The Ingham County News Printing Company

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The Ingham County News Printing Company 10 Pages INGHAM COUNTY NEWS 10 Pages ILXI. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1919. NO. 12 WAit. ijo.viji) .vo'nci'; ri -WA'I'CH THE STOCK IMODDLMItS j Final payments of subscriptions RI3ADI!:RS: Get the names and | CITY ANO lOBIP to the Mason War Chest will l)o addresses of all persons and com­ retoh'ed at the Fanners liank at panies offering you spoculalivc or any time up to Monday, April 1, FELLOWS iiELEBIIAIEi WEDDINGAilVEflSARY doubtful stocks and securities, CAUGOSES ARE HELD ii)TO. All delinquent subs-'cribors particularly in exchange tor your should pay their subscriptions (;i{ANI) 1,01)010 OFt<IOMK.S VISIT MIt. AM) MRS. MOiiSOX DECAMP LIBHRTY BONDS or WAll SAV­ CAMI'AKJ.V IX ItiOHALF OF WAR U'WO JiClvKTS l\ KII'.IJ) IX CITY MAIilUEl) FIFTY YEAItS AOO INGS STAMPS, with copies of VIOrilVIS TO UK MADE OF MASON' within time above stated. AIASON LODUa Al'i.ei" the above date, the Board their "literature." Mall them promptly tor Investigation to the will promptly investigate and con­ Ordtii's of Ciiiiiiiy Join In OI).sci'vanco More Than 150 Were (iucsts At Tlioir (>aiiiieii(.s Xee<1 Not Bo In Perfect J). 1>. Wllitlll<ll^u To iluud (Jiti7.<iiii.s sider all cases In which the solemn Home TucMlay—HoiiNo Was FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, Condition—Sliirts, SIUNM, IkMlding, Tickut^—Wullci- lluyiiei- Will Kiui Of lUOtli AiHiivorMiry at Alasoii Washington, D. C. pledges have not been carried out, WcdiicMduy Kveiiiiig Huautifiilly I)ecorat4Ml Etc., Are Axkcil For, Oil l>tH>i*le'N Ticket 12w2 MASON WAR BOARD HMLP THE VICTORY LIBERTY liOAN The centennial, anniversary of the More than 150 guests were pres^ The Ingham County Chapter of tho Last Friday evening ll>o incmbors Odd Fellows was celebrated last eve­ ent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nel­ American Red Cross has asked the «f tiio People's parly met at the court ning in a most happy manner, there son DeCanip on South D street Tues­ locol chapter to assist on the drive room ill caucus and nominated a city being about 300 present; fourteen day afternoon, March 18th, to help which Is being made for new made ticket. A. A. H.owlett was selected lodges of Ingham County were repre­ them celebrate the 50th anniversary clothing, bedding of all kinds, also :(or mayor and Mins Inda DuBois, sented, Jackson, Rives, two lodges of their wedding. POPULAR EVANGELIST burlap, sugar and grain bags, which ior clerk. Noitlier one could sec their from Lansing, Holt, Williamston, The house had been very prettily are badly needed for devastated •way clear to run for these oUlces and GUILT OF IROER Wobbervllle, Okemos, Leslie, Stock- decorated with gold and white and Europe. Thursday has hen set aside •Walter Hayner was substituted as bridge, Dansville and Highland Park many flowers and ferns were placed by tho Mason Red Cross for this .Tiiayor and Cora E. McCurdy for clerk ALIION EVKMY TAIiKI3l> .F|{l3l5|jV camo as guests of the local order. about the rooms. In the northwest campaign and every one who assists following are the names as they will OF ACTIONS ON MAHOII 12 Tho Grand Ofllcors were met at corner of the large living room hung ,FOIt BOYS AXD OIIILS AT M. E. is asked to bring their articles to the appear on the ballot: the M. R. StatLon by 100 Odd Fellows a large white bell under whlQh the CHURCH ItEOIXXIXO MAR. iS4 Red Cross rooms. If It is necessary Mayor, Walter Hayner; Clerk, Saj'.s Fear of Clitsek Motive For invad­ and the Mason City Band, " and es­ host and hostess accompanied by ii canvass of the city will bo made. CoraE, McCurdy; trcas. Eber L. Otis, ing l>cti-oit Ofllcei-s—Silsby Is corted to the M, E. C'liurch, whore a Mrs. Alvina Bailey of Ann Arbor, Meetings To Be Held Each Af(ci'n«>on Attention Is especially called to the Alderman at large, Lonnie Dean; Wdi'Jdii); Mai'd splendid banquet was enjoyed by 200, who acted as the bride's maid upon .li^'oiu 4 to 5—Kerr Brotlici'-s Are Red Cross' units of DuBols, Kijn), •ward, supervisor, Jolin Wixson, ald­ served by the Mason Rebokahs. After the occasion of their marriage a half Coming Later Harper, Pink and Walters districts to erman, Silas H. Ascltine, constable, Peter Maehler, the man suspected wlilch they assembled in the church century ago, received their guests. take up the work in their Immediate Roy Shaffer; second ward, supervis­ of the brutal murder of C'has. W. auditorium where a line program The guests were greeted at the localities and bring their contrlbu- or, Floyd Darrow, alderman, Benson was carried out. door by Miss Marlam Longycar and Beginning Monday, March 2'lth, at tion.s' to the Mason Red Cross. Hazellon on Wednesday, March 12, '1 p. 111. Rev. David 13, Heed will con­ .Baldwin, constable James Bashford. , Itoglstor of Deeds Mylos F. Gray, after congratulations were over, Tho doi^tli rate from lack of cloth­ iThe People's committee is coni- wore escorted to tho tastily decorated duct an evangelistic campaign for ing and food in northern ..France, acUng as chairman, gave a short ad­ boys' and girls. This series of meet- •posed of A, W. Jowett, chairman, dress welcoming tlio visiting brothers dining room, where light refresh­ Begium, Italy, Roumania, Serbia, Eber L, Otis and Charles Stevens.. and introduced Graiul Secretary Frod ment wore served under the direction GroGC'C, Monienogro, Albania, Czocko- The Clllzons wuicus was licUl Tues­ A. ilogcrs. Mr. Itogcrs gave a force- of Mrs, Gertrude Blakely, assisted by Slovalcla, I'oland and ralostino has day evening wiLli aliout sevcniy-ilvc I'u Italic In Ills Quict and pleasant Aflsses Ruth Miner and Rutli E. beconio appalling according to tho •present, about ono-tliird ijresent wore wiiy, emphasizing tlie inliuence the Brown. Favors were given In tho American Rod Cross, which Is again •^vomcn. D. P, Whitmore v/as again l.caclilngs a( tlio order has had over form of a double heart gllted with coming to tlio rescue with a two chosen to head tlie ticlcol:, The fol­ boys In sorvlco. He told of parting names and date of marriage. weeks campaign beginning March 17, lowing candidates from the various ol' lihnsoU' and a soldier son at tho iMany beautiful and appropriate In wlilcli Inghtini Chapter will assist. •cily and ward olTicurs were nominal;-, grave of tlio mother and wife, when gifts were received by the happy Clothing is needed in Europe at •ed; i.lie son was about to go overseas. couple in token of the esteem in the rate of a million garments a Clerk, ,T. Ezra Welsh; treasurer, Mr, Itogors has the faculty of reach­ which they are held by the people of montli. If ilio Uvea of millions" of Earl Dunsmore; alderman at largo, ing the hearts of his hearers. this community. During the after- men, women and children—destitute Jason E, Tiiylor; supervisor, 1st wrt. ]\ir. Gray then intr.oduced Grand non. Dr. W.,^ B. Hartzog expressed refugees—aro to bo saved. If pos­ Albert L. Rose; alderman, Albert E. Ilepresentatlvo Herbert A. Thompson tlie thoughts of those present In his sible 10,000 tons ot clothing will be llilllard, constable, Earl F. KiuK, of WilUaniston, who spoke very brief­ usual happy way and congratulated shipped to those suffering peoples. second ward, supervisor, Ernest B. ly, explaining that ho was a fugitive them upon their long and useful Garments to bo accepted need not Kollcy; alderman, Charles W. Bell; from his home, his physician having lives, Following this Mrs. Charles be in perfect conldtion. iThous.anda constable, Thomas Thorhurn. ordered him to remain there until W. Browne read an original and ex­ of people in Europe are in rags to­ The following comprise the Citizens his health improved, cellent poem touching the lives of the day and a dress or suit with only a committoo; A. A. Bergman, .chair- During Mr. Thompson's talk Grand host and hostess up to the present few holes would be a luxury, Indeed. (Contlnued on page H) Master Goorf.'o H. Harland of Detroit time, Every kind of clothing Is asked for arrived. He was next introduced, Guests from out of the city includ­ —as long as It is of strong and du­ lie called the attention of the crowd ed those from Ann Arbor, Jackson, rable material. And there is a pfea to the fact that all the speakers, Stockbridge, Munith, Lansing, De- for shoes and scrap leather. Much Messrs. Gray, Rogers, Thompson and wltt and Okemos. of .Europe Is barefooted today in spite THREElEiiEllIS liimsolf, wore printers. After a few of tho cold. pleasant gonoriilitles he launched Into In addition to second-hand cloth­ TO a sLroiig appeal to the membership GAYNOR CLUB GIRLS GAVE ing, the Red Cross will collect piece to so arrange their lives and guard goods, canton flannel and .other ma­ AT ELI'ICTION TO 111'! limA) ON their actions that credit would be ro- Rev. David E. Reed terial for garments for new born »10.M)AY, AIMUli 71'n. *SlicrilV Hush W. Sil,sl)y llected on the order. He said, "If babies, and ticking, sheeting, blan­ y.ou men will heed the beautiful ings will be held for thirteen cons^ijcu- kets and woolen goods. Veto 'Yes' On llcei' and Wine Aniund- talked freely to a NEWS reporter teachings of our order, there will MISS MARGARET CADY, READER, tlve days in the Melhodist-church'in nicnt \V6Hld lli'inf; 8al<H>n.s and Insisted that he was not tho need be no effort made to induce men OAVE VERY FIXE SELECTIONS this city.
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