Listening Well written response form

Listening Well questions – written responses


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Listening Well written response form

What is Listening Well? Listening Well is a community led Listening Exercise on the managed approach and community safety being run by Holbeck based community organisations, including charities, churches and residents groups, collectively known as the Voice of Holbeck. Members of the community are sharing their stories, experiences and ideas on the issues of the managed approach and community safety during summer and Autumn 2019. Stories are being shared at events, through completing written forms and through 121 face to face conversations. When this process is finished, the Voice of Holbeck will produce a report which brings together all the conversations had and written responses gathered. This will be shared at a public event, along with the changes the Voice of Holbeck hope to see going forward. Those responsible for the running of the managed approach, District Cmdr Steve Cotter, Cllr Debra Coupar, Executive Board member for Communities, James Rogers and Paul Money, the Head of Safer have committed themselves and their organisations to the Listening Well process and have publicly agreed to act on the results when it comes to policy and resources. What is the managed approach? In 2014 when there was a shift to a managed approach of street sex work. The managed approach can be broken down into four themes: 1) a managed zone in the light industrial area of Holbeck where women involved in street sex work are able to solicit without fear of arrest between the hours of 8pm and 6am 2) charities providing support to these women with the aim being to build trust and reduce the risks they are exposed to. The charities also refer them on to other services in Leeds which provide support in areas such as drug rehabilitation and housing. 3) regular street cleansing 4) a beefed up neighbourhood team which is there to enforce the rules and use a special protocol to deal with kerb crawlers.

What is Safer Leeds? Safer Leeds is a group of organisations working together tackle crime and disorder, trying to keep communities safe. It is responsible for amongst other things, running the managed approach. The group includes Police, , the prison service and probation, health bodies and some charities.


Listening Well written response form

First round – your experiences

QUESTION 1: Since 2014 Leeds has RESPONSE attempted to deal with the problem of street prostitution through the Managed Approach. How has this affected your safety and quality of life? What are the stories or incidents that illustrate this?

Please include in your answer: - a brief description of your experience (s) - who it happened to - where it happened (rough location) - when it happened (rough time of day, rough month)


Listening Well written response form

QUESTION 2: Where and when do RESPONSE you feel safe in Holbeck? Where and when do you feel unsafe in Holbeck? Why? What are the stories or incidents that illustrate this?

Think about the following questions to help you answer Question 2

What streets or particular areas do you feel safe in? Can you name the street or area?

What streets or particular areas do you not feel safe in? Can you name the street or area? Eg outside a particular shop, outside a particular house?

What is it about those places that makes you feel secure/safe? Or makes you feel insecure/unsafe? Has something happened to you or someone you know?

If so, what happened?


Listening Well written response form

QUESTION 3: Since December 2018 additional RESPONSE measures have been introduced to the managed approach. These include 4 new dedicated police officers and a special protocol to deal with kerb crawlers.

What impact have these extra police officers and this process for kerb crawlers this had on your safety and quality of life? What are the stories or incidents that illustrate this?

Think about the following questions to help you answer Question 3

Have you or someone you know ever been a victim of kerb-crawling? What happened and when? Did you contact the police? What was their response?

Have you had any experiences with the police in the past 9 months? If so, tell us about them?


Listening Well written response form

QUESTION 4: If you needed help RESPONSE when you are feeling unsafe, who in your community would you go to? Why?

Think about the following questions to help you answer Question 4

Would you go to the police first if you were feeling unsafe? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Are there other people you would go to if you were feeling unsafe? Who would they be and why would you go to them?


Listening Well written response form

QUESTION 5: Safer Leeds is a RESPONSE partnership of authorities responsible for community safety, tackling crime and disorder. These include Leeds City Council and West Yorkshire Police. What are your experiences of or feelings about these organizations? Why do you feel this way? What are the stories or incidents that illustrate this?

Think about the following questions to help you answer Question 5

What have your experiences of the police been? Have you had any contact with them – can you tell us about it? How do you feel about the police?

What are your experiences of Leeds City Council? What kind of contact have you had from Leeds City Council and why? How do you feel about Leeds City Council?


Listening Well written response form

Second round – Making recommendations

QUESTION 1: What changes would RESPONSE: you like to see to the way that street sex work is addressed?

Think about the following questions to help you answer Question 1

Have a look at the description of the managed approach at the beginning of this questionnaire – there are 4 key features to the managed approach. What do you think of them? Would you want them to continue or to end or would you want to make changes to them? If so, what changes would you want to be made and to which features of the managed approach?

Would you want something completely different to be tried to deal with the issue? What would that look like?


Listening Well written response form

QUESTION 2: What changes need to be made to the unsafe areas to RESPONSE: make them safer?

Think about the following questions to help you answer Question 2

Think about the areas that you said you felt unsafe in. What kinds of things would make you feel safer?

If an area is being used for crime or there is a lot of antisocial behavior, what kinds of activities would you want to see happening there instead? What do you think can be done to make those activities happen?

Eg if a binyard is being used for drug dealing and taking, what would you want it be used for instead? e.g If there is a lot of antisocial behavior in a house which makes you feel unsafe, how would you want the authorities to respond?


Listening Well written response form

e.g if you feel vulnerable walking on a street, what would make you feel less vulnerable?

QUESTION 3: Are you aware of any RESPONSE: community organizations or activities that help make Holbeck safer? What changes or support would help make them more successful?

Think about the following questions to help you answer Question 3

What kinds of things make you feel safer? (Places, people, presence of authorities, access to help etc)

What kinds of activities could the community run to make Holbeck safer?

What would be needed to make those activities possible? (Eg money, volunteers, community rooms/buildings, council permission etc)


Listening Well written response form

QUESTION 4: What would help you RESPONSE: have a better relationship with Safer Leeds and the authorities responsible for community safety (e.g. Leeds City Council and West Yorkshire Police)? What would increase your trust and confidence in them? (Not just about the Managed Approach – this is more about general safety)

Think about the following questions to help you answer Question 4

In general, what helps you to build trust in a person or organization?

If trust and confidence has broken down, how do you think it can be rebuilt? What needs to happen to help you trust again?

What could the police do to help you trust them more?

What could Leeds City Council do to help you trust them more?


Listening Well written response form