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;k;tw.. memainine I n. _ _ I NontSenate rejects NonwJon- President's decision Senate rejects President's decision by James Barna "The focus of the committee," according to Goodman was, "would we In a dramatic reaffirmation of its allow our facilities to be used for recruit- resolve, the University Senate passed a ment if [organizations] would not sign a resolution urging President John Mar- pledge to adhere to University policies." burger to reconsider his decision to Said Goodman, "The central and reject the recommendations of the Ad only issue was discrimination; military Hoc Committee on ROTC and Military recruitment is a red herring." Recruitment. The vote, which took The committee's original resolution place Monday, carried the resolution read, "We propose that any outside forty votes to nine, with eight ab- organization, in order to use the services stentions. The vote followed a heated of (the University)... towards attracting debate, in which members of the Senate new employees, members, or recruits, chastised Marburger for confusing the be required to sign a statement that it issue and showing a lack of vision. does not discriminate in its employment One Senator stated to Marburger, practises on the basis of race, gender, "It is unfortunate that you have further age, sexual orientation, religion, disa- added to the anti-gay and lesbian bility, national origin, marital status, or problem on campus." He also indicated Vietnam era veteran status." that in light of Marburger's decision, he Marburger interpretted the would have no choice but to file a resolution as being geared specifically complaint with the New York State to ROTC and military recruitment. Human Rights Commision. While the ad hoc committee's name did decision in this matter, and implement A decision by President Marburger Another Senator said, "I was deeply imply this narrow an issue, its wording the recommendations of the Senate in concerning this new resolution should saddened and disappointed" with the in the resolution was necessarily broad. this matter." be made early in new year. President's decision. He also asked, The new resolution reads, "The since all campus governance organi- University Senate believes that Presi- zations, (including Polity, The Graduate dent Marburgermistakenly interpreted Student Organization, and the Execu- its resolution on recruitment as focused tive Committee of the Alumni Assoc- on the military rather than on the non- Employees Picket iation Board of Directors, as well as dicriminatory use of campus facilities most faculty) agreed with the Senate by outside organizations; recommendations, then how could Marburger based his decision... President Marburger decide against the from the view that it singled out the Administration resolution? military for special treatment and thus Before the Senate meeting, applied Section 2-a of the New York University Senate President Norman State Education Law, even though the... Unrest Concerning Nonunion Contracts Goodman was interviewed concerning resolution applies to all organizations the issue. When asked upon which seeking to recruit on campus; by James F.Barna The Civil Service Employees points he disagreed with Marburger, The issue involved..: is neither Association (CSEA) is a major union at Goodman stated, "I don't agree with ROTC nor military recruitment,but the In a well orchestrated protest, some him on any parts." He then told of how right of the University to require any Stony Brook, as well as at University 150 employees of CSEA Local 614 Hospital. In an interview, CSEA Marburger completely missed the outside organizationthat wishes to use Local picketed in front of the Admiristration 614 President Phil Santella, objective of the committee's recommen- campus facilities to recruit new mem- spelled out Building. The demonstration, which the union's dations. bers to sign a pledge that they do not grievances: lasted from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on With the opening Goodman said that for the discriminate in ways the University is of the new Thursday, disrupted classes in nearby resolution, "the committee considered not permitted to do and will not do; gymnasium and field house, the academic buildings, due to the fervor of Administration decided to contract out any organization which does not adhere The University Senate urges the happening. custodial services for these buildings to University standards." President Marburger to reconsider his to an outside contractor. According to Santella, "The University entered into PHOTO BOX an agreement with the contractor days after we were informed there was a hiring freeze, no more overtime and contracting out because of the state budget." He further stated, "It is beyond belief that the Administration would hire outside contracors for $250,000 at a time when there is such a budget crisis." The Administration justified its actions by saying that needs required hiring special workers for the new sites. However, only a handful of the 15 to 19 people to be supplied by the contractor have appeared. Further, at least two CSEA members have been contacted by the contractor, and asked if they were interested in the work. "This is ridiculous," said Santella, "Our guys are the ones who will be doing the work for the contracor." When asked what he thought the protest would accomplish Santella stated, "Hopefully it will open the eyes of the administration." He is confident that the protest will stir some of investigation of the Administration's hiring practices. CSEA has requested a copy of the agreement and will review and then take "appropriateaction." 0 The Stony Brook Press page 2 101 1 I 1 1 _ Blast From The Past McCarthy at the Union

By Robert V.Gilheany have been re-elected and Nixon would difference is the speed of the build-up." negative - "Ex-CIA people shouldn't be have faded into obscurity. Maybe in a He figured that the lesson the elected president. Ex-CIA people An elder statesman of American round-about way, Eugene McCarthy government had learned from the should be looked upon as dogs who politics spoke at the Union Auditorium. was responsible for Nixon's victory... Vietnam War was to gain military have retired from the canine corp. You Former senator Eugene McCarthy actions quickly before public desent has should see if they are fit for civilized was famous for his role as the Peace It was a sparce crowd in the a chance to grow. He pointed out the society... and he was vice-president for candidate who challenged President auditorium (mainly due to poor concept of the Volunteer Army as a eight years...that is enough to corrupt Lyndon Johnson in the Democratic advertising). McCarthy got up and strategic means to ward off public anyone." McCarthy also commented on Primary of 1968. The outcome of the soft-spokenly touched on many issues desent with the use of force in American the wimp issue during campaign and New Hampshire Primary prompted such as the issue on what the offices of Foreign Policy. If a draft is in effect, suggested that maybe Bush came to the Johnson to drop out of the race and not the senators and the president are students will become more concerned White House with something to prove, seek re-election and Vice-President supposed to be, and on issues pertaining with the present Gulf situation. and sending the troops out may be a Hubert H. Humphrey took up the to Vietnam and the current Persian Gulf When asked if Bush is pushing for a response to it. But then McCarthy campaign for the incumbent admin- crisis. Nevertheless, the former senator war in the Gulf to increase oil company added, "I don't know what makes him istration. This 1968 Presidential displayed a dry wit on his analysis of profits as to divert attention from his tick." Democratic Primary was historic for these issues. domestic failures (i.e., Savings and Loan three reasons: it ended a president's McCarthy compared and con- crisis, the Budget, taxes, and the career; Candidate Robert Kennedy was trasted the military build-up in Vietnam Recession), he said, "I don't know." asassinated during the California with the Persian Gulf: he said that McCarthy stated that with past Primary; and at the Democratic Con- justifications for the build-up grow as presidents you knew what you were vention in Chicago, Mayor Daly's police time goes on. Of Vietnam he recalled, getting. You knew where Johnson, force attacked demonstrators who were "First, it was to help out in a civil war. Nixon, Carter and Reagan were coming staging a counter-festival in Lincoln Second, it was to protect national from and what was expected, but with Park just eight miles away. interest. Finally, it was to protect the Bush you have no idea. He mentioned, Humphrey won the nomination free world." He then illustrated these "In 30 years when I was in Washington and went on to lose in one of the closest points in his discussion of the Gulf D.C., no one ever came up to me with elections in history to RichardNixon. Crisis; "First, it was to defend Saudi the question, 'What does George Bush Many political analysts believed that Arabia. Second, to drive Iraq out of think about this?" He asserted that if the November Election was between Kuwait. Finally, to create a New Order Bush's experience before the presidency Johnson and Nixon, Johnson would in the Mid-east." He went on: "The only. [like being the head of the CIA] was Knowledge From Muhammaid by John Sealy

Minister Conrad Muhammad, the youth representative for the honorable minister Farakhan, electrified the Unicultural Center on November 28. The seemingly natural theme for the event centered around Black relativity in America with respect to the Persian Gulf crisis and the unrelenting internecine race issue. "Why does President Bush not send his son to the Persian Gulf?" "Black people have no reason to be there - it is a war that has nothing to do with black people." Statements such as these became the chief analytical sermon of the night. The minister mentioned that Vietnam took 200 lives per day but the Persian Gulf in its desert barrenness would take 200 lives per hour. He told African Americans to pick their battles and make sure it does not conflict with their "America was a calculating imperialist gesting that the declining morality ISthat has ever used it. interests. beast." structure of America has caused a Another issue the minister brought Mohammad explained that the evil Mohammad said in a firm expression serious downfall on the intellectuality of out was homosexuality. He said, "Since race became the caucasian race. For of a activist-reverend : "The Wicked the American mind. homosexuals have constructed such a example there was no co-existence Demon of the West (San Francisco) and He reminded the audience of the strong lobby in Washington D.C., afforded to the American Indians. The the Wicked Demon of the East (New atomic bombs dropped on Japan during homosexuality has become the 'alterna- to Indians welcomed the settlers at York); This is a clear warning WWII by the United States. Well, tive lifestyle.' Thus, procreation will Plymouth Rock, and the settlers sold the America and the world (I would guess "Japan is dropping an economic bomb cease and the concept of 'mommy and Indians pox-infested blankets. that the wicked demon is immorality). on America and America's economic daddy' will be no more.'" * He went on to say that college is not The wicked hand of men is causing capital is moving to Japan," said just a place to gain knowledge but a destruction around the world. Slavery Mohammad. chance to understand the deep value of was caused by the wicked mind of the He stated that America has a talent to it. white men." change the rules when the rules do not According to the minister, coming to Later on in the lecture, the minister work in their favor. America is America and taking over was imperial- specified that in the United States, SAT watchful as to who has the atomic bomb ism. Taking slaves from West Africa scores are decreasing while in Japan and will react against anyone whose was truly an imperialistic act. Through- the scores are rapidly increasing - 200 hands it falls into. America, as pointed out the wars of the twentieth century points above whites and 400 points out by the minister, is the only country (WWI, Korea, Vietnam and Granada), above Blacks." Mohammad was sug- December 6, 1990 page 3 mmmmmwý _ __ - number of Haitians. Dahoud four o'clock. After slipping through a the same involved in side door, this reporter found a desolate Andre, a graduate student lobby and the third floor balcony lined the protest, said the scuffle with Public with protestors like birds on a telephone Safety was a consequence of the bood line. Meanwhile, President Marburger's drive being permitted on campus. He office had become occupied by roughly said that members of the group were a dozen students. insulted when Marburger displayed his SA^ Polity officers and protest registration card to donate blood a sk s" * *» 31- s s leaders huddled on the staircase pre- himself. paring for a meeting with Marburger. According to Richard Young, One of Polity President Dan Slepian's Director of Public Safety, the depart- concerns was to "get Suffolk [County ment suffered nine casualties. The. Police] out of here." worst of which suffered by Assosiate As administrators and secre- Director Susan Riseling who was ". taries looked at each other in the punched in the head and in the ribs and President's outer office, half a dozen as of last night [Tuesday] could only protestors and about fifteen cops read the top 'E' on an eye chart." Mr. lollygagged in the isolated hallway Young said he was unaware of civilian outside. injuries and that, "We were set up ... A stack of Domino's pizza was there were no females at the protest as brought in to the protestors about an there were in the previous four demon- hour after the Police consumed a coffee strations ... only males." and donut delivery. Mr. Young continued by As the meeting with Mar- saying that the black officers were burger concluded, one former, occupier highly verbally abused. According to exited gingerly holding a blue vase and Young, protestors taunted the black queried, "Where's the bathroom?" officers with, "Hey boy, you're working Bad Blood Marburger stated in October for the white man . . . you're a piece of that, "The-University recognizes a dual shit." Young said at one point a splinter responsibility, for fighting discrim- group held a Public Safety investigator by Fletcher Johnson officer said, "Public Safety had things ination and saving lives in its hospital. in Marburger's office for about thirty under control when we arrived." Obviously, there is a clash of principles minutes as a potential bargaining chip. Student protestors faced off Two students were arrested at here." He concluded by saying that, Young says, "'Hostage' is a pretty with Public Safety, Environmental the protest. Phillipe Valbrune and Em- "Cancelling the blood drive would have strong word, but he was held captive Health and Safety, and the fourth and manuel Severe were charged with been the wrong way to gain support for until we told them that they were in sixth precincts of the Suffolk County second degree rioting and released on changing the F.D.A.'s policy." Mar- danger of breaking Federal laws." Police at the doors of the Main Library bail of $25 each. burger said on Tuesday that, "The use It was reported Wednesday Tuesday, December 4, 1990.------The protestorsgouped direct- of force to disrupt the blood drive is that the Federal Government will lift its Nearly 100 male and female ly in front of the open double doors, but toT•ly unacceptable-to-ke Lhniversity," ban on blood donations by Haitians. students, spearheaded by the Haitian did not appear to physically block The New York Blood Center Sub-Saharan Africans will co-ftinue to Student Organization, gathered in the anyone from entering the doner site and the University have joined with the be banned from donating until tests are rain outside the Alliance Room to despite some protestors' shouts urging Haitian community in protesting the in use which can detect a particular protest the Federal Food and Drug their fellows to the contrary. F.D.A.'s recommendation. Associate variety of the AIDS virus. The change Administration's recommendation ban- Protestors linked arms and a Vice President Dan Forbush said in F.D.A. policy follows a slew of ning Haitians and sub-Saharan Afri- shoving match-ensued when P.S. Tuesday that the "language" of the demonstrations including a 50,000 cans from donating blood. pushed the students away from the F.D.A.'s blood donation policy is strong protest in N.Y.C. in April. The protest began at approxi- building in order to close the outward - "insulting ... and encourages offensive Commenting on the F.D.A.'s mately 10am and at 11am Suffolk opening doors. Tension dissipated as stereotyping." According to Mr. For- policy change, Mr.Young said, "It's a police arrived on the scene "to assist." protestors danced, chanted, and beat a bush 200 of the expected 400 pints of dollar short and a day late." 0 Over thirty patrol cars lined the street in drum. Shortly thereafter, Police pre- blood were collected at the drive. front of the Chemistry building as cops, sence began to diminish. The H.S.O. claims that the many in riot gear, observed the By late afternoon the Admin-' policy is not scientifically supported, demonstration. When asked if County istration building was the hot spot. and rather that there are more cases of Police presence was necessary, one Police closed Administration around AIDS per 100,000 Americans than in the ; · I I m for Coalition Peace ,. . . . . - . . Action planned... SP by Jean Rousseau representative of the GSO. The fear that protests. a friend may die for nothing in the During the meeting, actions Last Thursday evening, the desert sands brought these people were called: Coalition for Peace in the Middle East together. It is a one to one relation at this * Wednesday December 5th, held its first public meeting in the point, but already many have the protest against tuitition increase and use firelounge of the Union. It was a sensitivity to realize what will be the of our taxes to pay for the military success according to the participants. trauma of this country when it goes to involvement while there are cuts in Just before Thanksgiving, members of war, which it will, according to the education. the coalition distributed information to participants. * Thursday December 6th, the students from a table in the Union. Among new developments in Student Union Building, Room 201, the But action was to be taken, and thus this crisis, we learned that the Pennsyl- Coalition organises a Teach-In. Three; planned, which was the purpose of the vania State House has passed a bill faculties, including Michael Zweig, last meeting. wHich mandates that high school professor of economics, will talk abouti With the help of students adi:nistrators provide names and the crisis in the Gulf. Representatives of Shoshanna Wingate and Chris Del- addresses of graduating students to the different groups and students will then vechio, many different organizations armed services. The draft may not be express themselves. were informed of the meeting. that far. George Bush declared the For the end of the term, the last Unfortunately, no black people opposite. opportunity before the war starts, a were present, even though they form a During, this meeting, the massive demonstration should be! large percentage of the American Coalition did not spell out the objectives organized on campus. Some graduatei troops in Saudi Arabia. it wants to pursue. It can nevertheless students may also decide to debate the More than thirty persons sat be said that 1) they want to heighten the current situation with their students around the table and expressed their public awareness of the on-going cover- during class hours. concerns. Dan Slepian, president of up action and about the dangers of the For more information about Polity, participated briefly, as well as a involvement, and 2) they will organize; the Peace Coalition, you can call 689-- AND SAVE $30.00. 6319, 689-7290 or 246-5620. * The Stony Brook Press page 4 --· -- I Is II- II ::--- I

Blowing W histles ThePaukner continuing and Public saga ofSafety Kevin or Chasing Wini Public Safety vs. Local 1792: Gestalt perception or talking s 7 by Robert Rothenburg found nothing wrong and made no recommendations. In a letter Snorek told union shop The District Attorney will begin steward/PS officer Winston Kerr that investigating an alleged cover-up by the the investigation was public inform- Administration and Public Safety, ation (apparently "misinformed") being according to PS officer and union shop an internal document, the investigation steward Kevin Paukner, who visited the is not subject to Freedom of Information DA's office on Monday. Act requests, and is not public, The allegations go back to last according to Rosemarie Nolan, Admini- December: PS Director Richard Young strator for Claims, Records and Risk and Assistant Director Patrick Dwyer Management. Snorek claimed releasing responded to a call on the fifth floor of the information would not do much to the Social and Behavioral Sciences alleviate accusations of a cover-up, Building, where student Mark Giannotti was allegedly "making a disturbance" adding "Anybody that says I'm trying to cover up or-whitewash something is full (which the arrest report refers to as of bull...they certainly don't know me." "criminal trespass"). Giannotti resisted Young also commented, "The thing arrest, allegedly hitting Young, knock- is fully investigated... There's no cover- ing him to the ground, and it took attempts were made to contact him by up here. There's no Watergate here. We From the '89 Press article, several officers to subdue Giannotti. the University, but that he was "too Gagliardo said, "They've engaged in Young, Dwyer, and Sgt. James Foley have civilian witnesses." There were at shaken up to take care of that stuff. I least 14 witnesses at the scene, three whistleblowing and being critical of the were then sent to the hospital to be wouldn't speak to anyone." (Giannotti mismanagement of the way the Public treated for injuries while Giannotti was were faculty members. (The Press has charges were for resisting arrest.) not been able to contact them as of yet). Safety Dept. at Stony Brook has been sent to the County Police sixth precinct. Other questions are raised: why "The DA can pursue this..the thing they run. What has occurred since then is a However, Young is accused of would the Director of Public Safety be are really alleging because they don't systematic and repeated form of using "excessive force by striking and in the field, responding to calls? "It was like me, because I've disciplined people." harassment against Mr. Paukner and kicking the student over and over again a call of a disorderly person, Further complicating the issue, and and I Mr. Lever for bringing these sorts of and while doing so Director Young happened to adding to the accusations, is the fact be there." Also, why things to light." broke his finger" in a letter sent by weren't all witnesses that Young removed pictures of names taken down Along with his charges of a cover- Paukner to University President John on the arrest papers? According to Giannotti's face taken after his arrest, up (in packets sent to the Press and Marburger. Young, according to a signed and notarized investigators were sent to the other publications), Paukner claims that A more moderate account is that floor at the same time as the incident to there are inconsistencies in the Uni- after Giannotti was handcuffed, "Young affidavit by Charles Thomas, who is in charge of records look for witnesses. Paulkner claims versity's reporting of crime statistics grabbed the face of the suspect who at Public Safety. Young claimed he witnesses might have feared retribution (including copies of FBI and USB crime was in custody. He grabbed his face and did not remove the photos, though in a later interview said from Director Young, although Young stat reports) to the Department of Crim- he said, 'Remember my face,' and the he took them for Riseling's investi- says that is why non-PS witnesses were inal Justice Services (which forwards guy looked away, and according to gation, transferring them to the internal sought. the statistics to the FBI for public Lieutenant Sluter[sic], Mr. Young report. He added that SCPD would (This is another issue brought up national statistics). He notes "crimes" smacked his face with an open hand to have taken mug shots of Giannotti, by Paukner: Marburger's power to that occurred in the Hospital (which has get his attention and then said, pointed however efforts to obtain information arbitrarily terminate employment.) a separate security staff, who are not at him and said, 'Remember my face.' from the bureaucracy of County Curious is why the union comes peace officers and thus cannot make That's to the best of my recollection of- authorities has proved fruitless. into play: Paukner is currently involved arrests) were noted on incident report what Lieutenant Sluter[sic] said," At the time of his arrest, Giannotti in a $13+ million lawsuit with another 'forms, rather than crime report forms. according a transcript of an interview was under an Involuntary Medical officer and former shop steward Paukner sent a letter about this to the with PS Associate Director Susan Withdrawal due to emotional instability. Charles Lever (who is currently out on DCJS, asking for an investigation. Riseling, about Sleuter's account of the (Young called Giannotti a "Charles permanent disability due to injuries When this was mentioned to incident in an investigation of Young. Manson lookalike".) He has a history of related to the suit) against University Young, he noted problems with the The transcript comes from a 650+ previous assault charges, according to officials, including Marburger, Gary computer reporting system and with document page grievance arbitration the DA Drew Biandi's office. He has Barnes (Young's predecessor, who officers improperly filling out the given to the Press by Paukner. In a refused to place a complaint, despite resigned amid accusations of falsifying forms, which may have something to phone interview on Monday, Young attempts to reach him by both the timesheets), Young, Riseling, Controller do with the problem. He added that a claimed that "it was not what he Administration and the union. (As of Carl Singer and Manager of Labor full time investigator has been recently [Sleuter] meant to say." (Young admited printing, the Press has been unable to Relations Alan Entine. Both Paukner hired to audit the forms, as well as train to saying "Remember my face," how- contact Giannotti, although his father and Lever claim that due to their union officers on how to properly fill out the ever.) answered the phone responding about activities, their peace officer status was forms. an Soon after the incident, the incident: "it was more than a slap, if removed by Marburger. No longer able A noteworthy "incident report" on anonymous letter was circulated I recall.") Giannotti's case will go to to carry mace or nightsticks, they were from October 18 was of ten lost claiming to have campus-the author court in February, according to Biandi's assaulted and injured while on duty (see ampules of phenobarbital (barbituates), witnessed "a Henios [sic] crime...," office. Press, April 27, 1989, Statesman, May reported by RN Karen Donogen, who describing something similar to the Giannotti contacted the Press 1, 1989). (quoting the report) "stands by her the above incident. The letter caught Wednesday morning. He claimed he In depositions and document original statement that drugs were lost attentions of Young and Vice President was unaware he was suspended, and collection in preparation for the trial, and most likely thrown out with trash." was Harry Snorek (who claim Paukner that he was not making a disturbance. much information "damaging" to the (When contacted and asked how involved with its distribution). Snorek He said, "They jumped me. Any action Administration has come out. Accord- narcotics could be thrown in the trash, ordered an investigation (although the that I took was in self defense. I was in ing to the officers' lawyer Joseph she replied "I don't - I'm not gonna letter was annonymous and hearsay) of the building taking care of some Gagliardo, "Mr. Young has clearly discuss this with you over the telephone, Young, which was performed by business and I turned a corner [outside stated he has not gotten along with Mr. I'm sorry" and hung up.) Riseling, who works under Young (who of an office, between the hall and the Paukner because of his union act- When asked about this, Young said felt Riseling was not best one to do the lounge], five or six guys, I can't ivities...It pretty much explains why we he would look into it. He said, "They've the had pharmacy investigating, but was apparently remember. They're all in plain clothes. initiated the lawsuit." The discovery problems...[there is] no this was cover only one who could-however They told me to leave campus, so I period should be over by January 18, up on our [Public Safety] part." according to "not out of the ordinary," turned and walked away, and they and jury selection would begin in continued on page 13 competant Snorek; both felt she was jumped me." He confirmed that March, according to Gagliardo. enough for the task). The investigation December 6, 1990 page 5 mmmwwmý India Society's Guest Lecture Dr. Alan Roland: "Exploring the self: Asians and Americans. or ill-will towards a superior, and will Highlights and Contrasts between South instead rely on more non-verbal methods to the expression. Americans By MJXII and he brought Dr. Roland quite a large choice of mates, vocation and edu- are quite comfortable with even glass of water. cation, as the self melds into a family explosive signs of disagreement and do The fledging India Society, in its first All in attendance were immediately way of thinking and a system of not hesitate to outwardly challenge year, has brought a rich diversity to this impressed at Dr. Roland in his ease of support and respect for their elders. authority. campus, with presentations ranging delivery, at his extensive experience and There is a formal hierarchy in family Indians are quite comfortable with from classical Indian dance and music friendly, tactful exploration of his ex- relations, rights and obligations contrac- shifts in group norms and do not allow as well as picnics to a series of periences with pyschoanalysis in India. tually spelled out in a social setting. personal belief systems to interfere with distinguished guest lecturers. He concentrated on the interface Indians constantly maintain an open- any contextual variance in human One could not help but feel right at between the two cultures, comparing mindedness and are quick to accept nature. Indian emphasis is "on depen- home as wide smiles and prompt them more than contrasting them. His what seems to them a better way. But dency and a constant concern-and- welcomes greeted all who attended. observations never bordered on criti- also is expected is responsibility on the empathy " systems of inconvenience, The auditorium in the Earth and Space cism, and from the questions posed, no part of superiors and modes of conduct and asking as a way of giving. Being Sciences quickly filled up with largely one doubted his theories. on the part of family relationships, and dependent enhances the esteem of the Indians, but included Americans and The thrust of his delivery was vocational relationships are dictated by other person. others as well. A distinguished Indian primarily based on explorations of the laws of etiquette. Indians are aware of a constant self- man with a blue turban sat beside me variance in concept of the "self." Dr. Roland brought out the difference transformation, while Americans blaze and we engaged in light converstaion Indians develop more of a contextual in male stereotypes in India and a path for themselves to succeed as before the lecture, both of us remarking ethic, and their self is based on groups America. Males in this country have a individuals. Indians will fit comfortably on how truly comfortable the seats were norms and a deference to social order. sense of self-awareness, and deference in a hierarchal relationship. in the auditorium. Thus a more "we-self." In comparison, to superiors and reliance are not Two of the largest democracies of the Dr. Roland was given two intro- Americans are encouraged to indivi- encouraged. By contrast a strong world, India and America can benefit ductions and two favorable reviews of dualize the self (I-self) and maintain a Indian male,is considered to be proud to from understanding each other's cul- his book In Search of Self in India and constant autonomy over choices and work within the social structure of the ture. Dr. Roland brought this out from Japan, typical of the Indians cordiality social situations. The Indian self is family, and in positions of superiority, the perspective of self and coming to and overindulgence in etiquette. The implicit in a "we" relationship and a takes on a maternal protective charge of grips with ourselves in an ever growing chairman made sure that the volume of system of social deference is inherent in his social inferiors. By contrast, Indians interface between the two cultures. * the PA. was adequate and comfortable, their consciousness. The family shapes will never show outward signs of rage I Y_ _-· _ , _ FOOTNOTES reading last week's Time magazine. Mozart's Requiem Just focus in on a window of the Think Globally, Kid's Snuff Highlights include Mozart's Requiem hospital. Today at 4 p.m. the Child and Family with the Stony Brook Chorale and Act Locally Studies/Social Science Interdisciplinary Camerata Singers, Timothy Mount Long Island has a (new?) journal of Program [whew!} will be presenting a conducting. Saturday December 8, 8:00 Junk Mail "ecological information, ideas and panel discussion on Media Violence and PM at Main Stage of the Staller Center. 'Twas the day before Thanksgiving, action" called Foghorn. This month's Children. The panel will include Dr. Composed of grad students preparing and this big box was delivered to the issue features information on developer Robert Leibert (a professor in the Psych for advanced studies or professional Press office - what was it?. A Wilbur Breslin's plans (and their OK by Department), Eliot Auerbach (an exec- the careers, the Stony Brook Orchestra will promotional gag, of course. Town Planning Board) to build board member of the Suffolk County not disappoint you. Tickets are $7 for. chapter of the ACLU), and Dr. Beverly USB students and senior citizens. Call Birns (Director of Child and Family 632-7230 for info. Studies at USB). It will be held in the Art Speaks Union, room 236. "Paintings and Drawings" from Kathy Fox and Mary Sherard will be on Distinguished exhibit at the Union Art Gallery from Lecture December 3-13. View this exhibit during Maxine Hong Kingston, author of The your break in between classes. On the Woman Warrior, The China Men, Apparently Twentieth Century Fox Long Island's largest mall (dubbed 2nd floor of the Union. Open from Tripmaster Monkey-His Fake Book and Monday-Friday, wanted to hype their new movie Home "Wally World") in the Pine Barrens noon-5:00 PM. Call other works of fiction and nonfiction, 632-6822 for some details. Alone, so they sent a big cardboard (which is where most of our drinking will give us an evening of storytelling in mock briefcase with 40+ pages of water comes from). If you want to find the traditional Chinese "talk-story" literature, bios, stats, etc. and photos for out more info about threats to the style. Time and place: Anowa the film. Considering American Airlines environment on Long Island (especially Monday December 10 at 8:00 PM, Main Stage Anowa, an African Folktale with had a picture of one of their planes and if you plan to spend a few years at' of the Staller Center. Call 632-7000 for regional music by Ama Ata Aidoo will fake travel tags on it, they probably paid Stony Brook) contact Foghorn, POB details. This be presented by the Theater Depart- for the thing. 812 Huntington, NY 11743. lecture is sponsored by the ment from December 6-7, and 13-16. So consider the obscene waste of trees Office of the Provost and Newsday. and Free admission. Directed by Loyce Arthur, an assistant postage to send hundreds of these If you want to help the newly formed professor out to media of theatre arts, the play offers across the country. (The. Citizen's Planning Board defend the yet another solid production of yet Madison Aventue wizards who con- local economy and environment, check another interesting story. $8, $6 for jured this thing up must be beaming out the action: Auditions... Theatre Three in Port Jefferson is students and senior citizens. 8:00 PM, from yuppified ear to ear.) Why go to -CiticorpCenter (53rd St and Lexington holding auditions for its main stage 2:00 PM matinee Sundays, at Theater 2 great expense to advertise this movie? Ave) Friday, Dec. 14 noon to six: production of The Boy Next Door- a in the Staller Center. Dial 632-7300 for My guess is it must really suck... demonstrate against loans that finance "compassionate comedy about the further info. deforestation from the Pine Barrens to Fax Up the Amazon. escapades of four mentally disabled -Brookhaven Town men living in a communal residence Star Search Are you concerned with the current Board (Rte. 112, in Coram) Tuesday, December and a social worker's sincere effort to Astronomy Operi Night is coming again political crisises in Central America? 18 at 6pm:i reform the town's planning process. introducte them to mainstream life." on Friday, December 7 at 8:00 PM in Would you like to do something about -Pine Barrens, the Wally Sounds ideal for USB students! Parts lecture center 001 of Earth And Space it? World Site (William Floyd Pkwy, are available for seven men and two Sciences. A spying session on the stars Well now you can send your thoughts, half-mile north of LIE exit 68) all day Feb. women. with the university telescope will take ramblings, doodlings, family photos or 2 and Mar. 23: demonstrate to save the Auditions will be held Wednesday, De- place following the lecture. You can dirty pictures to Nicaragua's President pines, and celebrate Groundhog's cember 19, at 7 p.m. - readings from the also spy on a patient resting on the bed Violetta Chamorro via fax at 505-262- Day or the Equinox. script. Theatre Three is located at 412 of his Stony Brook Hospital room, 7911. It's a small world, afterall. Main Street, P.J. Call (516) 928-9202 drinking perhaps Dr. Pepper and weekdays 11 a.m to 5 p.m. for more info. * The Stony Brook Press page 6 It's Got to be the Morning After by Robert V.Gilheany government sucessfully pressured to said that the Food and Drug Peter Williams spoke of recent court get the Pill out in the French market. Administration (F.DA.) will not hold up decisions that laments the women's If you've seen the film 2010: Space When asked if the reactionary forces RU-486. He said, "The F.D.A. has right to choose- "The positive side Odyssey, the recurring theme is, were stronger in the U.S. than in approved many dangerous and effects of bad court decisions forces "something wonderful is going to Europe, Williams said, "Yes, on most unnecessary products. I cannot see how people out on to the streets." He pointed happen." Something wonderful is the issues." He went on to say, "No drug they will not approve of a drug that is out that "the pro-choice crowd so far end of the abortion debate, and women company in the United States will touch tested safe." He pointed out that the outnumber the pro-life crowd and that winning control of their bodies. A drug the drug for fear of boycotts." He drug is "cheap, safe, and in control of we will win on this issue and on other developed by the French company pointed out that the patent runs out in the people who need it." issues as well." Rousseau and Cloff terminates preg- 1995, therefore small companies There is a point in making Before the meeting started members nancy very early on by stopping the without a large line of products will reproductive rights available to all of N.O.W complained that all of the implantation of the fertilized egg to the market this product without other women regardless of how poor or signs announcing the meeting had been uterus. The spector of the end of the products being boycotted. wealthy they are. Poor peoples' torn down. One woman said, "Any- abortion debate and the liberation of RU-486 is currently not approved in problems with health services are three- thing that is pro-choice gets torn down reproductive rights is an anathema to the United states. When asked about the fold: knowing about it, paying for it, and by the right-to-lifers." (Maybe they the pro-lifers. idea of smuggling Williams responded, being able to get to where the services ought to wheat-paste their posters next The campus committee of Mid- "If you use it yourself, nothing will are being provided. The Morning After time.)) Suffolk National Organization for probably happen to you, but if you try Pill rectifies this problem for poor Women (N.O.W.) invited Dr. Peter to sell it you may run into trouble." He women. Williams, who is a PhD in Philosophy and a lawyer on Medical Ethics, to ^-qkIMMKil -^xI\ 1 =R'Q_1 t RYv. speak about the Morning After Pill, RU- 486, by saying, "It is very effective and quite safe." He also said, "It could be used without the use of the health care delivery system ... then women can Traffic 4sLw control their fertility system." The discussion group of 30 people, By Scott Skinner for all of you animal rights activists. You may be mostly women, expressed surprise that interested to know that horses, dogs and cattle are the reactionary force in France stopped Anyone who has ever been pulled over for a traffic protected from hit-and-run drivers. However, all the distribution of the Pill in their violation should purchase the New York State other animals are not protected (certainly a fatal country temporarily. The French Vehicle and Traffic Law book. Even if you do not blow for Heathcliff, Garfield, and Bill the Cat). drive, this book will make you happy that you don't. Those of you who have a police radio and like to The cost is a dollar, and it is available at your local play cop should take heed of section 397, which DMV. states "A person...who equips a motor vehicle with a The traffic law book will open your eyes to the radio receiving set capable of receiving signals on the most intricate complexities of driving, and will frequencies allocated for police use...is guilty of a convince you that it is simply not possible to follow misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding all of the rules. The first thing that you will notice as one thousand dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding you flip through its pages is that there are no pretty six months, or both." Whew! That's a tough price to pictures. Do not equate this hefty legal-sized pay for wanting to be a good guy. technically-worded book with the wimpy multi-' Did you know that it is illegal to use a Walkman colored picture-filled Driver's Manual. Remember: while driving? Section 375 states "It shall be this book is the law. It is entirely written in that unlawful to operate upon any public highway in this special variation of English that is only fully state a motor vehicle...while the operator is wearing comprehensible to lawyers. However, do not let the more than one earphone attached to a radio, tape judicial appearance of the book scare you from player or other audio device." If you ever want to romancing the mysteries of traffic law. This book is show up a cop, simply wear headphones that are not your best defense against the arbitrary mood-swings connected to anything, and then let him try to bust of traffic cops. Remember: this is the same book that you! they use, so you should use it as well. Even pedestrians can have fun with the traffic law The traffic lawbook is filled with information that, book. A number of sections declare that is is a traffic for some reason, no one ever bothered to tell you infraction to cross the street against the light. A cop about. Let us begin with the infamous section 1180, can actually give you a ticket for ignoring the Don't also known as the Basic Speed Law. For those of you Walk sign. All of you fashion-conscious cane-users who like to speed, this is the section that you should should take note of section 1153, which states "No be most familiar with. Did you know that anyone person, unless blind or visually impaired, shall use on convicted of speeding for the first time cannot be any street or highway a cane which is metallic or fined more than $100? Natura' cops often white in color or white with a red tip." I have nothing overlook this rule as they write G those $150 to say about this law except that it is very silly law. speeding tickets. Have you ever been busted for Speaking of silly, the traffic law book actually driving without your license or registration? Guess defines the term "frozen dessert." Although I do not what? You're innocent as long as the documents know what frozen dessert has to do with traffic law, I exist. Section 401 and 507 require that you must am convinced that nothing beats this definition: have the documents, although you do not have to "frozen desserts shall mean ice cream, frozen custard, If you are in the keep them with you while you are driving. In the French ice cream, French custard ice cream, event that you fail to produce the documents to a cop, artificially sweetened ice cream, ice milk, artificially Reserves & you are he may arrest you on "presumptive evidence" of sweetened ice milk, fruit sherbet, non-fruit sherbet, interested in the your guilt. However, as soon as you produce the water ices, non-fruit water ices, quiescently frozen documents, you may go free without charge. Section confection, quiescently frozen dairy confection, Conscientious 1111 allows you to make a left turn from a one-way manufactured desserts mix, frozen confection, street onto another one-way street while the light is mellorine frozen dessert, paravine, frozen yogurt, Objectors status still red. freezer made shakes, freezer made milk shakes, lo- call The War Section 501 has a neat rule for all of your younger mel, and dietary frozen dessert as all such products brothers and sisters. Tell them that they do not have are commonly known, together with any mix used in Resisters League at to get another license after they get their class 6 such frozen desserts and any products which are 228-0450. "junior license." Two trips to the DMV for a license is similar in appearance, odor or taste to such products, (212) far too much to ask of any mortal person. or are prepared or frozen as frozen desserts are Fortunately, section 501 states that "[a class 6] license customarily prepared or frozen, whether made with shall automatically become a class 5 license when the dairy products or non-dairy products." Whew! holder becomes eighteen years of age." Section 602 is I ; - December 6, 1990 page 7 EDITORI IAL Ethics... The Stony Brook Press Executive Editor Don't whore out USB James F.Bama The decision by U.S.B. President Managing Editor Robert Rothenburg John Marburger to ignore the recom- , :%,%-.l-..... ::- :*.: : :* -. * '*'*:*-.-».. mendations of the Ad Hoc Committee lb-- ::-:. 0 aa4 *o00.. :do:0-a4.bo oa* 0*.a1*.***»h -aa.... :a-lw Associate Editor g: :• *• * * * **o* * ****** ** * ** * - o LaraJacobson on ROTC illustrates a flaw in v * . I*& d d . 0 0 ISoadom0do %#**.*.*.*.*a.' b- do a-;-a.a-.d;o.. a . .. -b-.-b*l'.- ".'.-.'.V.'.' Marburger's leadership this semester. Business Manager The committee's recommendation had doo',.- , -,A, 0, ichelle Reck the support of the University Senate, * (.:- :. . :0a. a:-:-:-:. :. .. . *,'" Polity, The Graduate Student Organi- Arts Editor zation, and the Alumni Association. aa 4W .ad:< 14b0a0 0d 0 0 %o 0o a o ft~ Eric Penzer Marburger's decision clearly went Bay*. . .40 4W.* 0 * ..'*I~,-'- a against the prevalent mood of the Photo Editor campus. *...... *q* ** -.- -*.,..-%-.*- -.,-*.* --. -.*.*:. - .*.*-. -. .***....-. -.vow** -.. -.*-* .-*.*.*- , - Walter Schneider The reasons he gave for his Copy Editor decision were both vague and diffuse. »o0 ** *» - . -* . * * .. .. w... *- a-.* .-, . . -* .*.-- - . ; %*:- ...... '*. Joe DiStephano In a six page memorandum Marburger ...... 0: ...... 4 ...... p...> I0"...... Production Manager gave conflicting arguments which al- Rick Teng lowed him to not act at all. He com- promised morality with convention, There Minister Sans Portfolio Another example of this obtuseness fragmented stop-gap measures. Retcher Johnson rather then affirm the University's occured at the blood drive Tuesday. It is weariness in his eyes as he tells of the ethical imperative. Luckily for the was reported that Marburger gave his grim fiscal year to come. University, like a grandfather being support to protesting members of the It may be that John Marburger is STAFF prodded into consciousness, the Senate H.S.O. He then strode into the Alliance tired; tired of'the body politic, tired of Jean Rousseau, Fred Mayer, Robert Gilheany, urged him to reconsider. Room and gave blood. By doing both stagnant bureaucracy. The time will Scott Skinner, Kate Owen, Steven Kreps, President Marburger wrote in an Julie Stock, Inju Keum, Scott Warmuth, Iin Marburger neither helped the H.S.O. come when this University will require Strauss, Stuart Harrad, Don October ninteenth memo, "I need to Fick, Greg Forte, nor was against their policies. He a president who is charged with ideas, Andrew Fish, John Sealy, Rudy Babel, Lan spend less time on the Day-to-day carefully walked the middle ground, and ready to make this a University of Wo, Laura Rosenberger, Emily Schwartz, Lisa management of campus affairs..." It further muddling the situation. distinction. J. Tracy, William Capozzi, Jaz Trader, Captain America, may be that this distance has made him As huge budget cuts and increased That time is now. O Curtiss Leung, Christine DeFazio, MJ XII, Susan myopic, unable to deal with campus fees begin to tear at the very structure Tarbet, Wayne Meyer issues with decisiveness and clarity. of the University, Marburger offers

LETTERS The Stony Brook Press is published biweekly during the Academic year and intermittently during the Bussin' Blues (leaving that to my well-educated and Ayn Rand Land summer session by The Stony Brook Press Inc., a student run gainfully employed husband) so that I and student funded not-for-profit corporation. Advertising policy does not necessarily reflect editorial policy. The other morning, through no could complete my undergraduate edu- On Tuesday, November 27, the first fault cation with For more information on advertising and deadline, call 632- of my own, I was ten minutes late a primary goal being an official meeting of Stony Brook 6451. for class. After preparing breakfasts increase in my own earning potential. Students of Objectivism Club was held So far, I like my classes Staff Meetings are held weekly in the Press offices each and lunches for my two kids, getting very much, but in the Student Union. The general Monday at 8PM. them dressed, seeing one onto the these experiences with commuter meeting was open to anyone who was bussing The opinions expressed in letters and viewpoints do not schoolbus, dropping the other one off at leave me wondering why I interested in Objectivism, and was necessarily reflect those of our staff. the sitter's house, then driving 45 bothered to do this. I was tempted, while attended by at least 23 people. Among (516)632-6451 minutes to be at South P lot in time to waiting among the huddled masses, to those present at the meeting were Suite 02, CenraHall catch a bus to get to my 9:35 class, I then go back to my car and drive the 45 SUNYat Stony Brook members of the Philosophy Club. Stony Brook,NY 11794-2790 found myself amidst a huge croud of minutes right back home, considering However, unlike everyone else who students waiting to catch a bus to get to job possibilities in the secretarial field. attended the meeting, the Philosophy their classes on time. And all along, I couldn't help but think, Club members were not at all interested Along comes a bus, transforming "And they want to charge us extra for in learning about Objectivism. Rather, asked another Philosophy Club member what was just moments earlier a group this?!" they were interested in advertising their where the meetings were held, as if he of intelligent college students into a I don't know how it got to be this own club, and disrupting the meeting didn't know). pressing mob of something resembling way; from what I can gather, this is a with unfounded criticisms of the The Philosophy Club members did cattle being forced from an open space new phenomenon. And I don't know Objectivist philosophy. little to hurt the Objectivist Club, while through the narrow gate into a small what can be done about it - why there The first meeting of the Objectivist doing much to place their own club into pen. Of course, there was not enough isn't parking available within walking Club was not intended to be a debate question. What has the Philosophy Club room for the whole pressing mob on the distance of the academic buildings. between "Objectivists" and the Philo- done for students recently? Besides one bus. (What's the maximum Certainly, they suggest, there's sophy Club. Rather, it was intended to acquiring lounge chairs so that its capacity of these buses, anyway? space for it. (And for those who might gather together all those who are members can relax while they contem- What's the real legal Maximum claim that P lot actually is a walkable interested in Objectivism, and to discuss plate, the Philosophy Club has done capacity?) Seconds later, another bus distance from, say, the Physis building, I possible goals for the club. The people little to introduce philosophy to those pulled up, and the whole scene repeated say they're full of...well, they're wrong. I who organized the first meeting of the who are not in their clique. Perhaps the itself. I managed to squeeze onto the tried it one day. Physics to P lot. Took Objectivist Club did so with their own Philosophy Club members should third bus, but just barely. A few people me 30 minutes at a moderate pace. That determination and hard work. At a time reconsider their objectives. They might stepped on after me, with the bus driver was a September afternoon. I couldn't when student apathy is paralyzing have found it more constructive to use prompting, "C'mon, people, push it on imagine doing that at 9:00 a.m. in Stony Brook, a club such as the newly their resources to assist and encourage back!" (Aren't there some sort of safety February, proper winter gear or not. I formed Objectivist Club should be the Objectivist Club, instead of degrad- rules, like those on the signs at shouldn't even have to think of the praised for having the courage to ingit. restaurants proclaiming occupancy possibility). actually assemble and provide an outlet limits? Is it dangerous to crowd so -Edward DeFelippis So I ask, what can be done about this? for student involvement. The message many people onto one bus, or am I just President, Occult Studies Club Is this an aspect of college life that will that they received from the Philosophy paranoid?) Finally, the bus arrived at just have to be tolerated? You know Club members was a hostile one that in the loop and with .a mad rush everyone what I'd really like to see? I'd like to see effect, said, "You are treading on our Montreal Massacre got off. As a result of all this, I was ten the administration - the whole pinstripe turf." minutes late to my morning class. suited lot of them, from Marburger on The Philosophy Club members On December 6, 1989, fourteen I don't have to be at Stony Brook. In down - I'd like to see them all park their seem to think they own philosophy, that women were gunned down at the fact, I don't have to be at school at all. B'mers and Benzes down at South P at their club is the only club that can University of Montreal Engineering Because of various factors, including 9:15 in the morning and wait with the legitimately engage in intellectual School in Montreal, Quebec. The location, variety of academic oppor- rest of us to get to campus. I think that discussion. The Philosophy Club mem- entered a classroom, and after tunities, and relatively low cost (yes, it's might change their perspective on the gunman bers acted immaturely by lambasting true), I chose to Attend Stony Brook. whole think, don't you? seperating the men and women, pro- the Objectivist Club while After having left college just short of a at the same ceeded to slaughter the women. He then time propagandizing their degree about eight years ago, I made -Ilene Mangieri own. Child- continued through the building in ish to begin with, their the decision to forego any significant disruptive search of more female students, shout- display also appeared quite of income I could contribute to my family obviously ing in French, "You're all a bunch staged (one Philosophy Club member continued on page 10 The Stony Brook Press page 8 _ VIEWPOI INT It's Sissy Revolution Time by Allen Hunter So one day someone invents "men's lib" or whatever it's called, and we're supposed to go I hate men who hate women. around being mellow and learning how to act like I think I've been waiting to say that, out loud and Phil Donahue and be sensitive and express our very publicly, all my life. Hey, if you think those feelings. And learn to love men. Terrific. Look, I was feminist women are a bunch of castrating ball- mellow years before anyone dreamed up this new breakers, wait 'till you get a load of me! age man stuff, and all it got me was being accused of I'm a man who likes women and I'm sick and being gay, as if that's what happens to the guys who tired of passing some woman walking by in a are too weak and sissified to hate women, act like deserted parking lot and getting this wary, I creeps, and grap some p---y and dominate it. Never frightened look from her. I'm tired of being casually mind that that's an insult to fellows who happen to attracted to women and then if it shows, they're find each other cute, what I want to know is who the worried that I might rape or sexually molest them, hell defined heterosexuality for men as sex with and it spoils everything. Whose fault is this? Men I people that you hate? Men who hate women, that's who hate women, that's who! who! With that 2-Live Crew/Andrew Dice Clay Maybe it's true that we could get over the mentality, jeering and leering and celebrating power homophobia that they've given us. I won't deny that over the people, it's men who hate women who are it would be a better world if more men were fondly responsible for nearly everything that's wrong with affectionate and as comfortable with it as the women the world. That's where the "I Gotta Be Big Man On are. But I'll be damned if I'm going to embrace men Top" mentality comes from. Men who do like some indiscriminately. Every time some guy starts women, but who won't speak out against the whole winking and nudging me and talking about how his attitude about women, go around telling us that we lust for some woman's body is filling him with all have to put up with less freedom because people sneering contempt for her, and he's sure I share his are just animals at heart if you don't have the filthy pleasure in it, it makes me want to throw up. controls. Never mind that that's an insult to most Someone should tell guys like this where to stick animals-I ask, which people? The women, whom it, so I'll happily do the honors - how about into a you tell to stay indoors and lock all the locks and pencil sharpener, creeps? I'll turn the handle. don't go out alone at night? Men who like women, If this is what it means to be a sissy, then I've who (when you think about it) aren't usually violent always been proud to be a sissy, and I think it's Sissy or dangerous? No, it's men who hate women, that's Revolution time. * who! I- I COMMENTARY r-^< Abortion Story

by John Sealy draw a line. He concluded that it would be cruelty or problematic in the later stages of pregnancy. But in selfishness irreconciable with the demand of love.. the early months when a fetus hardly resembles a permissable whether it is in According to society, killing a person is wrong. The liberal view towards abortion is: the fetus baby, all abortions are the pregnant woman or her family. Abortion, in my view, is killing a person, and remains nonhumnian even in its most advanced stages the interest of the case of self-defense, for the therefore is wrong. If killing a person can never be of development. It states that although a fetus is She argued in harm rather than causing harm right then we cannot justify killing in self-defense. biologically a human fetus, it has no moral status, i.e., purpose of avoiding you may kill to avoid a social For example, killing a fetus in the case of a cancerous no personhood. (e.g. to avoid death to the baby). She also believed that our uterus or an ectopic pregnancy to save the mother is Mary Ann Warren possesses a liberal view hindrance not sharp or decisive enough to declared justified since in both cases the fetus itself towards abortion. She is a philosopher at San concept of a person is of a solution to the abortion had little chance of survival even if the abortion were Francisco State University and argues that Noonan's bear the weight to solve the problem is to not performed. But it is documented that even in concept was confusing. There is more to a person controversy. To use it obsurius. such cases medicine was good enough, though very than just a genetic code. She suggests that the traits clarify obscurum per has become more and rare, to save both the mother and the fetus. which are most central to the concept.of personhood Since prehistory, society in their thoughts and practice- that is, According to John J. Noonan: "For the Christian in the moral sense are: more complex 'community it was the injunction of scripture to love 1) Consciousness we have decreased our use of primitive instinct and or natural your neighbor as yourself. The fetus as human was a 2) Reasoning now rely actively on human intellect think it would be neighbor...when life must be taken, to reason alone 3) Self-motivation intelligence. Did the caveman ever a fetus than to allow it to hinder his cannot say that a mother must prefer a child to her 4) Communication wiser to abort Or did he accept it as a natural process and try own...yet again rare." Therefore we must be careful 5) Self-awareness life? it? If he had considered the fetus a mistake, not to violate the statutes of equality. That we are all She agrees that it is no accident that the persons to protect kick the female in the right place in equal under God. This leads to Noonan's view using we are aware of are human beings. Since we are would he have induce an abortion? Or was pregnancy the Catholic moral theory, which we will mention aware of each other and can engage in complex order to excludes' always a cause for celebration? later. communications we are all people. That criteria, so they are nonhumans; At this point, use of a disclaimer has become The conservative view is at conception, against the fetuses from these compelling, since the caveman and Jesus will always "slippery slope" argument that the timeframe can be i.e., nonpersons. Warren is a strict liberal and contends that a be in conflict. These examples are only used to drawn along the path of fetal development, with right to obtain an abortion is absolute at convincingly make my point a little clearer. And for points such as implantation, quickening, viability or woman's any stage. She was labelled as a supporter of that matter, Jesus is pro-life. birth. infanticide. In February 1986, a postscript included In 1973 the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court case, a John J. Noonan, a professor of law at the reference to the fact that at birth (viability), the decision had to be made to allow or restrict all University of California, Berkeley, has a conser- mother should give up absolute right to determine abortions. Judge Blackmun decided that since the vative view towards abortion. His view is that if a the fate of the baby if others wish to adopt it or pay Church, philosophy and science could not determine human is conceived by human parents and thereby for its care. whether or not the fetus is a person, then "who is the has a "human genetic code," then that being is And now, the moderate view. In vivid contrast to Supreme Court to decide?" He then ruled that, "a human. He uses probability to state the theological both the conservative and the liberal view, the woman's right to privacy" would become the ruling refusal to discriminate among human beings on the moderate view is unwilling to condemn or condone factor. This was a landmark decision which basis of their varying potentialities. He explains: abortion - some abortions are morally justifiable, legalized abortion. I may have to say that this "There are about two hundred and fifty million some are objectionable. decision also allowed 1.5 million abortions to take spermatazoas in any single ejaculate with one chance One who had a moderate view towards abortion place every year (animal rights advocates could of developing into a zygote, but once sperm meet was Jane English (whose life came to a tragic end at show their cause in a better light, if their efforts also ovum the potentialities jump to 4 out of 5 that this the age of 31 while mountain climbing). She argued push for a reversal of Roe v. Wade in January). I new being will develop; an immensely sharp shift in that abortion is morally permissable in many cases. must also say that after all, abortion was not invented probabilities." She moderated the liberal view by saying that even if in 1973, it was only legalized. Before then, abortions Then Noonan asked, "What does a change in the a fetas is not a person, the similarity between a fetus were "back-alley." continued on page 10 biological probabilities have to do with establishing and a baby is sufficient enough to make abortion humanity?" Being a strict conservative he would not December 6, 1990 page 9 "VIEWPO INT WHAT HAPPENED? SUNY Trustees vie for Tuition Hike by Eric Coppolino plans; plus sudden 50% jumps in bureaucratic fees students, many of them women and often working (such as the drop/add fee, transcript fee and library two jobs to survive; people of color, for whom access Eric Coppolino is the Editor of the N.Y.S. Student fines); and hikes in parking ticket fines and to SUNY is often the first time anyone in the family Leader Press Service. This editorial was written for practically anything else the University system can has had a real chance of attaining a higher education; the Monday, November 26 issue of Student Leader. attach a cash charge to. Let's not forget about food and the thousands of students who must support To most students, a tuition hike seems like an service prices and a planned $100 increase in themselves because financial aid has been cut or inevitable fact of life, and if it comes one semester dormitory room rent next year-and the near- because their families cannot or will not contribute to early, it's only because budget disasters don't always certainty of yet another increase in tuition starting their educations. This is equally regressive to- keep their appointments. Yet from inside the heavily next fall. working-class families paying taxes to the State, guarded Board of Trustees meeting at Buffalo State Tuition hike or no tuition hike next semester, it's generation after generation, year after year, who College, with just six students present and trustees clear that SUNY, in violation of its primary mission, could finally afford to take advantage of the State rushing to make flights or to get to a fancy luncheon is getting further out of reach for more and more University. But those days, it seems, are fading fast. upstairs, it was en entirely different event. And when, people. Reports in August, made public by the When the possibility of a mid-year tuition hike two days later, news broke that state financial aid Student Association of the State University (SASU), was first reported Friday, Nov. 9, Krebs was, at least would be cut, not increased, the meaning of student that non-tuition costs have increased more than on the outside, sticking to her guns on these basic consent to the unprecedented decisions both to hike $2,000 a year since 1983, seemed to cement the issues, charging that raising tuition mid-year was SUNY tuition mid-year and by a massive $300 argument that this direction had to change. But with unacceptable because it amounted to nothing more annually, and for the first time since 1983, was last Thursday's [Nov. 22] vote, it was clear that none than "charging students for the recession." Yet less profoundly changed. of it would change. The Chancellor committed than a week later, SASU was openly supporting a The trustees' resolution deliberately includes no verbally to no new "tuition-like" fees next semester tuition hike, and for reasons that sounded numbers and no commitments to students-just an (parking and health are already old "tuition-like" remarkably like the ones given the next day by overwhelming "sense" that SUNY wants to raise fees) and told the board that fee rollbacks were out of SUNY administration. What is more remarkable is tuition. The figure of $300 a year and $150 per the question-and that campuses are still free to how swiftly the decisions were made-both SUNYs semester was raised at the beginning of the create campus-specific fees not covered by financial decision to seek an increase in tuition, and SASU's discussion in the context of helping close a low-end, aid. Discussion of these issues went no further. There decision to support it under certain minimal 3%, or $26-million budget gap. Now, with revelation were no arguments, no debate, and not even the conditions, none of which, in reality, were met. that the budget gap is 6.2%, or $50.9-million, plus meekest resistance to the Chancellor's extreme What happened? * $10-million in energy costs associated with the Iraqi position of charging students everything he could war, it's evident that $150 per semester is an "at least" possibly charge them. Further, key issues like figure. Unless students come out fighting in the protecting library hours were not even raised; and it coming weeks, Chancellor Bruce Johnstone can take was clear that a tuition hike was part of a plan that his resolution to the Capitol and get whatever the included layoffs, and not in place of them. Abortion Governor and the legislature will go for. Yet with Amazingly, the word "access" was not uttered continued from page 9 elections over, with finals approaching and with the one time in the entire eight thousand word discussion Can we face healthy and accomplished adults official voice of students [SASU] already on record as on the highest-ever SUNY tuition hike simul- whose parents chose adoption over death (or rather supporting a tuition hike, student power is at an taneously with the deepest-ever budget cuts: $100- abortion) with pro-choice over-tones? Even though absolute low. million in base cuts this year, resulting in the loss of we must find an answer to and give a plan of action SUNY's soaring price tag has dominated student 3,000 class sections and 300 faculty and staff jobs- for the unwanted pregnancies that exist now, we news during the past six months, starting with the before the latest $50.9-million cut. must offer an imperative to such problems in the trustees approval of the $132 parking fee last spring; For all these reasons, and many more, consent- future - regardless of the psychological effect. then the board's approval of the mandatory $100 and at times defense-of this tuition hike by student (Republican Iowa Congressman Jim Lighfoot was health fee in September, which had mysteriously Trustee and SASU President Judith Krebs was, at adopted near birth.) We must choose alternatives doubled the week before the final vote; then a $70 best, a major tactical error for students, and at worst, that produce more good than evil. Never pee against transportation fee for Buffalo students in October, an outright betrayal of the protected communities the wind and never whittle-at ourselves. While these setting the precedent for other campuses with similar that SASU knows it exists to support: non-traditional rules are never bent, we have chosen a safer path to go. S I *- L~L..TTERS continued from page 8 will return to the Langmuir Fireside Polity does not permit .graduate Leg. is not a division of Polity; it is feminists." At the end of the rampage, Lounge for sharing and refreshments. students to vote on Polity issues. As a an official meeting of residents. Polity, with fourteen women dead and twelye We would appreciate both your result, many resident graduate students as well as RHA and other student other persons wounded, he shot himself. participation and your support of our and Leg. officers have come to the organizations, are represented at Leg. It was later revealed in a suicide note event. Thank you. conclusion that either: 1) resident meetings. Leg. officers should en- that the killer held women responsible graduate students have no reason to be courage resident graduate students to for his personal failures, including his -The Center for at Leg. and should not be there; or 2) attend Leg. meetings, if for no other inability to gain acceptance into the Women's Concerns resident graduate students are simply reason than to be informed on campus graduate engineering program. not allowed to attend Leg. However, issues and events. Resident graduate As women, as feminists, as students, what several resident graduate students students should also take advantage of and as human beings, we at the Center TO ALL RESIDENT and Leg. officials do not realize is that the fact that their voice (and vote) will for Women's Concerns were appalled resident graduate students may indeed be heard at Leg. by this action. Moreover, it exists as an GRADUATE STUDENTS attend their building's Leg. and vote on extreme example of the rising tide of AND LEG. OFFICERS: RHA policies. For instance, resident -Lisa violence against women on college graduate students may run and/or vote J. Tracey campuses and elsewhere. In addition, it The Residence Hall Association for their building's RHA representative. Residence is a clear message of the latent and often (RHA) acts as an intermediary between Resident graduate students may also Hall Association times overt hatred towards women student-residents and the Division of vote on Room Rate Review proposals, which is pervasive in our society. Campus Residences. Besides acting as a as well as any o-her RHA proposals. In response to this atrocity and in an student-voice, RHA create residence effort to increase awareness of the I policies via a democratic process. These ý violence being perpetrated against wo- policies affect all student-residents, men daily, the Center for Women's including graduate students who reside Concerns is holding a vigil in honor of on campus. the women who died in Monteal one Unfortunately, resident graduate year ago. On the evening of December students can only be represented by 6, 1990, in the Langmuir Fireside RHA if they attend their building's Lounge at 7 p.m. Dr. Beverly Birns will legislature (Leg.) meetings. However, be speaking on Violence Against Wo-' many resident graduate students do not men. Following her presentation, we attend Leg. meetings as they feel that it will proceed to the Engineering Quad is not open to them. The student activity for a candlelight vigil. Any interested fee that graduate students pay goes to parties please bring poetry and/or any the Graduate Student Organization instruments to share. Afterwards, we (GSO) and not to Polity. Therefore, The Stony Brook Press page 10 COMMENITA RY Marburger smashed the University Senate's move to stop military recruitment on our campus, even Arrest the President I though everyone knows that the Defense Department violates our guidelines regarding Thoughts on the nature of social resistance. discrimination on the basis of sexual preference. Our administration, which has the most to gain from the by Fred Mayer newspapers and TV stations running around status quo, is firmly aligned with the forces of death. campus looking for students who are doing The Stony Brook Coalition for Peace is a The hyphenated term "Iran-Contra" has been a something about the threat of war. People in this growing network of students and professors who scarce item in the ever expanding discourse country are looking and waiting expectantly for realize that quick and direct action must be taken to surrounding our intervention in the Middle East. students to do something. Our responsibility is great. stop this war. We are willing to make the sacrifices This situation was instantly changed on Tuesday Faculty! Where are you? Why have there been of time, money, and personal risk in order to do the November 27, when Bill Moyers' special High no articles or statements by members of our faculty right thing. We invite everyone on campus to join us. Crimes and Misdemeanors was aired on national in our campus papers? Don't our professors But joining a group is not necessary if you are willing television. The airing of that program can be remember the Vietnam war? Well, true, they won't to stand up and speak the truth. Stop your classes regarded as nothing less than the exploding of be the ones to fight and die. They don't want to risk and ask your professors to facilitate discussions political dynamite. In it, Moyers boldly stated what their tenure aspirations. They don't want to rattle about war. Dormitory legislatures should so many of us have been denying for so many years: any cages. What's the life of some student compared demonstrate their resolve. Fraternitiess and that our most recent and present Presidents were to tenure? While there are a handfull of exceptions to sororities need to act. Polity, FSA, CSEA, the and are directly involved in the subversion and this, the vast majority of our faculty remains silent. University Senate, and other major campus destruction of our government. A coup d'etat has If we are going to stop this war there must be organizations need to act. The death-clock is been perpetrated. This country is now under the solidarity between students and faculty. I won't say winding down to zero-hour for hundreds of control of nothing less than a military dictator. The anything about our administrators. I have no thousands of young lives. Let's pull the plug on this tyrant we need to worry about is not in Baghdad, he I delusions about them. After all, "Der Fuhrer," Dr. war now! * is in Washington, D.C.. ,, While we argue about our demand lists, while we let the cops halt our marches in order to let some cars go across our paths, while frenzied organizers fight over phone lists needed in order to somehow Shriek of the Meek drum more support from student bodies, we seem to have forgotten the job of examining the scope of this A View On Paranoia crisis. The cause of the present debacle, involving a face-off of military structures encompassing millions by Rick Teng way; low self-esteem. To imagine that people are of troops, sailors, and pilots, armed with meticulously laughing at you from within is much conventional, chemical, and nuclear weapons, is Someone is playing a sadistic game. You wonder worse than hearing an actual laughter. To assimilate directly related to a breakdown in our critical why you are the subject of someone else's social others' gestural indifference and mental preoc- Constitutional system of checks and balances. suspicion and/or social bereavement (surfaced cupation are in fact poor taste in self-worth. You After spending a great deal of time involved in resenttiment). You are alienated and forced to play a doubt yourself. "Why are they so unkind? Is it me? that various efforts to resist the U.S. war machine, I have role that is all too pathetic to your true-being. Why me?" You flee from all ill-assumptions of this come to understand something about the limits of the Paranoia affects each individual on a pretentious impugn your friendliness. Your awareness interpreted as threat because your First Amendment. The First Amendment was level. You cannot help but assume, judge, accuse and assumption is has a suspicious look that resembles designed to provide a vital service to the functioning predict with society's moral values that conditioned awareness "Excuse me for knowing what you suspect, of a healthy democracy. But when a government you, and that which you have accepted as right, the threat. irrational judgements. . . do you crashes the gates of Constitutional restraint, the object of your contempt. Because it is the nature of but you are making hold such opinions of me? Or am I too negative?" people are entrusted with the authority to seize the things that you do this, your assumptions are You will continue to examine involuntarily the cause reigns of history, and restore Constitutional order. presently your absolute reality. Simply put, you have and effect of your "mistakes," and you will shortly This follows from necessity because in the final decided to allow emotions to take complete control of afterward perform sadomasochism on yourself (a analysis the people are the last resort of any nation. I you. castrating form of negative attitude). You will block have been accused by one member of the Stony However, Salvador Dali's painting, Shades of every optimistic sight and will be driven by Brook Press of being legalistic- perish the thought! Night Descending, is amazing in every respect, as pessimism - "They are not thinking in ways I expect. No lawyer-am I, but it seems fair to say that we ought if this pliably detached and cerebral-like landscape They hold different opinions, therefore they must be to hold our parent's generation accountable to its scene was painted on the left side of the brain. This resting contem- against me." Between you and the "other," this own rhetoric. Aren't we being told that we are painting represents all calmness of the visual ear. You conflict of agreement generates into mistrust, or defending democracy and freedom? This statement platively inside a dark closet in black and white, paranoia; "they are against me, they are reading me needs to be taken seriously to task when it comes to are hearing it. This painting, found inside this old library book left on an old the wrong way." our own backyard! the eyes into wooden desk, is a rich copy of the original work. However Dali's painting focuses To this end, the limiting of our actions to the the rational but This copy of the painting particularly printed on the another plane of thought no lorger of excercising of the First Amendment is not sufficient. that has dreamlike page of this textbook produces a certain meaning of the sensational, a realm We must not kid ourselves! To say "No blood for oil!" echoes). This that brings about a personal history of consciousness; abstractions as words (neoplastic is a powerful act, but it is one that can be easily time when The time in which the painting was executed, the vitreous copy pulls the mind back into a ignored by a President so intoxicated by power that category in which the painting is in, as well as the artists were inclined toward a collectively existential he disdains the views of all around him. President natal unity with artist who'd painted it, give the image an aesthetical application in thinking. It's Dali's Bush sat in the desert with the troops on speaking, what quality of perfection, both visually and historically. Freudian ejaculation. Personally Thanksgiving day, his mouth full of food, and said to create a What a great painting! happens when sex merges with intuition "Some people back home say they don't want on a Just moments ago, you had an urge to eviscerate landscape image? Sperm-size objects appear another Vietnam. Well I guarantee you we're not an enormously small yourself of destructive tendencies because you had a "naked" surface. In this case, going to have another Vietnam." shadow over the plane suspicion that The World is out to get you. You can't mountain on the left casts a Let's take this apart abit. Did he mean to say that turns to pop. describe the actual feeling, but it was as if you were like a liquid bed sheet; dada he would guarantee us that we wouldn't have a war? and monochromatically iridescent losing something important to your life. How smooth Doubtful. Did he mean that when the war starts he and white on a vitreous Someone is planning a sadistic scheme to ruin you, the image is, printed in black aims to pound the "enemy" into submission using the worn-out textbook. This page is unique to dishonestly portray you in an "exposing manner." page of a thousands of brutal killing machines now being it contains this image that is perfectly Soon, this someone will create A Rumour that is sure because deployed? Plausible. Did he mean that "this time" the represented on such a precisely rectangular sheet of to spread. In such an event, you will either withdraw generals will not be stopped by "domestic protests" paper. This image is amidst an office surrounding from any social interaction that seems untrust- which might hinder the functioning of our armed posters, and battered furniture. worthy (they are all untrustworthy), or try blatantly littered with books, forces? Think about it. of Dali's painting within this to "secure" yourself through perhaps inconclusively This observance The resistance which is now needed must the "essence" into a clearly repulsive machismo. environment has placed involve the articulation of raw social power. Social out like a sore But Dali's painting is so oddly supernatural that it fixed perspective. The image sticks power resides in us, in the classes we take, the has descended into consciousness like a dark-cloak -thumb. courses professors teach, and in administrations Whether or not "they" had misundertood your "repercussion." The painting strikes a guiding chord, which govern our campuses. Beyond the campuses is unimportant right now. You are creating an irenic impression on everything that is in actions earlier it resides in workers and families. We as students aware that "they" are under investigative and the Now, as if the painting has pressed into the mind well must start to think about taking risks and showing especially doubtful analysis of what you are and a particular mood of safe desolation, of a wide empty leadership in our society. Contingency strikes and You have doubt as to space of apathy that enables one to depress the what you are to "them." civil disobedience need to be considered as the logical influence of paranoia. confront this with confidence. You fight to ignore this. Students need to break out of their shells next steps. The paranoiac attack on yourself is self-inflicted. situation but you helplessly brings this into the open, and begin embracing reality. During the last couple There is a definite (pre)requisite to your feeling this because you are .... of weeks there have been numerous reporters from December 6, 1990 page 11 ffrt...... ^^~

· sjT7\ MoLL AOUT * t - S.B. UNION -0kE AWUT THURS. DEC. 6th i ; S9PM, ` BLOWOUT Last Part S- of the Year TOY DRIVE

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I · , C, I , I Naala Hey Seniors!! II Illl continued from page 13 In September, Naala wrote a Black Afro-Americans and Black viewpoint in Blackworld. To cut it to make YOl IR Carribeans. through red tapes and bureaucracy, NaalaAt Stony Brook there is racism and revolution has to be considered. In her Senior Week the best? women are still stereotyped. With an vision of revolution, she does not prone ample gesture, Naala raises the fact that blood baths. She wants pragmatism, a Call 2-9196, or come to the focus is put on male student leaders. call for. action - "From miniature the Polity Men are perceived as being firm, while revolutions, it will be possible to become Suite and ask for women are seen as weak. If you look at more revolutionary on a global level." %wftta the different clubs, guess who are the "At Stony Brook, administrators still I secretaries? Women! think of us as babies; they don't think of I The question of racism is a big issue us as adults looking for an education." for Naala. In the classroom, Black This condescendent attitude clashes students are looked upon in a racist with Polity resolute position to defend manner. She considers that Public Safe- student rights. On the question of ty deals differently with cases involving parking space adjacent to the Infirmary Blacks supposedly as being responsible turned into a faculty lot, Polity reacted for a crime committed on a- white swiftly. The University then had to persons. For example, Quincy Troop, a negotiate. Still, students will face other Black student accused of the rape of a unilateral actions of the University or white woman, was suspended, while the SUNY board. Mike Heifner, a white accused of rape What can Polity do to fight increasing on a white minor, could go to class. tuition fees? Naala replies, "One Stony Brook is a diversified Student Polity can't fight a tuition hike. community, which gives great oppor- SASU (Student Assoc-iations of State tunities to discover other cultures. But Universities) is a key player but how in its curriculum, Stony Brook, like much do they benefit us? It costs many other American universities, suf- $36,800 a year for the Stony Brook fers from ethnocentrism. Too much students to be part of SASU, but this time is devoted to European culture organisation is weak and unknown." when the heritage of African civil- Concerning the new fees imposed at isations is neglected. Stony Brook, she thinks that the decisions are half-taken when students Revolution are informed. Still, she insists that the student government is well respected. An event that raised a lot of Is she interested by the position of controversy was the protest of Haitians President at Polity? No, because she against FDA regulations that bar will graduate next year and study Law Haitians to give blood. She agrees with in New York City. After that.. .Naala the disruption of a blood drive on just laughs. * I- ILI -I campus - "This is a revolutionary action." The Stony Brook Press page 12 ,PROF ILE Naala Royale, She Holds The Purse by Jean Rousseau it goes through. At a young age (6-7), she would read If you venture to the second floor of the newspaper and watch the news. the Union, you will find the Polity She would then discuss what she'd offices. You can't miss them. People learned with her parents. Naala's come and go continuously. In this interest in Jamaican politics may also hectic environment, someone will ask be due to her family's involvement with you what you are looking for. It may the Jamaican Labour Party and the well be Naala Royale, Treasurer of the acquaintance between her father and Student Polity Association. the present Prime Minister of Jamaica, In charge of a budget of $1.4 million, Michael Manley (Jokingly, she said that she still takes the time to talk to you. she would become the first woman With a splendid smile that enlightens Prime Minister of Jamaica). two sparkling eyes, the conversation Talking extensively of the economic unravels. Then suddenly, she bursts out dependence of the so-called Third laughing. World country, she underlines the She is surprising. She is a force at importance of long-term planning Polity that people must respect. Polity budget is administered with a strong Challenges hold. She implemented new admini- strative rules that oblige different clubs "I am black and a woman. I have two to be more sufficiently managed. strikes against me." In Jamaica, many Polity is not simply there to re- role models are available. Black people distribute funds; it is an educator. The are the majority and there are many educational experience cannot be con- woman involved in politics, while here .. fined to the classroom, it has to outgrow it. Through its programming, Polity When she arrived in the U.S., she was offers different activities in order to She already had a strong personality Jamaica and travels regularly to the struck by racism. The problems that reach students. Campus life then be- when she arrived in the United States United States, while her mother works Black Afro-American confront daily comes a new experience. Naala con- three and a half years ago. Born in for the Urban Development Corp- were a shocking reality to her. Even siders her involvement as an oppor- Jamaica, she grew up in a family where oration in Jamaica. Naala loves her within the black community, there are tunity to gain confidence and become education was highly valued. Today, native country and has an excellent sometimes misunderstanding between more outspoken. her father owns a car business in knowledge of the economic difficutlies continued on page 12 -- 3 1 1 11111 Paukner's reaction to this accusation Over 100 grievances have been received before he began to head the was that officers were evaluated at least made within the last year, according to department in 1988. Young said he is once a year, and Young never put Paukner and Young. Young dismisses trying to boost morale (adding he can Paukner overzealousness on any of his much of this as Paukner's personality do just so much), bring in sensitivity "yet Young sent memo- (which Young characterizes as an "I training, and eliminate the "macho cop" continued from page 5 evaluations, randums about it." (Young claims over know the law" attitude), and because of image of some officers. "People know He added "Why wasn't it brought to 70% of the people Paukner has written the State system: though unions are we have some credibility here." us?" However, Paukner claims when he up received multiple summonses.) necessary (adding "some of the things Discipline and strictness have inquired about this issue he was told all Young said this was not unique of he does is fine"), they can also be become a theme of Snorek's in the 16 reports were checked by supervisors. Paukner- he's had to deal with 33 mph "counterproductive": attempts to disci- months he's been at Stony Brook. He Young said that although Hospital speeding tickets, for instance. He wants pline an employee require "a lot of quoted himself to the Press in the recent security and Public Safety on main to "bring the department into the work". Currents (Nov. 1990, "Campus campus are from the same union twentieth century," though he feels Young said Public Safety officers Services Boss Plays Tough") feature (AFSCME, Law Enforcement), they are most of the officers are "responsible." are paid poorly, and often must hold about him: "You need to leave your in different locals. He said the officers Both Paukner and Young referred two jobs to support a family on Long footprints throughout the organization." were not doing a satisfactory job (minor to the many grievances the union has Island. With little room for advance- The article starts with the introduction: tasks such as checking badges at the with the Administration. One example ment, police work is often "frustrating" "Harry Snorek has no tolerance for elevators), and they were replaced by involves officers' jurisdiction off and "boring". Within the State's system, incompetence. He doesn't like procras- people who do the job to the Hospital campus: officers must routinely drive morale is a problem (as noted by both tination either. Or quibbling. What he staffs liking, although they do not have three miles away to Marburger's resi- Paukner and Young). "I'm aware of likes are results." He has distributed peace officer status. The union was dence and Sunwood (which are also their problems," Young added. posters on discipline entitled "How can I "grasping at straws" to show there are State University property). There are be a better supervisor?" (Understand- problems with the security there. problems with what happens between ably this can grate on staff used to the Paukner has had is peace officer the two points, in case of accidents, etc. layed-back atmosphere of civil service.) status removed and returned on and off Similarly, when the Dalai Lama Because of Paukner's history of since 1983, due to various complaints came to USB in October, PS officers charges against him (including current made against him. One of the recent were asked to guard him at the Three disputes with Traffic Director Herb charges that led to revocation was for Village Inn (about 3+ miles from Petty and a complaint from a student locking up a nurse in the hospital who campus) 24 hours a day. Young claims for being thrown out of the Psychology was upset over having her car towed. he discussed it with Kerr beforehand, Building while studying late at night) Paukner claims she slapped and kicked received Kerr's approval, assigned the there are attempts to have him fired him hysterically after waiting in the details and then received a stack of ("we're waiting to terminate him," said Hospital PS office with her feet on the grievances. Paukner claims Riseling Young), according to Paukner (who desk, and that one could not get away was the one who spoke with Kerr, who calls this harassment) and Young. with such behavior in other police was told detectives would escort the Despite Young's disciplines, he said "I'm departments, such as NYPD. According Dalai Lama, never discussing "uni- gonna feel bad if he's terminated." to Young, the arbiter of this charge formed personnel" being off campus Noting Paukner's involvement with the found his behavior "inconscionable."- around the clock. (Riseling has not ambulance corp and attempts to get "People don't genuflect to cops today, returned inquiries at the time of first aid equipment in all PS vehicles, as and they shouldn't have to." printing.) well as his dedication to whistleblowing, Paukner claims this is undue Young added that officers do have he said "His life revolves around this harassment, however Young sees jurisdiction when given a legal order, stuff." Paukner hiding behind the union: "You such as to watch the Dalai Lama (as The conflict has become coifased can't hide under certain things...He officers have done for previous guests mire in a Gestalt nightmare - both have been strained claims to be a whistleblower. The of the University). He noted that offi- Union relations camps vying for integrity and effi- attempts to bottom line is he's got a chip on his cers do not want to go off campus to by Young's and Snorek's ciency and their own interests. Paukner was the work, but will drive the same distance to add "integrity" to the University, and in sees himself as a whistleblower, but to shoulder." Young said Paukner . t. 1..- ' .. ,*_.1 -- _ _ - com- and well- type who "writes not one ticket, [butj the 7-11 on Pond Path during tneir Public Safety. Young claimed Young, (although enthusiastic plaints and suggestions were not gives five tickets" and a lot of "lip". shifts. meaning), he is "chasing windmills." ' i December 6, 1990 page 13 __ ~ PROFI LE he was on the road to see God. He became a companion of the Holy Spirit. He made a public confession of his jealousy of the wicked and idolizing of famous people. A priest gave him a book called The Imitation of Christ, mentioned to him by Jesuit Reverend Mulcron, to help him keep his com- mitments. While reading this, all his negative memories came into his mind in picture form. He brought this to his mother for an explanation and was healed by God. He calls this "The healing of memories" and "The healing of the wounded child." He says things remain in a person's subconscience and cause psychological problems. Nat's eyesight and soul was healed by God after a year and a half of prayer and meditation on the cross. He had a religious experience which later in Notre Dame he recognized to be a baptism of the Holy Spirit. During this time he was confused by the different religions and wanted to understand what was of God in all the religions. Nat was fasting and never used drugs. Nat was once at an art exhibit observing an abstract painting with many of spots in it. The spots took WalterSchneider assembly into the face of Jesus, and spoke: "Out of all the confusion you have experienced, I have revealed myself to you." Nat left the exhibit Can lan Prophet feeling very powerful, full of joy and peace and love. Light was coming out of him and outside light was radiating by Laura Rosenberger Joseph's and provide clothes for the Nat did not fit in with the other from everything. He walked to the park poor). He advocates total health care, children. He lived in a world of his own. and found a prayer written on the base Most people mistakingly believe employment, and literacy for all, fights At this time, he became interested in of a fountain, "That whatever a man that Theology is a study of the past and poverty and racism, and writes for religion and philosophy. He was sows, that shall he also reap, for God is never would expect to meet a great Blackworld. He is helping NYPIRG inspired by the words of Socrates, "The not mocked." theologian (let alone on this campus). with its recycling project, was a mem- unexamined life is not worth living." A God made right Nat's spirit, so that Well look again: there's Nathaniel ber of the Physics Club, and has a shift reason for this interest was his grand- he was able to come to knowledge of Hendricks (or just "Nat" as he prefers to in the Science Fiction Library. He mother believed that this world is God and no longer rely on his human be called). believes the students in the clubs are coming to an end, and there would be a mind. He reached another level beyond Did you wonder who is that old more important than what the clubs are second coming of the Lord and the Day intellect - God is truth. The scriptures man who picks up cans about the doing. of Judgement. One day, God told Nat are only a foretaste and not the ultimate campus, with a big smile, wearing a Nat is well educated. He was a to go to the front of the church. There reality. The scriptures are only a humble T-shirt with the insignia of the teaching assistant in the social was a Bible opened to Psalm 23, "The recording of some of the things God Red Cross on it. Nat's massive Watussi psychology department at Stony Brook, Lord is My Shepherd...," which he read said. Words cannot do God justice. In figure, black face with a dignified beard' and now he is doing research for the next year and a half (It is hard to this way in 1961, Nat's eyesight and has ridiculously scared many, but really concerning race relations, poverty, believe that in his early childhood, he soul was healed. homelessness, he is the gentlest person on the entire and cooperative eco- tolerated his grandmother's readings of In 1961-64 Nat served in the nomics, campus. He strongly believes in non- and Christian psychotherapy. Christ and David only to get to lick the airforce. He was struggling with an He is trying to rediscover violence, is a Catholic and Baptist, who the meaning cookie batter). internal conflict. Killing became hard behind the words, "Liberty and really lives a Godly life. He speaks out Justice He was successful in school but at to do and he decided not to kill. Luckily, for All." God against injustice, bureaucracy, greed, times jealous of the lifestyles of others. kept him out of combat (with immorality, etc. I enjoyed the story Nat told of his His mother told him, "You must respect Castro in Cuba). childhood (You should Nat had another You could find Nat sitting on a ask him to tell yourself or you won't be able to respect dream in which he bench and talking to someone about you the complete story and he will talk others." He was strong-willed as a saw a monk dressed in a brown their troubles. He tells of his theories of for hours)-he described his life omni- youth. Today he admits that his parents Franciscan robe. This vision was Christian healing and how his eyesight scently, as if he were looking back at were concerned with his good. He identified to be Father Thomas Merton - was healed by God. He says, "Don't let another person. You can get a better remembers his mother's warning that the most prolific monastic writer who others dishearten you!" Also, he helps feeling of Nat by reading his life from a he would be no good if he hung around proposed "We were to become one in Christ." A friend wanted to bring them to find jobs (such as selling removed personal point of view. with people of bad character. His Nat to meet Father cookies). He was named Nathaniel, which mother had some doctor friends who Merton and said he "is a means "Gift from man filled with peace." Only after He says the purpose of life is to find God" because the could have put him through medical his doctors thought he would die the day he death did Nat go to see his hermitage in God, anything else would be empty, as school but Nat was not interested. He was born, but miraculously he lived, the woods. On the wall he saw the Sage-king Solomon said. Nat gave had some golden opportunities but a because of the prayers of three women painting of the tree of life. Nat received up fortune and the possibility of messed them up and feels awful - he and some nuns and nurses. insights marriage to devote his life to good could have earned $1000 a day as a from God and he later gave a His parents thought he was special teaching causes. He was inspired by the monk, researcher on an important law case. on the tree of life (after seeing and kept him in a protected environ- Thomas Merton, who was famous in but he became upset with his informer a painting of it at Merton's home). ment. They lived in a suburban New the sixties. who compliniented him, then told him When he left, a beautiful, red fox from Orleans community, where he learned; Some people call him a bum. It is he doesn't know how to handle success which light radiated, ran by. When I animal raising, cooking (his mother' true that he is often homeless, hungry, (he always strived for absolute asked what it symbolized, he jokingly and grandmother were extraordinary related and people have harassed him. His life perfection). Nat walked out without it to The Hound of Heaven cooks), sewing, pottery, and crafts. He style eminates from his desire to follow getting the phone number. which is on our trail when we run from used his talents to raise-funds for the Christ who lived the life of a homeless, .When he was 18, Nat had two God and commitment. He went on a opera and won contests. His grand- retreat poor preacher who taught a social important dreams. In the first dream, where he met John Howard mother had great respect for life and Griffith who gospel. He has many friends, and he he saw himself lying dead on a! wrote Black Like Me. taught him to watch the plants grow. One of Nat's does a lot for Stony Brook, even turns platform. He learned to fear God. After greatest experiences His grandfather respected work and the was his participation out the lights not in use to save the he awoke, he had a second dream in in the College family and gave Nat odd jobs to do. In university money. which God took away his fear of death. Charismatic Movement which he times when he was upset with his watched Nat is a spokesman and organizer He saw himself walking with a person grow from 8 to 60,000 people. parents, he went to his grandparents It is for the Hunger Task Force (which clothed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. now the Charismatic Catholic who did not lecture him but put him to works out of the soup kitchen at St. He felt joy, love and peace, and believed continued work.----- on page 18 The Stony Brook Press page 14 -- ·C I la~rsr ------~ INTERV'EW- CONFESSIONS OF A HACKER: AN INTERVIEW WITH ERIC CORLEY ON THE MORALITY OF HACKING By Scott Skinner interests are. Computer hackers aren't interested in finding out personal Eric Corley is many things to many information about all of us. What people. To the Alumni of Stony Brook, they've dis-covered by exploring Corley is an English major who computer systems is that there is graduated in the spring of '82. To the personal information about all of us, Press, Corley is an ex-Press member stored in various computers. Were it who wrote articles with the original not for hackers, we would not have staff. To listeners of WUSB, Corley is heard about TRW having a credit file the inflictor of Brain Damage. To the on just about everybody. It was the Feds, Corley is just another name in the hackers who discovered it and FBI file. But to the hacker community publicized it. The hackers are not out to at large, Corley is the publisher of 2600 invade our privacy. They explore, and SBP: What, if any, are some of the nothing else. Take the film Blade- magazine, "The Hacker Quarterly." find things that shouldn't be in ultimate goals of hackers? Is there a runner. I thought it was very well done More importantly, Corley coordinates computers. hacker philosophy? but, again, there seems to be a lack of the monthly gathering of hackers at the warmth, and I don't think that the basement of Midtown Manhattan's SBP: What about writing viruses, Corley: To an extent, the goals of future necessarily has to be like that. Citicorp building. He is an unofficial worms, logic bombs, or similar pro- hackers are to liberate information, spokesman for all hackers great and, grams that are capable of causing make things easily obtainable, and not SBPi You are 30 years of age. How do small. damage? Is this hacking? have so many secrets. But hackers will you identify with the younger gener- differ as to how to go about doing this. ation of hackers? SBP: What is hacking? Corley: It takes a lot of imagination to ,It is hard to say there's a hacker write a virus or a worm, and I respect philosophy because hackers are some of Corley: Surprisingly well! Each with Corley: A large part of hacking is people who do that. There are some the most individualistic people you'll generation seems to loose touch Hackers are not as organized as What I try to do is getting access to something and sharing people who release them on purpose to find. the next generation. the government would have you think. to maintain that contact and understand that information. If somebody wants to prove a point. For instance, to point out What connects them is a spirit of the values of them all. People open up learn something you teach them. that your security sucks. But using rebelliousness. to you more when they realize you're Hacking is asking questions that are viruses just to screw things up is not not antagonistic toward them. So I'm inconvenient for someone to answer. hacking. SBP: Does hacking differ from country able to remain in touch with a lot of It's persis-tently pounding away until to country? different kinds of people. If something you get the truth, figuring out ways to SBP: What about pirating commercial happens in the hacking world, the circumvent the system, thinking, ex- software (i.e. stripping commercial Every country puts its own hackers are not going to talk to the ploring, using your imagination, trying software of its copy-protection and Corley: into it. In West Germany, the media about it, because they don't trust out every possibility. Hacking is not uploading the program to local BBS's)? culture of being a hacker is a lot more the media. I'm able to talk to the media having a certain set of rules that you Is this hacking? process In Holland, it's a lot more and the hackers. I guess you would say have to live by. It's not allowing an political. anarchistic. The Dutch hackers have a I'm walking a tightrope. authority figure to dictate things to you. Corley: Figuring out how to strip very low regard for authority figures. It's being able to adapt quickly to commercial software would be hacking. In Japan there's barely any hackers at SBP: You're begging my next question, changes. Hacking means that you're in I don't think that merely copying it around is all because they encourage people to be which is this: Do you see yourself as a control of technology. software and passing hacking, but I do think that it is good little programmers. In America, good role model for hackers? people on the West Coast are more SBP: What about computers? necessary. The price of software is ridiculous. I think that is part of the paranoid than in the East. In California, Corley: I've talked to parents of kids been raided by the Secret reason why so many people do this. they're more careful about what they after they've Corley: To be honest, I think that happened in When you have to pay $500 for a word do. I've had people in California tell me Service. One in particular hacking is a very wide term, and it Something processor, the average person is not that it's a crime to even talk about NY a couple of months ago. doesn't just apply to computers. It Secret Service agents busted going to go and buy one; they're going hacking in California. That's how like 20 applies to anybody who is curious and door, literally grabbed the to try to figure out a way to copy one. A paranoid they are. New York is the through the intent upon learning something. The kid out of the shower, pointed a shotgun lot of people don't think software should opposite, they don't worry about reason hacking works so well with at him, made his mother go completely even be sold. It should simply be made anything. computers is because computers don't hysterical, and did all kinds of horrible available to people. But in a way, tell you to shut-up, they don't get you spreading software around is hacking SBP: According to an article published things to intimidate him. Things impatient, and no matter how would not expect to have happen. I've because you're circumventing the in Communications of the ACS,"...a unreasonable you are, they keep talked to the parents of kids who have system. You're spreading the whole generation of aspiring hackers coming back with some kind of situations, and never have I technology around despite what you're may be learning their code of ethics had similar response. You realize there's a lot of gotten the sense from them that they told. A very important part of hacking from [William] Gibson novels." Do you people out there. with the hacker thought the hacker culture or I was res- is grabbing control of technology and believe that characters in cyberpunk mentality, even though they don't use ponsible for what happened. They using it, instead of being used by it. novels are good role models for computers. Hacking is something that hackers? were outraged at the way it happened has always been with us; it's part of upon SBP: Is there such a thing as bad or to them. I don't think I'm looked human nature. There were hackers I encourage immoral hacking? What shouldn't Corley: Well, I think it's the other way as a bad role model because back in the eighteen hundreds. They be individualistic, to explore, hackers do? around. The hackers are the role people to obviously didn't use computers but the models for cyberpunk characters. What and to ask a lot of questions. I've been mentality was still there. very clear as to what I consider bad Corley: I think there's an unwritten rule do you think William Gibson was hacking: changing and erasing data, with hackers that screwing things up is researching when- he wrote SBP: How would you distinguish is screwing things up, causing damage. bad. Going into a system and simply Neuromancer? My only complaint hacking from snooping or spying? changing or erasing data is not that everybody seems so cold and SBP: Talk to the hackers at Stony considered good hacking. In fact, that's uncaring... Corley: Well, I think a good spy would Brook. Do you have anything that you criminal behavior, no question about it. have to be a hacker. He would have to would like to say to them? But that doesn't mean that hacking is SBP: In the cyberpunk novels? be able to infiltrate certain things, learn, bad. It's contrary to human nature not adapt, get information out of people, for Corley: Yeah, where are you? A place to explore things that are closed off to Corley: Yeah, in Neuromancer which is what hackers call people like this should be attracting hundreds you. Getting into a system would be instance. I didn't make it all the way hacking or social engineering. But continued on page 16 hacking. What you do after you get in is through the book. The characters just computer hackers as a rule have gotter and something else. seem to be out for themselves a. bad. . . reo. . r in... terms. . . of what theii December 6, 1990 page 15 '* -' ERO~3

Denar ROS i appointment with a gynecologist. Your H kCKING Sometimes when I have sexual clinician can examine you for possible EROS intercourse with my boyfriend I physical or hormonal problems. continued from page 15 Room 119 experience pain. I'm not sure why, but I of people who are interested in playing think it might be due to the fact that my with technology and manipulating it. vagina is dry and not well lubricated. Dear EROS, Do you have any suggestion to solve I was in the Union and overheard SBP: Ok, here's one last question for my problems? two people talking about the use of a everyone at the Psychology Depart- -Undergraduate condom during fellatio. Were they ment: Do you ever dream about serious orjustjoking around? hacking? Dear Undergraduate, -Wondering Inadequate lubrication, a common Corley: When you're playing with a problem among many women, may system for a long time, you will keep account for the pain you are experi- playing with that system in your sleep- encing during sexual intercourse. "...try using pineapple No question about that. I've had Frequently, inadequate lubrication is the rings, honey or whipped occasions where, people have woke me result of beginning intercourse with cream..." up and have told me that I was asking little or insufficient sexual arousal and for passwords in my sleep [laughs]. minimal stimulation. Consequently, a Sometimes, you come up with the little more time devoted to sexual Dear Wondering, answer in your sleep, which is really arousal in addition to increased stimu- The conversation you overheard amazing. It does happen. You wake up lation may resolve the problem. was not a joke. People who engage in in the middle of the night and suddenly Some women notice that their fellatio (oral sex on a man) should use a you've thought of something that you lubrication response varies during the condom. Oral sex without a condom is didn't think of before, and that's the normal hormonal cycle, and may find dangerous, especially if ejaculation answer. the use of a water-soluble lubricant such takes place in the mouth. Viruses and as K-Y jelly helpful during the first few bacteria, including those which cause SBP: Have you ever dreamed about a days after a menstrual period when gonorrhea, syphillis, AIDS, and hepa- whole hacking experience? Any hormone levels are low and vaginal titis B, are more likely to be transmitted hacking nightmares? moisture tends to be scant. (Note that if a condom is not used during oral sex. oil-based lubricants such as Vaseline If the idea of using a condom Corley: I might have. It doesn't really EROS is a student run, peer counseling can weaken condoms) The immediate during oral sex sounds unappealing, try seem that memorable. I mean, probably organization which provides infor- removal of a vaginal tampon and the using pineapple rings, honey or what I would consider to be more of a mation counseling and referral on birth use of decongestant cold medications whipped cream. (Although tempting, do nightmare is getting raided by the control, sexually transmitted diseases may also diminish vaginal lubrication. not use chocolate syrup. Chocolate Secret Service and stuff like that. * and sexual health care. If you have any questions that you would like answered Finally, persistant problems with vagi- contains oils which can weaken latex in our column, please submit your nal dryness is common after meno- (rubber) condoms, making them less questions to our office, or to the Press pause. effective in reducing the transmission of office, room 020, Central Hall. The If you continue to experience pain sexually transmitted diseases.) Let your EROS office is located in the Infirmary, even with the use of a K-Y jelly and imagination go wild!!!! room 119. Stop by or call 632-6450. increased foreplay, please make an MUSIC ' Third - -- - - By Eric Penzer little "ditties" that were apparently The loss of was a written with little thought or purpose great one for the Traveling Wilburys. Who says you can't grow old intended. The Wilburys sing on subjects On Vol. 1, Orbison's vocals added some gracefully? The remaining four that musicians have always sung variation and distinction to the music. members of the Traveling Wilburys. about; most notably, women. At least Several songs on the cry out for The super-group, formed in 1988, is seven of the album's songs describe Orbison's vocals. For that matter, they CALL for your FREE copy! women in their "traditional" roles. To cry out for any vocal that differs in Sample Student/Teacher Air fares comprised of four middle-aged musi- Round Trips from New York Starting at cians who, some might say, are past the Wilburys, women are apparently style from the other four members. LONDON $ 349 their prime. The Wilburys' 1988 debut things to drool over. She's My Baby Many of the songs on Vol. 3 would OPARIS452 describes the female as a "sex-slave." In have been enhanced by a different ATHENS 672 album, Vol. 1, defined the Wilburys' BUDAPEST 652 style as straightforward rock & roll with the song If You Belong To Me, the vocal style. Seven Deadly Sins, a mock- TOKYO 759 a country tinge. The album spawned woman is made to sound like a prosti- fifties doo-wopp effort, would be a CARACAS 370 LIMA 456 three moderate hits, Handle With Care, tute. pleasurable listening venture were it not AUCKLAND 1,315 Last Night, and The End Of The Line.. Not all of the songs are about for 's whiny lead vocals. SYDNEY 1,429 The Wilburys successfully bridged the women, though. What else can an old- Even Harrison's casual vocal style Taxes not includod.Fares subject to change. Int'l Student / Teacher ID & Eurail / gap between the sixties, seventies, and timer croone about? The environment, would have been an improvement. Britrail Passes issued ON THE SPOT! eighties. With their follow-up record, of course. Inside Out warns the listener The success of the Wilburys lies in Work & Study Abroad programs! Vol. 3, The Traveling Wilburys attempt to "take care when you are breathing." their ability to mock themselves. In this to take on the nineties. Not very convinving. The Devil's Been band, the main objective is to have fun. Council Trav Although the actual musicians (Bob Busy tells us of toxic waste on the golf- Were the musicians not so well-known, 205 E.42nd St 35 W.8th St 356 W.34th St Dylan, , , course. Activist meets conformist. a performance at a neigborhood bar 661-1450 254-2525 643-1365 and ) are not credited Perhaps the Wilburys should stick to might be a better medium for this anywhere on the album, their voices their sex-oriented songs. material than a record. and styles are immediately recogni- It quickly becomes apparent that zable. In an attempt to divert some of the songs on Vol. 3 are not as well- the media attention away from the written as those on the debut record. In musicians and onto the music, the fact, they sound as if they could have album is attributed to Clayton, Spike, been sub-standard outtakes from Vol. 1. Muddy and Boo Wilbury. As reported The songs are not bad, just not in a recent interview, Tom Petty outstanding. Perhaps the best song on explained that "everybody [in the band] the record, A Cool Dry Place, would has been burned by supergroups -- probably have been tossed off the first Wilbury release to yeild time to any of tmy t'kw-a lre 1Itn usui cnjyiq1vnn aniy gvUL4,rnl qZ Tp »-p tried to steer away from that label as the other songs on the brilliant debut. much as possible." The Wilbury Twist tells the listener to Most of the artists who make up the "fall on your ass ... put your teeth in a Wilburys are known for their distinctive glass ..." among other things. The men musical styles (Dylan has his anthems, are not ashamed to admit that they are Harrison his spirituals...). However, the not young anymore. Instead, they pride themselves on their age and experience songs that make up Vol. 3 are just cute in music. The Stony Brook Press page 16 VINYL no class/The club said we won't get paid/It's been months since I've been Grimelord B~i~I Blitzspeer laid." Fast and Frightening is a -·41, Cassette Demo 'ZI : --~c.S character study of a tough biker woman. The song contains a great Worth mentioning is a three song Live couplet, "Blows M80's off in the hall/Got demo by Grimelord. This New Jersey I so much clit she don't need no balls." band was on the bill at the Blitzspeer IgarS ::a Deathwish is a dirge about people with /Scatterbrain show. Unfortunately, I I hadn't seen Blitzspeer play live in destructive personalities. The song tells arrived after they had played. This tape Sover a year when I caught them of one woman who, "Passes out drunk features a strong cut called Hellbound Playing with Scatterbrain at the Queens on the living room floor/Gets up and Train.. The song is an anti-drug number Theater in September. I was impressed pukes so she can drink some more." that reminds me of Faith No More's by how much they had improved in the Smell The Magic is one of the smash hit Epic , with its combination of interim. I was also excited when toughest, most aggresive and enjoyable rap, funk, and crunch . The tune singer/guitarist Phil Caivano made the releases of 1990in: makes my.01 top-- X- ten- ---- has a bait heavy hook that caught me announcement that this live effort list for the y4 and I look forward to hearing more would soon be released. from them in the future. Grimelord can Blitzspeer Live, on Epic records, be reached at P.O. Box 2486, Bloom- was recorded in July at New York's field, New Jersey, 07003. * Limelight. It captures the thunder of this band in performance. The music is -Scott Warmuth Goo Goo thick, chunky metal. Of the six original *^ Ce+-~s·, , -c- songs, several are exceptional. Sky High Again is on par with any Motorhead classic and Laughter could have been Dolls written by Black Sabbath's Tony Iommi in 1974. Their cover of the MC5's Kick Hold Me Up Out The Jams gives the version by Metal Blade Records Henry Rollins and the Bad Brains on the Pump Up The Volume Sound- I can't believe that someone track a run for their money. actually recomended this crap to me. The production here is outstanding. Buffalo's Goo Goo Dolls used to be a The two are mixed hard right rockin' band. Their 1989 LP Jed was a and hard left with almost total worthwhile effort. The press kit for that separation, similar to what Rick Rubin album described them as, "...driven by has done with Danzig and Slayer. This the spirit of the Ramones but directed increases the heaviness factor a great by the sight of Ray Charles..." This deal and makes for a crisper sound. statement was true in a number of t ways. The Goo Goo Dolls' first two I releases-had a reckless quality to them. The songs blasted out of the speakers- and roared. There was a gritty edge and sense of humor. These desirable qualities are rare on their latest record, Unfound Frond Hold Me Up. The Dolls experimented with In the last couple of years Bevis "...waitingfor all you combining disparate styles and turned Frond's unique style of psychedelia has businessmen/ out wonderful results, as illustrated by mellowed out into something more to banish and Don't Beat My Ass (With a Baseball suited to the mainstream of New Muzik inhabit them/ Bat) from their first LP, a number that listeners. The berserk psycho-noise ...don't whisper bitter nothings/ flip flops from drunken blues to driving overdubbed one-man rollercoaster ride just fill the space between us. hardcore. The Goo Goos flaunted their has subtled out in their latest album ability to play primal, ass kickin' rock (Any Gas Faster) to less-than- Olde Worlde is somewhat better. and roll by covering stale, overplayed expected. Starting off with backwards babbling, it AOR radio staples like Blue Oyster Yes, Bevis Frond is now "they" - no becomes a bit like Ear Song played at a Cults' Don't Fear The Reaper and L7 longer a one man band with a mixer, faster pace. However, if you play it at Cream's Sunshine of Your Love.. They there's a back-up band (with Nick 33 rpm it sounds like gothic death injected new life and energy into them. Smell The Magic Solomon doing some production, guitar, thrash (a bit better but suitable for very This time out all of the rough egdes, Sub Pop bass and vocal work and Martin stoned people). which were, if not the heart, at least the Crowley playing drums). Bevis Frond is The flipside of Ear Song is way aorta, of the band, have been sanded a group project. cooler-20 minutes of live music down and glossed over. The result is L7 is old hep talk for "square." The The music is clean and solid but not recorded last month in Copenhagen boring rock pap. The production and earliest documented usage that I am as mean, though still filled with the (probably a good reason to be more performance sounds like an attempt at a aware of is in the song Wooly Bully by usual fuzz-tones and subtle keyboards. than solo). This is prime stuff- the song slicker version of the Replacements' Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs. The At its best the Frond sounds like folksy Eyes in the Back of My Head is a nasty not latest banal outing. Yawn. song goes "Mattie told Hattie lets Traffic from the Mr. Fantasy album garage ditty about tweaking out. and The only glimmer of a possible take no chance/Lets not be L7 come turning into Pink Floyd (circa 1970) Medieval Sienese Acid Blues is played woman resurrection lies in Hold Me Up's two learn to dance." L7 is also a four jamming with Eric Clapton. Well, not in a barroom blues style with Captain are acoustic numbers-. Two Days in band from Hollywood. They quite...it's still something you have to Beefheart vocals. Aside from a live February was recorded outdoors and is definitely not square. experience like a 1960s curio one finds version of Olde Worlde (better than the Smell The refreshing in its "off the cuff" perfor- L7's Sub Pop debut melting in the sun at some weird studio version) there's the previously record. This mance and impassioned vocal, much Magic is an exceptional neighbor's garage sale (though no unreleased Radio Bloodbeast, a loud fast to. The like an acoustic number on Jed entitled six song EP is music to drive longer experiential as their previous psychedelic improvisation with singing to the rock and James Dean.. 22 Seconds, which is band is stripped down Ip's). At their worst, they sound like a somewhere between Robyn Hitchcock music features raw actually forty-one seconds long, is a roll basics. Their noisy R.E.M.-wanna-be band that's just and Jim Morrison, doomishly exhorting riffs, with throw away. The singing is a little off guitar playing, aggresive too creative to become another clone. one to just play with the radio dial and key and the band jokes about it as the vocals shouted and sung over the top. The A-side of their new ep Ear rot away...the best track on the vinyl. everyday song ends. It only has one line, "Well I They sing about their Song is the worst. Both tracks (from As an added attraction, only 5,000 opener, Shove, feel so imporant today and I wish I problems. On the EP's Any Gas Faster, added as space copies will be printed. For more share the vocal didn't." To paraphrase the Goo Goo the singer (the L7's filler?) are among the lamer cuts of the information, contact Reckless sings Dolls; well I feel so disappointed today chores but they don't tell who ep - still good, just under the Records, 1401 Haight Street, San bill collectors, and I wish I didn't. what) complains about expectations of a Bevis fan. Ear Song Francisco, CA 94117 (tele 415-431- the IRS, her boss, her father, her sounds a bit like Rush playing Tom 8435). * smog, her landlord, Hollywood Sawyer without the keyboards and pride- and neighbors, and American cheesy guitar solos. The lyrics are good, the first two verses! The Rudy Babel that's just in about economic and generation (etc.) guy just third verse goes, "Some gaps: pinched my ass/Drunken bums ain't got December 6, 1990 page 17 L _ · · seemed to change. He predicts that men One wonders what exactly Dr. would attempt to commit "planicide" Dirty received his doctorate in; perhaps (destroy the Earth). America could gross jokes. At least one cannot accuse collapse and pass away as other Dr. Dirty Valby of being prejudiced; he offended Nat civilizations that didn't live up to God's everyone equally. The scary partis that expectations. He saw the racial tension the people actually enjoyed Valby's continued from page 14 and stealing getting more intense at continued from back page gutter humor. Valby ended the show Church. (He was 25-26 years old at the Stony Brook University, and his somewhat juvinile ditties. The with a toast with, among other things, time). He met Harold Choen, the Jesuit research was thrown in the dumpster. wholesome It's ASmall World After All, America. He declared, "America's got priest who led this movement. But, he won't give up his faith in God, became It's A Small Dick After All. lots of freedom." It's a shame that Valby In 1970-1972, he wrote to Pope Paul because God is the only person who The most misogynistic tunes he chooses to exercise his freedom of VI about his discerning of what God could save us. He believes he will have played were You Can Tell By The Smell speech in such an immature and wanted him to do, which Nat thought victory by obeying God in Christ. It's She's Not Well, and Puff The Magic insulting manner. Maybe I'm not was to establish a religious order (The just a matter of time. Tampon. If the folks who so intellectually advanced enough to Pope responded, saying Nat's letter was Nat's prayer is to walk with God in righteously sought to stamp out The 2 appreciate Valby's subtle brand of noted in Rome. However, this letter was everything he does. He says, "Don't Live Crew ever heard of John Valby, tasteless comedy. One thing is for sure; stolen from him). After this he preach the Gospel, be the Gospel." they would hunt him down with Dr. Dirty left me feeling somewhat ill at experienced "unusual blessings." Today, Nat is waiting for God's word of religious zeal. the end of the night. * Nat attended a seminary to become what to do next. He told me: a priest. While on a retreat for 30 days, he experienced the spiritual exercises of "The Universe is my Classroom Saint Ignatius, and God gave him many and God is my teacher powerful graces. Nat calls himself a And all of the creation radical for wanting God to be king on Speaks to me about the glory of Earth. God" Nat's spiritual advisors believed he had a mission. Father Vennetti, a [Nat was recently mentioned in articles Franciscan monk from Kentucky, told about Long Island's homeless in him that God had sent the Archangel Newsday (Nov. 25) and the Three Michael to aid him in his work. Another Village Herald (Nov. 28)-Ed.] * priest from Boston University, prayed Q with him, and told Nat that God had _--·L+b~HgP~S~i .Ifii~L~b. aerx I- . ------~-. -~-- ~r~ ;-F~ ~ aa~g. ti~t4g6!p~ -P_- i--~X? ~~a ,"TAGE opened before him every door. He had to walk in and see His (God's) glory. His work was to:

Sow the seeds of love Smile in the face of death And keep ever before him A vision of the reflected Trinity.

Today Nat thinks that maybe God is using him to free people from oppression. In 1973 Nat came to Stony Brook as a teaching assistant. He wanted to earn a PhD so he would be able to preach to people without asking for money. Now, he has doubts whether God wanted him to be at Stony Brook. He left oppor- tunity and loved ones to obey God. He says he planned three research projects for which he could have gotten grants: a telecommunications project with the possibility of a million dollars, and the MEAS Project (Minorities in waner cnrineier Engineering and Applied Sciences) which could have been the first mentorship program here and have created 400 jobs, and the Cooperative Long Live Africa! Economics Project (He would travel across America and Africa to find by Lara Jacobson sionate playing, dancing, and singing - playing drums with curved sticks and where cooperative economics exists and the raw delight of the pulsating, sensual one in front playing a wind instrument, how it functions in society). These At 8:00 (well, actually 8:30) p.m. on drumbeats and rythms made me want the Alghatia. The Alghatia is similiar to projects along with a number of other i November 19, 1990 Africa Oye! lit up to jump up and dance and shout- you' the little horn that entices cobras out of things were stolen. His locker was the stage of Stony Brook's Staller Center guessed it - "Oye!" baskets. Chetima Ganga, the blower, is broker into and a photograph of the for the Arts. The musical was What a celebration of a vast conti-, of direct descent of a bloodline of Black leaders for the Martin Luther conceived and staged by Michel nent! The acts appeared in a different Kanouri Griots - West African musi- King event was crumpled up. i Keys and Boudon and Mel Howard. - "Long Live order than was prescribed in the| cians instilled to increase the morale of $50 worth of cans were stolen. Africa!," indeed! Even though they program - creating a bit of confusion at, royalty on the battlefield. The sharp, In 1976, Nat visited the Pope, who made a late appearance, this vibrant first. The first group to appear was: haunting and mystical flute playing Nat says commissioned his group to troupe of musicians, singers, and performers from the Pende tribe from was eventually accompanied by the preach the Gospel to the ends of the dancers gave an intense and exciting Zaire. These men were decked out in sweet notes of a second Alghatia Earth. There Nat met Bishop Sheen of performance. Each act reflected the intricate costumes and masks, includ- emerging from backstage, Ganga's son New York whom he spoke to about his richly diverse cultures of eight African ing a large sun mask, symbolizing the echoing his father. desire to preach a social gospel. The regions, complete with an array of folk solar disk. Instruments were drums Each group of talented musicians, Bishop related his own experiences and instruments and extravagent masks and a xylophone, singing and tribal singers, and dancers is vorth mention- told him it would be hard to do. Sheen and costumes. Set arrangements were dancing. Beautiful! ing, but two other performances stood said, "It's better to light one candle than simple and nearly post-modern, yet the Another group was the Batwa out in my mind - first, the wonderful to curse the darkness." Nat was given a background managed to convey the Ekonda from Zaire, a culturally mixed Percussionists of Guinea, composed chance to preach on "The Second mood accompanying each act. tribe of Batwa pygmies and the Ekonda, of seven of the country's finest musi- Coming of Christ" at Taize with only a And the music - oh, the music! Fast, who conquered the Batwa over a cians who have recently been given the half hour preparation time. He stayed primal, expertise drumming on as century ago. The excellent music they; status of National Ensemble. Various in the ghetto outside the Vatican. On the many different kinds of African drums played was a reflection of the two Sdrums were used, the Djembe being walls was the cold graffiti of the as you can name. The instruments, groups' musical and otherwise cultural the dominant drum. Also used was the communist party. were played off of each other with influence they had on each other. Kolenge, a water drum made of half a By 1984, he became frustrated precise timing, and there were so many The quartet named Kanouri from calabash. continued on page 19 because the evils of the world never instruments! The beauty of this pas- Niger were third to appear, two men The Stony Brdbk Press page 18 I -- -u A I- I I i. i.illli-lll- . .n . Ii.IIII III III.IIIII-~- lRT Aesthetic Licen.

I was also not very impressed with the work of Margaret Miller and Joyce Scott. Miller's pieces are mixed media constructions, kind of bizzare - one that I glanced at briefly was what looked like a large piece of driftwood with two or three plastic children's toys glued on to it. Scott's work seems more creative, "maniacal," she names her creations - yet, for me something was lacking. Although her pieces (intricately woven beadwork figures) seems like they must have taken a long time to make, they are too random to be disciplined. Sana Musasama's ceramic sculptures affected me negatively to a certain We Are the Jamaicans, Descendents of Slaves, 1990 extent, but that's only because they Silver gelatin print, 30 x 40" Iwere goodCP.L 'kAS.&IGard rrlrLM-_19, n S.rip-C'"R_-1 BrId""C& ,W X1987wp 8 lics Albert Chong a childlike, glazed ceramic that is true to its' title in that it looks like a bud - in a vaginal sort of way. I liked her work because of it's overtones of the spiritual- Africa Oye ization of nature. My favorite artwork exhibited at continued from page 18 Also were the Peul Acrobats from Chinwe, 1990 Poetic License was the photography What a lovely singing performance Guinea, the Mbulie-Hemba, sooth- Black and white photograph, 30 x 30" and prints of Frances Charteris and was given by Kandia Kouyate from sayers and prophets from Zaire, and Francis Charteris Albert Chong. Charteris' photograph Mali! This famous singer sings the the Babunda from Zaire. Altogether, entitled Chinwe (1990) is a cute and music of the Griots, conveyers of every single performance was pul- adorable image of a beautiful little girl historical knowledge who have the sating, colorful, fascinating - what can by Lara Jacobson holding a bag of potato chips. This responsibility of orally reciting the I say but - you guessed it! - "Oye!" * presumably candid shot definitely history of many West African people. The group exhibition Poetic License affects the heart. Shari, 1986; is an Kouyate has a marvelous, deep, belting in the University Art is on display interesting shot of a middle-aged voice - quite impressive. Gallery from November 9 - December woman that I also found to be excellent. ,STAGE 15, 1990. It features 46 works of nine Chong's silver gelatin prints (very artists from New York, Long Island, much like photographs) are icono- Pheonix, San Francisco, and Baltimore. graphic still-lifes, enshrined images The artists represented were chosen by Through that I found intriguing. We Are the Walking guest curator Professor Howardena Jamacians, Descendents of Slaves, Art Pindell from the University's 1990; a passport with a picture of a little Department. Professor Pindell says Jamaican boy as the central image with that she chose the artists because: a bird's claw positioned over it, placed The Mud. is a feeling of deeply felt "There around it are rocks (like around a commitment to the creative process in campfire) and what appear to be dred- a commitment that trans- by Robyn Gilheany these works, locks. Interesting image. cends trends and fashion..." Each one Also displayed is Leonardo Drews' works is certainly highly original, I enjoyed my night out at the of the #10 - a mixed media totem pole of??? I and characteristic to all of the specific Fannie Brice Theater. Don't Walk can't really explain it - I guess one must artists' work displayed. Personally, I Through The Mud, written by Matt see it. Benoliel and directed by Billy Cappozzi, wasn't overly impressed by all of the Well - that's my quick survey of some were definitely awe- deals with people who are mentally ill. pieces, but Poetic License, an aesthetically (or inspiring, to say the least. The setting is an institution that has the should I say poetically ) pleasing show appearance of a group home. Try reading the socially and that I suggest the reader of this review that are In the opening scene, Dr. politically relevant information catches before it gets swept away on by ATW Wright, played by Shawn Morrill, runs fellow. She does it by telling him that a part of the photographs December 15. Don't miss the oppor- Communications (designed by Michael a rap session with the patients. The Miss Puddle has a crush on him. This is tunity, check out this diverse array of scene introduces the characters: Dr. an interesting tactic; when I want to Lebron). These installations, masquer- i

n. expre ading as commercial billboards, ad- artistic Wright is a suave, articulate profes- have sex with someone I never say that a "thing" for them. dress points of view not normally heard sional doctor. Shawn Morrill played the someone else has not. in the mainstream commercial media. part to the letter. We find out early in Maybe I'1 try that, maybe that involves The huge paintings on the left wall as the play that Mr. Dipskins, played by The segment the following one enters the gallery are by Francis Donald Grahm, is an overbearing, Nurse Helen happens at breakfast. An altercation Sprout. All three are acrylic on canvas, obnoxious, and sometimes funny morning the nurse gets stabbed by however, the artist also uses mineral person who has an antagonistic re- results, and Mr. Clements. This is an odd twist additives such as sand, glass beads, lationship with everyone around him. by Bethany L. because he is very sweet throughout the pulverized metal and metallic chips due Miss Puddle, played verbose and is play. to the light-refracting quality of theser Sandor, is energetic and r Dipskins. Brian In the closing scene Dr. Wright materials. Santa Rita, 1975; a 108x108" a constant target of Mr. Kendel, played Mr. Clements, is a gentle comes back and Mr. Clement leaves. canvas utilizes the geometry of such aL soul, with a bit of a stutter, who tries to Mr. Dipskins tells an amusing "Four large-scale space, creating a beautiful get along with everyone around him. Little Pigs" story, and the subject of Mr. repetition of patterns. r Alex, played by Gerry Cosgrove, is an Clements comes up. Dr. Wright Russel Forrest Etter's collage/ autistic man. 'Dr. Wright, in response to explains that Clements did a bad thing. constructions are created out of pine,r Mr. Dipskins calling someone weird This reverted back to the Prometheous plywood, or masonite. The collages areIr said, "Nobody here is weird or strange." story told earlier in the play. It was put together out of papers collected After Dr. Wright leaves town interpreted as: if you break the rules, from all over the world: oriental ricer on business, a nurse takes over. Nurse sometimes you get punished. And, this papers, tickets, tags, and stamps tc Helen, played by Nicole Levitt, is a as the main point of a play, is lame. name just a few. Wood, metal, andL mean and diabolical woman. The All of the actors were wonder- glass objects are also utilized. Person- moment she enters the scene, you know ful. The script was, generally, very ally, I was not very fond of Mr. Etters she has a bug up her ass. She noses good, well written, and often humorous. work - it seemed like child's play to me Angel of God, 1985 around and yells at the special people. A fine directing job by Captain Billy composite, 72 x 51" not art. Duratrans At one point she seduces the autistic Cappozzi. Good show mateys! * ATW Communications December 6, 1990 page 19 SPOTLIGI HT SBP: What songs off the new record SBP: What music influenced yourself stand out in your mind as being and the rest of the band? fantastic? KW: Miles Davis was definitely a big KW: I could listen to Strings Of Love! influence. We all went to a high school and Stwisted over and over. Those are: of the arts, so there was like a pretty big two of my favorite songs on the record. group of music friends, and we all got together and played a lot. And this classical group that played a lot was an SBP: Prior to this album, New influence. They were a 20th century' Bohemians opened shows for many improv group and they would just different artists such as Bob Dylan, Don improv for hours. But it was all 20th Henley and Grateful Dead. How did the century classical instruments, like different audiences react to your music? electronic drums, tuba, clarinet. Anyway, they'd just improv over KW: You know, those are three totally anything. In the audience, if someone different artists. With Don Henley, it; would sneeze, they'd improv over ranged from people not knowing whol sneezes, or just whatever. So, we had a the fuck we were, to some really good: lot of experimental jams that has a lot to shows. We did some really good shows do with our improv background. with him in New Jersey. Henley was, makin' jokes like, "they need to get their SBP: Although the band is formally ' shit together before they get to Texas" called " And New because he's from Texas. We were hot Bohemians" she's just a member of the on their tails {laughing]. With the Dead, band. Was the band ever simply called it was really weird, because it was like "New Bohemians?" Talkin' with showing up at someone elses party and playing. I've been to a few Dead shows KW: Well, that was the name of the and I've seen some bands open, and band for about three years. That was Kenny Withrow that's when you go score outside, when the name until the first record came out. the bands play. [laughs] I was It was the record company's idea. surprised, a lot of people listened. Jerry SBP: On the subject of the new album, There were definitely plans to change it. Interview conducted By [Garcia] thought we had the best did you do anything differently in Edie was not comfortable at all with Eric Penzer reception of most any band that's ever recording Ghost Of A Dog? having her name up front. We were opened for them. On the heels of the release of Edie gonna change the name, and we had' the second album recorded, and it was a Brickell And New Bohemians' second KW: Sure; some songs we even lot different album, Ghost Of A Dog, New recorded live. There's like three tunes SBP: On the current tour, you're than the first album, to say the least. We were just taking Bohemian lead guitarist/ on the album that were recorded live; playing smaller venues. Do you prefer a lot of chances so we looked around and Kenny Withrow took some time out of Mama Help Me, the single, was the small venues to the big arenas and his busy touring schedule to talk with recorded live. But anyway, the first stadiums. thought, why take even more chances The Press: album was much more technical, changing the name? Fuck it, lets just mundane recording process. We KW: I have fun at the smaller places. It keep the name. And plus, Edie just doesn't want to be called a New SBP: How did the New Bohemians recorded one thing at a time. Even the sounds much better. I mean, it's kind of Bohemian anymore. That's just tired to drums were recorded separately, then an enclosed space. All the tones don't come to be? her. we added cymbals. It was very much a get washed away like at outside shows. KW: New Bohemians were formed layered album. So, a lot of the spontaneity and SBP: What's the future objective for the back in '85 or late '84, with the same the band interplay was: SBP: How long will you be on tour in kind of not there, which is a big band? bass player, another drummer, and part of support of Ghost Of A Dog? another guitar player. the band. That's really the biggest difference. KW: The objective of the band is to keep KW: Probably about a year and a half. evolving, keep growing. The next SBP: When did Edie join the band? SBP: Some of the songs on the new album is gonna be even more different, SBP: You have some dates coming up really. I think it's gonna be more KW: Edie joined about two months record including Mama Help Me and at the Beacon Theater in New York City groove-dance oriented. That's another later. New Bohemians were sitting in Black And Blue were played on past with John Hiatt, don't you? part of the band we've always had from with another band's equipment at this tours. When you compare those songs to some of the other songs on the record, the club days. is kind of club after hours in Dallas. It was just KW: Yeah, it's a type of "toys for tots" do you feel the songwriting some small residual of that, some sort of some friends hanging out at this club. has benefit that radio station WNEW does evolved? organic groove. * This band called the Cartoons were every year. This year it's gonna be us done playing, so we just sat in on their with John Hiatt, and we're gonna swap KW: I think so. Hopefully, it's going to equipment. Edie was sitting there, so headlining dates. The shows are on always evolve. It's taken on a more she sat in. She went up and sang, and December 12 and 13. eventually, was in the band. energetic, sort of harder edge. Maybe O SI 0EMm & even rockin' sort of sound. We've IUNES SBP: How long did it take you to get a always had that live. It's hard to get recording contract after everything was that down on tape, you know. We didn't all set? really have that much recording experience on the first record, so we Bad Medicine KW: It was about three years later. didn't really get as much energy down on tape as I'd like to. We kind of came Dr. Dirty At The Brook off SBP: Did the success of Shooting a little softer, and a little more pop than we actually are. Rubberbands At The Stars, and the By Joe Distefano an attempt to provide Dr. Dirty with a song What I Am come as a surprise to SBP: On Ghost Of A Dog, there are broad range of females to insult during the band or the ? The end of western civilization several songs that are stripped down in is his show. certainly arrangement to Edie simply singing upon us, or at least that's the Valby played to a packed house of KW: Yeah, I think it was a surprise for impression over an . This is, I was left with after sitting students and locals. Dressed in white both of us. It was a surprise for us through John Valby's performance in tails, bow tie, and bowler hat, Valby because we wrote that song in like obviously, different from most of the the Union ballroom on Thursday, resembled a snake oil salesman from (pause) very quick, about ten minutes. material on the last record. How did November 28. I had heard of Valby the old west. Just imagine Andrew Dice Just a basic guitar intro and yeah, you this style come about? some time ago and thought the show Clay accompanying himself on , know she wrote the song "What I am is might prove interesting, and provide sans the cigarettes and leather. what I am is what you are or what" ... KW: We just had those tunes. It's really me with a much needed laugh. I should Although most of Valby's lyrics it's funny. And, anyway, that was a just to show variety, that's a big part of have known better. The first thing I were bawdy and demeaning to women, surprise to us. As far as the record the band. We want to always noticed that night was the long line that the audience sang along and seemed to company, it seemed like they only constantly change, and have a big snaked from the ballroom to the box be enjoying themselves. In Valby's shipped like 20,000 copies of the first variety. We want to be a musical band office. I was told that there was a hands, children's favorites were record on the first shipment, which is Rather than coin a style, we'd rather separate line for women, allowing them transformed into perverse and not very many. We shipped gold this just be about music in general. to sit up front. This was, presumably, LiIlme! continued on page 18