Louth County Archivesfor Upper Dundalk Barony—Six Esq
COUNTY OF LOUTH. A COPY OF THE 0BACC©UUTIB F©E QUERIES , AND THE PRESENT MENTS GRANTED, B Y THE (Srantl Juti of the (Bmmttj of South, AT SPRING ASSIZES, 18-56. HELD AT D1JMI»ALR, I N AND FOR SAID COUNT Y, F or the F iscal Business of same, on T uesday, the 26th day of February, 1856, and for General Gaol Delivery, on Wednesday Louth County27th day of February,!85 Archives6 . JUDGES; The Right Hon. David Richard Pigot, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer; and The Hon. Philip Cecil Crampton, second Justice of the Clueen’s Bench. -....... ■■ DUNDALK , PRINTED BY JAMES PARKS, EARL-STREET. 1856. PUBLIC ORDER S . GRAND JURY. 6, and 7, William IV., Chapter 110, Section, 3 . We appoint that Presentment Sessions shall be held at the following THOMAS LEE NORMAN, Esq , Foreman, times and places, and for the following Baronies, between the hours of JOHN M'CLINTOCK, E sq ., T w e l v e o’Clock at noon, and F iv e o’Clock i n the afternoon, of each day FREDERICK J OHN FOSTER, E s q ., respectively, preparatory to the next General Assizes, pursuant to the Act, 6 and 7 William the 4th, Chapter 116, Section 3. RICHARD MACAN, E s q ., WILLIAM RUXTON, E sq , At Ardee on Monday, the 28 th April, 1856, for Ardee Baroby, JOHN MURP HY, Esq., At Carlingford on Tuesday, the 29th April 1856, for L o w e r Dundalk do. EDWARD TIPPING, Esq., At Dunleer on Y/ednesday, the 30th April .*856, for Ferrard Barony, At Dunleer on Wednesday, the 30th April 1856, for Drogheda Barony, FRANCIS DONAGH, Esq., At Louth on Friday, the 2nd May 1856, for Louth Barony THE HON.
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