CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Crystal L. Mackall, M.D. Contact Information: 265 Campus Dr., G3141A, MC5456 Stanford, CA 94305 Phone: 650-725-9670 EmaIl:
[email protected] Citizenship: UnitEd StatEs Education: 1980 B.S. (Natural ScIEncEs, summa cum laude), UniversIty of Akron, Akron, Ohio 1984 M.D., NortheastErn Ohio UniversItIEs CollEge of MEdicIne, Rootstown, Ohio Brief Chronology of Employment: 1984 - 1988 ResIdency, Combined PEdiatrics/IntErnal MEdicIne; Children's Hospital MEdical CentEr of Akron/Akron GEneral MEdical CentEr, Akron, Ohio 1989 – 1992 FEllowship PEdiatric HEmatology/Oncology; PEdiatric Branch, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, MD 1992-1996 InvestIgator, ExperimEntal Immunology Branch, NCI, NIH 1996-1998 InvestIgator, PEdiatric Oncology Branch, NCI, NIH 1998-2003 PrincIpal InvestIgator, TEnure Track, PEdiatric Oncology Branch, NCI, NIH 2003-2015 TEnured PrincIpal InvestIgator and HEad, Immunology SEctIon, PEdiatric Oncology Branch, NCI, NIH 2005 DEputy Branch ChiEf, PEdiatric Oncology Branch, NCI, NIH 2005-2008 ActIng Branch ChiEf, PEdiatric Oncology Branch, NCI, NIH 2008-2015 ChiEf, PEdiatric Oncology Branch, NCI, NIH 2016-2018 EndowEd Professor of PEdiatrics and MEdicIne, Stanford UniversIty 2018-presEnt Ernest and AmElIa Gallo FamIly Professor of PEdiatrics and MEdicIne, Stanford UniversIty Military Service: 1980-2010 UnitEd StatEs PublIc HEalth SErvicE, CaptaIn 0-6, retIred Hospital Appointments and Major Administrative Leadership Positions: 2016-presEnt AssocIatE DIrector, Stanford CancEr InstItutE 2016-presEnt ActIve Staff, LucIlE