'Towards the Core Strategy'
NEWSLETTER No 107 July 2007 ISSN 0308-9959 Registered Charity No 1116739 ‘Towards the Core Strategy’ by Tony Joyce, Chairman Current Consultation the necessary infrastructure there. Whatever Completion of the current stage of consulta- the outcome, the pressure for more housing tion on preferred options for the city’s Core within the existing city will remain, and the Strategy Document marks another step to- control of this, whilst retaining the city’s wards the new planning regime, in which a unique character, is a major theme of the group of documents, constituting the Local Core Strategy. Development Framework, will supplement The Local Plan and eventually replace the Local Plan in con- The Local Plan 2001-2016 identified 91 de- trolling future development. velopment sites within the city, and speci- For example, the West End Area Action fied the acceptable range of uses for each – Plan has just been submitted to the Secretary housing, student accommodation, university of State, and will be subject to examination or hospital, business and others. It also con- in January 2008. A series of Supplementary firmed three areas of safeguarded land (i.e. Planning Documents on such topics as af- land reserved for possible future develop- fordable housing, parking standards, tele- ment) at Summertown (despite our objec- communications and developers’ contribu- tion), at Peartree and at Barton. To revise tions are being added. and supplement this list, the city has now produced a draft Strategic Housing Land The demand for new housing Availability Assessment. This attempts to At the same time, the South East Plan, assess the capacity of all the land within the which will supersede the Oxfordshire Struc- city that might be available to meet whatever ture Plan, has now completed its examina- housing targets the approved South East tion in public and is expected to receive gov- Plan finally imposes.
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