer survivor, who either raced or walked. terrible thing to go through and I am survived the race! Way to go girl! The race raised $161,671.48 in telling you it’s NOT fun,” she says. donations. There were 348 survivors For more information, please go to htt p:// In this issue: 5th Annual Ramp Dinner p. 8 80th Birthday Party p. 5 Deaf Beekeeper p. 14 Early Detection Saves Fun Page p. 12 Lives - Schedule Your Harrison Wedding p. 11 Mammogram Today! Meet Me p. 15 Obituaries p. 6 Offi cers’ Contact Information p. 14 President’s Corner p. 2 Recipes p. 13 USA Deaf Basketball... p. 9 WVAD Board Minutes p. 3 page 5 WVAD Picnic Announcement p. 4 (See more photos on page 10) WVAD Quarter News, Summer 2010 1 PUBLICATION INFORMATION AND ADVERTISING RATES From the The WVAD Quarter News news- letter is a publication of the West President’s Virginia Association of the Deaf, Inc., published four times a year Corner, (March, June, September, December). Free subscription with paid dues. Linda Phillips All advertisements must be paid in advance. The WVAD Quarter News reserves the right to reject any advertisement. Make checks payable to WVAD. Send ads with payment and any news to Tami Deem. Full Page, 7 5/8” x 10” $100.00 Greetings, I wanted to update everyone on Half Page, 7 5/8” x 5” $60.00 I hope everyone is staying cool things that will be happening in the during these hot days and that this coming months. Continue to check our website, www. newslett er fi nds everyone well. On August 7, 2010, WVAD will be and newsletter for more First, congratulations to all seniors hosting our biannual picnic at Bulltown information and updates. who graduated from West Virginia Campground at Shelter #5. WVAD Please continue to share your ideas School for the Deaf. Trustee Worthy will provide the meat. Please bring a and offer feedback as WVAD is for Devericks att ended this year’s graduation covered dish. There will be Corn Hole YOU. and presented awards from West Tournament, Horseshoe Tournament, Virginia Association of the Deaf (WVAD) and water games. Come join us for a Sincerely, to Valedictorian, Roderick Stickley; day of fun and camp out with us that Salutatorian, Cassandra Heaster; and night, too. See our flyer on page __ Linda Phillips Outstanding Senior, Polly Hodge. Again, for more information. congratulations! The Board along, with our Conference WVAD President I att ended the West Virginia Com- Chairperson, Jimmy Harrison, is working mission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing’s hard to plan your next conference which town hall that was held in Parkersburg, will take place in Charleston, West WV. There were 26 in att endance. The Virginia, on August 4-6, 2011. Be sure audience had a chance to hear what the to mark these dates on your calendar Commission is about and some of their and att end. The conference site will goals. They also had a chance to express be at Charleston House Holiday Inn concerns as well as suggestions. Be sure on Kanawha Boulevard, East. It is to read the Commission’s goals that located in downtown and within the were sent out in the mail and offer walking distance to the Civic Center feedback or participate in one of the and the Charleston Town Center Mall. taskforce. Have a Safe Summer! This is a a West Virginia Association of the Deaf (WVAD) non-profi t WVAD Quarter News organization newslett er for our WVAD family and friends. It is the purpose of WVAD Quarter News to be an informative communications newslett er by all WVAD members and non-members, addressing WVAD programs, “News brought to you by the West Virginia Association of the Deaf organization.” activities, issues, and member interests. WVAD Quarter News strives to maintain a balance between program and general interest news. Contact the WVAD Editor: Tami Deem Quarter News editor at WVAD Editor concerning material appearing in WVAD President: Linda Phillips Quarter News. WVAD Quarter News will publish materials submitt ed by anyone, Vice-President: Jimmy Harrison subject to editorial review and approval. Please remember to send references Secretary: Liz Leisure of any outside sources you may use. Authors’ names will be withheld from Treasurer: Veronda Harrison publication at their request. The views and opinions expressed by contributors Senior Trustee: Jackie Sherrill-Robinson to WVAD Quarter News are the authors’ own and do not necessarily refl ect Trustee: Worthy Devericks those of the staff of WVAD Quarter News. Trustee: Scott Hott le 2 WVAD Quarter News, Summer 2010 WVAD Board Date: January 3, 2010 Minutes Location: Best Western Charleston Plaza Meeting Room, Charleston, WV West Virginia Association of the Deaf Board Meeting, Meeting Room at Best Western Charleston Plaza, 1010 Washington Street, East, Charleston, WV, January 3, 2010 Members Present: Jackie Robinson, Virginia School for the Deaf Alumni will The motion for a 15-minute recess Veronda Harrison, Jimmy Harrison, be held at WVSD on September 24-26, starting at 12:25 p.m. was adopted. Liz Leisure, Scott Hott le, and Linda 2010. Veronda Harrison moved that we Eckhart. The secretary reported that she sent set the annual picnic admission price Members Absent: Worthy Devericks. a sympathy card to Georgia Guzzi. She at $20.00 per person with door prizes. Standing Committee Members: gave a brief report about the conference Motion was passed. John Burdett e. she attended with the president on Scott Hott le moved that we charge Standing Committ ee Members Absent: October 29-31, 2009. the admission price for children from Caryn Keller, Ruby Losh, and Robyn The trustee reported a problem with age 5 to 17 including college students Evans. interpreters not contacting hospitals for $5.00 without the door prizes. Visitors: Erin Fulton and Connie and/or doctors’ offi ces to cancel their Veronda Harrison moved to amend this Davis. assignments. This problem is very frus- motion amended by changing the words The regular meeting of WVAD was trating for deaf people who ended up “without” to “with” tangible (not cash) held in the meeting room at the Best not having interpreters present for their door prizes. Amendment passed. The Western Charleston Plaza, on January 3, appointments with the doctors or at the main motion as amended passed. 2010. President Linda Eckhart called the hospitals. Jimmy Harrison (SH) moved that we meeting to order at 10:17 a.m. with the There was no unfi nished business. have a corn hole and horseshoe tour- secretary, Liz Leisure, being present. Liz Leisure moved that WVAD close nament at the picnic at $5.00 per per- Minutes of the previous meeting were the safe deposit box account that costs son including a water balloon contest approved as distributed. $37.10 a year. The motion passed. for fun. The motion passed. The treasurer reported a balance of Veronda Harrison moved that the Veronda Harrison moved that we $297.61 in checking account, $7,053.14 WVAD summer picnic in June 2010 be auction off a corn hole at the deaf picnic in savings account, $15,067.62 in the Mingo moved to August 2010. The motion passed. for the fundraising purpose. The County Fund account, $12,003.63 in Jimmy Harrison moved that we motion passed. Certifi cate of Deposit accounts. The cur- increase the newslett er subscription price Jimmy Harrison moved that we give rent interest rate for the Certifi cate of from $10.00 for two years to $20.00 for out up to four extra tickets to those that Deposit is 1.2 percent.
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