9 January 2017 Access, security and humanitarian presence During the three months of humanitarian response to hurricane Matthew, access and Symbols legend Road access Number of organizations humanitarian presence have continued to improve and to reach increasingly a ected Helicopter landing site All trucks populations with life-saving assistance. Road network progressively opened and damaged H Cargo and passengers 4 - 10 road infrastructures were cleaned up. The security situation remained a challenge to Helicopter landing site Heavy Trucks 11 - 16 humanitarian organizations as humanitarian convoys were regularly attacked and looted H Cargo only on the way. This has necessitated military escorts provided by MINUSTAH and PNH Escorts Light Trucks 17 - 22 personnel to secure humanitarian operations. The use of escorts is subject to a rigorous assessment of needs and advocacy for alternatives, including increase in local patrolling 23 - 27 Major looting Incidents 4WD and engagement with communities that is starting to bring positive results. 28 - 48 Bridge damaged

H Jérémie Sea transport Bonbon ! Pestel

Dame-Marie H Grand Boucan H Corail HH H H Jeremie H H H H Miragoâne Moron H H Pestel Baraderes Petit Trou De Arnaud Anse A Veau ! Anse d'Hainault H H Beaumont H Petite Riviere de Nippes H H Plaisance du H H H H H H Miragoane L'Asile Fonds Des Negres Maniche Camp Perrin H H H Cavaillon H H Tiburon Chardonnieres H H H H Port-a-PimentH H H H H H St. Louis du Sud H H Coteaux H Chantal H H H ! Roche-A-Bateau H Les Cayes


Port-Salut H H Ile A Vache St. Jean du Sud

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Creation date: 5 January 2017 Sou rces: WFP and other humanitarian partners www.unocha.org www.reliefweb.int : HURRICANE MATTHEW - HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE

09 JANUARY 2017 Point of origin, destination and volume of armed escorts Jérémie

Les Cayes Abricots Cavaillon Moron Camps Perrin Chambellan Chardonnière Les Cayes Torbeck Port à Piment Roche-a-Bateau Anse d'Hailnault Beaumont Bonel Coteaux Jérémie Miragoane Roseaux Chantal Despagnes Les Anglais Port au Prince Maniche Corail Duchity Kafou Sanon Port à Piment La Tibolière Léogâne Baumont Léon Miragoane Pestel Roseaux Les Anglais 2 section Despagne 2 section Favier 5è Sect, Doudouche 9è Section, N°2 Bonbon Buvette Caracolie Carrefour Carton Carrefour Deberasse Carrefour Duriz Carrefour Masson Casse Duchity Pestel The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Faucault Flavier Creation date: 5 January 2017 Sources: Humanitarian partners www.unocha.org www.reliefweb.int Port Salut