Mega Man X Walkthrough Capcom Walkthrough by Catfish_82 Howdy all, welcome to the Mega Man X walkthrough. As with all my other walkthroughs, if you have questions, comments, suggestions or would just like to harass me, then feel free to email me at
[email protected] and I’ll see what I can do. Well, broken record alert here, but I’ve written this walkthrough to be displayed solely on SNES Central, but I don’t mind if you borrow a bit or all of it so long as you credit me (Catfish_82) as the author and while you’re at it, why not link back to the site? ( ) Game Details: - Copyright Capcom, 1993. - Licensed to Nintendo, 1993. - Mega Man and all enemies, weapons, items etc are copyrighted and are the property of Capcom. - This walkthrough is the sole property of Catfish_82 (me) and is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Capcom or Nintendo. Table of Contents: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Version History 2. The Basics a. D-Pad b. Variable buttons c. Items 3. The Eight Mavericks 4. Walkthrough a. Beginning Stage i. Boss: Vile b. Chill Penguin Stage i. Boss: Chill Penguin ii. Items and Upgrades 1. Leg Upgrade 2. Heart c. Storm Eagle Stage i. Boss: Storm Eagle ii. Items and Upgrades 1. Heart 2. E-Tank 3. Helmet Upgrade d. Flame Mammoth Stage i. Boss: Flame Mammoth ii. Items and Upgrades 1. X-Buster Upgrade 2. Heart 3. E-Tank e. Spark Mandrill Stage i. Boss: Spark Mandrill ii. Items and Upgrades 1. E-Tank 2.