9/22/2021 Doctrines of Jainism and , the Two Sects of Jainism, Jainism, Buddhism- FlexiPrep

FlexiPrep Doctrines of Jainism and Buddhism, the Two Sects of Jainism, Jainism, Buddhism (For CBSE, ICSE, IAS, NET, NRA 2022)

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Doctrines of Jainism and Buddhism were one of the prominent non-Brahmanical religions that challenged the supremacy of the Brahmanical sects. Along with these two religions, the sect called Ajivikas, founded under Makkali Ghosal.

Jainism Vardhaman Mahavira, born in 599 BC near Vaisali (Bihar) , was the founder of Jainism. He used the Prakrit language to impart his teaching to his message. He is regarded as the twenty-fourth Tirthankara of Jainism. The important feature of this religion is its emphasis on penance, austerity, and non-violence.

The primary goals of Jainism are: Purification of soul

Attainment of . Nirvana means freedom from birth and death.

These goals can be achieved through triratna (three jewels) and panchamahavrata (five vows) , which led to the liberation of life.

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The “five vows” (panchamahavrata) of Jainism are:

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Ahimsa (do not commit violence)

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Satya vachana (do not speak lie)

Asteya (do not steal)

Brahmacharya (do not indulge in sexual act)

Aprigraha (do not acquire property)

The householders were supposed to take the milder form of these virtues called anuvrata.

The concept of Anekantavada or syadavada in Jainism means that the truth can be viewed through various means.

The Two Sects of Jainism Swetambaras (wear white cloths)

Digambaras (remain naked)

Buddhism Buddhism was founded by , born in 566 BC at . Gautama left his home for the search of knowledge at a very early age. This event is known as Mahabhishkramana. Buddha gave his first sermon at , which was called -cakra-pravartana (turning of the wheel of law) . He then establishes there to spread his teaching. He died in 486 BC at Kusinagara. This event is called the Mahaparinirvana.

The philosophy of Buddha is called as madhyama marga or middle path. This means the avoidance of worldly pleasures and strict abstinence and asceticism. He used the language to communicate with the masses.

The major teaching of Buddhism: Fourth noble truth (Arya )

Eight-fold path (astangika marga)

The four noble truth was: The world is full of sorrow (dukkha)

Desire is the root cause of all sorrows (dukkha samudya)

Sorrows can be eliminated by conquering desires (dukkha nirodha)

Desires can be achieved through following eight-fold path or astangika marga

The eight-fold path is: Right faith

Right resolve

Right speech

Right action

Right living

Right efforts

Right thought

Right self-concentration.

Four In order to spread the teaching of Buddha and Buddhism, four Buddhist councils were organised in different period. The first Buddhist Council was held in 483 BC under the patronage of the king Ajatasatru in Rajagriha.

The second council was held in 383 BC under Kalasoka in Vaisali. The third council was conducted under the patronage of Asoka in 250 BC at Pataliputra.

The fourth council was under the reign of Kanishka in 1 century AD in Kashmir. The last council led to the division of Buddhism into two sects, and .

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Major impact of Buddhism in Indian society is:

Buddhist scholars created text like Tripitaka, Milindapanho, and Buddhacharita.

Promotion of art and architecture like , rock-cut caves and paintings in Saranath, Amaravathi, Ajanta and Bharhut.

The emergence of schools of art like Gandhara and Mathura schools.

The decline of Brahmanical superiority

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