Gov’s budget trims fat in WSU pians By NEIL COOK certainly wouldn’t gain anything “ The women’s program and would find it impossible to currently receives more money “ I am generally pleased with keep the library up to date” than the men's from the state.” the governor’s budget request Several other areas would be he said. for affected by the governor's although there are a few areas of budget proposal. Program improvements and disappointment,’’ said WSU new programs weren't the only President Dr Clark Ahlbcrg, areas where the governor slashed Tuesday. The administration of funds from the budget, as justice department funds were already recommended by the cut to $56,000. eliminating Under Gov. Robert Bennett’s state's Board of Regents, money for additional faculty. A proposal, delivered Monday, Noticeably missing from capital $14,200 bite was taken from the WSU would receive $29.57 improvement recommedations Physical Plant budget, by million in operating expenses for was the nearly $2.2 million eliminating an accounting fiscal year 1977. compared to an requested for the purchase of position that was to be added. estimated $26.7 million in fiscal Fairmoum Towers, ‘76. Bennett’s budget director had recommended $30.19 Budget cuts include monies The university had hoped to million. for administration of justice, purchase the privately-owned women's athletics, Fairmoum dormitory to house women now Bennett also recommended Towers purchase, and Grace- living in Grace-Wilkie Hall. $7 million for capital Wilkie renovation. GraccWilkIc was to be Brian Com - The Sunflower improvements, over double this renovated and used as an office year’s estimated $2.7 million building with classrooms. Hiere's at least one student ready to take advantage of every chance Planned improvements in the cost, hiking the total budget Bennett's omission of this to relax. The post-registradon breather only lasts until that first learning resources lab were figure to $36.6 million. item from his proposed budget class, today. eliminated as was a women’s intercollegiate athletics does not necessarily kill the An area in which Ahlberg improvement of $20,000. project, according to Ahlbcrg. was especially disappointed was “ I received a letter from the Budget bundle bugs the funding for improvement of Vice President I.owc said governor some time ago ongoing programs and the that the elimination of the explaining that he did not intend establishment of new programs. Women’s Athletics fund to include thi.s particular item in Bennett’s backers The state budget director wouldn’t make it any more his budget,” said Ahlberg. “ He TOPEKA. Kan. (AP) ~ Some Committee that will study and recommended approval of difficult to comply with Title of Ciov. Robert F. Bennett’s act on the budget $670,000 for program IX, as far as equality in state ★ Turn to page 8 budget proposals ran into recommendations. had a improvement and new programs. funding. opposition from members of his different view. Governor Bennett cut that figure own political party. “ Approval of the 10 per cent to $260,000. One of the major items increase was ‘nip and tuck' in the Inside Today drawing attention was the House Ways and Means This particular cut, according Republican governor’s Committee last year, and some to Ahlbcrg, would eliminate recommendation for funding the members went along only with planned improvements of the Synesthesia— A multi-media presentation. third year of a three-year effort the understanding that it would digital computer center in Neff See page 5. to bring faculty salary funds at not be repeated this year,’’ Lady Hall, would curtail expansion of the colleges and universities to a said. the faculty research program, Jo Qardenhire — Trailblazing in Oregon. “ Funding of the full 10 per and would affect funds for the more comperitive level. Page 6. The salary money has been cent increase this year would purchase of new books and boosted 10 per cent each of the mean a total increase in faculty library materials. last two years and Bennett is salaries over the past three years recommending a third 10 per of 33 per cent, and that is a bit Roger Lowe, Vice President cent increase. The governor hard to sell to the people. for Business Affairs, explained contended that both he and the “ Most of us recognize that further that the $30,000 cut in legislature arc committed to this. maintaining quality education is library funds would “keep us But Rep. Wendell Lady, about even with this year on R-Ovcrland Park, chairman of the ★ Turn to page 3 new book purchases. we House Ways and Means rved ods: Local politicians grab for votes lers. earl, :ora While other parts of the Among the many candidates notecards on bulletin boards. country arc involved in arc some from the Wichita State Several attempts to provide the presidential primary elections, University Community, including candidates with a public forum local politicians are busy Bill Glenn. Campus Activities have proved less successful in stumping votes in Wichita’s Center director; George Platt, terms of voter inter.;si. A League Citizen Participation director of planning; Max of Women Voter’s gathering of Organization (CPO) election The Schaiblc. director of Information area candidates and the public at Dr. Ross Taylor Brian Corn - Tbe Sunflower }an 27 election will select nine and Public Events; Ken Ciboski, the University Methodist Church representatives for each of the 15 assistant professor of political was attended by very few voters, according to Getirge Platt, a Ross Taylor - The meanest 66-year-old 1 councils. The city clerk’s office science; and Bobbie J you've ever seen. Ed Marks profiles him. 3S has 467 < andidatcs listed, each of Humphrey, assistant dean of candidate at the meeting. ''horn cither paid a $10 filing fee facilities for personnel Page 5. presented petitions witli at lo this point campaigns have ★ Turn to page 3 2 5 signatures been gencrallv Io\v-kc\. mostls

Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives 1___ The aunflwiw. Wednewtoy, Jin. 21.1976 Campus B r i5 ^ A. J. meets This W eek Wednesday BONNIE JOHNSON, CAMPUS EDITOR The first semester meeting of WEDNESDAY the Administration of Justice fisMcifll Evftnte in0#tlnQ (cont.) Association of Wichita State Classes begin today. B W l ■ W Ifitw-VartHyIntor-VartHy ChrltManChristian F«llowFaHowthlp University will be Wednesday, Late registration begins in the C A C Ballroom from 8:30 a.m. will meet Friday at 7 : X p.m. in Jan. 21 at 4 :0 0 p.m. Founded as to 4:30 p.m. through Feb. 4 and 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. today The Paul Morphy Memorial room 305, CAC. Rick Wbdel will give Seholarahip In the amount of $50 an exposition from John 15 entitled an organization of students and Thureday. will be awarded to the winner of the "Th e Believer and His Relationship interested in this field, the Morphy Memorial Scholarship Chess to God." association! is open to all WSU THURSDAY Tournament on Saturday, Janauary students regar^ess of the 24 In room 254 of the CAC. Announcements Drop-add of classes begins today through Feb. 4. AM full-time spring '76 students student's major field. Faculty Artist Series presents W. James Jones, clarinet, at of WSU may enter. Registration The Department of Instructional The association has both begins at 9:00 a.m. and the entry fee Services in the College of Education graduate and undergraduate Miller Concert Hall at 7:30 p.m. is $3 per person. will have three poaMona for Graduala students. The Department of for the 1976-77 acedemic Administration of Justice has year. over 700 students. FRIDAY Speakers For additional Information contact any member of the Personnel Membership in the Men and women's track teams travel to Columbia for the The of Mllitwy Committee: Dr. Bezzi, 689-3670: Dr. organization requires a fee of $2 UniveRity of Missouri Triangular. ShHlIaa will Ellsworth, 689-3322; Dr. Millett, per semester. All interested The Flick is a multimedia presentation, "Synesthesia,'' at the 689-3324: Ms. Steen. 689-3310: and jointly host a discussion on the students are invited to attend the CAC Theater at 7 and 10 p.m. through Jan. 24. military balance In Europe. Major Dr. Traugh, 689-3311. first meeting. Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship meets in room 305, CAC at Robert Helms and Major Richard O'Leer will be in charge of the The MoMa Beraanlnt UnH will be 7:30 p.m. discussion, to be held in room 249, at K-Mart East. 8600 E. Kellogg Latocomors C A C at 2:30 p.m. Jan. 22. today from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and at The discussion will be open to all the Indian Hills IG A, 2439 West 13th may roglator SATURDAY students, faculty, and staff. Street, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow and Friday. The women's gymnastic team meets State at thru Fob. 4 Stillwater. Mootings Applications are still being Students who haven't The women's track team travels to Lawrence for the All journalism students are invited accepted for the steering committee registered yet and want to enroll UniveRity of Kansas Triangular meet. for HippoOiome. The applications to attend the meeting of the Kenoo at Wichita State University for T h e w o m e n 's team faces Northwestern of Profewlonal CfMpter of SOX at 6:30 may be picked up outside the SGA the spring semester may do so in Oklahoma in Henry Levit Arena at 7 :30 p.m. p.m. tonight at Lazy R East, 5405 E. office in the CAC. Central. The main speaker will be the Campus Activities Center The touring Theater presents "M ime Show" at Wilner Buzz Merritt, executive editor of the Ron Wilnow, news editor of the Ballroom through Feb. 4. Auditorium at 8 p.m.______Eagle-Beacon. St. Louis Post-Dispatch ar>d regional Hour for late registration are representative for the society of T h e Fairmount Neighborhood Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A i Aswseiation (FN A I will meet tonight Chi, will be on the WSU campus late registration fee of $5, for at 7 p.m. in the Fairmount Church today. one to six houR, and $15, for basement at 16th and Fairmount. He will be in the main reading seven or more houR, is in effect. Newsmakers ^ T h e meeting wilt feature room of the journalism office, Wilner Adding and dropping classes candidates for the Citizen Auditorium 110, to confer informally Participation Organization from the with journalism students on stirring will also continue through Feb. Three Arm y cadets and one A ir Force cadet from the Wichita council area as well as an update on up interest in the campus chapter of 4. Procedures are explained on the status of the Work Release Center Sigma Delta Chi. and to answer page 11 of the Spring '76 State UniveRity Departments of Military Science and Aerospace by David Wilson. The public Is questions on journalism as a Schedule of Courses. Studies were commissioned in the Air Force and Army at the close invited to the rrteeting. profetelon. of the fall semester. 1 The joint Army and Air Force Commissioning Ceremony was held on Dec. 21 at 1.00 p.m. in the Life Science Building. Brigadier Yon General Robert M. Sutton, Commander of the 89th A rm y Reserve Don't Command, delivered the Commissioning address. The newly Commissioned second lieutenants have been vested Have To Be with a special trust, confidence, and authority by the President of the United States. As they took their oath of office, they Incurred many obligations, assumed many responsiblities and "face a A Student To challenge. . .to help insure the security of the nation." Cadets completing the Arm y R O TC Program include Rodney D. Dlmon, a political science major and a Vietnam veteran who returned Advertise In to college after three yeaR of enlisted service, commissioned in the Air Defense Artillery Branch; Burl J. Fletcher,

*htei and other Job opRortunttfte irii avtiitbte *t the Career M d Piictewi m Cteiter, OM Moirtam HBL RtN t to ttw )ofa nuiMste tefim you Inqulra. Student Employment Opportunities

401 - Office Clerk - general clerical work, run errands, typing. Prefer NO. OF ISSUES, Freshman. Accurate typing. Have at least 3.0 GPA. Monday-Frlday: 25 AMOUNT. hours/week. $2.40/hr. minimum. 405 - Packaging of fuel • irMAa some lifting. Monday-Frlday: 4:30 to 8 30 p.m. Saturday possible. $2.50/hr. ■> 408 - Office Clerk: general office duties, taking letters from dictaphone, Ute the soace above for your classified message. If you have an item for sale or filing. Must type accurately, be able to use dictaphone. Will train. Mon. Wed, rani need a student for part or full-time work or wish to advertise your services, Frl: 9 to 5:30 p.m. Tues and Thurs: 8:30 to 12 noon. Hours can be divided between two people. $2.30/hr. oonsider THE lUNFLOWEH Ads must be in our office 3 days before publication, 414 • KMUW - Student Assistant: general clerical work. Must type. Mon, Wed. Frl: 8-12 noon. $2.20/hr. and must be PAID IN ADVANCE We reserve the right to reject material deemed Career Employment Opportunities objectionable. Name, address and phone must accompany advertising. Please 952 ■ Programmer Analyst l5openingsl: Will be working in the Company’s ty ^ or print your ad and bring itto rm. 006 Wilner basement or mail it along with management information systems department. All positions are located in VVIchlla. Tw o openings are senior level programming positions ar>d three are check, cash, or money order to: junior level. Applicants must have 3 years experience In a manufacturing environment and knowledge of COBOL,on-litie programming, and total data based mana^ment systems. Should also have knowledge of work In process Th« Sunflower I845 Fairmont Wichita, Ks 67208 cost systems, inventory control, and bill of material. Send resume or call for appointment. Salary; $13,500 to $18,000 annually

Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives The Sunflower, Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1976 3 \ Governor’s budget proposals opposed by party members

differs with die governor on the Last week, McGill said he Cariin said that Bennett, mandating various programs ★ From page 1 funding of some programs. would favor a faculty increase of claiming a 2.5 per cent increase without providing the funding. ”I am confident other only five per cent over estimated expenditures for He said an example is special a top priority in Kansas, and it legislators will have some Rep. John Carlin, D-Smolan, the current fiscal year, was education. has been funded accordin^y in reservations on certain issues," minority leader in the house, said making use of supplemental "We mandate the program recent years. Many feel, however, McGill added. "This is not Bennett was using a page from appropriations and everything but require local property taxes that it is time to apply the brakes unexpected and is as it should be. the book of former Democratic else for this year. to fund the program," Cariin and slow down, and I predict "As I indicated last week, I Gov. Robert Docking in making "It gives a comparison far said. that will happen this session.” favor a different level of funding his budget recommendations different from what he presented House Speaker Duane McGill, for education than the governor Senate President Ross Doyen appear more conservative than to the legislature a year ago," R-Winfield, said he personally has proposed." Aey really ate. of Concordia believes a different Cariin said. approach should be taken on Carlin said he questions full faculty salary increase besides funding of the requests of the Bennett’s proposed blanket 10 board of regents’ budgets while and 11 per cent hikes. Polititicians stumping votes in CPO talking an increase of only 5 per cent for junior cf^eges and Doyen said he believes colleges and universities should neighboriioods, will have diree Persons elected to the councO vocation-technical schools. ★ From page 1 polling places open from 6 a.m. decide who gets vriiat raises, then will meet periodically and make Carlin said his biggest present a total cost involved to "The trouble is that nobody to 7 p.m. on election day, Jan. recommendations to the city question relates to the state the legislature. really knows how to campaign 27. The University Baptist commission on zoning cases, for such an office," Platt said. Church at 2130 N. Oliver for federal funding allocations and "Probably the best way is just precinctsl2. 13, 14, 15, 16. and capital improvement programs. to meet with voters and answer 25, the Dellrosc Church of Christ O ne member of each questions," he theorized. for precincts 3, 4, 5, and 6, and nei^borhood councU w01 serve SEMI - Fairmount neighborhood the Murdock School at 670 N. on a central council which will residents will have an Edgemoor for predncts7, 8, and meet directly with the ANNUAL MEN’S opportuntiy to meet local 11 are all polling places. The commission at least once a candidates during a Fairmount entire council area is in Ward 4. month. Neighborhood Association meeting in the Fairmount Church basement at 7:30 to n i^ t. Area 1, the area that includes the University and surrounding Heave W e G ot A Sale G o in g O n?... ) Have W e Got A Sale G o in g O n I 50% off *

(Many Items Even More) JM Don’t W alt- The Selection Is Dwindling! SHIRTS % Aaorted nylon prints 1 0 “ 8-M-L-XL ^ ^ ygttlillllllf REGULAR 16.00 to 18.00 SWEATERS Long sleeves in assorted 1 0 “ solids and fancies Wichita, Kansas 6530 East Central 8-M-L-XL REGULAR 16.00 to 26.00 MUrray5-1011 *Entire Stock Mot Inchided COATS 1 8 “ Wehlinf iewelty Oo., Inc. Unreal leather coats In assorted colors 106S. Broodway Sixes 36 to 44 rv and Noimondto Center REGULAR 30.00 to 40.00 6558LCantrol JACKETS Pr^4fashed denim 1 0 “ Sixes 84 to 46 READY* WILLING • ABLE REGULAR 16.00 ler JEANS Men's SMorted pre-washed 1 0 “ To: OFFER WSU STUDENTS or bruilied denim LIMITED FREE CHECKING ACCOUNTS 1 Sixes SB to 88 (fer 25

:30 ne, 'ed, jed SEE US FOR ALL on. YOUR BANKINQ NEEDS Rpeh lys I in Towns East Squars A Uppsr Laval are NIVERSITY STATE BANK 10-9 30 Dally 1-6 Sunday ring lata Layaway BankAmericard Master Charge American Express cess 17th a Hillside • Just across from the campus fo r

Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives 4 The Swiiflowy, WcdoCTdty. Jan. 2l>. 1976

Grind that nose, Jerry Please!

“ Things are rotten in the state of Denmark/* says Hamlet. Things arc rotten in the state o f the union; but there is hope, says Jerry Ford. In his State o f the Union Address Monday night, Ford called for **a new realism that is true to the great principles upon which this nation was founded.*' The new realism mentioned in Ford’s own awareness, or realization, o f that number one threat to his 7 6 campaign-Ronald Reagan. The State o f the Union message was a campaign appeal to conservative Republicans and not a meaningful message to Congress, or the American people. 1976 is a campaign year if there ever was one; but let’s not let electioneering take a front seat to the non-partisan obligations to the people. Let’s cut out the campaign strategy, jerry (and all other incumbents), and keep your nose to the grindstone. A good record is the best campaign tactic there is.

—Marsh Galloway Reagan must outshine Ford to win

Every four years Americans moved the state from the more Of the student uprising at One million dollars was Reagan continually are witness to a spectacle called liberal views of Edmund G. Berkeley, he said, " I f it takes a raised by contributions while he emphasizes an anti-Washington a presidential election. Anyone "Pat" Brown to his prototype of bloodbath, let’s get it over was an undeclared candidate. He stance, saying, "The coils woven who meets the constitutional "creative Federalism." with.” has also qualified for federal in Washington are entrapping us requirements is eligible to run. He increased the personal matching funds by seeking all, and as with the Gordian knot On the Republican side, income tax burden from $426 to But Reagan was not without contributions from supporters in we cannot untie it, we must cut there are two hopefuls pursuing $728 per taxpayer. He was a sense of humor. He joked that twenty states. it with one blow o f the sword” the residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. One already lives there. The other is “an outbreak of former California Gov. Ronald botulism” might be Reagan. COUNTERPOINT the prescription for Ronald Reagan is not a bom those who took from politician. His old movies appear the Hearst free food on television from time to time. giveaway. He is aging, but still the elegant, forceful actor who stepped from the silver screen With hb sword, Reagan wili cut things like: food stamps, into California's governor’s against higher education, “ an outbreak o f botulism" Reagan’s ‘‘Creative urban renewal, mass transit, mansion. slashing funds right and left. He, might be the prescription for Federalism" has lead President Postal Service subsidies, Aid to like President Ford, was a those who took from the Hearst Ford to adopt a “ New Realism" Families with Dependent veto-maniac. free food giveaway. as a counter-attack. In contrast Children (AFDC), education, In his analysis of Reagan, As the campaign moves into “ I f it takes a blood­ to the President’s proposed social services, health care, Harper’s Barry Farrell says, high gear, the Reagan camp is bath, let’s get it over budget, Reagan would like to see revenue sharing, and more. "Reagan never let anything happy with his strong showing $90 billion dollars worth of with.' Campaign managers in both interfere with his 9 a.m. to 5:30 against Ford. The neck and neck federal programs transferred to the Ford and Reagan camps are p.m. schedule." batde is leading to close scrutiny state and local governments. He calling the results o f the Iowa His wife, Nancy, is o f the He hated the ghetto of campaign ideologies. His says it will reduce federal caucuses inconclusive. Both same mold as Pat Nixon - oiganizers who tried to maintain campaign offers are brimming. income taxerby 23 percent camps are now looking ahead to diminutive, quiet, ever smiling, welfare benefits for the poor, He carefully utilized his name on Reagan assumes, however, N e w Hampshire and and wholesome. calling them "mad dogs" and the staff-written newspaper columns that this shift won’t increase Massachusetts. For Reagan to During his e i^ t years as welfare system as the "cancer and fire and brimstone radio lower government taxes by the win, he will have to turn in the California governor, Reagan that is eating at our vitals." sermonettes. same 23 percent performance o f his life.


The edltotlals. columns and letters to the editor on this page reflect only the opinion and knowledge o f the writers. Comments on items on this p a ^ n a y be sent as letters to the editor and must be typed and siined. Nanas will be withheld upon written request. The editor reserves the right to edit. re}eet or make conform to space limitations any letters or contributions. Copy should be limited to 250 words or four triple spaced typewritten pages. Published at Wichita State University on Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the Spring and Fall Terms and once a week during Summer School. Second ■nTeSLnfb^erEditor: Manh Galloway Advertising Manager: Mary Adelhardt Class postage paid at WSU. Box 21, Wichita. Kansas 67208. Subscription rate $15 ManailBi Editor: Jackie Edwards Production Manager: Brenda Simonson per year. News Editor: Maivtn Rau Office Manager: Robyn Tracy Photogiaphy Editor: Brian Com Circulation Manager: Jay Fulton >its Editor: Jackie Knai Advisor: Milton Besser

Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives The Sunflower, Wednesday, Jan. 21,1976 5 News budget... Taylor: no “ regimentation”


Ross Taylor, last year’s chairperson of American Studies, is a former Army Coionel who is M OSCOW - Secretary of State Henry A . Kissinger, “against regimentation.” He has heading into a now round of negotiations with the Soviet an aversion for students holding Union on limiting nuclear weapons, is expected to make up their hands for permission to advances on that issue but not to find any agreement on speak. “ You’re an adult." says the problem of Angola. Taylor, "and if you’ve got something to say—say it.” A professor at Wichita State B E IR U T , Lebanon - Leftist Moslem militias appear University since 1939, Taylor to bo gaining control of much of Lebanon and a also taught American Studies ritfht-wing Christian leader calls for American and other since its inception in 1947. international Intervention. Secretary of State Henry A. Taylor says people learn best Kissinger warns against outside involvement when they’re dealt with on an individual basis. He is proud of the fact that the classes he teaches are almost always fully enrolled. "I’m a plainsman,” claims Taylor. His library consists mostly of books about western NEW Y O R K - Namath to the Lot Artgeles Rams? and midwestem culture, history, New York Jets say they'd be willing to let Joe Namath and life. Taylor says he’s a go for a price, but Rams Insist they can't pay the "fourth generation Texan” who $500,000 salary. originally hails from Ft. Worth. “ American Studies,” according to Taylor, "is a ■ W ASHINGTON - When President Ford's budget goes mixture of just about everything Dr. Ron Taylor Brian Corn • The Sunflower to Congress Wednesday, the new congressional in the university.” It links the machinory for dealing with federal fiscal plans goes into humanities and the social e ff^ for the first time. sciences in the study of America. prepared to do research. He says today.” Continuing education, Taylor says a migor in American some of his students travel close claims Taylor, is a great way to Ford met with a group of governors and mayors to Studies gives the student the to 2,600f miles in a semester “involve the community with the discuss his plans for the nation, which were outlined in "finest basic training for the whfle researching a seven-state university.” his State of the Union message, and the federal budget fields o f law, business area in the midwest. And, says Taylor says he’s a "loner” New government figures show the economy it settling administration, and banking.” Taylor, "they foot the bill.” Not who doesn’t like crowds. He says into a long-term growth trend but with a lower rate in Interaction with people is the all of Taylor’s students are quite he remembers when tripping over the last quvter. basis of these fields and that ambitious, but one had a sleeping dog was one’s only American Studies, says Taylor, better come to his class "willing worry while taking a stroll on induces one to "appreciate to work.” Dougjas Avenue. DES M O IN ES, Iowa - Candidates and observers were human beings.” He added that it T aylor is very much "I’m the meanest 66-year-old cautious not to read too much into Iowa's precinct gives Americans an interested in a continuing you’ve ever seen,” was his reply c a u o ^ after Jim m y Carter and President Ford as "understanding of their country educational program for senior when asked his age. But the expected came up as the frontrunners. and their land” that courses in citizens. He says that "our ^eam in his eyes is proof enough history alone cannot achieve. population is becoming older all that he isn’t really mean—just A student enrolling in the time” and that people very much alive. Taylor’s courses must be have"more time on their hands TU C S O N , A ril. - High Mood-pressure, a major killer disease, tends to run In families and is being detected In children by age 2 or earlier, researche n report Jones recital featured next weei A clarinet recital by W. James Jones vdll be performance of "Tangents for Two and Tape” by featured next week in the Faculty Artist Series at former WSU music faculty member James Riley. Wichita State University. Jones will be assisted in the performance of this Jones, assistant professor of clarinet, will work by J. C. Combs, associate professor of perform for the scries at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, percussion. Jan. 22, in Miller Concert Hall of Duerksen Fine The concert is open to the public free of TOPEKA • State democrats were generally unhappy Arts Center on the WSU campus. charge. with Governor Robert Bennett's budget Atty. Gen. Curt His program will feature the premiere Schneider called the proposal a recommendation for a 9f deficit budget CAC to present ‘ ‘ Synesthesia The Cam pus Activities "Improvisations,” abstractions in Admission to the evening Council will be presenting li^t and color performed to a performance each night is $2 for T O P E K A - State representatives will take a closer "Synesthesia,” a multi-media Rick Wakeman soundtrack: students and $2.50 for the look at legalized bingo, now one year old. program, Friday and Saturday, "T ro p ic lilusions,” Images general public. A Mil was also Introduced Into the Kansas legislature January 23 and 24, at 7 and 10 originating in the Hawaiian "Synesthesia” is the work of to repeal the motorcycle helmet law. p.m. in the CAC Theatre. Islands of Maui and Kauai with Anne and Chick Herbert, three movements of Hovhaness’ photographers from Santa "Mysterious Mountain.” Barbara, California. The Herberts A free demonstration of the will combine color riides with IN Herberts’ work will be shown in music and poetry through the use WICHITA the CAC Shocker Lounge at 2:30 of “Chromicord,” a 4-projector Friday afternoon. fading unit and sound system. The two hour program will tentatively consist of: Early screen comedy scheduled Wichita's handicapped drivers will get a break. The Solitude, desert forms city commission passwl an ordinance yesterday that will combined with music from require all kinds of parking lots to provide designated Borodin’s "On the Steppes of in the CAC shocker lounge perking spaces for them. Central Asia,” "Persephone,” Vihen Comedy vja$ King, a compOation of early American screen Rodrigo’s music providing the comedy from early Sennett to later Roach, will be shown background for an interpretation continuouriy in the CAC Shocker Louhge today and Thursday. of the Greek mythj "Epica Actors featured will be Charlie Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy, Buster The Sedgwick County Zoo will be adding a new Chroma,” a work based on Keaton, Harry Langdon, Ben Turpin, Fatty Arbucklc, Wallace Berry, building and the animals can't w a it. Vampire bats, pacas Finnish legend accompanied by Mabel Normand and Gloria Swanson. Admission is free. and macaws will move Into their new home next year. Sibelius Pohjolia’s Daughter and Season tickets for the spring semester films will be on sale both utilizing the newly developed days. A ticket for the 13 Flick showings will cost $9 as will a ticket Image Translator; for the 16 Wichita Film Society presentations.


Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives The Sonflowcr, Wcdnciday, Jan. 21.1976 kifbrmation ofnce gets Gardenhire made officer E four CASE merit awaitis I evaluating a part of the college’s Wichiti S t«e Univeraity’s last summer, where the WSU In her year’s leave of absence college, she says, ought to exist (ET! continuing program of Office of Information and Public Orchestra served as as associate director of Wichita “because it’s the essentirily char affirmative action, making sure it Events hts received four merit orchestra-in-residence. State University’s “Project correct thing to do, not just prog satisfies both federal and sute awards for material published in From the 782 entries TOGETHER.” Jo Ellen because it’s required.’’ as pi requirements. She will also the 1974-75 academic year. submitted by 93 schools, a total Gardenhire has been appointed as James K. Sours, President of in m continue the evaluation of Competition winners were of 87 awards were given to 35 Southern Oregon State College’s SOSC and a former dean of scha SOSC’s work force and expand announced by the Mid-America different institutions. first full-time affirmative action Liberal Arts at WSU, is its system of monitoring the B District of the Council for the Competition was judged by a officer. ’’ personally committed’’ to program. net Advancement and Support of panel of professionals headed by Her 12-month position on the seeing that his new affirmative Ms. Gardenhire, SO, also Mar Education (CASE) at a meeting B.J. Pattec of the University of Ashland, Ore. campus, she action officer gets the former coordinator of student (GN in Des Moines, Iowa, on Jan. 12. Kansas. believes, will help achieve cooperation she needs to perform development in WSU’s minority Rcc Max Schaible, director of the CASE district membenhip is something the college genuinely her job. program, has left her family toge office, said the awards were made up of alumni, information wants equal employment behind in Wichita whfle she pro presented for the Pal) Semester and development officers from opportunity - not merely in order A campus task force on undertakes this new job. ever Calendar of ‘Events; a poster colleges and universities in to comply with the law. affirmative action and several of designed by Bill Jackson for die Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Equal opportunity at the its committees have been E’ opening of M cK ni^t Art Center; M issouri, Nebraska, North ma< •rv a brochure designed by Jackson Dakou, South Dakota and test- and edited by Susan Kraft for the Wyoming. CASE, a national mot McKnight opening; and a organization, was formed cam newspaper feature photograph by through the recent merger of the T: Schaible titled “ Maestro Hans former American College Public the Swarowsky,'* taken at an Relations Association and the Stui international master’s course for American Alumni Council. refli symphony conductors in Vienna busi cun •I i n I Look for the adi bus

SUNFLOWER QUARTERLY T cor Adi ‘The Golden Age Stu rep Of Freedom’ of r Wedding Issue A the adn coming tha

February 4, 1976 Ateociate DIccetDr of Project Together and Former Liberal Arts Dean James K. Soars wIB work together during Gardenhire’s leave of abeencc.

9san The Sunflower doesn't just keep you worm...

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Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives The Sunflower, Wedncidiv.J«ii.21.1»76

ETS alters national testing program | attention

Educational Testing Service verify, and correct if necessary, F o r the first time, GRE (ETS) reports several m ^or the accuracy of the information candidates will be allowed, at the Banana Lovers! changes in two national testing he or she provided ETS on the time o f the test, to delete or programs whose scores arc used registration form. Walk-in change the list of institutions to Free Garlic Bread IS part o f the admissions process registration, esublished during which scores are to be sent. in many of the nation’s graduate the 1974-75 academic year, also schools. will be honored, space and The GRE program also will with aay saadwlch continue to accept walk-in Both programs, the material permitting. Wednesday and Tharsday registrations, if center space and newly-titled Graduate There also arc several new materials are available, and after ONLY Management Admission Test additions to the GRE. For the all normally registered candidates (GMAT) and the Graduate first time, a full-length sample have been admitted. Record Examinations (GRE), GRE aptitude test, together with together test more than 400,000 answer key, is available to give Both programs emphasize that The Grinder Man prospective graduate students candidates an accurate view of walk-in registration for the every year. the type o f questions it contains. GMAT and the GRE is being 1745 Falrmount The sample aptitude test may be continued to provide a needed ETS says the changes were ordered separately or as part of service to candidates who are 684-7881 made to help simplify the th e Graduate Programs and unable to preregister because o f test-taking process by making it Admissions Manual, which circumstances beyond their more accommodating for student t^‘ S ‘ yyi provides information about more control. candidates. than 500 institutions and their ETS administers the GRE for The G M AT form erfy was called graudate programs. t h e Graduate Record the Admission Test for Graduate An estimated additional 15 Examinations Board, an d d t i Study in Business. The new name minutes o f student time at the independent board affiliated with reflects a trend among graduate test center has been saved by the Association of Graduate business schools to broaden their soliciting background Schools and the Council o f curricula and degree titles to information on the registration Graduate Schools in the United include other areas of form rather than at the center. States. administration as well as business.

The program is developed and in conducted by ETS for the tciRCtcioise Admission Council for Graduate Study in Management, a group representing 43 graduate schools of management. ® ^ s a Le Another signiricant change in the GMAT is an expanded B E A D ^ admission ticket correction form that allows the candidate to EMBELLISHMENT COMPANY

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Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives 8 The Sunflower. WCdneidav. J m , 21.1976 Ahlberg “pleased” despite state $ cuts

the dimination of money for half the money through the sale included the Board of Regents percent increase in WSU’s ir From page 1 program improvement as of bonds. number one priority of increased operating budget. He called this said at that tiihe that he would ”severdy damaging to our faculty pay,” Ahlberg said: increase “terribly important” not, however, oppose a program.” The remainder of the The ten percent increase since inflation has hit this legislative deal to obtain ”We had intended to add golf governor’s proposed budget was came under immediate attack by particular area hard. The Pairmount Towers on a and expand tennis with that considered, by President some legislators who felt that it replacement of equipment and lease*purchase arrangement.” money,” she said. “When you Ahlberg, to be generally is excessive. purchase of supplies was a ”1 have already spoken to look at the Kansas State budget favorgble to the university. secondary priority in the area legislators about the matter for women’s athletics, this is “ I was pleased that the Another bright spot Ahlberg Regents’ recommendations. and am hopeful that such an really a major setback to us as governor, for the third year. saw in the budget was the 12 arrangement can be reached,” far as catching up.” said the president A revised purchase plan N atasha Fife, Women’s would spread the cost over six Athletic Director at WSU, sees years, with the university raising View NET series, get some credits Academic credit for the Chronicles” will detail the lives secretary of state, several KMUW, NPR to initiate •^tional Educational Television of four generations of their ambassadors, members of the Series, “The Adams Chronicles,” remarkable family between the U.S. House of Representatives, a will be available at Wichita State years 1750 and 1900. The series member of the Massachusetts new eiection approach University during the spring was compiled from more than legislature. Civil War officers, Carter (Feb. 16); Terry Sanford semester. 300,000 pages of letters, diaries, historians, financiers and journals and histories written by numerous other outstanding KMUW, th ro u ^ National (Feb. 23); Milton Shapp (March WSU will offer cither two or various members of the family individuals. Public Radio and with the 1); Lloyd Bentsen (Mar. 8); and three hours of academic credit in assistance of a number of special Birch Bayh (Mar. 15). Each history for a course centered during these years. It will be offered a WSU as Beginning with John Adams, interest organizations. has program will begin at 6:30 p.m. around the 13-wcek series, which History 310, and on-campus who was an activist in the devised a new approach to this Assisting with “Candidates began yesterday, Jan. 20, on discussions will be led by Dr. year's election coverage. On-The-Line” are representatives KPTS, channel 8. movement toward American John Bom, associate professor of “Candidates On-The-Liiie” , a from the AFL—CIO; the Those who enroll in the independence from its earliest history, a specialist in the series of 90-minute specials, will A m erican Bar Association; course will be required to watch beginnings, the series traces the revolutionary period of American preaent the Democratic and Common Cause; the Cooperative the one-hour weekly broadcasts lives of the various members of history. Republican candidates seeking League of the U.S.A.; Consumer and to attend three on-campus this one family which has For further information, their party's presidential Federation of America; and the sessions for discussion and testing produced two presidents, a vice contact the Division of nomination in dialogue with NPR Foreign Policy Association. Also during the course of the president, a delegate to two Continuing Education at l^U . listeners. represented are the League of sem ester. “ The Adams Continental Congresses, a The series began Monday Women Voters; the National when presidential hopeful Fred Council of Senior Citizens; the Harris addressed election year National Urban League; the WSU debate team places first issues posed to him during a National Wildlife Federation; and nationwide "call-out.” Other the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. candidates participating in the Members of these organizations at U of Colorado tournament forum are: Sargent Shriver (Feb. from around the country will The Wichita State University decision to avenge an earlier loss for the team will be this 2); Morris Udall (Feb. 9); jimmy participate in the dialogues. debate team of Jeandlen Knight to the same team. In the finals weekend, when Knight and and Jennifer Jackson be^n ^inst South Dakota, Kni^t Jackson as well as Mark Van spring forensic competition on a and Jackson were again Boentng and Dan Hudson travel winning note by placing first at victorious by a 3*0 m ai^. to the University of Utah, where the University of Northern Darla Schmitt also WSU won second place last year, Colorado Debate Tournament on represented WSU at die Northern fora Jan. 23-25 tournament. Jan. 16-18. Colorado tournament in the oral Other tournaments on the The pair qualified for the interpretation category. She spring schedule of intercollegiate semi-finals with a 5-3 win/loss qualified for finals on the basis of forensic competition indude record and then defeated the her performance in two Bethel College, Southwestern University of Denver on a 3*0 preliminary rounds. College, University of Iowa, family thaatre After this first successful University of Missouri-St. Louis, outing of the season, the debate University of Arizona, University Showings run at 3 00 and 7:00 p.m. Admission for TOGETHER team will continue with what of Tennessee, Bcllarmine College, most shows is75rf for adults and 50< for children. debate director Don Swender and the Missouri Valley League •Feb 1 Alice in WonderlarKi TONIGHT! calls a busy and difficult spring Forensc Tournament at the Feb 15 The 7th Voyage of Sinbad schedule. The next competition University of Utah. Mar 28 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Apr 11 That Darn Cat Jaff arson, r Apr 25 The Three Cabaileros •Due to the high price of the film, admission for Hamilton and Burr Wedding Invitations adults will be $1.00 and 7Qi for children. Starring a.%. AInmm eaki KMm i tha tilok wlohita CHINA • CRYSTAL • SILVER [Shows run at 2:30. 7:00 and 10; “BRIDAL REGISTRY” I p.m. on Fridays ar>d 7:00 and film toeiaty 110:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Admis­ Shows run at 7:00 and 10:00 p.m. sion for all shows is $1.6b The I showings are open to students, Admission for all shows is 754 feculty, staff and their guestf Jan 28 La Strada Feb 4 The Conformist dan 23-24 Synesthesia Feb 11 Falstaff ("Chimes at Jan 30-31 Alice in Wonderland Midnight” ) Feb 6-7 A touch of Class Feb 13-14 Ladles and Geptter Feb 18 Firemen's Ball The Rolling Stones Feb 25 Kid Blue plus W. C. Fields shor Feb 29 2nd Annual Kitsch FilmI eae AetlvHles FriMnlt Festival Feb 20-21 The Three Musketeenl Feb 27-28 Enter the Dragon Mar 3 The Guru Mar 5-6 Murder on the Orient | Mar 10 The Decameron SY74ESTHEBIA Express hM ar. 24 The Tim e Machine The Day the Earth Mar 26-27 2001 : A Space Stood Still Multi-MMlIa Conoart 7A10 pm Odyssey l*Apr 1 Mar 25 Fantastic Planet DANA ANonews Phantom of Paradise Mar 31 Cui-De-Sac lH^2-3 Chinatown Apr 7 HowAno tjurr t Apr 9 -10 Knife in the Water 12,00 atudanti $2.80 Public Thieves Like Us Apr 14 Dr. Strangeiove |4Apr 16 The Pink Panther MONtE MARKHAM L A ^ 23-24 Apr. 21 Sleeping Car Murder The Last Detail Apr 28 Bed Sittir>g Room Wednesday T ^ 3 0 - Sleuth Jan. 23rd & 24th Mbyl May 5 Borsalino January 21, 1976 May 7-8 Century II Concert Hall •Due to the length of these two CAC Thaatra •Special April 1 showing of 8:00 p.m. shows the second showing of this Phantom of Paradise at 7:00 and Tickets availabla at: double feature will begin at Free Demonttretion in Shocker Lounge 10:00 p.m. Central Ticket Agency 10:20 p.m. 225 W Douglas “kNo Saturday Show 2:30 Fri. 23rd STUDENT TICKETS ]/2 PRICE Regular; 6.50-5.50-3.50

Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives The Sunflower. Wednesday. Jan. 21,1976

CURRENT MISSOURI VALLEY STANDINGS J’s eSPorts ^is It” CONFERENCE OVERALL liis he West Texas State .. ... 2 0 ...... 12 1 nd Hiebert swings a scoring spree; a Southern Illinois...... 1 ...... 8 6 he ...3 leads women’s basketball team Bradley ...... 2 1 ...... 9 3 WICHITA STATE...... 2 1 ...... 8 7 By STEVE HART first half, behind the broke the Shockers’ zone 1 1 ...... 7 6 quarterbacking of guards Marsha handing out three assists each. Senior Jeanie Hiebert went Olmstead and Susan Scholl. Phillips then outscored the Tulsa ...... 1 3 ...... 5 9 on a three-game scoring spree to They were aided by Hiebert’s 13 stunned Shockers 20-4 in the :nl lead the women*s basketball points and Marguerite Keeley’s first six minutes of the final half New Mexico Sute ..0 4 ...... 7 6 the team to a 2-1 record over the seven rebounds. Only Phillips' for a 50-31 advantage. !. a semester break, padding their 48.2 per cent shooting from the !tts season mark to 3*2. The field kept the Phillies in the A final spurt by the Shockers era, sharp-shooting left-hander game. Wichita State trailed by failed to thwart the defeat, as md scored 61 points in the only three at the half, 30-27. the Phillies held on for the 69-57 ling three-game period for just over a home win. 20-point average. Jeanie shot 25 I as field goals in 55 attempts for a Kcelcy followed Hiebert’s 23 pus 45.5 field goal percentage. points with 14, and also grabbed Dr. a game-high 13 rebounds. r of In the Shocker victory over the ^Easkeltnii] St. Mary’s of the Plains, Keeley can put on her show. She donimated the middle with 14 rebounds ion, Hiebert started her string by and three blocked shots, and of scoring eight points against St. shot in 16 points. Guard Marcy Mary’s of the Plains, and Wicbe. with 66 per cent 1 < followed chat with outputs of 30 shooting, totalled a season high and 23 points against Tabor and of 15 points, as WSU claimed a Phillips University, respectively. 62-46 victory. The women’s next game is Against Tabor, an earlier Saturday at 7:30 p.m., against Shocker victim, Hiebert hit 30 th e Northwest Oklahoma this points, canned 14 of 24 field Rangcrettes in Henry Levitt 1 and attempts for 58.3 per cent, Arena. Van grabbed 10 rebounds, avd contributed three assists, and “Y ” offers here intercepted five Tabor passes. ear. Her efforts resulted in the < nt. Shocks' sound 75-46 victory men’s “hoops” the over the BlUejays. The YMCA is organizing a iate Jeanie Hiebert basketball program at the East ude The Shockers’ only loss Branch for interested men. The cem during the three-game binge “Y” also offers special student >wa, carr.e at the hands of the Phillips But in the second half, the rates of $60 yearly for use of all •uis, University Phillies, the defending homestanding Phillies showed facilities. For information, EXAMPLE sity AIAW small college national just why they are a perennial contact Gary Watson, Buy one giant champions. basketball powerhouse. Guards =ge. membership drive coordinator, Sausage iguc Janne Choitz and Peggy Hurley at 685-8261, extension 133. pizza $4.85 the Despite the defeat, the Shockers played their finest Large sausage game of the year against the pizza for Phillies. Movin'& Groovin' with coupon ■01 e TO TA L $4.86 The WSU women played at Marble Falls Ski Resort. (Tax and Drinks Extra) conservatively and well in the mmmimmmmm flH m B H H z z a in n Tom Abbott OCS-2 Schuss up quits; now he to an Ozark WHh this coupon, buy Mountain resort any giant, large or nr)^um pizza at where skiing is only regular price and jumps for Joy the beginning of your receive one pizza wintertime fun. Whether o t next smaller size Tom Abbott, WSU defensive it’s a twosome or a fraternity with equal number end coach, resigned over the or dorm party, the action is def­ cH Ingredients for U initely here. Kick off your boots One coupon per visit. holidays to rejoin his old head MM > « ■ « • » before a roaring fire in the main lodge coach, Jerry Joy, at Peru State C dT hru Jan. 28,1976 '- J - — — “ - g g warm your insides, with a hot PLEASE PRESEWT WITH QUEST CHEClf College in Nebraska, th e buttered beverage or 29-yeai^old Abbott has been a ^spicey cider. Now take a turn member of the Shocker coaching "on ice skates in the indoor rink FAMILY NIGHT BUFFET staff for the past two years, and After dining, theres dancing and Evsry tyssddy NiaM 6:00 Id 8:30 p.m. has also served as academic more good times til the wee hours All the Pitta arid Salad you can aat 11.79 counselor. Then back for more. Call before 4640 E. 13th 8t. 685-2381 Abbott served as defensive you come for snow conditions. Ski coordinator under Joy at instruction and equipment rentals 1860 8. Hillside 684-8813 Friends University. He will hold available Reservations accepted 2245 Hood St. 838-1405 the same position at Peru State at the Marble Falls Inn or in a wide variety of chalets overlooking the 1415 W. 31st 8t. 522-4715 and will also be associate slopes director of admissions. 4B2B E. KaUoM 068-2384 WSU head football coach Jim Wright, recruiting in California maiblefalk {hiiesort at the time, stated that he was Overlooking Dogpatch USA / Hwy 7 in no rush” to name a Dogpatch Ark / Phone (501) 743-1 1 11 P i z z a i n n I'cplacemcnt.

Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives Ui____ The Sunflower. Wedimd«y. Jin. 21.1976

Shockers trounced 0 Steelers prove no “Super Bore” in Louisville game % By STEVE PIKE By MIKE SHALIN Two hours of pre-gamc'^rbagc’Vas almost enough to ruin the Wichita S ute went into game for any football fan. I tuned in only the last 45 minutes or so Freedom Hall in Louisville Professional football held its annual big game last Sunday as the and it was disgusting. Do you realize how many slow-motion films Monday night looking for their Pittsburgh Steelers maintained their hold on No. 1 by dumping the we saw Sunday? first victory in 12 years - and left upstart Dallu Cowboys down in Miami. 1 don’t see why we needed two hours of pre-game shows (or for still looking. This game (erroneously termed the Super Bowl) is usually about that matter two weeks of preparation.) I’m surprised that CBS The Cardinals’ Phil Bond as exciting as The Gamer Ted Armstrong Show. It is built up for didn’t have a show starting at seven in the morning featuring Brent stole a hand-off from the two weeks to be the greatest thing to hit ear^ since Howard Cosell. Mussberger, IrvCrossand Phyllis George at breakfast. Now don't get Shockers with eight seconds left, But the teams are usually so bored by the time they take the field me wrong; I like these three scoregivers. They give us insight into and Ricky Gallon hit the final that what we see is the “Super Bore." the game of football (?). And besides, Irv Cross is good-looking. basket at the buzzer to clinch But this year’s game was different. But the NFL came out of this one looking best. The game was the Cards’ 56-52 victory. Super Bore X turned out to be Super Bowl I. The Steelers and good, the coverage was decent, and the number one team in The Shocks had possession of die Cowboys put on an entertaining show with some of the most football repeated as champs. Now, the league completes its six the ball and had dected to go exciting plays I’ve ever seen. Heck, Lynn Swann alone was worth montiis of drafts and legal hassles before starting all over again in for the last shot (and hopefully a die whole day. August. •••«•••• three-point play) before Bond's The newspapers spent two weeks speculating on the condition heroics. of his head injury suffered in the AFC championship game. “He Sticking with football for a minute—the New Orleans Saints The Shocks shot a might play.” said the papers, “but his head is going to be a have done a service to themselves and to football by hiring former season-best 54.8 per cent from problem.” Well, play he did—and if his head was a problem, his Chiefs coach Hank Stram to run their club. Stram is a good coach the field and took an early 13-7 hands certainly weren’t. and his commentary on CBS this past season was a treat. I think lead. Louisville managed to tie As to the coverage of the game by CBS, I would say that Pat he'll do well down south. the game at 15-15, but Wichita Summerall and Tom Brookshier did an admirable job, althought the State still led 30-27 at the half network would have done better with Vin Scully and Sonny Turning to baseball. Fred Lynn and Pete Rose were given awards despite early foul trouble for Jurgenson. And 1 still cannot get used to two color commentators recently for being the athletes of the year. Rose got die Hickok Belt starting forwards Robert Gray (Pat and Tom) handling the broadcast by themselves. and Lynn received some other honor, but somebody made a big and"Checse”Johnson. The Cards mistake. Joe Morgan was foi^otten. also blocked four shots in the Morgan was the real catalyst behind Cincinnati’s baseball crown. first half and ou^rebounded the Everything for the He hit, ran the bases, and played the tield better than anyone last Shocks 14-11, many of the year, and it’s all getting lost in the shuffle. If there was a better rebounds coming off the RacQUBtball Player player than Joe Morgan in sports last year, I’m sorry I missed him. offensive boards. Turnovers cost the Shockers — Racquets from ten to forty doMars. — many opportunities to break the Ektelon - Vittert -- Topflight - Tigre game open in tiie second half. and many others. The visitors committed 11 in the ymm mmm final half and 18 for the game. FROM The Shocks did manage to hold high-scoring Wesley Cox to five points-quite a contrast from jPeter Tan his last performance against the JANUARY 2181 thru JANUARY 3l8t Shockers, when he hit all 16 of his shots for 32 points. TREAT YOUrf FAMILY TO A Ricky Gallon and Lany EASTQATE KELLOGG AND DELICIOUS Williams led ail scorers with 12 SPORTS SHOP R O C K R O AD CHEESEBURGER points apiece, whUe “Cheese" AND Johnson was the high man for FRENCH FRIES the Shocks with 10. Robert LfTTUCe I TOlWTO EXTVU KN SAN0MO1 Elmore led all rebounders with 11. “Mo” also tallied nine points, as did Calvin Bruton. S H O C tiER 69C The Shockers’ record SO* VALUE dropped to 8-7 for the season; * Classified but they remain 2-1 in 1 conference play.

If you Bra i woman, i am a man, Blue Jaans patchad and rabullt. call John at 264-4453. If you can. Contact Marty at Tha Day of tha CHILI Lady. 1422 East Douglas. NCAA tops off PREGNANT? CALL BOWL ...... 590 1 SPECIAL PRESTIGE B IR TH R IG H T. FrM pragnancy Two-thraa badroom duplax. Formal tost. Confieantlai. 685-1379, 214 dining, firaplaca, cantral air, alactric N. HlllitflO. kitchen, unusual Extras. 683-7471 three day talks

Oanskln Laotard - Sizt Madlum FEMALE ROOMATE NEEDED-4 The NCAA conduded three (long staavaa), adult also b oanskln bedroom house, owned by woman * ICE CREAM days of round-table discussions Tlfhts to match. Black capozio with 2 children. You share AU FLAVORS ballot illpptn • sizo 5 B. Lootard, axpanias, 840-|S0/wk(na9otlabla). at its 70th annual convention tights 4 fllppon worn onca. Will 942-4981 after 6:00. Located southwest Wichita. last week in St. Louis. Major fill all for |I5.00 or aoparataly. Call HALF 06 Robyn at 689-3641, batwaan 8-5. QALLON •1 . decisions induded withdrawals FOUR BANGER calculator of the imposed squad limitations In tha baginning-craatlon? Or “ K N O C K ER S". Learn how to talk ehonea plus tima (avolutlon)? to your calculator with (both home and traveling) and LltO ra tura . books, filmstrips BEOWELL*s Self taaching practice the six-per-ycar recruiting limit showing sclantific avidancas for exercises. Available on order from FREEZER PAK craitlon avallabia from: BEOWELL INC,. 622 E. Harvey. for basketball. NoW, as many eibfa-Sclanca. 1429 N. Holyoka, Wellington. KS 67192. $2.98 (tax 4 Halt Callous 683-3610. Included), postpaid, satisfaction or players as desired can be signed, money back. $ 3 ^ 6 6 granted that the squad member Psychiatric Social Workar, tampory total does not exceed 15. position until 6/30/76. duailflcallons: MSW, axparlanca In Proposed reorganization of adfitlnlstratlon and taaching, as wait the NCAA into supreme and as dlnlcal axparlanca. Contact Dr. Oaorga Dyck, WSU Branch. Production Workan needed su b o rd in ate divisions was UnivarsIty of Kansas School of shelved until next year's MOdkina, 2221 N. Hlllsida, Wkhita, IN KS 67219. HOT FUDGE convention. Jewelry Manutacturlni Co. • aaa* 1st Shift 9:80-8:80 SUNDAE Belated congratulations to 600 VALUE Teachers A t All Levels 2nd Shift 4:00-9:80 Forelanft Domestic Teachers distance runner Tammy Gilpin, Box 1d 63, Vancouver, W a^ Mon. through Fti. who placed 11th of 57 runners 98060 Apply at 1000 Parklane. in the National Jvnior O ly m p ic s two-mile cross-country run last Room 810 from 10-6:80 Dec. 13 in Houston, Texas.

Fast, accurate, professional typing of papers, articles, theses, manu- We will train 5017 E. 21st Streot Robert Gray is currently in scrlpto. J^ter 12ih place for the West in the Special student rates (will consid­ Bead B QRADE A 1350 N. Hillside er soma exchange of sarvkas). annual Pizza Hut Basketball Call Andrea M. Ramsay, Profes­ EmbeKfshmenf Co. DAIRY FOODS sional Business Service, 683-7831. Classic. Cast your vote for FRESH MILK AND A COMPLETE LINE OF QUALITY DAIRY FOODS Robert Gray, and write in your favorite Shocker senior.

Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives The Sunflower. Wednesday. Jan. 21.1976_____ 11 Shockers continue to get it together

0 By JACQUELYN KNAPP e The stench from the third consecutive road points; seniors Gray and Doug Yoder and loss was still hanging over WSU when the freshmen Trogele and Charies Brent each tallied ir Dr. Jekyll and his alter ego, Mr. Hyde, were Ft basketball program suffered an unscheduled ten. Gray matched his point output with 10 alive and kicking on the Wichita State basketball loss-this time personnel. Mike Edgar, senior swing rebounds, aided by Elmore's nine and Neil team as the Shockers continued their cyclical man, became the latest departure in a two-year Strom’s eight d campaign during the academic recess. le exodus of Shocker players. Edgar, a two-time Gray and Elmore were the stellar twosome in i, The Shocks toiled fervently, competing in U letterman and at one point a starter for WSU, the Shocks' revenge on Memphis State at Henry ftl games, and compiled an overall record of eight resigned for lack of playing time. Levitt Arena. Through the flashy defensive play h wins and seven losses-all but one win obtained Back on the home front, the Shockers of guard Trogele and his backcourt accomplice on the home court. continued to pad the win column as they Brent, and forward Yoder, Wichita State defeated jf double-crossed an agitated Texas Christian team, the Tigers 81-70 in, thus far, one of the most WSU played a home engagement with Eastern solid games of the season. Trogele did quite a job ;o 84-65. The bristling Homed Toads were stabbed Michigui on Dec. 12, and easily digested the on the notorious Billy Cook, holding him to 11 a Hurons 96^2. Highlight performances were with a gnnd total of rive technical fouls falling I's prey to the scoring combo of Johnson and Calvin point-half his average. Gray hit a career-high 24 turned in by “Cheese" Johnson (16 points), points, while Elmore contributed 19 and Trogele Robert Elmore (15 points, 12 rebounds), and an Bmton and the backboard tandem of Elmore and a Gray. Cheese once ^ ain ledwitii 22 points; floor 13. injury-recovered Robert Gray, (who made his Southern Illinois handed the Shockers still m season debut with 13 points). general Bruton canned 17. Elmore snatched 12 -7 rebounds. Gray ten. All tolled, the Shocks another road loss-worse yet a conference loss. :ie The Shockers then departed on a two-game out-rebounded TCU 58-37. After overcoming a putrid first half and a ta cross-country swing, first fdling to Long Beach nine-point deficit, the Shocks fell in the final The squad traveled to New Mexj^o for an Uf State, 5B-55, then to Memphis Sute, 75-68. The seconds, 61-59. Of the SIU loss, coach Harry eight^ay business and pleasure stir§* first to or pair of losses were pSrticulariy to u ^ to swallow, Miller said, ‘‘Prom now on it's either feast or Albuquerque for the lltii amt^al Lobo ay because they squdehed bori) the 20th-place famine. We're either going to win this conference, Invitational, then to Las Cruces for the ds national ranking and untarnished record that the or end up in the bottom.” inauguration of Missouri Valley Conference he Shockers had relished just days earlier. At the most recent home game, last Saturday, action. The Shocks dropped a pair of he WSU hosted the Tulsa Golden Hurricane. The A 20th anniversary celebration at Henry disappointing losses for last place in the Lobo he two Shocker big men-Strom and Levitt Arena set the stage for another home Oassic, first to the California Golden Bears he victory, this one a thriller against Oklahoma Elmore-snowed the Hurricane in the cold (41% (75-68), then to the hosting New Mexico combined) shootout. Neil played his most University. Freshman Bob Trogele pulled it out University Lobos in the consolation tilt, 86-80. ers game of the season, churning out 17 points in 15 in the final minute with a key steal and four The Bears from Berkeley ultimately captured the :he minutes, and connecting on eight of nine shots. quick points. Robert Elmore and Robert Gray Invitational, followed by West Virginia University ilf. Mo hauled in 13 rebounds and scored 10 points. led the scoring attack with 20 and 16 points, and NMU. :he Bruton, Gray and Johnson were also in double respectively. The final score: l^^U 65, OU 60. The pleasure part came when the Shockers nc. in the 75-71 win. The Shockers are now 2-1 in "Another road loss" was the futile sigh of the finally got their trip together just after the New Valley action. to Shocker homebodies, this time to Creighton in Year with a road vrin over Valley foe New WSU departed from conference play last to Omaha. The Bluqays' unpredictable defensive Mexico State. Overcoming early foul trouble, the Monday to tackle Metro Six's Louisville. Next on )in strategy outwitted the Shocks in the final ten Shocker forces collaborated for the 70-61 the agenda is another Metro Six rival, the he minutes of the contest, 77-71. victory. Bruton led the scoring attack with 17 , who hit town next Monday. of t-*' Ty 12 c” ’or $3000 SCHOLARSHIP ert ith 0 ne —AUTOMATIC— 5 ird »n; in SOPHOMORES— You can get $3000 in financial aid ff during your Jr. and Sr. years through the Army ROTC 2 year :s Program. OMf Dfssft H H iUmi rce MBWCCttl >ns 6 on ttMNciMitt TRY IT ON FOR SIZE- Take the six-week ROTC jot ’als • Basic Camp WITH NO OBLIGATION! 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