To the Acts & Resolves of Rhode Island 1758-1850 Part 3 (PY)
HELIN Consortium HELIN Digital Commons Library Archive HELIN State Law Library 1856 Index to the Acts & Resolves of Rhode Island 1758-1850 Part 3 (P-Y) John Russell Bartlett Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Law Commons, and the Legal Commons Recommended Citation Bartlett, John Russell, "Index to the Acts & Resolves of Rhode Island 1758-1850 Part 3 (P-Y)" (1856). Library Archive. Paper 14. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the HELIN State Law Library at HELIN Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Library Archive by an authorized administrator of HELIN Digital Commons. For more information, please contact 260 p. Year. Session. Page. Paul, William, his account allowed, - 1758, June. 16 Protest against inequality in State tax, - ft " 29 Pelsue, Wm., account against the State allowed, it " 32 Paul, William, account for summoning the Gen'l Assembly, tf Dec. 61 Patuxet Falls, James Arnold's acc't for repairing bridge, ff " 62 Patucket Falls, acc't for repairing bridge, ff « 62 Phillips, Nathaniel, account to be examined, 1759, Feb. 83 Patuxet Bridge, butment carried away by a flood, tt " 102 Providence, act for dividing town of, into Prov. and John'n, tt " 105 Providence, materials for building a brick Court House in, tt " 107 Privateer Providence, owners of, account against Colony, tt " 108 Providence, payment made for a lanthern burnt with the Colony House in, - tt « 108 Providence, Court House in, to be erected on the lot where the old one was destroyed by fire, - tt " 120 Providence Court House building committee to draw £6000, old tenor, ...
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