Who are the Sixth Root-Race ?

By Matthew Thompson

When dealing with the question of the incoming wave of advanced souls that have been designated the "6 th (6 th RR)" [1], we must consider the discussion from their perspective as well as our own. Their abilities are not always understandable to the uninitiated yet to them they are completely natural, even if they do not fully understand them themselves. They are like a person with sight being asked to explain to people blind from birth what they see. The following is an attempt to give a more esoteric glimpse into their characteristics as based upon the author's personal experiences and insights and is not meant to be the final word on this subject, but merely food for thought.

The 6 th Root Race incarnations have open senses [2] that go beyond the physical plane. teaches us that there are many other planes of existence with the physical plane being the most solid or concrete. This was not always the way but at this point in humanity's evolution, we are now about as dense as we can get and are now on the upward arc which will lead to less dense, more etheric physical vehicles that our souls will eventually occupy [3] . The physical plane as we know it will one day disappear completely, several million years hence, and through this colossal process we, as spirit embodied in material form, will gradually evolve into finer bodies occupying space on more refined planes. Many of the 6 th Root Race souls can already see and interact with these finer planes of existence despite being born into dense physical plane bodies. Their struggle is often in interpreting what they see, hear, know, or feel, for a hard-headed and concrete-thinking society in which they live.

They bring a diverse range of gifts and qualities that should ideally find expression on our plane, but they are met with many an obstacle. These gifts and qualities can range from natural healing abilities to complicated societal, economic, and political problem solving skills, to psychic abilities of various natures. Some are able to invent new technologies that can help lessen the burden of physical plane existence. Unfortunately, whilst there are still Dark Forces upon this planet who want to exploit anything and everything to do with basic living, be it medical, economic, technological or even basic food supply so they can make money and control the masses, the plight of these souls who come bearing remedies to a lot of these problems is that they are constantly coming up against obstacles that in no right way of thinking should even be there. Unfortunately, the grief of these souls in light of this opposition is that they feel mired in the self-centredness and greed of this age and so they sometimes seek a way out through drugs, alcohol, or suicide, or by just simply retreating into obscurity. The stronger ones somehow manage to forge ahead and end up contributing positively to the evolution of the world.

They have a consciousness that we will one day grow into. In their minds is implanted a sense of knowledge and service towards the Divine Plan, as they are souls who have come from the ranks of previous earthly cycles and are now situated at the turning point of another cycle, namely the transition period we are now in. In each great period of human evolution there is a certain number of souls that learn practically all there is to learn during that period and so withdraw into the higher planes until another period is reached in humanity's evolutionary arc and so they can "go back to school", as it were, and begin new lessons compatible with their level of advancement. Many of these souls have been waiting for considerably long periods of time before re-entering the physical plane. However, when we say "waiting" we do not mean that they just sit around in some higher realm twiddling their thumbs and being bored. All planes of life offer opportunities for growth and they have been, no doubt, occupied with the lessons available on their respective planes.

The 6 th Root Race souls are innate contemplators whose goal is to always move forward. Change is a natural attribute to them while mankind tends to resist it. But change is inevitable as evolution is inevitable. We, as a race, cannot truthfully expect to remain the same comfort-seeking creatures whilst ~ 1 ~ our television sets and mobile phones become more impressive each year. Furthermore, we cannot seriously expect it all to keep going that way without there being any problems.

One of the gifts of God is the human being's ability to contemplate their own existence. That this 'existence' would fall into a logical and intelligent plan with a stream of workers cooperating with that plan is a wonder to many people. Yet for thousands of years, the Ancient Wisdom has been teaching those prepared to accept it about the mysteries and realities of life and the processes of evolution. Those who partook of the teachings and profited from them became the advanced members of their respective civilizations and comprise the 6th Root Race that are now coming in to further the Divine Plan which is EVOLUTION itself. Therefore, this is what the 6 th RR represents - an evolutionary step forward. If we can contemplate this simple concept, we will help break up the crystallization of our modern world all the more swiftly so that the ideas and thoughts of the 6 th Root Race souls can have room to expand and grow. It is this simple.

The 6 th RR represents souls who have expectations about the harmony and general quality of life that ought to be present on earth but they find it not.* This again is part of a larger problem, for on the earth plane, there is no such thing as homogeneity where souls are concerned. The mixing of the "good and the bad" has created what we have today - conflicts of interest. These conflicts of interest can be simple incompatibility in human relationships or on a larger scale, ending up in war. Such a state of affairs is especially disturbing and disrupting to these advanced souls as on the planes where they have been residing they have enjoyed the society of souls and soul groups of similar vibrations. On the higher planes 'like attracts like' to far greater effect than it does on the earth plane where the solidity of this plane can hide much. So these advanced and generally peaceful souls suffer to a certain degree because on earth things are not generally peaceful.

The 6 th RR souls have certain soul qualities [4] at their disposal but they lack the insights of the 5 th Root Race (5 th RR) concrete mind. Their spiritual links make them aware of many things but because they have been long out of body it is imperative that those who would recognize and teach them about our world bridge the gap through education. This is the lynch pin upon which everything depends. The best thing that can occur is for open-minded souls from both sides of the situation to find each other. The 6 th RR can offer us advice and guidance about the steps we are about to take into a more interdimensional existence and we of varying 5 th RR levels can teach them about the problems we face today. There are, of course, opposing forces who cannot afford to have this level of education and cooperation succeed, but we must persist.

These new incarnates may seem as you or I on the outside but if you were able to see their more subtle and invisible bodies you would see heightened activity in their pineal centre, the seat of the soul. Some of the 6 th RR incarnations may seem quirky or eccentric and even bordering on insane. But one could also say that they appear more alive. This "aliveness" is a quality of the soul as it expresses its divinity through the sheer joy of being. The 6 th RR can help us towards this happiness by teaching us more about the reality of nature. Given the right environment they will flourish, always seeking or expressing themselves so that all may be brought into the awareness of the Greater Light [5] . All we have to do is keep an open mind.

If people contemplate living a life of joyful service they will come a little closer to understanding the 6 th RR. Although some 6 th RR souls may get caught up in the outer world and side-tracked in all its glamour, there are many who have been raised well and have their feet firmly planted on the ground. We should not expect to find them all in the growing refuse of modern pop-spiritual titles where overly ambitious parents place their child with a psychic ability upon a pedestal, ie, the indigo child phenomenon. Doing so may easily cause such children later on in life to reject their spiritual missions. We wish to stress again the importance of understanding that to have psychic faculties does not in and of itself equate to having a higher degree of spiritual awareness or morality.

~ 2 ~ The of the 6 th Root Race has been careful about selecting and placing these soul types in the most intelligent and nurturing environment as worked out in plans made millennia ago, but this does not guarantee things will not go awry. "The work of the Manu is largely concerned with government, with planetary politics, and with the founding, direction, and dissolution of racial types and forms. To Him is committed the will and purpose of the Planetary Logos." [6] The dense earth plane can very often cloud the higher insights of many an advanced soul. Indeed, we witness today some promising light-bearers who become commercial and misdirected channels for not only their as yet un- transmuted lower selves but also for various entities on the invisible planes who have ulterior motives. Even the Manu cannot set aside the individual's karma whether that be karma brought over from a previous life or karma wrought anew in the current life.

There are many 6 th RR souls who find the glamorization of all these psychic-born babes and the commercialization of the arena dissatisfying and so keep working silently until they find a suitable outlet for their activities. It is these more advanced 6 th RR souls whom we hope to work with through and beyond this transition period and we nurture the hope that by the Law of Attraction we will find each other. The author of this article realizes that the above characteristics, in a positive sense, are ideal and that during these extremely problematic times even these souls might have difficulties to surmount. Therefore, it may not be until much later, when the entire astral plane has been purged, that some members of this advanced stock comes forth in the name of mutual and willing cooperation to help in the reconstruction period. "And as they help us, we can help them also to adapt to life on earth and assist them in retrieving the level of their souls' evolution, through responsible rearing and education." [7]


* Many regular people on earth have a sort of ideal about the way the world should be , but most of these people view it from ordinary physical and emotional consciousness. The 6 th Root Race soul views it from plans as directed by the Manu and those are not easily understandable. They all have the Manu's vision implanted into their subconscious and we can be watchful for those extraordinary individuals or groups that build upon that plan.


[1] Thompson, Matthew. "What The Ancient Wisdom Tells Us About The Incoming 6 th Root Race Souls."

[2] See up-coming article on the Sanctus Germanus website titled "The Abilities of the 6 th Root Race souls."

[3] Mau, Michael P. "The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies;" Vol II, The SGF Publishing Division; 2006; pp21-23

[4] Clairvoyance, clairaudience, empathy, telepathy, et al. Dimensional consciousness.

[5] On the earth plane this translates as service .

[6] Bailey, Alice A. ": Human And Solar." Lucis Publishing Company; 1979; p 42

[7] Pavlovic, Anna. "Children and the Astral Dangers."

~ 3 ~ What the Ancient Wisdom Tells Us About the Incoming 6 th Root Race Souls

By Matthew Thompson

"Then there will emerge a new race, with new capacities, new ideals, new concepts about God and matter, about life and spirit. Through that race and through the humanity of the future there will be seen not only a mechanism and a structure, but a soul, an entity, who, using the mechanism, will manifest its own nature, which is love, wisdom and intelligence." 1 Djwahl Khul

In our society there is a growing recognition that certain unusual characteristics in our children are coming to the fore. These characteristics can seem alarming and strange yet are causing a new interest in the way human evolution is perceived. Parents are reporting exceptional brightness in their off- spring, not only intellectual acuity, but a seemingly high intuition and sensitivity about their environment, people, and the other children with whom they interact. There are cases where this interaction appears to go beyond the five senses, as some children more and more frequently display what would normally be called imaginative qualities, or even so far taken as psychic gifts or powers. Seeing and talking to "ghosts" is one example, picking up on the thoughts and feelings (telepathy, empathy) is another. Other examples (2) show children demonstrating precognition of places or events. Another trait appears to be a sense of purpose or direction which many adults would like to possess. Observance of various cases reveal children that seem to know exactly what to do or how things should be done (by way of improvement) and so act in accordance More often than not, they act with convictions, even if they cannot fully explain it to their parents or teachers. Labels have been given to these children and the most commonly known is "Indigo Child".(3) Others are "Rainbow Children" or "Crystal Children."(4) We tend to refer to them as the "6 th Root Race" souls.(5)

Those who disagree with parents that associate their children with such phenomena, yet readily see that something is occurring, might be compelled to explore this social controversy via the scientific route and would easily ascribe a medical condition, such as ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), (6) in most cases to help avoid a social catastrophe. Generally, reports of what the child may be seeing, hearing, or feeling are ignored, because for many adults who reject these ideas, they do so more often than not for the sake of just having an opinion based only on what they know, or out of fear of public retribution.

This poses the question: Is there an actual link between ADHD and the 6 th Root Race souls? The condition ADHD is not new though the term "ADHD" is a relatively recent one. To summarize, ADHD is a psychological condition of which symptoms include impulsiveness, hyperactivity, inattention, etc. From 1902 to the present it has passed through many stages of identification. It started out as being called "Defect of Moral Control." In 1937, Dr. Charles Bradley introduced the use of stimulants to treat hyperactive children. The well-known Ritalin treatment was introduced in the 1950s. Ritalin is now the most common medicine given to treat this problem. The disorder passed through a few more decades of name changes and in 1980 the American Psychiatric Association gave it the term ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). Many people now use both ADD and ADHD terms interchangeably, but it must be remembered that with ADHD there is a strong tendency toward hyper- activity as well.

This brief history is meant to illustrate that these ever-increasing behavioural problems have been around for a considerable amount of time. We do not advocate that every child or person diagnosed with such condition is a 6 th Root Race soul, but we would like to make parents and caregivers aware

~ 4 ~ of behavioural conditions that could be grouped with medical diagnoses similar to ADD/ADHD which, in fact, may be a reaction of a child toward an environment that simply does not accept his or her abilities, not observed in previous generations.

How ever one might wish to label these children, there are many who say that these characteristics are simply a product of the global society in which we live in, and that all these so-called psychic powers etc. (in an un-investigated sense) are just a psychological reflection of the over-indulgent and glamorous world at large. After all, many child entertainments are of the fantasy genre where children and juvenile actors play characters possessing some sort of paranormal ability or another. With the children's young and impressionable minds engaged in endless hours of sitting at the computer or TV, playing games, watching movies, or surfing the internet, how could we expect them to not be influenced?

One could also argue that these children wouldn't be interested in, say, Harry Potter movies, if there weren't some content or quality in them to attract them in the first place. On the other hand, the counterpoint might be - "Well, they just take and absorb what we give them." To some it may just be a case of "the chicken or the egg," but that doesn't alter the unarguable fact that whether a child has psychic gifts or just an over-active imagination, she or he still requires common sense and discipline all the same. Rather than concluding to prescribe medication for these children, we at the Sanctus Germanus Foundation would like to offer a point of view that combines a practical parenting guide with a firm belief that these children (and adults) do represent a new race, as part of humanity's ongoing Evolution. They experiences life with more than just the five senses and are , in fact, on their way to fuller manifestations of the transcendental qualities of the soul. We only offer this point of view as "food for thought" and no one is expected to take on board any of this information unless it appeals to his or her own sense of reason or intelligence.


Naturally the questions then arise: "Where do these children come from?" "How is it that they possess these extraordinary gifts?" "Why are they being born at this time in our civilization?" and "What can we do about it?" The answers to these queries are to be found in the Ancient Wisdom (7).

Just as a person may in one life learn to become skilled at and even master a thing such as a certain sport, or musical instrument, or some particular field of study, the Ancient Wisdom teaches us that souls can spend many "life-times" learning and acquiring abilities which are then carried over into subsequent lives - a process that continues until an individual lifestream masters all lessons on the physical plane. This is known as reincarnation - or the cycle of rebirth - a concept widely accepted in the Orient, but introduced into the Western world in the 19 th century through the spiritualist movement. (8)

Through many incarnations, a soul is given a multitude of opportunities to learn and to perfect itself to the point when it will attain the level of its Godhood - which is the ultimate goal of each soul's evolution. This is a slow process during which each soul is given absolute freedom of will and of choice. This process and the ability to express freewill is guaranteed because a veil is placed over the soul's memory at each birth into the earth plane. This makes him or her believe that that particular life is all the soul (clothed in flesh) has.

According to the Ancient Wisdom, (9) souls do not incarnate as often as popular thinking would have us believe. In fact, a soul can sometimes spend as long as a thousand years between incarnations. We spend far more time 'out of the body' than actually in it, and there is far more learning and evolving in the inner planes of existence to be had than what might be generally supposed. If a soul progresses far enough along its path within a Sub- (see below) or indeed perfects itself so that all the ~ 5 ~ requirements of that Sub-Round are met, it usually has to wait a very long time before it can incarnate into an environment more suitable to it's level of progress. Even during these 'intervals' the soul is constantly studying and learning in cycles of activity and rest. An interesting point here to make is that these soul types may have progressed far, but not so far as to dispense with incarnating at all. There is always some facet of the diamond that as yet needs polishing. Considering the needs of this current minor pralaya we are in, many advanced souls from the ranks of Initiates and disciples of the Great Brotherhood of Light have chosen to reincarnate many times within a shorter period of time to assist in this next step of humanity. In essence this assistance is also what these 6 th Root Race souls are here to do as well as attending to their own spiritual paths.

There is an implication here that the majority of people are slow to develop. A person's evolution is delayed because of the choices they make from life to life. If a person chooses to live a materialistic life (with little of the spiritual) then that individual retards his or her growth where evolution is concerned. Evolution waits for no one. In the book "The Mahatma Letters," the Master El tells us, "The deviation of each one's course, and his rate of progress from Nirvana to Nirvana is governed by causes which he himself creates out of the exigencies in which he finds himself entangled." (10) In this case, if people choose to develop themselves spiritually, and at a greater speed than normal, then those people approach the perfecting of the requirements of a given Sub-Round and so "qualify" themselves for the next Sub-Round. An example analogy to be found is that of the school system. A child makes an effort to meet the requirements of a certain grade, and when these are met satisfactorily then that child can proceed to the next grade. Those children who struggle to meet the requirements of a particular grade can be 'held back' to repeat the same grade until progress is made to enable them to move forward. Yet all these children belong to the same school, thus there is a real inter-mixing of levels of progress. This is the case with the situation on Earth right now on the physical plane where there are those who are quite advanced spiritually living alongside people who aren't as advanced. As the schoolroom of Earth itself is advancing quite a substantial step then it will be even more difficult for un-advanced souls on Earth to handle the new vibrations, therefore, being "held back" will be most likely in the form of relocating to another planet that is more suitable for their current level of development. There is nothing personal in this as there is nothing personal about Evolution, but there is an indication here that we are far more connected to the Earth than we can imagine.

Many of these 6 th Root Race souls incarnating now gained a level of development required from a previous Sub-Round and have been waiting to develop themselves further. In order to do this, they had to wait for an advancement on the Earth's part before they could reincarnate again into an environment that would suit their respective evolutionary levels; that time is now. And, it is the same with the schoolroom analogy. The next grade provides for the incoming student all that is required (educationally) for him or her to get on with their learning. There are also opportunities for each of these souls (whatever their levels) to interact and learn from one another just as on the playground at school during the breaks the children will mix together regardless of where they go next when the bell rings.

This "mixing" will become increasingly difficult as the years go by in that the one determining factor that so categorizes us all is our development and the vibratory effect that creates. The good and the bad may have been able to live side-by-side up until now, but as the vibrations on earth are increasing this will put all those living on this planet at relative and vibratory positions to one another. Like- attracts-like, and a certain vibrational level must be attained to withstand the immense cosmic and planetary forces at work here. However, there will be certain areas on Earth that will accommodate the different levels of evolution amongst soul types - to a certain extent - and it will be more like a classroom situation at school where students are somewhat restricted by their own individual progress as to which class they can attend.


~ 6 ~ ".the progress of mankind takes place in no haphazard manner, but the formation of the races with their special characteristics, physical, emotional and mental (serving as classes in the great world- school, for the development of special qualities) is as precise and definite as the curriculum and time- table of any modern college." (11)Leadbeater

Root Race is the collective term for soul "types" that are incarnating to any one particular period or cycle of human evolution, and which will set the 'tone' for the next Sub-Round of earthly experiences. These new soul types, manifested through the growing number of these children, are the precursor of the new races to develop on Earth over the next several centuries. Already some of these 6 th Root Race soul types have incarnated as early as two or three hundred years ago. Einstein was probably a 6 th Root Race soul but not necessarily the most advanced of that type. Many people in history, whether well known or otherwise - and who have in some way contributed to advancement of human evolution, may have been varying 6 th or even 7 th Root Race souls.

The number "6" implies that there is a sequence and order to and this is true. Our experiences on Earth, from beginning to end, are part of what is called a "ROUND". In fact, it is the 4 th ROUND that we are in now and this is part of what is called a GRAND CYCLE that contains 7 ROUNDS. The Earth is the host to the 4 th ROUND. Other Planets make up other ROUNDS as well. Each ROUND is divided into 7 Sub-Rounds. We are practically at the point between the 4 th Sub- Round and the 5 th Sub-Round of this 4 th ROUND - this transition point is called a minor pralaya. A large portion of people on Earth right now are in fact 5 th Root Race souls yet we began incarnating on Earth about halfway through the 4 th Sub-Round. There are also 7 Root Races to each Sub-Round and each of those 7 Root Races contains 7 Sub-Root Races, plus many and varied branches. The 'last' of the 5 th Root Race souls should leave the Earth about half way through the 5 th Sub-Round and this is when the majority of people on Earth will be 6 th Root Race souls. The Earth in all it's variety actually contains not only 6 th Root Race and 5 th and 4 th Root Race types, but is also host to the remnants of the 3 rd Root Race types as to be found, for example, in the aboriginal tribes of Australia. These 3 rd Root Race souls are remnants of the great Lemurian era.

The diagram below illustrates the soul's involutionary journey through the ROUNDS and its current position being on Earth as it continues its evolutionary path.(12)

~ 7 ~ In the Mahatma Letters, the Master El Morya describes the Monad's journey through the seven ROUNDS: (13)

"1 st ROUND: The monad is an ethereal being - non-intelligent, but super-spiritual. As its evolution proceeds, it will grow more and more into an encased or incarnate being, but still preponderantly ethereal. During the ROUND, it develops monstrous bodies corresponding to its coarse surroundings, as do the animals and vegetables.

2 nd ROUND: (After a period of pralaya), the monad lands on another planet. Its form is still gigantic and ethereal, but grows firmer and more condensed in body- a more physical man, yet still less intelligent than spiritual. The development of mind matter is a slower and more difficult evolution than the physical frame.

3 rd ROUND: On yet another planet, the monad is now encased in some sort of concrete or compacted body; at first the form of a giant ape, and more intelligent (or rather cunning) than spiritual. For in the downward arc of the Grand Cycle, he has now reached the point where his primordial spirituality is eclipsed or over-shadowed by nascent mentality. During the last half of this third round his gigantic stature decreases, his body improves in texture and he becomes a more rational being- though still more ape than a Deva man.

4 th ROUND: Intellect has an enormous development in this round. The races on earth acquire human speech. Language is perfected and knowledge in physical things increases. In the first half of ROUND 4, sciences, arts, literature and philosophy are born in one civilization and reborn in another, civilization and intellectual development taking place in cycle after cycle. By the halfway point of

~ 8 ~ ROUND 4, Humanity teems with intellectual activity but its spiritual activities decrease. During the second half of ROUND 4, the spiritual Ego will begin its real struggle with body and mind to manifest its transcendental powers.

5 th ROUND: - The same relative development; and the same struggle continues.

6 th ROUND.

7 th ROUND.

Of these we do not speak."


Each Root Race develops and "grows" its own civilization/s and, as with the case of all evolution, it is about refinement. The best is taken from the previous civilization and used to build what is necessary for the following civilization. The soul always aims at progress and the more refined the body the better able to manifest the qualities of its level of progress and our societies and communities should reflect these qualities as well. The 6 th Root Race souls represent the next step in our soul's development. Being about as low as we can possible go in the GRAND CYCLE, we are now proceeding up in the evolutionary scale (by choice individually, of course, but none-the-less part of a larger scheme). We have become as materialistic as we can get and it is time for us to move up in our spiritual growth.

The 6 th Root Race children being born today are here to help us in this move, for their abilities allow them to see and interact with other planes of existence, abilities which will prove indispensable down the track. This is why it is of the utmost importance for us as caregivers or parents of these children to develop an understanding of the situation through what the Ancient Wisdom teaches us to aid in the 'switch around' where learning is concerned. We as their 'elders' with so much more experience in this material, concrete/fact-thinking world must teach them the value of practical thinking and all the best of the values that our society has to offer . They, in their turn, can teach us about opening our minds to other, hopefully higher, dimensions, for they can more readily see and feel the connectedness of life than we can. They can "move" between worlds, as it were, and so illuminate our minds as to the workings of the higher planes of existence, and if they are raised in the right conditions, surrounded by purity, harmony, love, and a healthy dose of common sense in everything we do, then they can show us and teach us about those qualities as they exist beyond our perception. We will show them the very best of our world and they will do likewise for us with theirs.


Let us now consider these soul types as to how they are being perceived in the physical world.

There are more or less two schools of thought regarding these "new souls" phenomena. The much- criticized new age movement, and certain older spiritual schools, have, from our point of view, intuitively got it right. The proponents of this group are at least trying to see it all from the inside looking out, whereas the scientific community still regards everything under the sun as chemicals, hormones, and physiological happenstance and from the point of view of physical dissection they are virtually infallible. What most of them fail to grasp is the underlying cosmic forces of evolution. They know so well the plane upon which they choose to work, but choose not to reconcile it with those forces. Add to that the potential for public mockery or dissent over the socially catastrophic

~ 9 ~ implications involved in suggesting that waves of psychic children are being born and only the bravest and most open-minded of scientists will stick their heads above the generally accepted trends.

The new-agers will readily believe that there is indeed a new wave of "different" souls incarnating on Earth, but their crutch is that they often cannot ground their beliefs to be of practical use in the modern world, hence why so much of what they say seems unreal or incomplete. To say and believe a thing is not of necessity to be wise about it. There has also been an unfortunate tendency towards pride in this knowledge, which can be equally as damaging to the 'cause' as disregarding it altogether.

The concrete thinking parents of the world who look to their doctors and scientists for answers are thinking in 5 th Root Race modes of thought, which more often than not preclude anything deeper, and so their 6 th Root Race children suffer through lack of understanding and intuition. These parents will look to social causes such as schooling and education, limitations of modern parenting, economic problems, eating and dietary disorders, popular life-styles, media films and computers, or in fact their governments, but these are all 5 th Root Race creations, in many instances gone awry.

Basically the environment that a lot of these children are being raised in (or as adults independently living in) is not conducive to their mind-sets. The best of them come with ideals about peace and unity, abundance and evolving consciousness, yet they are born into separateness, intolerance, greed, poverty, war and dogma. Is it any wonder that the friction alone from these opposing mind-sets causes them agitation? Could this agitation result in current medical, psychiatric, and scientific prognosis such as ADHD? Their sensitivity to our present state of affairs must be driving them mad, and so, as madness often begets the final tragedy, they sometimes take their own lives as a final solution.

The conventional minded 5 th Root Racers look to outer solutions for inner causes and the hazardous route of drugs and pharmaceuticals, in general, become the 'easy way out'. These drugs once they become part of the body's system are hard indeed to break free of. Is it any wonder so many of these 'diagnosed' children in later years turn to other kinds of substances to ease their discomforts? As stated earlier, we are not saying that everyone diagnosed with ADHD, ADD, or any behavioural complexities is an advanced being. Some are still 5 th Root Race souls who are caught up in the mire that the present world manifests.


At every new cycle we must take into account the vast cosmic energies used to 'spur' on this activity of change. In our particular case right now, going from the 4 th Sub-Round to the 5 th Sub-Round, the feminine cosmic forces are being filtered into our sphere to help balance out the over-dominant masculine energies present on Earth. This involves a sort of cosmic acceleration . This is a special dispensation awarded to us - via the St. Germain and the Great Brotherhood of Light , a dispensation that will rid the world of the Dark Force regime and allow souls to flourish as the case should have been all along, hence: Soul Liberation.

With these higher vibrational energies playing upon our sphere, anyone of a lower vibration will be filtered out while those of a higher vibration will survive. This is how a Root Race begins or comes into being. The majority of the souls to be the pioneers of the 6 th Root Race are those who are the most advanced of the 7 th Sub-Root Race of the 5 th Root Race. Remnants of the older Root Races and those of the lower Sub-Root Races of the 5 th Root Race will experience much in the way of difficulties and will in all likelihood be filtered out to continue their evolutionary path on other planets.

~ 10 ~ Let it be said that ALL SOULS achieve the goal of enlightenment at some stage. It is simply that not all souls evolve at the same rate. Souls can take the slower path towards this goal, by incarnating through all the Root Races and Sub-Root Races, whilst some souls proceed more quickly and so the Path of Initiation was introduced (14) to allow these souls to pursue their respective goals as to their inclinations. And as a matter of course, depending on how far along the Path of Initiation they managed to travel, they must then wait until the inception of the next Root Race, which ideally should provide them with suitable bodies for them to then continue on their journey.

We hope that through the reading of this and subsequent articles, as part of the New Race Education Project, it is recognized that humanity is not left to chance and unguided. On the contrary, we are very much more looked after and assisted than we could possibly imagine. It is hoped that the phenomenon of the Indigo Child is respectfully and intelligently handled with the wisest and most practical minded endeavours, for the safest and happiest route humanity can travel is one which keeps at the forefront of its journey the One Great Law which is UNITY and a real understanding of our Evolutionary path.

We mentioned "other planes of existence" and this in itself requires an open mind for those thinking to follow further with us as we offer our points of view regarding 6 th Root Race children.(15) Humanity is part of what the Masters of Wisdom call the Divine Plan. And that plan is EVOLUTION.


1 Bailey, Alice . The Soul and Its Mechanism

2 Please see Parent’s Accounts in the New Race Education Project section of this website

3 The name Indigo Child was given by a woman in the seventies called Nancy Ann Tappe. She claimed that she could see auras and noticed that a growing number of children being born were entering into incarnation with indigo-coloured auras and concluded that these children represented the turning of the ways of mankind to better purpose or rising of our consciousness.

4 Virtue, Doreen. Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children Live lecture.

5 Mau, Michael The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies, Volume II.

6 http:// www.about.com

7 The Ancient Wisdom are those teachings handed down and entrusted to various people that, in turn, supply seekers (and is prudently given to the general masses) knowledge of the real workings of the universe. For extensive list of references related to the Ancient Wisdom teaching, we recommend to visit the Sanctus Germanus Foundation website at "Pertinent Books" section: http://www.sanctusgermanus.net/books/books.html

8 Mau, Michael. The Sanctus Germanus Foundation Website: Welcome and Introduction Part I: http://www.sanctusgermanus.net/english/Great%20Brotherhood%20of%20Light.html

9 Sinnett, A. P. The Mahatma Letters. Facsimile Edition transcribed and compiled by A. Trevor Barker.

10 Ibid. Letter 12, p 68.

11 Leadbeater, W.C. The Masters and the Path.

~ 11 ~ 12 Mau, Michael op cit. Volume II.

13 Sinnett, A. P. op.cit Letter 14; p 88.

14 Bailey, Alice . "Initiation Human and Solar."

15 Of course some of these 6 th Root Race souls are older now being in their 20's, 30's etc. as well. Many 6 th Root Race souls were born in the 50's and 60's and by now many of them have begotten children of there own, so there are also 2 nd generation 6 th Root Race souls out there!

~ 12 ~ Children and the Astral Dangers

By Anna Pavlovic, Ph.D.

“In the first place, what makes the astral world? There is only one place where the undesirable creation can find home, and that is the next step to the human activity, which is the astral realm. This realm of astral activity has within it all undesirable creation accumulated through the centuries. Therefore, it is easy to see at once that no good comes from any contact with the astral realm. IT HAS NOTHING IN IT WHATSOEVER OF THE CHRIST .”(1) The Master Sanctus Germanus.

Back in 1999, audiences were captured by a movie thriller called “The Sixth Sense.”(2) In it, a child psychiatrist named Malcolm Crowe was confronted one night by his former patient Vincent Gray, whom he had failed to help. After Vincent shot Crowe in the stomach and thereafter killed himself, Crowe couldn't stop thinking about the tragic end of his young patient. A few months later, a nine- year-old boy named Cole Sear approached Crowe asking for help. After several conversations with Cole, Crowe observed that the boy suffered from similar problems to Vincent. In attempting to help him, Crowe saw an opportunity to redeem his previous mistake. But as he learned more about Cole's problems – being able to see and converse with ghosts who didn't know they were dead - he began to doubt his ability to reach the boy. These ghosts were addressing Cole because he was the only person in the physical world who would respond to them. They often had signs of bodily injuries due to accidental deaths, and visibly terrified the child. He did not know these people and since no one else around him could see them, identifying them was impossible. Misunderstood by his mother, teachers, and friends at school, Cole was slipping into deep conflict with his environment, seemingly without any hope for resolution. No one understood that he possessed heightened astral vision and hearing and thus was able to see and communicate with discarnate people, or, in other words, those who are unaware they no longer occupy their physical bodies. Thinking of themselves as still living, these discarnate souls were seeking ways to contact people in the physical world in the hope of resolving their confusion.

What the child in this film experienced is not just Hollywood imagination at work, but potentially a real situation in which an individual is able to “see” and “hear” that which is invisible to the population at large. The spiritualists call this “invisible” world the Astral Plane and those whose extrasensory abilities have been activated can experience life in the astral world as clearly as we can in the physical world. For a detailed description of the astral plane structure and its life and inhabitants, we recommend reading the books of Charles W. Leadbeater(3) and Dr. Michael Mau.(4) In this article, we are primarily interested in examining those aspects of the astral plane that directly affect the lives of every human being, children, youths and adults alike. Every man possesses an astral body built of astral “matter” that is part of the astral planetary energy and of the solar system energy. On the cosmic scale, the astral body of a human being is an atom of substance in the astral body of the planetary Logos. Forces and energies flow through the astral body of our planet and manifest in us in a myriad of ways, such as through our expressions of fear, depression or hilarity, desire for satisfaction of physical appetites, happiness, aggression, liberation, and aspiration. These forces affect every moment of man's existence until he achieves full liberation from them by learning to live his life by the four Noble Truths of Buddha. (5)

~ 13 ~ The astral plane consists of seven major sub-planes which are richly populated by many entities – elementals, nature spirits,(6) discarnate and earthbound souls still existing in their astral bodies,(7) the soulless astral shells left behind by discarnate humans,(8) and many other forms created by emotionally-driven human activities.(9) All beings that live on or pass through the astral plane are attracted to the particular vibration of an astral sub-plane, according to their point on the ladder of evolution and in accordance with the Universal Law of Attraction. Discarnate human souls who display higher levels of personal development but are not yet free from the attachments of physical existence, occupy the top 3 sub-planes that are built of astral matter and characterized by more refined vibrations. The lower sub-planes (i.e. sixth and seventh) have the lowest vibrations and attract discarnate entities whose lives on earth were motivated by selfish desires satisfied through activities that largely oppressed the lives and corrupted the freedoms of other occupants of the physical world. (10), (11)The residents of the astral plane, especially of the lowest sub-planes, vary from the most recently deceased to those occupants dating back to Atlantean and Lemurian times. These residents include souls living there in their astral bodies and soulless shells animated by the agents of dark forces who use them to wreak havoc among people on earth. The latter pose the greatest challenge and danger to both the unprepared and unaware astral traveler and people on earth, especially those sensitive individuals who do not know how to protect themselves from such influences.

Children and their “supernatural” abilities

The ability to be consciously aware of the astral plane is inherent in all people. We have “forgotten” our natural talents through the ages as we have descended into coarse physical consciousness, but these talents have not been lost. They are waiting in a dormant state for the time when humanity will fully awaken to its spiritual heritage and such a time is now. It has been inaugurated with the arrival of the next generation of humanity – the sixth root-race children – who are currently being born in every part of the world. These children often have already developed or enhanced extrasensory faculties such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience and telepathy (12) and often report seeing objects and people that are invisible to their parents or caregivers. It is not uncommon for a child to have an “imaginary” playmate with whom he or she interacts on a regular basis. The child may talk about the playmate as if it was a permanent and real “feature” of their life, as real as mom and dad. With time, most children will “grow out” of having such playmates or forget about them as soon as hormonal changes begin to take place during puberty, a process that further “thickens” the memory veil placed in every baby born into the physical plane. Atwater reported that many children who displayed extrasensory abilities in early childhood lost them after going through puberty.(13) This loss could actually prove to be a blessing if the child was not trained to use his or her abilities responsibly. Irresponsible and careless use of extrasensory abilities could in fact set back the soul's spiritual progress beyond its current incarnation through the accumulation of negative karma. In instances such as these, when a child loses the ability to operate consciously on the astral plane, the influence of astral entities on their life may continue into the teenage years and beyond. Such influences may manifest through mental possession or be revealed as hearing voices or experiencing strong urges to perform acts inconsistent with the child's usual conduct. Small children are not affected the same as adolescents and adults. They may become scared at seeing unfamiliar spirits, often referred to by them as “ghosts,” but they are limited in their potential to harm others. The problem is more severe with teenagers and young adults, who are more likely to perform hideous acts under the influence of vicious astral entities due to their easy access to weapons, alcohol, and illegal drugs. The following stories will help us understand how the inhabitants of the lower sub-planes of the astral plane are able to exert an influence on our lives.

Seeing and feeling the presence of “ghosts.”(14)

Barbara was awakened in the middle of the night by the hysterical cry of her three-year-old grandson, Connor, who was spending the night at his grandma's house. The child was screaming at the top of his ~ 14 ~ lungs, “Grandma, tell him to go away. Tell the ghost to go away.” Even with the lights on, the child saw a ghost and begged his grandma to tell the ghost to leave. It took a few hours before Connor was calm enough to go back to sleep again: not until he was hiding his little body safe in the arms of his grandma. Barbara admitted that when home alone, she would sometimes sense a presence, but since she could not see anyone, had attributed the sensation to her imagination. Since her grandson's visit, Barbara has recognized the feeling of having an “invisible guest” and knows that it is more than just her imagination. She is still puzzled by Connor's reaction to what he saw and would like to know what it was that terrified him so greatly. While dealing with the problem, Barbara's protection was just a prayer. The Catholic faith had not prepared her for dealing with such issues and she did not know any method she could use for protection against astral influences. In fact, such terms as “astral plane” and “astral entities” were completely new and had no meaning to her. Now she is willing to consider learning more about this phenomenon, if such knowledge could be useful for protecting her much- loved grandson.

Other stories come from Catherine and her husband, Dave, who would often take their two children, Ana (7) and Jai (6), for family outings, usually to a local hiking area or the beach. Twice, Catherine observed that her children had a strong, negative reaction to the places they were visiting. The first trip brought them to a hiking area at a hill called Sokes Ridge in Pohnpei , Micronesia . The Japanese had partially cleared this area to set up a way to honor ancestors that died in WWII, and as a result there is still a lot of astral energy left over. During her family hike, Catherine observed:

“Jai sensed right away that energetically this was no "hike". It was a battleground, and they [the spirits bound to this place] were still fighting. After watching Jai, Ana decided to stay behind also, and I [Catherine] stayed with the kids. Dave went ahead on his own without us.

When I got Jai's breathing back to normal, I did a violet ray invocation, and asked for the protection of St. Michael, in front of the kids, so that we would be protected from whatever ‘ghosts' were there. I started to feel the ‘creepiness' too, but felt better after calling for protection. As I held my kids, I asked Jai how he felt now... if he felt better. I told him that I asked St. Michael and He has come and He's protecting us.

Jai proceeded to tell me what happened there. He said, ‘Airplanes flew themselves into the ships, mommy. They had very big guns and they were shooting at the other airplanes. And the ships were shooting at the big guns. And the blue airplanes were looking for where the people were hiding and those people DON'T KNOW THAT THEY'RE DEAD! They're looking around for their bodies, but their bodies were eaten by rats, so they want to take our bodies instead. Mommy, those people who are lighting the candles need Michael to protect them, too. Michael needs to protect everyone that comes here. Mommy this is a very bad place. Don't let them take my body too. Don't let them take Dada' (what he calls his father).

At that point, I said a very intense prayer and held my children tight and asked them to help me invoke all of the helpers and angels that can possibly come to protect those Japanese and Dada that are on the trail. I asked that all of those who don't know they're dead, or are starting to figure it out to return to the Creator so that they can get new bodies as babies again. They don't need to take ours. Holding this intent, and praying constantly, Jai felt good that I took him seriously, that I didn't make him go on that hiking trail.”

On another occasion, Catherine took her two small children to a local ( West Timor ) beach for something fun to do. As the family had been recently relocated there, they did not know anything about this particular beach. Their first encounter with the place was quite eerie:

~ 15 ~ “ As soon as we arrived [at the beach], Jai said, ‘stop touching me like that mommy.' I wasn't anywhere around him. He didn't believe me, but as I was talking with him he was ‘touched' again. He said, ‘I don't like all of them touching me, tell them to go away.' I did, but they [ghosts] didn't.

At the same time, Ana said, ‘I hear a lot of crying and screaming, I don't want to be here anymore.' So, we left and went home. I didn't really believe in ghosts at that time, but I thought that this was really strange. I chalked it up to just feeling uncomfortable in a new place and tried to ignore it.”

Later on, Catherine learned from a local resident that a great atrocity had been committed on that particular beach in 1999 when 250 teenagers and young children were assassinated during a local war between West Timor and Indonesia . Since the lives of these children ended prematurely, their souls remain “earthbound” until someone can help them find their way back home into “heaven.”

Seeing spirits of deceased loved ones is quite a common occurrence. A father, who lost his 19-year- old daughter to a car accident, reported that she visited him and his wife frequently during the first months after her death. On one occasion, the father was sitting in his armchair immersed in deep grief when he felt a slender hand slipping into his own. He recognized the hand to be his daughter's hand. More frequently he felt the presence of his daughter by the fragrance of her favorite perfumes which would fill the entire room when she visited him in daylight. The child frequently visited both parents in their dreams in which she was trying to let them know she was well and that her life was continuing.

Another couple had very similar experiences after the accidental death of their 21-year-old son. The young man frequently visited his parents in their dreams during which he would try to show them the life he continues to enjoy on the “other side.” Both parents claimed to have seen their son during waking hours when they were immersed in deep thoughts about him. In both cases cited, the results of interaction with the deceased children facilitated amazing spiritual growth for the parents. Their outlook on life and death changed dramatically and their interests in studying the sources of Ancient Wisdom grew exponentially.

My personal encounter with a “ghost” in waking hours took place when I was 11. This was just a few months after my 6-year-old brother died. That particular day, my family was sitting in the kitchen, enjoying their evening conversation, while I wandered outside for a moment. When coming back home, I looked into a stairway leading to a basement, which used to give me the creeps with its dim lights at night. The moment I looked in that direction, I saw my deceased brother standing on the stairs trying to say something. I was completely unprepared for such an encounter, which terrified me so much, that for a moment I was unable to move from where I was standing. As soon as I regained my senses, I dashed in the direction of the kitchen where my family was sitting. What terrified me even more was that neither my parents nor I were able to open the kitchen door for several minutes. The door never had a lock, but for some strange reason the doorknob got stuck and would not move. When the door finally gave in, I was neither able to talk nor to walk. Obviously, I was not the bravest child in the family. After this encounter, I saw my brother only in my dreams. He would never attempt to let me see him in his etheric body again. The relationship between astral influences and violence.

Seeing the spirits of deceased loved ones is a positive experience, even if it may scare one initially. Such good spirits attempt to make contact with the physical world for a reason, either to soothe the suffering of those left behind or to resolve their own confusion at an accidental death. These spirits will not do anything that could cause harm and, with the assistance of their own spirit-guides, they eventually move into the higher sub-planes of the astral realm and back home into Devachan,(15) the mental plane known to Christians as Heaven.

~ 16 ~ But the lower sub-planes of the astral realm, particularly the seventh sub-plane located closest to the human plane of existence, are populated with myriads of selfish and unfriendly discarnate beings who do not follow any rules and laws but their own that support their own interests. These entities will make every possible attempt to reach those in the physical world who can respond and will help them achieve their selfish goals. These astral entities will assume any shape and personality to help them communicate with their target. The most vulnerable to such influences are people with developed extrasensory abilities - the most useful being clairaudience and clairvoyance - and who have not yet learned to use them in a safe and responsible way. The astral entities know full well how to approach those who crave such experiences as they can provide. They have access to the emotional history of every person through the Akashic records stored on the astral plane. Therefore, they know well what such a person lacks, or desires most, and they are willing to provide him or her with exactly that to get the medium “hooked”. They will say whatever an inexperienced “medium” wants to hear and will promise a whole lot more if he or she will agree to cooperate. The process of “molding” the intuitive person will continue until the victim is completely immersed in the service of those fake entities and becomes dependent upon their advice in daily life.

What these intuitive people are not aware of is that the moment they leave the door open to one of these entities, the door remains open for many others who will arrive in legion, and the entity that made the initial contact will not be able to protect its collaborator from them. All of these entities have one primary goal and that is to draw from people living on earth the life-giving energy which they can no longer touch themselves because of their atrocious acts of selfishness. Since they are disconnected from the Divine Source of this energy, they do not possess the ability to protect the “medium.” Moreover, these entities are not capable of feeling either compassion or gratitude for the accomplices who helped them draw the life-sustaining energy from others alive. When they can no longer use the services of their mediums, they will dispose of him or her and move on looking for another “victim.” They only care for their own existence, no matter how pretty a “picture” they would paint during initial contacts with a potential collaborator.

One of the most gruesome results of such astral influences can be observed in acts of violence committed by young people. For example, between 1995 and 2006, there were more than 20 cases of school shootings in which more than 30 teachers and students were killed. In the cases studied, 13 of 15 were linked to acute or chronic social rejection, which took the forms of ostracism, bullying and/or romantic rejection. Elliot Aronson, a Stanford University psychologist suggests in his book “Nobody Left to Hate: Teaching Compassion after Columbine” that high schools are largely hostile environments which may stimulate aggressive behavior in those students who have a particularly hard time “fitting in.” The young people who participated in school violence were characterized by three other risk factors – an interest in firearms or bombs, fascination with death or Satanism, or psychological problems involving depression, impulse control, or sadistic tendencies. (16) A youth with such preexisting emotional problems and with open extrasensory faculties is an ideal target for attacks coming from the dark residents of the astral plane. These young and sensitive people, feeling rejected by their peers and society, may feel thrilled when such astral entities contact them offering their exclusive “friendship,” while at the same time barely suspecting their nefarious motives.

The origin of school violence is a much more complicated issue than can be explained away by teenage social rejection. David North shifts responsibility from the youth and their parents onto all of society and its modi operandi . (17) Yet all who attempt to find the cause of adolescent violence fail to recognize the influence of astral entities and that of the dark forces that use them. These entities play a major role in all acts of violence ranging from household quarrels to armed assaults. The mental condition called “temporary insanity,” when a person commits a hideous act and subsequently cannot remember what she or he has done, is an example of temporary possession by an astral entity that required such an act to generate revitalizing energy.

~ 17 ~ The constant stimulation of young people's emotional/astral bodies through violent films, games, war news, etc…, reported on TV and in other media, as well as overtly sexual and aggressive music, serves to exacerbate the problem. In times when many children have to grow up in a single-parent family, with the parent trying both to earn a living and raise a child, a well-needed support structure that families and schools ought to provide, but frequently fail to do so, is lacking. This lack may overwhelm the young adolescent and cause them to seek support and acceptance elsewhere which in turn can lead them to commit a serious mistake or even a crime.

The signs of potential problems can be observed early in a child's life. These “problems” can manifest as a pattern of unwanted behavior, which in reality can be interpreted as his or her calling for attention, help and guidance. This support is required in order for them to deal with the burden of the life challenge they are expected to live. There are known cases of children who have experienced a complicated childhood, and sometimes an abusive one,(18) who grew to be valuable adults and an inspiration to many. Without intervention and help such cases as these are few and far apart. It is much more common to hear about a problematic youth, who received no assistance or support, grow into an adult that is depressed and dissatisfied with his or her life. Upon close examination, one can clearly see that such a person can hardly be blamed for his or her failure. A sophomore student when asked to write about the roots of violent behavior of children and adolescents pointed out dysfunctional families and lack of parental and school support as the foundation of all violence.(19)

The medical field seems to be overwhelmed with the growing number of children, often under five, who are diagnosed with learning disabilities that frequently fall into one of these categories: ADD, ADHD, bipolar, or autism. It was reported that before the 1960's these medical terms were nonexistent.(20) In 1985, 500,000 children in the US were diagnosed with ADHD/ADD and 5 to 7 million were diagnosed by year 2000. That is an alarming 1000 to 1200 percent rise within 15 years. Similar trends have been reported in Australia and other developed countries. The number of preschool children being treated for ADHD/ADD in the US tripled between 1990 and 1995, and 80% of the 11 million prescriptions written for Ritalin each year are written for children. (21)In fact, about 20-30% of all children with such a diagnosis require medical “cocktails” (combinations of two or more medications), because the application of a single medicine is not working. The child is often put on the predominantly used Ritalin first, but if no visible improvement is seen within a year, the doctor is likely to prescribe another pill. This process will continue until a proper medication or combination of medications for a child is found, if such a solution exists.

The question that must be asked is, “What is the problem with our children?” Teachers and parents complain that the children are inattentive during class sessions, disruptive to their classmates, disobedient and in general problematic. In most such cases, the children will report that they cannot concentrate on the lesson in class because they “can hear the thoughts of their classmates” or hear other voices in their heads. Sometimes, the children report seeing objects, animals and people that are non-existent to others.(22), (23)The adults who receive these explanations and who are not able to verify them quickly jump to the conclusion that the child is having psychological problems. They look for the sources of the “abnormality” inside the child's brain and attempt to “fix” the problem with chemical stimulants. Thus begins a vicious cycle for the child who is likely to fall even further into deep conflict with his environment because he or she is being misunderstood by his or her parents, teachers and peers. As a result, the child shuts himself from the outside world and, by drawing deeper into himself, makes others believe that their initial diagnosis, of psychological problems, is indeed true.

The danger of treating childhood psychological and behavioral problems with chemical stimulants may bring life-long consequences. Research has shown that many children who have taken drugs for ADD/ADHD continually have drug addiction problems with either legal and/or illegal drugs for the remainder of their lives. The reason for this could be that these children become attached to the idea of

~ 18 ~ solving life's problems and difficulties by taking a pill. 21 The consequences of drug overuse for treating childhood problems may be far graver than those in the medical profession might suspect. In addition to drug abuse, suicidal attempts, and even the deliberate will to hurt others, a person whose mind has been controlled or stimulated by chemicals since early childhood becomes more vulnerable to negative influences directed at them from the astral realm.

While we know that there are genuine cases of children with psychiatric problems requiring medical intervention, we are also convinced that it is not logical to conclude that more than 20% of all children and youth these days have psychiatric problems and thus need to be medicated. When a child reports that he or she can hear voices and see people whose existence others cannot verify, we should remind ourselves that the majority of children born after the year 1990 are born with activated extrasensory faculties. Astral vision and hearing is as normal to them as physical hearing and seeing is to us. The lack of such abilities in parents is equally frustrating to their children. As adults, we simply need to learn to find a “middle” path, where we will be able to work with these children. Parents know intuitively that they need to protect their offspring from strangers in the physical world. Now, they need to understand they also have to learn to protect their child from the strangers in the astral realm who are invisible to them. The danger coming from the astral plane is as real as the danger in the physical world and children lack the ability to recognize it. We, the adults, need to help them understand the potential dangers and teach them to discern between the good, the bad, and the deceitful.

Taking charge over one's affairs

We are not weak and helpless “slaves” when facing the challenges of the astral plane. In reality, we have been “armed” with all that is necessary to resist astral attacks and temptations. We have the full right to say “No” to those who approach us, even if they portray themselves as the Masters of Wisdom, if our common sense tells us there is something wrong with their “offer.” Astral entities will say anything and will take any shape they find fit for the situation to achieve their goals. They will first study you in order to figure out how to approach you in a way to which you are likely to respond. If you crave communication with a Master, they will become the “Master” for the occasion; if you feel lonely and rejected, they will offer their “eternal” friendship and care; if you desire to meet your soul mate, they will conveniently find you one; if you crave glamour and sensation, they will promise you that as well, as long as you are willing to cooperate in their tricky and vicious plans.

Nevertheless, just as we are able to take a charge of our own affairs in our physical existence, if we decide to do so, we can take charge of our entire life – in our waking hours and in our sleep. The choice is always ours. We are the masters of our own lives and no one can force us to do anything that we do not want or give permission to do. This includes those in the astral world. Here are a few examples of how easily we can take charge of our own affairs.

The first story came from my son. He related this story to me recently, but it took place when he was 6 or 7 years old. This was happening during his dream state and because several years have elapsed since then, some details of those dreams have been forgotten. However, the important lesson of this experience came not from the events of those dreams, but from the way he dealt with the problem at hand. He reported that for eight or nine months, he had the same dreams every night in which ETs (he prefers to call them aliens) would visit him in his room. Their primary purpose was to take him into other places, possibly their “ships,” against his own will, which filled him with terror. He said that he was so scared that just the sight of one of them in a dream would cause him great discomfort. There were several who would come on different nights; through the walls and the roof without any problem. He would fall asleep each night wracked with anxiety that they would come back to bother him. Until finally one night, he realized that this was his dream into which these uninvited guests were intruding and, that he should be able to do something about it. He decided to stand up for himself. As

~ 19 ~ the ETs returned again that night, he stood on his bed to be as tall as they were and punched one of them in the face. Putting up a fight he yelled after them “to get out of his room and his dream and never to come back!” He said that after that standoff, he never had any more dreams with the “scary aliens.” Later on, he would have “visits” from aliens who would act as his friends. But the dream “visits” were to end as he grew up.

The positive outcome of the standoff in his dream was the realization that he can be as much in charge of his own affairs during his sleep hours as he is when awake. From that point on, he learned to “navigate” in his dreams at will. Currently, he very much enjoys doing many of his favorite things in his dreams, some which we could never afford in our physical existence. For example, he loves to travel and thus he often “visits” various places in his dreams. He explained that at first he would “travel” to places that he knew well to make sure that he could actually identify the place and verify the authenticity of his destination. He would visit cities that he visited before and he would also go snowboarding, which is his favorite thing to do in winter. Now, he explained, he started “traveling” to places that he had not yet visited in person. Recently, for example, he “visited” Jamaica . When asked how he could do that, he explained that when he is in his dream, he simply thinks what he wants to do and “imagines himself” doing it and so it happens. He seems to have lots of fun “playing” with this ability. I guess he will be able to verify his dreamtime adventures once he actually makes trips into these new destinations in person. But, he assured me, he is fully in control of his affairs while asleep. Is such a thing possible? I can only say “yes” since I have witnessed it. I should perhaps mention that my son is very much in control of his daily affairs and the terms “dumb luck” or “good luck” do not seem to be part of his vocabulary. He says that life is as he makes it to be.

The event I experienced was not as joyous as my son's adventures since it took place shortly after the funeral of my nephew, who died in an accident at the age of 21. I was on a business trip which required staying in a hotel at a small place in Texas . Devastated by the sudden death of this young man and tired from the stressful events of the past week, I fell asleep as soon as I got into my room. But restful sleep was not to be my lot that night. It seemed to me that no sooner had I dropped off, I awakened in the same, but brightly-lit room, which was now full of “guests.” I recognized one of them as a college roommate whom I had not seen for more than 15 years and who happened to live on a different continent! The “visitors” seemed to come in and out of my room through walls and closed doors. The major “party” was taking place in the main hallway area of my hotel. There were many people unknown to me, drinking and having fun - I was completely dumbfounded at such a joyful party as I lay grief-stricken. But then my “roommate” filled me in on its purpose - I was to be the “main course”! The entity announced to me that it was my turn to die. Now of course, I was feeling very sad and exhausted by the death of my nephew but nowhere near suicidal depression so it did not take me long to realize that I was being “prepared” to commit suicide, an event that might have produced enough energy to feed all these astral party-goers. And the moment I realized that I was interacting with energy-thirsty astral vampires, I took charge of my own affairs and “threw” them all out of my room and hotel, banishing them all back to where they came from. I also suggested to my “roommate” that if I was to die, she should lead the way. These entities did not like my attitude at all. When the hurdle was over, I woke up feeling more exhausted than the night before. But in my morning , I invoked the violate flame protection and the event has never happened again.


It is apparent that no one in this society is exempt from astral influences. Every human being possesses an astral body through which he or she is linked to events that take place on the astral plane. The grade or quality of the astral matter from which an individual builds an astral body depends on their level of evolutionary development, in accordance with the principle that “like attracts like.” The quality of one's astral body will also determine levels of resistance to temptations offered by an astral

~ 20 ~ entity. The higher the quality of the astral body and the greater control one has over it, the lower the chance that one will yield to the glamour of astral maya.

Therefore, the best thing one can do is to continue “upgrading” and gaining control over the astral/emotional body until the time comes when one can liberate oneself from it forever. Achieving this is a life-long process that requires a strong commitment and lots of hard work involving the mental, physical and emotional bodies. There are no short cuts to perfection or an easy way out of the mess that we have created for ourselves throughout our many past lives. The new race of children, the sixth-root race, which is currently incarnating in all human races and cultures, is coming to help us but they cannot do the work for us. And before they can help us, we need to help them first to adapt to life on earth and assist them in retrieving the level of their souls' evolution, through responsible rearing and education. When the sixth root race children become of age and are ready to take over societal responsibilities, they will be able to help us to raise ourselves into the next level of our evolution. This process requires both parents and children to take responsibly for their specific place at their point on the ladder of evolution, and this requires teamwork and diligent input from each and everyone in the society.

What can parents do to protect their children from astral influences?

Become a responsible parent. The obvious truth is that we cannot help them unless we know how to recognize the situation for what it truly represents. This requires from the parents and caregivers a prior knowledge and study of the subject of astral influences. The most important and first step that every parent should take is self-education on the subject. Become literate in the knowledge about the astral plane. Learn what protection methods work for you and use them for protecting your children as well. The Sanctus Germanus website offers a few methods of protection, the invocation of the protective Violet Flame being the most efficient method that can easily be taught to children.(24) In the book “Raja Yoga,” we find the following advice:

There is mantra that is taught by yogis as a protection against harmful influences, particularly those coming from the astral sphere through the agency of inharmonious disincarnate entities. Modern man, with his hyper rationalistic attitude toward life, may scoff at such influences as the products of a febrile imagination, but the scorn is not shared by the few souls in every religion who have attained to higher-than-physical vision. Astral possession, many cases of which are recorded in the New Testament, is a fact. Only those persons, however, can be so possessed or influenced whose auras are weak, because their will power is week.

To practice this technique, join your hands before you, then bring them out to the side and behind you to form a large circle, joining them again at the back. Keep swinging them forward, outward, and backward in a large circle, joining them in front and behind, while reciting this mantra “AUM Tat Sat.” At night, when you go to bed, write AUM three times on your pillow with your forefinger, and feel as you go to sleep that you are resting in AUM. (…)

As you practice the posture, feel that you are deliberately moving in, and at the same time creating, a sphere of protective light. As you walk or go about your daily duties, feel yourself surrounded by this light. Remember, more is required than a pious imagination. The greater the will, the greater the flow of energy; the greater the flow of energy, the greater the magnetic field.”(25)

Take your child seriously. When your daughter or son comes to you to tell you about something you neither can see nor hear, try to give them a credit of doubt, for their benefit, as you would give it to any other person that comes to you and tells you stories whose authenticity you may not be able to verify. Chances are that your child is telling you the truth and he or she needs your help to deal with the unknown. ~ 21 ~ Always have time for your children. Never let them stray off of your “radar screen.” Take interest in their daily affairs and when you see them in trouble, assist them from the position of the best friend they can have in their parents, and not from the position of authority. If you notice disturbing behavior in your child, do not ignore it. Help them to resolve their difficulties with their best interest in mind and not yours or the school's.

Teach your children to be wary of astral strangers. Just as you teach your child not to talk to strangers on the street, you have to teach the child to avoid those dangers, which you yourself may not be able to see. “As above, so below,” so what is not considered good for your child in life on earth, is not good in interactions with astral entities; what is safe for your child on earth will keep him also safe in interactions with the astral world. It is as simple as that.

What can teenagers and young adults do to protect themselves?

Talk to an adult. When you are faced with an unfamiliar situation, talk to an adult who can help you. If you do not feel comfortable talking about your issues with your parents or teachers at school, contact an adult whom you trust most and who is willing to listen to you. If you feel frustrated with those around you who do not understand and cannot help, write to the Sanctus Germanus Foundation NREP committee. Here you will find the assistance of adults who have dealt with issues associated with supernatural phenomena that are related to astral plane activities. Chances are that one of us will be able to assist you with your particular issue and situation.

Do not try to deal with the astral entities on your own. If you know nothing about them, assume that they are intelligent, clever, heartless, and selfish and the only enterprise they truly care for is their own survival. They would have no problem sacrificing your life for their ends. The astral entities are disconnected from the source of life-giving light and you are a source of the energy they need to sustain their existence. Without you fueling them, they would disintegrate; We purposely do not use the term “die” for the majority of them are already dead and soulless shells which are in the process of disintegration just as the physical body disintegrates and returns to its source after death – as “dust” must return to “dust.”

Learn to recognize the good spirits from the bad. This is one of the most difficult things to do and many advanced souls may still fall prey to the tricks of evil spirits. “By their fruit ye shall know them” is a profound statement and requires an acute ability to discern and discriminate information you receive through all your senses: not just hearing, seeing, and feeling, but especially through clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience. The key to success is KNOWLEDGE because “knowledge will set you free.” There are specific steps that you can take to achieve this goal, for the sake of your own safety. This is what we recommend:

Learn to discern and to discriminate between the good and the bad information and influences.The only way to achieve this goal is through studying available ancient sources of wisdom and through meditation.(26) The Ancient Wisdom will provide you with the knowledge that will always light your path and meditation will help you to reconnect with your soul, the Mighty ‘I AM' Presence, the God within. Both will serve as a “lighthouse” assisting you during any stormy night on the “sea of your life.”

Develop discriminative clairsentience. When an entity approaches you and tells you that it is a “master of wisdom,” a potentially legitimate member of the Brotherhood of Light, the only reliable way you can recognize it for what it truly represents is by sensing their vibrations. If its vibrations do not feel right, tell it to leave. If you feel tired or exhausted after its visit, you should become wary and suspicious for the true Masters of Wisdom will never deplete your personal energy. After interacting

~ 22 ~ with one of the members of the Brotherhood of Light, you are likely to feel more energized, but not first emotionally excited and then depleted of energy.

Clarify your motives. Ask yourself why are you seeking the company of these entities? If it is to satisfy your craving for glamour and attention, then you are leaving the door wide open for the low grade astral entities that will be more than willing to cater to your desires. The Masters of Wisdom have no time for flattering one's vanity. They are interested in selfless workers that will help them implement the Divine Plan on Earth and not in building your human ego that leads only to satisfying your selfish ends and eventually serves to destroy you.

If you still have doubts about whom you are in contact with, seek the advice and help of those who have more experience in dealing with such entities. The NREP committee has been created to provide you with assistance with such questions. Do not hesitate to contact us. We are here for you and we will be happy to assist you in the best possible way.(27)


Sincere thanks for editing this article go to the NREP committee members – Dr. Michael Mau, Janet Montes-Diaz, Steve Merry, and Matthew Thompson, and to my son and friends Reyna Michel- Trapaga and Charlotte Alton.


1 King R. Godfre. “The ‘I AM' Discourses.” Saint Germain Press, Discourse #5; 2003; pp 53-54.

2 “The Sixth Sense.” 1999.

3 Leadbeater C.W., “The Astral Plane”. The Theosophical Publishing House; 1933.

4 Mau P. Michel, “The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies” Part II, chapter 2. The Sanctus Germanus Foundation; 2006.

5 Bailey, A. Alice. “A Treatise on White .” New York ; Lucis Publishing Company; 1997; pp 293-311.

6 Leadbeater, C.W. “The Astral Plane.” The Theosophical Publishing House; 1933; pp 87-124.

7 Ibid. pp 34-70

8 Ibid. pp 70-87

9 Mau, P. Michael. “ The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies; Vol II, The SGF Publishing Division; 2006; pp 40-42.

10 Ibid. p 41

11 Ref. 6.

12 Ref. 9, p 246.

~ 23 ~ 13 Atwater , P.M.H. “The New Children – are They Really Indigos?” www.experiencefestival.com

14 All stories used in the article come from the personal interviews and correspondence; 2006.

15 Leadbeater, C.W. “The Devachanic Plane.” The Theosophical Publishing House; 1916.

16 Leary, R.M.; Kowalski, R.M.; Smith, L.; Phillips, S. “Teasing, rejection, and violence: Case studies of the school shootings.” Aggressive Behavior 29: 202-214; 2001.

17 North, David. “The Columbine High School massacre: American Pastoral … American Berserc.” www.wsws.org/articles/1999/apr1999/colo-a27.shtml

18 Pelzer, David. “A Child Called It.” Health Communication, Inc.; 1995.

19 P.Z. from homework “School violence has debated causes.” 2006.

20 www.healingwithnutrition.com/adisease/add-adhd/add-adhd.html#A1 ; “Attention Deficit Disorder Facts, Prevention and Treatment Strategies. 2006.

21 www.adhd-report.com/adhd/1_adhd_statistics.html ; “ADHD Statistics.” 2006.

22 Bulluck, Pam. “Living with love, chaos, and Hailey.” New York Times. 2006

23 Antwater, P.M.H. “Beyond the Indigo Children.” Bear & Company; 2005.

24 www.sanctusgermanus.com/invocation_meditation/invocation.html

25 Walters, J. Donald. “The Art and Science of Raja Yoga.” Crystal Clarity Publisher; 2002; pp 299- 300.

26 www.sanctusgermanus.net

27 You may contact the NREP Committee at [email protected]

~ 24 ~ Lessons Drawn from the Current US Educational System for the New Race Education Project

Reyna-Michel Trapaga

"Our lives should be dedicated to something good and worth while- to be of service. The more good we can accomplish the better off we are. This should be the focus of education- to do that which is for the good of all. The day of selfishness and materialism is at an end. We must prepare. Learning and knowledge of the truth heals all troubles and leads to peace." Manly P Hall

In the study of educational systems and their effectiveness it is important to ask the question: what kind of person do we want the educational system to produce? In essence, what is the goal of education? The answers to this question have changed since the beginnings of our traditional public education system to the present. Generally the needs of society have dictated what the education system should focus on , but as these needs and society have changed, education has been slow to follow. As society moved from agricultural based to one of mass production and scientific advancement, the education system was able to successfully produce the workers and thinkers. At that stage of development humanity was well suited to fulfill those roles. But as humanity changes and grows beyond this factory worker mentality, the current educational system is not changing with it and does not foster an environment that is able to provide for continued development mentally and spiritually. The educational system still teaches the same goal for life as it ever has: complete lower education, get a degree, the spouse, two children and a 9 to 5 job with all the material possessions that comes with it. This antiquated idea of self fulfillment and happiness actually fosters self limitations. Children today do not fit into this old model, and as humanity continues to evolve, life will be seen and truly felt as limitless in its evolutionary scope and this will aid in the revolution of education. Education must break out of the old idea of happiness and fulfillment and start teaching and reflecting the higher purpose of life.

In short we need an educational system and curriculum that is flexible and that can change with changing environmental and societal conditions. It must also teach our children to once again live by the Universal Laws and to connect to their internal truths. To do this we must separate ourselves from the old educational models and think outside the current graded reward/punishment system most of us participated in.

Background or Current situation

Education makes up a large part of every state's and city's budget and the money is supplied by tax payers. Each year taxes go up to support a system that no longer seems to be able to adequately educate our children.

Statistics gathered throughout the years show steady numbers in the areas of dropout rates, violence in schools, and performance measures. Most aspects of traditional education have not changed since its inception. Unfortunately this has contributed to the current difficulties we see today. Statistics show dropout rates continue to increase at a steady pace, kids graduate only with rudimentary fundamental skills, and they are bored and increasingly frustrated with schools that do not allow them to participate in their own educational goals. Education al system seems to be unable to significantly improve on

~ 25 ~ these numbers. For example, I i n America since the 1950's over one million (how does it look %-wise and in regard to those actually graduating) youths have dropped out of school each year, and i ncidents of violence and vandalism continue to be significant are at an all time high . The following are some statistics compiled by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). For example: In 2003 25% of the freshman class either dropped out or didn't graduate on time. (1) In 2004 approximately four of every 100 students enrolled in high school dropped out without completing the school year. (2)During the 2005-06 school year 86% of public schools reported at least one violent crime, theft, or other crime occurring at their school. In 2005 25% of students in grades 9-12 reported drugs were made available to them on school property and 8% also reported being threatened or injured with a weapon during the previous 12 months.(3)

These numbers serve to show a system which is unable in part to serve a youth population in their educational needs. The purpose of education has changed. We no longer need factory workers but those who are creative thinkers. We need to allow children and young adults the freedom to learn creatively without competition or threats. Today's graded school environment does none of these things. Our traditional public schools mainly function with rigid lesson plans forcing children to memorize not learn. This does not effectively hold their interest ; it creates boredom, anger, and frustration. This is what in part drives the numbers above.

It is the intent of this paper to explore the traditional public educational system as well as some of the most prevalent and popular models in Alternative Education and to compare their commonalities. In conclusion we will then explore what the Ancient Wisdom tells us education must accomplish in the new Age which will bring enlightenment of humanity's purpose and an age of peace.

Traditional Education

Traditional education in its early years though served a valuable purpose. There became an institution created to develop and spread the wealth of knowledge and mental development. Education is what aided the development of many countries as a whole. Without this institution of education, we can surmise most countries would not have developed into the same post agrarian industrialized nations of today. With the creation of mandatory formal education, culture expanded, science, music, math, and the arts flourished and we enjoy a level of sophistication and civilization that otherwise would most likely not be. The purpose of schooling was to improve a child's ability to think and reason through the study of certain essential subjects. Behind this purpose was an understanding that access to education was a democratic right and the role of the school in a democratic society was to provide academic learning as well as access to knowledge once reserved by to the elite few. Schools were seen as the great equalizer. That through education anyone could rise above humble origins and make good on the nation's promise of equal opportunity for all. Along with the establishment of formal education, there began many debates over curriculum some of which persist even today. These debates took the form mainly over what was to be taught, i.e. should children be taught mainly vocational training suited to their station in life or should they all receive the same academic education regardless if they were to go to college or not.

Gregory Smith in his book Public Schools That Work: Creating Community, aptly stated the goals of traditional education. That they are "Geared to help children become successful wage earners and acquire material possessions, positions that will require them to fulfill tasks upon which their performance as workers will be judged." This purpose is outmoded in today's society. We no longer need factory workers and robots who are judged by their output and their consumption of material goods, but those who are creative thinkers. As a historical note, our modern educational system- the five core curriculum of social studies, English, mathematics, science, and foreign languages- was adopted in 1899 from a structure developed by Catherine the Great of Russia. This system was

~ 26 ~ designed to give Russia good soldiers, good factory workers, and good tax paying citizens who would all follow orders and not question authority.

The structure of the Traditional education system is one that relies almost exclusively on intellectual learning and rote memorization skills. From its beginning the public school system seemed to create order out of nothing. By grouping children by age/grade with teaching materials deemed suitable to that age, teachers were able to work cost effectively with large groups of children. This is what we still have today, overcrowded school rooms and outdated/outmoded teaching materials and methods. This system whereby teachers are upfront lecturing with children sitting stationary behind their desks was seen as supportive of discipline and the preferred method of communicating lessons.

Unfortunately this manner of instruction teaches students how to succeed on tests not in life. Students are taught to see education as a way to obtain a piece of paper rather than actual learning. The Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development concluded that "The process of human learning always has two parts: (a) confrontation with new information or experience, and (b) the learner's personal discovery of the meaning of that experience." Public schools do allow this type of learning in limited ways such as in participation of extracurricular activities and elective courses like music, art, and sports. Sadly funding problems often severely curtail or eliminate many of these activities . from the curriculum.

Another aspect essential to learning which is largely frowned upon in public schools is that of cooperative learning. Relationships are fundamental to the learning process. If students collaborate on a project they learn not only from the act of completing the project but also from each other. Conversely competition is a fundamental component in traditional schools. Schools stress individual achievement not cooperation and group membership. This primarily takes the form of competition against external standards of excellence (i.e. Standard Achievement Tests and other Standardized testing) and competition (not cooperation) between students and faculty. Students are judged by these standards regardless of their unique talents and skills. Emphasis on standardized testing has essentially eliminated the creative and experiential learning environment. Unfortunately, teachers are forced to teach according to these tests because school funding and student aptitudes are determined by these scores. Children are in turn taught they are in a subservient position to their teachers and their primary responsibility lies in their acquiescence to the school's behavioral norms and standards of achievement. In effect they learn that their well being depends not upon social relationships but on their ability to meet standards of achievement determined by impersonal and seemingly inescapable educational and economic institutions. Success is tied to conformity.

Every school has a stated curriculum; however much learning takes place outside this curriculum (incidental learning). For example: learning to cheat in response to academic demands, learning about race and racism, peer pressure, and social class. All these things have an impact on the student. Some Recent studies have suggest ed that the academic aspect of schooling, instruction and curriculum, have little impact on our the students. Their social experiences, after-school hours, and extracurricular activities are more significant.

Granted we can conclude educators of the 1800 and early 1900s did not have the benefit of the studies and research that has taken place during the last part of this century concerning learning and development. Just in the past 30 years or so significant research has been conducted and there is much literature available to educators in the areas of human development, human learning, instructional methodology, school and classroom management, and organizational dynamics. These studies have largely not been incorporated into the traditional public school system. This has contributed to the statistics citing dropout rates and violence in our schools. We know children born today are not the same as previous generations but we still seek to try to make them conform to standards designed a century ago. Many kids today have opted out of traditional education altogether and have refused

~ 27 ~ higher education as well because they can not conform to an outdated, rigid, uncompromising school structure. More and more we see parents at a loss and seeking alternative modes of education.

Alternative Education

Public schools still dominate mainstream education, but parents today can choose from a wide variety of alternative education systems. Many of these alternatives have rooted in them more humanistic and progressive educational approaches. Instead of the mainstream authoritarian approach which is teacher centered, competitive, textbook oriented, and focused on academic skills, most independent alternative education methods focus on the child, are democratically run, and emphasize experiential learning, social skills, arts, and academics. This next section will describe a few of the more mainstream alternative education systems active today.

Alternative education programs have been around since the early 19 th century and the resurgence of their popularity began around the 1960's and 70's. Many of these schools served the population of students and parents who either did not succeed or who did not agree with the methods and goals of the public school system. Alternative schools offer a variety of teaching methodologies and strategies generally structured to the learning preference of the student. The benefits of this are self explanatory.

Alternative education structures and methodologies fall into many categories. Public schools can adopt alternative education strategies especially designed for those students categorized as at risk of dropping out or failing. These public programs however, are not generally offered to the whole student body. There are religiously affiliated schools which teach fundamental subjects as well as the religious context of their institutions, and there are the independent schools outside the public and religious school systems. They are not controlled by the public school board but do adhere to state and federal education law. Th e is focus on this section is going to be on these independent schools because they have offer ed the flexibility of curriculum and teaching methodology that the others do not. They are generally more democratically run, community involved, and student oriented. Many of these alternative approaches to education have been around for a long time and have been shown to be viable and successful programs. In fact some programs boast their students are better equipped to attend higher learning institutions and enter the job market than those who attended traditional schools. In most of these schools students are taught to rely on their own abilities to solve problems, become self motivated learners and thinkers, and as a result have developed a more critical and inquiring mind.

Alternative Independent Schools are those that by their very name indicate an existence and operation independent of the public school board. There are many types of independent schools. Some of the most well known are the Free Schools, Waldorf Schools, Montessori Schools, and although not a formal school there is the option of home schooling. It is beyond the scope of this paper to research all the alternative independent education models active today so below is a brief description of the most prevalent and wide spread in the US .

Free Schools

Some examples of Free Schools are the Summerhill, Sudbury , and self named Free School approaches. They all have much in common and veer drastically away from the structure and curriculum of traditional schools. There are about 350 free schools in operation today, and each express the ideal of freedom in education and of the particular ideology of their founders and supporters. These schools give the students all or almost complete freedom in determining their own educational goals and day to day day-to-day activities. They are free to pursue any interest and while basic skills are taught they are not pushed upon the students. These schools are self governing giving

~ 28 ~ all kids regardless of age a vote in the decision making process. The idea behind these schools is that learning is a natural tendency and that children want to learn and are good at it given appropriate surroundings. They are free to explore their surroundings and teachers are there to answer questions, coach and guide. While these types of schools may not be suitable to all kids it has been shown to be viable alternative for children who do not conform well to a structured school setting.

Holistic Schools

Holistic Schools while not as prevalent as the others perhaps comes closer to what education will become. Holism views the world and the universe as an integrated organism, in which all parts (mineral, animal, vegetable, energetic, spiritual) are related. All existence is a unity, is related, has meaning, and is evolving toward higher forms. Holism also views the human as an integrated being of equally important parts: physical, emotional, intellectual, artistic, social, moral, and spiritual. Holism holds that human life has spiritual, cosmic, transpersonal, and archetypal dimensions that can not cannot be logically or scientifically analyzed and grasped alone. It rejects materialistic, rationalistic, and reductionistic views that humans are simply processors of information and victims of social and economic forces. While not as widespread as other schools, since the 1970's holism has developed into its own specific educational movement with its own identity. Holism attempts to educate for global citizenship and teaches an appreciation for cultural diversity. It stresses that each person is responsible for the well being of all beings and the planet. This includes a spiritual concept of the interrelationships between all things. So the holism approach focuses also upon the whole individual and emphasizes experiential approaches to learning and cooperative strategies in teaching.


The Montessori system has primarily been implemented in the preschool and kindergarten grades, some schools do educate up to the sixth grade. The system was designed to be very versatile and adaptable for all grades. Though there are specific types of learning materials associated with this method, schools are free to design materials which are associated with particular age groups. The items in the classroom are designed to spark interest and encourage the students to learn about the physical world through their activities. The design of the system is such that learning takes place in multi age classrooms where kids learn and play in the same room. Learning is individualized and children are free to learn at their own pace. They are free to move around the classroom and work alone or in groups. This system defines different learning strategies for different age groups. Learning for the Preschool child is viewed as focusing on activities which teach them to live in the physical world. For the 7-12 yr olds learning can take place more in the abstract and through their imagination. In elementary grades there is no required work, students can pursue their interests, and teachers help plan and record learning activities such as exhibits, objects, time lines and displays. Art and music are integrated into daily activities. Though there are many Montessori schools for pre-school and elementary age children, there are few if any of these schools which go beyond and up into the middle and high school age children.


The Waldorf schools started in Germany after WWI, created by . This was the first school which was free from government control. Its goal was to educate all children the same way whether they were destined to work in a factory or headed for the university. This method has a more structured approach to the classroom and teaching than the other methodologies and perhaps is more in line with traditional schooling with the added emphasis on creative activities. Its purpose was to create free, creative, independent, moral, and happy human beings and was a radical deviation for its time. Today we find these schools widespread. Intellectual work is balanced by other activities such as

~ 29 ~ art, music, and crafts. This structure is based on the research that brain centers involved in manual dexterity are interconnected with those involved in higher-order thinking. Physical activity and play are emphasized along with small blocks of lesson time. The Kindergarten curriculum is based on the importance of movement, play and fantasy. Children are given time in which to play, there is daily story time, and their full exercise of fantasy is encouraged and seen as necessary to the later development of intellect and academic capacity. At this stage there is no teaching of reading and writing. Elementary education (age 7-14) is centered on a single class teacher and academic fundamentals are worked into each day. High School gives way to multiple special subject teachers which we see in the traditional school setting. Academic performance and study are still moderated by continued emphasis on arts, crafts, music, and trades and assessments are based on the child's total activity: academic, craft work craftwork arts (?) , and social interactions. The Waldorf system focuses on the whole human potential to make a difference in the world which involves unity, harmony, and dignity. There are competitive sports, and test taking, but the academics are not the be - all all- end all to education. Waldorf seeks to develop the whole person- head, hands, and heart.

Home Schooling

Finally there is the option for parents to home school their children. This right was fiercely fought for when state governments began adopting formal education laws. Until the public school system came into being, parents had the responsibility and the right to educate their children as they decided fit. With the creation of the public school system and the passage of legislation, parents could no longer decide how and when their kids should be educated. The state government said children must be educated, and the state would do this for them. Parents simply had to pay their taxes and the state would decide how and what to teach their children. Needless to say many took exception to this and from the mid 1970s home schooling has been enjoying a come back. This "right" to home school took many years to pass in legislature. There are of course benefits as well as difficulties with this method of education. Some of the benefits include: modest cost of materials, parents can spend more time with their children, and learning is year round and at the pace suited to the child. Learning takes place in a non non- competitive environment and children are able to pursue their own interests. Many home schoolers in the same area will often network and support each other which allows for social interaction and development. There are many forums for parents to communicate with others to assist each other in their education efforts. Home schooling however is not a viable option for many families. It usually keeps one parent out of the workforce, something many families can not cannot afford today. Every parent today is free to keep their child out of school and to educate them at home as long as state requirements are fulfilled. There is are extensive information and support structures in place which facilitate setting up education strategies and materials for those parents interested in this option.


Each of these movements and approaches to education have much in common. Their founders all realized that education needs to be sustainable in communities rather than a drain on them. Sustainable education involves all members of the community and recognizes each person as having an unlimited and undetermined value and potential. Many of the common elements these schools share involve experiential learning instead of rote memorization, self directed and self motivated learning based on interest in place of a forced curriculum, and creative expression. Along with academic learning, physical activities, music, and the arts are seen as essential parts of each day and important to overall development, and emphasis on each of these areas equally is what fosters the development of the whole human being. Most of these Alternative Independent Schools agree that the development of the whole person is of the utmost importance and in order to achieve this, the kids must be given the freedom to explore their surroundings, express their interests, and take an active role in determining their educational goals. Above all most of these alternative models involve the community in learning.

~ 30 ~ This is seen as an essential element in teaching kids the value of being of service to others and has been shown to be a valuable learning tool for social interaction as well as being a practical learning experience in academics.

Education in the Future

While these approaches may be seen as a step in the right direction, we are told by the Ancient Wisdom that what is truly needed in education is in addition to learning fundamental skills, is to be taught and shown how to reconnect with our higher selves and therefore to learn the purpose of our existence.

"Education must meet the needs of the human spirit. It must assist persons to develop a satisfactory personal philosophy and sense of values; to cultivate tastes for literature, music and the arts; to grow in ability to analyze problems and arrive at thoughtful conclusions."(4)

This statement taken from Education in the New Age by sums up what we need to implement in the future education system. Not only to teach the fundamental skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic but that of spiritual connection and understanding of where we fit in, in the world and what part we are to play in our own development and in service to the world. The current education system has eliminated the essentials of human yearning for connection to the divine and the higher self. This we must bring back for education to serve the needs of the New Age.

Education must veer away from teaching self centeredness and competition to one of cooperation, harmony, and service to others and society. Our sense of self worth must not be tied to what we can get for ourselves but what we can do for others. Materialism must be left behind with the rest of the trappings that do not serve the world. In short we must begin as a whole to live by those Universal Laws of love, peace, and service. This is what must be taught. If we are to enter an age of peace and enlightenment we must start to teach our children what really matters which is the welfare of others not self.

Manly Hall and Alice Bailey summarize the concepts of education in the new age as follows: "To do this education must bring forth the true qualities inherent within all of us which are our true nature. Materialism and self centeredness self-centeredness is a taught external condition. If we cease to teach that which goes against our natural grain, the true aspects of our nature will come forth and be allowed to flourish. Learning takes place both through external stimulus and internally by listening to the inner wisdom. External teachings should not go counter to internal wisdom. Children should be led to seek and utilize their inner wisdom and to help them focus on the higher principles. Until the fact of the higher mind is recognized and taught, and that the role of the lower concrete mind is that of servant to the higher, we will continue to have a society which revolves around meeting man's lower desires, and this is what education teaches today." (5)

So it is explained that education must accomplish many tasks. It must make an intelligent citizen who is able to work in the world peaceably, helpfully and in harmony. It must enable the student to bridge the gap between the various aspects of his own mind thereby being able to access his own inner wisdom. This will enable him to participate fully in the Universal Plan. True education has been described as the science of linking up the integral parts of man, with his immediate environment, and with the greater whole in which he has to play his part.

This is the challenge we are faced with: designing an educational system which is compatible with the Universal Laws and seeks to bring the inner wisdom in all of us to the foreground instead of being suppressed. Education should allow kids to investigate who they are, teach them how to access their internal wisdom and link up with the higher aspects of the mind. They should be allowed to learn in ~ 31 ~ ways that work best for them and allow them to explore their environment free from competition, criticism, and punishment. In this way they will learn to develop their intuition and manifest their talents in service to society.


As we can see, education today in its many forms of traditional and alternative models has served us well in teaching the fundamental skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Some programs to their credit have included what should be considered fundamental skills, music and the arts, into everyday curriculum as well. What is not being taught however is proper character building and a sense of responsibility to others as defined in the previous section.

Concerning our New Race Education Project, it is imperative that we elevate these two objectives as ongoing objectives in any curriculum that is developed. The new race children will increasingly exhibit psychic abilities to include clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. These abilities are not well understood by the general public and these children are often as not seen as having mental impairment rather than extra sensory abilities. We must teach the parents and children that these abilities are actually part of the evolutionary unfoldment of humanity, not aberrations.

Today the new race children go through all kinds of turmoil and stress because of this misunderstanding when in fact they have the gifts that will become part of everyday life. If we do not begin to teach the development and proper usage of these gifts, there lie dangers of misapplication for selfish and destructive purposes. This is what the New Race Education Project's (NREP) mandate is. To fill in the educational gap and devise a curriculum and model focusing on the new race education.

This project involves defining and identifying the new race children and their parents and researching their educational needs. The goal is to develop guidance and educational models for the parents and children in the development and application of these abilities for the good of humanity. We must assist these vanguard new race children to integrate successfully with the present society as well as to be the leaders, builders and teachers of the new society. The ultimate goal of this education is to teach service to humanity, of putting others before self. The NREP is continuing to conduct research and work towards the accomplishment of these goals.


As with any project or study there are people who add essential contributions. I must give my sincere gratitude and thanks to the following people for their input and collaboration on this project: Dr. Michael Mau, Dr. Anna Pavlovic, and Matthew Thompson.


(1)Institute of Education Sciences, NCES, The Condition of Education 2007

(2) NCES Dropout rates in the US : 2005

(3)National Center for Education Statistics 2008-021 Dec 2007

(4)Bailey, A.A. Education in the New Age, Hall, M. Concrete and Abstract Factors of the Human Mind. Lecture .

~ 32 ~ References

Bailey, Alice A. Education in the New Age .

Ravitch, Diane. 2000. Left Back A Century of Battles over School Reform . Simon & Schuster , New York .

Ignas, E; Corsini, R. 1979. Alternative Educational Systems . F.E. Peacock Publishers, INC. Itasca , Il

Vosniadou, S. How children learn. International Academy of Education , International Bureau of Education

Lubienski Wentworth, R. 1999. Montessori for the New Millenium . Lawrence Erlbaum Ass, London .

Naomi Alt, M. Peter, K. 2002. Findings from the condition of education 2002. Private Schools, A Brief Portrait. National Center for Education Statistics , U.S. Dept. of Education.

Anderson, H. Pavan, B. 1993. NonGradedness: Helping it to happen . Technomic Publishing Company, Inc.

Hall, M. Concrete and Abstract Factors of the Human Mind. Lecture. http://www.manlyphall.org/

Aron, L. 2006. An Overview of Alternative Education . The Urban Institute.

Kleiner, B.; Porch, R.; Farris, E.; Greene, B. 2002. Public Alternative Schools and Programs for Students At Risk of Education Failure: 2000-01. National Center for Education Statistics.

Smith, G. 1993. Public Schools That Work: Creating Community . Routledge , NY .

Koetzsch, R. 1997. The Parent's Guide to Alternatives in Education . Publications, Inc. Boston , Ma.

Petrash, J. 2002. Understanding Waldorf Education: Teaching from the Inside Out . Gryphon House, Inc. Beltsville , MD. http://www.summerhillschool.co.uk/ http://www.albanyfreeschool.com/ http://peopleinaction.com/alternativeeducation/ http://www.communityschools.org/ http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=52 http://www.eric.ed.gov/ http://wilderdom.com/experiential/

~ 33 ~ http://www.idenetwork.org/index.htm http://www.montessori.edu/ http://www.montessori.org/ http://www.principalspartnership.com/openschools.pdf http://xroads.virginia.edu/~MA04/mccain/audiohist/intro2.htm http://www.rishivalley.org/ http://www.centerforlivingethics.org/ http://www.unol.org/rms/ http://www.sudval.org/ http://www.educationrevolution.org/index.html http://www.ed.gov/index.jhtml http://www.awsna.org/ http://www.watersedgeschool.com/index.php

~ 34 ~ Parenting the 6 th Root Race Generation by Anna Pavlovic , Ph.D. (In collaboration with Micheline Ralet, Reyna-Michel Trapaga and Matthew Thompson)

Many great books have been written with the goal of assisting potential parents in preparing for the most challenging, albeit most rewarding experience of their lives: the arrival of their offspring and rearing of it into adulthood. The intention of the present article is not to bring forth yet another manual of "do's" and "don'ts" in every day parenting. Rather our purpose is to begin a dialogue with parents about the new parenting challenges facing them in the current cycle of human earthly evolution. We are speaking about parenting of the Sixth Root Race (6 th RR) children by the Fifth Root Race (5 th RR) parents, a phenomenon which previous generations did not have to deal with to the extent that today's parents must.

In the second volume of the Sanctus Germanus Prophecies (the SGP), we read that "[t]he post-1960's wave of new race incarnations are made up of 1) souls on the Path of Initiation or 2) souls from other advanced evolutions. All of these incoming 6 th RR incarnations naturally possess etheric abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience at birth." (1) From this short description, it is apparent that the caregivers of these new generations of incoming souls will have to face yet "un- traveled territories" that will challenge relationships between children and adults on all fronts. This may sound overwhelming and discouraging at times, but nevertheless it is our inevitable future that, if rightly approached, will help in creating the greatly anticipated Golden Age of Aquarius.

How is the 6 th RR of humanity created?

Whilst the NREP Committee does not have a definite answer to this question, a probable outcome can be inferred from an application of the Universal Law of Analogy including information that has been given in the many volumes of Ancient Wisdom.

Reviewing the works of , Alice Bailey, the Mahatma Letters written to A.P. Sinnett by the Masters Kuthumi (KH) and El Morya as well as the works of Michael Mau and Manly P. Hall, a "timetable" has been developed that offers the most probable arrival times of the subsequent root races and their sub-root races. Dr. Mau presents a graph (2) of this timetable, from which we read that the pioneers of the incoming new race tend to arrive at the highest evolutionary point of the preceding

~ 35 ~ root race. Their arrival coincides with the incarnations of the 5 th sub-root race of a particular root race. (3)

On the creation of the 5 th RR, Manly P. Hall writes: "The original Aryas [the 5 th RR] were of Atlantean stock [the Fourth Root Race (4 th RR), then living in the region of Tibet ], probably descending from the old Semite branch of the Atlantean racial distribution. The differentiation occurred when Vaivasvata Manu [5 th RR Manu] overshadowed or ensouled one of the old clans or brood families, ordaining that it should become the vehicle of a new race." (4) This event took place in the middle of the 4 th RR cycle, sometime around the 5 th sub-root race of the 4 th RR race. Once enough people of the 5 th RR were created, they began moving into various parts of the world and began peopling earth alongside other evolving root races, branched into sub-root races and their multiple rootlets and offshoots that differentiated into multiple human races and nationalities.

The chemistries of time and environment and the changes which came from admixture with surviving Lemurian and Atlantean stocks produced the vehicles required for the manifestation of the various potencies of the Aryan lifestream. The first Aryas community is known to move from Tibetan mountainside to the Hindu valley where they coexisted with the Hindu people and, in due time, evolved into the great country of from where they further spread into Middle East, Egypt, Europe and eventually to Americas.(5)

The recent discovery of an ancient community of fair-skinned people in the Gobi Desert brought some light onto this theory. Genetic studies of well-preserved mummies revealed that they carried genetic markers characteristic not only to white Europeans, but also to those of Tibetan origin. While the scientists concluded that such a mixed genetic origin of the discovered tribe indicates intermarriage between Caucasians and the Tibetans, we would like to suggest an alternative interpretation of this scientific data. Based on what Manly P. Hall revealed about the creation of the 5 th RR, this finding could be yet the greatest scientific proof that the Aryan-Caucasian physical vehicles indeed had Tibetan parentage. (6)

Applying the Law of Analogy,* we conclude that it is highly probable that the 6 th RR vehicles are created in a similar way. That is, the Manu of the 6 th RR, the Master El Morya, "handpicks" the most suitable vehicles from among the existing root races to serve as the entry point for the next incoming race. In our opinion, these new race children are placed in care of those parents who would most likely provide them with a nourishing and loving environment, in which they could freely unfold their inner talents and abilities. It is, therefore, unlikely that children of the 6 th RR would be placed in an environment that is dysfunctional beyond repair and in which their mission would be cut short before fruition.

The 6 th RR vehicles will come in different colors or shapes, but they will have one element in common - they will tend to be lighter in their composition and they will be equipped with a more sensitive nervous system than those of their predecessors. From Dr. Mau's charts, (7) we learn that our physical expressions have reached their densest form during the incarnations of the 4 th sub-root race of the 4 th RR (denominated as 4.4 race), which coincided with the end of the downward path, the involutionary part of the 4 th round cycle. Upon entering the upward path, or the evolutionary part of the 4 th round cycle, incarnating souls will aim at creating lighter vehicles. This will be evidenced by vehicles more etheric than physical, analogous to that which served the souls incarnated during the 2 nd root race (2 nd RR).

It is popularly assumed that the majority of the children and adults diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, autism, bipolarity and other mental conditions are in fact the misunderstood incarnations of the 6 th RR. While we agree that some of these children and adults may be misdiagnosed and are possibly members of the incarnating 6 th RR, we also believe the majority represents true karmic episodes and

~ 36 ~ proper medical assistance should be sought for them. Therefore, we wholeheartedly encourage our readers who deal with cases of ADD, ADHD, autism or their like, to verify their diagnoses by obtaining a second medical opinion to eliminate any doubt about their condition. It could be quite harmful for the evolution of a misdiagnosed 6 th RR soul to be subjected to a debilitating treatment with various drugs that work by desensitizing the human nervous system.

Root races vs. human races

It is important to keep in mind that the various root races have little to do with any specific country or nationality. Each human being has been incarnating in the preceding root races in the course of one's evolutionary development. Furthermore, when the right time comes, everyone will incarnate again in the incoming future root races with the same goal - to reach the perfection of the Divine and Mighty 'I AM' Presence, the only constant factor within each person, and the immortal part of each human incarnation. These multiple and varied incarnations occur in different parts of the world, in different cultures and races, and are expressed through various physical shapes of our faces and skin colors. They serve only as vehicles that assist evolutionary growth of the human soul and nothing else. Master KH writes to Sinnett in one of his letters:

"Every Spiritual Individuality has a gigantic evolutionary journey to perform, a tremendous gyratory progress to accomplish. First - at the very beginning of the great Mahamanvantaric rotation, from first to last of the man-bearing planets, as on each of them, the monad has to pass through seven successive races of man. From the dumb offshoot of the ape (the latter strongly differentiating from the now known specimens) up to the present 5 th [root] race, or rather variety, and through two more [root] races, before he has done with this earth only; and then on into the next, higher and higher still. (.) Each of the seven [root] races send seven ramifying branchlets [this is the same as sub-root races] from the Parent Branch [RR]; and through each of these in turn man has to evolve before he passes on to the higher race; and that - seven times. (.) The branchlets [sub-root races] typify varying specimens of humanity - physically and spiritually - and no one of us can miss one single rung of the ladder . (8)

With such understanding of human evolution, one can see clearly the nonsense and futility of racial disputes about which human race is better or more important. Every human being has its own important place in the Divine Plan. Sooner or later, each individual, regardless of the physical color or shape we chose to incarnate in at this point of time, will continue to evolve through sub-roots of all root races until we will reach the common and primary goal of incarnating - the perfection of the God- Self within, achieved through a myriad of experiences and lessons learnt on earth.

It is an absolute truth that one cannot graduate from college without first completing a curriculum in an elementary and high school. Likewise, one cannot be born as the 6 th RR human without first graduating from the lessons of the 1, 2, 3, 4 th , and 5 th RRs. How we choose to reach the perfection of that inner God remains the choice of each soul exercising his Freewill with which our Creator sent us forth at the dawn of our existence. Thus, "[a]ll is exactly as it should be" (9) at any point of human evolution.

The characteristics of the 6 th RR

In the letter to the New Race Education Project (NREP) committee, the Master KH informs us that:

.[T]hese children will be coming to earth with developed extrasensory talents and abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etheric vision of the physical eye, and continuity of consciousness, telepathy, and the potential to manifest. Yet these faculties will not necessarily translate into spiritual development and evolution. Clairvoyance is not synonymous with spirituality

~ 37 ~ and one's choice of the Path. In fact it complicates the choice, for no longer will the choice be made on blind faith, but on a greater awareness about the different dimensions in which one resides.

Tooled with these abilities, these young ones will be given the same earthly choices that will lead them on the Path or not, but none of these abilities will guarantee their Path of Initiation, as it will remain a choice to be taken. Yet the world with which these children will deal will involve a vaster dimension than the previous root- race and thus a wider range of conscious choices.

A talented pianist whose fingers respond to the higher mental thought-forms of his mind will produce those heavenly tones and sound forms that lift the human spirit. But the same choices are put forth before him as the day laborer, the clairvoyant as the non-clairvoyant. Our aim would be to connect these abilities to the Higher Self--the soul--because the same abilities could be misdirected to lower mental and astral endeavors that would stymie their full blossoming.

In the days to come, these children will face choices that are not tangible to the five senses. Their playground may be located on the astral plane. Their other bodies - the etheric, astral, and mental - will be fully activated, adding the need for education that will address multifaceted aspects of their whole personality...(10)

The challenges put before 6 th RR generations are by necessity greater than those we faced, because they have already graduated from the lessons of previous root races and, therefore, are ready for the next level of the earthly evolution. It is quite obvious that applying current methods of parenting and education to rearing the 6 th RR humanity would make as little sense as making a successful college student take high school courses again. For this reason, it is necessary to develop new methods of parenting and education to accommodate the needs of these new children.

The challenges that lie before the parents of the 6RR children

The many extrasensory faculties, with which the 6 th RR children are born, and which their 5 th RR parents will most probably lack, will greatly challenge relationships between the parents and their children. To be able to understand their situation, we were advised to study a reality in which blind parents are faced when rearing children who have all five senses fully developed. There are many articles available in which parents with impaired vision describe their lives with children who can perfectly see. Likewise, children of blind parents offer their perspective on this situation as well. We will mention here a few examples of their challenges.

The first and most obvious assumption comes from the fact that blind parents might not be able to follow their children's activities simply because they cannot see them. In spite of this limitation, blind parents devised ways that allow them to know well the whereabouts of their little ones. In one case, a blind mother sewed bells onto her daughter's slippers and shoes so she could follow that sound to know where her child was. In another case, parents reported that they are intentionally buying loud toys for their children for the same purpose. Every blind parent reported that moments of extended silence on their child's part was always a reason for concern and they would begin calling their child's name to locate him or her as soon as possible. Such precautions work well with small children, but it is unrealistic to expect that a teenager would be walking around with bells on his or her shoes, or would be willing to constantly make lots of noise, which would very likely annoy him or her as well. Besides, there are times when a teenager is seeking solitude and a bit of privacy on purpose and that desire needs to be honored by all parents. The goal of childhood and subsequently that of the teenage years is to develop into a well functioning independent adult. The role of a parent in this process should be one of a facilitator, and not of an owner, whether the parent is fully healthy or not. Manly P. Hall states this well:

~ 38 ~ The process of birth, with its attendant growth and development, is the only way in which human beings can come into this world, but it is a mistake for parents to assume possessive attitude toward their children, nor are children indebted to parents beyond a reasonable degree of appreciation. Parents do not own their children; rather it is their duty to assist and direct the unfolding life until this life is capable of directing its own destiny. (.) Parental responsibility ends when the child reaches majority. It is then a free agent to live as it pleases, and interference with its life beyond that point usually does more harm than good. If a child has been brought up wisely and honestly until majority, its character is usually set in paths of integrity. Children, who disappoint their parents later in life, have usually been disappointed in their parents earlier in life. Very often our own mistakes live in our children.(11)

The most important factor in developing a harmonious relationship between sighted children and their blind parents was developing mutual trust. As long as a child maintained his or her parents' trust, their relationship would blossom. However, if a child did something that was not part of the initial agreement between the blind parent and the child, their relationship would suffer a painful jolt from which it was hard to recover. Such a disappointment was usually hard to accept, especially for the blind parent. The attitude of a child in such a case was one of "no big deal" and the child would quickly forget about the situation, while the parent would gravitate towards developing mistrust. It could have taken as little as inviting a school friend home without first consulting with the parent; or leaving a bicycle in the middle of a drive way, which had the potential of becoming a hazard for the blind parent. The basis of such trust, therefore, is communication. A family of blind parents and their sighted children would communicate with one another even about the simplest acts or smallest activities before they took place, something that might have been dismissed by sighted families as trivial and unimportant.

Indeed, such deep trust demanded well-established communication among all members of the family. This trust had to be rooted in both truth and a fully accepted set of rules, between all the family members. Any changes to earlier established rules would first have to be discussed with all grown-up members of the family, followed by instruction to the smaller children. It is evident that in such a situation a set of rules would need to be adjusted as the child was growing and developing into a young adult, and that this trust would require flexibility and mutual understanding from both blind parents and their children. (12)

Let us now examine how this scenario could be translated into relationships between children, teenagers, or young adults that possess developed extrasensory abilities, such as those of the 6 th RR, and their parents, who lack such abilities.

The blind parents beautifully illustrate the 5 th RR parents, who do not yet have activated extrasensory abilities and, therefore, may be viewed as clairvoyantly-impaired. Those who cannot see etherically - such as seeing auras or Devas - are pretty much blind to the world of spirits. Most of the 6 th RR children, especially those who have not yet gone through puberty, have their etheric visions open and thus they can easily see the "invisible" world around them. In addition, these children are clairaudient and can either "hear" voices or can fully communicate with those beings who occupy the Astral Plane.

Many of us might have heard of children describing their invisible playmates or talking about seeing various nature spirits. While those who lack etheric vision will be prone to denying the reality of the Astral world and will attribute such behavior to children's imagination, those adults who themselves are clairvoyant and clairaudient will confirm that children who describe an interaction with "invisible" beings are indeed speaking the truth. Many of these children can grow into adulthood with full retention of their extrasensory abilities, while others, often afraid of being ridiculed by those around them, may simply force themselves into forgetting about their seemingly childish experiences. This latter group will choose to accept the world built for them by the clairvoyantly-impaired adults who deny any such possibilities, applying here an old scientific prejudice that "If I cannot see it, therefore it

~ 39 ~ does not exist." Encountering such an attitude, we like to remind these non-believers that not so long ago, in fact a little bit more than 500 years ago, nearly all in the Western world believed that Earth was flat, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. Not too long after that, the scientific method of investigation eventually proved such beliefs to be wrong and today we teach in our schools that Galileo, Copernicus, and the many great philosophers of ancient times were correct when reporting that in fact the Earth is round. This, we believe, will be the case with the matter of the connection between the invisible world and our capability to sense or see it. We already have sufficient scientific evidence available today proving the existence of other, non-physical dimensions. It is only a matter of time before our schools begin to teach about the science of the soul as they now teach about the sciences of the physical plane.

How can we help parents in raising the 6 th RR generation?

As a result of the ongoing research on the 6 th RR phenomenon, we offer our current observations as food for thought in hope that this article will generate a discussion between us and our readers on this increasingly important topic. We hope that this discussion will aid us to better understand the needs of the 6 th RR generations and will help us in designing a sound foundation for the future educational programs for the 6 th RR children, teenagers, young adults and their parents. With this noble intention in mind, we begin our discussion on preparation for parenthood.

Preparing for parenting: The world would truly become a heaven on earth if we approached parenting and child rearing from the point of understanding the Masters of Wisdom have. These Masters offer for our contemplation and use a fair amount of information about human evolution, which takes place through birth and death cycles, and which, at the fundamental level, is fulfilled through lifelong relationships between parents and their children. The Masters' advice to "Know Thyself" is essential in making the right decision regarding having a family with or without children. This important decision impacts not only one's immediate family, but invariably affects society and, by extension, the entire world. A family unit is to a society as what a cell is to a body. Healthy and harmoniously functioning cells guarantee a healthy and beautiful body. Therefore, potential future parents need to know themselves and their true motive behind their desire to have children, for that desire will eventually help to shape the world in which they will live. The basic and natural instinct of preserving and propagating a species has evolved into a sophisticated process meant to serve the evolution of a soul and, therefore, it is very important that we understand its divine purpose.

Far too many times people decide to have children for the wrong reason. Some have children because they are married and all married people are expected to have children; others follow the suit of their friends who have children, and so decide they should have one too; others have them out of need to love and to be loved; yet others did not really want them, but a pregnancy "happened" and so they are stuck with it. You can add to this list your own reasons for deciding to have children, and then examine these reasons against what Ancient Wisdom has to say about the divine responsibility of childbearing. In our understanding, none of the above reasons should serve as the ONLY reason to have a child. From a spiritual perspective the highest reason for having a child would come from a selfless wish to create a physical vehicle that could serve the needs of an incoming soul seeking a particular experience on earth for the purpose of its evolution.

People do not contemplate enough this important question of "Why does one wish to have a child?" If we approached the matter of parenting with as great a responsibility as we approach all the other important decisions in our life, much suffering and grief could be prevented and our world today could be a true reflection of love, harmony, and lasting peace "on earth as it is in heaven."

Become a responsible parent: If you come to the conclusion that you are indeed a parent of a 6 th RR child, or you yourself are a teenager or an adult that represents this group of people, then this

~ 40 ~ should encourage you to seek legitimate information pertaining to this matter. The root races are well described by Madam Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Michael Mau, Manly P. Hall and in some of the Mahatma Letters by El Morya and KH. Getting correct information is the first and the most important step in planning your responsibilities as a parent or care giver of a 6 th RR child. It is never too early to prepare for this most beautiful, but quite challenging role.

".It is the duty of the parent to sow the seeds of integrity in the child's life, to train the child wisely and gently, and then to release it and send it forth into the world to live its own life," says Manly P. Hall, (13) and certainly such is true in case of raising any child. However, this issue becomes a bit more complex in the cases of the 6 th RR children, for we are not setting ourselves to raise just good citizens of tomorrow in the way many generations before us were raised. Rather, we are bearing the responsibility for bringing up a generation that represents the next step in our evolution without actually knowing much about that generation. We are to use our five senses to care for a generation with developed six senses. This may seem like "mission impossible," but we take comfort in knowing that God would never give us anything we could not handle, therefore, we should trust that we are capable of rising up to this challenge through careful research and preparation.

Parenting today

The most frequent mistake parents make, regardless of which root race they represent, is thinking that they have ownership of their child and, thus, they approach him as they possibly would approach a brand new and expensive "computer." Such well-meaning parents are aware that their child came with outstanding "software" - his brain capacity to learn - into which they feel obligated to "input" everything that they feel and think is best for the child. This is frequently done without much consideration to what the child may think or want for him or herself. The most obvious "programming" takes place in bringing a child into his parents' faith. The same takes place when we sign him into every possible activity offered by local clubs and schools. The legendary "soccer mom" may spend her entire day driving her child from swimming lessons or gymnastics, which start at 5:00 AM , to school that begins at 8:00 AM , and then driving him or her to the after-school programs such as baseball or soccer practice, choir, piano lessons, or drawing class. By the time the child returns home, he or she is too exhausted even to eat. One can only wonder how the child or a teenager could ever hear the faint voice of his soul speaking to him from within through this cacophony of activities, and the same may be true for an overcommitted young adult.

On the other end of this spectrum, there are those parents who are so preoccupied with their own lives that they do not put much effort into a quality rearing of their child. They frequently leave their offspring to be raised by local schools or their surroundings, which could be a street or the neighborhood in which the child lives, often tending to the child's physical necessities only. In the worse case yet, some parents may neglect providing their child with even the most basic necessities, which may result in poverty that hands the child over to readily awaiting street gangs.

Certainly many parents fail to understand the simple fact that what children truly need is their parents' presence in their lives. By "being present in child's life" we mean that you should assist your child in the process of the unfolding of his or her own life and not in imposing your goals on him or her. Just as a child needs food and clothes, he or she also needs loving attention focused on helping him or her grow to his or her highest potential, free of any parental-ego interferences. A child is born to fulfill his or her own purpose in this life and no one else's. This purpose must be discovered through a process of observation of the tendencies that become evident as the child grows, and by careful listening to the voice of our soul, which attempts to guide us through this process from within.

While attending to the physical needs of our offspring, we should remember that the needs of the soul require parental attention as well. In order to facilitate this, we need to place ourselves in the position

~ 41 ~ of an observer and an assistant, always ready to help the child when the need arises. However, we should avoid forcing our own will on him or her, constantly reminding ourselves that the child is here to fulfill his or her own destiny and not to fulfill ambitions and unrealized dreams of the parents. Neither is a child here to live his or her life the way we expect or the way we live ours. The following story illustrates this point well.

Kyle was born into an affluent family of ivy-school educated parents who owned profitable businesses and whose financial status allowed them to provide Kyle with anything he could possibly dream of. Both parents were recognized leaders in their respective careers. There was no doubt that they both loved their son dearly. In fact, Kyle was one of the reasons for which they pushed themselves to achieve more, so their son would never lack anything. Psychology would rightfully categorize Kyle's parents as very successful high-achievers. Kyle of course did not know any better and so he attempted to follow in his parents' footsteps. A beautiful and a sensitive child whom everyone loved, Kyle grew into a young man that was doing well in everything he approached - he was an honor student and a talented varsity football player that many admired.

Kyle's father, Ken Braid, was on a business trip in Africa when he received a tragic call from his wife, Colleen, telling him that Kyle committed suicide. He was only 16 years old. The cause of his suicide was stress and inability to keep up with his family, friends and teacher's expectations. Both parents were completely devastated with their son's death. The father immediately returned home from his business trip and, after a long mourning, both parents decided to sell their profitable businesses and use the money to open a summer camp in Colorado . They planned to invite to this camp each year freshmen from high schools around the country to whom they wished to provide leadership training. However, this training was not meant to produce yet another generation of high-achievers, but rather to prepare peer advisors and counselors to overstressed high school students. Ken and Colleen's goal was to help find children who were under similar pressure and stress as their son's, and help them before it was too late. They learned the hard way what was truly important for Kyle and for them, and they decided to devote the rest of their lives to doing all that was in their power to never let happen to any child and parent that which had happened to themselves. (14)

On the other hand, we hear too many stories about tragedies caused by association with organized street gangs. Those gangs recruit their members from among children, teenagers, and young adults who simply lack parental attention. Many of these children and young adults carry great potential, but their life circumstances prevent them from rising above their obstacle. Thus, these young people usually become lost for their generation, either by ending up in a jail or by being prematurely killed. In such cases, negligence and poverty are the main culprits, but both can be avoided if parents choose to make responsible decisions at the right time for the sake of their children.

Between these two extremes lies the vast spectrum of families, to which we belong as well, and to whom the majority of the 6 th RR children will be entrusted. These children will bring in themselves new aspects of human evolution, which will further challenge existing concepts, structures, and systems both secular and religious. Such situations may be compared to the birthing process, when after a period of anticipation [gestation] of the coming new generation, there are struggles and suffering [birthing] before we can consciously build the world in which the new race of humanity will be able to thrive [growth period]. Each family to whom the 6 th RR child has been or will be entrusted needs to approach this beautiful and challenging assignment individually and with full responsibility, long before such positive change would be possible on a global scale. This needs to be done for the sake and benefit of this new generation of humanity and not for the gratification of their parents' ambitions.

You may rightfully ask then, "So, what are we to do ?"

~ 42 ~ While every single child has to be treated as an individual case, with his or her own set of talents, qualities of character, and dreams, and in order to help him or her grow into his or her fullest potential, we would like to offer for your contemplation some general thoughts related to the rearing of the beautiful children of the 6 th RR.

Plan to become a responsible parent: A child is not a toy that you get when you feel like having it and then you do with it as you please. It is an individual and independent soul, who has trusted in your care an important part of his current cycle of evolution. Any decision regarding your child's future should be made while keeping in mind only the best interest of the incoming soul - that is, the best interest from the point of view of that soul and not of the parent. This is the most challenging thing to do, for it requires a completely selfless approach to all matters related to the child - beginning from the type of food he or she eats, to the type of education he or she pursues.

It is true that the 6 th RR children are coming to the earth plane with greater amounts of knowledge and experience, which they accumulated in the course of their entire evolution. However, it will still take some time before they will be able to retrieve this knowledge from the depths of their souls. They still come to earth through the same channel of birth, where a memory veil is placed upon them as was done in case of the preceding 5 th , 4 th , and 3 rd root races. In the process of retrieving their memory of who they are and what their purpose is, these children will make plenty of mistakes, just as we did, and therefore we should not expect them to always be perfect. They came here to continue working towards achieving perfection. Because the field of their activities is expanded into the astral realm, they will have to face many new challenges which we did not have to deal with. Therefore, an attitude of understanding, tolerance, patience, forgiveness, and readiness to be of assistance when needed, could prove to be most valuable in the parenting of the 6 th RR generation.

Prepare to be a good observer and listener: A mother told us about her son who would often laugh and wave to the thin air around him while she was observing him from a distance. The boy was still an infant when he was obviously responding to something his mother couldn't see. He would laugh out loud and be playful while no one was around. This kind of behavior is not an isolated case, as most would think. In fact, this occurrence is quite common since children have their astral vision open and they can see the "invisible" world around them. In the case of the preceding root races, this third eye vision is gone by the time we reach puberty due to the hormonal changes, but in the case of the 6 th RR children this vision can remain permanent providing there is an environment to flourish. The best thing a parent can do for a 6 th RR child is to educate himself or herself about extrasensory abilities, both their benefits and risks, and attempt to facilitate a favorable development of those abilities for the benefit of the 6 th RR child as well as for the benefit of the society into which this child was born.

Lack of understanding of what the 6 th RR children are experiencing: Don't be too proud to honestly admit to yourself and to your child that you really do not have a direct understanding of what the world looks like from your child's point of view. Be open with him or her about your inability to see other dimensions and ask him or her to help you understand the world that he or she sees. If you as a parent could attempt to do that with love and humility, there is a great chance that your child will respond in the same manner. Learn to trust one another and never, under any circumstances, break this trust. Have the courage to let your child lead you through the aspects of the other dimensions, but don't approach this journey completely unprepared. Learn all you can about the astral world from the trusted sources of Ancient Wisdom, such as those we researched for this article. Prepare yourself in a similar way that blind parents prepare themselves to navigate in the world of five senses. It may look as if this task is too difficult but, if well prepared, you and your child will derive many mutual benefits from this experience. It may be helpful to remind yourself often in moments of despair that God, indeed, never gives anyone more than one can handle.

~ 43 ~ Try to learn what is best for the 6 th RR children: We all are beginning to understand that obtaining a good education, which will secure a well paid job - perpetuating the kind of life we the parents have - might no longer be the goal of this new generation. Such a materialistic approach to life did not work for us, and the 6 th RR knows better that it will not work for them. They graduated from the 5 th RR materialism and they view the world around them more holistically. Becoming a medical doctor, for example, may be seen by the 6 th RR child as a way to serve one's human sisters and brothers wholeheartedly, and not as a prestigious and well-paid business that will allow him to live a comfortable and materially secured life. Nor will the 6 th RR doctor think that a scalpel and a pill will resolve all problems of his patients. It is more likely that the 6 th RR doctor would want to know what caused the condition of his patient in the first place, so he could treat the cause of the problem and not just its symptoms, as current medicine frequently does. The doctor may use much more sophisticated technology than what we are used to, but he may use this technology to assist him in removing the cause of the problem and not its symptoms.

Therefore, it is highly important that the child is assisted in choosing for himself a vocation that will be most in harmony with his or her soul's path, for the child is likely to approach life on earth from his or her soul's point of view - using the brain more appropriately as a "computing device" that will aid the 6 th RR professional in analysis of facts, and not for making a final decision from a material standpoint. He or she will use both heart and mind to arrive at the best solution.

It is quite likely that the 6 th RR children will tap into knowledge stored in the invisible world for their inspiration, since they will be able to access the mind of God more readily than we can. Those who are in artistic vocations, for example, may even receive more direct help from Devas, who are waiting for humanity to consciously recognize their existence as we once did in the beginning of our earthly evolution.

Finding an appropriate educational program in which the 6 th RR child can blossom: It is no secret that the current educational system fails to meet expectations of all generations. From their earliest years, children are forced to memorize subjects that often have little application in their lives. The formal "educational drilling" usually begins at age 7. In recent years, a mandatory preschool was added with the intention of making the transition from home to school less stressful for the kindergartners. As the "competition" continues to grow, the 6-year-old preschoolers are asked to learn that which used to be taught in the first grade to accommodate the constantly growing amount of accumulated information. This also satisfies demands of increasingly more ambitious parents who try to begin their child's educational drilling at ever-more younger ages. It is no longer a novelty to hear that children, who cannot yet walk, already learn how to swim under watchful eye of their parents in the popular "mom and tot swimming classes." A child cannot hope to become a successful gymnast if he or she did not begin his or her training in kindergarten. We know of a very talented musician who was told that he was late in starting his piano lessons at age 6. Therefore, educated mothers are often unwilling to wait for preschool to teach their children how to read and count, so they begin this important activity as soon as their child utters their first word in hope of setting the child apart from the mainstream trend.

The most popular toys for tots are those that can teach one thing or another with the intention of "programming" a child and preparing him for the "entrance interview" to one of the prestigious schools for gifted children. The sooner this preparation can start, the better chance there will be that the child will "look more gifted" than his or her "competitors" and will therefore earn a spot in one of the few prestigious schools.

When a child's life is so well planned to program him or her for becoming a competitive high-achiever in the world of the 4 th and 5 th RRs, his or her soul's growth will most probably become delayed until that moment when he or she is able to free him or herself from such indoctrination. In a more tragic

~ 44 ~ situation, the child will become so disenchanted with this world that he or she will feel compelled to take his or her life to be free from the grip of materialism. Far too many young and very promising souls have been lost to our civilization through such senseless mishandling of their abilities and talents.

In the mean time, progress of the public educational system was arrested sometime in the middle of the 20 th century. The public school system fails to an even greater extent to address the needs of the 6 th RR children. There are fewer teachers each year, as the states have no funds to hire more teachers, and those fewer teachers have to deal with an increasing number of students placed each year in their classrooms. Frequently, classrooms have to accommodate as many as 35 students per teacher. How in the world can one teacher fulfill the needs of 35 intellectually diverse students within 50 minutes of class instruction time? Who in such circumstances would have time for, and be interested in, addressing the needs of the new incoming 6 th RR souls?

This situation will have to change sooner or later. In the mean time, we encourage parents to investigate alternative ways of education that would meet their child's needs most appropriately. The NREP Committee is involved in continuous research of the 6 th RR phenomenon and it will share its findings with the readers of the Sanctus Germanus website, hoping that from the discussions provided on our site the parents of the 6 th RR children, as well as the 6 th RR teenagers and young adults, will draw inspiration that will help them find best solutions to their problems.

The challenges that lay before the 6 RR children of the 5 th RR parents

The 5 th RR parents of the 6 th RR generation are not the only ones who face various challenges related to the 6 th RR phenomena. Those who belong to the 6 th RR generation arrive into this world in the same way as their predecessors. This simply means that they lack an educated perspective and understanding of the world into which they came into. Being equipped with activated extrasensory abilities, they are unaware that many people around them, including their parents, view their talents as something "out of this world" or abnormal. In the beginning, a child who can see and hear spirits will not be aware that others around him cannot. He will talk about his encounters with fairies and Devas as a matter of fact. The invisible (to us) playmates of our children are as real to them as we are. The children will talk to them and play with them as they would with their friends from the surrounding neighborhood. It might be quite a shock for the 6 th RR child to hear, stated bluntly, that what he or she is talking about is rubbish and a product of his or her imagination. All children interpret the world around them exactly as they see it until society "programs" them into different modes of thought and interpretation of facts. Lying for the purpose of manipulation is an acquired skill and not one with which we are born.

If we begin to observe that our child responds to his or her surroundings as if something or someone were present, while we cannot see nor hear anything, our best response would be one of vigilant observance of his/her behavior. Then, if the child has already learned to talk, it would be beneficial to converse with him or her about the experience without any preconceived ideas, judgments, or criticisms. Our approach should be that of a loving and understanding facilitator of their experience in this life, wisely guiding him or her through the invisible world. But to do so, we must first prepare ourselves as well as possible.

With great power comes great responsibility : "At the same time children must be taught discipline and discrimination, when to use their faculties to help society and when it is not appropriate. A clairvoyant child could easily conclude he is insane in this world, because he can see that which the others or his "superiors" cannot. But the new race can also use these faculties to run rings around the fifth race in an immoral way. Thus, responsible use of clairvoyance has yet to be achieved by the

~ 45 ~ earlier incarnations of the sixth race, as in many instances these faculties have either been suppressed or used in lower psychism." (15)

God's Divine Plan never included suffering and harsh experiences for his children during their evolution on earth. Those are direct products of the selfish use of our Freewill. As God's children, we are vested with power of creation, which is subjected to the Law of Karma. Creation takes its birth in the form of thought that is then lowered into the physical plane by persistent action of its creator. Action always begets reaction. The world of thought is thus the world of action, and the physical world is the world of reaction that originated in our thoughts. Thus, good actions will result in creating a beautiful world for all people, while selfish actions will lead sooner or later to experiences of distraught and suffering.

People with five developed senses are unaware of the power of their thoughts and are therefore unconsciously creating forms; on the other hand, those with developed extrasensory abilities are fully conscious of the world of thought form creation and thus are conscience creators. They no longer are able to say, "I did not know better" for they do know better and thus are expected to do better as well. With their sixth senses open, the 6 th RR generations have been vested with greater power and therefore, their responsibilities are likewise greater. They will need to account for every use or misuse of their psychic power before the Lords of Karma. The Law of Karma cannot be cheated and it is wise to live by it accordingly. The selfish use of extrasensory abilities for gratification of one's needs and desires will need to be balanced by the lack of such abilities in subsequent incarnations as well as lack of that which was created for selfish reasons. And, this is not an idle warning.

Closing remarks

Let us always remember that the psychic abilities of the new children are not exclusive to the chosen 6 th RR only. Extrasensory talents are latent potentials that sleep in each human being waiting to be rediscovered. This is the way humanity once was, but we have forgotten our true selves as we have descended into a denser state of matter on our involutionary path of the 4 th round. We have just gone through the nadir of the current cycle and have recently begun our journey back to the source on the evolutionary path of the 4 th round. Our subsequent incarnations on this path can reawaken in each of us our extrasensory perceptions. This awakening is obtained only by successful completion of the lessons of the previous evolutionary steps. Keeping in mind that the 6 th RR children are our inevitable future, we should do our utmost to assist them in their difficult task of pioneering the New Golden Age of Aquarius.

By the same token, those who already are on the 6 th RR evolutionary cycle ought to remember always that with the greater power vested in them comes greater responsibility. The Law of Karma is always in operation and even the Masters come under its rule. Abusing or misusing extrasensory abilities for selfish purposes will result in karma that will have to be repaid eventually. Therefore, following the Path of Moderation as taught by Buddha seems to be the best Path in the world of duality in which we live for all root races to follow.


Our sincere thanks go to Zoran Pavlovic Jr., Matthew Thompson, Reyna Michel-Trapaga, and Nicole Bernshaw for reviewing the article.

Correspondence regarding this article and other topics related to the NREP Committee research on the 6 th RR phenomenon should be directed to [email protected]

~ 46 ~ Bibliography

1) Mau, Michael P.; "The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies" Volume II. 2006. Pages 209-211

2) Ibid page 26-29

3) We designate sub-root race of any root race in the following fashion: 5.5 - the first number indicates the root race and the second number indicates sub-root race. 5.5 means "fifth sub-root race of the 5 th root race" or 4.7 means "7 th sub-root race of the fourth root race."

4) Hall, Manly P.; "The Adepts In The Eastern Esoteric Tradition: The Light of the Vedas." 1952, page 18.

5) Hall, Manly P.; "The Adepts In The Eastern Esoteric Tradition: The Light of the Vedas." 1952, page 19.

6) National Geographic: http://www.natgeoprogramming.com/film/1167 ; http://tv.nytimes.com/show/59519/Riddle-of-the-Desert-Mummies/overview "Program Synopsis, Documentary that examines human mummies with Caucasian features that have been exhumed from the desert sands of Western China . The program follows the DNA trail from the Gobi Desert to labs in Sardinia, Italy, where DNA analysis, carbon dating and scanning electron microscopy begin to unravel the truth about the ancient mummies."; http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/a- meeting-of-civilisations-the-mystery-of-chinas-celtic-mummies-413638.html ; http://www.ensignmessage.com/archives/mummies.html ; http://www.therightperspective.org/? p=382 ; (12/15/2008)

7) Mau, Michael P.; "The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies" Volume II. 2006. Page 25.

8) "The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett." Letter #XVIII. Theosophical University Press. Facsimile Edition. Page 119.

9) The Mystery School Course offered by the Sanctus Germanus Foundation.

10) From the Letter to the NREP committee as dictated by the Master KH to Dr. Michael Mau.

11) Hall, Manly P.; "Questions and Answers on the Problems of Life." 1937, page 239.

12) Here we list some examples of the articles on the topic related to the interactions of the blind parents with their sighted children:

Collis, Glyn M.; Bryant, Christina A. "Interaction between blind parents and their young children." Journal: Child: care, health, and development. 1981, v. 7, pages 41-50.

Arsnow, George F. et al . " Blind Parents Rearing Sighted Children." Journal: Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness , v79 n5 p193-98 May 1985

Reid, Julie. "'I'd like to have seen you,' my mother says, 'but it's not as important as people think": http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2006/aug/01/familyandrelationships.features11

Eckery, Lauren. " Blindness: From the Perspective of Children": http://www.nfb.org/images/nfb/Publications/fr/fr11/Issue3/f110302.html ~ 47 ~ 13) Hall, Manly P.; "Questions and Answers on the Problems of Life." 1937, page 240.

14) Ken and Colleen recruited freshmen for their camp in my son's high school and that is how we got to know their story. Their website is: http://www.jkbranch.org

15) From the Letter to the NREP committee as dictated by the Master KH to Dr. Michael Mau.

*For information on the Universal Laws, known also as the Cosmic Laws, refer to the Sanctus Germanus research on Cosmic Laws, which will be published soon.


David Clay and Oleta Clay

“There will soon be no more priests. Their work is done. They may wait awhile … perhaps a generation or two … dropping off by degrees. A superior breed shall take their place … the gangs of kosmos and prophets en masse shall take their place. A new order shall arise and they shall be the priests of man, and every man shall be his own priest. The churches built under their umbrage shall be the churches of men and women. Through the divinity of themselves shall the kosmos, and the new breed of poets be interpreters of men and women and of all events and things. They shall find their inspiration in real objects today, symptoms of the past and future...They shall not deign to defend immortality or God or the perfection of things or liberty or the exquisite beauty and reality of the soul. They shall arise in America and be responded to from the remainder of the earth.”—Walt Whitman [1]

Each of us is incarnate at this time because we stood before the Karmic Board, and with our Sponsors by our sides promised that we would serve; that we would help usher in the New Age and that together we would erect the pillars over which the Sixth and Seventh Root Races will build a bridge that will eventually span into the Golden Age.

One of the tasks the lightbearers have is to reform the educational system, shedding off that which no longer works and raising a new system upon that which is still useful. This is a global task and thanks to the progress of evolution many are now ready to tread the Path of Probation.

Added to this is the coming in of the Sixth Root Race with their natural proclivities to think and act out of idealism, and their instinct to tear down outmoded structures and institutions in preparation for the release of that which the form has hidden—creating the opportunity for life to find new and more adequate forms. All of this is part of the natural flow with the Plan that follows Cosmic order. The need is great for each individual to begin to sense this Plan and work out his own alignment. Light bearers find themselves “at the birth pangs of the new civilization and the coming into manifestation of a New Race ‘with group qualities and consciousness and idealistic vision’ [2], a new culture and a new world outlook." [3]

We have, at present, the somewhat mouldering institution of education to serve this need, which can be broadly termed the alignment of the personality with the plan of the soul. This is where education reform comes in. As Alice Bailey wrote, “Education to date has been largely memory training, though there is now emerging the recognition that this attitude must end.”[4]

~ 48 ~ Currently, the intention of the public education system is to teach down to the standardized tests rather than to encourage original thought. Where is there time for nurturing the imagination of students? The attempt to cram round pegs into square holes continues to frustrate teachers, parents and most of all students who are keenly aware that they are not a perfect fit into the current model—how could they be?

My earliest “memory” is of having just graduated and with the entire class joyously jumping from a precipice into earth service. So many find their joy and memories of promised service dashed when encountering the effluvia and materialistic sludge which man has created. Some of us do awaken to our soul’s plan somehow but some do not. We need an educational system that supports the plan of the soul.

First the existence of the soul must be acknowledged. Master dictated, “When the hypothesis of the soul is accepted, when the nature of the spiritual energy which flows through the soul is admitted, and when the mechanism of the force centers is studied, we shall make rapid progress towards knowledge. When, through meditation, experiment is made to produce creatively some of the beauty contacted, some of the ideas revealed and some of the patterns seen, we shall learn to cultivate genius and understand how to train people to work creatively.”[5] The good news is that many are ripe for this training.

Master Djwal Khul predicted that, “The study of the super-conscious must be undertaken, and not simply the study of the self-conscious or of the subconscious. Through this study, carried forward with an open mind, modern psychology will eventually arrive at recognition of the soul.”[6] “Psychology, with its emphasis upon the three aspects of man—thought, emotional feeling, and bodily organism— has already made a vital contribution and is doing much to bring about radical changes in our education systems.”[7]

Psychology is an evolving science in the study of the mind. After three other approaches – psychoanalysis, behaviorism and humanistic psychology – transpersonal psychology emerged in the 1960’s as the fourth force in psychology. Transpersonal psychology is interested in helping the client reach his/her ultimate potential, transcending the personal self toward identification with Spirit. “Education is...the Science of the Antahkarana.”[8] The antahkarana is the “rainbow bridge” that is built consciously by the reincarnating jiva (man) between the lower concrete mind to the soul and then from the soul to the higher abstract mind. The antahkarana connects the reincarnating jiva with the spiritual triad, the reflection of the Monad, and is the Pathway home. The Science of the Antahkarana produces at-one-ment between the lower mind, the soul and the higher mind. This bridge building can be facilitated by many methods used in transpersonal psychology including meditation, prayer, chanting, working with dreams, journaling, past life memories, artistic expression, etc.

Transpersonal psychology can be embraced by all cultures, thereby fulfilling the necessary condition of inclusivity rather than the separatism and competition fostered by today’s civilizations and reflected in most educational systems. Man builds the antahkarana “through meditation, understanding and the magical creative work of the soul”.[9] It is often through the creative process that the soul speaks most clearly.

Art Therapy

Art therapy is an aspect of transpersonal psychology. The term “art therapy” was coined by artist Adrian Hill in 1942 while using the therapeutic value of art in his work with tuberculosis patients.[10] In a book titled Art Versus Illness, he stated his belief that the practice of art, “in sickness and in health... could turn society away from war by making artistic creativity more appreciated”. He saw the “need for creative expression as a deeply rooted ‘resurgent instinct’.”[11] This “resurgent instinct” ~ 49 ~ when expressed swings the individual in alignment with the Nature of our Creator. Master Djwal Khul dictated that “Creative work proves the fact of the soul...”[12]

Transpersonal psychology is “…the scientific study of spiritual experience and spiritual development…”[13] and it includes spirituality in emotional and mental healing. “The height psychological alternative [within transpersonal psychology]...follows a threefold developmental logic: human nature is divided into body, soul (ego or self) and spirit (Self). Development is…seen as a straightforward [‘upward spiraling’] movement from body to soul to spirit... This leads to a ‘progressive’ view of spirituality.”[14]

Spirituality was deemed dubious by Freud but was embraced by Jung who himself pioneered the use of certain art therapy techniques including the creation and interpretation of the mandala and art journaling. In fact “spirituality aligns with therapeutic goals of finding meaning, identity and self- expression.”[15] These ideals can become challenges for some 6th Root Race (6th RR) individuals.

Transpersonal psychological practices include “imagery, visualization, and art [production] which are viewed as ‘nonverbal mode[s] that bypass the ego [personality] and limitation of language.”[16] Creating imagery can put the artist in a receptive state that allows for soul contact and flashes of intuition. “Images can symbolize multiple concepts simultaneously as they exist in a non-linear dimension where content is not restricted by time or logic. Communicating in images allows for content that is typically guarded in verbal expression to manifest in a less defended, tangible, objectified metaphoric manner that allows for distance, insight and acceptance. The permanence of the artwork...allows for a visual review of growth in the therapeutic process.”[17] This approach can foster soul contact as the authentic expression of the soul is revealed in the art process leading to soul liberation. According to art therapist Farrelley-Hansen, “Art making is inherently spiritual.”[18] Art can be experienced by the artist as the response of the soul to questions arising from the personality. There the soul will be laid bare before the student.

Art production can help 6th RR children tap into their intuition that will tell them their purpose. Doreen Virtue, PhD noted that, “As a psychotherapist, I discovered that every psychological malady stems from not working on our Purpose.”[19] Perhaps this is even more the case with the New Race children who may sense that they have much to do. Art can help them visually and imaginatively project themselves into their own future, giving them a unique perspective of their purpose.

Creativity is a sacred part of human nature and it should be supported. Children seem to express this natural and exuberant creative imperative in dynamic ways. This need can be at odds with the intent of most of today’s classrooms, especially where teachers’ pay is linked to standardized test scores. It looks like a setup for failure. Many teachers are missing the opportunity of “dealing intelligently with the innate idealism to be found” in all children.[20]

So many of the New Race children have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD and often exasperated parents and teachers fall back on drugs to quiet down their charges; “Is there a more overly prescribed drug than Ritalin?”[21] What are its lasting effects? How do children feel when they are on Ritalin? Does Ritalin support soul contact and the Science of the Antahkarana? “Art therapy can be effective for persons suffering with symptoms of ADHD. In fact, for ADHD it might be one of the single most effective therapies to help children and adults concentrate, slow down and stabilize [erratic moods].”[22]

The issue of identity seems to be a central question facing 6th Root Race children. Much of who they are is tied to why they are here. The sooner they can discover their mission and reason for being incarnated at this time, there will be fewer cases of suicide, depression and substance abuse which are all symptoms of confusion or the abdication of the mission. Clarity is needed and it will not be found

~ 50 ~ in the outer world that feeds on its absence. These children need to find self-acceptance, understanding and joy. What they see is a world that usually does not validate their knowing, and they are rejected at every unsanctioned attempt at expression.

The creative imperative must be encouraged and somewhat guided or that energy may find expression in less than ideal ways. Since energy is neutral it can be qualified either negatively, or in line with the soul’s plan. Trends can be seen in creative output and the student properly guided by a trained art therapist, nurturing parent or caring teacher. These children deserve to be listened to and understood. They do not respond well to our “sometimes rigid, authoritarian school structure”.[23] They are coming in with a “new intelligence and wisdom”.[24] We may see their behavior as being willfully noncompliant but noncompliance within a fear-based system is wisdom.[25]

How can we improve our classrooms to help foster a love based world? Through Alice Bailey, the Master Djwal Khul expressed the following ideas: A careful analysis must be done of the child from birth. The competitive spirit must be eliminated in favor of the “cooperative consciousness”. “An atmosphere of love, wherein fear is cast out” must be fostered where the student is treated courteously and expected to return courtesy. “Love always draws forth what is best in child and man.” We must create “an atmosphere of patience” in which the child is allowed to be a “seeker after the light of knowledge” without a hint of impatience. Impatience sows “the seeds of irritation, and more lives are ruined by irritation than can be counted”.[26] The teacher should allow time for questions and careful answers. We must create an “atmosphere of ordered activity, wherein” we teach responsibility.

The new education methods should include an atmosphere of understanding and recognition of a child’s motives. ‘He will understand because he is understood and consequently fearless’.[27] How many tragedies will be prevented by the acceptance and understanding of a fearless child? One never turned into a bundle of confused, misunderstood energy? It is our hope that those innate group qualities, consciousness and idealistic visions be courageously expressed.

When I lived in the Washington D.C. area, I helped develop a program to teach what we called visual literacy and philosophy to groups of incarcerated children housed in three separate juvenile detention centers. We noticed that art was a stabilizing and healing force for those children. While they were in the creative process they often opened up in new ways. Often these children came from very abusive situations and had a difficult time focusing. We encouraged them to see self-expression as a process of inward looking, soul searching; this process can lead to soul contact. These children usually responded well to the flow of energy during the creative process that encouraged and supported group consciousness.

Art activities can be tailored to the need of the student and his or her proficiency with art materials (a secondary concern). Activities can include inviting children to illustrate their soul’s plan using collage, painting a portrait of their Divine Selves (divine self-portrait), illustrating and designing how they plan to change the world, keeping an art journal, and of course creating and interpreting mandalas.

We must help the 6th Root Race individuals express their vision of a better world. As those beautiful thought-forms are fearlessly expressed we will begin to see them manifesting in our world of experience. We will see the alignment of the personality with the plan of the soul.


1. Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass. Self Published in Brooklyn, NY, at the Fulton St. Printing Shop, 1855, Preface.

~ 51 ~ 2. Alice A. Bailey, Education in the New Age. New York, NY. Lucis Publishing Company, 1954, 71.

3. Ibid., 44.

4. Ibid., 3.

5. Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology: A Treatise on the Vol. 1. New York, NY. Lucis Publishing Company, e-p 59

6. Ibid., 58.

7. Bailey, Education in the New Age, 37.

8. Ibid., 6.

9. Ibid., 6.

10. Susan Hogan, Healing Arts: The History of Art Therapy. Published by Jessica Kingsley, 2001, 135.

11. Ibid., 132.

12. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology: A Treatise on the Seven Rays Vol. 1, e-p 59.

13. Frank Visser, "Transpersonal Psychology at a Crossroads", Online article, http://integralworld.net/esseng2.html

14. Ibid.

15. Jangha, Awa. "College Student’s Artistic Exploration of Their Spiritual Experience: A Phenomenological Study", Drexel University. Thesis, http://idea.library.drexel.edu/bitstream/1860/3042/1/Awa%20Jangha.pdf. Jangha’s citation of Gerald Corey, Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy 8th Edition.

16. Janga’s thesis citation of A. Hastings, Transpersonal Psychology: The Fourth Force. Greenwood Press, 204.

17. Janga’s thesis citation of H. Wadeson, Art Psychotherapy. New York, NY. Wiley, 1980.

18. Mimi Farrelly-Hansen et al. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, article entitled: "Transpersonal Art Therapy Education".

19. Doreen Virtue, PhD., The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children. Hay House, Inc., 2001, 60.

20. Bailey, Education in the New Age, 22.

21. Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived. Hay House, Inc., 30.

~ 52 ~ 22. Association for Natural Psychology: Arts Therapy, Natural Remedies for Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders.

23. Carroll and Tober, The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived. Hay House, Inc., 21.

24. Ibid., 21.

25. Virtue, PhD., The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children, 43.

26. Bailey, Education in the New Age, 75-79.

27. Ibid.

~ 53 ~