Syllabus: Video Art and Frontier Films 1960 to the Present Film 3905 sec. 002 (class number 17059 ) or Film 6905 sec. 006 (class number 17369) University of Utah Semester: (Fall 2010) Instructor: Kent Maxwell Email:
[email protected] (I don't check my email every day, so if you need to reach me urgently call me before 10 am or after 7 pm) Phone: 801 328-3053 Office Hours: By appointment. Online Information: Class Web site: Or go to click on the Film 3905-002 Home Page link. There will be limited information on the class site: the syllabus; listings of any additional readings assigned during the semester; and a list of the films shown in class each week. Course Description: This is a survey of Video Art and Experimental film from the Fluxus films and Warhol’s Screen Tests to Zidane, A 21st Century Portrait. This course will include a look at: early real time portapak tapes of Vito Acconci, Dan Graham, Bruce Nauman, William Wegman; The layered films by Bruce Bailie and Pat O’Neill; Video image manipulation of Nam June Paik, and Steina and Woody Vasulka; The structuralist films of Michael Snow, Hollis Frampton, and Peter Greenaway: the work of Bill Viola, Gary Hill, Peter Campus, Doug Hall, Tony Oursler; music videos by Bruce Conner, The Residents, Laurie Anderson: the Qasti films of Godrey Reggio and Philip Glass; explorations of media, culture, and gender from Ant Farm, Valie Export, Dara Birnbaum, Sadie Benning, Pipilotti Rist; the transient properties of film with the collective Silt and Bill Morrison’s film Decasia; Digital video work by Matthew Barney, Beryl Korot, Aleksandr Sokurov and others: and of course we won’t over look sampling, installations, and the web.