Sri Homam performed 11 times

When this performed in your sankalpa name:

• Doshas are removed. • By performing this homam many problems and dangerous situations which are going happen in this year due to Mars are removed. • Business losses are avoided. • To improve the financial status, this Rudra homam paves the way for your development and upliftment to a higher level. • The homam will get rid of all the obstacles and achieve very good results. • By performing Arunachala homam in Arudra nakshatra time, you will achieve success in all your endeavors. • By performing this homam 11 times at the time of Arudra nakshatram, you will receive Bhagawan’s grace. This reduces all the worries in the family and you will experience peace.

Pancha Sukta Homam

Wonderful homam with pancha sukta. For Shiva Bhagawan, it is panchavadhanaalu, that’s why for Shiva Bhagawan, the pancha suktam is considered as very unique homam. The benefits we get from this homam are: • For this plava naama year the king is Kuja (Mars). As per Vedic astrology , Kuja (Mars) is responsible for extreme aggression. • If the position of Kuja is in dosha sthaana in anyone’s horoscope, they will make extreme emotional and violent decisions. That’s why Kuja (Mars) has become dosha kaarakudu. • If anyone without knowing gets married during Kuja dosha period, the marriage will not be a successful union with many arguments in the marriage and sometimes serious consequences. • By performing this Pancha Sukta Homam, we attempt to melt Shiva Bhagawan’s heart so that all the doshas are removed and we are blessed with special results, especially when Shiva bhagawan’s cool vision falls on us during this homam.

Sri Maha Mrutyunjaya Homam This powerful Sri Mrutyunjaya homam, gave Sri Markandeya a complete fulfilling life. • Wherever the Mrutyunjaya is even slightly heard, untimely deaths and serious health ailments vanish. • While travelling if we listen to Sri Mrutyunjaya mantra, it is so powerful, that even if an accident is supposed to happen, this mantra will prevent and protect us from unexpected accidents or serious harm. • When this mantra is played continuously in our home, the aura of divine is protecting us. Any negative karmas and untimely deaths will never come close to such a household. • Sri Mrutyunjaya homam, destroys all the sins. This mantra relieves oneself from any kind of sorrows and pains. • The mantra bestows complete fulfilling life.

Sri Rudra Homam

The impact of Sri Rudra Gayatri mantra is such that, it makes even the powerful Sri Maha to gaze upon us.

• The essence of Sri Rudram is Sri Shiva Panchaakshari Maha mantra. • Sri Rudra Gayatri which is the consciousness and inspiration is the root to Sri Shiva Panchaakshari Maha mantra. • Whoever chants this mantra with devotion and discipline, upon hearing Sri Rudra Gayatri chanting, Sri Arunachaleshwara, who is in such deep and intense meditation once opens his eyes to gaze upon his devotee. Such is the power of this mantra. • In every temple after the Rudra abhishekam is performed, Sri Rudra Gayatri is chanted 11 times. This bestows countless blessings and merits. • Whoever chants Sri Rudra Gayatri mantra with focused devotion and with pure antahkarna (inner self), and also performs this homam, then a multitude of past lifetime sins are completely burnt and destroyed. • Such is the compassion of Sri Arunachaleshwara that He obliges to fulfil his devotee’s wishes. • This homam eliminates eight kinds of poverties

Sri Shiva Panchaakshari Mantra Raja Homam

This homam is performed on the auspicious day of Sri Shiva’s nakshatra which is Aarudra. The king of all is Shiva Panchaakshari Maha mantra. Chanting this mantra or performing this homam is only possible because of one’s many past lifetimes of good karma.

• Sri Maha Deva himself is the only one who grants liberation. • Jagath Janani who grants self-realization. • They are the one form Shiva (creator and consciousness), who are embedded together in this Shiva Panchaakshari mantra. • The divine Shiva Shakti are alive and living in every atom and micro atom throughout this universe. • As soon as the homam starts, the subtle waves of this powerful mantra spread around the entire universe. • The cosmic form of Shiva Shakthi exists throughout the universe which is their home. • By performing this homam, harsh and rude words towards each other will be reduced and any negative thought process will be diminished. • The very essence of Shiva Shakthi is Love, Compassion, Grace and Righteousness. • Performing Sri Shiva Panchaakshari homam melts your heart more than sweet butter and brings prosperity, grace and strength in abundance. Sri Shiva Shakti’s divine lotus feet are a step up to reach higher consciousness.